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Home Explore The Badge Issue 220 June 2014

The Badge Issue 220 June 2014

Published by marcus, 2016-05-04 08:05:31

Description: Battle of Trafalgar Square


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LCDC fighting today for a better tomorrowMore trade stories than all the others put together Issue 221 June 2014 INSIDEDEMO BREAKING NEWSJUNE 11th@ 2pm TFL TO GO TO HIGH COURT ON TAXIMETERS PAGE 10 NEWS LAW COMMISSION PUBLISHES REPORT ON TAXI TRADE PAGE 3 NEWS SUCCESS AT THE SHARD PAGES 4 & 5

2 Issue 221 - June 2014 Editorial: Let the battle begin Published by Grant Davis the public who were affected by our The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd. SUCCESS AT THE SHARD drive-in. Not only that but I feel they should resign from their position, as Unit A 303.2, they are surely not fit for purpose. Tower Bridge Business Complex Tower Point, 100 Clements Road MAY I start this month’s editorial by TfL + UBER = HAILO not join them? Southwark, London SE16 4DG thanking every taxi driver and If this is the case, this is just another knowledge student who attended LAST WEEK the licensed taxi trade example of TFL’s incompetence in the Telephone: 020 7232 0676 the drive-in at The Shard on May was rocked to its foundations when way they regulate our industry - quite 6th; you were all a credit to our it was revealed that HAILO had obviously they are Not Fit For Purpose! E-mail for membership enquiries: trade, thank you. applied for a PH Operators licence. E-mail: [email protected] The upshot of the demonstration was Many drivers have contacted me at BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR Web: that TfL attended a site meeting with the office in sheer disbelief that a the ranks committee a few days after company that was built on the ethos of AS YOU have seen on the front Editor: Grant Davis the demonstration and agreed for us to winning the work back from Private page, the Trade will be staging a have a 2 cab rank outside, where we Hire and putting it back into cabs had mass demonstration at Trafalgar The Badge is distributed free to the had been ranking up prior to the demo. decided to open HAILO up to booking Square to once again highlight TfL’s Licensed London Cab Trade. The question I would like to know the minicabs. sheer incompetence in every answer to is, who at TfL authorised the We feel at the Club that this decision aspect of the way we are regulated.For advertising enquiries please contact the office on two car pick up and drop of bays whilst was a “knee jerk” reaction to the recent As we said last month, the Shard was 020 7394 5553 or E-mail: [email protected] we were pushed some 200 yards down developments with Uber and other just the beginning of a long battle we St Thomas Street? Whoever was rogue Apps in the capital that were are facing to secure the future of our All advertising in The Badge is accepted under our responsible for this decision should put taking work away from HAILO. Did trade. Make sure you are there, No terms and conditions. These are available their hands up and apologise to the HAILO take the view that if it was ok for Excuses. at the LCDC office. owners of the Shard and members of the rogue Apps to act illegally, then why Before entering into any commitment, financial or otherwise, always remember to seek professional advice. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarity those fo the Editor or of the Management Committee of the London Cab Driver’s Club. Contributions for publication are welcomed and should be sent to the Editor at the above address. The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd.

Issue 221 - June 2014 3Reforming the regulation oftaxis and private hire vehiclesTAXIS AND private hire services, reforms: by disabled people. drivers, the Commission recommendswhich include minicabs, are an • all private hire vehicles, including There would be stiffer penalties, too, that the trade in licences should beessential link in the transport stretch limos and other “novelty” for touting (actively soliciting allowed to continue. But, in areas wherenetwork of England and Wales, with vehicles, would be subject to the same customers), which poses a significant quantity restrictions are introduced forpassengers spending in excess of standards, wherever they operate safety risk. Under the Commission’s the first time, licenses should not be£2.5 billion a year on fares. • taxis would be subject to a reforms, licensing authorities would be tradeable. But the law that governs how the taxi comparable set of standards, which given the power to impound any Nicholas Paines QC, the Lawand private hire trades operate is old, could be added to locally, allowing vehicles used in connection with touting. Commissioner leading on the project,inconsistent and struggling to deal with licensing authorities to choose to set Passengers are increasingly turning to says:internet-driven changes in passenger higher standards where they want to, the internet to book their taxi and private “The taxi and private hire trades are ofbehaviour. and hire services. In a move to help the enormous value to England and Wales. In a report published today, the Law • local licensing authorities would have private hire trade respond, the Law They provide a living for thousands ofCommission is recommending reforms the power to inspect and, if necessary Commission is recommending that operators and drivers, and many morethat would update the law and make it suspend, any vehicles working within operators should no longer be barred thousands of people depend on them toclearer for those working in the taxi and their areas, wherever they are licensed. from accepting bookings or using go about their daily lives.private hire trades and their These reforms would not impact on the drivers and vehicles from outside their “The reforms we are recommendingpassengers. famous black cabs in London, where licensing areas. will clarify the legal distinction between The Commission’s report recognises standards of safety and accessibility are Licensing authorities should be able to taxis and private hire services, andthe value to passenger choice of the already high. But pedicabs in the capital continue to limit taxi numbers, provided retain the valuable qualities of both.two-tier system of private hire vehicles – will fall within taxi licensing for the first they conduct a regular review of the They will equip operators, drivers andwhich must be pre-booked, and taxis – time, allowing Transport for London to service being provided. Restrictions on their vehicles to meet the demands of awhich can use ranks or ply for set appropriate standards. Cars used the numbers of taxis in some areas modern passenger-service trade, whileimmediate hire. It makes for weddings and funerals, however, will have led to inflated “plate values”. To making passenger safety andrecommendations to retain and continue to be exempt from regulation. protect the investment of existing accessibility paramount.”reinforce the distinction. Among the measures designed to Passenger safety is at the forefront of improve the accessibility of services forthe Commission’s reforms. It is disabled people, the Commission isrecommending that standards be set recommending a national requirementnationally for public safety, accessibility for taxi and private hire drivers to takeand environmental impact. For the first disability awareness training. And localtime, passengers of taxis and private licensing authorities would be able tohire vehicles could confidently expect impose a duty on taxis to stop whenconsistent levels of safety and quality they are hailed, bringing to an end thewherever they travel. Under the unacceptable practice of drivers passingMICKY WALKER RESPONDS ON BEHALF OF THE LCDCThe Law Commission(LC) published there” hiring. This would effectively end PH drivers and vehicles licenced by outside LAs. imposed by an LA of up to seven miles beyondits much awaited and feared review on ranks on private property such as This comes very close to being the cross- the licensing boundary but In London, TFLTaxi and Private Hire(PH) legislation on supermarkets, etc. It would make it easier for border licensing we all dreaded. could extend this to 20 miles.23rd May. This review is 291 pages enforcement officer to determine if a PH driverlong, so at this time only a rough is acting outside of licence conditions than it Some really good news is enforcement TFL will be required to licence rickshaws.outline of the important points can be currently is. officers will have power to stop a moving Presumably, at least to the minimum standardproduced by The badge. vehicle, the main reason why in London for taxis and PH drivers and vehicles. Perhaps the most important aspect is that the It’s unlikely this will put a stop to “electronic currently these officers need a police officer intwo-tier licensing system for taxis and PH is to hailing” of PH via Apps, so long as the operator attendance. There are also recommendations The term “hackney carriage” will be replacedbe retained. Alongside this, there will be a meets the requirement of “pre-booking”. for fixed penalty fines and vehicle confiscation. by “taxi”. The concern for London is that PHminimum national standard for taxis and These requirements will include making all job Touting will remain a criminal ofence. are barred from using the word “taxi” currentlyprivate hire, based on the common activities of information available to the customer on but this may allow them to use the word “cab”.transporting the public. demand, including the cost or estimate of the Enforcement officers will have the power to This could create difficulties as the London Licensing Authorities (LA) will then be able to fare. This would make Uber’s current MO suspend licences of vehicles and drivers from public generally refer to taxis as “black cabs”.add top-up requirements for taxi licences but illegal. The specific requirements of what a different LA, where safety is a powers to adjust the PH standard. constitutes “pre-booking” will obtain a statutory These officers cannot revoke a licence but can There would be 3 year reviews for ranks,Operators and drivers would still be subject to definition. make recommendations to the LA as to what existing and new. PH operators will be calledthe “fit and proper” person test. Some punishment should be hand to miscreants. “dispatchers”. Taxi-only operators will notBreaches of specific licence conditions will be Taxi drivers would be able to pick up jobs out require a “dispatcher” licence. PH dispatcherscriminalised and for certain convictions to of their licenced area so long as they meet the For taxi drivers, a new requirement to stop will maintain records according to rules laiddisqualify a person from holding a driver or requirements of pre-booking, while not when hailed, without good reason. It is hard to down by the Sec. of State.operator licence. requiring a PH licence to do so. This would see how such a law could be enforced. All taxi Scrap the concept of “plying for hire” and effectively allow London Suburban taxi drivers and PH operations must conform to the A national standard of PH signage to ensurereplace it with a legal definition of a “then and to use radio circuits and Apps to cover work in Equality Act, 2010. Large PH operations will be the public are able to distinguish taxis from central London. required to have quotas of “accessible PHVs. This will almost certainly mean vehicles”. increased signage on London PHVs. PH operators will also be allowed to use Additionally, compellable distance could be While on first reading, this bill isn’t great, it’s far from as bad as we feared. [email protected]

