Our entrepreneur, who graduated from a vocational high school with different fields, wants to open a hotel. For this, he aims to organize a meeting with his friends who graduated from his own high school. The entrepreneur had friends from her school who graduated from computer, front office and housekeeping, food and beverage, marketing, health and thermal, graphic design and media, accounting and logistics, public relations and human resources departments. The young entreprenuer felt lucky to have such a large vocational high school circle. He had school friends to assist him in all areas. And he sent them an e-mail explaining the idea of starting a business, inviting them to the meeting. Their friends announced that they will attend the meeting with great pleasure. And everyone was present at the meeting. When it comes to the representation of a business, it is important to focus on what it represents and how many people are going to interest. It needs to be appealing and it needs to catch people's attention. That's also where the design of the logo comes in. Many companies are known not by its name, but its logo. It's an easier way to make people remember the company in question since people remember images or colours easier than they remember words. As young entrepreneurs, we knew that hotels with Thermal Health and SPA sections were more popular. That's why we decided to establish a spa section that reduces stress and anxiety in people, and a thermal healt department for the treatment of various diseases and protection of general health, and we started the necessary work. Graphic programs for the Thermal and Spa areas, posters, brochures and various visuals for the walls were prepared. These prepared images were placed in appropriate places. Career hotel, which aims to provide a high level of satisfaction to its customers in thermal and spa areas, determined the needs for these areas. I feel very lucky to have graduated from a vocational high school. It is nice to be a young entrepreneur in the catering business. One of the most important revenue generating parts of the hotel. For this reason, we must make very detailed planning. Especially accommodation and purchasing should be in very close contact. Our hotel should have two main restaurants and a bar. There should be an à la carte restaurant, the main restaurant serving open buffet and a lobby bar at the entrance. Food and drinks to be served in these sections should be
included in the menus. An effective cost control system should be established and suppliers should be determined jointly with the purchasing department. The main purpose of the accommodation facility is to provide guests with a place to sleep. Accommodation businesses earns most of its income from the rooms. In addition, guests can choose from an accommodation facility. Their basic expectation is to sleep in a clean and comfortable place and start the day rested. It is a fact that the guest firstly wants order and cleanliness. Housekeeping department (department); It is the department responsible for aesthetics, order, maintenance and cleanliness in order to meet these expectations of the guest. For this, we will need healthy beds, pillows and sheets in the hotel we will open. While getting good air conditioning in the rooms, those who consume less energy should be preferred. For sustainable tourism, we need to get the necessary tools to sort out our garbage. I'll talk about their details later with the purchasing department. The establishment of all the departments of the hotel was now in the hands of an expert team, the announcement of these studies by the marketing department and the promotion of the hotel, we examined the demands and needs of the market. We worked to reach our target audience through national and international channels by preparing a short promotional film, promotional booklet and brochures in the most accurate way. As the transportation department, we make it easier for our guests to reach the hotel by offering alternatives such as welcoming our hotel issues, transfer service, in-hotel transportation and luggage carrying trolley. We create our vehicle fleet for a safer, faster and smoother service. Apart from the transportation area, which we have mentioned above as a logistics area, our other task is to design the cold storage warehouses that will keep the materials purchased for food and beverages in the most appropriate and useful way, such as hotel floor material storages, and to ensure the determination of storage shelf options. We have done our work by designing all storage areas with our team, I would also like to mention the front office department. The front desk is the part where the guest interacts most from the moment they first enter the hotel until they leave the hotel. For this reason, the front desk staff is the staff that the guests take into account. The front desk is also defined as the showcase for the hospitality business. Front desk staff provides the link between all parts of the hotel and the guest. It receives the requests of the guests and ensures that the requests are fulfilled through the relevant
departments. Front desk approach plays a key role in increasing guest satisfaction. Front office in hospitality businesses; It is the department that performs various services during the entrance, accommodation and exit stages of the hotel. It also carries out information collection and distribution in cooperation with other departments in the execution of front desk accommodation activities. For this reason, this section is also called the brain of the hotel. The front office is simply the unit that manages a room capacity in an accommodation facility. As a physical location, the front desk is located overlooking the entrance door and lobby of the accommodation facility. The materials to be used for this should be well chosen. Of course, the Human Resources Department of our hotel is also very important to choose our teammates working in each department in the most appropriate way, as well as the front desk employees. That's why we will need a Human Resources Manager who is expert in his job. He will not only make preliminary interviews with our future teammates and interns who are willing, smiling and experts in their fields, but also he will make the necessary orientations of the recruited people and make them ready and follow up. Our priority is for these people to graduate from Vocational High Schools. In this way, they will be able to adapt to the business environment and tasks more quickly. The steps to be taken by the Public Relations Department in order for our hotel to be accepted in the country and abroad, to affect a certain segment and to have a positive image are also very important. It is necessary to take initiatives that increase awareness and raise awareness. The Public Relations Manager must perform the following duties in accordance with the general working principles of the hotel, using tools and equipment effectively, in accordance with the occupational health, safety and environmental protection regulations and the profession's efficiency and quality requirements. - Prepare a public relations program that promotes the hotel, service facilities and staff, and send promotional brochures to certain media organs. - Prepare and implement the promotional programs of the departments to promote the activities carried out in the hotel - Provide customers by participating in activities inside and outside the hotel and representing the business. - Organize and coordinate seminars, advertising campaigns, film shows, photo exhibitions, cocktails and meals to promote the hotel.
