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Home Explore STEP Handbook

STEP Handbook

Published by, 2020-08-05 04:08:31

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This handbook contains important information about the STEP test. CONTENTS 03 03 What is STEP? 04 Test Format 04 Test Structure 05 Advantages of STEP Scores 06 STEP Test Timing 07 On Test Day 08 STEP Scores and the CEFR SAMPLE TEST QUESTIONS 09 LISTENING 10 SPEAKING 12 WRITING 14 READING

What is STEP ? Test Format The Silpakorn Test of English The test format is a multiple- Proficiency, or STEP, is designed choice paper-based test with based on the Common European 4 possible answers for each Framework of Reference for test item. Languages (CEFR) to indicate The test consists of 120 test test takers’ English competence items with a total testing time and achievements on a five-level of 2.5 hours. scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1). The test comprises four sections: Listening, Semi-speaking, General Education Semi-writing, and Reading. Administration and English Language 03SilpakoGrn&UEnCiveenrstietyr Development Center 034-271-514 G&E Center, Silpakorn University [email protected]

Test Structure Parts Content No. Testing time of items (minutes) Listening Question/statement-response, announcements, instructions, 30 30 Semi-speaking conversations, interviews, talks Semi-writing Question-response, conversations, 30 40 Reading interviews, talks Error identification, text completion 30 40 Short passages, long passages, 30 40 letters, emails See the link for further information about CEFR: Advantages of STEP Scores 1 2 STEP scores are used to measure a test STEP scores are used to guide Silpakorn taker’s English proficiency. Undergraduate University students’ study plans to improve students who were admitted to the University their English proficiency. from academic year 2018 (B.E. 2561) onwards, and graduate students who were admitted to 3 the University from academic year 2019 (B.E. 2562) onwards, may submit their STEP scores STEP scores are used as a placement with a minimum Level B2 of the CEFR as guide for Silpakorn University undergraduate evidence of English language proficiency to students who are currently enrolled in fulfill the University’s graduation requirement. a curriculum program using the General Education Program (Revised B.E. 2562) and those who are required to take intensive courses. 04 TSeTsEt PTaker Handbook

How much does STEP cost ? 1 The STEP test fee is 500 baht for: a. Undergraduate students who were admitted to the University prior to academic year 2018 (B.E. 2561); b. Silpakorn University graduate students; and c. Silpakorn University staff. 2 The STEP test fee is 800 baht for the general public. Note: Undergraduate students who were admitted to the University from academic year 2018 (B.E. 2561) onwards are eligible to take the test free of charge. Who are eligible for the STEP test ? Silpakorn University students Silpakorn University staff General public STEP Test Timing A required placement test A required progress test before Special test options for upon admission for first-year graduation for third-year undergraduate students who undergraduate students undergraduate students who meet criteria set by the G&E have not attained a B2 level Center Ntoottaek:eGSraTdEuPatferomstutdheenatsbomvaeyavcahiolaobslee test timing or options. Tteostgceet nttheers,mpolsetasuep-ctoh-edcakteFaincfoerbmoaotkio:nGa&bEouCt etnetsetr,reSgiilsptraaktioornn, Utensitvedrastietys,, aanndd website: 05SilpakoGrn&UEnCiveenrstietyr

On Test Day Admission Procedures and Regulations for the STEP Test Takers 1 The test takers are required to wear uniforms 4 You are permitted to bring the following (undergraduate students) or polite attire items into the testing room: your ID card, (graduate students, staff, and the general a blue-colored pen, three or four sharpened public). 2B pencils, a pencil sharpener, and an eraser. 2 You are required to arrive at the testing room 5 It is your responsibility to check your assigned at least 45 minutes prior to the testing time. seating and remember to go to your assigned seat. 3 You must present your valid (unexpired) photo identification, e.g., ID card, student ID card, 6 Test takers who have not received their or other government-issued ID documents. seating arrangements or who have arrived You are responsible for providing an up-to-date at the wrong test venue will not be allowed original document with a recognizable to take the test. photograph. Photocopied documents are not acceptable, and documents cannot be 7 Test centers assume no responsibility for presented on a mobile phone or any other test takers’ personal belongings. electronic device. In case of a registered name change, you must show a certified, true copy of your name change verification to the test administrators. 06 STeTsEt PTaker Handbook

