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Home Explore Christ University Magazine 2018

Christ University Magazine 2018

Published by medialab, 2018-05-26 05:05:57

Description: Christ University
Magazine 2018


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CENTRE FORADVANCED RESEARCH ANDTRAINING (CART) In the academic year 2017-2018, Centre softwares for the MPhil students of the Humanities andfor Advanced Research and Training, a wing Social Sciences as well as the Commerce and Managementof Innovation Centre, CHRIST (Deemed to Deanery. One of the new initiatives taken by CART in evenbe University) offered several programs to semester was the modular training program exclusivelysupport research of faculties and students offered for faculties of CHRIST. CART successfullyof CHRIST. Through some of the programs completed two modular training programs per course.CART could extend its supports to research Participants who cleared the practical exam were given aaspirants outside CHRIST as well. certificate as well. In the odd semester of 2017-2018, Another major initiative taken up in this academic yearCART offered six open elective courses is the publication internship for UG and PG students. Thefor students. These included Excel, R, IOT, objective of this program was to develop a research interestSPSS, Python and a course on information in students and to help them learn the techniques of comingliteracy. CART also offered certificate course for School of up with a good research paper which can be published inLaw and for the Department of Mathematic. CART also got reputed journals. CART also offered research support forthe golden opportunity to train a group of four professors twenty one faculties in different areas of research. Thisfrom Aquinas Coiiege of Higher Studies, Sri Lanka. A include writing Ph.D. thesis, using different software's forsummer workshop on data analysis was also organized by analyzing results, publication work, MRP project support,CART. monograph support, practicing different software's etc. Incorporating feedbacks on CART courses, from theeven semester CART initiated a new course titled \"Researchdata analysis using different softwares\". The main focusof this workshop was to equip facilitators with differentconcepts in course on information literacy which they haveto teach participants who attend their software classes.CART also conducted a three day workshop in November2017 for PG students of the Department of Psychology. CART has successfully completed two sessions ontraining Christ Junior College faculties on plagiarism andreferencing styles on 29 July 2017. In the academic year2017-2018, CART conducted training on three different CHRJSTITE 2018 -

CENTRE FORCONCEPT DESIGN Centre for Concept Design (CCD) and the Green The Studio was instrumental in making more thanView Studio, was commissioned to make digital 100 video lecture sessions in the academic year 2017-18video courses and support faculty members with by faculty from various departments. CAPS, the Centredigital teaching methodology. Training sessions were for Academic and Professional Support, made use of theconducted at Green View Studio for new faculty across studio by bringing out e-modules. The studio ventureddepartments. A total of 100 plus faculty were trained out and went beyond the four walls, making videos ofon how to prepare digital video sessions. They were practical experiments by the Faculty of Engineering,given hands-on experience too. Kengeri. Promotional videos were made for Deanery of Media students were given an opportunity to makeHumanities and Social Sciences, use of the facility and more than 15 interviews wereBGR auditorium, 'Antony and Cleopatra,' recorded as part of their CNEWS assignment. Workshopsa play by the School of Law, CJC MUN, Counselling on camera, lighting, video making etc. were conducteddepartment of CJC and IB Career Counselling. for students of MAMCS, MSW, MBA HRM and CIMA video on academic integrity, as well as Ghaziabad.'Chavarul,' a video presentation on St. Chavara by thestudents of CJC were made by the studio. The Studio also covered events such as MagnificatAn advertorial for Christ College, Mysuru, was done and Sound Curry, and also extended its support ofin the Green View Studio. photography for few major events and also for magazine and website.- CHRISTITE 2018

CENTRE FOR COUNSELLING ANDHEALTH SERVICES • 'iiiii~~·-. Jf-'r\"'fW>.-~ - the different buildings on campus, in order to usher in new students and provide them with any assistance.Orientation Counselling Psycho-Education Classes The Centre for Counselling and Health Services Psycho-education(CCHS) conducted the Orientation Counselling for the classes were conductednew batch of students of all the various streams. in both odd and even semesters for all first year Students were welcomed into their new environment students by their respectiveand were gently reminded of the expected decorum and batch counsellors.the methodology of the grading system. The basic rules Interactive, informaland regulations with respect to class timings, the required sessions were conductedattendance, expected code of conduct, dress code, on the topics of addictions, managing relationships,methods of evaluation, the system of allotment of marks, reproductive health, group dynamics in the classroom,the concept of CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment) and personal safety, etc.the number of points they carry, etc were all explained indetail. Peer Education Programme 2017-'18 Students were urged to feel free to seek the help The Peer Education Programme 2017-'18 wasof their counsellors for both academic and personal conducted for 4 batches of students. Trained Peersupport, with an assurance of confidentiality. The assigned Educators then delivered formal and informal sessionscounsellor to each of the streams was introduced briefly, in their own classes on the topics like relationships,along with details of her location on campus. Students reproductive health, substance abuse, personal safety etc.were encouraged to allow their parents to be actively finally completing their course as Peer Educators. The 5thinvolved in their growth in the university. edition of the annual Peer Treasure magazine was released at the end of the academic year. They were also given a brief introduction to thevarious other student support services and other activities Meeting with the Student Council was held on 18that they could be involved in. August 2017 in the Conference Room, Central Block in order to discuss matters of concern raised by the StudentHelp Desks Council. The Centre for Counselling and Health Services, along Community Outreach Programwith the Student Welfare Office, set up Help Desks at Dr Urmi Shelley and Ms Manjula participated in the Community Outreach Program organized by BGR campus, Christ University. The programe included topics like student discipline, handling emotional outbursts and dealing with anxiety. Deanery Meetings with CCHS The CCHS organized deanery-wise meetings, each of them chaired by the Director, Student Affairs in the CHRJSTITE 2018 -

Conference room of Central Block (12 noon to 1:30 the meeting, challenges and plans for the coming Goldenpm) between 19th August to 3Qth August. During these Jubilee year were discussed.meetings class teachers, co-ordinators and HOD togetherwith the respective batch counsellors discussed relevant Attendance Condonation Meeting was held onissues pertaining to students, including discussions on help 28 September 2017 from 2:30pm- 5:30 pm at thefor students with special needs. Conference Room, Central Block.Parent-Faculty Meeting Health Awareness Initiatives by the Health Centre The CCHS organised the biannual parent-faculty Awareness programmes were conducted to all themeeting on 23 September 2017 at 3:30 pm in Block 4, final year students on Women's Health and SubstanceBHM restaurant. The meeting was attended by about abuse & Addictions during month of November &100 parents of students from all three campuses. During December 2017. •·······································································································································•CENTRE FORPUBLICATIONS The Centre for Publications publishes books, journals published by the Centre of Publications in the form of 98and conference proceedings that are specialized in books (with ISBN).academic subjects to communicate the development inrespective fields through latest hypotheses and research Kannada Sangha, another wing of the Universityresults to the academic community. One of the key publications, has published 346 books in Kannada. Forfunctions of the Centre is to develop a system that the past 46 years, Kannada Sangha has been known tofacilitates the sharing of knowledge and expand research publish Kannada books in all literary forms like poetry,networks. short story, essay, novel and critical writing. The Sangha has published many novels from the literature of Bengali, The Centre is dedicated to the global dissemination Oriya, Malayalam, Tamil, Marathi, Hindi and English inof information that enables academicians to acquire, Kannada. The Sangha has been conducting competitions inenlarge, promote, and dispense knowledge by scholarly poetry writing for 36 years and short story writing for nineand professional resources throughout the world. The years for College and University students across the statesix international journals published by the Centre under and outside the state of Karnataka to encourage buddingvarious disciplines maintain high standards of quality and talent. Every year these literary works are published in thecontent with Editorial Boards comprised of scholars from form of books. In 2017-18, the Sangha has published threeacross the globe. books on short story and poetry. The Centre also publishes various documentspertaining to the functioning of the University suchas the university annual report, the annual report ofpublication, research and academic outreach of faculty,student and staff handbooks, academic planner, labmanuals, workbooks and orientation handbooks for thestudents. The research work done by the faculty membersthrough Centre for Research Projects like working papers,monographs and major research projects have also beenCHRJSTITE 2018

