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Home Explore Hebrew Unicode Table

Hebrew Unicode Table

Published by משיח מגיע, 2022-04-05 06:00:38

Description: Hebrew Unicode Table


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Hebrew Range: 0590–05FF This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 10.0 This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard. See for an up-to-date list of errata. See for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts. See for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 10.0. See for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 10.0. Disclaimer These charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 10.0 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 10.0, online at, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, #44, and #45, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online. See and A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation. Fonts The shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts. The particular fonts used in these charts were provided to the Unicode Consortium by a number of different font designers, who own the rights to the fonts. See for a list. Terms of Use You may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you may provide links to these charts. The fonts and font data used in production of these code charts may NOT be extracted, or used in any other way in any product or publication, without permission or license granted by the typeface owner(s). The Unicode Consortium is not liable for errors or omissions in this file or the standard itself. Information on characters added to the Unicode Standard since the publication of the most recent version of the Unicode Standard, as well as on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found on the Unicode web site. See and Copyright © 1991-2017 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.

0590 Hebrew 05FF 059 05A 05B 05C 05D 05E 05F 0 $֠ $ְ ‫װ נ א ׀‬ 05A0 05B0 05C0 05D0 05E0 05F0 1 $֑ $֡ $ֱ $ׁ ‫ױ ס ב‬ 0591 05A1 05B1 05C1 05D1 05E1 05F1 2 $֒ $֢ $ֲ $ׂ ‫ײ ע ג‬ 0592 05A2 05B2 05C2 05D2 05E2 05F2 3 $֓ $֣ $ֳ ‫׳ ף ד ׃‬ 0593 05A3 05B3 05C3 05D3 05E3 05F3 4 $֔ $֤ $ִ $ׄ ‫״ פ ה‬ 0594 05A4 05B4 05C4 05D4 05E4 05F4 5 $֕ $֥ $ֵ $‫ץ ו ׅ‬ 0595 05A5 05B5 05C5 05D5 05E5 6 $֖ $֦ $ֶ ‫צ ז ׆‬ 0596 05A6 05B6 05C6 05D6 05E6 7 $֗ $֧ $ַ $‫ק ח ׇ‬ 0597 05A7 05B7 05C7 05D7 05E7 8 $֘ $֨ $ָ ‫רט‬ 0598 05A8 05B8 05D8 05E8 9 $֙ $֩ $ֹ ‫שי‬ 0599 05A9 05B9 05D9 05E9 A $֚ $֪ $ֺ ‫ת ך‬ 059A 05AA 05BA 05DA 05EA B $֛ $֫ $ֻ ‫כ‬ 059B 05AB 05BB 05DB C $֜ $֬ $ּ ‫ל‬ 059C 05AC 05BC 05DC D $֝ $֭ $ֽ ‫ם‬ 059D 05AD 05BD 05DD E $֞ $֮ ‫מ ־‬ 059E 05AE 05BE 05DE F $֟ $֯ $ֿ ‫ן‬ 059F 05AF 05BF 05DF The Unicode Standard 10.0, Copyright © 1991-2017 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.

