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Home Explore Smith Millwork Catalog 2016

Smith Millwork Catalog 2016

Published by matti, 2016-05-23 11:02:17

Description: Browse our newly updated 2016 Full Catalog at your convenience from your smartphone! Smith Millwork, we'll be there WHENEVER and WHEREVER you need US!

Keywords: Millwork,Decking,Moulding,Catalog,Railing,Doors,Custom,Columns,Aluminium,Fiberglass,Vinyl


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Custom Moulding PROFILES ARE NOT TO SCALE PROFILES ARE AVAILABLE IN FLEXIBLE MATERIALSCROWNSM 1155 SM 1156 SM 1157 SM 11585⁄8 X 41⁄2 3⁄4 X 55⁄8 3⁄4 X 53⁄8 1X6SM 1159 SM 1160 SM 11617⁄8 X 7 11⁄16 X 61⁄4 7⁄8 X 61⁄4 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 51


Custom Moulding PROFILES ARE NOT TO SCALEHANDRAIL SM 3807-A SM 3808 SM 3809 SM 3811 11⁄2 X 51⁄2 15⁄8 X 51⁄2 11⁄2 X 51⁄2 11⁄2 X 33⁄4 SM 3812 SM 3813 SM 3814 SM 3815 11⁄2 X 31⁄2 13⁄4 X 53⁄8 11⁄2 X 51⁄2 [TWO-PIECE] 13⁄8 X 53⁄4 11⁄2 X 11⁄2 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 53

Custom Moulding PROFILES ARE NOT TO SCALEMANTEL MOULDSMITH 3000 SMITH 3001 SMITH 3002 SMITH 3003 SMITH 300415⁄8 X 51⁄2 11⁄2 X 53⁄8 11⁄2 X 53⁄8 15⁄8 X 4 11⁄2 X 33⁄4 PANEL MOULD SMITH 3500 SMITH 3501 11⁄4 X 2 1X2SM 3005 SM 300617⁄8 X 35⁄8 11⁄4 X 51⁄2 SMITH 3507 SMITH 3508 1 X 11⁄2 3⁄4 X 254 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

Custom Moulding PROFILES ARE NOT TO SCALE PROFILES ARE AVAILABLE IN FLEXIBLE MATERIALSPANEL MOULDSMITH 3509 SMITH 3511 SM LWM 134 SMITH 3018 SMITH 35069⁄16 X 11⁄4 5⁄8 X 13⁄4 1 X 13⁄4 1 X 23⁄4 15⁄8 X 11⁄2PANEL MOULD - BASE CAPSM 3513 SM 3514 SM 3515 SM 3516 SM 3517 SM 351811⁄8 X 21⁄8 15⁄16 X 23⁄8 11⁄8 X 13⁄4 11⁄4 X 2 11⁄8 X 21⁄8 3⁄4 X 23⁄4SM 3519 SM 202-A SM 203-A SM 205-A SM 206-A11⁄8 X 15⁄8 1 X2 11⁄16 X 15⁄8 3⁄4 X 15⁄16 11⁄16 X 15⁄8 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 55

Custom Moulding PROFILES ARE NOT TO SCALE PROFILES ARE AVAILABLE IN FLEXIBLE MATERIALSPANEL MOULD - CAPSM 207-A SM 208-A SM 209-A SM 210-A3⁄4 X 17⁄16 3⁄4 X 11⁄2 11⁄16 X 13⁄4 3⁄4 X 13⁄4SM 211-A SM 212-A SM 213-A SM 214-A3⁄4 X 13⁄4 3⁄4 X 13⁄4 7⁄8 X 2 1 X 25⁄856 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

PANELING Custom MouldingV CEILING PROFILES ARE NOT TO SCALE5⁄8 X 4 SPECIFY THICKNESS AND WIDTHDB CEILING STANDARD 1” SHIPLAP5⁄8 X 4 SPP 62 SPP 64SPP 52 122SPP 54 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 57

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ColumnsSmith Millwork stocks lightweight fiberglass round or square columns in five widths ranging from 6” to16” wide diameter. They are ideal for interior or exterior use and as railing attachments. Columns areeasily cut to accommodate varied lengths or inside/outside corner installations. Ask about the follow-ing options: • Optional non-structural, wrap-around designs • Matching pilasters or half-columns for entrances • Shaft options including smooth, fluted, or split for wrap-around applications and pilasters • Decorative capitals and adjustable astragalsAFCO ROUND TAPERED FIBERGLASS COLUMNS STOCKED BY SMITH MILLWORKITEM SIZE DESCRIPTION6 x 8 RFC 6” x 8’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column6 RCB 6” Poly Roman Tuscan Round Cap & Base Set8 x 8 RFC 8” x 8’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column8 x 9 RFC 8” x 9’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column8 x 10 RFC 8” x 10’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column8 RCB 8” Poly Roman Tuscan Round Cap & Base Set10 x 8 RFC 10” x 8’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column10 x 9 RFC 10” x 9’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column10 x 10 RFC 10” x 10’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column10 RCB 10” Poly Roman Tuscan Round Cap & Base Set12 x 8 RFC 12” x 8’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column12 x 9 RFC 12” x 9’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column12 x 10 RFC 12” x 10’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column12 RCB 12” Poly Roman Tuscan Round Cap & Base Set14 x 10 RFC 14” x 10’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column14 RBC 14” Poly Roman Tuscan Round Cap & Base Set16 x 10 RFC 16” x 10’ Pro-Cast Round Smooth Tapered FG Column16 RCB 16” Poly Roman Tuscan Round Cap & Base Set60 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

