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NUPPP FundOperational Management ReportApril 2016 NUPPP Fund

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportThis report has been produced by MAMG for viewing byInvestors of the NUPPP Fund only.Cover picture: Farnham 2

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportContentsExecutive Summary................................................................4Section 1...................................................................................5Education Projects..................................................................5 Newham Schools ........................................................................6 Redbridge Schools......................................................................9 Temple Primary School.............................................................11Section 2.................................................................................14Health Projects ......................................................................14 Bradford Horton Park ................................................................15 Chichester .................................................................................17 Dudley, Ladies Walk .................................................................20 Farnham....................................................................................23 Newark Hospital ........................................................................27Section 3.................................................................................29Local Authority Accommodation Projects........................29 Brighton, Jubilee Library ...........................................................30 Hackney ....................................................................................33 Redcar and Cleveland...............................................................36Section 4.................................................................................38Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations...............................38 3

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportExecutive SummaryExecutive Summary 4

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportSection 1EducationProjects 5

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportNewham SchoolsHealth and SafetyThere were no RIDDOR or other Health and Safety incidentsrecorded in the reporting period.Quadriga will carry out their annual independent H&S audit on the2-3rd June 2016.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is included within theExecutive Summary.Kingsford ExtensionThe Authority works are progressing a week behind schedule andthere have been no further incidents of unauthorised access ontosite, since Elliott installed CCTV to their site cabins.Kaizen Multi Academy TrustKaizen School has joined with two other schools with the aim offorming a Multi Academy Trust. Consultations are underway and adecision will be made by the Governing Body on the 25th May 2016.Depending on the outcome, MAMG will seek quotes to documentthe changes from Aviva`s appointed lawyers. Academy conversionis currently scheduled for 1st September.Other Operational MattersClient RelationshipsRelationships between all parties continue to be good generally. 6

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportLifecycleThe 2016 Lifecycle plan was issued by Bellrock on 15th March,following the completion of M&E and Fabric Condition Surveys.MAMG agreed the plan on 23rd March and Bellrock are nowengaging with subcontractors to draw up a plan of works, themajority of which will take place over the summer holidays andinclude: • Kingsford - Replacement of lighting on first floor to LED • Kingsford – Replacement of fire alarm panel • Various re decoration works to all three schools • Plaistow – Re decorate Reception replace entrance matTotal budget for works £262kCateringAn early finish by students on alternate Wednesdays at KingsfordSchool continues to create increased pressure on serving pointsduring the morning break and have a detrimental effect on theuptake of Free School Meals. Suggestions have been made byBellrock to help overcome these issues. The school is currentlyconsidering changing back to normal finish times.Bellrock received several complaints from staff during April 2016,regarding the Catering Service and quality of food at PlaistowPrimary School. The complaints were escalated by Bellrock withtheir subcontractor Caterlink, who sent their Head DevelopmentChef to site on 19th April to investigate the issues. Following hisreport, the Plaistow Catering Chef is now being supported byCaterlink’s Group Manager (Diane Carter) and an improvement planhas been forwarded that includes: • Additional support and training for the Chef and site staff • Review of food menu choices • Weekly meetings to be held with the school to review progressMAMG attended a meeting between all parties on 5th May to discussthe recent complaints in more detail and the plan that will beimplemented to improve standards. The meeting was very positiveand the Head Teacher confirmed there had been noticeableimprovements. Bellrock has also confirmed that Caterlink’sRegional Manager (Damian Strickland) will attend site once a weekfor the next few months to ensure tangible progress is being made.Building MaintenanceAll reactive and PPM tasks were reported by Bellrock to be up-to-date and contract compliant for April 2016. 7

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportGrounds MaintenanceThere have been no further issues reported with ponding on theastro turf at Plaistow, following the carrying out of remedial works byKompan.CleaningCleaning still remains at a good standard across all three schools.This has been confirmed by recent Authority audits.VariationsThe following Variations were raised for Plaistow School:P48 – Refurbishment of rear officeP49 – Phase 1 nursery/playground worksP50 – Phase 2 nursery/playground worksP51 – Phase 3 nursery/playground worksBellrock are currently obtaining quotes with a view to carry out worksduring summer holidays.DeductionsThere were no Service Deductions or Unavailability recorded in thereporting period.InsuranceThere were no new insurance claims in the period.The claim associated with the flood at Kaizen School in January2016 is in the process of being agreed with the appointed LossAdjuster (Cunningham Lindsey). All costs associated with the floodhave been forwarded to the Loss Adjuster. The Material Damageclaim totals £14,135, plus a Business Interruption Claim of £5,836for Unavailability. Two separate policy excesses of £5,000 thereforeapply and are due from Bellrock as their subcontractor caused theleak. One claim has already been settled and the other remains inprogress. 8

