PRAVAD Newsletter by Centre for Social Action CHRIST(Deemed to be University) Bannerghatta Road Campus
Content Tarseel Buddy Learning Programme 3.0 Twillift SAS 3.0 Photo Talk COC The Learning Hour Short films Feature story Ikigai
Centre for Social Action Centre for Social Action (CSA) is the development action wing of CHRIST (Deemed to be University). It was set up in 1999 to coordinate social sensitization programs for students and undertake community development projects for marginalized communities. CSA addresses issues related to child rights, socio-economic development of women, youth and farmers, community mobilization, environment and climate change issues. This is undertaken so as to facilitate sustainable changes in the life of the poor and oppressed through active participation of the student community and equip the students with ideals and values for effective contribution to society. CSA operates and organises its activities through four wings. Drishti, street-play wing, conducts plays and produces short films to shed light on social issues pertinent to society. Activity Centre undertakes online and offline classes for Project Area children and organises fun activities for them on Independence Day, Christmas and Children's Day. Prayatna, the environment action wing, is responsible for cleanup and plantation drives, ecological awareness and much more. Finally, Media and Communication specialises in promoting and documenting events, social media outreach, and the various CSA publications. Pravad, the semi-annual newsletter of CSA, is one such publication. Now in its fourth issue, the newsletter aims to brief the student body about CSA's activities for the semester while also providing a platform for the volunteers to showcase their contributions to a better world.
Editor's Note It’s safe to say that this year has left an unforgettable Aaditya Govind Rao mark on all of us. It’s been harrowing, traumatising, and quite devastating for different people in different ways. However, despite all the hardship, if we’re able to say goodbye to 2021 on a hopeful note, it’s because of this past semester and the Centre for Social Action. The semester saw us finally return to a semblance of normalcy. We met people whom some of us had only known online for more than a year. CSA, through its various initiatives, allowed us to express ourselves and give back to society, whether online or offline. On-campus, CSA conducted its first offline events and drives and plays in over a year, giving us the opportunity to interact like most of us never could before. While the University opened its gates, being a part of CSA breathed the ‘life’ into college life. So, with this issue of Pravad, we celebrate CSA going *Back to Normal*, and our gratitude towards it. Rishika Palriwal CSA plays a much more significant role in the lives of its volunteers than one might assume at first glance. On the one hand it’s a platform to showcase our skills and talents. On the other it’s the way many of us contribute to making an actual difference in society. Most of all though, CSA is an escape to us. It’s where we make friends, have fun, and find a place to momentarily distract ourselves from life’s problems. The latter was made clear to us as we faced one of life’s toughest challenges. The pandemic, this year, took a horrific turn to say the least. At such a time, CSA not only helped us cope, but also provided us with a reason to hope in this past semester. It showed us, through its various offline events and initiatives, that times can change and normalcy can return. We got to get to know our peers, become friends, and, against all odds, end the year on a happy note. For this, we’re grateful to CSA, as we dedicate this issue of Pravaad to going *Back to Normal*.
Feature Story Achromatic-We are who we are An individual's gender does not reflect the mere Violence and assault against transgender people are interaction between their reproductive system and still on the high. Moreover, they are often denied body. Societies tend to perceive the gender employment or are forced to drop out during the spectrum as binary or just as two fixed genders, course of their education. male and female. In contrast to the societal perception, non-binary is an umbrella term that In an effort to sensitise and educate the masses includes all the people who don't identify with about the non-binary community, CSA ran either male or female or identify with both genders. ’Achromatic’, an awareness campaign from the 14th to 16th July 2021. Through interactive social media Despite gaining just enough legal recognition in stories and posts, the campaign covered the various India, non-binary persons continue to be subject to aspects of non-binary, from basic terms associated social stigma. Firstly, there is a lack of sufficient with it, to discussing ways of inclusivity with regard to knowledge about the various terms associated with the non-binary community. The campaign focused on genders. Often, non-binary persons are confused spreading awareness with help from the non-binary with intersex and transgender persons. While it is community itself. true that non-binary persons don’t identify with the system of binary genders and the associated There definitely is a growing sense of acceptance, gender roles, it is essential to understand that not awareness, and support for the non-binary all transgender persons are non-binary. community. However, the pace of this progress is slow and more importantly stagnant at several points. A primary difference lies in the fact that While it is true that different forms of pop culture, intersex and transgender persons identify including Disney and Anime, have introduced non- with a particular gender, say being male binary characters, for India as a country to be more or female. But non-binary people, don’t accepting, there needs to be a dynamic transition in identify with their innate gender. Instead, prevailing cultures and belief systems. they tend to stray away or disagree with the concept of gender and don’t believe in labelling people as male and female. Moreover, not all non-binary persons go with the pronouns they/them. A close-minded society’s othering of any term, concept or identity ‘outside’ the gender binary has led to a deep-rooted sense of transphobia and homophobia in the nation. Persons belonging to the LGBTQ+ community are even being denied identity cards in their preferred names and pronouns.
