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Refections MAMCS2015-17

Published by medialab, 2016-12-29 23:32:03

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Reflections MA in Media and Communication Studies 2015-17

Service, Love and Determination Ganga RawatGanga Rawat MAMCS 2015-17“Only a life lived in the service to others is a life worth living”. Ganga Rawat, is a woman who believes in thisprinciple and abides by it. She is someone, who has a passion to work for the upliftment of the backwardclasses and highlight their positive nature too.Originally from Rajasthan, Ganga has spent a lot of time in Madhya Pradesh and other parts of North Indiatoo. A senior student of the Department, who also belonged to the same Christian congregation as Ganga, toldher about the media studies course at Christ University, which tickled Ganga’s curiosity. Having previouslyworked in community radio stations, she decided to try her hand at this course and thus found herself atChrist University.Her passion along with service lies in writing. She has previously penned several poems, and also written forher radio shows. She also has to her credit, two music CDs, for which she has written the songs. For Ganga,coming back to the academic scenario after a gap of five years was a big challenge in itself. But, she decided towork hard and is now very proud of her journey. Her first year in college, she fell in love with the campus andher classmates. She spent most of her time in the library and read extensively. The college and the coursetaught her about the importance of deadlines, time management, and discipline. Her favourite moments incollege are those of spending time in the classroom and with her classmates. “Being slightly older than most ofthem, I was a little apprehensive about the kind of environment I would have to face. But, being with them, Ialways forget that I’m older and feel like I’m one of them. They are my family now”, she says.Finding a way to combine her church and media is what she desires to do. Service has always been somethingclose to her heart. She thus chose to talk about the Bhil community in India in her dissertation and how we asmedia students and future journalists can help this tribal community. Her wish was to highlight the positivesof the community and showcase their rich cultural heritage. Through her dissertation she also aimed to pointout the lack of media attention towards the community too. In the future too, she aims at working for thebetterment of the people. Her future plans also include studying and getting a Master’s degree and a doctoratein Hindi Literature.-Ashwini Raj

Excited about the future!Amritha MenonAmritha Menon, 22 year old young lady is about to graduate her Masters in Media and Communication fromChrist University. She is very much excited about what the world outside the university has in store for her. Asof now she has secured a job in IBM as a part of her internship assignment.The two year journey in Christ University was not at all easy for her like most of her classmates. But sitting inthe class on the last official working day she feels like she is going to miss all of it. She gives credits to herspecial group of friends who were there to support her al through the course of two years. Looking back, shefeels thankful about the kind of exposure and experience she got from the university. According to her, if aperson can survive this journey he/she can face any hardships in the future professions. Being a bollywoodbuff, she loves Hindi movies and songs. Travelling the world is one of her biggest dreams and she wants to doit with her own money. She also plans to form a startup along with her friends in the future.The experience she had as the newsletter editor during the “Bhasha Utsav’ is one of the most cherishingmemory in the university for her.Finding your group of friends and helping each other is the only way tosurvive hardships according to her. She also wishes all the best for her juniors and expressed her excitementfor the theatre production done by the juniors.Kiran Thomas Amritha Menon MAMCS 2015-17

Positivity and PerseveranceSrilakshmi Madhusudhan Srilakshmi MadhusudhanA wonderful dancer, spirited individual, intelligent and graceful woman, Srilakshmi Madhusudhan is someonewho has only positivity to share among everyone.A Bengalurean, Srilakshmi or Sri as she is popularly known, says that her family has been settled in the city,but has also been exposed to many other cities in India, like Delhi, Bangalore and Kochi- where she completedher schooling. She is an alumni of Mount Carmel College, from where she graduated in Political Science,Economics and Journalism. She has been a student of Christ University since the past year and half and hasenjoyed every moment in the campus to the fullest.She considers her experience in Christ as unparalleled to any other. Her favourite moments in college arethose that she spent along with her classmates for Theatrica- the annual theatre production, put up bystudents of Media Studies Department. The months spent rehearsing, creating props and the long nightsspent practicing in the campus, are unforgettable for her. The process helped her push her limits and expandher potential to the fullest. Through the production, she also learnt the importance of commitment anddedication required along with the co-operation required to produce a creative piece of work as their play. ForSrilakshmi, the times she spent with her friends and her classroom are things she will miss the most. Shebelieves that her class and everyone in it, were one big family who stood by each other in times of need nomatter what their differences were.Srilakshmi, is someone who believes that the best role model a person can have is oneself. For her, living up toone’s expectations is the most important quality. As a person, she has come to appreciate the hard work andlove her teachers bring in to the classroom and she appreciates the techniques some of them employ to makethe classroom experience not only educative but also deeply imprinting.She has been employed by Edelman-based in Delhi-and begins her work from April 2017. Her sole focus, forthe next three years will be her career, and she plans to achieve her goals with determination and courage.Sachin Chacko Athialy MAMCS 2015-17

The Singing SensationSaketh Sreemohan Saketh SreemohanSaketh Sreemohan completed his schooling from BharathiyaVidyaBhavan, Calicut, Kerala and degree in B.ScVisual Communication from PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. His dad is an anaesthesiologist andmom is a teacher. He has an elder sister, currently married and settled in Chennai. Media has always been hisfield of interest. Cinema and music has always been his passion. One of his seniors from Coimbatore hadjoined Christ after his under-grad, so he got to know from him that Christ is offering Media Studies and is verygood. He got to know from few others too that the course is good and there is good exposure for the studentsin the field of media and technology. All of this made him choose Media and Communication Studies. He alsohad applied for Mass Communication at Manipal University and MA in Film Making at Satyajit Ray FilmInstitute, Calcutta and got selected for SRFTI but opted Christ since he wanted to finish his Masters in Mediaand then learn Cinema. After getting in to Christ his best experience and the most memorable day was,theatrica. March 5th, 2016 to be precise. That’s the day when his class staged two plays as part of Theatrica2016. Every day with his team has been a wonderful experience for him. He got to know a lot about them andalso learn a lot with them. It was truly a memorable day and a memorable experience for all of them, duringthreatrica all discovered a little more about themselves. He thinks he has evolved, as a person and as a studentand has discovered things about himself which he never knew existed. The course and the kind of exposure hegot from everything and everyone associated with it has helped him move forward. He have learned to look atthings differently which, according to him, is a big thing.K. Sri Hari MAMCS 2015-17

LIFE IN CHRIST UNIVERSITYAditya Mittal Aditya MittalAditya Mittal, is one among the enthusiastic bunch of young talents, who would be walking down the lane ofChrist University with Master’s degree in Media and Communication, at the end of this academic year. ButChrist University is not just about earning a degree. This is a place which brings out the hidden talents fromyou, you make tonnes of memories from this place, friends for a lifetime are made and above all, it moulds youin such a way that it brings out the best in you and also makes you ready to face each and every challenge thatfalls on your way.Basically, Aditya is a cheerful and a fun loving person. He is a good leader as well as a responsible person. Thiscan be said, by looking at the way how he cordinated ‘Media Meet 2016’, the biggest event of the MediaDepartment of Christ University. Aditya says that, his two years in Christ University is a pretty goodexperience. He adds that there have been many memorable moments in these two years but the one that ismore dear to him is ‘Theatrica’. During ‘Theatrica’, he says, the entire class worked together and it enabledhim to spend some good time with all his classmates. Aditya is passionate about cricket. It is his this lovetowards the game that made him choose ‘BUSINESS MODEL OF IPL: ROLE OF PRODUCT PLACEMENT INCREATING IT AS A BRAND’ as his dissertation topic. Also, Christ gave him the oppurtunity to explore his PRand Advertising skills. This was an added advantage for him while doing the dissertation. According to him,Christ has made him a more punctual and dedicated person.Jeena KS MAMCS 2015-17

Film Maker in the Process.. Vishnu Achutha MenonVishnu Achutha Menon MAMCS 2015-17It was indeed a surprise to know a person for a while now and yet not know about the fact that both of us sharethe same birthday date, 17th of August. He was a small adorable chubby kid, who spend most of his childhooddays away from his traveling parents in different hostels across the country. A self - taught kid, who rarelylooked up to another person in need of a helping hand.Being the vice chancellor of Kalamandalam, Mr. Achuthakutty Menon, played a constant inspiration behindVishnu Achutha Menon's interest for Art and its different forms. Though his family forced him to choose acareer in engineering, his passion still surrounded art. Having a keen interest on 'Chenda' the musicalinstrument of Kerala, he was a national level winner as well. He was also trained in Kathakali, the traditionalart form of Kerala. This is exactly why he chose his dissertation around the same topic of ‘women participationin kathakali’. . After his schooling he joined Pune Film Institute for a diploma course in film studies and laterjoined Amrita Institute for a B.A in Mass Communication.During his college he had developed his interest for ‘films’ completely and started working on films like ‘SufiParanja Katha’. He believes in “It's a director's job to tell a story and he's very well versed in telling stories witha bit of comedy in them and keeping the pace of the movie right and that's exactly what he did. He wasobservant of a world he didn't understand but he told a wonderful story’ by Cuba Gooding. He further looks atMAMCS in Christ University as a major platform for having built a strong theoretical base for his future careerin media.The best experience he has come across in Christ is during ‘Media Meet’. Having headed the paperpresentation team, he came across different contacts and people from the industry. For him the event was thebiggest experience he had in here. Looking forward to a career in films, his favourite class turns out to be thefilm studies class. He says never before has he learnt to look at movies from that point of view. After thatsemester his entire concept of film viewing changed. He uses the same example to express his learning inChrist. He says that after coming to Christ he has set a certain benchmark and be believes that it is going tohelp him a lot in his future.Lisa Susan Abraham