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportRedbridge SchoolHealth and SafetyThere were no RIDDOR or other health and safety incidentsrecorded in the reporting period.Quadriga has arranged for the annual independent H&S audit totake place on the 24th May 2016.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is included within theExecutive Summary.Other Operational MattersClient RelationshipsRelationships between all parties remain good.Building MaintenanceKier reported 100% compliance with all reactive and PPMmaintenance tasks.Security ServiceThere were three false alarm activations during April 2016. ADTwere called to site and replaced faulty sensors.VariationsNo new Variations were raised in this period, and there are noexisting Variations in progress. 9

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportLifecycle Works and ProgrammeThe Sixth Form Block redecoration and flooring replacement worksare complete. Lifecycle works to replace the emergency lighting willbe ongoing throughout the school in 2016.DeductionsThere were no Service or Unavailability Deductions during theperiod, and the Service Failure Points (SFPs) remain well below thecontract thresholds.InsuranceThere were no new insurance claims during the reporting period. 10

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportTemple Primary SchoolHealth and SafetyThere were no RIDDOR or other health and safety incidentsrecorded in the reporting period.The MAMG H&S Audit took place on 17th March 2016; all actionsbar one are now closed. The open action relates to the taking ofcertain water temperatures at the school from taps that are suppliedby independent heaters and that are also fitted with ThermostaticMixer Valves (TMVs). A site visit has now been arranged with B&V(Integral’s water treatment contractor) on 19th May 2016 to close thisaction. Integral have also purchased temperature readers for theindividual boilers and will be using these to take the watertemperatures.The annual independent H&S audit undertaken by Quadriga hasbeen arranged for 2nd June 2016.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is within the ExecutiveSummary.Legionella Letter of AppointmentThe SPC Responsible Person letter in relation to the SPC’sobligations for the Water Risk Assessment has been issued to theBoard for agreement. 11

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportReception Area FloodThe works were completed on 15th April 2016 with the area returningto School use on 18th April 2016. All works were completed withinthe agreed timeframe and the school and the Authority weresatisfied with the remedial works.Other Operational MattersThe annual RPI indexation has been agreed by the Authority anddealt with accordingly.Client RelationshipsRelationships on the project remain positive between all parties.Pitch Damage and VandalismThe fencing around the sports field has been damaged during thereporting period. On inspection there is a part of the fence that hasbeen cut from top to bottom. This is currently being priced for repairby Integral and will be paid for through the vandalism budgetincluded within the FMA (£1000 per annum).In 2015/16 year the level of damage through out of hours vandalismpaid for by the SPC was £4,457.Discussions are continuing between the Authority, MAMG, Integraland the school to establish a solution to the vandalism issue to the3G pitch. The proposal, which has an estimated cost of £40,000, isto install a heavy duty vandal proof fence around the 3G pitch itselfin order to better protect the area. It has been proposed by MAMGthat all parties contribute to this security upgrade so that the amountof vandalism can be greatly reduced, if not eradicated. A meetingtook place on 4th May 2016 with all parties in attendance to discussthis matter. Greater Manchester Police were in attendance at themeeting and have confirmed that they will be providing extra supportover the summer period with increased patrols in the area. At thistime no agreement for the investment has been received from theSchool or the Authority.Integral have noted that rubble beneath the grass pitch is nowshowing through the turf, making the area unsafe for the pupils toplay on. The school and the Council were advised by the SPC,Integral and Watts during the extension build in 2013 that a greaterdepth of top soil would be required to ensure the rubble base of thepitch did not come through the topsoil to the surface but the Authoritywere not willing to pay for recommended depth of topsoil. A Variationhas now been issued for these works that Integral are currentlypricing. 12

