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Combridge Young Le arners English Tests C crrnbrld ge St c^rt ers 2 Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: English for Speakers of Other Languages CAVTBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Slo Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge. orgl97 80 521,693486 @ Cambridge University Press 2007 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2001 Updated edition 2007 4th printing201,1, Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this publication is auailable from tbe British Library ISBN 978-0 521,-69348-6 Student's Book ISBN 978-0 -521-69349-3 Answer Booklet ISBN 978-0 - 521-693 50-9 Cassette ISBN 978-0-521.-69351.-6 Audio CD Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Cover design by David Lawton Produced by HL Studios
Test 1 5 Li.stenLng 11 Reodlng ond Writlng 1q Test 2 25 Li.stening 33 3q Reading ond Wrlting 47 Test 3 51 Li,stenlng 55 Readlng ond Wrltlng Speohing Tests Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
L istening Part 1 - 5 guestions - Listen q,nd drow lines. There is one exomple. m#
Test I Part 2 Read the question. Listen ond write o nome or o, number. There ore two examples. Exomples Kim Whot's the girls nome? How old i.s she? B
Questions Listening 1 Whot's the nome oJ Kim's Jother? Street House School 2 Where does Kim [ive? ln 3 How mony trees ore there [n K[m's gorden? 4 Which school does Ktm go to? 5 How mang chitdren ore [n K[m's ctoss?
Test I Part 3 - 5 questions - Listen ond tich (y') *e box. There is one exomple. Whot's the crocodite doing? -k %k ({-*rr C-o* AI BT cv 1 Whot's the boby dolng? AE BE cE 2 Whot's Nich doing? AE BE cE
Listening 3 Whot's Mum doing? Ar BJ cE 4 Whot's Tom doing? AE BE cr 5 Who's ptoying the piono? AE BT cE
Test I Port 4 - 5 questions - Listen ond colour. There is one exomple. 0# 10
Reading and Writing Port 1 - 5 questions - Look and reod. Put o tich (r') or o cross (X) in the box. There ore two exomptes. Exomples This is o dog. Questions This is o bus. 1 trThis is o monster. 11
Test I This [s o tobte. 2 This is o cohe. This [s o T-shirt. 3 This is o horse. 4 5 12
Reading and Writing Port 2 - 5 questions - Looh ond reod. Write $€S or ItO. Exomples yes The girt is ploying on the computer. There ore J[ve onimols. Questions 1 The mouse [s under the choir. 2 The dog hooss got bloch eors. 3 The cot is sleeping on the Jloor. 4 The girl is sitting between the soJo ond the computer. The dog is jumping on the soJo. 13
Test I Port 3 - 5 questions - Look ot the pictures. Loolc, ot the [etters. Write the words. Exomple Iemon 2 3 4 5 14
Reading and Writing Port 4 - 5 questions - Read this. Choose o word f.o* the box. Write the correct word next to numbers l-5. There is one exompte. A bobg I live [n o ...h.qy.g.9.... with mU mum ond mg dod. Theg tihe hotding ond wotching me. I sleep ot (l) .... ond in the doy too! I drinh lots oJ (2) . . I sit and hich my (3) but I con't woth! I can't to[h, but I con wove 'Goodbye' wlth mg (4) .My Jovourlte tog is a yellow (5) ........ ! Whot om I? I om o boby. ex omple % b ce ru milk feet night g d*mfl /Jffi--------{1 tree duck I-shirt \\h-4j house 15
Test I Port 5 - 5 questions - Looh ot the pictures ond read the questions. Write one-word q,nswers. Exomples ot school Where ore the children? 5 How mong children ore there? Questions 1 Whot colour ore the girls' dresses? 16
Reading and Writing 2 What ore the girts ptoying with? a How mong boys ore sitting down? Whot qre the children doing now? Who is with the children? the 17
L isteni^g Port 1 - 5 questions - Listen ond draw llnes. There is one exampte. 19
Test 2 Port 2 - 5 questions - Read the question. Listen ond write o nome or o number. There ore two exomples. Exomples N ick Whot's the bog's nome? How manu poges ore [n the booh? B 20
Questions Listening 1 Whot's the monster's nome? Street 2 How mony orms does the monster hove? 3 Where does the monster [ive? ln 4 How mong Jeet hos:the monster got? 5 Whot's the nome oJ the dog? 21
Test 2 Po,rt 3 - 5 questions - Listen ond tick (y') *re box. There is one example. Whot's Tom doing? AT BV cE 1 Whot's Ann doing? AE BE cE 2 Which girl [s Sue? AT BE cE 22
Listening 3 Whot's Nich doing? AE BE cI 4 Whot's the cot dotng? AT BT cE 5 Whot's Mum doing? AE BE cE 23
Test 2 Port 4 - 5 questions - Listen ond colour. There is one exomple. 24