A man who has witnessed different culturesAditya KrishnanAditya Krishnan, is a 23 year old man who has witnessed various cultures from the north to south. He studiedin Delhi Public School dwarka, and did his graduation from Delhi University & is pursuing his Master’s fromChrist University and is in Bangalore from last 2 years. His family is settled in Delhi and has one youngerbrother who is staying in Delhi with his parents. Aditya has an aim, which he wants to pursue and it is to studyabroad. He wants to go to abroad for further studies and it is on top of his charts and I wish him all the bestfor his future endeavors. Aditya Krishnan believes in putting the 100% efforts in whatever work he do andbelieve that hard work has always paid him. On asking more about it Aditya Krishnan said he worked reallyvery hard for the research paper, which he co-authored, with prof. Aasita Bali on the topic nationalism, cricketand hindi cinema was published in the magazine called “ Café Dissensus”, in New York. Aditya says he willmiss the university campus a lot because it is very happening and he has lot of friends in the college so that funwith pals will be missed but we shall move ahead in life and should pursue our new goals. on asking Krishnanwhether he will miss any particular person in the college to which he replied with a wit “ no I will not missanyone as such”. Aditya also talked about his dissertation experience and said that on this one project he hadto go with lot of ups and downs but the final product was fruitful and he enjoyed doing it and he hadwonderful two years in the college and is all set for the next innings of life. I wish all the best to Mr. Krishnanand thank him to speak with us and sharing his thoughts.Nikunj Bisht Aditya Krishnan MAMCS 2015-17

Strumming to the tunes of Christ University Trija SubbaTrija Subba MAMCS 2015-17Trija Subba, a student of Media and Communication Studies at Christ University currently pursuing herMaster’s degree comes across as a silent and reserved being. That is, until someone evokes a sense ofclassicism in her. Hailing from Sikkim and developing an ardent interest in the field of music, Trija has come along way in understanding the nuances of the Classic Rock Songs and Modern Alternative Rock.In fact, she is willing to put in a desired effort to characterise the commonalities of the music stream andexplore more facets about music.A budding entrepreneur that she is, her sole aim is to develop her own start-up and inject a strong sense ofcommunal interest among her vices. Sikkim, the place she was born and brought up in serves to be her muchpreferred area of interest in developing this particular start-up.She attributes this pursuit for excellence and the will to stand amongst the crowd to her friends, staff andmanagement at Christ University.“The course opened up to a lot of avenues which I was not even aware of and this gave me the ability toconcentrate and wisely choose my Conclave and Dissertation topic”, she says. Another notable feature of her 2years at the university - “Definitely Bhasha Utsav and Media Meet”. She exclaims that those events helped hermeet new people and gather new contacts.Meeting everyday deadlines and challenges is a part and parcel of every Christite’s life. Trija does notnecessarily mean to adhere to conventional rules and regulations of the institution but instead feels it is ateveryone’s interest that a balance be maintained between social and student life. The passion of music withinher is still evident from her constant humming. Here is a raise of hand to wish her all success.Prithvikanth Bhaskaran

All set to execute just to learn more Koyel SahaKoyel SahaBase from Kolkata, Koyel Saha is an about to graduate student from Christ University. She is presently in thefinal days of M A in Media and Communication Studies. As a social person, extrovert, media enthusiastic andan active participant, she carries her interest into multiple things in a consistent manner to gain knowledge.She pursued her undergraduation in BSc Honors. The knowledge that she gained in her UG, she implementedin a flawless manner to get adapted and learn advanced education in an efficient manner. Her enthusiasm invarious fields allowed her to experience everything from taking initiatives to managing entities. Her choice ofinternship toil conveys her experimental approach in the field if media.The remembrance for her about Christ University would be the process of furnishing the student. She saysthat the university is one of the premier ones and one would definitely help the student in reaching the stageof accepting any kind of pressure with developing interest. She also says that the companions she got herewelcoming enough. The department helped for the way a student had a take towards research paper anddissertation which was effective as a media person to analyze the stats in all possible angles. She quotes“When you are away from home, you are building a new home. Christ University canteens provide hygienicfood making sure of every single student’s health.Koyel Shah after graduating as a Postgraduate student would want to see her as a personality with properexecution of knowledge in practical world.N Prannay Kumar MAMCS 2015-17

Creative SoulKodlekere Siddhanth Nagraj Kodlekere Siddhanth NagrajBeauty with brains is what defines Siddhanth who not only is multitalented may it be in academics orco-curricular but also walks flawlessly on a Six-inch heels flaunting proudly his body. Siddhanth has done hisundergraduate studies in arts from SDM College, Ujire and is currently pursuing his Post Graduation in Mediaand Communication Studies at Christ University, Bengaluru.When asking about what made him to study at Christ University, he says \"A friend suggested me about ChristUniversity and that's how I went about to research on it and this made me join this college and I am lucky thatI am studying here.\" He goes on to saying,\"To what I am today, Christ has played a major role in my life. Mayit be any situation at the workplace, I will be able to deal with the situations, as we are already trained how tomeet deadlines, punctuality, to running here and there to get the work done on time. Time management isone of the important factors that Christ has taught. Though difficult at first, it is totally worth it and theresults are clearly visible and these are the things that I would want to carry with me as I go out of Christ.\"The happy go lucky environment and friends like family is one of the many things that he is going to miss fromChrist. Apart from this he says, \"If I ever be a lecturer I will be like Amutha Ma'am as she is the coolestlecturer and nobody can take her spot when it comes to academics.\"Siddhanth plans to intern at Botree-an ad agency in Pune,Maharashtra under the creative agency and thenjoin IBM.Rachel Dsouza MAMCS 2015-17

A Confab with the Camera Buff Tejas N. KTejas N. K MAMCS 2015-17He dreamed of studying the celestial objects and the physical universe to find out the hidden realms of faraway space, but turned into a photographer, who artistically seizes the aesthetic realms of the obvious spherethrough his lens. One wouldn’t easily Adam and Eve it, if I said waxing into a shutterbug was never on TejasN. K’s (an outgoing student and a photography enthusiast) agenda.A tale of dejection and hope unfurls as he launches himself in explaining the discovery of his ‘true-calling’.“I had aspired to be an astronomer (not the astronaut) until I did B.Sc. But joined MA - Media andCommunication Studies when I realised it was out of my reach. Before joining the course, I had no knowledgeabout photography. Neither did I have interest whatsoever in this field, nor like I was very keen about it afterjoining the course. This one time, Shantaraju Sir had bluntly rejected the photos that I had submitted for anassignment thrice. I took it up as a challenge, and the fourth time, all my photographs were accepted,” Tejasrecalls. “Since then, there was no looking back. Further, Shantharaju Sir gave much impetus to this fixity ofpurpose,” he adds.From gracefully playing Sirius Black in Theatrica to his helplessness in clicking best pictures during MediaMeet 2016 - the five long years of his being in the University have had the elements of joy and hardships.Talking about this, he says, “From B. Sc to MA in Media and Communication Studies, the journey in ChristUniversity was memorable - thanks to my lecturers and friends. The best moment of these five years was whenI enacted the role of Sirius Black in Theatrica and the worst moment being my failure in clicking best picturesfor Media Meet 2016. No regrets. The combination of the best and bitter moments is what makes this journeybeautiful.”Apart from this, he is also known to be an introvert (though his bunch of confidants have always had adifferent say on this) and for his ‘punny’ jokes, “Frankly speaking, I am an introvert by nature. I need time tobreak the ice and start interacting with people. Generally, I am not the one who initiates the conversation.Thus, my classmates think I am an introvert. Coming to the ‘punny’ jokes, not everybody can tolerate them,”he says, jovially encountering the banter.“I would have liked to pursue my career in photography. That has been my primary objective. But I have gotplaced in IBM as a Content Developer. The weekends would hopefully be dedicated towards photography,” hesigns off speaking of his profession and passion.