- Follow the news in the press about the hotel, compile it and report it to the sales and marketing manager - Follow the innovations that need to be made on special days such as Ramadan, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, make suggestions, and carry out sales-increasing activities by announcing the activities in the press and media. As Young Entrepreneur, we were aware that initiatives that have successfully accomplished digital transformation in today's world are always one step ahead. In this context, first of all, we decided to build the informatics infrastructure of our hotel on solid foundations. We have created the necessary schemes for the infrastructure we will create in our hotel, thanks to the practical training we received in the basics of Information Technologies and Network systems and Routing courses. We have created a list with alternatives about which network devices (Wired, Wireless) and materials will be used at which points, what types of computers and what kind of peripherals are needed. After completing the necessary work on the hardware infrastructure, we decided what we needed in terms of software and personnel competence with the help of the information we gained in the office applications and programming courses we took in the vocational high school. We contacted the purchasing department for all purchases to be made. With the work to be done with the purchasing department, we decided to purchase the most suitable materials in terms of price-performance. Vocational high school interns will be used for the supply of human resources for the work to be done, or those who do not have experience will receive the necessary training from public education centers within the scope of lifelong learning. The idea of opening a hotel as a young entrepreneur was very exciting. Of course, since we are a graduate of a vocational high school, we know what to do. First, we will be enrolled in the certificate program to receive a Kosgeb grant. After receiving our certificate, we will have to apply to the municipality to get the building security certified and obtain our tourist service license from the Ministry of Tourism.After making the necessary repairs and correcting the deficiencies in order to pass the general inspection of the municipality and the police, we will have to go to Kosge again to receive the grant corresponding to my bills. It is a tough but beautiful period of study. And now it's time to apply to Recruitment Center. The
idea of employing interns like us in our hotel is very nice. And now, it is time to decide the name of our hotel , and design the logo of it. Kosgeb : https://www.kosgeb.gov.tr/site/tr/genel/destekler/6312/girisimcilik-destekleri Mersin Municipality : https://www.mersin.bel.tr/ Ministry of Tourism and Culture : https://mersin.ktb.gov.tr/ Social Security Institution : http://www.sgk.gov.tr/ Recruitment Center https://mersin.iskur.gov.tr/ Yes, guys, you are all great. Your ideas are great. The healthy continuation of our hotel is of course dependent on our careful and devoted work. But all expenditures, trades, participation in eligible tenders - we need rigorous feasibility study on all of these. Of course, here, as the accounting department, we step in. We are immediately starting to prepare the necessary feasibility report. The young entrepreneur listened to all the speeches and assigned his friend to the accounting department for the feasibility report. After 2 months, all formalities were fulfilled. The hotel was opened by finding a financing resource The Career Hotel became one of the best entrepreneur of the teenagers several cultures and countries. All of us, participate in the project of a hotel that we pretend, in a close future, turns out to be something real. Nowadays, there are many jobs that were not yet being created and with the pandemic we have to be fast in this creation of this new jobs. Career Hotel is indeed one of this example, and we are proud of it. We are really proud that we had help creating this project so that the future generations can make this true. When all help everything becomes easy and possible, innovation and creativity is the future... The joint product project Hotel Career is an entrepreneurial idea that offers all participants an equal opportunity to participate and work wherever they are. Being an entrepreneur and creating our own job is something that has been in our lives from early on. The possibility to do it with partners from other countries has been an extraordinary opportunity. Portugal is a country of tourism, and the idea of creating a hotel is in line with an idea that can and should be implemented, in reality.
Being part of the marketing and sales department has allowed us to let our imagination run wild in a collaborative way. The final result, the promotional video, is in our opinion, very creative and appealing. It was an excellent journey. The young entrepreneur then thought about offering also food and beverage! He opened a restaurant, too. When the restaurant was already a part of the hotel, food and beverage dramatically enhanced the overall guest experience by offering excellent food and first-class customer service. He also considered the fact that food and beverage businesses might offer special activities, such as a fundraiser, or meal discounts on certain days of the week which would raise the profits. As a hotel owner, he sometimes offered branches out and provided conference or special event facilities, or transportation options such as specials on limousine services. As people travelled from their homes, going about their business, they often had a need or desire to eat or drink. Others were encouraged to meet this demand by supplying food and drink. As the interests of the public became more diverse, so too did the offerings of the food and beverage sector.
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