Reoding ond Writing Port 1 - 5 questions - Looh q,nd reod. Put o tick, (r') or q, cross (X) in the box. There q,re two exomples. Examples This is o tree. &-Cw, This is on lce creom. This is o dress. Questions 1 25
Test 2 2 This ts o rodto. 3 Thts is o gultor. 4 trThis is on oronge NSS This ts o bobg. 26
Reading and Writing Port 2 - 5 questions - Looh qnd read. Write l€S or ItO. Exomples yes There ore Jour children in the room. One monster is drinhtng. Questions 1 The blue monster [s eoting three ice creoms. 2 A womon is ploging the piono. 3 Att the children ore weoring hots. 4 The monster with glosses is singing. 5 Att the monsters hove two heods. 27
Test 2 Port 3 - 5 questions - Looh ot the pictures. Loolc ot the [etters. Write the words. AExomple duck 6'ff'1i' ,$#{ 6r#e % \"## Questions ,*#& 2@ ffi eff#e 28
Reading and Writing Port 4 - 5 questions - Reod this. Choose o word f.o* the box. Write the correct word next to numbers I-5. There is one exomple. A dott r,@yMr3 r<----J-t My nome is Mog. Anno. ptoys with me in her ....hp.qq9..... I've got long yellow (I) on mg heod ond I weor o beout'rJut pink f-shirt qnd o. pink (2) . On my Jeet, I hove rwo nlce (3) . . I om one oJ Anno's Jovourite (4) . In the dog, I slt on the cupboord. At nlght, I sleep [n Anno's .(s) ........ ! Whot om I? I om do[[. exompte M@@B skirt bike shoes house 7-\\ Avrfi\\ \\>, \\r7/'!-.) hoir .U\\\\ bed rce creom 29
Test 2 Port 5 - 5 questions - Looh ot the pictures end reod the questions. Write one-word onswers. Examples in the e9tgqt Where ore the chitdren? two How mong onlmols ore there? Questions 1 Whot ore the children ploging with? 30
Reading and Writing Where is the cot? in the Whqt hos the womon got in her hond? o Who is the cot with now? the What is ln the tree? the 31
L istening Part 1 - 5 questlons - Listen and draw [ines. There is one exomple. 33
Test 3 Port 2 - 5 questions - Reod the question. Listen qnd write o nome or o number. There cre two examples. Exomples Iom Whot's the boy's nome? How mony chtldren ore [n the boy's picture? 34
Listening Questions 1 Whot's the girls nome? 2 How mony bedrooms ore in her house? 3 Whot number [s on the door? 4 Whot's rhe nome oJ her boby brother? 5 Which booh is the girt reoding? 35
Test 3 Port 3 - 5 questions - Listen ond tich (y') *re box. There is one exomple. Whtch is Ann? AE BV cE 1 Whtch boy is John? AE BI cE 2 Whot's Mog doing? AT BE cE 36
Listening Whot's Pot doing? AE BE cE 4 Which boy is Som? AE BE cE Whot's Emmq doing? AE BE cI 37
Test 3 Part 4 - 5 questions - Listen ond colour. There is one example. 3B
Reoding ond Writing pq,rt 1 - 5 guestions - Lootr ond req,d. Put o tich (r') or o cross (X) ln the box. There o,re two exomples. Examples This is o choir. Questions trThis is on elephont. 1 This is o spider. 39
Test 3 This is o [omp. Th[s is o sock. 2 This is o troln. This is o bog. 3 4 5 40
Reading and Writing Port 2 - 5 questions - Looh and reod. Write J€S or ItO. Exomples yes Two bogs ore weoring shoes. no There are three boats on the seo. Questions 1 A girl is pointing o ptcture oJ the boots. 2 The bird is Jtying. 3 Two chitdren ore swlmming between the boots. 4 The comero [s next to the bog. 5 One bog is sleeping on the beoch. 41
Test 3 Port 3 - 5 guestions - Looh ot the pictures. Looh ot the letters. Write the words. Example mo t or b i ke ,AQuestions '@-R- l4( #3 G2o 42
Reading and Writing Part 4 - 5 questions - Read this. Choose o word fro^ the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There ls one example. A cot I om btoch ond white. I hoveJour......lsg.g..... ond o long tait. I see with my two green (1) . !I tive with Som ond his mum ond (2) in their house. I tihe drinking (3) In the doy I lihe cotching smo[[ (4) . in the gorden. At night, I sleep on the (5) . in the tiving room. Whot om I? I om o cot. exomple @oKYry@ legs mice ='ffimilk opple GbGP.{@r-\\ tnEI ee eyes dod sofo 43
Test 3 Port 5 - 5 questions - Looh ot the pictures ond read the questions. Write one-word onswers. Exomples thnee How mqny chltdren ore there? honds Where ore the birds? on the boy's Questions a 1 Whot is the bog riding? 44
Reading and Writing 2 Where ore the birds now? on the boy's How mong bo[[s hos the girl on the bike got? Whot ore the onlmo[s doing now? Where ore the batts? on the 45
Sp.ohing uo (J zUJ (U)J ta 47
OBJECT CARDS Test 1 L-___________ T-- Test 1 Test 1 I x--J^ I Test 1 Test 1 &# tb bP* tu{tu reF r# Test 1 49