Yeldhos Estate Philip YeldhosPhilip Yeldhos MAMCS 2015-17A die hard gamer, jock, anime lover, video, audio and photo editor; are just few traits that describe PhilipYeldos; a character than what meets the eye. This future employee of Edelman opens up and talks of howconfident he feels about where his life headed in the future. Blessed with a strong mind, this determinedyoung 23 year old says that he will strive to do anything to make his family proud of him. Hailing fromKalpetta, Kerala he remembers the first day that he entered the Christ University gates, nervous and scaredand only relied on the words that his younger brother, Jacob Yeldhos imparted to him. Known for being aprankster among his friends and family; this notorious prankster had his way around the juniors, often hewould create trolls on Facebook about them; which brought a good laugh amongst all his peers. This jokingand fun loving being always knows how to spread a smile across everyone's face.Softwares are staunchly hard drived into this young mind, as the knowledge he possessed regarding severalediting softwares were just phenomenal and there wasn't a day where he failed to inspire his juniors and peerswith his knowledge. The juniors were first introduced to him when the first Media Meet trailer was screened,in the first Media Conclave’s they attended, where he not only grabbed attention of his peers but also managedto get several admirers; because of his major role in making that video. Proving to be not only a tech-whizz,but Philip managed to pull off as an athlete during the friendly football match between I MAMCS and IIMAMCS. On day one this multi-talented being sported a rather funny and quirky look, making each one of ourheads turn and upon finding out we learnt that he was in great pursuit to sport a “man bun”. Admitting this tohim, made him laugh his lungs out as he jokes back and says well in few months he will be freely allowed tosport whatever hairdo he likes when his college life ends. Philip when asked about how his Christ Universityexperience was, he smiles and at same time becoming emotional admits, it was quite an emotional experienceand he would gravely miss it.Nivedhita Venkatesh

Film Enthusiast embarks on a new Journey Nikhil Viswananthan BNikhil Viswanathan MAMCS 2015-17The friendly photographer opens up to Delara Banaji over a cup of coffee. The late evening saw Nikhil in a verydifferent light talking about his life and journey in Christ.He wanted to take a different road, go abroad and study but soon realised that what he wanted would also beachievable here in Christ University, Bangalore. Another reason to stay back was also so that he could stayclose to his family.As someone who hates being confined within 4 walls, taking up Media studies was the right step he feels hetook. He says, “I don’t like sitting in one place. I am quite an active person and I always like to be on the move.Photography, adventures, travelling is something I would love to do.” This opportunity was promptly given bythe institute he adores, Christ University. The course that was provided by Christ ticked all the boxes in hiswish-list.When asked about the time spent in Christ, he sips his coffee, smiles and says, “A memorable roller-coasterride.” Although the challenges faced, seemed mammoth-like, but in the end he comments that it only madehim stronger as an individual. According to him, the second and the third semester were the most memorableones. He was reminded about the theatre days. He says, “I was in-charge of the sound. It was very difficult tocope up with the department I was in. I remember that we had to stay awake till nights to get our music done.But in the end, I think that it was all worth it.”Asking how he felt about leaving Christ he exclaimed that it is one of the toughest things that he had to do. Hesaid, “I have my family here in the form of friends. Leaving them is something I am unable to come to termsto.” When asked where we would see him in the coming ten years he said that he’d hopefully be married andembarking on new journeys and places, and working on his outdoor assignments. Always looking at the brighter side and biting into a sandwhich that he ordered, he said, “Christ is family andthe people here will always be close to my heart. This place has taught me life’s greatest lessons. ChristUniversity shall be cherished forever.”Delara Banaji

Everglowing Lekshmi LeksmhiLeksmhiAfter two years into the Master's Programme Lekshmi discusses what made her join Christ UniversityLeksmhi has completed her journey after two years into the Master's Programme in Media andCommunication, she took a moment to introspect on her journey as progressing from a student to aprofessional now. Lekshmi was very critical about her selection of the University as she knew that getting intoChrist University would mean a world of difference for her as she would be graduating from one of India's bestUniversity.The course designed in Christ was also an integral part of her decision as she had the option of studying thesubjects she wanted to Lekshmi was also very positive with her response on how the Internship opportunitiesshaped her career and added value to her CV and gave her the intense industry exposure.With the positives that highlight her two years at the university she has also mentioned that there were manychallenging momentsas she had to work under a strict deadlines with her research and Dissertation. Believesthat the research and the dissertation Has equiped her to do research in every particular aspect and Look intodepth of every subject and issues.In this moment on nostalgia Lekshmi has extended her support to the faculty of the Media andCommunication department for their guidance throughout this two years and feels that without them thejourney and the transformation wouldn't have been possible.Subhajit Paul MAMCS 2015-17

A Truckload of Perseverance and Memories! Swathy DivakarSwathy Divakar MAMCS 2015-17Amongst the hustle and bustle around us, where everyone has a sombre look on their faces, Swathy Divakar, a23 year old young woman who is about to graduate from her Masters, always has a pretty, angelic smile onher face, spreading that cheer around her. With her contagious laugh, she manages to capture the attention ofeveryone and this is how I managed to know her during Media Meet.After completing her undergraduate degree in Christ University with triple majors in Journalism, Psychologyand English, she knew that Christ will indeed be her home and she decided to take up the PG course in Mediaand Communication Studies. She knew that Christ would have a hectic and busy atmosphere but she loved theattraction Christ had achieved because of the human power behind whole organization and its beautifulenvironment. “It’s one of the good institutions I have ever been to.”She also credits Journalism to be one of the driving forces that helped her decide a future course of action. Tothis, she attributes the role played by her teachers who guided her in building a sound knowledge of theconcerned streams. She soon realised that gaining requisite knowledge in the Public Relations sector, woulddefinitely give her the upper hand in the Advertising arena. Also recounting the active role played with Centrefor Social Work, she opines that such opportunities are a stepping stone to understand the moralities of theeveryday life. Coupled with our own departmental activities such as the Media Meet, Dissertation, theIndustrial Visits and the like - she believes these events and activities has shaped her pursuit for excellencethereby improving her theoretical, practical, moral and ethical understanding of her environment.Having been in the campus for five years, and graduating now with a bachelor's and a masters from the sameuniversity it is understandable that she had put in a lot of perseverance and hardwork. The tightly packedsemester modules of Christ University - especially the media department are known to one and many. Shejovially exclaims that she had only wished she did her PU also from Christ, since the entirety of the institution,its academics, the co-curriculars and the staff and management have ably set her up in embracng the futurewith open hands and a strong mind.Mitchelle Simon

The key mantra of success-punctuality Sharon josephSharon Miriam joseph MAMCS 2015-17Sharon joseph is 22 years old young lady who is perusing her final year of masters in media andcommunication studiesThe meaning of punctuality in context to the university for her is not just applied in timeliness but alsoincludes areas such as discipline, meetings and being very prompt for various activities although she waspunctual before coming to Christ as her dad was a person as such and ensures that she also become disciplinein this manner, but she also gives credit to the university for taking her level of punctuality at a different levelwhere it is everything, in terms of assignments and thinks it’s a very important quality that Christ hasimbibed in her with continuing her statement, she said the university constantly reminds her as to howeverything in the college revolves around this manta of success.The meaning of punctuality in context to the university for her is not just applied in timeliness but alsoincludes areas such as discipline, meetings and being very prompt for various activities although she waspunctual before coming to Christ as her dad was a person as such and ensures that she also become disciplinein this manner, but she also gives credit to the university for taking her level of punctuality at a different levelwhere it is everything, in terms of assignments and thinks it’s a very important quality that Christ hasimbibed in her with continuing her statement, she said the university constantly reminds her as to howeverything in the college revolves around this mantra of success.Moreover, she does not even follow punctuality within the campus but outside in her personal life also she haslearnt to apply it and for this she is always thankful to the university, also being prompt helped her to achievea lot and made her a better human being, and she firmly believes that she would like to carry and implementthis quality always.And she is satisfied with the way she deal with things but also she wants to improve her level of punctuality.Prachi modi

