Religion, morality and ethics ศาสนา ศีลธรรม และจริยธรรม
Religion, morality and ethics ศาสนา ศี ลธรรม และจริยธรรม Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Buddhism An Indian religion widely ศาสนาพุทธ (n.) followed in Asia, based on the teaching of Siddhartha Gautama. Islamism A political movement ศาสนาอิสลาม (n.) based on the idea that political systems should be based on the teachings of Islam. Hinduism The main religion of India ศาสนาฮิ นดู (n.) and Nepal which includes the worship of one or more gods and belief in reincarnation.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Sikhism A religion that developed (n.) in Punjab in the late 15th ศาสนาซิกข์ century and is based on a belief that there is only one God. A person sent by God to ศาสดา Prophet teach the people and give them messages from God. (n.) Following or connected พุทธศาสนิ กชน,ช Buddhist with the religion of าวพุทธ Buddhism. (adj.) Preacher A person, often a member ผู้แสดงธรรม (n.) of the clergy, who gives religious talks and often performs religious ceremonies, for example in a church.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai The practice of focusing การทำสมาธิ Meditation your mind in silence, especially for religious (n.) reasons or in order to make your mind calm. Worship The practice of showing สั กการะ (n.) respect for God or a god, by saying prayers, singing with others. To speak to God, สวด ,อธิษฐาน Pray especially to give thanks (v.) or ask for help. Precept A rule about how to ศี ล (n.) behave or what to think.
Geography and Environment ภูมิศาสตร์และสิ่งแวดล้อม
Geography and Environment ภูมิศาสตร์และสิ่ งแวดล้อม Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Compass An instrument for finding เข็มทิศ direction, with a needle that always points to the north. Globe The world (used especially ลูกโลก to emphasize its size). Diagram Diagram something to show แผนที่ something using a diagram. A drawing or plan of the Map earth’s surface or part of แผนที่ it, showing countries, towns, rivers, etc.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Cave ถ้ำ A large hole in the side of a hill or cliff or under the ground. Desert A large area of land that ทะเลทราย has very little water and very few plants growing on it. Many deserts are covered by sand. Glacier A slow-moving mass or river ธารน้ำเเข็ง of ice, formed from snow on mountains or near the North Pole or South Pole. Iceberg An extremely large mass of ภูเขาน้ำเเข็ง ice floating in the sea. lake A large area of water that ทะเลสาบ is surrounded by land.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Mountain A very high hill, often with ภูเขา rocks near the top. Ocean The mass of salt water that มหาสมุทร covers most of the earth’s surface. River A natural flow of water that แม่น้ำ continues in a long line across land to the sea. Stream A small, narrow river. ลำธาร , กระเเสน้ำ
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in thai Swamp An area of ground that is บึง,หนอง, very wet or covered with ตม,ปลัก water and in which plants, trees are growing. Volcano A mountain with a large ภูเขาไฟ opening at the top through which gases and lava (= hot liquid rock) are forced out into the air, or have been in the past.
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES สังคมศาสตร์และมนุษยศาสตร์
Social Sciences and Humanities สั งคมศาสตร์และมนุ ษยศาสตร์ Vocabulary Meaning Mean ing in Thai A person who studies or Philosopher writes about philosophy. นั กปราชญ์ (n.) socialism A set of political and สังคมนิ ยม (n.) economic theories based on the belief that everyone has an equal right to a share of a country’s wealth and that the government should own and control the main industries. tradition A belief, custom or way of ธรรมเนี ยม (n.) doing something that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people; a set of these beliefs or customs.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Concept An idea or a principle that แนวคิด (n.) is connected with something abstract. Folkways The traditional behaviour or วิถีชาวบ้าน (n.) customs of a particular community or group of people. Conflict a situation in which people, ความขัดแย้ง (n.) groups or countries disagree strongly or are involved in a serious argument. Sanction Sanction (against somebody) การบังคับ (n.) an official order that limits trade, contact, etc. with a particular country, in order to make it do something, such as obeying international law.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Socialization The process by which การขัดเกลา (n.) somebody, especially a ทางสั งคม child, learns to behave in a way that is acceptable in their society. authority The power to give orders to อำนาจ (n.) people. หน้ าที่ Nationality The legal status of สั ญชาติ (n.) belonging to a particular nation. social Connected with activities in บรรทัดฐาน (adj.) which people meet each ทางสั งคม other for pleasure.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in T hai population All the people who live in a ประชากร (n.) particular area, city or country; the total number of people who live there. Humanities People in general. มนุษยชาติ (n.) community All the people who live in a ชุ มชน (n.) particular area, country, etc. when talked about as a group. Participation The act of taking part in an การมี (n.) activity or event. ส่ วนร่วม
HISTORY, CUITURE ประวัติศาสตร์วัฒนธรรม