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportExtensionThe Building Control Certificate for the extension has been receivedfollowing the installation of the Power Factor Correction Unit. MAMGare now in discussion with MCC and Keepmoat regarding the finalretention payment.VariationsOne Variation was raised during the reporting period, this is detailedbelow: • TPS-VO-039-Grass Pitch Works (increased top soil and landscaping)DeductionsThere were no Deductions during the reporting period.InsuranceJLT have been informed of all the damage incidents to the 3G pitchfencing. They in turn have passed on the details to Zurich.JLT were contacted on 29th March 2016 to advise them of theflooding of the Reception classrooms. Discussions are continuingwith JLT and Zurich regarding the claim. The final figure for theworks was £18,155; this is higher than the previously noted figure(£12,500) due to the screed under the flooring being water damagedand requiring replacement.The £5,000 excess on the insurance policy is payable by the SPC. 13

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportSection 2HealthProjects 14

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportBradford Horton ParkHealth and SafetyThere were no RIDDOR or other health and safety incidentsrecorded in the reporting period.The annual independent H&S audit undertaken by Quadriga hasbeen arranged for 13th July 2016.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is within the ExecutiveSummary.Legionella Letter of AppointmentThe SPC Responsible Person letter has been issued to the Boardfor agreement.Other Operational MattersThe annual RPI indexation of the Unitary Charge has been sent tothe Trust for agreement.During the period a television has been stolen from the Horton ParkSurgery’s meeting room. It is not known how the thief entered thebuilding; however there are two possible points of access: the mainentrance or the surgery entrance. The Police have been informedas have the insurers (for information only as the Trust insure theirown contents). The Trust have been requested to relay to their staff 15

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management Reportthe importance of closing security doors behind them as it istheorised that the thief had entered through a secure door that hadbeen either left open or propped open, as there was no signs offorced entry.Client RelationshipsRelationships between all parties remain positive.LifecycleLifecycle works approved for completion: • Car park markings (this item has been delayed due to inclement weather but will be scheduled for the summer period). • Five year electrical testing remedial works have now been completed.BenchmarkingThe Trust has confirmed that it does wish to proceed with theBenchmarking process. A meeting between MAMG, the Trust andIntegral was held on 3rd May 2016. A proposal was submitted to theTrust by Integral and MAMG which, due to the previous difficultiesin identifying contractors willing to take part in a Market Testingexercise, proposed to Benchmark all Services, rather than MarketTest External Services and Benchmark the other Services. This iscurrently under discussion, with the Trust, who have requested thatIntegral provide a cost for both the Benchmarking and the MarketTesting element from their consultants.VariationsNo Variations have been raised during the reporting period.DeductionsThere were no reported Deductions for Service Failures orUnavailability in the reporting period.InsuranceThere have been no insurance claims during the reporting period.In relation to the gentleman who slipped in the entrance area atHorton Park in June 2013. The claimant fell onto/into a steel benchat the entrance to the building, suffering a fractured neck and threefractured fingers. Zurich denied the claim on the basis that there wasno liability. The gentleman’s solicitor did not accept the denial andstated that they would be issuing proceedings. Zurich in turnnominated their panel solicitor, BLM, to accept service in August2015. 16

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportChichesterHealth and SafetyThere were no RIDDOR or other health and safety incidentsrecorded in the reporting period.Quadriga have arranged for the annual independent H&S audit totake place on the 25th May 2016.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is included within theExecutive Summary.Midhurst Building AsbestosVeolia arranged for Midhurst and Harold Kidd Units to be resurveyedon the 11th and 12th of April 2016. The official report was receivedon the 29th April and confirmed the following: • Asbestos on the roof of the Harold Kidd Unit was recorded in the original asbestos report. Costs for removal are being sought and will be incorporated into Lifecycle works for the roof. • The asbestos in the soffit at Midhurst Unit does not extend as far as first thought. Revised variation costs are now being sought for the damaged area to be encapsulated/ removed by a certified company; and the soffits to be labelled. 17