Ikigai Organized by the CSA, the main focus of this virtual event was to discover the hidden gems of talent that lie within the children of the nation. With a tie-up with multiple NGOs- Prabodhan Trust, Unicorn art club, Children wise, Deepalya, Teach for India and Tilak Nagar, a talent show with 100+ participants were conducted. Activity Centre wing of CSA was responsible for the friendly competition, which was held from 17th to 19th September 2021. This was done to bring together children from all walks of life and Mrs. Antara Sarkar served as the chief help them discover their creative sides. guest for Day 1 and Miss Rashi Anand for Day 2, while the third day was Eight different contests- Quizophillic reserved for validating the creative (quiz), Colour Rush (painting), heads who took part in the competitions Enactrorama (declamation), Upcycle (art . and craft), Picturesque (photography), A better viewership turnout was seen, the Magic Groove (dancing), Cadenza event seemed to have been a success in (singing) and Naqsh (drama/theatre)were understanding the creative minds of organized. A broader spectrum was chosen children and thereby engaging them in in order to extract and showcase as much interactive activities. talent as possible. The participants were given the liberty to participate in as many events as they fancied. Children were seen taking part in all the competitions and with full zeal.
SAS 3.0 “We the people are the changemakers”. To all the Mr Juyal is a young independent filmmaker who Vampire Diaries fans out there, yes, these are the received several accolades for his work. Ms Batra, an words of our very own Damon Salvatore, Ian ardent activist for underprivileged children and Somerhalder. Changemaking is a consistent process. It founder of the organization, ‘every Infant Matters’, takes more than just creativity to be seen and more was listed in Forbes Under 30. Ms Neelam Jain, than courage to achieve the change. This is precisely founder of PeriFerry, TEDx Speaker and Forbes 30 why the youth is instrumental in creating change. They Under 30 achiever, aims to make the world a more tend to have a different and more dynamic perspective inclusive place for those belonging to the LGBTQ+ on issues and experiment with practical ways to tackle community. Her organization helped sensitize over problems. This year’s edition of SAS focuses on just 20,000 corporate employees and also helped create that- the young changemakers of today. jobs for almost 180 transgender persons. Mr Sajan Veer Abrol, yet again an achiever of the Forbes 30 Well, whether or not Sommerhalder brought about a Under 30 list, Co-founded the Clothes Box change in the audience's perception is subjective. But Foundation, which worked in collaboration with high Social Action Summit 3.0 definitely enhanced our profile individuals and organizations such as Mr perception of Changemakers. Amitabh Bachchan. After a prolonged pandemic, SAS 3.0 finally powered back on 12th August 2021, themed on Changemakers All the guest speakers spoke about their journey and under 30. Owing to the theme, Influential persons from reflections on the path to making it big. They all talked different fields of expertise shared their distinct about their childhood and what led them to become a experiences. The Chief Guest for the event was Mr changemaker. Though the event may have been much Naveen Guliya, renowned author, social worker, world more engaging offline, this online mode enabled truly record holder and much more! Riwayat, a band inspiring individuals to address a large crowd of over consisting of Christites, also performed at the event, 700 participants on the same day. It facilitated ample making it more memorable and engaging. The guest interaction and also avoided unnecessary chaos. speakers for the event were Mr Yashasvi Juyal, Ms SAS 3.0 was an unforgettable event amid a crisis such as Radhika Batra, Ms Neelam Jain and Mr Sajan Veer COVID-19. It reiterated the aim of CSA and helped recall Abrol. what SAS stands for. Despite it being online, the volunteers, too, had a wonderful experience. “I was introduced to many new faces which helped me get a chance to connect with people and work alongside them. It was a great experience and I would love to volunteer again. It also motivated me by teaming people up and providing support and guidance at every point,” said Tarannum Malhotra, a volunteer for SAS 3.0. Having been attended by over 500 people, it would be fair to say that the response was most definitely huge and positive. While SAS aims to sensitize and educate people about prevailing social issues, this year’s edition was not limited to this. It also gave the participants an insight into HOW change can be brought about, a perfect sequel to sensitization.
The Learning Hour When Jacques in As You Like It by William Shakespeare put out \"All the world's a stage and all the men and women are merely players, we believed him. If we are playing a part, why not play it right? If we are all playing parts, why not direct it right? Produce, edit, design it the right way? Theatre and movies are art at the face of it and in its behind-the-scenes mechanisms. They are art like a finely tuned clock. It takes a lot of unseen talents to make a thing go right. The Learning Hour was conducted by Dhristi on 26th September over Zoom to acquaint its volunteers with the workings of movies and theatres. There were 9 volunteers and 81 participants who gained insightful knowledge about the industry's different aspects and art forms from experienced individuals of both movies and theatre, especially in the voiceovers used in the fields. The speaker for the episode was Mr Vijay Vikram, most popularly known for voicing the titular Big Boss in the Indian reality drama show. He gave the attendees ineffable advice about failure, self-criticism, and self-doubt. He further made the event immemorable by mimicking the voice that brought him his fame. The event was riveting and interactive. The time set aside for the question-answer session appeared short as the audience was enthusiastic and interested, and had multiple questions.The event gave us a lot of insight into the professional side of this industry.