History, Culture ประวัติศาสตร์วัฒนธรรม Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai History All the events that happened ประวัติศาสตร์ (n.) in the past. Historian A person who studies or นั ก (n.) writes about history; an ประวัติศาสตร์ expert in history. Chronicle A written record of events in จดหมายเหตุ, (n.) the order in which they บันทึก happened. เหตุการณ์ใน อดีต Civilization A state of human society อารยธรรม (n.) that is very developed and organized.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Antique (of furniture, jewellery, etc.) โบราณวัตถุ (adj.) old and often valuable. Explorer A person who travels to places นั กสำรวจ (n.) where few people have been before or places that are unknown to them, in order to find out more about them. Fortress A building or place that has ป้ อม (n.) been made stronger and protected against attack. ปราการ, ฐานทัพที่มั่น Legend A story from ancient times ตำนาน (n.) about people and events, that may or may not be true ; this type of story.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Decade A period of ten years, ทศวรรษ (n.) especially a continuous (10 ปี ) period, such as 1910–1919 or 2000–2009. Century A period of 100 years. ศตวรรษ (n.) (100 ปี ) Millennium A period of 1 000 years, สหัสวรรษ (n.) especially as calculated (1000 ปี ) before or after the birth of Christ. Prehistoric Connected with the time in ยุคก่อน (adj.) history before information ประวัติศาสตร์ was written down. Archeologist A person who studies นั กโบราณคดี (n.) archeology.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Archeology The study of cultures of the โบราณคดี (n.) past, and of periods of history by examining the parts of buildings and objects found in the ground. Discover Discover something to be the การค้นพบ (v.) first person to become aware that a particular place or thing exists.
Economics เศรษฐศาสตร์
Economics เศรษฐศาสตร์ Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Capital Wealth or property that is ทุน (n.) owned by a business or a person and can be invested or used to start a business. Supply An amount of something that อุปทาน (n.) is provided or available to be used. Demand The desire or need of อุปสงค์ (n.) customers for goods or services that they want to buy or use.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Employment Work, especially when it is การจ้าง (n.) done to earn money ; the งาน state of being employed. Unemployment The fact of a number of การว่าง people not having a job; the งาน (n.) number of people without a job. Interest The proportion of a loan อัตรา rates that is charged as interest ดอกเบี้ย (n.) to the borrower, typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding. Inflation A general rise in the prices เงินเฟ้ อ (n.) of services and goods in a particular country, resulting in a fall in the value of money; the rate at which this happens.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Deflation A reduction in the amount เงินฝื ด (n.) of money in a country’s economy so that prices fall or remain the same. Income The money that a person, a รายได้ (n.) region, a country, etc. earns from work, from investing money, from business. Capitalism An economic system in which ระบอบ (n.) a country’s businesses and ทุนนิ ยม industry are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government. Socialism A set of political and ระบอบ (n.) economic theories based on สังคมนิ ยม the belief that everyone has an equal right to a share of a country’s wealth and that the government should own and control the main industries.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Wages A regular amount of money ค่าจ้าง (n.) that you earn, usually every week or every month, for work or services. Consumers A person who buys goods or ผู้บริโภค (n.) uses services. Duty A tax that you pay on things ภาษีขาเข้า (n.) that you buy, especially those that you bring into a country. Exchange An act of giving something การแลก (n.) to somebody or doing เปลี่ยน something for somebody and receiving something in return.
Jurisprudence นิติศาสตร์
Jurisprudence นิ ติศาสตร์ Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Ratification The act or process of การให้ (n.) making an agreement legally สั ตยาบัน valid by voting for or signing it. Custody The legal right or duty to อยู่ในความ (n.) take care of or keep ดูแล somebody/something; the act of taking care of something/somebody. Contrary Different from something; ขัดต่อ (adj.) against something. กฎหมาย
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Embezzlement The act of stealing money การยักยอก (n.) that you are responsible for ทรัพย์ or that belongs to your employer. Stipulate To state clearly and กำหนด, (v.) definitely that something must บัญญัติ, ระบุเอาไว้ be done, or how it must be done. Default Failure to do something that ผิดสั ญญา (n.) must be done by law, especially paying a debt. Commence To begin to happen; to begin มีผลบังคับ (v.) something.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Obligation Something which you must do หนี้ (n.) because you have promised, because of a law, etc. Violate To go against or refuse to ละเมิด (v.) obey a law, an agreement, etc. Contempt The feeling that หมิ่น (n.) somebody/something is without ประมาท value and deserves no respect at all. Title-holder The legal owner of something. ผู้ถือ (n.) กรรมสิ ทธิ์
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Realty Property in the form of land ที่ดิน, (n.) or buildings. อสั งหาริมทรัพย์ Chattel Something that belongs to สั งหาริมทรัพย์ (n.) you. Surety A person who accepts ผู้ค้ำประกัน (n.) responsibility if somebody else does not pay a debt, appear in court, etc. Mortgage A legal agreement by which a bank การจำนอง (n.) or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years; the sum of money that you borrow.