4 Issue 221 - June 2014 SUCCESS AT TFL U-TURN OVER TAX After around 18 months of though two drop off bays had been negations over the position of a taxi granted to Private Hire for dropping off rank outside the shard, TFL have and picking up. finally capitulated and granted the We, as you know, were given a rank trade a two cab rank outside the 200 yards down St Thomas St. The door. placement of the rank by TFL has been Why this situation was allowed to the reason why the trade turned up en- escalate to the level it did leaves us masse to show their frustration at the with more questions than answers. The way we have been treated by TFL. The London Ranks Committee had told TFL demo on the 6th May was seen as a on many occasions that we felt the great success by all the trade orgs that rank had to be outside the doors by the attended. Shard on St Thomas St. We were told Immediately after the demonstration a that there was no room for a rank, even meeting was hastily arranged at theDanny Sullivan and club member Steve Dewel send TFL a message LCDC marshalls in

Issue 221 - June 2014 5THE SHARDXI RANK AFTER DEMOShard, attended by the joint ranks IT IS IMPERATIVE THATcommittee along with Irvine Sellar WE SHOW HOW MUCH(owner of the Shard) Garrett Emerson DISATISFACTION THEREand Helen Chapman, as well the senior IS WITHIN THE TRADEstaff from the Shangri La Hotel. At themeeting Garrett Emerson informed us AT THE WAY TFL ISthat they had agreed to site the rank at DESTROYING OURone of our original asking places. INDUSTRY. SEE YOU AT Serious questions need to be asked TRAFALGAR SQUAREabout the whole way in which TFL are AT 2PM JUNE 11TH.regulating our industry - since theintroduction of the Surface IntegrationProgramme last autumn it has nothingshort of farcical!Most expensive taxi rank in London Steve MacNamara “I’ll see you at Trafalgar Square on June 11th Grant”Knowledge boys join the fight for their future [email protected]