ColumnsAFCO ROUND TAPERED FIBERGLASS COLUMNS - AVAILABLE TO ORDER DIMENSIONS SIZE WT. OUTSIDE OUTSIDE NECK TAPER FROM CENTERED SKID (LBS.) SHAFT BASE HEIGHT BOTTOM LOAD LIMIT QTY’S6”X 8’ 40 4” 511⁄16” 5” 33” 8,000 308”X 5’ 38 61⁄4” 75⁄8” 51⁄4” 5” 10,000 168”X 6’ 40 61⁄4” 75⁄8” 51⁄4” 6” 10,000 168”X 8’ 51 61⁄4” 75⁄8” 51⁄4” 33” 10,000 168”X 9’ 66 61⁄4” 75⁄8” 51⁄4” 28” 10,000 168”X 10’ 71 61⁄4” 75⁄8” 51⁄4” 42” 10,000 1610”X 5’ 55 71⁄2” 95⁄8” 61⁄2” 5” 14,000 1210”X 8’ 72 71⁄2” 95⁄8” 61⁄2” 33” 14,000 1210”X 9’ 85 71⁄2” 95⁄8” 61⁄2” 28” 14,000 1210”X10’ 100 71⁄2” 95⁄8” 61⁄2” 42” 14,000 1210”X12’ 126 71⁄2” 95⁄8” 61⁄2” 50” 14,000 1212”X 8’ 109 91⁄4” 115⁄8” 8” 33” 18,000 912”X 9’ 126 91⁄4” 115⁄8” 8” 28” 18,000 912”X 10’ 132 91⁄4” 115⁄8” 8” 42” 18,000 912”X 12’ 154 91⁄4” 115⁄8” 8” 50” 18,000 914”X 8’ 153 111⁄2” 135⁄8” 81⁄4” N/A 20,000 414”X 10’ 160 111⁄2” 135⁄8” 81⁄4” N/A 20,000 414”X 12’ 184 111⁄2” 135⁄8” 81⁄4” 15” 20,000 416”X 10’ 189 137⁄8” 151⁄2” 83⁄4” N/A 20,000 416”X 12’ 221 111⁄2” 135⁄8” 81⁄4” 48” 20,000 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 61

ColumnsAFCO PRO-LITE SQUARE FIBERGLASS COLUMNS STOCKED BY SMITH MILLWORKITEM SIZE DESCRIPTION6 x 8 SQFC 6\" x 8' Pro-Lite Square Smooth No Taper FG Column6 SQCB 6\" Poly Square Tuscan Cap/Astragal & Base Set 8 x 8 SQFC 8\" x 8' Pro-Lite Square Smooth No Taper FG Column8 x 9 SQFC 8” x 9’ Pro-Lite Square Smooth No Taper FG Column8 x 10 SQFC 8\" x 10' Pro-Lite Square Smooth No Taper FG Column8 SQCB 8\" Poly Square Tuscan Cap/Astragal & Base Set10 x 8 SQFC 10\" x 8' Pro-Lite Square Smooth No Taper FG Column10 x 9 SQFC 10” x 9’ Pro-Lite Square Smooth No Taper FG Column10 x 10 SQFC 10\" x 10' Pro-Lite Square Smooth No Taper FG Column10 SQCB 10\" Poly Square Tuscan Cap/Astragal & Base Set12 x 10 SQFC 12\" x 10' Pro-Lite Square Smooth No Taper FG Column12 SQCB 12\" Poly Square Tuscan Cap/Astragal & Base Set62 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

ColumnsAFCO PRO-LITE SQUARE FIBERGLASS COLUMNS - AVAILABLE TO ORDER SIZE WT. OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS ABACUS CENTERED SKID (LBS.) SHAFT OUTSIDE WIDTH LOAD LIMIT QTY’S666””” XXX819’’0 ’ 27 555111⁄⁄⁄222””” BASE 888333⁄⁄⁄888””” 8,500 49888”””xxx1890’’ ’ 30 8,500 49 33 777111⁄⁄⁄222””” 888777⁄8⁄⁄88””” 8,500 49 29 111000111⁄⁄⁄222””” 111000333⁄⁄⁄888””” 888,,,555000000 30 32 30 36 30111 10000””””xxxx9181’’02 ’’ 43455614 99991111⁄⁄⁄⁄2222”””” 111122223333⁄⁄⁄⁄4444”””” 111122227777⁄⁄⁄⁄8888”””” 8888,,,,555500000000 20 11115555”””” 20 222222221111111111111111⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄22222222”””””””” 20 201111 2222””””xxxx1189’20’ ’’ 43 111111111111⁄⁄⁄⁄2222”””” 111155557777⁄⁄⁄⁄8888”””” 8888,,,,555500000000 11115555 48 53 64 1111111166666666””””””””xxxxxxxx18119112246’80’0 ’’’’’’ 60 111111115555555511111111⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄22222222”””””””” 2222222233333333”””””””” 12,500 9 67 12,500 9 74 12,500 9 90 12,500 9 104 12,500 9 118 12,500 9 133 12,500 9 148 12,500 9AFCO CPVC BUNGALOW COLUMN WRAPS WITH TRIMWT(LBS.) BASE NECK HEIGHT54 16” 9” 6’37 12” 7” 5-1/2’41 12” 7” 6’Bungalow has the look and feel of an early Americancraftsman style column.These columns are typicallyinstalled on a pedestal and complement any exterioror interior restoration project. Made with CellularPVC, the density is similar to white pine and never needspainting but can bepainted. | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 63