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportAs the area containing asbestos is less than first anticipated, theTrust may choose to remove all the asbestos depending on the finalcost.2016 Indexation ExerciseIndexation calculations were completed as per clause 32.10 of theProject Agreement and then sent to the Trust for agreement.Agreement was confirmed on 3rd May and the increased UnitaryCharge has now been applied as per the contract requirements.Other Operational MattersClient RelationshipsThe relationship between all parties remains positive.Veolia have informed MAMG and the Trust that to further improvethe delivery of FM services they have recruited Melanie Knuszka asTrainee Manager. Melanie will join Veolia on the 23rd May fromSussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and will bring six yearsof healthcare experience.Service ChangesA further meeting has been arranged by MAMG and Aviva on 16thMay 2016 to see how the Trust can be supported in its future plans.The meeting is due to be attended by Helen Murphy of Aviva andthe Trust’s Finance Director, Sally Flint. Main points of discussionwill include: • Addition of a secure wing to the Chichester Centre with the potential of funding through the PFI. • Potential termination of the Project Agreement at Harold Kidd Unit and conversion to high end nursing care or student accommodation.Condition Survey/ LifecycleAs a result of the Annual Condition Survey carried out by Veolia, thefollowing Lifecycle applications have been raised: • DAL 184 – Replacement of the roof system at Midhurst Unit was completed 6th May 2016. Completion to be signed off week commencing 9th May after snagging is finalised. • DAL 186 – Replacement of the roof system at Harold Kidde Unit during week commencing 9th May. Asbestos has been confirmed in part of the roof and will be removed using a licensed contractor, before lifecycle works are carried out.Clinical Waste StorageThe cost to upgrade the Clinical waste storage compounds to therequired standards was initially quoted at £31k. This has been 18

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management Reportdiscussed at length at the Monthly Performance meetings and anamended specification has now been agreed by all parties. The totalcost will now be £21,275 which will fall to the SPC as the DefectsLiability Period has expired. Veolia have instructed theirsubcontractor, and envisage works will last two weeks starting 30thMay.Temporary closure of Bailey ward MidhurstVeolia has discovered that Bailey Ward in the Midhurst Unit hasclosed temporarily. The Trust decided to close the ward for patientsafety due to staffing issues on 22nd April. We have asked the Trustfor a date the wing will be reopened as this could be a goodopportunity to complete some overdue Lifecycle works, now thataccess can be gained. Veolia will complete twice weekly flushing ofoutlets whilst the ward is shut.VariationsNo new Variations have been raised;VO 215 – Removal of Asbestos at Midhurst to be re quoted assurvey has shown the extent of asbestos to be less than firstthought.DeductionsThere were no Unavailability or Service Deductions in the reportingperiod. Deductions are self-reported by Veolia in their monthly FMreport and then ratified at the monthly PFI meeting with the Trust.InsuranceThere have been no new insurance claims during the reportingperiod. 19

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportDudley, Ladies WalkHealth and SafetyThere have been no RIDDOR or other health and safety incidentsrecorded in the reporting period.Quadriga undertook the Annual Health and Safety Audit on 26th May2015. The next annual audit is scheduled for 17th May 2016.All actions associated with the MAMG Annual StatutoryMaintenance Audit conducted on 3rd June 2015 have now beenclosed out with 100% compliance recorded.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is included within theExecutive Summary.Other Operational MattersClient RelationshipsRelationships with Dudley MBC, NHS Property Services and theFacilities Manager (Integral) continue to be very good. Regularmeetings continue to be held to ensure that NHS Property Servicesand Dudley MBC’s contractual expectations are understood andadhered to.Dudley Council Cost SavingsDudley Council has informed MAMG that as part of its budgetreductions Libraries, Archives and Adult Learning have to achieve atarget of 30% savings. As a result, it is proposed that the opening 20

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management Reporttimes of the library at Ladies Walk are reduced. A consultationprocess is underway to identify the preferred opening hours by usersof the services and it is proposed that a single staffing structure willbe implemented from April 2016. Further discussions will benecessary to identify the impact of this change on the existing PFIAgreement and service provision.Benchmarking and Market TestingThe Managed Services are due to be either Benchmarked, or if it isdecided that Benchmarking is not required, Market Tested by 1stApril 2016, with a view to secure value for money for the Trust andCouncil.The first action, to meet and review the Project Agreementrequirements and decide whether to Benchmark and/or Market Testthe Managed Services was undertaken on 23rd November 2015.During this meeting, it was agreed to Benchmark the ManagedServices, by reviewing actual costs against indexed base costs andcomparing these against similar services on other PFI contracts.A draft benchmarking analysis and report has been produced toprovide a comparison of the Managed Services against a meancomparable service price and the upper and lower quartiles of thesample benchmarking dataset. The percentage variance against thelower quartile is less than 5% on all Managed Services with theexception of Grounds. However if Grounds is compared to the UpperQuartile the percentage difference is less than 5%.The report concludes that benchmarking the cost per m2 againstIntegral FM's current contract and comparable health PFI/PPPschemes across the UK demonstrates that the Managed Servicescollectively deliver value for money. This report is now due forrelease to all parties by 31st March, so it can be agreed in order toconclude the 2016 Benchmark Exercise.Utility AdjustmentThe requirement to complete the Utility Adjustment on the LadiesWalk Project is due on 1st April 2016 (‘Review Date’).This review is required to reflect the average annual volume of eachutility used at Ladies Walk over the previous three years (2013/14,2014/15 and 2015/16), as it is at each Review Date’s current unitprice, plus standing charges and similar charges.Integral are required to complete this review and final utilityconsumption figures for the end of the financial year are awaited tocomplete the comparison and identify whether an adjustment isrequired to the Utility Payment. There is no financial impact to theSPC as a result of this requirement as the Utility Payment is a passthrough cost. 21

