Vision-2047 Independence Day Special Edition Celebrating 75 years of Indian Independence A Media Studies Association Production
Chrizine is an epitome of our passion, An illustration of our inner potentials, A parable of our unbridled passion for excellence, A symbol of our thriving imaginations, A legacy of our unwavering ventures, And above all, Chrizine is candid memories pressed between pages! As you flip through these pages, you are sure to reminisce the firm convictions of every Christite: We are but at our peak in talents and abilities, Lovingly nurtured under the vision of St Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Cared and Fostered by the gifted, talented and qualified faculty. We are a mighty army, aflamed with immense desire to excellence, And our desire for excellence cannot be inundated in the waters of complacency!
INDEX 03 Voice Page 02 04 Features Expressions Page Page 01 05 India at a Glimpse Thoughts Page Page
NATIONAL ANTHEM Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jay He Bharata Bhagya Vidhata Panjab Sindhu Gujarat Maratha Dravida Utkala Banga Vindhya Himachal Yamuna Ganga Uchchala Jaladhi Taranga Tava Subha Name Jaage Tave Subha Aashish Mange Gaahe Tava Jay Gaatha Jana Gana Mangal Daayak Jay He Bharat Bhagya Vidhata Jay he Jay he Jay he
VANDE MATARAM Vande mataram, vande mataram Suhasini sumadhur bhashini Vande mataram, vande mataram Sukhdam vardam mataram Sujlaam sufaam malyaj sheetlam Saptkoti kunth kal kal ninaad karle Shasya shyamlam mataram vande Nisaptkoti bhujairdhut khar karwale Sujlaam sufaam malyaj sheetlam Saptkoti kunth kal kal ninaad karle Shasya shyamlam mataram vande Nisaptkoti bhujairdhut khar karwale Vande mataram, vande mataram Ke bole maa tumhi bole Shubh jyotsana pulkit yaamini Bahubal dhaarini namaami taarini Phulla kusumita drumadal shobhini Ripudal vaarini mataram Shubh jyotsana pulkit yaamini Vande mataram, vande mataram Phulla kusumita drumadul shobhini Vande mataram, vande mataram
TEAM Special Edition 2022 Dr. Ajay Kumar Dr. Deepak B J Dr. Indumathi S Faculty Co-ordinator Faculty Co-ordinator Faculty Co-ordinator Agni Tejas Varnikha Shekar Nidhi Premkumar Chandrika Amarnath Student Co-ordinator Student Co-ordinator Editorial Head Documentation Head Design Head NL Shrinidhi Samridhi Chhabra Unnati Joshi Swastika Kanade Steven Robert Agam Jain Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Designer Vishal Poonai Sakshi Gupta Anwesha B Purvang Selani Naina Gupta Jikhi J Designer Designer Designer Documentarian Documentarian Documentarian
EDITORIAL NOTE It’s hard to believe that hardly six “How can we become better?” We the volunteers of Team Chrizine months back, the idea of Chrizine wanted to hear from the Christite have given their heart and soul to was a mere thought, but now that community, and you delivered. ensure that this edition is as suc- we’ve created, not one, but three cessful, if not more, as the last. editions of it, it feels like we have Every individual who is a part achieved a true milestone in this ex- of this Institute is doubtless the It would be remiss of me to perience. brightest of the brightest, and it not acknowledge the efforts of each would be a shame to not take the and every individual whose unend- The Independence Day edi- opportunities we have to hear the ing support and efforts have gotten tion of Chrizine was a truly inspired most diverse voices that we can. us here today, from the Student concept. With India celebrating its What better way to ponder the de- Coordinators and the volunteers of 75th year of independence, we felt velopment of our country than to Team Chrizine to the faculty coordi- it to be extremely important that we hear as many opinions as we can, nators and of course, our esteemed all took a minute to pause and look from every corner of India possible? Director, Dr Fr Biju K C and our back on where the last three quar- Dean, Dr Jyothi Kumar. ters of a century of freedom has Have no doubt, this edition gotten us. India has certainly pro- you see before you today has been Thank you all, for making our gressed by leaps and bounds since a long time in the making. From vision of this Independence Day 1947, but we also wanted to ask, countless draft revisions to be made edition of Chrizine a successful re- and sleepless nights spent working, ality.
HOW TO READ THIS BOOK Team Chrizine is proud to bring to you our first ever special edition on the occasion of India’s 75th year of Independence. Our theme for this edition is Vision 2047 - what do you hope India will have achieved with- in 100 years of Independence? And we got several contributions from the Christite community. From articles, op-eds and poetry to photography, digital art and even a pod- cast, this multimedia magazine has it all. So jump right in, into the world of ideas and creativity, and get inspired!