Issue 221 - June 2014 7Hailo tries to explain Private Hire switchPRESS RELEASE 1Hailo is now a global business, When we started, it was a straight fight businesses tell us they want. There is that we offer executive cars too. It iswith operations across three between taxis and private hire. Now, it’s no point burying our heads in the sand - better that taxis get 80% of a city bank’scontinents. That means we see not so simple. These are tough times people want a choice and taxis need to jobs than 100% of nothing.firsthand what’s already that call for tough decisions - and that be in the mix. A taxi-only app will get Taxis will always be front and centre ofhappening elsewhere and what’s means doing what’s right, not what’s isolated and customers will take their Hailo. Together we’ve done over fivecoming fast to London. popular. money to services without any cabs on million jobs and this is just the start. Across the world, in cities such as San The easy option is to pretend nothing offer. It is already happening. Let’s win Let’s move with the times and work outFrancisco, Toronto and Chicago, cabs has changed - that taxis can somehow back that work. how to win together.are under real threat from new players. win by going it alone. But that would be Individuals who are in denial of thisThese companies are not always to fail the industry and every driver in it. truth are part of the problem not the Ron Zeghibe,playing by the rules and the rules are Instead, we will do whatever it takes to solution. The worst thing the taxi Co-founder and Chairman, Hailonot always being enforced, yet they are grow work for taxi drivers and keep industry could do now is deny thatpopular amongst passengers and black cabs relevant to the changing things are changing and hold onto thethey’re taking customers away from demands of passengers and past. Complaining is not a strategy.traditional taxis in their thousands. businesses. Every free-thinking driver knows that Drivers like you are losing their That means not ducking the difficult you’ve got to be in it to win it.livelihoods because passengers are or unpopular decisions, but doing Passengers want a choice and if wemoving to apps that don’t offer taxis what it takes to keep taxis relevant don’t give them what they want, they willas an option. It’s happening in and competitive. We must make sure take their money to car apps that don’tLondon. Let’s do something about it. taxis are an option available on every offer taxis at all. We need to compete Hailo was founded by taxi drivers and passenger’s smartphone. and make sure passengers can choosehas put more money in forward-thinking Hailo has applied for a Private Hire a taxi when they want one.cabbies’ pockets than anyone else. operator’s licence in preparation to have For example, if we want taxis to take a the full service that passengers and share of account work, then it is a mustPRESS RELEASE 2I wanted to follow up on my note Black Cab only. Unfortunately, the market world, is now happening in London. Hailing now considering are designed to help youfrom Monday to respond to some of reality is that things are changing rapidly and App technology can allow anyone to go after earn more money not less and to make surethe feedback we’ve received, to we sincerely believe that we have to change street hails. that ever more people use the Hailo Appclarify some areas where there have with them. It was never our plan but it has and so get to choose a taxi, rather thanbeen some questions and concerns – become a necessity. LYFT – Lyft is unknown, at the moment, in losing customers to alternative services.and to personally apologise if any of Europe. It is a US car service which allowsmy comments came across as HAILO FOR BUSINESS – Although it was any unlicensed member of the public to Over the last three years we would neveranything but sincere and genuine. not our ambition to build our business on the download an app and apply to pick up fares. claim to be perfect, we have certainly made Understandably, there have been some back of large corporate accounts, the reality This may not have seemed relevant in mistakes, but I hope you can give us somestrong opinions expressed about my is that the longer jobs and off peak work are London six months ago, but Lyft has just credit for helping you earn more andmessage, though I’m sure all drivers would heavily supplied by these types of raised $250m to expand in Europe. Neither keeping the London black cab competitiveagree that personal abuse aimed at Hailo’s customers. It has become clear that to win Uber’s or Lyft’s business models may and relevant. I apologise that thefounder taxi drivers, or any Hailo drivers, is and service this work, we must have a appear legal but regulators in London are information causing this controversy wasnever the right thing to do. Just as service offering which runs beyond just black not even barking, never mind biting. not given to you directly by Hailo but theimportantly in this instance, it’s simply not taxis and includes executive cars and a host leak was beyond our control and we still doright – Terry, Russ and Gary don’t sit in a of new product features. We have already I appreciate that it is easy to talk the talk not have a license. In the future, we will tryroom on their own making every decision. signed up hundreds of accounts for Hailo for versus walk the walk and you must judge us to be as transparent as possible about ourHailo is now a sizeable company with a Business in London, and have ongoing on our actions. But I would ask all of our plans without putting at risk Hailo’s ongoinglarge management team and over 200 discussions with other large potential clients. drivers to consider whether Hailo has competitive position.employees worldwide. helped you to earn more money over the No-one at Hailo believed our decision to UBER – In November, Uber began to last three years and to please judge our I would welcome Hailo drivers’ views andexpand our customer offering into PH would aggressively expand UberX in London. You current decision on whether we continue to promise to read all of them personally, sobe anything less than controversial and may have seen many more unmarked help you to earn more money in the future. please use this form to share your thoughts.difficult. We know when we started three Toyotas, BMWs and even Mercedes around Ultimately the intent behind any promiseyears ago that we said that Hailo would be town lately using Uber’s hailing app to that we have made, or will make in the Thank you for taking the time to read this. directly compete with street hail work future, is always to put black cab drivers first traditionally reserved for London’s black and to help them earn more each day when Ron Zeghibe, cabs. What is happening to taxis around the they go on shift. The decisions that we are Co-Founder and Chairman, HailoLCDC RESPONDS TO HAILOWE AT the LCDC were very Hire Sector. Hailo’s Back in Black this course of action, we feel they have of working only withdisappointed like so many of you campaign was a massive success and made a grave error of judgement. As Licenced Taxis.out there to read the above press we featured it many times in The most of us agree UBER should havereleases by Hailo. Badge. never been licenced by TFL in the first We have had many calls As many of you know as from day one, place and the trade are currently from members expressing their anger atwe have been very supportive of the So why have Hailo changed course? contesting this issue with TFL. It would what they see as a betrayal by HAILO,introduction of the Hailo Cab App. For Since the emergence of UBER has have been a far better option to join the how they respond is up to them asthe first time we as a trade were able to Hailo’s worked diminished so much so trade in its fight over the legality of individuals. However we at the LCDCcompete with the likes of Addison Lee that they have chosen to compete in the UBER, rather than reneging on their feel Hailo have stabbed the very peopleand various other leaders in the Private Private Hire sector with them? original business concept who helped build up their business in the back!! If this is the reason they decided on [email protected]