Test Schedule Session Time Doors closed Morning 09.00 am - 12.00 pm 09.00 am Afternoon 13.30 - 16.30 pm 13.30 pm * Under no circumstances will you be permitted into the testing rooms after the doors are closed. Dismissal from the STEP test session A test supervisor is authorized to dismiss you from a test session, or your scores may be canceled, due to the following actions: • attempting to take the test for someone else • giving or receiving assistance during the test • copying test questions or answers, or cheating in any other way • taking a test book or answer sheet from the testing room • taking electronic recording, scanning, or photographic devices into the testing room • creating a disturbance or a distraction STEP Scores and the CEFR The STEP scores CEFR Level STEP Score mapped to their CEFR levels. A1 1 - 25 A2 26 - 50 B1 51 - 75 B2 76 - 100 C1 101 - 120 07SilpakoGrn&UEnCiveenrstietyr

SAMPLE TEST These sample test QUESTIONS questions allow test takers to experience task types and format presented in the STEP tests. 08 TSeTsEt PTaker Handbook

LISTENING: Questions 1-30 Instructions The listening test consists of three sections. Listen to the instructions for each section carefully and answer all the questions. For each section, there will be some time for you to read the questions before the recording begins. Write your answers on the answer sheet provided. You will hear each recording of the listening test only once. Section 1 You will hear a question or statement. Choose the best response to the question or statement from the choices provided. 1 1. She’s Jane Roberts. 2. My name is Johnny. 3. It’s Green, like the color. 4. Yes, that’s my last name. Section 2 You will hear conversations between two people. After each conversation, the questions will be read to you. Choose the best answer for each question from the choices provided. 17 1. It is difficult. 2. It is uninteresting. 3. It is not inspiring. 4. It is not challenging. Section 3 You will hear a talk and a lecture. Choose the best answer for each question from the choices provided. 22 What is the speaker’s opinion about eating bugs? 1. Bugs are capable of causing serious infections in humans. 2. It is quite easy to convince Westerners to start eating bugs. 3. Once you overcome the ick factor, bugs can be quite delicious. 4. Edible bugs can be delicious and aromatic when cooked with butter. 29 Which of the following ideas is implied in the talk? 1. Computer games are more destructive than creative. 2. Technological advancements have taken away the naturalness of childhood. 3. Computer games have hugely reduced children’s chance for play and leisure time. 4. As more advanced technology develops, the closer companion children can create. 09SilpakoGrn&UEnCiveenrstietyr

SPEAKING: Questions 31-60 Choose the best answer to fill in each blank. 31 A: How much do you weigh? 2. 160 cm B: _________________. 4. More than that 1. 55 kg 3. 300 baht 39 A: I gave up playing tennis last year. B: That’s terrible. _________________________? 1. Why’s that 2. How did it go 3. Who told you that 4. Would it be a problem Choose the best options to complete each conversation. Jake: Where should we take a vacation this year? Let’s decide soon. Melissa: Well, I’d like to go somewhere warm. ______(43)______ or maybe we could rent a cabin on the lake. Jake: You want to go to the beach again? ______(44)______. How about a compromise? What about traveling to the Alps in Europe next November? We can find a ski resort on a lake. Melissa: Umm, I see what you mean but ______(45)______. I need to do some research first. 45 1. I don’t think nothing goes wrong 2. you might not know the right solution 3. please don’t mention what I have said 4. I don’t know if it’ll be too early for snow then 10 TSeTsEt PTaker Handbook