CENTRE FORDIGITAL INNOVATION [COl] ~. In the academic year 2017-2018 the Centre for 200 students got trained on Internet of Things (loT)Digital Innovation [CDI], a wing of Innovation Centre, by experts from Republic of Korea in two phases.has seen new heights by signing MoUs for research in The internship programme had participants from ourInformation Technology (IT) with different companies University as well as Korean universities working onsuch as WIZnet, Danuon etc, enabling the students R&D projects and it helped them in gaining industryto participate in international innovation contests expertise.and offering courses and internships on cutting edgetechnologies. Under the guidance of CDI, our students The ERP team added many features to the CHRISThave won prizes worth 11000 USD in total. More than KnowledgePro (KP) such as online bank account creation for newly admitted students, online payment of fees for selected students, user interface changes, support of internal audit and staff appraisal, etc. Simultaneously, CDI began work on the new ERP system which will support administration, research and teaching I learning of next generation university. CHRJSTITE 2018 -

CENTRE FORSOCIAL ACTION (CSA) CHRIST (Deemed to be University), since its During the year, 39 rural visits for students, CSAinception 1969, has strived for using 'education as a tool volunteers and faculty and members of internationalfor development'. This concept has and will continue institutes were conducted in places like Hoskote,to contribute to the institute's growth to greater Srinivasapura and urban slums. Around 2200 studentsheights. CSA, which began in 1999, is the centre that is and faculty participated in these visits. The internationalspearheading this mission to its fullest. institutions were VID University, Zurich University, Han University, Bodo University and University Studies CSA has been promoting volunteerism and enabling Abroad Consortium (USAC). Some of these studentsstudents to develop as socially responsible citizens interned in involving them in social development initiativesboth in campuses and marginalized communities. It Campus Based Activities: CSA volunteersenvisions that every student will be aware, sensitive and conducted a discussion on \"Patriot or a Global Citizen:empathetic and contributing to sustainable changes in Which way is the right way\"?, Sustainability Week andthe society. Social Responsibility Week. Through the discussions and events, the students deliberated on issues of Apart from student programmes, child-centered hunger, climate change, sustainability, exclusiveness,and integrated development initiatives in urban, rural health and environmental degradation. Events likeand tribal areas and waste management efforts, this year talks, workshops and poetry marked the occasions andwitnessed new activities. They include: several non-governmental organizations contributed to their learning. The students internalized social Rural Exposure CampsNisits: Being a strategically responsibility values as a result.important programme, this is conducted as an attempt tomake social responsibility a culture among all students in Through Prayatna programme, CSA volunteers,the University by exposing them to the socio-economic set up stalls on a monthly basis in the campus. Productsand cultural situations of the rural communities and from the rural areas and the handmade recycled paperstudents are involved in the socio-economic development products produced by the campus based and poorof these marginalized areas.- CHRISTITE 2018

women run production unit are District. They conducted village and household surveys,displayed and sold. The income entered the data obtained, consolidated the findingsgenerated is given to the farmers and supported in developing the village developmentand the producers. This way the plans. They conducted skits, theme based songs andinstitute is assisting the farmers dances, tableaus and street theatre about smokelessand producers in accessing a direct chullahs (stoves), need for establishing women'smarket for their produce. Besides, cooperative banks, importance of education and need fortheir incomes don't land in the environmental protection.hands of the middle men. Launch of New Socio-Economic Development BRIDGE Programme: A Projects: After systematic surveys and design of socio-collaboration effort with Bosch economic development projects, two projects, supportedIndia Foundation, the BRIDGE by Bishops Conference of Italy (BCI) were launched in(Bosch's Response to India's Ghaziabad and Janakiram Layout slum in Bangalore. TheDevelopment and Growth through Employability projects are designed to develop the children and theirEnhancement) Programme is aimed at ensuring the communities through education, promotion of communityemployability of unprivileged school dropout youth based organizations and livelihood programmes.between the ages of 18 and 25 who are not in education,employment or training (youth in the NEET category).The BRIDGE centre is in the main campus and duringthis year, 85 youngsters from Bangalore's slums weretrained. 75 students have been placed in jobs withsalaries ranging from Rs 9000 to Rs. 13000 per month. Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) Project: This is aCentral Government project which began in August2017. It aims at linking together higher educationinstitutions and rural areas to develop the rural areasholistically with the help of the knowledge and skills ofhigher education institutions and the rural communities.CSA volunteers and CU students were involved in thesix project villages in Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural.........................................................................................................................................CENTRE FORSUSTAINABLE EDUCATION ANDDEVELOPMENT The centre associates with academicians, research concession within the University to create a sustainabilityscholars, alumni, voluntary organizations, corporate model and providing support to the Alumni Associationand government departments interested in developing in website updating, events, scholarship, engagement andsustainability model towards education. Activities during data base management of alumni.the year are: Channelizing the educational scholarship/fee CHRJSTITE 2018

CENTRE FORACADEMIC ANDPROFESSIONAL SUPPORT (CAPS) Centre for Academic and Professional Support has a Understand the challenges faced in the optimalvision to be a benchmark in the global academic circles, functioning during 2017-18 and formulate strategiesin providing professional and academic based solutions to overcome them in CHRIST (Deemed to be University) audience and thesociety. To achieve the same CAPS has set a mission to Goal setting and work allotment for 2018-19.provide a shared platform for the entire university toexchange knowledge and experience, in order to harness Timelineexpertise in the academic as well as professional spheres. Date(s) Process To ensure rigor in the approach and to maintainstandards on par with the global benchmarks, CAPS takes March 22,2018 Draft 1 of Annual Report to be senta systemic approach to planning and operations. As a part March 23 - 29, to the Executive Committeeof this, CAPS facilitates the Biannual Review in November 2018 Discussion and Review of theand Annual Review in March. April 15, 2018 Annual Report with the Executive April 27, 2018 CommitteeObjective April 30, 2018 Draft 2 of Annual Report to be sent To review the progress of the targets set for to the Executive Committee 2017-18. Submission of the final report by the Executive Committee To study the trends in demand and supply of services The release of the CAPS in the year 2017-18 and draw implications for the Annual Report offerings in 2018-19. Summary 276 one-on-one assistance sessions were conducted. 250+ clients participated in 31 events on specialized client need based training. 132 classroom peer training sessions were conducted with more than 8500 participants. 106 events were organised with 800+ participants. 69 sessions on assessments were conducted with more than 200 participants. 23 sessions on online writing assistance were organised with more than 650 participants.- CHRISTITE 2018

CENTRE FORRESEARCH (PhD)PhD Admission 2016- 2017 The admission procedure commenced inthe month of August 2017 and 80 scholarsselected for admission for the academic year2017-2018. Number of students admitted indifferent disciplines are as follows; Chemistry- 1, Commerce - 4, Computer Science - 3,Economics - 3, Education - 6, Engineering -6, English - 3, International Studies - 1, Law- 5, Management - 13, Mathematics - 5,Media Studies - 3, Physics - 4, Psychology -16, Social Work - 6 and Tourism - 1Coursework be held in May 2018. 16 scholars have submitted their PhD theses and they are awaiting final defense. A six months coursework classes started inthe month of December 2017 and will be completed in the Review meeting and Proposal Presentationmonth of May, 2018. The coursework is being conductedas Phase I, Phase - II and Phase - III and at the end of The Centre for Research completed review meeting forthe Phase III, the Centre will conduct an end semester the 2012,2013,2014 and 2015 batch PhD Scholars andexamination will be conducted in May 2018. verified their progress in research. The 2016 batch PhD scholars have completed their PhD Proposal PresentationPhD Defense Completed and issued Coursework Completion Certificates. 9 scholars have successfully completed PhD defense andthey will be awarded PhD degree during the convocation to CHR.ISTITE 2018 -