Issue 221 - June 2014 9Hailo lettersI would like to thank the LCDC and in particular to Grant Davis for releasing the shocking news An open letter to Ron Zeghibe,to all its followers on Twitter that Hailo had applied for a PH Operators Licence! co-founder and chairman of Hailo,This information is something that Hailo did not want to come out until they had all its Thanks for the letter Ron, I wasarrangements in place for PH to go live and then surprise us with it!! To say they were nut moved by your dedication to themegged by this info being released is an understatement!! As someone who started using Hailo blackcab industry.from its early days I am disgusted by this decision. Using us to build up their client base and Thank goodness you have arrivedthen offering them our work to PH is nothing short of treacherous and disrespectful! to save us all from extinction.Many of us fell for their clever marketing. The three cabbies behind it with the slogan \"Winning Firstly, let’s correct some of theback the work\" \"Black Cabs Only\". You popped into their office on Great Suffolk Street it was all most misleading elements of yourvery matey, using cab drivers on the front desk, giving away cradles for your phone, receipt letter. As anyone who haspads, promo cards for customers etc. In fact the three cabbies are not even directors of Hailo - experienced taxis in otherjust glorified salesmen? countries will know, London black cabs are in a league of their own.After a while I started asking myself are we really winning back the work or paying 10% for the Comparing Chicago or Sanwork we had in the first place? When Hailo first started Russ said it was a string to your bow, Franscisco’s cabs to our own is nothen his weekly blogs had a change of tone, the string wasn't good enough it had to be the Bow! comparison. Secondly, cab drivers,You had to take all Hailo jobs regardless how far it was, how much traffic etc rather than the to the best of my knowledge, arehand in the street. We all know the dangers of Uber but he's scaremongering, with each blog not losing their livelihoods in theirgetting more desperate than the last! In hindsight he knew PH was on the way if we could not thousands. Trips by taxi have incover every job. fact remained constant for the last 20 years according to TfL.Once the news broke I spoke to Russ and Gary at GSS where they were met by many angry So now we’ve cleared that up, we can discuss your offer on fair terms, in the real worldand betrayed cab drivers, they couldn't answer ay questions with any certainty like: where we all actually live and work.Will the App offer PH services to all customers? What they did state was the trade will be deadin 3 years if they don't follow this business model and we don't support it. Most cabbies are not blind to the way the world is going, and most welcome new ways to get more people in the back of their cabs, but I object to being told that your solutionAre the three cabbies really the Three Poodles? All the decisions are made by the Americans. is the only one and that any individual who dares to disagree is doing their industry andWhy don't they resign on principle? Are they tied in too much financially? or are they just brain fellow cab drivers a disservice.washed by the Americans? Only they know these answers. You run a company which, from the outset, had global aspirations and that’s fine, butThese people behind Hailo seem to be ruthless, \"greed is good\" Gordon Geko types. The trade please don’t patronise us by making out you formed your company to save us pooris in danger and moral at an all time low we needed Hailo to stand with us and keep our market black cabbies from a life of rack and ruin. Hailo was founded by tech start upshare and what we got was the ultimate betrayal!! entrepreneurs who enlisted black cab drivers as a way to gain insight into an industry they didn’t understand. You run a business that aims to make money for you and yourI will no longer use their app and cover their work. I believe that any business contracts they do co-owners, be that through a black cab app, a private hire firm or deals on dataget the cream of it will go into PH. I believe that they will offer PH to all customers and will make roaming, as you cheerfully told the Guardian newspaper recently.more revenue by charging the driver 20 to 30%. As you are well aware there are lots of apps out there, to imply that your way is the onlyAny driver still covering their work would you share a rank with a mini cab? Sharing an app is no way is not only high handed, it is insulting to the thousands of us cabbies who havedifferent. Covering their work you are building their PH empire that could put you out of a job brains, eyes and ears, and are sometimes passengers ourselves.soon!!! DELETE IT NOW!! Your primary concern is serving your customers and making money, not ‘saving our livelihoods’. You will ‘keep black cabs relevant to the changing demands of passengersMatthew Newell and businesses’ as long as it serves your business plan and that’s a fact.Twitter@mattthecab14 Most black cab drivers have been supportive of Hailo and found it to be a useful service, so do not treat us like knuckle-dragging Luddites who have to be tricked andResponse to Hailo open letter, manipulated into signing up en masse or face extinction. Scare mongering and threatening us is no way to retain our support. I have been driving a cab for 26 years and there has always been a threat from one private hirecompany or another, now it's Uber. Yes Uber are different but the app using drivers had four cars It makes me wonder Ron, who is more scared by the prospect of 14,000 black cabseized across Europe recently for breaches of the law. They are banned in Belgium, they have drivers abandoning Hailo, us or you?various legal actions against them in Europe and the USA. Our own LTDA are even taking legalaction against them. It is a shame you didn't aid this action, helping us the taxi driver rather than - From a black cab and Hailo drivergoing against us and joining the likes of Uber.The phrase I cannot stand is \"we have to provide a one stop travel shop option\". Well we do not Not good enough Ron. You had a USP, you don’t anymore. You’re now just anotherprovide trains, planes, ferries or coaches for the traditional 'jolly up' trip for the corporate clients minicab app, go and slug it out with the scabs. Hope your complaints dept can cope.and their staff, so why do you think we should supply a limo service? People who like and want real Taxis, they’re our customers, most Hailo customers were just cheapskates who wanted a cheap ride. Sounds like your ‘potential’ businessWe are a stand alone iconic London Hackney carriage taxi provider, just like for example Kuoni customers.don't mix it with budget holidays. Virgin don't mix it with budget airlines. They have a product, abrand name that is known for quality and SO DO WE! It's a shame you never believed in the Another thing big man, ‘potential’ business customers are not actual real businessproduct you were selling. If only you had told the corporate client we only offer the world customers are they. You gave your advantage up on a maybe. Shame really.renowned best taxi service in the world voted year in and year out. Efficient, safe, I’m out.knowledgeable drivers. Why wouldn't they want their staff and international clients travelling withus? - RayYou were the pioneers of 'no run-ins and five minutes wait for free' which set you apart from all Driving a London taxi isn’t just about the money it’s about history and heritage thatother taxi providers. You NOW say it's better to have 80% of the work. Here is a question for someone like you coming from the States or wherever you and your dollar rimmedyou, if the corporate clients in the future said that they only wanted fares for example over £20 to glasses come from wouldn’t in cars, thus reducing the percentage further, would you stand up for the cab driver and So as they say in the Dragons Den I’m out!!!refuse? Because it seems to me you're too scared to say NO to the corporate clients! - Peter ThompsonThe whole ethos of Hailo was to win back the work from private hire- SHAME ON YOU- Stephen Anderson Badge no 46560

10 Issue 221 - June 2014 .....STOP PRESS STOP PRESS STOP PRESS.....TFL TO INVITE HIGH COURT TO RULE ON TAXIMETERS‘Transport for London (TfL), which TfL set out its provisional view that highest safety standards are being But now the body that is supposedregulates and licenses the taxi and smart phones used by private hire maintained. to regulate us is taking its ownprivate hire trades in the capital in the drivers – which act as GPS Leon Daniels, TfL’s Managing Director of decision to the High Court. Youinterests of passengers, is to invite tracking devices to measure Surface Transport, said: “We welcome really could not make it up.the High Court to rule on whether journey distances and time taken, developments that make life easier for There is no doubt that TfL issmart phones that use GPS and relays information so that fares passengers. As in many other areas of scurrying to the High Court in a bidtechnology to measure the time and can be calculated remotely from transport and retail services, apps can offer to pass the buck - they realise thatdistance of a journey and then receive the vehicle – do not constitute the passengers the potential of better and their original pronouncement wasinformation about fares comply with equipping of a vehicle with a more convenient services, but we must wrong, and are now fearful of legalcurrent law on 'taximeters', which can ‘taximeter’. ensure that the highest standards of safety repercussions from hugely wealthyonly be used in London by taxis. are being met. interested parties. The rapid pace at which smart phone However, given the level of “We have carried out the largest Make no mistake - if the decision isbased technology has been developing in concern among the trade, and the compliance operation in our history to upheld, it will sound the death knellrecent years has led to a need for clarity fact that some of the legislation in ensure that the highest standards are for one of London’s most historic,about what is required in order for apps to this area is unclear and able to be being maintained. More needs to be done. cherished industries - not tocomply with the regulatory framework in interpreted in various ways, TfL is We will consult with the trades to ensure mention all the livelihoods thatLondon and to ensure there is a level to invite the High Court to give a the regulations are kept up-to-date. On the depend on it.playing field for all operators. binding determination on this issue. issue of taximeters, the law is unclear and we have taken a provisional view. We willTfL has listened to the taxi and private TfL has carried out its largest ever be asking the High Court to provide ahire trades, sought to address the compliance investigation - binding ruling. This is the sensibleconcerns raised, and is taking the scrutinising Uber’s record keeping approach, and we hope that London's taxifollowing action: and business model. TfL has found drivers and private hire drivers and that Uber meets the current operators will work with us to bring clarity To avoid any future ambiguity, TfL requirements on record keeping, on this issue.’ (Above from TfL) will hold a consultation with the including in relation to ensuring its trades on what amendments may drivers hold the relevant licences THE BADGE SAYS: be necessary to the regulations on and insurance. TfL remains recording particulars of private hire concerned about certain technical IT SIMPLY beggared belief when bookings, including journey aspects of Uber’s operating model TfL announced that GPS tracking destinations, to keep them clear and this is being addressing with devices used by private hire drivers and relevant in a changing world the operator. complied with legislation over the and to promote public safety. ‘taximeters’ used by London taxis. This wide range of action by TfL is designed to ensure that taxi and private hire passengers can benefit from new technology whilst being assured that theTFL FAIL THE TRADE ONCE AGAINLAST FRIDAY 23rd May the club was informed of time, having a word with the owner. We believethat private Hire company B6Group had set up there is nothing untoward going on and noshop in the main walkway in St Pancras bookings are being taken. There are ‘hostesses’Station. LCDC committee went straight down on site giving goodie bags to members of theto St Pancras to confirm if the story was true - public within St Pancras, promoting the newnot only had they set up shop as was reported service.but staff were approaching members of the The manager is well aware he is not to takepublic and giving them free gifts promoting bookings until he receives his licence. They are inthis new company. fact currently undertaking staff training on the new Later that afternoon, after making several phone systems that will be in operation (which may becalls, we found to our astonishment that this where the perception of where taking bookings hascompany had not been issued with an Operators come from).Licence by TFL! I can confirm that we will keep a watching eye on On finding this out we contacted TFL compliance it over the weekend.’about this, who confirmed it was true. Wesuggested they should send someone down there The price this company are quoting are trulyto close them down. amazing e.g. St Pancras to Upper Berkeley St is Below is the response from Garrett Emerson: £62.40!!! TFL has an obligation to protect the travellingGrant public and by licensing such operations they are demonstrating they are‘Many thanks for this. I can confirm that we’ve hadsomeone up there this afternoon quietly observing NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE!!what was going on and then, after a suitable period TRAFALGAR SQUARE JUNE 11TH BE