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportVariationsNo Variations were raised within the reporting period.DeductionsThere were no reported Deductions for Service Failures orUnavailability in the reporting period.InsuranceThere have been no insurance claims in the reporting period. 22

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportFarnhamHealth and SafetyThere were no RIDDOR or other health and safety incidentsrecorded in the reporting period.The annual independent H&S audit undertaken by Quadriga hasbeen arranged for 24th May 2016.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is within the ExecutiveSummary.Project Vanguard – Farnham Hospital Urgent Care Centre -Integrated Primary and Acute Systems (PACS)A final tender price has been agreed with the Project VanguardTeam as well as notifying them of annual maintenance and life cyclecosts. Budget costs for legal fees for the Deed of Variation andMAMG costs have been passed on to the Project Vanguard teamand CCG. The SPV manager has been informed unofficially thatthe capital costs for the conversion of the vacant renal area to anUrgent Care Unit have been agreed by the CCG but we are stillwaiting for formal confirmation of this. Pinsent Mason’s are nowworking on the Deed of Variation and a first draft of the document isexpected shortly. 23

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportWater DamageThere have been two incidents of failed pipework resulting in wateringress into working areas of the hospital. The first occurred on 26thApril 2016 when a heating coil in Air Handling Unit 10 failed, resultingin water leaking through into the dental outpatients’ area. Atemporary repair has been made and a new coil ordered from themakers in Germany with a 4 – 5 week delivery time. Ceiling tileshave been replaced and there was minimal water damage to carpettiles. There was no unavailability claimed with this incident.The second incident started sometime over the weekend of 30th April2016 when a number of pinhole leaks occurred in the hot waterreturn pump valve junction and the water seeped down from theplant room area into a photocopier room on the first floor and thendown to the ground floor into the reception area of the OutpatientsDepartment. Unfortunately this occurred over the May Day BankHoliday Period and was not reported to Kier until Tuesday 3rd May2016 and a considerable amount of water had leaked into theOutpatients Reception area. A temporary repair has been carriedout but due to patient concerns, Kier were not allowed to turn off thehot water circulation system to carry out the repair until after 1:30pm.A replacement joint has been ordered and will be installed whenreceived. At this stage there is not thought to be any unavailabilityclaimed by NHS PS as the Outpatients Department and receptionarea were open on time and functioning as normal although somecarpeted areas were still wet. The cleanup operation after thisincident raised some questions over the operational interface andresponsibilities between Kier Services and Virgin Care who providecleaning services at the hospital and these issues will be discussedfurther at the next monitoring meeting.Three pin holes, now temporarily Wet carpet tiles in reception repaired office area24