ColumnsAFCO ALUMINUM COLUMNS STOCKED BY SMITH MILLWORK WELLINGTON STOCK CEOMLORP: IWRHEITE TEX STOCK COLOR: WHITE TEX DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS SIZE WT. A BC D E MAX. LOAD SIZE WT. (LBS) A B C MAX. LOAD6” X 8’ 25 5-1/2” 8-1/2” 2” 3-1/2” 9-5/8” 12,000LBS 6” X 8’ 24 5-1/2” 8-1/2” 3-1/2” 12,000LBS6” X 9’ 28 5-1/2” 8-1/2” 2” 3-1/2” 9-5/8” 12,000LBS 6” X 9’ 27 5-1/2” 8-1/2” 3-1/2” 12,000LBS6” X 10’ 3 5-1/2” 8-1/2” 2” 3-1/2” 9-5/8” 12,000LBS 6” X 10’ 30 5-1/2” 8-1/2” 3-1/2” 12,000LBS8” X 8’ 27 7-1/4” 9-7/8” 3” 3-1/2” 12-3/4” 20,000LBS 8” X 8’ 26 7-1/4” 9-7/8” 3-1/2” 20,000LBS8” X 9’ 30 7-1/4” 9-7/8” 3” 3-1/2” 12-3/4” 20,000LBS 8” X 9’ 29 7-1/4” 9-7/8” 3-1/2” 20,000LBS8” X 10’ 33 7-1/4” 9-7/8” 3” 3-1/2” 12-3/4” 20,000LBS 8” X 10’ 2 7-1/4” 9-7/8” 3-1/2” 20,000LBS SQUARE FLUTED ROUND FLUTED STOCK COLOR: GLOSS WHITE STODCKIMCEONLSOIOR:NGSLOSS WHITE DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONSSIZE WT. (LBS) A B C MAX. LOAD SIZE WT. (LBS) A B C MAX. LOAD6” X 8’ 24 5 1/2” 8 1/2” 2” 23,000LBS 6” X 8’ 19 6” 7-9/16” 1-3/4” 20,000LBS6” X 9’ 27 5 1/2” 8 1/2” 2” 23,000LBS 6” X 9’ 21 6” 7-9/16” 1-3/4” 20,000LBS6” X 10’ 30 5 1/2” 8 1/2” 2” 23,000LBS 6” X 10’ 23 6” 9-7/16” 1-3/4” 20,000LBS8” X 8’ 26 7 1/2” 10 1/2” 2” 24,000LBS 8” X 8’ 24 7-5/8” 9-7/16” 2-3/16” 21,000LBS8” X 9’ 29 7 1/2” 10 1/2” 2” 24,000LBS 8” X 9’ 27 7-5/8” 9-7/16” 2-3/16” 21,000LBS8” X 10’ 30 7 1/2” 10 1/2” 2” 24,000LBS 8” X 10’ 30 7-5/8” 9-7/16” 2-3/16” 21,000LBS64 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]




DoorsOTHER STYLES, SPECIAL SIZES, FIRE-RATED DOORS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE—CALL FOR LEAD TIMES.INTERIOR DOORS - 13⁄8” 6/8 HT 13/4” STOCK 6/8 HT 6/8 HT 7/0 HT 6/8 HT 1/0 1/2 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/ 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/10 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 2/0 1/10 1/10 1/10 2/2 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/4 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/6 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/8 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/10 2/8 2/8 2/8 2/8 3/0 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/10 3/0 FLUSH BIRCH H/C 3/0 3/0 3/0 FLUSH LAUAN H/C FLUSH BIRCH S/C 6/8 HT 6/8 HT 6/8 HT 1/0 1/0 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/6 1/6 1/8 1/8 2/0 1/10 1/10 2/0 2/0 2/4 2/2 2/2 2/6 2/4 2/4 2/8 2/6 2/6 2/8 2/8 3/0 2/10 2/10 3/0 3/0 108 6-PANEL SINGLE LIGHT FULL LOUVERRADIATA - PINE RADIATA - PINE RADIATA - PINE 8/0 HT 6/8 HT 6/8 HT 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/6 1/6 - 5 LIGHT 1/6 1/8 1/8 - 5 LIGHT 1/8 1/10 1/10 1/10 2/0 - 12 LIGHT 2/0 - 10 LIGHT 2/0 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/6 - 18 LIGHT 2/6 2/6 2/8 2/8 2/10 2/10 2/10 3/0 - 18 LIGHT 3/0 3/0 18 LIGHT 1510 FRENCH DOORS 1515 FRENCH DOORSRADIATA - PINE RADIATA - PINE RADIATA - PINE68 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