Issue 221 - June 2014 11 Walker on the March....HAILO – NO TRADE SAVIOURSThis is going to be a sort of “I told accounts, it was fairly clear that Hailo but wants to use taxis for 80% of the Hailo are going to supply cars to makeyou so” kind of thing. Back in this were not winning any war against work, but want a single supplier. This their business bigger and morecolumn in September 2012, I minicabs. It became fairly clear that one is straight out of the radio circuit profitable and if that’s to the detrimentquestioned the idea that Hailo were they drawing their “million jobs in a book of excuses circa 2000-2003. of the taxi trade – well, tough. Fairgoing to “win back the work from year” from taxi circuits and taxi street What a crock! There are plenty of enough, but don’t dress it up as thoughthe minicabs for the trade”. work. This became even clearer as taxi/circuit suppliers around already. it’s being done for the benefit of the Hailo is financed by three venture Hailo reps were found carding up Why do they need Hailo to supply taxi trade. We really aren’t THATcapitalists and these organisations are station taxi ranks. Then earlier this cars? Does the Account actually exist? stupid! sign up.not known for their altruistic year, a Hailo executive stated in a Finally, the CEO of Hailo tried totendencies. They build a new business media interview that its main justify this in a letter to Hailoor rescue an ailing one, develop it or competition was taxi street work. subscribers. The man has the audacityturn it around and then sell it to the Well, it’s all clear now. Hailo have to hide Hailo’s greed behind continuinghighest bidder. Their over-riding delivered the coup de grace. In the last the pretence of trying to help the taxiconcern is profit. Saving the taxi trade couple of weeks, it was leaked that trade. The man is trying to say that ifwould never have been on the radar, Hailo have applied for a PH Operator Hailo do not offer cars, they cannotother than use as a marketing/ licence. Russell Hall, one of the three compete with large PH Apps. As arecruiting tool. cab drivers known as “The Three result, all their taxi business will be lost I said at the time that drivers should Amigos” that are shareholders of and to car Apps unless they can offer carsregard using Hailo as nothing more managers in Hailo, delivered a speech in addition to taxis.than a business arrangement and not to a KOL school, trying to justify this. We’ve always known that Hailo is afor any idealistic reasons. He claimed that Hailo had the for-profit business. All we ask is a bit of In August 2013, after the publication opportunity to win a $16 million honesty, rather than certain individualsof various circuit, app and PH contract. The client currently uses cars trying to take us for mugs and idiots.A HELPING TFL – NOT FITHAND FOR GARY! FOR PURPOSEAt the February Surface Transport panel This is really about Uber. Uber are Hot on the heels of the very STC have badly let down both the taxi(STP) meeting, Gary Emmerson was breaking the spirit and the letter of the PH successful Shard demo, we now trade and the public over lack ofcharged with looking into and reporting Act. Does anybody at TFL actually know have the up-coming protest at enforcement against touting. Theyback on some goings-on with PH and the address of their operating centre? If not, Trafalgar Square in June. We must force us to use “dirty” vehicles andApps and report back in April. Well, April they are contravening the Act. keep focused on the root of all our then penalise us for using “dirty”has come and gone and it does not Uber claim that the contract of hire is troubles – TFL. We must not be vehicles. The list goes on.appear that he has any answers yet. between the driver and the hirer and not side-tracked by side issues. All TFL are a chocolate teapot – bleedin’ What he was asked to do was look into Uber, the PHO. They are publicly flouting roads lead back to TFL. Things like useless! If they cannot do the workPHV drivers that were working via Apps the Act that states that they are the operator satellite offices, Uber, touts, etc, are they exist to do, then they should beand websites, rather than through a bona of the PHV. merely the symptoms – TFL are the gone and something else put in placefide Private Hire Operator (PHO) and the As the operator of the PHV they are disease. that works because TFL certainlyimplications of this for their 100% contravening the Act that states a PHV may As our regulators, TFL are rightly doesn’t work as far as the taxi andcongestion charge discount. not use a taximeter. The taximeter is there to make sure that we serve the private hire trades are concerned. I’d like to help Gary out in his task by described merely as a “device” for public in the way that we are licensed That is what our message has to be –referring him to the Private Hire Act, 1998. calculating fares on a basis of time and to do. This places some onerous TFL incompetence, ineptitude andIn this it states quite clearly that private hire distance. duties upon us drivers. We have to general uselessness. It’s a messagebookings must be done via a PHO. The They break the spirit of the law by pass the KOL. We have to drive an that the general London public willprivate Hire Vehicle (PHV) operator is not accepting “electronic hails” as opposed to over-priced vehicle to meet safety and have sympathy for. If we make thethe driver but the operator who took the the “pre-booked” work their PHO licence disabled - friendly conditions. We have message about Uber, it will just makebooking. allows them to take. to be of good character. us look greedy and protectionist. The Act states that nobody may make a It’s your choice, Gary. Either these PH However, as licence payers, TFL also We must all be there though on JunePH booking other than a licensed PHO. It drivers are acting illegally as unlicenced owe us a duty of care. Their conditions 11th. Make no mistake that we arealso states that sub-contracting a booking PHOs, in which case you should be mean that we have difficulty competing fighting for the life of our trade and notmay only be to another licensed PHO. revoking their driver licences. Otherwise, on price against less regulated a single one of us can be complacent So, Gary, unless these drivers working they are working for the likes of Uber and so competition. That is fine as long as the and leave it to others. We want 20,000without a PHO are actually PHOs you should be revoking Uber’s operating clear lines of demarcation between cabs there to show London how wethemselves, both app operators and drivers licence. taxis and PH are enforced. They are are being mis-treated.are contravening the terms of their PH not though.licences and you should be sorting them TFL have allowed PHV ranks on theout. They cannot legally do what the STP streets as a result of licensing satellitehave said they are doing, so why are you offices and then not enforcing themworrying about congestion charging? Do properly. They have allowed PH Appsyour job and take their licences and they’ll to by-pass rules on “pre-bookings” byall have to pay the congestion charge. accepting “electronic hails”. TFL and