A woman as strong as a gale storm Ankita DuttaAnkita Dutta MAMCS 2015-17A smart, vivacious and carefree person, Ankita Dutta calls Lucknow her home town. She began her educationin a convent school after which she pursued a degree in journalism, psychology and literature from MountCarmel College, Bangalore.Her interest in media began with her passion for journalism. As she explored the different facets of the mediaindustry, she soon discovered hidden talents and unexplored passions. She found euphoria in writing andsoon started taking up tasks which primarily involved a good script. Soon, she had scripts, stories and poemsunder her belt. Other fields like advertising, video production, radio production and such too caught her eyeand therefore, working and learning about the media industry seemed like the obvious choice.Ankita is a lady who is extremely confident about her abilities and according to her, she likes to go with theflow of things. She is not a person who dwells on what ifs and hence, she never really planned for analternative if she hadn’t received admittance into Christ.Being a student of Christ, challenges are a part of daily life. What this institute instils into a person is how tocope with those challenges. Ankita learned very quickly that there were going to be both good and bad daysand on those days where things seemed bleak, the only way to tackle things is with a smile on the face and adetermined spirit. She fondly recalls her most memorable moment which was when she played the leadcharacter in her theatre production titled, ‘On the verge of some truth’.Her character is one which has a literal ‘no nonsense’ attitude and this reflects in her policy of making friends.She strongly believes that during her tenure in Christ she has grown as a person and has also learnt that shecannot be friends with people just for the sake of it. She prefers being truthful and blunt as she thinks that it isnot her job to lie to people and keep them happy. A bitter truth is always more preferable to her than a sweetlie.Looking back, she feels she will miss her close friends the most as they were her ultimate support systemthrough all the trials she’d faced here. She concluded by saying that there is no place which is perfectly suitedfor us and especially Christ which focuses on discipline. The only way to achieve success here is to realise thatour success ultimately is in our hands and how we choose to deal with it shows our control over our lives andour future.C.S Behalya

Lessons learned and memories made Jaicy Varghese MathewJaicy Varghese MathewJaicy Varghese Mathew is a wonderful 23-year-old young lady. She is the fourth daughter in a family of six.She did her schooling from OOEHS, Fujairah, one of the seven emirates that make up the United ArabEmirates. Her family presently resides in UAE however her parents wanted her and all her siblings to beconnected to their roots and made them do their further studies in India.She studied BBA in her under graduate from MCC and decided to do her masters at Christ University. The onepassion that she has is editing, and says “ I’ve always edited short clips and stupid videos for myself but Inever thought of becoming an editor ever. And then one day I realized I could and I should so I decided toswitch.” Her future plan after the course is to join a production house, events or social media marketing. Forher, sitting idle is the worst thing that she can do.Speaking about her masters, she talks about having a very different learning experience, and says her mostmemorable day in Christ was during media meet where she was a promo head. She humbly says, \"being incharge of expert editors who are 10 times better than you is slightly alarming but then life went on and I’mglad it happened\". She said it helped her prepare for the real work environment and everything she learnedduring the Media meet is something she would never forget. Talking about the course she said that it hashelped her in a lot of ways the experience is something she will always cherish in her life. About her researchand dissertation she says, “It was a piece of cake” showing her humorous side. When asked about what willshe miss the most about the college she says “I believe I would miss my classmates because we have gonethrough a lot of things together and I have met some remarkably funny characters and it would beheartbreaking to see them leave and never contact you ever. Yes, I would miss the college especially sitting inclass and poking fun at my classmates”.She beautifully concluded by saying-“My message to my juniors would be to stay calm and “BREATHE” causethis is not the end, my child. Just be patient and don’t lose hope.\"David Sangma MAMCS 2015-17

A humble abode of learning and experiences Diponmesh PaulDiponmesh Paul MAMCS 2015-17Diponmesh Paul is a young 23 year old Mass communication graduate to whom there is more than meets theeye. His foray into Christ University arose from a desire to obtain a Post Graduate degree in Media andCommunication. When asked why he chose Christ, his reply was brief and succinct. Simply put, he had alwaysbeen studying in Jesuit institutions and sought for an environment which focused on discipline and party freepolitics. When one joins an institution like Christ, naturally expectations are high and Diponmesh is pleasedto say that the university managed to fulfil the kind of expectations that he had approached it with. He saysthat the course which is primarily designed to better equip students for life in the industry focuses on popularsoftware and theoretical aspects which every post graduate student of this course should know. Being astudent of Christ, much is expected from the individual and it becomes highly crucial to ensure that relationswith colleagues and classmates is always cordial and Diponmesh says that he is extremely lucky to have a classwhich became a sort of family for him who always supported and encouraged his endeavours and gave him theassistance he needed when coping with a difficult problem.Being a Christite is not an easy task, much is expected from an individual and at times it can get harrowing butDiponmesh says that Father Biju had always been a support whenever he looked down upon himself and gotstressed. The smile that he always carries actually helped him deal with the most difficult of situationsespecially during his dissertation and while working on CNEWS. He continues to praise Father Biju’s prowesswhilst mentioning that it was him who assisted in ensuring that he completed his paper on time withoutimposing his thoughts on the research and guiding in the perfect direction. Although he could not go throughthe content wholly he made sure his research paper was one of the best. Same goes for the Dissertation as well.Kannan sir was a great help and he gave him the much needed boost in terms of research oriented lessons andsessions. He considers himself extremely lucky enough to get supportive guides on both occasions. As the saying goes, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ therefore, Christ ensures that its studentshave a bit of fun as well and Diponmesh says that the best memory of his tenure in the campus is the onewherein the entire class was taken on a trip to Lavasa, Pune where Miss Amutha and Father Biju accompaniedthem. It was an environment where all the students including the faculty could let their hair down and indulgein a bit of sportive fun. He concluded by saying that he is looking forward to working with IBM as a contentand visual developer and that he will forever cherish the memories and experiences which Christ had givenhim for the rest of his life.Pratap Pranay

A cheerful tango! Amrutha K B NairAmrutha K B Nair MAMCS 2015-17Amongst the bizarre crowd of Christ canteens and the swift smell of hot Maggi Amrutha Nair and I shared amoment of friendship and kind words. She was perky at the first sight and drove through her words with analarming speed thereby completing this Q&A session in the matter of a minuscule of minutes.A loving, compassionate travel junky who has been groomed in an inescapable decorum of discipline,Amrutha Nair is a native of Kerala but a resident of several states as deemed necessary with her situation. In2015 she joined the media studies department at Christ University with her ardent passion for Media and thevarious aspects of the study. Being a literature student in her under graduate studies, she has quite a grip overthe English language. Being in Christ University Amrutha was moulded for life with skills that she willremember and keep close for life. Punctuality, time management, dedication are life lessons and she in amatter of seconds asserts the fact that, it is Christ and her close walk with the Media department that hasenriched her professional and practical life. Though her numbered days in Christ have been quite tiring liketreading through perilous waters everyday, she says “it's been an experience a quite memorable one”. Dayswere kept busy throughout but in time she got accustomed to the hard and busy life of 2 long years.With the little time that she is left with, after her packed schedule she spends time with the city, exploring itsevery shade and nuance. Or else one can spot her among her group of friends and maybe sneak in time formovies too. Coming to Bangalore for her post graduation, she has been exposed to a world of opportunities forroad trips among her good friends and too many of these have left her with an unsolved equation of herfavourite place. The most tireless memories in Christ had been that of meeting the unending deadlines but sheseems to have aced through it all and especially her dissertation where she selected a super cool topic to workon. Her initial interest in advertising was instilled in her through her mentor Amutha ma'am. Her curiousnesstowards surrogate advertising pushed her into exploring its intricacies thereby choosing a topic of her like andnow with these seeds of advertising sowed in her mind she has decided to reap its benefits with aquintessential liking towards the profession. She now aspires to be part of the buzzing ad industry and takesgreat interest in film production too. We end our conversation with a customary hug and a promise to meeteach other again.Diya Maria Joseph

The Loudness of Silence Ankita SinghAnkita Singh MAMCS 2015-17Ankita Singh is a powerful observer born and brought up in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand one of the finest studentsof masters in media studies of the finest colleges of Bangalore, Christ University. In the period of this course,we haven’t interacted much but she seemed a person who has nothing to hide. Her motto in life is to listenmore and talk less as that makes her a good observer. One person in Christ University that inspires her themost is Amutha Mam, the faculty of Media Studies.She completed her schooling from Narbheram Hansraj English School, Jharkhand and is also trained inClassical Hindustani Music. For her these two years were no different than a roller coaster ride which in theend made her realise that how many hurdles she came through and feels good as to how productive she was.She takes pride is saying “Christ didn’t change me as a person yet developed me in a certain way.” Themoments she would never forget being the Christite were Theatrica, Research work, Dissertation and Makingshort films.The dissertation topic that she chose was “Corporate Social Responsibility of Tata Company- A public RelationStrategy” which was really her choice and was very keen to do a research on this topic. The research work wasnot just to enhance her knowledge but also gave a reality check into her working environment. The internshipin Tata Company was a hell new experience for her. Not so certain about her future, she shows a majorinterest in Event management and has also started working for the same. On asking what makes you adifferent person, very cunningly she replied, “I am a Rajput, that’s the difference.” Talking more about thecourse she exclaimed that she had learnt a lot and would never let down herself by not putting it into practice.In the end she said “Life is short… Live and let live.”Riya Agarwal