STUDENT COUNCIL •·······································································································································•OFFICE OF INFORMATIONPROCESSING AND MANAGEMENT Information Processing and Management {IPM) April, 2017 by defining the Curriculum and updating themaintains the electronic data of various programmes course details. After the updation of the curriculum andoffered at the University. Attendance Monitoring for the course the course structure is available to students andstudents and staff is the main function of this office. An faculties. The syllabus and course plan will be availableattendance application has been made available for the in the student login well in advance before starting thefaculty who use the app to record student's attendance classes. Time table for all the classes were ready byonline as per the class time table. The attendance May30, 2017 and will be available for the student's loginrecording will be reflecting at the same time in the in detail. This is done with the intention of helping thestudent's login and can be monitored and verified by the students to plan their studies and other activities withoutstudents and parents also. lPM coordinating with other any conflicts.administrative offices like Office of Admissions, Officeof Accounts and Office of Examinations. IPM started its All the First year students admitted in the academicactivities for the Academic year 2017-18 in the month of year 2017-18 were assigned with new register number which will be used for all the communication and records- CHRISTITE 2018

in the university. Register Numbers are allotted to all require 85% of attendance to appear for the endstudents by the first day of their classes. Class room semester examinations. Office of IPM is taking careallotments for each section are also managed by IPM of the distribution of University Diary, Calendar andoffice. University ID card for all students are issued Handbook in all the three campuses. University Diaryon the first day of the class and distributed in their for students and staff were distributed on January 3rd,respective class rooms. Staff ID cards are provided the Founders day and the hand book and calendardirectly from the IPM Office. Staff and Students also were distributed on the 1st week of June after thereceive a Smart Card for their money transactions in commencement of the classes.the university. This card also can be used as a Debitcard. It is processed by Office of IPM through SIB in the The Office administers and monitors the publishinguniversity campus and will be distributed to students in of End semester Examination Hall tickets and dues formstheir respective class rooms and Staff's from the IPM clearance for all the UG & PG Students. Students canoffice. download clearance form through their student's login. If any dues exist, they can be submitted and cleared at the All User id and passwords for students such as respective offices. Office of IPM will clear all the dues afterstudent login, email id, library, My course etc. were verification of the clearance form with in the same dayissued to the students in their respective class rooms itself. Odd semester End semester hall ticket was releasedwith timely cooperation from IT services. Office of on 28-9-2016 and Even semester hall ticket was releasedIPM sends shortage of attendance letter to the parents on 22-3-2017.The co-ordination work for the annual3 times in a semester and this will help the parents convocation was in vigour with the office of examinations,to monitor their wards and helps them in contacting followed by the promotion process for the next Academicthe Counsellors and Class teachers if required. As year 2017-18.per the University regulations, a student would CHRJSTITE 2018 -

OFFICE OFEXAMINATION Office of Examinations continued Internal assessments by the faculty members, Midits efforts to supplement the semester and End semester examinations were conductedacademic process of the university for all programmes and marks were published to thethrough a fair and transparent students as per the academic calendar. Results of bothevaluation system. In order to odd and even semesters were published within 15bring more rigour to the internal working days after the last examination in each semester.assessment, the Office introduced In addition to the regular examinations supplementarythe system of formative feedback examinations were also held as per the calendar.through evaluation rubrics set bythe faculty members and made it In the academic year 2017 -18 out of 4298accessible to the students through undergraduate students 3939 are graduating with atheir student login. The Office also success percentage of 91.64% .In the Masters progarmmesconstituted team of experts to train out of 1801 students 1733 are graduating with successthe faculty members on developing quality assignments percentage of 96.22%.with specific learning objectives and outcomes that alignwith course objectives, programme outcome and graduate Convocations for 2017-18 will be held on 19 May 2018attributes of the institution .Experts were also involved in for School of Business Studies and Social sciences, 20 Mayreviewing the assignments of each department and giving 2018 for Faculty of Engineering, 25 May 2018 for Deaneryfeedback for improvement to the faculty. This will be a of Science and Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences,continuous process by the office which will strengthen 26 May Deanery of Commerce and Management, Schoolthe assessment system in the University. The Board of of Education and Masters in Social Work, 27 May 2018Management has approved the proposal of Office of for Institute of Management, School of Law, DepartmentExaminations to bring more autonomy to the faculty of Professional Studies, Interdisciplinary Mastersmembers in the assessment process by increasing the Programme and various PhD Programmes. Prof Japhet,mark distribution for internal assessment and delinking Vice Chancellor Bangalore Central University, Prof Souviksome of the processes from the Office. A team of 7 Bhattacharyya Vice Chancellor BITS Pilani, Prof Anilfaculty members led by the Controller of Examinations Bhoumik, Former Director liT Patna, Dr M S Subhas, Vicevisited Virginia Commonwealth University to understand Chancellor VSU University Bellari and Lt Gen Vikas Gupta,various methods and practices employed there to bring Commandant, Army Service Corps Centre will gracemore autonomy to the faculty in the assessment process. the occasion on the respective days of Convocation asBased on the learnings of the visit it has been decided to Chief Guests.introduce decentralized process of evaluation in Instituteof Management and Masters Programmes of Departmentof Psychology from the academic year 2018-19. From the academic year 2017-18, Office ofExamination was entrusted with the responsibilityof supporting the departments to develop thecourse structure of each programme for the academicyear based on the the guidelines of the University.Changes were made in the ERP of the University tostreamline the syllabus and course plan entry and timelysubmission of various reports by the faculty.- CHRISTITE 2018

OFFICE OFINTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS International Po (France) and NHTV University of Applied SciencesOffice organized (Netherlands).various AcademicTraining Programs for A group of 10 students went to USA, UK and Francefaculty and students for Credit Transfer program. 2 Students went to Lillefrom USA, Russia, Catholic University (France) for the European SummerGermany, Switzerland Program. 3 students visited USA as part of Disney Culturaland France. Around Exchange program.100 faculty andstudents attendedthe programs fromvarious Universities forduration of around 10-15 days. 68 studentsfrom University StudiesAbroad Consortium(USAC) - USA came forstudy abroad programs. As a part of student exchange program, 7 studentsvisited from IESEG School of Management (France),University of Burgundy (France) and University of AppliedSciences Wurzburg- Schweinfurt (Germany). InternationalOffice sent 13 students to Baldwin Wallace University(USA), IESEG School of Management (France),Sciences CHRJSTITE 2018 -