0591 Hebrew 05E0 Cantillation marks 05B8 $ָ HEBREW POINT QAMATS • used generically or as qamats gadol in 0591 $֑ HEBREW ACCENT ETNAHTA orthography which distinguishes that from = atnah qamats qatan → 05C7 $‫ׇ‬  hebrew point qamats qatan 0592 $֒ HEBREW ACCENT SEGOL = segolta 05B9 $ֹ HEBREW POINT HOLAM 05BA $ֺ HEBREW POINT HOLAM HASER FOR VAV 0593 $֓ HEBREW ACCENT SHALSHELET 05BB $ֻ HEBREW POINT QUBUTS 0594 $֔ HEBREW ACCENT ZAQEF QATAN 05BC $ּ HEBREW POINT DAGESH OR MAPIQ 0595 $֕ HEBREW ACCENT ZAQEF GADOL 0596 $֖ HEBREW ACCENT TIPEHA = shuruq • falls within the base letter = tarha, me'ayla ~ mayla 05BD $ֽ HEBREW POINT METEG 0597 $֗ HEBREW ACCENT REVIA = siluq 0598 $֘ HEBREW ACCENT ZARQA • may be used as a Hebrew accent sof pasuq 05BE ‫ ־‬HEBREW PUNCTUATION MAQAF = tsinorit, zinorit; tsinor, zinor 05BF $ֿ HEBREW POINT RAFE • This character is to be used when Zarqa or → FB1E $ﬞ  hebrew point judeo-spanish varika 05C0 ‫ ׀‬HEBREW PUNCTUATION PASEQ Tsinor are placed above, and also for Tsinorit. = legarmeh → 05AE  $֮  hebrew accent zinor • may be treated as spacing punctuation, not as 0599 $֙ HEBREW ACCENT PASHTA 059A $֚ HEBREW ACCENT YETIV a point 059B $֛ HEBREW ACCENT TEVIR 059C $֜ HEBREW ACCENT GERESH → 007C |  vertical line = teres 05C1 $ׁ HEBREW POINT SHIN DOT 059D $֝ HEBREW ACCENT GERESH MUQDAM 05C2 $ׂ HEBREW POINT SIN DOT 059E $֞ HEBREW ACCENT GERSHAYIM 05C3 ‫ ׃‬HEBREW PUNCTUATION SOF PASUQ 059F $֟ HEBREW ACCENT QARNEY PARA = pazer gadol • may be used as a Hebrew punctuation colon 05A0 $֠ HEBREW ACCENT TELISHA GEDOLA → 003A :  colon 05A1 $֡ HEBREW ACCENT PAZER = pazer qatan Puncta extraordinaria 05A2 $֢ HEBREW ACCENT ATNAH HAFUKH → 05AA $֪  hebrew accent yerah ben yomo 05C4 $ׄ HEBREW MARK UPPER DOT 05A3 $֣ HEBREW ACCENT MUNAH 05C5 $‫ ׅ‬HEBREW MARK LOWER DOT 05A4 $֤ HEBREW ACCENT MAHAPAKH 05A5 $֥ HEBREW ACCENT MERKHA • punctum extraordinarium (Psalms 27:13) = yored → 05B4 $ִ  hebrew point hiriq 05A6 $֦ HEBREW ACCENT MERKHA KEFULA 05A7 $֧ HEBREW ACCENT DARGA Points and punctuation 05A8 $֨ HEBREW ACCENT QADMA = azla 05C6 ‫ ׆‬HEBREW PUNCTUATION NUN HAFUKHA 05A9 $֩ HEBREW ACCENT TELISHA QETANA • does not historically derive from the letter nun 05AA $֪ HEBREW ACCENT YERAH BEN YOMO → 05E0 ‫נ‬  hebrew letter nun = galgal → 05A2 $֢  hebrew accent atnah hafukh 05C7 $‫ ׇ‬HEBREW POINT QAMATS QATAN 05AB $֫ HEBREW ACCENT OLE → 05B8 $ָ  hebrew point qamats 05AC $֬ HEBREW ACCENT ILUY 05AD $֭ HEBREW ACCENT DEHI Based on ISO 8859-8 05AE $֮ HEBREW ACCENT ZINOR = tsinor; zarqa 05D0 ‫ א‬HEBREW LETTER ALEF • This character is to be used when Zarqa or = aleph Tsinor are placed above left. → 2135 ℵ  alef symbol → 0598 $֘  hebrew accent zarqa 05D1 ‫ ב‬HEBREW LETTER BET 05AF $֯ HEBREW MARK MASORA CIRCLE → 2136 ℶ  bet symbol Points and punctuation 05D2 ‫ ג‬HEBREW LETTER GIMEL 05B0 $ְ HEBREW POINT SHEVA → 2137 ℷ  gimel symbol 05B1 $ֱ HEBREW POINT HATAF SEGOL 05D3 ‫ ד‬HEBREW LETTER DALET 05B2 $ֲ HEBREW POINT HATAF PATAH 05B3 $ֳ HEBREW POINT HATAF QAMATS → 2138 ℸ  dalet symbol 05B4 $ִ HEBREW POINT HIRIQ 05D4 ‫ ה‬HEBREW LETTER HE 05B5 $ֵ HEBREW POINT TSERE 05D5 ‫ ו‬HEBREW LETTER VAV 05B6 $ֶ HEBREW POINT SEGOL 05D6 ‫ ז‬HEBREW LETTER ZAYIN 05B7 $ַ HEBREW POINT PATAH 05D7 ‫ ח‬HEBREW LETTER HET 05D8 ‫ ט‬HEBREW LETTER TET • furtive patah is not a distinct character 05D9 ‫ י‬HEBREW LETTER YOD 05DA ‫ ך‬HEBREW LETTER FINAL KAF 05DB ‫ כ‬HEBREW LETTER KAF 05DC ‫ ל‬HEBREW LETTER LAMED 05DD ‫ ם‬HEBREW LETTER FINAL MEM 05DE ‫ מ‬HEBREW LETTER MEM 05DF ‫ ן‬HEBREW LETTER FINAL NUN 05E0 ‫ נ‬HEBREW LETTER NUN The Unicode Standard 10.0, Copyright © 1991-2017 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.

05E1 Hebrew 05F4 05E1 ‫ ס‬HEBREW LETTER SAMEKH 05E2 ‫ ע‬HEBREW LETTER AYIN 05E3 ‫ ף‬HEBREW LETTER FINAL PE 05E4 ‫ פ‬HEBREW LETTER PE 05E5 ‫ ץ‬HEBREW LETTER FINAL TSADI 05E6 ‫ צ‬HEBREW LETTER TSADI = zade 05E7 ‫ ק‬HEBREW LETTER QOF 05E8 ‫ ר‬HEBREW LETTER RESH 05E9 ‫ ש‬HEBREW LETTER SHIN 05EA ‫ ת‬HEBREW LETTER TAV Yiddish digraphs 05F0 ‫ װ‬HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH DOUBLE VAV = tsvey vovn 05F1 ‫ ױ‬HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH VAV YOD 05F2 ‫ ײ‬HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH DOUBLE YOD = tsvey yudn Additional punctuation 05F3 ‫ ׳‬HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH → 0027 '  apostrophe 05F4 ‫ ״‬HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERSHAYIM → 0022 \"  quotation mark The Unicode Standard 10.0, Copyright © 1991-2017 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.

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