Issue 221 - June 2014 13Let’s take the fight to TfLGREETINGS TO all London cabbies, subject of Knowledge students, I am worried Don't get me wrong, I don't like bringing charging inflated premiums. Taxi rentals andgreen and yellow badge alike, and this to see those out on their mopeds in this London's roads to a standstill with insurance is something we can do very littlemonth a very special welcome to all warmer weather wearing T-shirts and shorts. I demonstrations, but I think this is the only about, but for everything else we need toKnowledge boys and girls, especially know it can be uncomfortable wearing the way. Please support the future of the cab stand together and fight.those who supported the correct motorcycle gear in warmer weather trade and attend the next one on 11 June.demonstration at the Shard on 6 May. but remember sweat is removable, scars and This is the only way that the authorities will I have read Russell Hall's latest Hailo blog permanent injury aren't. So please, wear the take note. I believe that if we lose this battle where he states that many members of his I personally was really moved to see right stuff and stay safe. You are the future of the future of the cab trade will be very bleak. family including himself are cabbies, and if our trade. you were to cut him, he would bleed LondonKnowledge students supporting us and Since qualifying as a London cabbie in cab trade. What utter nonsense! Why then Mr December 2012, I can honestly say that I Hall have you applied for a PH licence? Youfighting for their future. Whilst I'm on the really enjoy my job. The Knowledge is a very are the latest in a long line of people or difficult qualification, so why is it that our organisations who seem keen to rip the trade governing body Tfl are showing us no support off. I for one have deleted the Hailo app and I and no respect? Now never a day goes by would encourage other cabbies to do the when I don't feel worried. I have just read same. Grant Davis’s (Chairman of LCDC) annual report ahead of the AGM to be held on 10 What further evidence do you cabbies need June. Grant mentions TfL allowing an illegal in recommending the LCDC as the union to cab app to be used by Uber. This is just one join? If you cared about the future of the of many blatant attacks on the cab trade London cab trade you would have been at the which we all need to fear and fight. I have demonstration at the Shard on 6 May, and already mentioned in past articles illegal you would have seen Grant Davis and his minicab activity outside practically every team taking part in supporting us. Thank you nightclub in London, rickshaws (which Boris Grant for your continued hard work in this Johnson promised to ban in 2012), a 15 year battle against TfL et al, and rest assured you age rule on cabs which Tfl want to reduce to will always have my support. 10. It seems that so many people want to take a bite out of the trade’s backside. For Come on cabbies join and fight for our future! example some garages charging exorbitant It’s serious! taxi rentals, and insurance companies Be lucky, Graham 10% DISCOUNT FOR ALL BADGE READERS MONDAY & TUESDAY NIGHT CABBIE SPECIAL £7.95 FISH AND CHIPS and a cup of tea. Dine in only King’s Square, off Central Street EC1

14 Issue 221 - June 2014 ADVERTORIAL L.C.D.C LEADERS


16 Issue 221 - June 2014Members voice concerns over tradeDear Editor, Meter Reform and high quality riders. Cash is It is time we stopped pointing We are now and have been for fast becoming the currency of the finger at others or relied onIt is no secret we are under many years saddled with a the black economy used by some greedy app or circuitattack from outside meter which is far too heavy only the lowest value riders. owners and upped our owncommercial forces and on mid to long distance rides, We must have compulsory game. Nobody owes us aunforgivable negligence by a legacy left over from when credit card acceptance in living and unless we want toTFL who have absolutely no circuits skewed the meter to every taxi. go the way of the Docks or theforward thinking as far as work in their (not our) favour. Print we must get ahead of theLicensed Taxi provision is £100 to go just 25 miles is Fixed Price Airports game. Keep yourself and yourconcerned, as The Shard rank embarrassing and makes it far Taxi services across Europe cab clean, offer a great serviceproved. too easy for AdLee and ÜBER and the U.S. all now offer fixed and kill even the mostHow many years was that to come in underneath us and price, street hail, airport rides. demanding rider withbuilding in planning and steal work away. We must If we want any of this business and whose have urgent meter reform on in the future we must all followresponsibility was it to ensure rides over 10 miles and win suit. The people mentioned LCDC MEMBERthere was a suitable rank that work back. above all undercut us, why are - Lee Pattersonprovision? The doors were we giving them anopen before TFL gave any Credit Cards unchallenged free run at thisserious thought to us! It is also Like it or not the cashless whole swathe of work? Fair,high time to address internal society is upon us. My 3 lads time and day dependant fixedissues long overdue for reform all go to the pub wielding just a prices are essential if we arewhilst we fend off the above debit card and our failure to to keep ourselves in thisthreats. accept cards loses us valuable section of the taxi