OFFICE OFSTUDENT WELFARE (SWO) This was a great year for Student Welfare Office, was a huge success with over 150 teams participatingorganizing various events in the University with the help from across the country. Other than these CUQA s alsoof University Volunteer Body which comprises of about participated in various quizzes across the nation and has300+ volunteers from across the campus who helped won many competitions. CUQA also organized an Allin organizing various events such as Convocation, Girls Quiz to encourage girls' participation in the quizzingInaugurations, Darpan, Patriotic Song competition, scene.Teachers Day Celebrations, Sports Day, Magnificat,Blossoms, National and International Conferences, CHRIST Choir with over 130 students which is theIn-Bloom, National Quiz Championship, Farewell biggest choir in the city organized Magnificat in the Main,Day, Grand Christmas Show, Sound Curry, Dance Kengeri and BGR Campuses in which around 25 choirsDay, Gratitude Day, etc. We had a two day orientation across the country participated to sing the glory of theprogram for the volunteers and the Cultural Team at the Lord. The University Choir also performed in KodaikanalKengeri campus to train them to be more effective team International School, CMC Vellor and various other placesplayers. in the city. The cultural team visited different colleges across the Natyaarpana- University Dance team, which is acountry and competed in various cultural fests. A few very important wing of SWO has around 60+ dancersmemorable visits out of the many were BITS Goa by the performing in various events in the campus across theBGR Campus and Kengeri Campus, liT Chennai by the year. Natyaarpana also organized University Dance DayMain Campus, NIT Trichy, Rajagiri Kerala, St. Josephs, \"Nritta\" with 350+ dancers from all three campusesMount Carmel College, New Horizon, liMB, CMS, Sindhi, sharing the stage to present a wonderful danceJain University etc. The Cultural team also performed Lavasa Campus and Pune City and got huge applausefrom the public. Overall it has been a great year for the SWO with a huge success of events like Darpan with over 5000 The CHRIST University Quiz Association (CUQA) students participating, In-Bloom with over 60 Colleges/organized weekly and monthly quizzes for the students Universities across the nation participating and Nationalto enrich their quizzing abilities. CUQA for the fifth time Level Quiz Championship with over 150 Teamsorganized a National Level Quiz Championship which participating and making it one of the biggest quiz fests in the country.- CHRISTITE 2018

LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTREKnowledge Centre Library Library Resources The library is renamed as Knowledge Centre to turn it into aBooks Books Circulation Electronic Journals Library knowledge and 'happening' hub. added of books Databases users Per Several initiatives have been taken per month (e-books, month to attract and sensitise the students e-journals) (Gate and faculty to use library resources Statistics) optimally such as Bookmark-Annual Book Exhibition, and Discussion Rooms2,55,962 9062 11,201 1,55,000 621 17,832 in the Knowledge Centre, Book Talk, library research-based CIA, compulsory Library - Resources library hours for MPhil and PhD scholars, online resources, and BrailleTotal number Internet Content Participation text. The University has well-equippedof computers bandwidth management in resource sharing libraries with a built-up area of 5781for general speed system for networks/ Sq.m. Library Advisory Committeeaccess e-learning consortia manages the procurement of library resources based on the needs of faculty 90 1116MB Moodie INFLIBNET and students. The library has 2,95,760 DELNET catalogued items, 621 print journals EPRINTS and magazines, 19 online databases, and 4,485 question papers online. The CHRJSTITE 2018 -

library is automated. The diverse collections with the update and returning of books is 9,285 per month. The ratioof general collections and subject specific reference work of library books to students enrolled is 14: 1. The 9,062in the library cater to the needs of students. Well-qualified books added during the year 2017-2018. Aroundlibrarians and able support staff manage the library. 621 journals and 95 magazines were renewed during the year. The library also subscribed to ebooks from The library uses OPAC software namely KOHA. There Oxford University Press, World Scientific, Bloomsbury,are 90 computers for general access with 4 Gbps of Elsevier, Springer etc. during the year 2017- 2018.Internet bandwidth speed and an institutional repository The average monthly login to OPAC (KOHA) is per( Moodle-a, content month is 82000 The average downloads of e-resourcesmanagement system, is used fore-learning. The library has is 2,50,000 downloads per year. The library organisedresource sharing networks/consortia with DELNET, British training programmes on Information Literacy and libraryCouncil Library, liM-B Library and lSEC. orientation for its students and faculty. A workshop was held in association with ProQuest for the library The library has installed anti-theft devices, Biometric community on 21 September 2018. Around 25 librariansAccess Gates for its day-to-day activities. The library from various Institutes in Bangalore participated in thisprocured Jaws software and Braille books for the use of half-a-day event. The library had visitors from othervisually challenged and dyslexic students. Universities for research work. Monthly BookTalks and the annual book exhibition BookMark were conducted2017-2018 during the year 2017- 2018. For the year 2017-2018, the monthly average numberof walk-ins is 17,832 per month, issue of books is 11,201 .........................................................................................................................................CENTRE FOREDUCATION BEYOND CURRICULUM Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC), for school administrators and practitioners to severalan Initiative of (IQAC) CHRIST [Deemed to be University], collaborative programmes with external agencies likeinitiated and conducted several national workshops, United Board for Christian Higher Education and Xavierseminars and conferences in the academic year 2017- Board. Specific programmes for several institutions as part18. The programmes ranged from quality initiatives of faculty development were also organized.- CHRISTITE 2018

Pprogramme Date/year Duration No. of No. of ResourceXavier Board Meeting Institutions participants People 4March2017 1 day -- 28Patenting and Intellectual Property Rights 14 March 2017 1 day 1 17 4Workshop Story Based learning 17-18 March 1 26 4(Internal Programme) 2days 1 28 4Leadership Seminar for Darshan 1 44 3College, Kengeri 2017 1 121 4 17 45 13Workshop on Filing Patens and IPR 19 March 2017 1 day 1 64 6 1 60 7Leadership Seminar Apostolic 27-28 March 2days 29 75 17Carmel Sisters 2017 3days 1 15 6National Seminar Strategic Innovation in 3daysHigher Education 25-27 April 2days 1 60 6 2017 2daysLeadership Seminar Silver Hills Public School 1 20 10 10-12May 26 64 18Leadership Seminar for Christ School 2017Trivandrum 14 22-23 May 2017 26-27 May 2017A Three-day seminar on National Conference on 26-28 July 3daysthe Idea of a National University 2017Orientation Programme for Christ CMI Central 23 - 25 August 3daysSchool, Anjugramam, Kanyakumari 2017Mary Matha Vice Province, Bellampalli 30August- 3daysDepartment of Education & Media of 02 SeptemberCommunication Education Meeting,Christ University Bangalore 2017Faculty Development Programme 16-18 3daysP.K.R. Arts College For Women, NovemberGobichettipalayam, Tamil Nadu 2017National Seminar on Setting Technological 1-2 February 2daysStandards Strategy for Higher Education 2018Round table Discourse on 15-17 MarchThe Present Context Of Higher Education 3daysImpacting Universities And Colleges:Preparing For High Quality Initiatives 2018 CHR.ISTITE 2018 -

OFFICE OFIT SERVICES IT Services Department at Christ University endeavors maintenance. Network security enhancement is enforcedto provide effective and prompt service so as to achieve by implementing Network access privileges only to thetotal satisfaction to all members in the university. As a team staff and students. Support Request handling tool has, IT initiated the implementation of operation standards in been implemented to automate the Infrastructure supportall its tasks to upgrade the Service quality. Processes and requests from staff and students. This is to track andobjectives have been defined to optimize its operations. make sure that all requests are handled in time by theDocumentation and analysis methods have been initiated by IT Infrastructure Support staff. A new feature has beenthe team for continued Service improvement. incorporated in Knowledge Pro for staff and students to register issues related to all the Services provided byIT Department - Roles and Services the University. This is tracked and coordinated by IT department to make sure that requests are effectivelyIT Infrastructure addressed within 24 hours. Escalation matrix is implemented up to the top level of the management to IT Infrastructure is well designed to handle student and enhance the efficiency of the support system. A dedicatedstaff strength. Usage of IT services like knowledge pro(KP), team is handling and monitoring IT Support requests.Learning management systems (Moodie) , Digital learningsessions and other IT related activities are extensive due Website Managementto which infrastructure upgrade is done to handle the loadefficiently. New higher end Servers are in place and Internet Christ university website has been redesigned tobandwidth has been doubled for effective usage. To support improve aesthetic appeal and the interface. Website'sthe staff and students, IT Services Support system has been content management is monitored by a dedicated teamimplemented focusing and supporting the effective use of all who coordinate with various departments to update latestthe services and infrastructure. contents like News and events, details about academic programs, faculty members, syllabus, and evaluationIT Support systems. IT Service team also maintains dedicated pages for exam alerts and support services. The Team offers Hardware/ Software/Networksupport to all users in Christ University by carrying out Social Media Content managementvarious activities at the appropriate time. It has alsoinitiated the implementation of various processes to Regular updates on Social media platforms likemeet the requirement of quality system support and Facebook , YouTube , Twitter , Flicker ,blogs etc are- CHRISTITE 2018