Humans of KeralaNikhil JoseIn a batch filled with lively people, there stood a tall and elegant figure in the form of Nikhil Jose. Standingwell over six feet tall, he managed to catch the attention of most juniors on the very first day. Being a personwho portrayed a great deal of composure, he always was surrounded by a good bunch of friends who he holdsvery high regards of. An interesting fact about Nikhil would be that he is more than fluent in multiplelanguages. Speaking about his masters, he talks about having a very different learning experience, and sayshis most memorable day in Christ was during media meet where he was the host. He humbly says, being onstage and sharing it with his close friend made the day immensely special. He said it helped him prepare forthe real work environment and everything he learned during the Media meet is something he would neverforget. Talking about the course, he said that it has helped him in a lot of ways the experience is somethinghe will always cherish in his life. When asked about what will he miss the most about the college he says “Ibelieve I would miss my classmates because we have gone through a lot of things together and I have metsome remarkably funny characters and it would be heartbreaking to see them leave and never contact youever. Yes, I would miss the college especially sitting in class and poking fun at my classmates”.Vivian Peter Nikhil Jose MAMCS 2015-17

A Chocolaty Journey! Akansha Rachel AnandAkansha Rachel Anand MAMCS 2015-17Two years in Christ University and finally this amazing journey is coming to an end for Akansha RachelAnand. A girl who seems to speak less, but that did not stop her from having an adventurous phase in thisuniversity. With all the ups and downs Akansha is drawing an end to her college life. Most importantly shewill miss this university for its essence. A girl who is good with writing, singing, concept creation,designing, editing sees herself to walk towards her dream and to achieve anything which she aspires too.One of the most important things she will take back along with her which many of us will do, from thisvery university is the lesson of time management. Media meet is also something that Akansha willcherish all throughout her life but the bag of memories she would love to take back with her is the trip toLavasa, christmas decorations in the university, the food in Ivy, the library and most definitely her seniors. Herinspiration all throughout her Christ journey has been Suparna Ma’am. Her dissertation analysingdifferent appeals in Cadbury India commercials. She chose this topic as she loves chocolates especially thebrand Cadbury and she also chose this topic as she has interest towards television commercials.Certain journeys seems unbelievable when it is about to end but that is how life works out. Two years wentby in the blink of an eye and certainly Akansha will miss a few cherishable moment especially with herfriend Koyel. She also believes that the her two years in Christ has made her a stronger person from insideand doing masters from Christ was one of the first decision she ever took. From commix to c-news andfrom theatrica to media meet, it has been one long journey for Akansha Rachel Anand and the only thingshe wishes is that this certain journey can restart all over again. A girl from Delhi who did her school fromSt. Francis Convent school and her under graduate from St. Conrad’s inter college is almost about tofinish her aspiring journey in Christ University and in a few months she will be entering the real worldwhich she is prepared for.Arjun Banerjee

Tough on the outside, but soft on the inside Sneha JamesSneha James MAMCS 2015-17An Army brat would seldom find it hard to adapt to the rules and discipline at an institution like ChristUniversity. Having moved to Bangalore nearly five years ago for her Undergraduate program, Sneha Jamesadapted to the rules and policies of the university in no time. She had applied only to Christ University and noother college anywhere in the country. She said, “Despite having to move from North of India to the South, Ihad no second thoughts about joining Christ.”Sneha believes that she is a disciplinarian, hardworking and is dedicated to anything she takes up, whichresults in people interpreting her as a dominating and bossy person, who is always looking for perfection.People usually take her to be a strong person but she is emotional and soft on the inside.Her undergraduate days were oriented towards getting used to new people and adapting to that and thus shemade good friends only in MAMCS. She values relationships and friends and is always willing to help others.One thing that disappoints her is the fact that seldom do people reciprocate, she said “Even if we give our100%, some don’t even try to revert with 50%.” Despite the obstacles that came her way during the course ofthe program, she is of the opinion that she has resolved everything and is parting in good terms.Having done her dissertation on the emotional appeal in advertisements, which was triggered due to theconnect she had with the ads. Her dissertation, according to her, can lay emphasis on how emotional appeal isstill very helpful in making advertisements and reaching out to people.She has signed up for an internship with a PR firm. “I do not have a pre-determined path to determine mycareer. I think it is very important for one to choose their passion and job over money or other materialbenefits.” Her love for advertisements and the field of PR was inspired by the classes conducted by Amuthama’am.Speaking about the factors or incidents that have moulded her over the years, she said “I have made manymistakes, but I think it is the small things that shaped me more. Bigger things do happen, but they played asmaller role for me.” The factors that played a role in shaping her, according to her are Peer pressure,Groupism, the cultural divide, acceptance and differences. She believes that another thing she learned is onhandling emotions, she said “I now realized that we must not reveal our feelings that easily as it could bemisused. Trust in humanity itself was a big question at one point in time. But it is all for the better.”Nikhil Pai

A little more than discipline for the Army kid! Sahiba CuccriaSahiba Cuccria MAMCS 2015-17Who could have thought that one of the biggest challenges faced by an army kid would be adjusting tothe discipline and schedules of Christ University?! Sahiba Cuccria had left her job at DailyPost toenhance her skills and knowledge. She was working towards her dream of a foreign education whenshe applied to Christ University. She recalls the time where she had come in for her admissioninterview and said she looks forward to the practical experience of the course more than thetheoretical. From a student to working professional to again a student, Sahiba went through thechanges with positivity.MAMCS, a class known for its rigour and discipline made her develop as a professional so much thatit became a part of her personality. From the activities and events that were no more voluntary, hasmade her confident to take up any challenge in life. One thing true and common about the batch ofMAMCS is when we say, ‘I have graduated in MA Media and Communications from Christ University.This is synonymous with - no challenges that scare me no more’. From Bhasha Utsav’s newsletter, tothe entire Media Meet management, the research papers, dissertation and everything that came inbetween was an overwhelming journey. A journey that makes one realise one’s full potential as anindividual and as a class. The class collectively learnt how to work together, have fun together andmost importantly how to help each other.Each up and down in MAMCS has been a wonderful graph of growth either professionally orpersonally. Even when the grades dropped in the first semester itself, she knew it only gets betterfrom this point. A lot of encouragement came from Ms. Aasita and Ms. Amutha during the course ofthe programme along with the bunch of immensely talented class. Group assignments, industry visit,reporting assignments, theatrica all came in a time where Sahiba learnt to manage crisis and timetogether.“Theatrica is something we all will remember very fondly for teaching us so many things. We are nottired or challenged easily anymore. We can now work faster, better and more efficiently than anyother. Just look at us! We all have a very special drive. We are all rounders. We don't stress on justacademics. We have a lot more than what we can put on paper. When we perform as a team, we arecapable of making magic. We accept flaws, we accept criticism and we only become better than whatwe are today.”Manasi K Meghnani

The girl in the right shoes!Deepthi Naidu Deepthi NaiduAn aspiring young woman who is all set to make her life and career out of journalism. Deepthi Naidu ispassionate, dashing and full of beans when it comes to academics. On her final days, she is excessively going tomiss her counterparts, teachers and the institute that truly shaped her to grow and buff up her professionallife much better. “Media has always \"been my cup of tea, Anchoring, conducting events, reporting... well that’sall I can do in life I guess “, she says with a wide grin on her face. Coming from a family filled with engineersand doctors, Deepthi never imagined that she could reach this far, but she is glad she did and is extremelythankful to her parents for the immense support and love.Speaking about MAMCS, all the internships, CNEWS, assignments, Audio editing, Thetrica, Media Meet,Research paper and finally Dissertation, it has been a huge roller coaster ride. The course has polished andperfected her into somebody who is apt for the field. Apart from journalism, she thrives for advertising too.This new facet turned out to be extremely interesting when she spoke about how one Johnnie Walkeradvertisement changed her entire perception on advertising. That is when she decided on taking up herdissertation topic. Not planning to leave a strand of memory behind, Deepthi is all set to face the reality now.A girl with a perfectly set aim, Deepthi sees herself working with a corporate firm, 5 years from now. Shewraps it up with the words saying “Christ University is my family now and it’s time to lead separate ways. Ihope I do justice to 2 long years of my college life”.Aparna S MAMCS 2015-17