Photo Talk Apart from putting your thoughts into Maintaining this very spirit, the Media and beautiful words on paper, another way to Communication wing of CSA conducted “Photo Talk” give out a message is ‘capturing the from 28th August to 2nd September with a count of 36 moment.’ One good snap can relay many volunteers. On the first day, an online meeting was emotions and spread a powerful and held on the platform of Google meet where after the influential message. Thus, CSA came up with enthusiastic introductions, there were open discussions the idea of combining both ‘Photography’ about small scale businesses that the participants had and ‘Content writing’ to form the event witnessed around their locality but never paid much ‘Photo Talk.’ This event was organised in attention to; this was followed by a doubt-clearing connection to the \"National small industry session about the event. The next two days were given day.\" Our understanding of small-scale to the participants to explore small businesses around industries can be in various ways, ranging them, get to know their stories and click the best shot from street vendors to independent online to capture those struggles and emotions. The businesses we come across on Instagram submission required the participants to include one and Facebook like online bakeries and thrift landscape picture of the small business and one shops. And despite the hard work and effort portrait picture of the business owner. Along with this, put in by the small scale business owners, they were asked for a supporting write-up describing they tend to lag behind in competition to about the business and the owner’s story in 4-5 lines. the large scale business. The results were declared on the official Instagram page of CSA, and everyone turned out with some Let's be honest, how often do you plan to amazing shots and effective write-ups expressing the go out for a snack, and choose local snacks need to promote these small-scale businesses. The six over McDonalds or Burger King, or when was best ones were uploaded on the page, and the others the last time you considered thrift and were posted on stories. sustainable shopping over purchasing from malls and fast fashion brands who exploit Overall, the event received a positive feedback. It labourers and aren’t environment-friendly? helped raise social awareness about small scale Small-scale businesses often provide us with businesses and their importance. It also allowed the better products at moderate prices and play students to be more aware of their surroundings and a significant role in increasing the society, by interacting with many people belonging employment and economic development of from various backgrounds and lifestyles. It also India. Moreover, social media platforms have allowed them to engage in fun yet essential skills of allowed a large part of the youth to be communication, photography and content writing. contributing to the economy from an early age through small online businesses, bettering the work population status as the percentage of 13-19 years old working teens rises in the work-population ratio. Therefore, it is important we do our part and help support these businesses.
Avni Bohra AAththaarrvvaa SSiningghh Lena Jayan Varghese Agrawal Devansh Ajay Maisha Maliha Mazumder Rashi Bhandri Avni Bohra Agrawal Devansh Ajay Tanushree Faiza Khan Rajpurohit
Buddy Learning Programme 3.0 A lot of you will agree with us when we say that one There were four one-week courses as well taken by classmate or friend of ours also deserves a ‘Happy CSA volunteers which included ‘Fundamentals of Teachers’ Day’. This is because our peers are the ones design of basics of Wix’ by Garv Bakshi, ‘Fundamentals who teach us the whole syllabus before the night of the of film-making” by Rishab Prasad, Mirika and Simran exam, we take a morning class at the University and we Goel, courses of ‘Resume writing’, ‘Public speaking’ and come back home to take the same class from our friend ‘Professional communication’ by the team of CAPS and in the evening to fully understand what was taught. So, it “Beginners’ Photography’ by Atharva Singh and cannot be denied that peer learning is one of the best Devansh Agarwal followed by a bonus photography ways to learn effectively while also having fun. It gives workshop by Mr. Parabjeet Singh. one a space to freely ask our doubts and express our thoughts. And that is exactly what the Buddy Learning The programme included over 20 members managing Programme by CSA is. The third edition of ‘Buddy different areas like content writing, designing and Learning Programme’ was organised between 19th and promotions team, Dr. Suja John from faculty, all the 26th September on the platforms of Google Meet and instructors and over 200 participants. The aim of the Zoom pertaining to the pandemic situation. It was a programme was to create a fun learning environment week-long event where some CSA volunteers taught a and at the same time help participants learn various talent they’re skilled at to other fellow volunteers. Many essential skills which will come in use in different niches diverse options were available and participants were free in the future and also allow them contribute better in to register in whichever skill piqued their interest. What CSA. Some of the participants mentioned along with was different this time than the other two editions of the learning useful concepts, they also had fun Buddy Learning Programme was that CSA decided to conversations, met many new people and got to know expand its possibilities by cooperating with several their peers and seniors better. Thus, it helped mend the NGOs and social organisations and bringing gap of communication and networking students faced experienced people to take interesting workshops with due to the college being held online. The event would the attendees. The programme included four one-day be considered a huge success as everyone who was a courses and four one-week courses this year. The one-day part of Buddy Learning Programme 3.0, be it the courses started from 20th September where speakers participants, the content and productions team, or the from NGOs and social organisations were invited to instructors, agreed to the fact that it was a great conduct workshops with the participants which included learning experience and benefitted all of them in one ‘7 Habits of an Effective Person’ by Vishal Malik from or the other way to polish their skills and expand their ‘Letz Ascend’, ‘Sign Language Workshop’ by the ‘Enable knowledge. India’ organisation, workshop on ‘Social Entrepreneurship’ by ‘Take a Step’, and on ‘Gender Stereotypes’ by the ‘Sakshi’ organisation. The attendees described the sessions were very interactive and insightful and they had some much helpful takeaways from the same.