carried out by IT team on daily basis to facilitate Public Departmental events and online tests for placementsreach of the university. are supported and assisted by the IT team Live broadcasting of major events conducted in mainERP - Knowledge pro auditorium is facilitated by IT team. ERP is enhanced with new features facilitating online IT Infrastructure Management and Support -solutions for the academic needs of the staff, students and Enhancements of the yearparents. New features and tools are added in KP as perrequest from various departments in consultation with A. Security assessment and performance Audit of ITthe management. A dedicated team is in the campus for Infrastructure has been carried out.the development and monitoring of our ERP software. KP Based on which following are the Server andtraining and implementation is handled and monitored by Network Security AccomplishmentsIT team. 1. Implemented Gateway Server - To facilitate singleDigital Training Team entry point for all access to IT infrastructure. Digital learning training team is a part of IT Services 2. Virtualization of Servers - To secure servers and fordepartment with the responsibility to assist and train the better disastrous recovery process.staff and faculty in IT related activities. The team alsotrains faculty members to prepare and implement Online 3. Server hardening and Scanning.- Identified securityCertification courses using Moddle - The Learning gaps in the Server installation and the gaps fixedManagement System. Training materials are prepared bythe team for Moodie and useful Digital tools which are 4. Backup & Disaster Recovery - Implementation ofbeing distributed. this solution has helped in alleviating any failure to servicesServices offered and monitored by IT Team: 5. Active Directory Server- To enhance data security Mobile applications and unauthorized access to desktops. Learning Management System ( Moodie) B. High Availability Focus of IT Services Interactive Voice response System (IVRS)- For Internet Bandwidth Upgrade - Main Campus 200Mbps attendance, exam results and admission status upgraded to 410 Mbps; Kengeri Campus 1044 Mbps upgraded to 1224 Mbps; BGR Campus- 85 Mbps Intranet Databank - for students to download eBook, High availability of Servers - This is implemented through articles and study materials. Virtual Server technology and backup plans Firewall High Availability- One more Firewall device Online Databases - For students to access books, has been added to support High Availability of Services articles, journals and research publications. and to enforce Security policies of the network Power Backup - Multiple power backup sources Repository - This Service assist students in their have been implemented to the Server and network exam preparation by providing questions banks for infrastructure the previous years C. Network Infrastructure Upgrade for Performance E-journals - This service provides members of the university access toe-journals for research, self- To manage the user load and to enhance the network learning and preparations for assignments and performance, network components has been upgraded presentations. across the campus. Network backbone Cables has been upgraded with new Optical Fiber cables. Centralized Library Services - Provides online library catalogue management and monitoring tools are in place to manage to search books, new book arrival details, Online the network. Single LAN topology of the network has renewal/reservations, SMS and email alerts for all been changed to Virtual LAN topology to enhance the transaction. network performance. Email services for staff and students. Personal mail IDs will be provided to staff and students. Group mail ID is available class wise to enhance effective communication. CHR.ISTITE 2018 -

D. Campus Wi-Fi exclusively used for online exams, training and placements WIFI Converge area in the campus has been enhanced of the installing more Wi-Fi devices. F. CCTV Surveillance Wi-Fi Instant access facility has been implemented IT Services assisted Security department to enhance theto avoid the delay for the guests and groups to use our CCTV coverage across the campus. Backup plan for theinternet facility footage is planned in consultation with Security in charge. Control room is setup for CCTV monitoring and DataE. Office of Online Training and Examination backup. Dedicated online test and placement lab with capacityof 95 workstations is made functional. This lab is •·······································································································································•ASSOCIATION OFCHRISTIAN CHRISTITES Association of Christian Christites (ACC) organizes the message of understanding oneself from the veryvarious events all throughout the academic year. ACC perspective of a young adult in the University. The Annualbegan its year with the Annual Inaugural Mass which was PG Retreat- Ignite was conducted for the post-graduateheld at Dharamaram Chapel and was celebrated by the students on a Sunday led by Fr. Emil along with the JesusVice Chancellor along with the Director of ACC and all the Youth Music Ministry of Bengaluru.priests of the CHRIST management. An orientation wasalso organized for all the first year students of CHRIST. ACC organized the annual Christmas program andThis year ACC saw an overwhelming response to all four the annual Christmas Mass in the month of December.of its wings- Dance, Music, Audio-Visual and Volunteer. On 6 January 2018 ACC made history by organizing CHRIST's first ever Gospel fest - JEHOSHUA which saw A two-day camp - Leadership Training Progamme participation from several colleges. As Valentine's Daywas conducted during the weekend. The camp concluded special, students of ACC went to the home for leprosywith the Core Team of the academic session 2017-18 patients and the destitute in Summanahalli where theytaking up their roles and responsibilities. spent the whole day sharing the joy and love they have. The events for the year came to an end with the annual ACC won EXALT -the Gospel fest conducted Thanksgiving Mass organized at the Dharmaram Bishop CottonWomen's ChristianCollege (BCWCC) andfirst runner up atExodus, conducted bySt. Joseph's College.Crossroads - FromChaos to Clarity, theannual UG Retreat wasorganized over theweekend. Dr. VipinRoldant along with theJesus Youth band - VoxChristi together joinedthe ACC team to spread- CHRISTITE 2018

NATIONAL CADET CORPS[NCC] The National Cadet Corps, 2/9 Coy Mysore, Special National Integration Camp in Andamanof CHRIST (Deemed to be University), and Nicobar and Lak:swadeep Islands, National Integrationembarked on a successful journey this Camp in Mysore, Silchar and Moodabidri. They were alsoyear, comprising of innumerable learning part of the Trek to Nilgiris and Tirupathi.opportunities, enthralling challenges andglorious achievements. The active participation and contributions of the cadets were appreciated by awarding the Deputy Director The year began with SGT Manasa S, JUO General's Commendations to ten of our cadets by theSwathi Shetty and JUO Vishal Y J winning directorate.the Gold, Silver, and Bronze respectively atthe Thai Sainik Camp held in New Delhi. The The NCC also takes up activities as part of theirother cadets who accompanied them were responsibility towards the society. To name a few, SocialSGT Shilpa Ramaswamy, SGT Mandira shree Awareness Programmes on Swachh Bharath, No Tobacco,and CSM Sourabh B.K. Virtual Water and Autism were organized. A 10 km run was also held to create awareness on Mental Health. SGT Rishab Jain, SGT Pratheek, SGT Saahil Raaj, SGT Cadets also initiated Career Counseling on being a part ofAkanksha Shetty and JUO Abhilasha Chawda represented the Indian Army.the contingent at the Republic day Camp held in NewDelhi. The ultimate goal of the cadets is to serve thenation by being part of the Indian Army, or Navy or AirForce. Being a soldier is more than courage, it's aboutsacrificing yourself for something greater. Owing to thisunderstanding of a soldier SUO Adithya S, CPL Joel Jamesand CPL Dilsher Singh Randhawa have made NCC yetagain proud by joining the Indian army. The driving force behind the undeterred interest andinvolvement of the cadets is the adventure activitieslike trekking, mountain summits and camps. Our cadetswere part of various camps held this year like AdvanceLeadership Camp in Assam, Basic Leadership Camp in CHRJSTITE 2018 -