Sprinkling splendor - VarshaVarsha RajaTwo years in a chief scholarly foundation and in offering a fruitful vocation prospect, this was what was on theplatter for the 22-year-old Bengalurian young lady, Varsha Raja before joining the Christ University. Littlepalpitated she was in any case, the media and communications department welcomed her with opened armswhen she interestingly stepped in and from that point forward it has been a story to tell. With a hordediversions comprising of reading, dancing among others, Varsha aspires to be a splendid advertiser or a P.R.personnel and Bengaluru being the reproducing ground of promoting and advertising, she adhered onto herresidence.On getting some information about her stay in this metro city and the encounters she has picked up amid thisperiod, she said, \"I have had a great involvement in Bangalore. Have met new identities furthermore havelearnt to adjust.\" The idea of adaptability has to some degree turn into a brutal goal to meet as we frequentlyneglect to transform ourselves into a sponge, prepared to retain a wide range of circumstances, howevershockingly, this tall, reasonable cleaned, splendid Christite had her own specific manners to manage it. As perher, a scholarly place assumes a humongous part in bending out the genuine self of a man and ChristUniversity did likewise to her. The experts of comprehensive improvement fairly made her take in thedemonstration of gelling up with various situations, for example, time administration, diligent work, settingneeds. Captivated by her replies, when asked for some information about the cons of this premierestablishment, she answered by saying just two words, \"Nonsensical impediments.\" She felt some way oranother her freedoms were being abridged by the inconvenience of constraints.A meriting applicant that she is, this last year student of the MAMCS '17 has exceptionally encouraging opendoors sitting tight for her outside, asking to be grabbed. On a concluding note, the meeting would haveremained unfinished if not approached about a tip for the juniors, where she said that - fun is an imperativeword and scouting for the sake of entertainment in each work we do will really lead us to eminence.Sushaky Paul Varsha Raja MAMCS 2015-17

Two years well spent Nikita ShroffNikita Shroff MAMCS 2015-17Choosing a new avenue can be challenging and it takes lot of courage and determination. Nikita Shroff astudent of 2 MAMCS chose to pursue journalism after doing her graduation in English literature, she lived inChennai most of her formative year but eventually moved to Pune during her high school, her passion forEnglish literature made her choose English literature as her major in her under graduate but she has alwaysbeen inclined towards media studies. This desire was further strengthened with her stint in Times of Indiawhere she worked as a freelancer.Christ had always been Nikita’s first choice as she believed that it would help her several genre under themedia industry. She says that she made several memorable days here in the university, some that even wordswill fail to express. The trip to Lavasa, the Media Meet days, the tireless hours working for theatre act she alsorecalls the time she act as Lily they all memories that she would cherish for years to come.To Nikita she believe that growth is a very subjective term itself but yes emotionally and psychologically and interms of learning and skill she has been able to grow and explore herself a lot she has learnt to beindependent, self-sufficient, trusting and at the same time to do your best at whatever you can. According toher it’s most important to do justice to ourselves and our talent.For the Nikita one of the thing she will miss the most in Christ is the routine, not seeing the same faces oreating in the same place she also will miss all the Christmas lights and the guard that won’t allow her to usethe lift to the fifth floor she misses all the small things that built this two years, she says that this is the placewhere she found teacher in friends and friends in teacher.As a friendly note to her juniors she says Hang on. No matter how many times you want to take a step backand keep falling back - hold on. Hold on for all your life. Hold on to your belief in yourself or your friends orfamily or supporters. It's worth the struggle. It's worth knowing that you've done yourself proud, even ifnobody else. So hold on for that. Keep the spirits and motivation tucked away in your pockets, ready for usewhenever you may need.Tenzin Tsewang

Once a Christite always a Christite Ashish KumarAshish kumar MAMCS 2015-17Ashish kumar, the 24 year old young gentleman from Patna, Bihar, is an avid lover of films and wants toconstantly change environments to be on his toes. Completing his under graduation from Delhi, Ashishaspires to work in Mumbai. His motivation to join the media industry stemmed from watching countless filmsduring his commerce days.Joining Christ University was one of the best decisions in his life. The course structure and campus dynamicsappealed to him. To be among students from different cultures and nationalities made Ashish love the campuseven more. Ashish recounts one of the best moments in his student life being the theatre experience. Workingby putting their heart and soul, Ashish and team spent an entire month to rigor that led to a splendid resultthat he felt was truly life changing. But the memory Ashish would take throughout his life was the closenessand the interaction with his classmates. Armed with a master’s degree, Ashish would like to go to the outsideworld and gain the much needed experience. He desires to pursue even higher education.Last week, Ashish had successfully presented his dissertation on the political messages portrayed in Hindifilms. Politics doesn’t just refer to mainstream politics but the whole screening behind it. Films can be veryimpactful and influence minds to show what’s happening around us. That is exactly what Ashish is looking forin the thesis, how films of a certain era represent social issues which were related to the politics or politicalsituation of the country at that time.Since his students days are counting, Ashish would like to give a small piece of advice to his juniors. “If youhave come this far then I have faith in my university that you guys must be having some talent and that’s whyyou are here.” Adding to this, he added that Christ teaches the students how to push and give the best to getthe best. Also this university had helped him shape the path to his dreams.Certainly, the two years will definitely something to remember and cherish. Not only had he learned aboutmedia and communication but also how to use this medium in so many different ways. It has surely given thebest opportunity to understand the functioning of a system that is media organizations, its practices, andculture. “I believe I’m enough confident to take up any challenge in our field and for that, I would sincerelythank our university, our professors, and my fellow classmates.”To sum it up, Ashish believes and will follow the motto, “Once a Christite, always a Christite.”Sneha NC

A transcending personality !!! Meghna MajumdarMeghna Majumdar MAMCS 2015-17MAMCS students of Christ University are always spotted to be actively engaged in completing various tasksassigned throughout the day. In between all the running around happening we pass through many faces. Butcertain people have this magnetic aura to get hold of our attention.Such is Meghna Majumdar of Media andCommunication studies, a damsel who throws out that vibrant smile with utter poise and transcendingsophistication.The 22 year old describes herself to be extremely organized, thanks to the army backgroundduring her previous years. She is an extrovert who loves spending time with people and imbibing life lessonsfrom them. She is adaptable to changes and within short period of time she get’s along with the newatmosphere. At the same time she believes is spending time for and on herself. She believes that it is this timeof solitude that makes her more confident and energetic. “I go out, vibe and meet new people but at the sametime it is necessary for me to sit alone and ponder on my thoughts. It makes me who I am”,says Meghna whobalances both her characters of being an extrovert and introvert. So she is this perfect blend where no oneneeds to be hesitant while approaching her, always welcoming but all the aura she surpass rises from the alonetime she spends.Talking about media studies, it has always been her cup of tea. Her first step towards achieving her interestwas by joining St.Xaviers College in Kolkata. She continued pursuing her aspirations by joining the MAMCScourse in Christ University, Bangalore. “Media has always fascinated me. It covers anything and everything,”she says. Her journey from Kolkata to Bangalore is a transforming experience. While Kolkata offered much ofa technical experience, Bangalore had a part of everything opening myriad of possibilities to the aspirants. Ittook her through various fields of media enabling her to understand her inclination towards advertising andevent management.She has been an active participator and organizer of all the events namely Media Meet,2016. She headed the office team and her personality traits aided her to show true justice to her position.Remembering her experiences during media meet she shares it with a big smile on her face “It is anenlightening and enriching experience. It teaches you a lot of things. You get to know how practical worldfunctions and train yourself for your future. Apart from all of this you will build a strong relationship withdifferent people”.As the time has come to bid adieu to Christ, she wants to convey her gratitude for molding her. it makes you abetter person, it brings the best out of you. It prepares you for the exterior world full packed with deadline andwork pressure” she adds. She signs off wishing good luck to her wonderful juniors asking them to believe inthemselves and go ahead with the flow.Maria Joseph

A Woman for all Women With Panache ! Nikitha Garapati Nikitha Garapati MAMCS 2015-17 An avid fashion follower, a woman who aims to be the spokeswoman for all the women, There are so many powerful women in the fashion industry that there will probably never be a shortage of ladies to look up to. But among some of the most inspiring females,there’s one who reigns supreme above them all is Nikitha Grapati. She has completed her Masters in Media and Communications from the prestigious Christ University. She is an extremely organized person and has tuned her ethics even more due to the ethos she has been following; imbibed in her by the university. Belonging to the royal state of Hyderabad she has tried her best to be the voice of all women. She says that through her work in and outside college, she wants to bring a change in the mind-set of the people. She wants the women to be the best and is herself striving to reach that pinnacle of perfection. Her work being centred on women and her research proves how ardently she is cementing her foundation. She believes that “tiny drops of water, makes a mighty ocean” a small contribution on her part will make a vast difference. Trying to be unique in her approach, and never looking back or regretting about her failed achievements; she has been looking forward and marching with the baton of independence, opportunities and gender equality. She says that she believes that a person should be socially active and should keep generating and penetrating ideas which won’t just be useful for oneself but even for the society. Giggling and p keeping the spirit of unicorn on her sleeves she beams like the rays of the sun. Her recurrent emphasis on the word “CHANGE” is extremely astonishing. Aiming to explore news vistas of lifestyle and fashion she aims to be like Miranda Pristely (MERYL STREEP) from Devil Wears Prada; she aims to enter into the world of fashion. Keeping the ethos in mind of “IT’S BETTER TO ARRIVE LATE THAN UGLY” fashion is a genre where she believes with the knowledge and the contribution she has, she can definitely make a change. Advertising as her next step towards the world of lifestyle Nikitha hopes that she would turn the world around with her organized skills and her beautiful smile. “I surround myself with a talented group of people that are opinionated and interesting. I try to remain very open to what others have to say.” The world is her oyster and the thirst for knowledge and exploration will just take her towards her dreams and thousand steps closer to fashion. Her words of motivation is- “People respond well to those that are sure of what they want.” Sarah James