INDIA At a Glimpse
10 | India at a Glimpse Chrizine | Special Edition 1 IndIniadinanCCuullttuurree “India lives in several centuries at the same time.” -Arundhati Roy
11 | India at a Glimpse Chrizine | Special Edition 1 Indian culture and tradition embraces various languages, religions and regional practices. It is a unique blend of traditions followed across the landscape that complement each other. Indian culture instills in various generations, and cosmopolitan approach to culture is important us values like religious how they express their in this globalised world. This is seen in different tolerance, respecting relationship to their spheres of cultural practices such as attire, our surroundings, being culture. In it’s current cuisine and language. From mixing English honest and having practices, Indian culture with one’s mother tongue to the celebration integrity. Each culture incorporates traditions of Indian festivals while incorporating western carries its values forward from across the world. practices - the examples are endless. This ability through festivals, This is reflected in the to carry forward the traditions of the past folklore, music and way that the youth while embracing new practices is what allows education. Ancient India practices and upholds us to navigate the world while still staying true to was very progressive these traditions, our roots. in its teachings. Our blending elements ancient system of together to create a education sought to practice that allows one nurture various aspects to embrace different of skills. aspects of self. Indian A culture flows culture has always been Image courtesy: macrovector | freepik through time, accepting welcoming of different and rejecting various traditions and this trend new and old practices, is synonymous to the constantly evolving. traditional attitudes And hence, it flows of our people towards through the blood of foreign practices. A
12 | India at a Glimpse Chrizine | Special Edition 1 Indian Cuisine A country is defined by its peo- contribution in sports among it could cherish for a long time. It ple. If it wasn’t for Rani Laxmi several individuals who have need not be a remarkable discov- Bai and Bhagat Singh laying contributed in various fields, In- ery or invention but a cleaner and down their lives for the country’s dia wouldn’t be where it stands greener environment, educated Independence, C V Raman and today amongst other nations. population, and safer societies APJ Abdul Kalam’s contribution On this 75th Independence Day, are things that can be achieved towards science and technology, we all should strive towards giv- with the support of everyone. P V Sindhu and Neeraj Chopra’s ing something to the country that Touristic India
13 | India at a Glimpse Chrizine | Special Edition 1 From North to South and elements that make up our rich southern delicacies while still from East to West, India has, Indian cuisine. The influence of enjoying good food from your throughout these years, em- one’s regional culture and cui- state and the rest of India. Such braced its long-standing culture sine has, to a large extent, devel- is the beautiful tradition of Indi- and traditions. The once-exotic oped its taste and desire in other an Cuisine which binds people ingredients brought in through parts of India. You could travel from all across the country in a trade routes and foreigners vis- from the south to the north and very tongue-tingling and unique iting India have now become key still find restaurants serving way! People of India Namaste, this is Incredible In- Goa with music, food and rum, of Odisha. Explore the countless Image courtesy: macrovector | freepik dia! It is a cornucopia of culture, or a chance to connect with your markets of Delhi in a rickshaw. heritage and food. There’s magic spirit in the temples of Kanchi- Take a fresh breath of life atop the in every corner; each nook and puram. Experience royalty in icy peaks of Ladakh to Arunachal cranny is bound to satiate your Rajasthan, get mystified in the Pradesh. Witness the Wagah-At- wanderlust. You can take a walk ‘City of Dreams’; Mumbai and its tari border ceremony, spin the across the Living Root Bridges maya. Travel back in time to the charkha in Gujarat with the best in Meghalaya, raft down the pe- Vijayanagara Empire in Hampi of company. rennial rivers after scaling the and Andhra Pradesh. Spot some Inevitably, you shall warble ‘In- Himalayas. How about a party in Olive Ridley turtles on the shores credible India!’, in symphony.