DEPARTMENT OFPHYSICAL EDUCATION The year began with a team selection tryouts for all inaugurated the tournament.the team games and followed by the Pedagogic Leagueconducted on 4 July 2017. INTERNATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS Christ University Cricket Team In the month of August, there was an Annual Inter-Collegiate, Sports Festival CHRI-SPO FEST. Christ University Cricket Team won the SUKPIT UKM,BANGI 2018 cup at MALAYSIA. Christ became the winners of Basketball (M), Football NAVEEN JOSEPH of I BCOM won the Gold medal in(W), Throw-ball (M&W) & Tennis (M). The students also Volleyball ISC World Games which held at NEPALbecame Runners Up in Volleyball (M), Volleyball (W), JOYCE.J & SUSHMITHA S bagged Gold medal inFootball (M), Tennis (W) & Handball (M). the WORLD THROWBALL CHAMPIONSHIP held at MALAYSIA, also DEEKSHITA S M, ARUNDATHI S On 29 October 2017 Christ hosted a South Zone Inter V& MADHUMATHI S V bagged Silver medal as well.University Basketball Men Championship, wherein 69 JOYCE.J & SUSHMITHA S won the INDO-NEPALteams participated. The inaugural ceremony was held in THROWBALL TEST SERIES at NEPAL where asthe presence of Dr Fr Thomas C Mathew, Vice Chancellor, DEEKSHITA S M, ARUNDATHI S V came runners up.Dr Anil J Pinto, Registrar, Shri R Rajan, an internationalbasketball player and the Guest of Honor Shri M ShyamSundar. The final league matches were conducted on3 November 2017 followed by closingceremony presided by Dr Fr GeorgeEdayadil, Chancellor and Dr Fr Abraham VM, Pro Vice Chancellor of the university. The department conducts variouscoaching camps for events andencourages students to participatein zonal as well as all-India level. TheAnnual Athletic Meet was held on 8December 2017, at the University Groundand B PRAMILA AIYAPPA, Olympian- CHRISTITE 2018

JOYCE.J ,SUSHMITHA S & PAVITHRA T Bnmit WinnersNAIR became winners in the INTERNATIONALINDEPENDENT THROWBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Throwball (W) Khel Runners Upwhich held at MALAYSIA, where as DEEKSHITA S M& ARUNDATHI S V came runners up. St Annes (Annite Cup) Winners Chri-Spo Runners Up Volleyball (M) 4th PlaceNATIONAL LEVEL ACHIEVEMENTS VIE CHAITRA & CHINMAYI B G secured Bronze medal in Volleyball (W) Chri-Spo Runners Up the 19th YOUTH NATIONAL TENNIS VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP which held at BHUVANESHWAR, Table Tennis Ramaiah Inter Winners ORRISA. (M &W) Collegiate Cup Spiel(M&W) Runners Up Department had organized games competition for Runners Upthe staff during the month of November and December St Johns (M & W) Runners Up2017. Scholarships were given to 52 students through thedepartment for excelling in both academics and sports. VIE(W) Department also awarded certificate course for 57 Tennis (M) Chri-Spo Winnersstudents who represented University at inter collegiate and Spiel Winnersinter university championships. Vie Second Runners Up Handball (M) District Handball Winners Championship Runners Up Chri-SpoHIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR District Handball Winners ChampionshipEvents Name of the Results Tournaments Winners Handball (W) Dasra Tournament Runners Up Chri-Spo Runners Up Winners St Johns Winners Star Shooters Winners Yenepoya Cup Second Runners Up Handball Cup Rajagiri Cup Mr. Mayur D Bhanu was conferred with theBasketball (M) VIE EKALAVYA AWARD from the Government of Karnataka in recognition of his outstanding achievement in shooting. Malleshwaram Cup Second Runners Up A prestigious award, best sportsman and best Ramaiah Inter Winners sportswoman was given to the outgoing students during Collegiate Cup Winners the valedictory function. This was awarded to KARAN JOSHUVA (II MBA) (best sportsman) and AISHWARYA Sphygmus VIJAYAKUMAR (III BCOM) (best sportswoman) by Fr. JOBY XAVIER (CFO). Chri-Spo WinnersFootball (W) Spiel Winners Vaspo-Mop Cup 3Rd Place Khel Winners Sphygmus Winners Winners Khel Runners Up Runners UpFootball (M) Chri-Spo Winners Winners Sphygmus Chri-SpoThrowball (W) St Johns CHR.ISTITE 2018 -

CHRISTALUMNI ASSOCIATION CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Alumni Association are Fun Fiesta, Medical Camp, Social Responsibility projectrepresents the voice of all graduated Christities of the like tree plantation, visit and contribution to old age home,University and committed to enhance the growth of the ASVAS, Desire Society, Alumni Scholarship, Annual FamilyUniversity by providing a wide range of resources and Day and Batch Reunion.opportunities. Major activities conducted during the year- CHRISTITE 2018

INTERVIEW WITHDRIVEN JOSEAssociate Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Kengeri Campus.DrIven Jose has successfully driven the Faculty of Engineering to National and International renown.He is a recipient of many awards and patents and in this inteTView, he discloses his working philosophy andvision for life, work and success.Q What motivated you to get into the field of teaching Q How was your teaching experience in after completing your PhD in Engineeringfrom liT? Melbourne? The whole process of teaching and learning is I was selected under the scholarship forwhat I consider very dear to me, primarily I hold United Board, the University was kind enough inmy academics and my experience in the industrial field, recommending my name and I got the selectionbut at some point of time, I realised that more than doing from the Board and this was a period of 1 year for themonotonous jobs it would be more helpful to society, academic year 2016-2017, for which I was thereif I contributed in the areas of teaching, learning and at Boston College for almost 1 month. During my stayresearch and especially research. So, the journey began at Boston there were sessions which were conducted atfrom liT Bombay, after I completed my PhD, I became GLI (Global leadership institute), sessions held in Harvardan employee in one of the premiere private organisation University and at several premiere organisationscalled BITS Pilani. I served there for almost 4 years and around Boston. As part of this programme there is athereafter joined CHRIST, because faculty of Engineering requirement that they provide placement in one of thewas at the inception stage and they had a vision which Asia - Pacific areas and I was selected at Melbournewas similar to my concept which was something different University, during my stay there for 2 months inand that's where I thought the entire time and effort Melbourne University I was teaching there. That's thethat I have put in studying and coming to this level can 2 months' time frame that I spend at the Melbournedirectly culminate in, an area where I can give my services the society. CHR.ISTITE 2018 -