Laura: First of all, I just want to thank you. I’ve been excited about this chat, especially after watching the film and seeing the ends of the earth you’ve captured the message and shared with us. ________(55)________. Craig: Thanks for having me. It’s always great to talk about the film, and try and get that message that it carries to as many people as possible. Laura: It sure does. ________(56)________. You’re a journalist and a reporter but how do you go from writing for a newspaper, to writing and filming a documentary about plastics in the oceans? Craig: It takes a lot of work to perfect your abilities in any job or in any medium, and I just had a desire to try as many mediums as possible. ________(57)________, but the problem with television news was that we’d spend an awful amount of time filming a story for just a minute-and-a-half packager. Then, it would be gone, and never seen again. Laura: ________(58)________? Craig: Yes, documentaries became a natural progression for me, and I found that not only can you tell the story a lot better, but also that documentaries are put into libraries and they’re recorded on hard drives nowadays. You’ve got a historical reference that people can access and go back to time and time again. Laura: Great. ________(59)________? Because I know as a journalist you’ve reported on all different kinds of stories, so when did you decide that you really wanted to share this message of sustainability and the environment and what’s happening with the oceans? Craig: ________(60)________. That’s where I’d spend most of my time, exploring rock pools or digging through sand to find crabs. I guess I had a connection to ecology. Therefore, I’ve gravitated more towards stories that have a relevant point to it. 56 1. I’d love to know how you follow your passion for the environment 2. I’m very curious why you don’t write for a regional newspaper anymore 3. I think it’d be nice if you’d explain in more detail about how you planned the film 4. Before we get into the film, I’m keen to take a look at and hear about where it began 11SilpakoGrn&UEnCiveenrstietyr

WRITING: Questions 61-90 Read the following sentences and choose the underlined section which is WRONG. 64 A hotel registration form is necessary because of a hotel has to record our information. (1) (2) (3) (4) 71 Some of my roommates use to go study abroad, so their English is very good, and (1) (2) (3) they keep practicing by themselves. (4) 12 TSeTsEt PTaker Handbook

Choose the most appropriate answer to fill in each blank. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to______(79)_______ the programmer position posted in the Nation Newspaper. ______(80)_______, I have enclosed a completed job application and resume with references. The position is very appealing to me because I would be proud to work for a company with such a long history of leadership in the media industry, and I believe that my strong practical technical IT skills and education background make me a highly competitive candidate. My key strengths that would support my success in this position ______(81)_______. With a Bachelor of Science in Computer Programming, I not only have a comprehensive understanding of the full lifecycle of software development ______(82)_______ learning and knowing the right programming languages. Please see my resume for further information related to my work experience. _______(83)_______. I can be reached anytime at the phone number and/or email address on my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you and discussing my qualifications in more detail. _______(84)_______, Thomas James Thomas James 79 1. apply for 2. look for 3. inform of 4. ask about 82 1. and have experience in 2. or to have experience in 3. but also have experience in 4. in order to have experience in 13SilpakoGrn&UEnCiveenrstietyr

READING: Questions 91-120 Read the following advertisement and choose the best answer for each question. You’ll love doing exercise at the Horizon Health Center, and you’ll love the very relaxing atmosphere offered by the center. We offer modern exercise and fitness equipment in large, comfortable, and air-conditioned rooms. You can exercise alone or with the help of our professional personal trainers. If you enjoy working out with friends, join our cardio, aerobics, or swimming programs. You can try kickboxing and kung fu classes as well. Our nutrition experts are always on hand to discuss with you about health and fitness issues. When you’re done, you can relax with our spa facilities such as whirlpool baths and saunas. Come work out with us at Horizon, and you’ll soon be feeling perfectly healthy and looking good. 97 What is the main idea of this text? 1. Spa facilities at the Horizon Health Center are the best in town. 2. People can enjoy working out with friends at the Horizon Health Center. 3. Promotions and sports facilities are available at the Horizon Health Center. 4. The Horizon Health Center offers a relaxing atmosphere for doing exercise. 14 TSeTsEt PTaker Handbook