DoorsOTHER STYLES, SPECIAL SIZES, FIRE-RATED DOORS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE—CALL FOR LEAD TIMES.INTERIOR MOULDED DOORS - 13⁄8” 6/8 HT 6/8 HT* 6 PANEL 8/0 HEIGHT H/C S/C H/C/0 available in SOLID 1/0 1/0 1/2 CORE SMOOTH in: 1/2 1/2 1/ 1/6, 2/0, 2/4, 2/6, 2/8, 1/3 1/3 3 3/0 OUT OF WARE- 1/4 1/4 HOUSE. 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/8 1/8 1/810 ** 4 PANEL smooth and 2/0 2/0 2/0 4 PANEL ARCH TOP 2/2 TEXTURED available 2/4 2/4 2/4 in SOLID CORE by 2/6 2/6 2/6 SPECIAL ORDER. 2/8 2/8 2/8 2/10 2/10 2/10 3/0 3/0 textured only 3/0 6 PANEL* 4 PANEL ARCH TOP** TEXTURED & SMOOTH TEXTURED 6/8 HT 8/0 HT 6/8 HT 6/8 HT H/C/ S/C0 H/C 1S//0C H/C 1 S/2/ C 1/ 1/2 1/0 1/2 1/02 1/3 2 1/ 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/6 1/4 1/6 1/4 1/6 1/6 1/8 1/6 1/8 1/6 1/6 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/10 1/81 1/8 1/10 2/0 1/10 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/2 / 2/2 2/4 2/2 2/4 2/0 2/0 2/4 2/4 2/6 2/4 2/6 2/4 2/4 2/6 2/6 2/8 2/6 2/8 2/6 2/6 2/8 2/8 2 2/8 2/1 2/8 2/8 2 210 0 2/ 2/ 2/10 /2/110 3/0 2/10 3/0 10 10 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 2 PANEL* 3 PANEL WINSLOW 2 PANEL CHEYENNE* SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH* Cheyenne and 6/8 HT 6/8 HT Roman 8/0 height available in SOLID H/C S/C H/C/0 CORE in: 1/6, 2/0, 1/0 1/0 1/2 2/4, 2/6, 2/8, 3/0 1/2 1/2 1/ OUT OF WARE- 1/3 1/3 3 HOUSE. 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/6 1/6 1/6 ** 2 PANEL ARCH 1/8 1/8 1/8 TOP in both 2/0 2/0 2/0 SMOOTH and 2/4 2/4 2/2 TEXTURED, and 3 2/6 2/6 2/4 PANEL TEXTURED 2/8 2/8 2/6 available in SOLID 2/10 2/10 2/8 CORE by SPECIAL 3/0 3/0 2/10 ORDER. 3/0 2 PANEL ROMAN* 2 PANEL ARCH TOP** SMOOTH TEXTURED AND | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 69

Doors MOULDED BIFOLD - 13⁄8” 2-DOOR 4-DOOR 2/0 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2-DOOR 4-DOOR 2/4 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 TEXTURED 2/6 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2/8 X 2/4 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 X SMOOTH SMOOTH 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 3/0 X 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 3/0 X5 6/ 3/0 X 6/7 3/0 X5 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 PINE: 3/0 X 6/8 PINE: 3/0 X 6/8 6 PANEL TEXTURED & SMOO:T H 65//00 XX 66//88 2 PANEL ARCH TOP TEXTUREDSTEMX&OTOUSTRHME:D O: O45T//00H XX 66//88 6/0 X 6/8 2-DOOR 4-DOOR 2-DOOR 4-DOOR 2/0 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 3/0 X 6/7 3/0 X5 6/7 3/0 X 6/7 3/0 X5 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 PINE: 3/0 X 6/8 PINE: 3/0 X 6/8 TEXTURED: 4/0 X 6/8 TEXTURED: 4/0 X 6/8 SMOOTH: 5/0 X 6/8 SMOOTH: 5/0 X 6/8 2 PANEL SMOOTH 6/0 X 6/8 6/0 X 6/8 4 PANEL ARCH TOP TEXTURED 2-DOOR 4-DOOR 2-DO OR 4-DOOR 2-DOOR 4-DOOR 2/0 X 6/ 7 2/0 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2/0 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/ 7 2/4 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 2/4 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/ 7 2/6 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/6 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/ 7 2/8 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 2/8 X 6/7 3/0 X 6/ 7 3/0 X5 6/7 3/0 X 6/7 3/0 X5 6/7 3/0 X 6/7 3/0 X5 6/7 4/0 X 6/ 7 4/0 X 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 4/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/ 7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 5/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/ 7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 6/0 X 6/7 PINE: 3/0 X 6/8 PINE: 3/0 X 6/8 PINE: 3/0 X 6/8 TEXTURE D: 4/0 X 6/8 TEXTU RED: 4/0 X 6/8 TEXTURED: 4/0 X 6/8 SMOOTH : 5/0 X 6/8 SMOO TH: 5/0 X 6/8 SMOOTH: 5/0 X 6/8 6/0 X 6/8 6/0 X 6/8 6/0 X 6/8 CHEYENNE 2 PANEL ROMAN WINSLOW 70 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