PORTRAITSQ What kind of subjects did you deal with, any peer pressure, that you have the freedom to go ahead and pursue what you really intend to do. at Melbourne University? Q Was this concept successful in Melbourne? It was more to do with the signal processing andsignal and systems, these are the areas I have specialised Yes, very much successful back In Melbourne. Whilein and those were the areas I was asked to associate with this concept was being conceived out there, I wantedthe department in delivering the classes and laboratory to bring this concept to the Indian scenario to see if thissessions. could be implemented. But, there are cultural differences between Australia and India, we need to bridge this. InQ You have put across this concept of 'future academic the Indian scenario the peer and parental pressures for exchange and collaborative research', can you a student is tremendous, we need to look at how it can elaborate on that? be subdued, if there is a way we could bring it up and tell them. To me, it was more important to know the This is more to do with the research conducted background and bring the parents into the loop. The onlyat the UG and PG levels and synergising between the way, while they are in Engineering and in these 4 years,Universities in India and abroad. The paradigm is shifting, you can make a difference, is in the way they learn. Bythe conventional way of teaching, learning and research moving out of being bookish, have some real time projectsconfining themselves to four walls or restricted to research given to them where they become a part and parcel ofarticles being published in journals has changed. We executives and they realise that it is not just big packetsmust come out to state that universities should be more that they would earn in the form of salary, but that, therefocused on researches which are locally identified and then is a contribution required of them back to society, If thisincubate and implement those research ideas for social realisation gets in, then, we will achieve what we want to inupliftment. In this regard we have instituted a cell called the realm of service assisted integrated learning. This is thearea that we are looking forward to, for young talents go Q Talking about your work in the field of research andout into the society, look out for the areas where we need the books published, we find that it mostlyfocuses onto interface, bring those problems back to the university breast cancer, what made you do a detailed study in, create a component of innovation, there is only a thin this field?line between service learning concept and service assistedintegrity concept. This is one of the initiatives that we The journey began when I was working in Siemens. Ihave done and I think this will take us a long way through hail from Goa; therefore I was working with Siemens terms of identifying UG and PG research and this will I was put along with 2 other members on a project, tobe the next level transformation and I call it, the new be completed in 8 months flat. My task as a programmergeneration pedagogy for research and development was to come out with an image processing tool. We completed the project in 8 months successfully. I wasQ How do you think it worked out in the Indian however after this, not much interested and thought Scenario? the work to be monotonous. I moved out of it into the research field when I got admitted to liT Powai, there In India quite often you have students being pressured when the projects rolled out, I was still looking forwardby their peers and parents to take up professional to the area that I should start working towards, and bycourses like engineering, medicine, architectures etc. the second year I was given an opportunity to work in thebut they never give due consideration to the candidate. area of imaging which was fairly a broad area. That isWhat is she/he interested in? What we do at Faculty of where we were given the opportunity to hunt for problemsEngineering is that we run a 3 weeks course- it's a kind in society, look at understanding major causes of breastof an 'experience engineering' programme- and some cancer and see whether there are people who are deprivedstudents who have gone through it, they have identified of early detection support and tools which were rare inthat engineering is not their forte and have even movedout. So, it's kind of a realisation that we give to them, that the Indian market. When we looked at the statistics' wein this field it is more important to know your area without saw that no early detection of breast cancer numbers- CHRISTITE 2018

was available and in the near future by 2020- 2025, this Q You received an awardfor the outstanding youngcould be one of the major diseases in the Indian as wellas the Asia Pacific population. There were no tools which faculty award by Microsoft India for your researchidentified breast cancer at its inception or early stage. We work, how did that come along?were successful in devising a dye, a contrast agent andwe worked in a different area altogether which doesn't Yes, I was conferred with the young scientist awardexist at the moment in the market. In the market we have back in 2008 that was when I was in BITS, Pilani. This wasimagers called MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT a contribution that was recognised by Microsoft India,scan (computer tomography) and mammograms; these do and they awarded me with the young scientist award. Inot cater for any cysts or any cancerous lesions which are was one among the 25 people who were selected to givefound at the infancy stage. Our study was looking at the a presentation on the nuances in the medical field and Iinfancy level even before the cellular level. The contrasting was called to give a presentation at the Bangalore office ofagent that we identified during the course of our study was Microsoft India In front of the jury.linked functionally with a receptor called estrogen receptorand we were successful in synthesising, characterising, and Q You recently received an awardfor your concepts inbringing them to a level that worked in the living cell. Theprogress and development of our study and work went so the field of engineering, kindly share your experience.well, that by the time we came up with the entire module' This was a company called Roches Company. It is a young innovation scientist company and it is more intoit got international acceptance and we filed a patent both CIO (certification for innovation officer). They are a New York based company; they look out for distinguishedin India as well as the US. While the US is under review' engineers. The award I received was for the work that was implemented at the Faculty of Engineering andIndia just got published. Our aim down the line is to ensure contribution not only in just engineering alone but also inthat this tool becomes prominent among the crowd, and the multidisciplinary areas that we work in.women who are susceptible, should detect this at the veryinfancy stage of the condition and take necessary steps to Q What will be your messagefor the future generation?completely eliminate the cancer cells from their body. There are several youngsters who are looking at jobsQ How do you think one can provide the awareness in India and abroad and looking out for big fat salaries. I amongst the crowd about this illness even if the wouldn't say that one should not go after it, yes: money is product is being launched in the market? important for everybody. There are many responsibilities also that these youngsters have in terms of contributing We focus on generating awareness among people who back to the society. One thing they should realise is that,aren't that well-read, that is where we concentrate more- if they have been working or studying in institutions likeon the PHCs (primary healthcare centres). We intend to CHRIST, they are fortunate for service becomes part ofmake some field visits to see whether general awareness their academic DNA. But there are several less fortunatecould be spread, what are the common diseases that are people who could not get into institutions, it becomes theiridentified, how important is it for them to understand duty to go down to them and help them out in bringing upthe whole routine check-up etc., this is the plan. We plan their life station and giving a better opportunity for themto generate awareness through medical camps. What we to perform well in their life, in whichever areas they wish tohave done is not directly linked to this project, yet we have prosper in. I also feel that there should be people comingadopted one village which is very close to our campus back to India promoting such institutions and start-ups,close to Bidadi and our intentions are to provide health thereby our own students and our own fraternity willcheck up to 70 households and to ensure the primary tests grow and literally help India grow much beyond ourand results from ECG, BP, sugar, could be given to them in expectations. If we do that, the next 10-15 years is goingthe form of a record to generate awareness on how their to see our rise and no one can beat us. This is my vision forhealth should be improved. Otherwise in the hospitals, 20 young India.-30 %elite crowd are well read, they know the significanceof routine health check-ups and would take preventive Interviewed bymeasures to ensure that no fatality takes place. Aishwarya Mohanan, MAMCS 2017 CHR.ISTITE 2018 -

IMPRINTS 2017- 2018CONVOCATION The CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Convocation Deanery of Science and Humanities and Social Sciencesfor the class of 2017 was held between 21-28 May 2017. (Education, Theology and Philosophy) were awarded theirThis year the convocations were held for six days from respective degrees, the Chief Guest of the Day was Prof.04:30-07:30pm at the University Auditorium. Graduating Ashok Mishra, Chairman BoG, liT Roarke and formerstudents from across the varied deaneries of the University Director, liT Mumbai, NASI Honorary Scientist, Indianwere honoured with degrees. The five day convocation Institute of Science, Bengaluru.were presided over by Dr Fr George Edayadiyil,Chancellor, and Christ University and addressed by Dr Fr Day 3 Thursday 25 May 2017, the students fromThomas C Mathew, Vice Chancellor, CHRIST (Deemed the Humanities and Social Sciences were awarded theirto be University). All the Deans, Heads of Department, respective degrees, the Chief Guest of the day was Prof.Coordinators, Faculty and members of the staff attended Furqan Qamar, Secretary General, Association of Indianthe programme. Mr Jugnu Uberoi, President of the Universities.Alumni Association felicitated the graduating students onall the five days. On day 4, Friday 26 May 2017, students from the Deanery of Commerce and Management were awarded Sunday 21 May 2017, the students from the Faculty their respective degrees, the Chief Guest of the day was,of Engineering were awarded their respective degrees; theChief Guest of the day was Dr A S Kiran Kumar, Chairman, the Chief Guest of the day was Mr D R Karthikeyan' IPS'Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Bengaluru. Former Director, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). While Wednesday 24 May 2017, the students from the On Sunday 27 May 2017, the students from the Institute of Management, School of Education and PhD Scholar were awarded their respective degrees; the Chief Guest of the day was Dr Noel Tagoe, Executive Director, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.- CHRISTITE 2018