Issue 221 - June 2014 17Airport MattersBY PETER “THE CANNON”L.C.D.C AIRPORT REPAT THE end of April, the taxi trade spending enough and as a result of this Police and BAA by forty unpaid taxi from having to compete for customorganisations at Heathrow Airport under funding, forty unpaid taxi marshals. with drivers who may want to offer cutheld the first of a series of special marshals are having to assist the four price fixed fares. As long as theremeetings that have been set up to police officers who are on dedicated Fixed Fares at Heathrow ? remains a real risk that some or manyidentify and discuss unresolved anti-tout duties in the passenger fixed fares would be higher thanissues that are causing untold terminals. Two amended private hire Transport for London has agreed to metered fares, TfL is duty bound todamage to the licensed taxi trade. byelaws came into force at Heathrow meet Heathrow taxi trade conclude that fare fixing may not beAs a priority, HATDU, the LCDC, the on 13 May. They are worded in such a representatives to discuss proposals justifiable at Heathrow. As alreadyLTDA and Unite are dealing with the way that they can be understood by for fixed fares from Heathrow into pointed out , organised fare capping atfact that Heathrow Ltd. (BAA) is not offending PH drivers as well as central London. It has to be pointed out Heathrow is a very different kettle oftaking action against the private hire Heathrow police officers. The new that taxi trade doesn’t have any reason fish.drivers who illegally offer and amended PH byelaws forbid minicabs to believe that the proposals areprovide services in the passenger from waiting or picking up passengers coming from anywhere other than Taxi Information Desksterminals and on the forecourts. other than in an official car park. PH within TfL. BAA confirmed months ago The licensed taxi trade is also being vehicles that are not dropping off fare- that it isn’t behind a drive for fixed fares In the spring of 2013, HALTS’shafted by onward travel companies, paying passengers, may not enter and agrees that as London Hackney business affairs were in what can onlyhotel desks and a whole range of Heathrow property unless they have Carriage law stands in 2014 all be described as a very big mess. Thebusinesses who hide behind been pre-booked and are going directly compellable journeys into town have departure of HALTS from Heathrowrespectable fronts, but are busily acting to a car park. A breach of a byelaw is a to be done with meters engaged. So, it was signed, sealed and deliveredas agents for private hire. The trade’s criminal offence and Heathrow taxi will be interesting to find out what TfL when Heathrow trade reps voted inrelationship with BAA is being seriously drivers have every right to expect has in mind for Heathrow’s taxi ranks. favour of not supporting HALTS’ bid tomarred by BAA managers who seem Heathrow police officers to get tough It’s going to be difficult for TfL to get the taxi desk contract for a secondto lack the authority and capability with illegal parkers and the debate proposals for fixed fares at time. The few drivers who constantlyneeded to protect the fundamental professional touts in the terminals Heathrow unless TfL can confirm that criticise the effort that went into gettingrights of taxi drivers. whose car registration details are changes to the law are in the pipeline. rid of HALTS need to consider just a BAA has a major say in setting the known to the Police. If the Police don’t Many drivers whether Heathrow few of the facts : HALTS received alevel of policing that Heathrow requires have the manpower to stop law regulars or not, are in favour of £40,000 per month subsidy from theand the big question for Heathrow taxi breaking PH drivers from running rings promoting a tariff of fixed fares that gate money and used most of thedrivers is whether or not BAA is round them on the Heathrow can be offered to customers picked up money to pay themselves ‘expenses’prepared to pay for more police officers forecourts then the taxi trade won’t in town. If the project proves to be a and to fund a booking scheme thatto tackle the illegal activities of PH hesitate to take action. The taxi trade winner, lessons learned on pricing only ever managed to produce workcompanies and drivers. organisations are more than capable levels could be applied, not to fixing for HALTS executives and their camp Just recently, Heathrow Police took of organising a team of drivers to fares on Heathrow‘s ranks, but to followers. Very few Heathrow driversaction against a hotel desk in terminal swoop on the forecourts at any hour of capping metered fares at a maximum know the full story of how HALTS used3, that allegedly offered a PH booking the day and to ‘instruct’ illegally parked price. There’s no shortage of sound and abused the revenue stream thatservice, even though Transport for minicabs to get moving. (Surely, arguments as to why a fixed fares flowed to HALTS from the gate money.London hasn’t issued the company Heathrow Police and BAA would be scheme wouldn’t work at Heathrow. At no point in their long reign atwith an operator’s licence. This incident glad of a helping hand from taxi For now, suffice it to say that Heathrow did Colin Evans & Co havegoes to show what the Police would be drivers, wouldn’t they ?). Heathrow drivers are always going to the business skills needed to build aable to do if only BAA would provide serve a minimum of two hours in the top class taxi booking service, eventhe police with a lot more funding. If the More on Policing Costs feeder parks. The long history of the though they had Heathrow’s massivedesk company is prosecuted and found Taxi System shows that unless at least fleet of cabs and drivers at theirguilty of breaching licensing legislation, A BAA manager who oversees the 300 - 400 cabs are on standby it disposal. The self-serving bunch ofthen in theory TfL would be duty bound taxi trade has cockily informed the would be impossible to guarantee drivers who ran HALTS had to beto turn down any attempt by the Hotel LCDC that he ‘declines’ to provide coverage of unpredictable fluctuations stopped and they were stopped alongdesk company to apply for an information on policing costs. The in supply and demand. with all the murky dealings that wentoperator’s licence. But whatever the whole issue of policing costs at Even if TfL could find ways to on at the taxi desks. The message tooutcome of this particular incident , Heathrow Airport is covered by a legitimise a scheme that replaces drivers who keep whingeing about thethere’s a proliferation of unlicensed statutory legal framework that declares metered fares with fixed fares at loss of the desks is quite simple : findillegal booking service providers at itself to be founded on principles of Heathrow, it would still find its plans yourself a trade organisation thatHeathrow and they are not going to accountability and transparency. The obstructed by the Airports Act and the supported the retention of the desksdisappear overnight. There’s an urgent LCDC doesn’t liked to be blanked by Competition Act. First of all , BAA isn’t and join it. If you can’t find what you’refor the taxi trade to know if BAA is BAA people, especially by those who empowered by the Airports Act to looking for, then form your own tradeprepared to forbid all retail businesses seem to be under-qualified to deal with regulate drivers’ fares transactions org’ at Heathrow and see how manyon Heathrow property to provide perfectly legitimate enquiries about taxi with passengers. Secondly, Heathrow members you’ll recruit on the strengthprivate hire booking services. trade issues. To get round the drivers who want to stick with metered of a “ bring back the desks” policy. resistance put up by BAA, we have fares are protected by Competition lawPolicing Costs at Heathrow made use of guidance found in documents published by the Airport security law requires BAA to Association of Chief Police Officers. Apay the Metropolitan Police Service formal request for facts and figures on(MPS) for policing costs at Heathrow. policing costs at Heathrow has beenQuite naturally, the taxi trade would like made directly to the Metropolitanto know how much BAA is spending on Police Service. With any luck thepolice manpower. The taxi trade is response from the MPS will cover theadamant that the airport operator isn’t matter of support given to Heathrow

18 Issue 221 - June 2014AS AN L.C.D.C COMPLAINTS RANKS The Chairman is a regularMEMBER YOU AND APPEALS AND HIGHWAYS contributor on LBC, RadioWILL RECEIVE: London, and the BBC. As a member of the LCDC, The LCDC attend the Joint We at the Club also 24 HOUR DUTY we will deal with any Ranks committee, working represent the trade at SOLICITOR complaint that has been hard for more ranks and meetings with the Mayor’s EXCLUSIVE TO THE made against you by more access for the taxi Office, TFL, LTPH, CAB TRADE members of the public. trade in London. Corporation Of London, Also we will attend the BAA, and all Local Your 24 Hr duty solicitor LTPH with you on any CAB TRADE ADVICE Authorities in the Capital. hotline membership card. personal appeals that Peace of mind 24 hrs of would affect your licence. All members can call the JUST the day. office for any information £3 per HEATHROW or up to the date news on month FULL LEGAL COVER AIRPORT any trade related subject. REPRESENTATION * £12 per month is tax Our fantastic team of City MEDIA AND deductible Of London based solicitors With our reps at the airport AUTHORITIES and barristers, experts in working hard on the Hackney Carriage and trade’s behalf for a fairer, The LCDC is always the road traffic law. and more safer future first to be called when the at Heathrow. media want the “Cab Trade’s“ reaction. Please complete this form and send it with your application form Application Form (LCDC) Ltd UNIT 303.2 Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS TOWER BRIDGE BUSINESS COMPLEX, TOWER POINT, The subscription rate is £170 per annum. If you are unable to pay in a 100 CLEMENT’S ROAD, SOUTHWARK single payment please make one cheque payable to “The London Cab LONDON, SE16 4DG Drivers’ Club Ltd,” with today’s date, for £56.67, and two post-dated 0207 394 5553 cheques one month apart for £56.67. Standing Order Form Send the completed form to: THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd, UNIT A 303.2Your Bank: ......................................................................................... Tower Bridge Business Complex, Tower Point,Your Bank Address:............................................................................ 100 Clements Road, Southwark, London SE16 4DGPost Code:.......................................................................................... Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:.................... Surname: ...................................... Please pay the sum of £15 NOW and monthly therafter until further notice. First Names:...................................................................................... Please pay the sum of £42.50 NOW and then quarterly thereafter Address: ........................................................................................... until further notice. ............................................... Post Code: ...................................... Badge No: ............................. Shift: ............................................... Quoting Reference No ( ) Telephone No: (with full STC code):................................................ To the account of THE LONDON CAB DRIVERS’ CLUB LTD, I agree to abide by the rules of the Club. I also agree that the above Barclays Bank Bloomsbury & Tottenham Court Road branch, information will be kipt by the LCDC in a computer system under the terms of the Data Protection Act. PO BOX 1134, London W128GG Sort Code 20-10-53. Account No- 40450421. I understand that I will not be eligible for legal representation forYour Name: ..................................................................................... matters arising prior to the date of this application. Thereby declare thatAccount No: ..................................................................................... I have no outstanding PCO or police matters pending.Sort Code: .......................................................................................Signature: ........................................................................................ Signed: ...................................... Date: ......................................Date: ..................................................................................................