Twillift Apart from Diwali or Pongal cleaning, it isn’t The faculty coordinator, Ms Suja John, uncommon to find your wardrobes about to was also present. Despite the taxing and burst open, overflowing with clothes. Of course, maybe even chaotic travel (Bangalore your family follows after you to tidy up, and traffic!), the drive fostered teamwork and your standard reply remains, “Yeah I’ll do it.” also a deep sense of satisfaction in the Yet, the same clothes that dangle from our volunteers. “Twillift was great in terms of untidy wardrobe shelves are what an Volunteering, because the information was underprivileged child yearns to have, just to be very accessible, such as how to donate and warm.Maslow’s hierarchy ranks physiological from where to donate. It wasn’t just limited needs as the first and most important in the to clothes. You could donate so many hierarchy of needs. Undeniably, clothes different items. So, it became more constitute a basic need for any human. They engaging. People could donate whatever are the essence of human dignity. Thus, clothes the wanted to. It was also really interesting. donation drives seem to be highly prevalent, We had to pack boxes, a lot of people were especially in big cities. The process not just involved and as a result we could interact promotes sustainability but also encourages with new people and learn a lot.” said reusability. Twillift aims to do just this. Nameera Khan, one of the volunteers. The volunteers also faced slight difficulties in Twillift is a pan India clothes donation drive keeping the children engaged and also organized by the Prayatna in collaboration persuading people to donate clothes. with Goonj. Founded in 1999, Goonj aims to However, by the end of the initiative, equip the underprivileged in India with the approximately 450 Kgs of clothes were most basic need, clothing. By collaborating successfully donated. with an empowering organization such as this, Twillift could be conducted nationwide, covering over 10 cities, including the four metro cities. Though a seemingly small number, it is definitely a big step towards promoting sustainability, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goal 12 and a platform for fostering thrifting and upcycling clothes.The drive consisted of over sixty participants from the Bannerghatta Road Campus, residing in different corners of India and also saw contributions from the Alumni.
This semester, CSA has worked on two major short The script writers for this film belonged to the films, both of which have been posted on the Media and Communication wings, and suitable official Instagram page and the YouTube channel. actors were chosen from a list of Drishti The first, ‘Khaatma- Dard Ka Ya Humara?’, was volunteers after a round of selection. The main released on 31st May 2021 and concerns drug character, Nupur, was played by Sneha S Nair. addiction. The second, 225, released on 30th July The cast who played the main supporting 2021 raises awareness on human trafficking. characters are: Sudeshana Chandra, Vatsal 1. Khaatma- Dard Ka Ya Humara?: Kirwal, Karthik Takyar, Riya Malani, Jaishini Drug addiction refers to the compulsion to consume Sivaram and Samarth Srivastava. The credits are substances that are detrimental to the user’s physical shared with the music composers, script writers, and mental health. It is a serious problem that plagues promotors and directors as well who worked our society more so by the day as it causes 80% of enthusiastically in the creation of this film. Since suicides in youngsters. If this is so bad, why do people India was in the grips of the second wave of the continue to indulge in them? The answer to this COVID-19 pandemic in the month of May, the question is a simple one: consumption of most drugs volunteers could not meet. They all shot their stimulates dopamine, a ‘happy hormone’ that makes respective parts from their own homes. On the people feel good and forget their problems. Over time, 31st, their hard work paid off and the movie was it becomes arduous to stop, even if the user wishes to streamed on youtube and Instagram. do so. This has a devastating impact of individuals The film reached out to over two thousand and the society- which is why so many organizations watchers. Most of the audience felt that are trying to create awareness concerning drugs. Khaatma- Dard ka ya humara? was widely On that note, CSA had made its own short film to impactful, and conveyed the concerns of the raise awareness on drug addiction-the Akrasia short society well. The poetry towards the ending and film- ‘Khaatma- Dard Ka Ya Humara?’ Drishti and the the video editing also earned a lot of praise. Media and Communication wings together hosted this However, common complaints regarding the short film between 28th and 31st May, 2021 on delay, poor camera angles, and the lack of light Instagram, WhatsApp and YouTube. A total of 19 scenes surfaced as well. volunteers contributed to make this film a success. ‘Khaatma- Dard Ka Ya Humara?’ was released in response to the World no tobacco day, and also touches upon alcoholism and suicide.
short Films 225: The film displays actual instances of Human trafficking is defined as forcefully human trafficking with shocking accuracy to recruiting or transporting people without show the wrongdoings of individuals and consent for the purpose of exploiting them. It how they employ children in the bangle is a global phenomenon that manifests in the industries of Firozabad. The movie sheds form of bonded labour, sex trafficking and light on the struggles of these children and organ trafficking. In all of these cases, the their pathetic state. victims are taken advantage of, and are lulled with false promises of a better life. It is With nearly 2000 views, it didn’t have as not uncommon to be treated badly, even much reach as expected. However, this is not to brutally by their recruiters. Human trafficking be blamed on the quality. Based on the is one of the serious impediments to creating feedback surveys conducted, we can conclude a fair society, yet it is a problem that most that most watchers enjoyed the short film are all too happy to ignore. Human because it was deemed touching. The audience trafficking is not dealt with as seriously as it also appreciated Sayan Chaudhuri’s excellent should be, since there is a lack of political will acting, the use of background music to add to immediately address its root causes. meaning and the role of minor characters in the film. However, there is much scope for On the occasion of World Day against improvement. Most watchers felt that the video Human Trafficking in persons, observed on quality and the editing was not up to the mark. 30th July every year, CSA’s cultural wing, The ripple effect in transition did not work right Drishti, released a touching short film on and the part with the zoom out created a Instagram and YouTube titled 225. Six disconnect in the movie. The colour grading was volunteers contributed to the making of the also inconsistent in some scenes. Another area film. In contrast to all other films, 225 had a of dissatisfaction is Arsh’s character, smaller cast. Sayan Chaudhuri played the Memsahaib, which many felt was too main protagonist of this film, Taran. ambiguous. Memsahib was portayed by Arsh Kaur, whereas Garvit Dhalla played the role of the trafficker and Sarang Sharma of Number 55. Karthik Takyar was in-charge of the story writing and further contributed to the background score. The film was edited and promoted by Archita Sharma.