DoorsCOMBINATION DOOR COMPANYEASY CHANGE COMBINATION STORM DOORSWith a Wood Combination Door, You Have Choices.The Easy-Change Door is timeless. No matter what style of home you have, there is an Easy-Change Doorthat will capture its beauty. A large selection of designer grille inserts can also add distinction to yourhome.And the Difference is Forever.An Easy-Change Door means true craftsmanship. Each door is handmade of solid wood and engineeredcomponents, which means your door is one of a kind that’s going to endure over time. Made from thenatural beauty of wood, an Easy-Change Door is handcrafted with precision and pride.Increase the Value of Your Home.The Easy-Change Door is an easy way to increase the value of your home without significant cost. Secureand energy efficient, an Easy-Change Door adds a natural look of elegance and beauty. They’re also dura-ble, meaning you can restore any sign of wear and tear, unlike aluminum doors.Customize Your Door.Easy-Change Doors are handmade; therefore, we can offer customized doors that reflect the individualbeauty of your home. With all of the planning and care that goes into building or restoring a home, wecan offer specialty doors that match your specifications. And once you have your door home, don’t forgetabout colors. While aluminum doors are only available in basic colors, Easy-Change Doors made fromnatural wood allow endless choices in both paint and stain.SIX LIGHT STORM DOOR TRADITIONAL #50 ONE LIGHT STORM DOOR ULTRA - VU STORM DOOR11⁄8 X 2-8 X 6-9 - PONDEROSA PINE 11⁄8 X 2-8 X 6-9 - PONDEROSA PINE11⁄8 X 3-0 X 6-9 - PONDEROSA PINE WITH SASH AND SCREEN 11⁄8 X 3-0 X 6-9 - PONDEROSA PINE 11⁄8 X 2-8 X 6-9 - PONDEROSA PINEONE LIGHT STORM DOOR 11⁄8 X 3-0 X 6-9 - PONDEROSA PINE11⁄8 X 2-8 X 6-9 - PONDEROSA PINE11⁄8 X 3-0 X 6-9 - PONDEROSA PINE EASY CHANGE™ DELUXE HARDWARE KIT FOR STORM & SCREEN DOORS This kit includes everything you need for quick installation of wood combination doors. • Top quality lockset in brass, satin aluminum or black with privacy latch. • Matching hinges add a proud complement to your storm door. • Heavy duty black door closure, easily adjusted to regulate the door closing speed. • Black safety chain guard, the necessary guard against that sudden gust of wind. The kit also includes easy-to-follow instructions and tips for finishing your wood door for lasting | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 71

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Decking & Porch FlooringGREEN BAY DECKINGGEODECKGeoDeck is a hybrid engineered deck system with a brushed look, low maintenance requirements, and abilityto maintain its color, even when in direct sun. GeoDeck contains no wood fillers and is made from a combi-nation of rice hulls, Biodac® reinforcers, and high-density polyethylene resins. GeoDeck is resistant to mold,mildew, decay, and scratching. Backed by a 25-year limited warranty, it never requires painting or sealing.Available Stock Color Options: Walnut, Mahogany, Cedar, Driftwood STYLE LENGTH UNIT S4S Board 12’ -16’-20’ Lengths 48 48 Tongue & Groove 12’-16’-20’ Lengths 24 Deck Boards 24 24T&G DECKBOARD Feature Strip 12’ Length Only PERIMETER STRIP 350 per box Perimeter Strip 12’ Length Only Fascia Board 12’ Length Only S4S Endcap Reversible Endcap Tongue & Groove Right and Left Endcap Endcap #7 x 21/4 Stainless Steel Trim Head ScrewsTERRAIN DECKTerrain Deck utilizes innovative graining technology to offer a real wood appearance. It is lightweight foreasy handling and fast installation as well as durable, resistant to mold, mildew, and decay. Terrain Deckcontains no wood flour with over 50% of the materials rapidly renewing or reclaimed. Backed by a 25-yearlimited warranty, its wood grain pattern weathers to a wood-like brown color. Terrain Deck combines wellwith DuxxBak.Available Stock Color Options: Copper Canyon and Rustic Red STYLE LENGTH UNIT S4S Board 12’-16’-20’- Lengths 48 Tongue & Groove 12’-16’-20’ Lengths 48 Deck Boards Feature Strip 12’ Length Only 24 Perimeter Strip 12’ Length Only 24 Fascia Board 12’ Length Only 2474 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

Decking & Porch FlooringDUXXBAK DRY-SPACE DECKING SYSTEMCedar Driftwood DuxxBak is the only complete non-vinyl water shedding deck system on the market. It is ICC rated at 24” joist spacing and composed of a com- bination of Biodac®, rice hulls, high-density polyethylene resins, and other ingredients. It contains no wood flour and is resistant to fading, mold, mildew, decay, and scratching. DuxxBak is backed by a 25-year limited warranty.Mahogany Walnut LENGTH UNIT 42 pcs. 12’-16’-20’ Lengths Endcaps Right and Left 350 per box #7 x 21/4 Stainless Steel Trim Head ScrewsGOSSENREÀL BRAZILIAN IPE PVC DECKING Reàl Decking unites the authentic look of exotic hardwoods with the performance of Gossen cellular PVC, while retaining color and resisting mold, mildew, and stains. It will not warp, twist, cup, or crack. Materi- al is lightweight and requires no pre-drilling. It comes with a lifetime warranty. STYLE DESCRIPTION UNIT 48 Deck Boards Brazilian IPE PVC (color will vary) Available in 12’ - 16’ - 20’ Lengths Kerfed or Solid Edge | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 75

Decking & Porch FlooringPASSPORT DECKING Passport offers the rich, multi-shaded wood grain of tropical hardwood, but it is American made from solid core cellular PVC. It never requires sanding, painting, or sealant. It will not warp, twist, cup, or crack. Material is light- weight and requires no pre-drilling. STYLE DESCRIPTION UNIT 48 Deck Boards Tuscan Cherry, Spanish Walnut, London Grey, Moroccan Cedar Available in 12’ - 16’ - 20’ Lengths Kerfed or Solid Edge TRAILWAYS SV DECKING Trailways Special Variegated is American made solid core cellular PVC with no organic fillers. It resists mold, mildew, or any other moisture dam- age. Boards will not swell, crack, warp, or splinter. Easy to install with no pre-drilling required. STYLE DESCRIPTION UNIT SV Deck Boards Desert Beige, Harbor Grey 48 Available in 12’ - 16’ - 20’ Lengths Kerfed or Solid EdgeTRAILWAYS DECKING Trailways is slightly lower in cost than the Trailways SV, yet it is still Amer- ican made solid core cellular PVC with no organic fillers. It resists mold, mildew, or any other moisture damage. Boards will not swell, crack, warp, or splinter. It is easy to install with no pre-drilling required. STYLE DESCRIPTION UNIT Deck Boards Alpine Gray, Sierra Walnut, Acorn Brown 48 Available in 12’ - 16’ - 20’ Lengths Rim / Fascia Boards Solid Edge Only Passport, Trailways SV, Trailways 24 5⁄8 X 111⁄4 X 12’ 76 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