CHRIST (Deemed to be University) UG- PG DEANERY OF SCIENCESRANK HOLDERS 2018 UG-PG COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT AN.lGH.t.DHOM\"E SHAMANTHA K BHARGA.VIV OJrtAKSHAY HUDAFAJM- SHELLl\"SRtvA5TAVAkhelorofCommerc:e BacttelorafCommerce PKiwlorotfCommert;41 S.Chelorofklenc. BemtWfAiicttnc:e BKtMior of kilnc:e c<:-::~~;~~3 J~~~~~~ ~::~\"!~J7 ed~u cC:.~1z C4';t.Ein RAAGAK AICSH.lniAV AYUSHI CHilRANSHI BachtlorofComm~~roe BllclwiOr-~(Finan~G~~;~wncy} Sac.t.elotafSc:teftce txl~~sl., CG~AM·~.U SANJANAS SHUBHRAARORA AJAYJOSE NEElHUTHYAGAR.U.ul RAMYAftJUAGOPAL GAYATHRI V1SWANATHMublrofCommeree n~~osAdmlnlstntlon MuletofScNinc:e MeslerofSc:Mnce MaatwofSelillnc. (CMuhWr'CofS=I:;:i.e;rnr~l;lec) tMallwfnaUc.s) C G P A · l .7 4 (t.Md·~~)! ~;~;r·~~~~ (Chem:;l,;.~;!ytlcal) CGPA•3.M c~;x~·~ AISHWERYA JOSE __.. af'IIO. . A •~:~lerofScience ~=:.:---• (Ac~~~~ ~.~:c·l UG- PG . UG - PG SCHOOL OF FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGBUSINESS STUDIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES MEGHANA KANDE POoiUIACHANDFtATM.G S.ohtlorofTKhnotogy Bachltl'orofArts Econ~~~ !~6ourw) ~~':'-~) SOWMY'A PAllEt. N GIRISH RAGHU~THAN 18.c:Miotoi'TKhnoJogy S..chelorofT<Khnologr {fnforrna~\": ~;~ology) (-hanlcal) CGPA-3.N CHR.ISTITE 2018 -

IMPRINTS 2017- 2018 UG - PG DEANERY OF UG-PGHUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES SCHOOLOFLAW SARAH LOURDES PAIS NVMISHA YADAn IIIARSHAJOSI..'t\"NGCNEAS ttARINIM Bu:helorofAtts Mast&rofAIU in BaclleforofSdM!ce Bec:Mioroflaw lntematlona'I Stud'ils c~~~.n CG<::-9~.81 ~e:.~t C\"GPA - J.JABHIGNil ~DDY MOORAK.6. DEEPSHIKALUNtA APOORVA SHIYAKUMAR e.w:::~:::esH f'fUYANKAVNDY,\)IIATH Bacheloroi'Ans (eo...lhullo~h~~.~~ltrl'dW 1..-) B.lchelorofArta Bachelor ofArb c~::~~ JJ::~~65 PG c~~:.&2 c~'1~i. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT CHmtAN.IJR ~tDroiEducdon CCPA-3.81 80UIII.YAiillmtA III.I'IUrof~AIMIIillillrdDn ~~isSHWETA.BHRI SARKAR SWETHAMBAAI 9 MARlA JOSEPH MuterofArbt Mu~rofAIU (J6t41t&C:~I~onStr.idloM) (Ap~~=~~~ogy) &~:~~~~1 G.IASII'IYTAIPtVSHAN PANGE TANAYA SAfl,IAY - -~ - MlltwGIScilrw:llnPIIychology ~~':~~~gt J~~67ANURUP.ABHATTACHAR.IEE BINDUJOSEPH JINU 9 GEORGIE • Ranks are based on CPGA IIIIMt.rafSoclaiWor11\"11'1 M.ast.rofArt& . . .s t l l r o i ' A r t a • All the Rank Holders will be receiving the (Couns~~n~A~ :.~~it uatity) Rank Certificates on the day of Convocation. H ' \" \" \" ' \" R :. . o u r c . ~J~~.,._.lopment&lllllniQIIIMftt CG~ · 1.M MARTINYARGHE'SEYI'TMAYA.Titll. ~Ga;..,~~IU..)- CHRISTITE 2018

BASHA UTSAV &ETHNIC DAY With its regional, national and With the intension of sustaining this spirit formally andinternational approach, CHRIST (Deemed informally, the Department of Languages takes pride into be University) occupies a unique placeamong all the higher educational institutions showcasing the rich Indian culturalin India. Here, rigorous academic and heritage; its dynamism and vibrancy,professional training go hand in hand with and its power to unique people. Thishealthy and meaningful living. A globally is the spirit behind Bhasha Utsav thatknown centre for excellence with students is celebrated during the month ofteachers, staff from all comers of India September of every year. Beginningand abroad. The University gives a new with an ethnic procession led by Vicedimension to cultural pluralism. Rising Chancellor and the faculty followedabove parochial tendencies of religion, by representations from the differentcaste, creed or language, our achievements countries and states, the day was filledcan be attributed to our professionalism and commitment. with folk performances by students and professional folk artists which saw Christites outfitted in all their ethnicity oscillating to the sound of music. CHRJSTITE 2018 -

IMPRINTS 2017- 2018RECTOR'S DAY ANDCHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS CHRIST (Deemed to be University) has a tradition from Administration,where the entire community of teaching and non-teaching Bannerghatta Campus,Christites come together to celebrate an evening of Commerce, CUFE,bonhomie and camaraderie. This academic year, the Humanities and Socialcelebrations were held on Wednesday, December 20 2018. Sciences, ManagementThis celebration brought the community together to offer and IMCU, School of Law andgratitude to our Rector and Chancellor, Dr Fr George Sciences competed for the covetedEdayadiyil, for his guidance and leadership and provided opportunity to celebrate Christmas and mark thefestive season. The Faculty of Engineering secured the first place while the Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences bagged the This year too, to celebrate the spirit of Love, second place and the third place went to the BGR campus.Fellowship and Togetherness during the Christmas A total sum of Rs 50,000 was awarded to the winningseason, the organizing committee had planned several teams thanks to the generosity of the Alumni Associationfun-filled activities such as the ever popular Dance face of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) headed by Mr. Jugnuoff, and the group cultural event. There were eight team Uberoi. The evening came to an end with the customaryclusters representing the various deaneries and campuses exchange of gifts and a sumptuous dinner which marked theof CHRIST (Deemed to be University). The teams drawn beginning of the festive season and brought great cheer and fellowship.- CHRISTITE 2018

GRATITUDE ANDFAREWELL DAY l0r2~S..:.w,.c,t.--I'\"VVttV! to tV!e gLfb.. ~ 11\-c{ th~ recetver ~Lt~ CHRISTITE 2018









THE ALBUM 2018 ----. ...... _____.. - BCA~ CHRISTITE 2018





BComGBCom F&A-ABCom F&.A- 8 CHR.ISTITE 2018 -

THE ALBUM 2018 BComF&A-D BCom Hons -A- CHRISTITE 2018

BCom Hons- BBCom Hans- C CHRJSTITE 2018 -

THE ALBUM 2018 BCom P -A BCom P- B~ CHRISTITE 2018

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