COC After numerous online CSA meetings and events, finally Many different instances were pitched in by various the offline classes were resumed by the college for members which formed great examples, like how students of all years. The students came in with beaming yoga originated in India but was adopted and later enthusiasm as the college corridors were finally bustling standardized by America, thus making it look like and felt alive again. This also called for the much Yoga had its origin in America instead. This took awaited offline “Chat over Coffee” session, organised by away the ownership of the cultural practice from the the Media and Communication Wing of CSA. The session source community and is the reason why criticism took place on 9th November from 1-2 PM and the topic arises. Therefore, when the actual meaning, of discussion was “Cultural Appropriation.” The importance, and traditional value behind a culture or conversation started off with Aryamini, the moderator of cultural practice is not acknowledged, it becomes the event, introducing to all, the basic definition of appropriation instead of appreciation. Appreciation cultural appropriation, which is loosely defined as another of culture involves respecting and showing interest society \"borrowing\" any of the cultural features without towards the whole culture, and not just selecting seeking permission or crediting the original culture. elements that became a “fashion trend” or turn out to Dominant communities adopting cultures of the minorities be financially beneficial, etc. becomes problematic and many such instances have often been witnessed by everyone, for example white The last sip of coffee was followed by the ending celebrities adopting hairstyles or fashion from the black thoughts regarding what everyone as an individual culture, without learning about the significance or history can do to help correct this form of misrepresentation of struggle behind it. The discussion on this topic ranged and incorrect adoption of one’s culture. It was agreed from these instances to who this practice could be upon that although it is not our duty to actively go offensive to and why. around correcting ignorant people, but the least we can do is make people aware of the problematic With many sips of coffee came many new perspectives aspects and give them a better essence of the actual from different people. One of the participants shared her culture, in case we encounter someone stereotyping opinion on this topic. According to her, the minority one’s culture in any way. cultures see this in a bad light due to the fact that many of them belong to a lower class or the financially weaker Thus, the event overall was a success, with almost 25- section of the society, and so culture for them is their only 30 CSA members joining in and engaging in a asset. Thus, they want to preserve their culture and stand fruitful discussion over a hot coffee. Everyone left the against its misrepresentation. Everyone present in the session looking forward to more engaging and session agreed to the fact that adoption of other cultures informative “Chat over Coffee” sessions in the future. is not a particularly negative thing, as long as we educate ourselves with the history of their culture and learn to acknowledge and appreciate it as a whole. Another participant present laid a clear distinction between appropriation and appreciation. This helped others grab a better understanding of the entire concept.
Tarseel Tarseel is an initiative taken by CSA Drishti will continue to work hard to this year to spread awareness. Tarseel is produce these videos for its watchers, an Urdu word that means ‘transmission’ and thanks to everyone for their in the sense that CSA aims to transmit support and cooperation. Tarseel plans change into the lives of its watchers. It to drop two more reels in the month of officially commenced on 4th September November. Stay tuned!. 2021, and will continue its operations for a whole year. It is not a yearly or half yearly event per se, but it consists of Instagram reels and posts that are released periodically on CSA’s official Instagram page, csa.bgr. Drishti, the cultural wing of CSA has formed a special committee just for the purpose of making these reels. At the time of writing, Tarseel consists of 3 reels that cover feminine hygiene, malnutrition and sex education respectively. The reels are extremely short, spanning less than a minute, and offer watchers tips concerning the respective topics. The reel on feminine hygiene is widely popular, having attained 226k views on Instagram. CSA feels that these topics are under- addressed, despite being important.
In conversation with
Prajwal H: Hi, could you tell me a little bit about yourself? H: That sounds very fun. P: I’m Prajwal, a 3rd year BBA student right now. P: Yeah, I wish you guys could enjoy this little bit. We’re And I've been with CSA since my first year. I joined trying to make this happen at least one or two times next as an activity centre and media and communication semester. Let’s hope for it. volunteer. H: What are your favourite activities conducted by CSA H: Was there any specific reason you joined CSA? this year? P: In the beginning, I was just trying to be a part of P: This academic year, I'd say SAS would be one of the best a lot of extracurricular activities. The concept of an activities because I was personally in the making of SAS, so activity centre where we go to these kids every day it was more special for me. Other than that, I'd say 225, the after college was specifically intriguing to me. I just movie which was released by Drishti. It was somewhat wanted to help out the kids in the beginning and particular and very interesting. And the other one would be other activities like Kingdom drives and nature Ikigai. Well, it was another event in which games were walks were somewhat interesting to me. That's how I organized for the kids in an NGO we're collaborating with. started. So these were a few events that I think were particularly interesting. H: So in all this time, what would you say are the best memories that you've had with CSA? H: On that note, would you recommend your juniors to join P: I have a lot of good memories with CSA. If you're CSA? asking for the best ones, I'd say when we had Milan. P: 100%. So all the juniors are meeting the users and just That was happening with the stage committee. So telling them to join in whatever extracurricular activities my responsibilities included a lot of activities with that they are interested in. And obviously, CSA is not just a the kids. Seeing them all excited for the activities place where you can give back to the community. But the coming up was great. It was one of my favourite activities teach you a lot in general. So you can learn a lot memories here. The second was when I and my from just not only helping out kids, but you can learn things senior took a trip to Camp hunting in Karnataka like sales, sponsorships, and even marketing and stuff like itself. Another, if you ask me, is the Bagalkot camp. this one. So it’s a good place to learn pretty much We went to a district called Bagalkot in north everything. Karnataka for four days. These will be some of my best memories. H: Since we’ve all come back offline do you think CSA’s scope will improve? P: I'd say that I'm particularly hopeful for this academic year because of all how interesting the activities that we have offline are. So the only thing that I think we have to make sure of is that whatever first-year experiences we had can be recreated along with the legacy of CSA. So I'd say that we are hoping to bring it back not fully, but at least 70 to 80% of what we had in our first year.