Read the following email and choose the best answer for each question. To: Frank Smith, Human Resources Director <[email protected]> From: Takayuki Aoyama <[email protected]> Subject: ________________________________________________ Dear Mr. Smith: We are sorry that you are not satisfied with your Xtra Laser Printer you purchased last year. You are completely justified in expecting more than two years of high performance from an Xtra unit, and we are always happy to service any Xtra product that does not live up to standards. We appreciate your offering us the opportunity to check the malfunctioning printer. Based on our service staff’s inspection, three problems brought about the unit’s breakdown. Apparently, the Xtra Printer is being used for a significantly higher volume of printing than it was developed for, as specified in both the user’s manual and sales material with which you were provided. Another problem is that there are several staples stuck in the machine. This can cause the burn-out of many mechanical parts. There is also an indication that counterfeit toners have been applied to the printer for a long time. This can lead serious damage to the operation of the machine. Since the six-month warrantee expired four months ago, we are not prepared to provide you with a replacement printer as requested. However, we would be happy to take the broken printer as a trade-in on another. We are sure that this arrangement would meet your company’s needs and be more economically feasible than doing further repairs to the old item. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to speak to our sales representative about the terms of the trade-in. Yours sincerely, Takayuki Aoyama Vice President of Customer Service Tel +973 123342562 Fax +973 188456652 105 According to the email, what is one major cause of the damaged Xtra Printer? 1. Somebody in the office applies fake toners to the Xtra Printer. 2. The Xtra Printer’s dust cover breaks apart during the operation. 3. The malfunctioning Xtra Printer does not live up to expectations. 4. The function from one side of the Xtra Printer is greatly damaged. 15SilpakoGrn&UEnCiveenrstietyr

READING: Questions 91-120 Passage 2 A Japanese researcher suggested that our galaxy was revived after it once stopped existing. This hypothesis came from his research claiming that the stars in much of the Milky Way can be divided into two categories. The stars in the first category generally are abundant in “alpha” elements which include oxygen, magnesium, silicon, etc., while the ones in the second category are rich with iron or iron-based elements. Previously, this issue has not been backed up by the scientific community; however, astronomer Masafumi Noguchi from Tohoku University, in Sendai, Japan, has come up with an explanation to solve this mystery. A theory called “cold flow accretion” was adopted to calculate the evolution of the galaxy over a 10-billion-year period. In the past, this theory helped to understand how bigger galaxies came to be. However, Noguchi proposed that this theory can be applied to describe the Milky Way as well. Noguchi’s model made its debut in the science journal Nature. It emphasizes that there is a relationship between the stars and the periods of star formation. These stars can be categorized by a long inactive/slumber period in between when the process came to a halt. He supported his argument by claiming that the chemical composition of the stars is subject to the gases from which they are formed. In the early stage of the model, cold gas streams (cold flow accretion) flowed into the galaxy from the outside. This resulted in the forming of the first stars. A few million years later, these certain short-term stars exploded into supernovas. This process produced large amounts of alpha elements making their way into gases and eventually coalesced into other stars. But, due to shock waves, the process of star formation was stopped about 7 billion years ago leading to a 2 billion year “dormant period”. Then about 5 billion years ago, the second generation of stars like our sun were formed when the gas cooled enough. A gap in star formation could be found in massive spiral galaxies, such as the Milky Way, while the same phenomenon does not occur in smaller galaxies. Noguchi proposed that future observations of nearby galaxies are vital for revolutionizing our presumption of galaxy formation and solving the mysteries of the cosmos. 16 TSeTsEt PTaker Handbook

116 Where can this article most likely be found? 1. A culture feature 2. A tabloid magazine 3. A science magazine 4. A horoscope column 119 What is the significance of this article? 1. It challenges our old beliefs about our own galaxy. 2. It highlights that our galaxy contains poisonous gases. 3. It gives a warning to us that our galaxy will become larger. 4. It sheds light on the significance of astronomers and their theories. 17SilpakoGrn&UEnCiveenrstietyr

General Education Administration and English Language Development Center

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