15 | Features India at 100 A DREAM Since its independence in 1947, rest of the world is climate change. concern, especially in the domain India has emerged as one of the In order to emerge victorious in of womens’ rights - must be crimi- largest democracies in the world, a this combat, India can follow the nalised in the country. The govern- leading global power, and a rapidly footsteps of nations such as Cana- ment also has a responsibility to developing economy. As we cele- da and Rwanda which have placed improve the standards of living of brate 75 years of independence, it a ban on single-use plastics. Long- the citizens by improving access to is time to conceive a vision for the term plans are redundant as this education, basic amenities and job future of the nation. As The Mint predicament requires current ac- opportunities, which are currently reports in 2022, the Indian gov- tion. According to the 2022 Envi- deficient for the masses. ernment has formulated a plan, ronment Performance Index (EPI), ‘India@2047’ to bring us closer to India ranked lowest among 180 Today, India prides itself on a developed nation by our 100th countries in terms of enforcing cli- being the world’s largest democ- year of independence. The main mate laws. The focus should be on racy. In order for India to achieve domains chosen for the develop- achievable short-term goals and ef- the aforementioned resolutions, ment plan include agriculture, de- fective implementation of statutes. it is imperative that it upholds the fence, technology, industry, and pillars of democracy. Above all, infrastructure. Additionally, there Advancing on the social front by 2047, our democracy must not are several goals - from legalising is an essential aspect of a devel- become a faint reminder of what gay marriage to reforming its in- oped nation. In this regard, India India used to be, but rather a cel- stitutions - that India is required to must legalise same-sex marriage by ebration of what it achieve by 2047. 2047. This will be a crucial step in continues to be. the direction of LGBTQ+ rights and The first and foremost threat human rights. Furthermore, mari- Jane Caryn Thomas that the nation faces along with the tal rape - one of the major issues of
16 | Features The Rush To Move Abroad Cassandra Carvalho Relatives are perennially prodding otic politics and erratic develop- tutions that foster creative thinking. Image courtesy: macrovector | freepik and questioning about my educa- ment. Corruption and defections, Art inspires the mind, science tion; “Will you go abroad for Mas- name-calling and scams. Through- ters?” The stunning realization that out the years, no matter the party, uses that inspiration. We need to I am expected to leave a country that the Indian government has been revamp the meaning of education has nurtured me, heightened when stained with the reputation of being to an amalgamation of the creative a respected intellectual mocked me crass Indian barbarians, living up to arts and sciences. Think tanks, for being an ‘idealist’, since there the image of us painted by the Brit- brainstorming festivals, schools for was ‘no hope for progress in the ish colonial paternalist and oriental- ergonomics, intellectual tourism… country given the way things are go- ist ideologies. There exists a dearth The strategies are endless. India has ing.’ of intellectual resolve and commit- the 4th highest number of scientific ted professionalism. publications globally, yet the biggest Why has India attained this lev- American conglomerates are run by el of shame and disrespect from its The answer to this problem is Indians. As we gear up for a future own citizens? On the educational harnessing the country’s intellectual predicted by science-fiction films, front, our subcontinent has domi- capital. We need incentives to make we must implement new princi- nated history, right from Aryabhatta the future talent and brains of this ples and methodologies, to utilize to Nalanda, but today, our youth are nation stay, and lure the current the potential we already have. As pursuing degrees overseas, without emigrants back. This is where public H.G.Wells rightly put, ‘Human his- plans of returning. private partnerships, and govern- tory becomes more and more a race ment initiatives can establish insti- between education and catastrophe.’ Then there’s the aspect of cha-
17 | Features Why not “SHE“? From a span unknown the term ‘woman’ feels and opinions A woman Image courtesy: freepik in the long-term history, like more of an unsafe and they will should women have always been voyage of ups and downs be set free to satirically well objecti- created by our societal make their own enjoy her fied to curb themselves norms, yet women have decisions at ev- equal status to the household chores. never taken a step back ery point of life. However, the problem when it has come to their in this is not about performing self-respect and rights. Now to the imme- democratic those chores, neverthe- 100 years from now, I diate end, women will country but less, the question pokes can stand still and see feel more of a com- also fight up as to why not with the where the term “her” forting way to safety. for what is equal status. gathers me towards. I The upcoming 100 years right and not only see a good team of independence will set take a stand My vision for an ide- of women out there in women free of the con- for herself al India in the year 2047 every possible sector at straint of constructs that against acts when it celebrates its 100 each position but I see a society has laid down on of domestic years of complete inde- lot of them fighting for them from variable pe- pendence is not only that their rights and against riods of time. Then will violence. a woman should enjoy every ill deed they have independence be more her equal status in this been brought forward of a metaphorical term democratic country but to. They will be making where the subdued inde- also fight for what is right their own way of living pendence will mark the and take a stand for her- and rejoicing in equal up-forth rights and safe- self against the ruthless status with equal duties ty for women? acts of domestic violence. with men. No one would With the increasing rate be questing them about By Vaishnavi Singh of rapes and domestic vi- their personal choices olence against a woman,