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportOther Operational MattersClient RelationshipsRelationships between all parties continue to be very good andfollowing the review of NHS PS managers is understood that MrJohn Hindson will continue in his post although it is not clear yet ifhe will continue to be the NHS PS Authorised Representative asNHS PS have not released details of responsibilities of the slimmeddown management team.Electrical Remedial WorksThe necessary remedial works on the circuit boards and wiring inRunfold and Bentley Wards resulting from the 5 year electricalinspection report in 2014 were completed without any disruption tothe wards over the period 25th and 26th April 2016.OccupancyFrimley Park Hospital continue to occupy Bourne and Hale wardsand although the current plan was for Hale to be handed back inMay 2016 patients continue to occupy the ward with no firm plans toclose the ward notified to either Kier or Project Co. It is understoodthat Bourne Ward will continue to be used for patients and staffedby Frimley Park Hospital until April 2017.ParkingParking at the hospital continues to be a major problem for NHS PSand Virgin Care. As previously notified, once around 290 staff arein work this only leaves around 40 spaces for visitors to outpatientsdepartments and the three surgeries located in the hospital. It hasbeen noted that although a CCTV solution may stop residentsparking, the main problem is the number of staff having to use theircars to get to work. NHS PS is looking at alternative locations whereparking arrangements can be agreed with owners but with littlesuccess, and proposals for parking control using CCTV and numberplate recognition have been shelved. To prevent further car parkingproblems the CCG have stated that no new departments ororganisations will be allowed to move to the Farnham site.Planned MaintenancePlanned work to replace the rusted core plugs on the standbygenerator has not been started as there needs to be some electricalwork carried out on an interface unit to allow a temporary mobilegenerator to be added into the system while the main generator isrepaired that will allow a seamless transition to the mobile standbygenerator in the event of a power loss. A quote for this work has nowbeen received by Kier which they consider to be on the high side sofurther quotes are being obtained. 25

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportFire Alarm SystemThe fire alarm system will undergo an upgrade in the coming monthswith additional cabling and control panels being upgraded. This willthen allow the latest software to be installed and enable the systemto perform faster and more reliably. The work is now planned tocommence in the second week of May but Kier are again havingdifficulties in getting agreement from Virgin Care clinical staff whenthe work can be carried out in ward areas and further discussionsare ongoing.Door Access SystemThere have been a number of minor faults on the door accesssystem and it was found that the main PCB was not operatingcorrectly. The system and PCB dates from the original buildinginstallation in 2002 and spares are now difficult to source althougha replacement PCB was finally located. The system will have to bereplaced at some time in the near future and Kier continue to reviewoptions with their specialised contractor.VariationsA Variation Request Form number VO57 has been initiated for theaccommodation changes in the vacant renal unit area and has beensigned off by NHS Property Services. The next section will becompleted for circulation and signature when the all costs are knownand the Deed of Variation is available for signature by all parties.DeductionsThere were no reported Deductions for Service Failures orUnavailability in the reporting period.InsuranceWhen the steel ball was being prepared to be mounted in thereplacement obelisk, it was discovered that it had actually beendamaged and it has subsequently been established that it has beendamaged beyond repair. The landscape company have ordered anew steel ball from China which is due to be shipped to the UK on20th May 2016. 26

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportNewark HospitalHealth and SafetyThere were no RIDDOR or other health and safety incidentsrecorded in the reporting period.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is within the ExecutiveSummary.Adjustment of Fire Door Self Closing DevicesThe FM Provider has adjusted the fire door self-closing deviceswithin the building in response to a Department of Health EstatesAlert.Other Operational MattersClient RelationshipsRelationships between all parties continue to be good.Cold Water TemperaturesWater temperatures continue to be monitored and recorded on alloutlets on a weekly basis. No elevated water temperatures wererecorded during April 2016. 27

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportReduction in Trust Operating CostsThe Trust has not provided a response to the proposedbenchmarking exercise. The contract date to complete the markettesting exercise was March 2016 and given the lack of responsefrom the Trust this date was not achieved. There are ongoingdiscussions with the Trust to provide a definitive response to theproposed benchmarking process.Grounds MaintenanceThe condition of the grounds maintenance remains satisfactory andis still audited with the Trust on a monthly basis.Quadriga Compliance AuditThe 2016 Quadriga Audit has been arranged for June 2016.Waste ManagementWaste from Byron House is now segregated as required by theTrust. No issues with the waste disposal have been raised by theFM contractor and additional costs have not been requested fromthe FM Provider for the additional work resulting from segregation.LifecycleArrangements are in place to deliver the 2016/17 lifecycle planbetween June and August 2016. The plan includes the replacementof the fire alarm installation within the building at a cost of £10,000.The total estimated cost of the 2016/17 lifecycle plan is £22,400,which exceeds the annual lifecycle model value by approximately£8,000. It is proposed that the balance of proposed expenditurecomes out of the cumulative sinking fund surplus, which currently isin the region of £23,000.VariationsThere were no Variations requested or completed in April 2016.DeductionsThere were no recorded Deductions or Unavailability recorded in thereporting period.Insurance EventsThere were no insurance claims or events during the reportingperiod. 28