Political Science รั ฐ ศ า ส ต ร์
Political Science รัฐศาสตร์ Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Sovereignty Complete power to govern a อธิปไตย (n.) country. Centralization The process of giving control การรวม (n.) of a country or an อำนาจ organization to a group of people in one particular place; the fact of being controlled in this way. Decentralization The act or process of giving การกระ (n.) some of the power of a จายอำนาจ central government, organization, etc. to smaller parts or organizations around the country.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Democracy A system of government in ประชาธิปไตย (n.) which the people of a country can vote to elect their representatives. Election The process of choosing a การเลือกตั้ง (n.) person or a group of people for a position, especially a political position, by voting. Justice The fair treatment of people. ความยุติธรรม (n.) Constitution The system of laws and basic รัฐธรรมนูญ (n.) principles that a state, a country or an organization is governed by.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Government( The group of people who are รัฐบาล n.) responsible for controlling a country or a state. Dictatorship( Government by a dictator. เผด็จการ n.) Politic Based on good judgement. การเมือง (n.) Politician A person whose job involves นั กการ (n.) politics, especially as an เมือง elected member of parliament, etc.
Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Parliament The group of people who are รัฐสภา (n.) elected to make and change the laws of a country. Revolution An attempt, by a large number การปฏิวัติ (n.) of people, to change the government of a country, especially by violent action. Law A rule that deals with a กฎหมาย (n.) particular crime, agreement. Act To do something for a พระราช (v.) บัญญัติ particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation.
Bibliography บ ร ร ณ า นุ ก ร ม Khunnaiver. (2564). น่ ารู้กับ60คำศั พท์ภาษาอังกฤษเกี่ยวกับศาสนาต่างๆ วัด วิหาร และความเชื่อ มีคำว่า อะไรบ้าง จัดมาให้อ่านกันค่ะ. สืบค้น 2565, กรกฎาคม 4, จาก https://khunnaiver.blogspot com/2021/01/religion-english-vocabulary.html. Khunnaiver. (2564). น่ ารู้กับ 80 คำศั พท์ภาษาอังกฤษเกี่ยวกับประวัติศาสตร์ ที่หลายคนอาจไม่รู้มาก่อน มีคำว่าอะไรบ้าง จัดมาให้อ่านกัน. สืบค้น 2565, กรกฏาคม, จาก https://khunnaiver. Khunnaiver. (2564). แบ่งปั น 25 คำศั พท์ภาษาอังกฤษเกี่ยวกับวัฒนธรรม สังคม วิถีชีวิต ที่หลายคนอาจ ไม่รู้มาก่อน มาให้ได้อ่านกันค่ะ. สืบค้น 2565, กรกฏาคม 4, จาก https://khunnaiver.blogspot .com/2022/05/English-Culture-Vocabulary.html. Oxford Learner's Dictionaries. สืบค้น 2565, กรกฎาคม 4, จาก https://www.oxfordlearnersd 53xvi0Ps4Sd68. P’Mean SPU. (2563) .คำศั พท์สายกฎหมาย แบบฉบับ DEK นิ ติ SPU. สืบค้น 2565, กรกฎาคม 4, จาก Quizlet . (2564) . คำศั พท์ วิชาเศรษฐศาสตร์ .สืบค้น 2565, กรกฎาคม 4,จาก 202386051/คำศพทวชา-เศรษฐศาสตร-flash-cards/. Quizlet . (2564) . คำศั พท์ภูมิศาสตร์ภาษอังกฤษ.สืบค้น 2565, กรกฎาคม 4. จาก Trevi Multimedia . (2564) . เศรษฐศาสตร์-Langhub-เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ.สืบค้น 2565, กรกฎาคม 4,จาก ธรรมรัต. (2556). คำศั พท์ทางรัฐศาสตร์ที่นั กศึ กษาควรจำ ครั้งที่ ๑. สืบค้น 2565, กรกฎาคม 4, จาก
group member สมาชิกภายในกลุ่ม 1. Naphisa Karanat 6311116001 2. Pattidaporn kumgerd 6311116003 3. Sirirat Kwankeeree 6311116010 4. Benyapa Trongkaew 6311116011 5. Suphakan Suwannapan 6311116014 6. Khanitta Loetnamon 6311116023
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