Of India in 2047 ual interests or orientation, that those conditions. The system that they are forced to hide their real we live in should change for the selves for years and be in a forced better. Educational institutions, relationship that their body government forms, and legal India got its independence 75 doesn’t allow. Some people gath- documents should have “Parent years back, but are Indians still er the courage to tell their fami- Name” rather than Father’s name free? Are Indian minds willing to lies and in return, all that they get Or Mother’s Name, because even P accept people the way they are? is a negative response and regret a same sex couple has equal R I Questions like these come up in for the rest of their lives. Some rights to be parents and bringing D E the minds of more than a million families consider it to be a men- up a child as beautifully as any Indians every single day. India tal illness and opt for treatment. other couple. On the positive side is known for its diverse culture India needs to understand that we also see a lot of change and ac- and respect for all communities humans are born with their own ceptance happening around the and traditions. If that is the case sexual orientation, and it is not country, but we still have a long then why isn’t Pride celebrated something that can be influenced way to go. As India steps closer like Diwali, Lohri, Christmas or or put into somebody by force. It to its 100th Independence, let’s Eid? Why is a gay person some- is as basic as being born as a left together change the way India one’s ‘gay child’ and not just their hander or a right hander. Today, thinks. Let’s teach our genera- child alone? India is a country we see transgenders begging on tions to be more accepting, to be that is still very backward in their the streets and we blame them more respectful and most impor- practices towards the LGBTQIA+ for their lives being this way. But tantly to have the right thinking. community. The community is if we look at it, we are the rea- not only unaccepted, but also de- son they live that life. We don’t graded in the country. A person provide them with job opportu- is judged so much for their sex- nities and force them to work in Reha Lakhi
19 | Expressions Evening Walk by Akanksha Mohapatra The vision of a grove of Kachnar in years. As the two sisters walked and structured, just like everything trees came to Nandini on an ordi- outside, hands linked together, else she had witnessed that day. nary day. She knew instantly that Nandini did not feel much more Despite the fashionable common- the apparition was an intuitive sign, than a child, but a few tendrils of placeness of its appearance, there for she had never seen such a sight white had already appeared in her was one respect in which it stood before. How could she have, living thick black hair. out from the ordinary. Kids were as she did, resigned to hospital life, merrily playing on tire swings care- miles away from being able to even The town had not grown fully fastened to the tree branches. stand upright? Her refuge lay in a older with her. It still seemed like She let out a small gasp as she real- chasm of tediousness interrupted a child in its growth spurt. “That’s ized that they were celebrating the by occasional stories from her gen- what’s left of Shalini Market,” said Raja festival. Traditions had main- erous sister. It was in these stories her sister interrupting her thoughts. tained their sacred spot. Weaves that she had heard about the beau- A 12-year-old Nandini would have of nostalgia cocooned her heart. tiful grove near her parents’ house. never imagined that the centre of “You sure grew up well,” Nandini She would spend listless hours try- her suburban dreams would cease announced after an abundance of ing to picture those seemingly mys- to exist in her little town. Not that it silence, leaving her sister puzzled. tical plants her sister gushed about. was a town anymore. Her 42-year- With scarcely a pause, the sisters She now felt resolute about where old self was not surprised at all. walked back home. she wanted to take her first steps They finally made it to the grove. It was beautiful but fastidiously clean
