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Home Explore ATVT_User Help Manual (2)

ATVT_User Help Manual (2)

Published by harshadpawar999, 2016-01-02 02:24:17

Description: ATVT_User Help Manual (2)


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Auto Tag Vehicle Tracking 20153. This a common search box for this data table. Here user can search anythingthat he/she want.4. This a particular search box for this data table. Here user can search recordcolumn wise.10.12: Create Stock Count12. By clicking on “Create Stock Count” link user will get the new page for “CreateStock Count”. 1 Figure 60: Create Stock Count1. On clicking “Create Stock Count” user can able to generate the System StockCount. Figure 61: Create Stock Count- Stock Count Created SuccessfullyUser Help Manual Page 51

Auto Tag Vehicle Tracking 201510.13: Generate Stock Variance13. By clicking on “Generate Stock Variance” link user will get the new page for“Generate Stock Variance”. Here user will get different types of stock details likeTotal, Match, Variance, and Excess Vehicles and Stock Name. 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 62: Stock Variance DetailsAll the Fields indicating * are mandatory1. Select the any “Type” and “Name” and then click “Generate Stock Variance”. Souser will get the Stock Report with respect to their “Type”2. If You Select Type “Total” and any “Name” and then click “Generate StockVariance”. Then user will get the Total count of Physical and system stock.User Help Manual Page 52

Auto Tag Vehicle Tracking 20153. If You Select Type “Match” and any “Name” and then click “Generate StockVariance”. Then user will get the Match count of Physical and system stock.4. If You Select Type “Variance” and any “Name” and then click “Generate StockVariance”. Then user will get the Variance count of Physical and system stock (thatis missing in Physical or System stock).5. If You Select Type “Excess Vehicles” and any “Name” and then click “GenerateStock Variance”. Then user will get the Excess Vehicles count of Physical andsystem stock (that is Excess in Physical or System stock).10.14: Vehicle Details14. By clicking on “Vehicle Details” link user will get the new page for “VehicleDetails”. Here user can see the vehicle details like VIN Number, Description, Status,Location, Yard, and Condition.User Help Manual Page 53

Auto Tag Vehicle Tracking 2015 1 2 3 Figure 63: Vehicle Details1. On click any of “VIN No” users are able to see further details of that particular VIN.User Help Manual Page 54

Auto Tag Vehicle Tracking 2015 1 Figure 64: Vehicle Details-View Details of VINUser Help Manual Page 55

Auto Tag Vehicle Tracking 20151.1: On Clicking “View Timeline” link user can see the details of Vehicle Arrival inyard up to the Vehicle Gate Pass with date and time. 2User Help Manual Page 56

Auto Tag Vehicle Tracking 2015 Figure 65: Vehicle Details-Timeline of VIN1.2: On clicking “View details” link user will go back to the previous page (VINDetails).2. This a common search box for this data table. Here user can search anythingthat he/she want.3. This a particular search box for this data table. Here user can search recordcolumn wise.10.15: Initial Inspection15. Here user will get vehicle’s checklist report of inspection performed just initialvehicle arrived.NOTE: It can have more than one record of a vehicle if in case re-inspection isdone.User Help Manual Page 57

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