Be bold, be brave, be you Anvita PereraAnvita PereiraAnvita Pereira, is someone who believes in this mantra and abides by it-Be Bold, Be Brave, Be you..Well-dressed, articulate and with a ready smile on her face, she is now all set to embark on her journey into afuture that is planned and purposeful.Anvita joined Christ University as she had heard a lot of positive comments about the university from herfriends and family. Her decision was strengthened when she saw the beautiful campus and the people here.Anvitha considers herself as more of a free spirit and detests being stuck behind a desk and working on aregular 9-5 job. Her passion lies in travelling to new places, meeting new people and expanding her horizons.With a desire to do something different in her mind, she took up the course in Christ University and found herpassion in PR and Advertising. She believes this field will give her the necessary experience and opportunitiesto widen her network and knowledge. Also, the creativity and determination it takes to succeed in this field issomething she finds challenging and interesting.At Christ University, she has had a memorable two years. These two years gave her an opportunity to makenew friends and the ability to stand confidently and face any situation before her. Her favourite memories atChrist are those of spending time with her friends and the theatre that they put up. The hard work, effort andcommitment it took from all her classmates to put up a play is something that she would always remember.The fun they had, the disagreements, late nights and the eventual success are all memories that she would takeback from the University and her two years here.Eventually, in the next five years or so, Anvita aims to work hard, and set up a café of her own. This, she says,is a dream project.Anand Johnson MAMCS 2015-17

Eyes that soar high, a smile that touches hearts.Natasha George Natasha GeorgeThis woman is the calm, yet, the most challenging in people’s lives. Be it any assignment, any event, she canshoulder all the responsibilities and will not drop till it’s successful. She did her Post Graduation from ChristUniversity, Department of Media and Communication Studies, an avid lover of films, novels and art. Natashais known for her speaking skills and discipline and voices out her opinions without any fear. She stands out inthe crowd and proves herself right in any given situation.Her work is always neat and almost perfect. She puts her heart and soul into whatever she does. Her researchand dissertation has been worth all the appreciation. She joins the dot of every detail regarding work. Anextremely serious and rational woman who thinks before taking a step. Natasha is a person who takes a standwhen it comes to supporting what is right and is someone who speaks for women. Her dissertation sketched astudy on the role of women in Indian Detergent ads and she has beautifully analyzed and has substantiatedevery move of the ten ads with her own views. She has the thirst for knowledge, she never gets tired to learnand understand, she never fails to live upto people’s expectations.Besides all these qualities, Natasha aspires to get into the field of PR. But, later she wishes to switch to thefield of teaching or get into corporate training. About Christ University she said, “It has been a rollar coaster ofa journey. With times of stress, downfalls, but also the best experiences, memories that I will carry with meforever”. Natasha has a zeal towards Theatre and Dance. “Theatrica was the best experience in my journeyhere at Christ, without a doubt. I love being pushed against my limits even though at times I think that I canttake it”.24 year old Natasha loves to binge and work. She is a total inspiration.Rumela Chandra MAMCS 2015-17

Life, an experience unto itself..Anaida Davis Anaida Davis“I feel like we are given a timetable for our lives when we are born- school, college, job, marriage, kids,grandkids, retirement.. And the second we deviate from that, society begins to panic. I decided to scrap thatand do things my way”. The young vibrant, hardworking and ambitious girl ANAIDA DAVIS who is perusingher masters in media from Christ University says she has lived a great life with few ups and downs, but that’severyone’s life. She is a simple girl with limited needs, she enjoys her idli and rasam, has a few good clothesand a very loving family, but there is always a constant need in her heart to make things perfect around her.Living for her is travelling and creating experiences that shifts her perception. She says she has always been aplanner, from planning last detail of her education, to her back up options and now with her ideal place ofinternship. She says all her 22 years of life has taught her one thing, no matter where you are in life, no matterwhat the situation is, there are always better things yet to come. She adds telling, I am not saying this as somephilosophy, but the times when I have least expected anything life has presented opportunities to me and inthe end I have ended up with what I wanted, or something even better. The simple trick to all is “breathe andkeep the faith”. She says I have never looked at anything as failure, only as an experience and that’s been thekey to my life, to not overthink things that don’t work out but focus on the next step and step after that. It’sone life, why waste a second? Think of it as an experience, laugh about it and move on. Happiness issomething that no amount of money can ever buy; everyone should feel on the top off the world every singleday, is her life’s mantra.Meghna Jain MAMCS 2015-17

A simpleton who says NO to commitmentsSrujana Rachuri Srujana RachuriA girl with dark brown eyes, short wavy hair, Srujana Rachuri is a simple and a shy girl. She is a lover ofmovies and an immense reader of books. Silence is her best friend and people who love her have warmlybefriended her silence as well.Srujana was never an avid talker instead loves to listen to people. Even as a kid she was afraid of long people,constantly wondered ‘how can they have such huge ears?’ and was scared of talking to them.The best memory that she has from school which she cherishes till date is when she was appreciated for herwriting skills. She always loved language and playing around with words but never thought about it seriously.This special incident coloured her dreams and started shaping her love for writing.Srujana even writes poetry and considers it a hobby which is very close to her heart. But incomparable toanything is her craziness for movies. She loves watching them and would love to work as a set designer forSanjayleela Bansali’s movies. She proudly said that she discovered this love of hers for designing andsketching during ‘Theatrica’ at Christ.Talking about choosing Christ University, she said it was her favourite teacher’s high opinion about thiscollege that played its role in influencing her choice. She was keen on taking up writing as a career, hencethought MAMCS is the best option. What she loves about Christ is the fact that it has given her the best offriends and has made her a more confident individual.Srujana is a simple person and what she likes the most in life is anything and everything that makes her feelcomfortable like mother’s affectionate hug, chit-chatting with friends, reading a book etc. Likewise what shedislikes the most is commitment. “Somehow I cannot and do not like commitments.” Said Srujana Rachuri.Madhura Chandana MAMCS 2015-17

From Bethany to Christ University... Sai SusmithaSai Susmitha MAMCS 2015-17Sai Susmitha was born on the first day of the year in 1993.Being born in the state of Andhra Pradesh herparents moved to Bangalore and settled. Having spent her childhood in Bangalore she completed herschooling in Bethany High School and under graduation at Baldwin’s Methodist women’s college Bangalore.She chose to pursue her masters in media and communication studies at Christ University. She has been inthe university for two years by now. A 23-year-old young lady aspires to start her own event managementcompany and establish herself in a better way in the society. Starting up her company is her long-term goalbut she would first like to work as a PRO and gain some experience. Her memorable experience in theuniversity is completing the regular load of assignments, the prominent part of the course according to her isTHEATRICA through which they gained a lot of experience as a class and had unlimited fun during thesessions where learning played the main role. She also shared about an experience when her parents had givenher permission to stay a night at her friends PG accommodation for the first time in life. Things that she isgoing to miss about the university is the id cards that tags them with the university from the dawn to duskevery single day, teachers who were more supportive and enthusiastic, friends which is very obvious, thesecurity guard’s scoldings when they tried to take the elevators in auditorium block.She mentions that Amutha ma’am inspires her a lot in the university for her mentoring nature, love towardsstudents, she also adds that life in Christ changed for her due to Amutha ma’am advice and father Biju’sdigitalized classes and assignments helped her to learn a lot. Fun at the Christ University to her was thedissertation team, which was very cooperative, and she learnt a lot about crisis management. According to heradvertising and event management forms the best combination together in the course. Further talking aboutthe love towards country she said that she always wanted to join the Indian army to serve the nation. She alsohas few craziest fantasies of settling in Mumbai her dream city.Prajwala M.V.