Prajwal H: Hi, could you tell me just a little bit H: That sounds very fun. about yourself? P: Yeah, I wish you guys could enjoy this little bit. P: I’m Prajwal, a 3rd year BBA student right We’re trying to make this happen at least one or two now. And I've been with CSA since my first times next semester. Let’s hope for it. year. I joined as an activity centre and media and communication volunteer. Q: What are your favorite activities conducted by CSA this year? H: Was there any specific reason you P: This academic year, I'd say SAS would be one of the joined CSA? best activities because I was personally in the making P: In the beginning, I was just trying to be a of SAS, so it was more special for me. Other than that, part of a lot of extracurricular activities. I'd say 225, the movie which was released by Drishti. It The concept of an activity centre where we was somewhat particular and very interesting. And the go to these kids every day after college other one would be Ikigai. Well, it was another event in was specifically intriguing to me. I just which games were organized for the kids in an NGO wanted to help out the kids in the beginning and other activities like we're collaborating with. So these were a few Kingdom drives and nature events that I think were particularly works were somewhat interesting interesting. to me. That's how I started. H: On that note, would you recommend your juniors H: So in all this time, what would you say to join CSA? are the best memories that you've had with CSA? P: 100%. So all the juniors are meeting P: I have a lot of good memories the users and just telling them to join in with CSA. If you're asking for the best ones, whatever extracurricular activities that I'd say when we had Milan. That was they are interested in. And obviously, CSA happening with the stage committee. So is not just a place where you can give back my responsibilities included a lot of to the community. But the activities teach you a activities with the kids. Seeing them all lot in general. So you can learn a lot from just not only excited for the activities coming up was helping out kids, but you can learn things like sales, great. sponsorships, and even marketing and stuff like this one. So it’s a good place to learn pretty much It was one of my favourite memories here. everything. The second was when I and my senior took a trip to Camp hunting in Karnataka itself. H: Since we’ve all come back offline do you Another, if you ask me, is the Bagalkot think CSA’s scope will improve? camp. We went to a district called P: I'd say that I'm particularly hopeful for this Bagalkot in north Karnataka for four days. academic year because of all how interesting the These will be some of my best memories. activities that we have offline are. So the only thing that I think we have to make sure of is that whatever first-year experiences we had can be recreated along with the legacy of CSA. So I'd say that we are hoping to bring it back not fully, but at least 70 to 80% of what we had in our first year.
Toshank Q. How has your experience in offline college been so far? Ans. Offline and online, you can’t compare them. No matter how good we are at technology, it's hard to set into the ‘new normal. Offline has its own charm, the interactions are entirely different, the face-to-face expressions, the eye contact, and the atmosphere cannot be explained. Q. Why did you choose CSA (Drishti) in particular? Ans . Since childhood, I have been a hyperactive child. I used to always admire actors, the whole cinema used to fascinate me. I have been singing since first grade. The school did not give me enough exposure in terms of acting. Coming from a middle-class family, it wasn't the most obvious choice. In college, acting was one of my main focuses and Dristi was such a place that gave me that exposure. Q. How was your experience while making the reel under Tarsheel? Ans. I come from a Punjabi family and especially in North India, people have a stereotypical way of thinking and you have to be conscious about your looks and dressing. The ‘feminine’ aspects were hard to incorporate. This reel was challenging for me, I knew I would not be able to notch it but I wanted to grow as an artist. This was the first time I put on makeup and traditionally feminine clothing. Q.What you take something away from this experience? Ans. This experience helped me grow as an artist. It made me ready for the future roles to come. While i was preparing for the shoot, i realized that the fear of being feminine, or liking the stereotypical feminne thing is an irrational fear. It is entirely up to you and you should not care what people think of you. I don't think I would mind any of that if the future brings it to me.