20 | Voice Chrizine | Special Edition 1 Incredible India The city of Kolkata is a vivid me- munity grew to a peak population Mughal Empire to serve as Merce- tropolis, with millions of people of 20,000, having a long-standing naries and Slaves. The Siddis rose from different cultures and speak- impact not only on the city’s resi- to the ranks of chieftains, minis- ing a multitude of languages calling dents but their culture as well, the ters and rulers of states such as the city their home. Yet, one such most famous being the Indo-Chi- Murud Janjira and Sachin. While community is unique and unlikely nese style of cuisine. Despite this, having African lineage, the current in this case. Hidden behind the vast the population has sharply de- generation has completely mould- tanneries and serpentine roads of clined, especially after the Sino-In- ed itself into the fabric of the local the Tangra neighbourhood, this dian war of 1962, which led to the society, having similar language ethnic group finds itself in a diffi- mass internment of Chinese Indi- and customs, speaking Gujrati and cult place in the city. Tangra is In- ans in POW Camps and their sub- Konkani, and a majority of them dia’s first and only Chinatown and sequent migration out of India. Yet following Hinduism and Sufi Islam. houses the Indo-Chinese commu- a portion of the population stayed The Siddis also reside in the city of nity. The first Chinese immigrants back, claiming their right to reside Hyderabad and the Junagarh-Gir arrived in the town during the 18th in the city they call home. Region of Gujrat. century as traders, handypersons and labourers, back when Kolkata A similar community exists in Sourav Kumar was a significant trading hub for the the Southern state of Karnataka British. Setting up restaurants, tan- as well; the Siddis, descendants of neries and shops, the Chinese com- the Bantu People of Southeast Af- rica, were bought into India by the
21 | Voice Chrizine | Special Edition 1 Akhanda Bharata 2047 The country that lies north of the Well, I have a similar question. sivist foreign domination starting Image courtesy: freepik ocean and south of the Himalaya While those debates are centered with the capture of Sindh by Islam- is called Bharata, there dwell the around the ideas of a welfare state ic/Arabic forces. Fast forward to descendants of Bharata, says the or civil and political freedom, my 2022, fragments of this 8000 years ancient text of Vishnu Purana. The concerns are purely civilizational. old civilization are under the custo- year 2047 would mark 100 years of dy of the SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST independence of this Bharata from The year 2047 would not mark SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUB- British imperialism, after two cen- 100 years of independence alone, LIC Of INDIA. I wonder what will turies of colonialism and a centu- it would also mark 1400 years of be the future of this last surviving ry of direct crown rule. But every the death of Harshavardhana, who major pagan culture, in this most- year, as the Independence Day in my opinion was the last among ly monotheistic world? Will they nears, the debate around “Are we the likes of mighty native rulers face the same fate as the Hindus like Chandragupta and Ashoka (ethno-geographic/civilization- really free?” captures the in- who unified large parts of Bharata al term, not religious) of Sindh, tellectual space. under a single political entity thus Balochistan, Bengal, Afghanistan preventing foreign domination. and Kashmir? A civilisation with its own people against it under the This event was followed by feu- influence of religious fanaticism is dal division of the counting its last days and is plead- most vulnerable ing for help, not from outside but part of Bharata re- from within. sulting in nearly a millennium of incon- sistent but impactful, expansionist and exclu- Surya K L
Chrizine | Special Edition 1 VISION FOR AN INCLUSIVE INDIAN ARMY Image courtesy: freepik The 6th of September 2018 saw ination is nevertheless an unan- Chief General Bipin Rawat’s words, a groundbreaking verdict in the swered question. Almost 4 years homosexuality is not welcome and form of ruling Section 377 uncon- past the verdict, there is broad con- is instead condemned in the con- stitutional, thereby legalizing ho- sensus that the queer community fines of the armed forces. Individ- mosexuality and queer represen- still faces a great deal of prejudice, uals from the queer community are tations in India. It was a colourful resentment from family, lack of ac- banned from openly serving in any day - a rainbow-coloured one - for ceptance by society and bullying of position in the armed forces. Bip- every soul that had been shamed, all sorts. One of the many ways the in Rawat’s stance on homosexual- trampled upon and discriminated legalization of homosexuality has ity flies in the face of the Supreme against for who they are. not found its fruition is in its inabil- Court’s verdict on the abolishment ity to seek acceptance in the armed of Section 377. It was a victory of love but wheth- forces. The victory of love is de- er or not this has ultimately helped terred from finding its place in the the queer community to break the love of our country. In Indian Army shackles of prejudice and discrim- Vishal V P Scan here to read more
22 | Expressions Chrizine | Special Edition 1 Image courtesy: freepik Our Pride Known for its rich cultures, faiths and festivals Stretches vast across the Indian Ocean, a nation of marvels Our hues, languages and traditions mirror our diversity Our people kind at heart, show amiable hospitality Ingrained with talent, skills, beauty & brains We stand up tall and they know our names With Gandhi, we lit the blazing fire of Independence Dauntless, brave & heroic were our ascendants We have witnessed Chandragupta, Ashoka & Akbar To Mother Teressa, Abdul Kalam & B. R. Ambedkar The number of genes that differ between us is vast But the number of common genes we share, surpass Who doesn’t have disagreements at times? But we rise through it together, that’s prime It is its people that define and enrich the foundation India our pride, our love, our nation. Unnati Joshi
23 | Expressions Chrizine | Special Edition 1 Image courtesy: freepik
Independence Day Special Edition A Media Studies Association Production
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