No Shortcut to successArjit Upadhyaya Arjit UpadhyayaArjit, a resident of Kanpur came to Bangalore to study media and in order to pursue his career goals. Heconsiders himself to be very confident and ambitious and he choose to study in Christ university because ofChrist being the only place where he could pursue media and communication course with a focus on overalldevelopment as a media person rather than it being restricted to just one specialisation. He believes thatChrist university is considered as one of the best places to pursue media studies course and this is the onlyplace providing exposure to a number of fields like theatre, radio, journalism, PR and advertising to name afew. Arjit has a keen interest in Print Journalism, web designing and Public relations. He decided to pursuemedia studies course to gain knowledge in these fields.Since he considers himself to be good at gaming, he also decided to do his dissertation on e-gaming. He hasbeen a part of Christ University since the past two years and he considers Theatrica as one of his mostmemorable moments here which gave him a lifetime experience to cherish and allowed him to know moreabout his friends. In these two years, he feels that he has got an opportunity to gain experience in variousfields and has some wonderful moments to cherish. He considers such experiences, focus on discipline andpunctuality and its cultural diversity to be the best part of being in Christ University. He concluded by sayingthat there is no short cut to fulfill your dreams and one needs to stay dedicated and focussed in order toachieve something. In these two years, there may be certain amount of difficulty initially because of a numberof things being taught and time management will be tough but the end result will be worth all thosedifficulties. At the end of two years, a person is totally transformed and that works for his better future.Neha Gera MAMCS 2015-17

In Conversation with Sheldon D’costa Sheldon D’costaSheldon D’costa MAMCS 2015-17I fall short of adjectives when it comes to describing Sheldon D’costa. Sheldon was born into a Catholic familyin Mangalore. As a child he has lived in various cities around India but he ultimately chose Bangalore when itwas time to make the most important decision of his life. He says that his decision to study his Masters atChrist has been the best decision he has ever taken and it is something he will never regret. It was the qualityof the programme which made him choose Christ University. He says that the Masters course in MassCommunication and Media Studies is one of the best in the country and to be a part of it was one of the bestthings to happen to him on the academic front.When asked about how he felt at times when the going got tough Sheldon smiles radiantly and says that it wasthe pressure of the course and the deadlines which had to be kept up with that have helped become who he istodayWhen asked about who hebelieves deserves credit for what he is today the young man took quite a few names.He said that he would definitely thank his mother who was much more than a support system to his. He saidhe wished to thanks the Course co-ordinator, Fr Biju, for being quite the disciplinarian who made sure thatthe best in every student would be revealed by the time he or she passed out from the University. asked abouthis future plans, Sheldon stated that his interest lie in Marketing and Communications and at some point inlife he would definitely work in that area.Divya Swamy

Young And SturdyChetna Sethia Chetna SethiaA motive driven young woman is what Chetna Sethia is. She is very well known for her quirky mannerismsand committed characteristics. Her challenging questions during the media conclave sessions set her apartshowcasing her thirst for knowledge. Setting aside her academic excellence, she also was a gifted dancer andoften showed her passion for dancing. She turned out to be a crucial member in organising the flash mob formedia meet 2016. It gained her a lot of popularity amidst the juniors for the way she handled the event andtaught how dance could be a lot of fun. Often seen around with her close bunch of friends, Chetna expressesthat,”her friends mean the world to her and she’d go to any extreme to see them happy”. On asking her whatthe course has to offer for her, she says,”the challenges posed are a sincere test to a person’s patience andefficiency”.She very clearly mentioned that Bhasha Utsav 2016 was one of the most entertaining events that ChristUniversity had to offer. A funny side to her was exposed when she added that,”the end of the dissertationmarked the beginning of freedom”.On the whole, Chetna expressed her gratitude for picking this course where she had the opportunity to meetdifferent people and give herself a chance to explore a new city and career opportunities.Gaurav Uniyal MAMCS 2015-17

A Great Photographer Pratibha DixitPrathibha Dixit MAMCS 2015-17Prathibha Dixit, a beautiful young lady is about to graduate her Masters in Media and Communication fromChrist University. She is a great photographer and her Facebook page says more about her talents through heramazing photographs. In 2015 she joined the media studies department at Christ University with her ardentpassion for Media and the various aspects of the study. Being in Christ University Prathibha was molded forlife with skills that she will remember and keep close for life as well as her passion for photography. Thoughher two years in Christ she was molding herself to become a great photographer and videographer which is herfuture aim too .With the little time that is left with after her packed schedule she loves spending time with the city as well aswith her guitar. Because she is a highly talented musician. Prathibha likes to work in the field of advertisementin future. So her Dissertation was on a relevant topic titled “Persuasive techniques used by advertisers intelevision commercials” under the guidance of Mr. Rajesh. In order to achieve the target, she has focused herattention on 8 different advertisements belonging to 4 different categories. They are- chocolate brands,telephone Internet services, jewellery brands and online shopping website. The manner of her data analysis isbased on both the sponsor’s perspective and the researcher’s psychology. Pratibha states explicitly thatemotional appeal is highly used by the advertisers in order to persuade the customers. As a whole, the workdone by Ms. Pratibha is indeed marvellous and praiseworthy. She could do justice a great extent to the topic inspite of the fact that there are elements of time constraints in the entire task. The findings brought up by hercan really be a base for further research and helpful to the advertisers. All through the conversation she wasemphasising the great experience she had from Christ university. Because of my ill health some of myquestions got answered through email. Still we end our conversation with a smile and a promise to meet again.Ebin V Francis

Passionate for Media Abey JamesAbey JamesAbey James, is a final year student of Masters in Media Studies who aspire to be a news editor in any of thetelevision news channel. Abey, who is going to be post graduate student in few days from Christ University inMedia Studies feels that media is not a small industry to work in but an industry which is growing very fastnowadays. He said ‘My masters in the university gave me a wonderful as well as knowledgeable experiencethroughout the tenure. It aided me in my intellectual development. And in present world what I believe is it isnecessary to do Masters course no matter in which stream but it is necessary because earlier having agraduation degree was enough to get a job but now companies wants even more than a master’s degree’.He believes media person has infinite number of opportunities and how a one can utilise these opportunitieswhile working in one industry to another. As media industry always have an image of regular job changingindustry in which practitioners keeps on changing their profession so frequently.Abey, who did his dissertation on the topic how the prime time show of Arnab Goswami on Times Now helpedTimes Now channel to build their own image in the industry. His topic shows how he is passionate about whathe wants to be in coming years.‘The best part of our course is that it helps each student get to know about every aspect of the media. Yes it’strue that we did not had specialization but in a way it helped me gain knowledge about more topics’ he said.During interview, he said his participation in the Theatre was the best memorable moment ever in this college.He said he believes that ‘MAMCS course helped me develop intellectually. And at the same time, it gave me orin other words opened doors to begin a new way of life. Many industry people say no matter from where andfrom which college you do your graduation but doing Master’s from a good reputed and elite college is muchmore necessary than any undergraduate programme. Because this will only be going to give you job at theend’.Naman Gupta MAMCS 2015-17

Workaholic In a Suit Raygalla Kalyan SrinivasRaygalla Kalyan Srinivas MAMCS 2015-17You will often find Raygalla walking around, dressed in a bow tie and suit which pretty much reflects hisstatus as a workaholic. No one will think that he hails from a middle class family that struggled their waythrough ups and downs in order to bring up their children. He says that seeing his parents struggle, heunderstood the value of hard work and persistence. With the minimal education from the kind of school heattended, reaching this stage was quite un-imaginable task for him. With self-contentedness and the real zealto learn and work, He joined Christ for media studies. He is confident that whatever situations comes his wayhe will be able to mold it and deal with it rather than run away from it.Upon choosing Christ he says that the quality of the education was what he was looking for and that he trustsChristian institutions with high standards of education. Given his history of academic choices in the past, wecan trust him with his opinions of Christian educational institutions. Raygalla says, “Every single initiativetaken by the department is only for the good and welfare of the students studying in the department.” Herecalls that a professor named Dr Ivory Lyons made this journey easier for him by introducing him to a studytitled 'The Dharma of Star Wars' in relation with 'Buddhism' it helped him to change his mindset andthought-process of living life itself. He aspires to be an expert in Mandala Making and follow the lifestyle of,'No Attachments'.He wants his venture, Global summit to grow even more successful and help every individual who wants tolearn and get education. He says that as long as it makes him and his students happy and helps him earn hisbread, he will be proud of his venture.Raygalla has extensively worked with a quite a few number of NGO’sthrough which he claims that he stepped up his research game. He says that while he was there he learnedhow to lend a helping hand and help others lift themselves from the situations they are in. As of now, He is theboard member at 2 regional NGOs, 1 International NGO and 3 local NGOs. Talking about his future plans. Hesays that he is quite confused at the moment with all the options and opportunities that awaits him. He trustsin destiny and believes that it will take him places. As per his current plan, he will work for 2 consecutive yearsand take a PhD and complete his thesis papers at the same time. Once he completes this, he wishes to get backto work. As of now he has received offers from Meridian School and Iqra International School, Dubai.Rose Tomy

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