Toshank Q. What does gender neutrality mean for you? Ans. Today's youth, we are slowly growing and getting to a path where we are breaking the walls of stereotyping and adapting to new things which earlier we were scared of. Gender Neutrality is a sensitive, yet an important topic because how we present ourselves should not give us a tag. It should be up to us. Me wearing a kurta or makeup does not mean I identify as a woman, I identify as a man and am comfortable with my masculinity. Q. In your opinion, how far have we come as a society in the last five years when it comes to acceptance? Ans. In the past few years, exposure to technology has grown rapidly. Exposure to social media has played the most important role in the entire scenario. When we think of bringing a change, we look up to social media which is a key role in spreading awareness. In the past five years, people have started becoming more vocal and out there. There is a huge scope of improvement in that field which shall happen in the next few years. Q. What more steps do you think can be taken to improve on this situation? Ans. The next step is to actually target the parents. No matter how much awareness we spread, at the end of the day, we look for their approval and acceptance. When I got the role and told my parents, the first question they asked me was ‘why you?’. The generational gap will always be there but it is the most important thing we need to change and make them realize that their thinking has somewhere been wrong and a reason why people have been quiet for so long. It is our parents' opinions that matter the most for a majority of us. Q.How was your experience with CSA and the reel in particular? Ans. As I said, it gave me an opportunity to grow as an artist. I had a dream of doing something that people will look up to. When I got selected, I had mixed feelings about it but while I was shooting, I was living in the moment, I was living in the character.
Faiza Q: Okay. So first off you could begin by telling me Q: Being a fresher, you’re already heading an your name. event. So could you tell me a little bit more A: Okay. So hi, I'm Faiza Khan and I'm in 1BBA about your event and your experience? honors. I'm from Lucknow. A: I was asked if I would like to manage the event. and my response was “why not”? And they Q: So Faiza, So what really motivated you to get guided me through it. About the event, we just into CSA? had an idea that was Ad Mad for the first week, A: So, uh, honestly I really like media and graphic uh, because of World Television Day, and we had designing and posters and everything. So I really that. And then, uh, because of that, we wanted to like the media and communication wing of it. I had do something regarding the advertisements and no idea about how to go about this, so I talked to the campaigns. And the next thing, Suja ma'am Nameera and she guided me that, even if I don't told us that we need to include the SDGs, the know what Canva is or anything they'll teach me or sustainable development goals in it. they'll guide us through the whole of it. So we thought we combine the events firstly, we were going to have four elements, but eventually Q: So what all events have you wandered so far? we have only two events still going on. One is A: So, uh, when I joined the first event was Dumshar-Ads and the second one is mood board Phototalk. I took part in it and I think there were six making. So the first one, the Dumshar-ads is a photos selected. Do you know what Phototalk is? short video, where you need to create an advertisement for a product that relates to the Q: Yes, but could you elaborate? SDGs, using graphics and everything and not Ans :So Phototalk was an event where we had to really speaking about the product. approach a small business, and know the story : And the second one is mood board making. So behind the business, or why are they having the you have to advertise the product by making a business? So,I went to a local business and he told mood board. These are the two events and they me that his wife unfortunately died and that he's are submission based events. continuing this business because of her. I took a photo of him and it's on the CSA page. Q: Alright. So I mean, that all sounds really And the next one was the Buddy Learning Program. fascinating to me. You've told me about your I volunteered as a designer and now I'm heading an experience. So did you face any challenges? event known as Envision. It's kind of a social campaign. A: I found it a bit challenging to head an event. I've never done that before. So, I was not sure what I needed to do and I didn't know if I would be satisfied with my work. I talked to Karan. He were there for me and always guided my Co- head Esha and me.We presented the ideas to team and they really liked it. So we went on with the event.
Faiza Q: Oh, that's really nice. I mean, you actually Through Phototalk I learned how people are thought of the challenges and everything. So you and what people have faced through their joined online obviously, and I think recently there lives. And there are so many reasons behind was a CSA meeting. So what, according to you, was everyone's businesses and professions. I really the difference between an offline and an online want to be a part of the activity center. I love meeting? their CSP initiative. I really want to visit the A: In an online general meeting, honestly nobody children, wherever they are, and we would paid attention to the presentations. In the offline want to talk to them. meeting we were interacting with each other. So, it was really easy for us to communicate with others. Q: So do you think that in your opinion, you In the online meetings many of them were talking would actually continue with CSA for the rest but many of us didn't even listen. I loved the offline of your college? meeting. I talked to all the representatives of the A: I think I will be continuing with CSA different wings and they were really sweet. And they because I really feel that the people here are said that if I want, I can join all the wings, and not very friendly, and they're always here to help only media and communication. I can join any of us out. They're not just like the leaders or the the wings if I want. I think I'm even going to join one heads. Karan, Ananya and Nameera; I've more. worked with them and they're just like my friends now. Even though Karan is in third Q: The other question I wanted to ask you was, year, he speaks nicely with us. He could you tell me some of your learnings in CSA so communicates and whenever there's some far? problem I can talk to him. A: So I was really interested in graphic designing. and I wanted to pursue it, but I couldn't, for some reason and being in media communication taught me a lot about poster designing. About the graphics, how they're supposed to be aligned and everything. I also learned how to be patient with the volunteers. We really have to be patient with them. There are so many corrections that we have to make. There's so many things that will change. I was a volunteer myself, in the Buddy Learning Program, and the heads told us to change the whole poster. So we had to be really patient with doing all the work.