Decking & Porch FlooringTONGUE AND GROOVE PORCH BOARD Tongue and Groove porch flooring is American made solid core cellular PVC with no organic fillers. It resists mold, mildew, or any other moisture damage. Boards will not swell, crack, warp, or splinter. Easy to install with no pre-drilling required. This product includes high levels of UV inhibitors and durable pigments for long lasting color retention and a comprehensive lifetime warranty.STYLE DESCRIPTION UNIT 48Passport Tuscan Cherry, Spanish Walnut, London Gray, Moroccan Cedar, 48 Alpine Grey 48 Available in 10’ - 12’ - 16’ LengthsTrailways SV Desert Beige, Harbor Grey Available in 10’ - 12’ - 16’ LengthsTrailways Alpine Grey Available in 10’ - 12’ - 16’ Lengths GRABBER CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTSDESCRIPTION UNITDMG5CB: Deckmaster G5 Deck Clips with Screws 175 LGDS: 9 x 21⁄2 # 2 PVC London Grey Deck Screws 375 TCDS: 9 x 21⁄2 # 2 PVC Tuscan Cherry Deck Screws 375 SWDS: 9 x 21⁄2 # 2 PVC Spanish Walnut Deck Screws 375 MCDS: 9 x 21⁄2 # 2 PVC Moroccan Cedar Deck Screws 375DMH DACP: Hidden Deck Angle | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 77



Railing & AccessoriesALUMINUM AFCO RAILING & ACCESSORIESAFCO-Rail Aluminum features classic lines that enhance any architectural setting. Extruded from 6063 aluminumalloy, AFCO-Rail will not rust. Extruded, machined brackets afford great strength, durability and ease of installation.AFCO-Rail Aluminum is finished with durable AAMA 2604 powder coat paint. Smith Millwork stocks 36” high railingwith the ability to special order 42”. Railing is offered in Black and Bronze.SERIES 100 LEVEL RAILAVAILABLE IN 4’, 6’, 8’ & 10’SERIES 100 FIXED & ADJUSTABLE STAIR RAILAVAILABLE IN 4’, 6’, 8’ & 10’ Bracket SetsFIXED STAIR RAIL (Included with each Rail Kit) ADJUSTABLE STAIR RAIL FIXED STAIR TOP BOTTOM ADJUSTABLE STAIR TOP BOTTOM 3” POST TO POST KITS 1-7/8” OVER THE POST KITS 38”, 44” & 54” SIZES For 36” Level & Fixed Stair Rail Kit Contains: • 3” Aluminum Post Kit Contains: Over-The-Post Line Post Over-The-Post 90* Post • Aluminum Cap & Base • 1-7/8” wide Over-The-Post 45* Post Over-The-Post End Post • ACQ Pad aluminum post4” POST TO POST KITS • 5 Bracket Styles38”, 44”, 54” & 108” SIZES Kit Contains: Available • 4”Aluminum Post • Aluminum Cap & Base •Aluminium Base Trim • ACQ Pad • ACQ Pad Over-The-Post Fixed Stair Line Post80 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