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportSection 3Local AuthorityAccommodationProjects 29

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportBrighton, Jubilee LibraryHealth and SafetyThere was one recorded accident and no RIDDOR reportableincidents recorded during the reporting period.A member of Kier staff tripped on the roof man-safe system whilstcleaning Pigeon guano.The incident was investigated by the FM Manager and Kier’s Healthand Safety Manager due to the location of the accident (roof). Anew risk assessment was completed and slight adjustments madeto working practices.The annual independent H&S audit, undertaken by Quadriga, wascompleted on 11th April. The two recommendations within the reporthave been completed by the FM Contractor and evidenced to theSPC Operations Manager during a site visit in May 2016.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status on fire stopping review is reported within theExecutive Summary.Cost Efficiency SavingsBrighton and Hove County Council (BHCC) announced theirproposal for a 30% reduction in library staffing. The proposal wasaccepted by the council, the redundancy process is due forcompletion by July 2016. However, 20 staff left their posts atBrighton Library during the reporting period. 30

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportSecurityDuring the reporting period there were no recorded thefts or incidentrequiring Police Attendance.The FM Contractor completed a unplanned Fire Evacuation duringthe reporting period, whilst the Library was evacuated and reportedclear within 3.5 minutes, there were lots of bags and belonging leftby students rushed out of the building. The bags and belongingswere all returned to their rightful owners once the building was re-opened to the public.Other Operational MattersDuring the reporting period BHCC held their annual Marathon event,during the event the Library received over 4,000 visitors in a singleday. This put a strain on the capacity of the facilities but there wereno reported issues or breakdownsThe pigeons breeding season has resulted in an increase in roofcleaning requirements. The FM Contractor adapted their cleaningregimes accordingly and cleared nests where they are able to reachsafely.Client RelationshipsThe relationship between BHCC, the SPC and the FM Contractorremains very good.Building MaintenanceThe work completed on the BMS has significantly reduced the Gasconsumption. This is a positive step towards lowering the Gasconsumption considering the inclement weather during the reportingperiod which included sleet and snow.LifecycleThe planned Toilet Refurbishment for April was postponed by theFM Contractor after consultation with the Library staff due to thenumber of students working within the Library revising. Therefurbishment will now take place at the end of June 2016.UtilitiesElectricity consumption for the reporting period showed a 5%increase when compared to 2015, the FM Contractor are closelymonitoring the BMS.The Gas consumption for April 2016 showed a decrease of 49.5%when compared with April 2015 and a decrease of 76% against thepreceding month. The Gas consumption will continue to bemonitored closely by the FM Contractor.There was no grey water harvested during the month and zerorainfall recorded during April 2016. 31

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportVariationsNo new Variations were received in the period.DeductionsThere were no reported Deductions for Service Failures orUnavailability in the reporting period.InsuranceThere were no insurance related matters for the reporting period. 32

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportHackneyHealth, Safety, Environmental and SecurityThere were no RIDDOR or other Health and Safety incidentsrecorded during the reporting period.Quadriga carried out the annual independent H&S audit on the 10thMay 2016. The audit generally went well but initial feedbackreceived concerned the filing of statutory documents and fixed wiringtest records. Once the Quadriga report is received, MAMG willclosely monitor Carillion to ensure an action plan is produced and allidentified items are completed.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is included within theExecutive Summary.Cost Efficiency SavingsThe London Borough of Hackney (LBH) continues to discusspossible cost savings with a further meeting on 12th February 2016with MAMG and Carillion Services (CSL). CSL put together adocument which incorporated the following energy saving initiatives: • Introduction of LED lighting to main areas • BMS (Building Management System) health check 33