Rupesh CSA taught me that if you believe in something and work hard at it, you can possibly achieve anything! Q: Do you remember the very first event you more close to these people and the organisation volunteered for In CSA and how the experience than my classmates, so leaving is obviously a very was? sad moment for me but at the same time, I am Ans. The first big event I volunteered for was ‘Talent also very happy and proud that I was a part of stay,’ it was supposed to happen in the main something so big and I know the juniors will be campus. And on the day of the event, I actually went carrying on this legacy and keep doing great earlier than my reporting time, along with my things just like we and our seniors and super roommate, I was assigned the task of food serving, seniors have been doing, and lastly, I feel that we served the breakfast to all the children that had even after graduating, CSA will always be a part come, it was a really nice and fun experience. Later, of me. when the kids went to participate in the activities they came here for, we had to be prepared with the Q: We've been doing everything online for many lunch. This was when we found out there was some months, but things are finally returning to food shortage which led to a lot of chaos. I normal and we are back to the offline mode, so remember running around the campus with one of how does it feel to be back to normal, having my seniors and finally managing to bring the food offline CSA events also working with a lot of for the kids. That chaos and running around was a new faces small part of it but a very sudden situation, Ans. First of all, it is really good seeing everybody something I did not expect so that was actually was back on campus, I can see the energy that was quite a memorable experience for me in my CSA there before the pandemic and lockdown hit. I journey. think it is not just we coming back to campus, it is a whole new restart we are trying to look at, at Q: How big of a part has CSA played in the whole CSA. Obviously, working online for almost a year three years of your college life and how does it has changed a lot of things in how juniors feel now that your college term is ending and so is perceive CSA or how we perceive CSA, and there the journey with CSA? will be a lot more changes in the upcoming days Ans. I mean, obviously, when I was coming to college than how we used to function, but I am really I was not expecting this, I did think college would be excited for it as well. fun but when I came here I saw what CSA does and it really inspired me. Although I did not join from the very beginning I joined eventually because I knew what CSA is trying to do is really great. My lifestyle has definitely changed completely after being a part of CSA, it has made me more morally conscious so every time I am doing any daily activity like buying food then there’s a moral call at the back of my mind if I really need the extra food or if I can I donate it to a needy etc. Other than that, it is also a really fun experience, CSA has allowed me to meet so many great people and I’m probably
Rupesh Q. What are the difficulties you faced during the Q: .We know being a christite is exhausting and whole online college mode, be it conducting events we have to juggle many things together if we or just connecting to fellow CSA peers or anything want to be part of other co-curricular activities similar? like CSA so my last question to you would be Why CSA? Why did you choose to join it and Since I am the head of activity centre, I will tell you decide to stick around for so long that you're in terms of that. A big part of what Activity centre now an Activity Centre rep and why should all does is engaging with children, and one of the the new students who've joined us this year difficulties we often faced was in coordinating and should have the same spirit too!? gathering both the volunteers and the group of children at the same time. Although, online mode Ans. I think one definite reason is that we get to had its own perks like we could work anytime and do something good for society, but apart from from anywhere we want but it still lacked the touch that, there is also the factor that it is a space and the physical connection of actually meeting and where one can make mistakes and learn from interacting with the kids, and even interaction them and everyone, like my seniors and peers, among the volunteers and the small things like that were very supportive. Whenever I happened to which means a lot to me. I feel the reason why I am have a bad day at college, CSA was a in CSA is because of these small things that we do comfortable place where I could go and engage which do matter quite a lot. Another big problem in. There isn’t anyone particular reason I would was getting in touch with the children for the say my juniors to stick around for, but then I’m teaching sessions especially during the time sure each one of them will find many different lockdown was slowly being uplifted and these kids reasons to. It is just an accepting and great space whose parents are mostly daily workers were where one can be themselves, express themselves returning to work, that is because most of them freely and new ideas can be brought in, it is a belonged from marginalized sections and they space where you can pitch in whatever ideas you mostly had only one smartphone at home and didn’t have in mind and you are passionate about. In have enough internet facilities 24/7, so we had to fact, this is one thing I learned from my seniors, keep in touch with their parents throughout to be what I am also taking back from CSA and able to conduct some evening sessions with the something I would also like to pass on to my children, but we did manage through, especially due juniors that if you have a passion for something to the support the parents showed all along. So yes, and are willing to work hard on it, you can the pandemic wasn’t easy for any of us, there were possibly achieve anything. And that is why most times when we had burnouts when we were of our events are big be it small, are successfully completely exhausted and there were times when we carried out, it is because we believe in the event, even questioned that if it is even worth it but then the cause, and that it is possible! again I always feel that even if we are able to help one person out, it fulfills the aim of the organisation and shows that CSA is there for people, so that is the spirit we went ahead with, it was obviously not easy but we also learned a lot of new things through this experience.
PRAVAD Team Faculty Coordinator-CSA Bannerghatta Road Campus Dr. Suja John Coordinator- PRAVAD Aaditya Govind Rao Rishika Palriwal Content Generator Harrshita V Maisha Maliha Mazumdar Siddhi Gattani Thrisha Sajeev Proofreaders Alona Aby Kavya Kohli Designers Gauri Agarwal Sanskriti Bharati Sonakshi Tanushree Coordinators- Media and Communication Ananya Aggarwal Karan Jalan Nameera Khan Special Thanks All the volunteers whose work is featured in this issue
csa.bgr CentreForSocialAction Centre for Social Action CHRIST (DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY) BANNERGHATTA ROAD CAMPUS Bannerghatta main road ,Pai Layout , Hulimavu, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076
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