Railing & AccessoriesALUMINUM AFCO RAILING & ACCESSORIESADJUSTABLE GATE KIT Kit Contains: • Two 1-7/8” Post with Over-the-Post End Post Top Rail Brackets to serve as Also available: the vertical framework of the gate. • Black Latch Key Lock •Two Center Rail Mounting Brackets •Black Top Pull Safety Latch •Self-Closing Hinges Adjustable Gate Kit requires a section (Black-per pair) of AFCO-Rail Aluminium Level Rail •Rail section can be cut to any width required for the opening •Does not include hinges, latches or mounting hardwareBRONZE BLACK SIZE DESCRIPTION100L-4 BZTX 100L-4 BTX 36”x 48” 4’ Level Series 100 Rail100L-6 BZTX 100L-6 BTX 36”x 72” 6’ Level Series 100 Rail100L-8 BZTX 100L-8 BTX 36” x 96” 8’ Level Series 100 Rail100L-10 BZTX 100L-10 BTX 36” x 120” 10’ Level Series 100 Rail100S-4 BZTX 4’ Fixed Angle Stair Series 100 Rail100S-6 BZTX 100S-4 BTX 36” X 48” 6’ Fixed Angle Stair Series 100 Rail100S-8 BZTX 100S-6 BTX 36” x 72” 8’ Fixed Angle Stair Series 100 Rail100S-10 BZTX 100S-8 BTX 36” x 96” 10’ Fixed Angle Stair Series 100 Rail100AS-6 BZTX 100S-10 BTX 36” x 120” 6’ Adjustable Stair Series 100 Rail100AS-8 BZTX 8’ Adjustable Stair Series 100 RailRB-4 BZTX 100AS-6 BTX 36” x 72” 4’ Round Baluster Kit - AluminumRB-6 BZTX 100AS-8 BTX 36” x 96” 6’ Round Baluster Kit - AluminumRB-8 BZTX 8’ Round Baluster Kit - AluminumRB-10 BZTX RB-4 BTX 10’ Round Baluster Kit - AluminumSQB-4 BZTX RB-6 BTX 4’ Square Baluster Kit - AluminumSQB-6 BZTX RB-8 BTX 6’ Square Baluster Kit - AluminumSQB-8 BZTX RB-10 BTX 8’ Square Baluster Kit - AluminumSQB-10 BZTX 10’ Square Baluster Kit - AluminumRAB-4 BZTX SQB-4 BTX 4’ Round Angled Baluster Kit - AluminumRAB-6 BZTX SQB-6 BTX 6’ Round Angled Baluster Kit - AluminumRAB-8 BZTX SQB-8 BTX 8’ Round Angled Baluster Kit - AluminumSQAB-4 BZTX SQB-10 BTX 4’ Square Angled Baluster Kit - AluminumSQAB-6 BZTX 6’ Square Angled Baluster Kit - AluminumSQAB-8 BZTX RAB-4 BTX Fixed Stair Applications 8’ Square Angled Baluster Kit - AluminumSQAB-10 BZTX RAB-6 BTX Fixed Stair Applications 10’ Square Angled Baluster Kit - Aluminum3x38PK BZTX RAB-8 BTX Fixed Stair Applications 3” x 3” x 38” Square Post Kit - Aluminum3x44PK BZTX 3” x 3” x 44” Square Post Kit - Aluminum3x54PK BZTX SQAB-4 BTX Fixed Stair Applications 3” x 3” x 54” Square Post Kit - Aluminum4x38PK BZTX SQAB-6 BTX Fixed Stair Applications 4” x 4” x 38” Square Post Kit - Aluminum4x44PK BZTX SQAB-8 BTX Fixed Stair Applications 4” x 4” x 44” Square Post Kit - AluminumHDW-L BZTX SQAB-10 BTX Fixed Stair Applications Level Rail Hardware Kit - AluminumHDW-S BZTX Stair Rail Hardware Kit - Aluminum45BS BZTX 3x38PK BTX Post-To-Post Level Rail - 45 Degree Bracket KitAGK BZTX 3x44PK BTX Post-To-Post Adjustable Gate KitKLGL BZTX 3x54PK BTX Post-To-Post Black Key Latch Key LockTPSL BZTX 4x38PK BTX Post-To-Post Black Top Pull Safety LatchSCH BZTX 4x44PK BTX Post-To-Post Self-Closing Hinges - Black (Per Pair)OTP LBP BZTX Line Bracket PostOTP 90BP BZTX HDW-L BTX 90 Degree Bracket PostOTP 45BP BZTX HDW-S BTX 45 Degree Bracket PostOTP EP BZTX 45BS BTX End PostOTP FSLP BZTX AGK BTX Fixed Stair Line Post KLGL BTX TPSL BTX SCH BTX OTP LBP BTX Over-The-Post OTP 90BP BTX Over-The-Post OTP 45BP BTX Over-The-Post OTP EP BTX Over-The-Post OTP FSLP BTX Over-The-Post | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 81

Railing & AccessoriesFAIRWAY VINYL RAILING SYSTEMSLANDMARKE6’, 8’, AND 10’ LEVEL KITS / 6’ AND 8’ STAIR KITS• 36” Residential / 42” Commercial (Special Order)• Limited Lifetime Warranty• ICC AC174-09 Compliant / ESR #1657CONTOUR 6’, 8’, AND 10’ LEVEL RAIL KITS / 6’ AND 8’ STAIR • 36” Residential / 42” Commercial (Special Order) • Limited Lifetime Warranty • 100% Virgin Vinyl PVC • 6’ / 8’ / 10’ Level Rail Kits • 6’ and 8’ Stair Rail Kits (29° – 35° or 36°- 41°)FAIRWAY VINYL RAIL KITSITEM# DESCRIPTION PART 400625LAN-6 SQ Landmarke Level Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 6’ 400630LAN-8 SQ Landmarke Level Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 8’ 400635LAN-10 SQ Landmarke Level Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 10’ 400640SLAN-6 SQ Landmarke Stair Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 6’ 400645SLAN-8 SQ Landmarke Stair Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 8’ 400650 400655LAN-6 TU Landmarke Level Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 6’ 400660LAN-8 TU Landmarke Level Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 8’ 400665LAN-10 TU Landmarke Level Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 10’ 400670SLAN-6 TU Landmarke Stair Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 6’ 401003SLAN-8 TU Landmarke Stair Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 8’ 401015 401031CON-6 SQ Contour Classic Level Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 6’ 401003ACON-8 SQ Contour Classic Level Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 8’ 401011CON-10 SQ Contour Classic Level Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 10’ 401006SCON-6 SQ Contour Classic Stair Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 6’ 401014SCON-8 SQ Contour Classic Stair Rail Kit - White - Square Baluster - 8’ 401033 401006ACON-6 TU Contour Classic Level Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 6’ 401019CON-8 TU Contour Classic Level Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 8’ 400346CON-10 TU Contour Classic Level Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 10’ 401018ASCON-6 TU Contour Classic Stair Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 6’ 401020ASCON-8 TU Contour Classic Stair Rail Kit - White - Turned Baluster - 8’ 401010A 4010684x4 39PS 4 x 4 x 39” White Post Sleeve Bagged 4070404x4 48PS 4 x 4 x 48” White Post Sleeve Bagged 4010214x4 96PS 4 x 4 x 96” White Post Sleeve Bagged 4120304x4 108PS 4 x 4 x 108” White Post Sleeve Bagged 412098 4120316x6 108PS 6 x 6 x 108” White Post Sleeve Bagged 6.5 x 6.5 108PS 6.5 x 6.5 x 108” White Post Sleeve Bagged 4x4 42SP 4 x 4 x 42” Structural Post 4x4 120APW 4 x 4 x 120” White Adjustable Post Wrap 4x6 120APW 4 x 6 x 120” White Adjustable Post Wrap 6x6 120APW 6 x 6 x 120” White Adjustable Post Wrap 82 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