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management Report • Sequencing modifications to both Chillers • Burner controls to BoilersThis document has been submitted to LBH with the agreement thatinitiatives will be funded under Lifecycle expenditure.Operational MattersClient RelationshipsThe relationships between all parties remain very positive.Estate and Building ServicesCSL reported 100% compliance with all reactive and plannedmaintenance tasks logged in April 2016 and the building is beingwell maintained.Security ServicesCSL are now regularly dealing with instances of older schoolchildren causing disturbances in the Library. This was escalated anda meeting was held on the 18th April between the Library’smanagement and representatives from the local school. The schoolhave said they will speak to their pupils regarding their out of schoolconduct.Sinking FundThe 2016 Lifecycle Programme has been issued by CSL and agreedby MAMG on the 31st March 2016. Lifecycle applications will now beraised for this year’s work which includes: • Improvements to entrance doors to enable automatic opening. • Refresh of public toilets • Various decoration works • Replacement of hand driers throughout building • Lights to be changed to LED and other energy saving initiatives agreed by all parties. • External decorations to claddingTotal budget agreed £447kVariationsThe following Variation was raised in April 2016:VO 121 – Install a kitchenette on the 4th Floor breakout area, and toconvert the First Aid room on 2nd Floor into a shower facility. Quotesare being obtained by CSL. 34

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportDeductionsThere were no Service Deductions or Unavailability in the reportingperiod.InsuranceThere were no new claims in the reporting period or existing claimsin progress. 35

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportRedcar and ClevelandHealth and SafetyThere were no RIDDOR or other health and safety incidentsrecorded during the reporting period.The annual independent H&S audit was undertaken by Quadriga onthe 26th April 2016. The full report is awaited; initial indications arethat several actions are noted that will require closing by BAM.The only outstanding action from the 2015 Quadriga Health andSafety audit relates to the limitations placed on the 5 yearly testingcompleted by Callbarrie (BAM FM’s Electrical Contractor). The issuehas arose due to Callbarrie not being allowed access to the AuthorityCommunication/Server Rooms on each of the sites. Afterdiscussions with the Authority, they have a separate exercise thatinvolves them testing the resilience of their UPS systems. BAM arecurrently waiting for this date, as it will allow both tests to beperformed in parallel for Seafield House and Belmont House.Key EventsFire Stopping SurveysThe latest status of the fire stopping review is within the ExecutiveSummary.Legionella Letter of AppointmentThe SPC Responsible Person letter has been issued to the Boardfor agreement. 36

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportSavings InitiativeMAMG attended a meeting on 29th February 2016, with theAuthority, BAM, Aviva and Cushman & Wakefield to discuss theCouncil savings initiatives. A briefing paper has been received fromthe Authority during the reporting period and MAMG are workingthrough the various proposals with BAM FM and Aviva. It isexpected that the exercise will be split into the following workstreams: • Financing • Benchmarking and Value for Money • EnergyThe Authority has also requested a feasibility review of the partialVoluntary Termination of the Contract in respect of the South TeesBusiness Centre.Other Operational MattersClient RelationshipsRelationships on the Project remain positive between all parties.VariationsOne Variation was raised during the reporting period, RED 414,this related to the movement of furniture at Belmont House.DeductionsThere were no reported Deductions for Service Failures orUnavailability in the reporting period.InsuranceThere have been no insurance claims or issues in the reportingperiod. 37

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportSection 4Glossary ofTerms andAbbreviations 38

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management ReportAPD Availability and Performance DeductionBMS Building Management System – a means of controlling heating, cooling and other building systems, either automatically or manuallyCSL Carillion Services Ltd – an FM Service ProviderDDA Disability Discrimination ActDLP Defects Liability PeriodIntegral An FM Service ProviderKFS or Kier Kier Facilities Services – An FM Service ProviderLBH London Borough of HackneyLBN London Borough of NewhamLBR London Borough of RedbridgeLifecycle Capital Works to replace plant and machineryWorks and maintain the building fabric over the life of the project, funded by the Sinking or Lifecycle FundMAMG MAMG Asset Management Group LtdPA Project AgreementPCV Post Completion VariationPFI Private Finance Initiative. A contractual public private partnership under which the private sector takes on the risks associated with the delivery of public services in exchange for payments tied to agreed standards of performance.PPM Planned Preventative MaintenanceProject Co The Special Purpose Company (SPC) set up to manage the projectRCBC Redcar and Cleveland Borough CouncilSinking Fund Money set aside on an annual basis to replace plant and machinery and maintain the building fabric over the life of the projectUP or UC Unitary Payment or Unitary Charge (the principal contractual payment that is used to 39

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management Report cover the FM Service costs, insurance and ‘rent’ etc) WIP Work in Progress 40

NUPPP FundApril 2016 Operational Management Report Appendix A Fire Stopping Reports 41

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