Railing & AccessoriesFAIRWAY VINYL RAIL ACCESSORIESITEM# DESCRIPTION PART4 CPC 4” White Classic Post Cap 401048 9012034 EPPC 4” White External Pyramid Post Cap 901220 9003504 NEPC 4” White New England Post Cap 901225 4007544 CPTR 4” (1 pc ) White Classic Post Trim Ring 4007504 NEPTR 4” (1 pc ) White New England Post Trim Ring 900385 9003906 CPC 6” White Classic Post Cap 400610 4006156 CPTR 6” (1 pc) White Classic Post Trim Ring 400620 400620B 401181 401077CON MB Contour Level White Mounting Bracket 401078 401079SCON MB Contour Stair White Mounting Bracket 400370LAN LBK Landmarke Level White Mounting Bracket 400372 400374LAN SBK Landmarke Stair White Mounting Bracket 400376 902013LAN BAK Landmarke Bracket Adapter Kit 90201645 LBAK 45 Degree Landmarke White Bracket Adapter kit 6-10 RCA (6” - 10” ) White Round Column Adapter 45 CRBA 45 Degree Contour White Rail Bracket Adapter 22.5 S/C RBA 22.5 Degree Standard Contour Rail Bracket Adapter 45 SRBA 45 Degree Standard White Rail Bracket Adapter 4x4 CPP Colonial Porch Post - White - 4” x 4” x 108” 5x5 CPP Colonial Porch Post - White - 5” x 5” x 108” 4x4 TPP Traditional Porch Posts - White - 4” x 4” x 108” 5X5 TPP Traditional Porch Posts - White - 5” x 5” x 108” UPPTR (4 pc) Universal “PORCH” Post Trim Ring - White UPSTR (4 pc) Universal Post “SLEEVE” Trim Ring - White | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 83

QLasting uality


PVC Moulding & BoardsBASE CAP BED MOULD BRICK MOULD SM 164 SM 75 SM 18011⁄16 X 11⁄ 8 - PINE 9⁄16 X 19⁄ 16 11⁄4 X 2 X 17’4”CROWN SM 180-J CHANNEL 11⁄4 X 3 X 18’ DRIP CAP SM 197 11⁄16 X 15⁄ 8 MULLIONRAM CROWN113⁄32 X 21⁄16 SM 2430 802 11⁄32 X 1 3⁄8 X 14' 11⁄16 X 1 15⁄32 X 7’ SM 47 11⁄16 X 45⁄8 SM 49 9⁄16 X 35⁄8 1 X 2 PVC MULLION 1 X 11⁄ 2 X 8’6”86 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

QUARTER ROUND PVC Moulding & Boards SILLSM 105 937 PVC SILL NOSE 13⁄8 X 15⁄16 X 16’3⁄4 X 3⁄4SHINGLE MOULDSM 21011⁄16 X 15⁄ 8 948 PVC SILL 11⁄4 X 5 X 16’TRANSOM SILL TRIM BOARD 192 S4S 11⁄4 X 4 9⁄16 X 17' 3⁄4 X 31⁄2 X 18' 3⁄4 X 51⁄2 X 18’ SLOPED TRANSOM MULL 3⁄4 X 71⁄4 X 18' 11⁄32 X 1 3⁄8 X 14' 3⁄4 X 91⁄4 X 18' 3⁄4 X 111⁄4 X 18' 3⁄4 X 4' X 8' Sheet SM 266 1 X 31⁄2 X 20' 1⁄4 X 11⁄ 2 1 X 51⁄2 X 20’ 1 X 71⁄4 X 20’ 1 X 91⁄4 X 20’ 1 X 111⁄4 X 20' | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected] 87

PVC Moulding & Boards NEW LOW MAINTENANCE CELLULAR PVC FINALLY, AN AFFORDABLE PVC CORNER! • One-Piece extrusion is stronger, stiffer and lighter than other Cellular PVC corners. •  No glued joints to come apart! No porous edges to collect dirt! •  Thick integrally extruded skin on all surfaces adds resistance to dents, scratches, dirt, mold, and mildew. •  “Blind Nailing Flange” lets you install the corner quickly with no nail holes to fill. • N o painting is needed, but you can if want to. It holds paint very well because it does not wick water. • No “wood problems” like rot, mold, paint peeling, finger joints, splits, etc.88 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

Notes89 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

Notes90 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

BuiltTonradition91 | 336.249.8171 | Fax 336.243.2688 | [email protected]

920 Robbins Street | P.O. Drawer T | Lexington, NC 2729292 www.smithmillwor3k3.c6o.2m49|.83©137C61o.2p|4y98r.0i8g01h.72t12220|.185F4,a9Sx8m3|3it6hfa.2Mx4:i33ll.w326o6.8r2k84,3In.|2c6.i8nA8foll@|

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