Issue 221 - June 2014 19PERSONAL ACCIDENT & SICKNESS POLICY - SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS OPEN TO ALL BADGE READERS. SCHEME NOW EXTENDED UP TO 65 YEARS. 0203 327 0555Section 1 – Accidental Bodily Injury resulting in:- FULL MEMBER ASSOCIATE MEMBER FULL MEMBER:1 Death Sum Insured Sum Insured Operative time of cover2 Death of Spouse £60,000 £30,000 24 hours per day 7 days3 Permanent Total Disablement £50,000 Nil per week. £50,000 £25,000 Minimum age of policy commencement date All occurring within 12 months of Bodily Injury from which the claim arises 18 years Maximum age of policy4 Temporary total disablement entirely Sum Insured Sum Insured commencement date preventing the Insured person from £300 per week £150 per week 65 years. engaging in or giving attention to his/her Premium per year: usual occupation £363.70 including insurance premium tax.Excess 14 days 14 days (£30.30 PER MONTH)Benefit Period 50 weeks 50 weeks ASSOCIATE MEMBER:Section 2 – Sickness resulting in:- Sum Insured Sum Insured £300 per week Nil Operative time of cover5 Temporary total disablement entirely preventing only whilst driving in the Insured person from engaging in or giving N/A N/A accordance with their attention to his/her usual occupation 50 weeks studies. Minimum age of policy Excess 14 days commencement date Benefit Period 18 years Maximum age of policySection 3 – Hospitalisation Benefit Sum Insured Sum Insured commencement date6 Hospitalisation £200 per week for first fortnight, 65 years. £400 per week for first fortnight, followed by £100 per week for the Premium per year: Excess 2 days followed by £200 per week £75.00 including Benefit Period for the second fortnight second fortnight insurance premium tax. (£6.25 PER MONTH) 2 days 4 weeks 4 weeksLCDC COVER SAMPLE SAMPLE RATESExclusive INCLUDING TAXESTravel Cancellation: £5,000Insurance Medical: £10,000,000 EUROPE Baggage: £2000 17 days single trip - £17.96Once again the Club CHANNEL ISLEShave pulled it off. Airline failure 17 days single trip - £9.24A travel insurance Travel EUROPE FAMILY ANNUAL - £60.75scheme for all readers & Accommodation failure WORLDWIDE FAMILY ANNUAL - £70.44of The Badge at a price Delayed baggageto snap up. Optional cover attracts additional premium PLUS PLUS optional: Winter sports Golf cover Wedding coverFor more information call: 0203 327 0555or Email: [email protected] for full details of rates and cover. Arranged through ASUA LTD. who are authorized and regulated by the FCA No. 308488


22 Issue 221 - June 2014 Tyson set for July clash with ChisoraSteve Bunce between two men who will each risk their the smaller weights winning world titles at Liverpool fighting legend Billy Aird and Jess-BOXNATION safe world rankings at a time when a lot of the big venues in London, the old Harding all failing to win the title in a variety lucrative world-title chances are about to be heavyweight title certainly lost some of its of locations as remote and exotic as theDURING THE last 50 years, 27 men available; the loser drops a long way down allure. Palace Lido on the Isle of Man, and ashave held the British heavyweight a long list of challengers. In the Seventies the title, which Cooper ordinary as the Aston Villa Leisure centre,title, winning and losing in as many The British heavyweight championship is invariably defended at the Empire Pool, still a destination that has yet to betruly dreadful fights as there were one of sport's enigmatic titles, with a rich Wembley, had started to become a transit discovered.memorable nights. and celebrated history that conveniently tool for small promotions putting on relative Gary Mason, a genuine world-class fighter, On 26 July in Manchester, the biggest overlooks long periods of inactivity and unknowns as challengers; in 1975 it was held the title in the Eighties as did HoraceBritish heavyweight title fight to take place in many years without stability. Henry Cooper fought for behind closed doors at a private Notice, arguably the most overlookedthe last half-century will be between former was untouchable for about 15 years but sporting club inside Park Lane's Grosvenor champion in the last 50 years. But real classchampions Tyson Fury and Dereck Chisora vacated the title in 1969 and during the next Hotel. emerged in the Nineties with Herbie Hide,at the Phones 4U Arena. It is a real fight six years seven men, including Cooper, won On that night Bunny Johnson fulfilled a who is currently in prison, and former and lost it without making one single lifetime ambition and became the first black undisputed world champion Lennox Lewis, defence. British heavyweight champion; but he was who beat Mason in a great fight of unbeaten It was not quite a curse but, with men in beaten on points in his first defence over 15 boxers in 1991, which the Fury and Chisora rounds by Richard Dunn, who would go on rematch will be measured against. to fight Muhammad Ali for the world title. The first time they met Chisora was Johnson, incidentally, dropped down in carrying too much weight and Fury was a weight, won the British light-heavyweight comfortable winner over the full 12-round title and gained a degree of notoriety when distance. Chisora has lost nearly 30lb since he fought American James Scott behind then and has promised a quick stoppage bars in Rahway Prison, New Jersey, in the while Fury is convinced it will be over in five late Seventies. \"Scott was not very civil,\" rounds. Johnson told me, \"he refused to shake They are probably both wrong and hands before the fight.\" Johnson lost on a something longer and far more dramatic is cut eye after seven rounds. more likely. This is a real British The period of seemingly endless transition heavyweight title fight, a fight that could continued in the Eighties with Funso Banjo, travel back to the glory nights at Wembley.Blood, Guts, Glory & the Odd StoryA CRACKING London nation @ London 2012; the emphasis has Joe Joyce (Earlsfield). to be on boxing, as opposed to fighting. All Interesting intrigue re Joyce, who is GB’sFinals, at a packed TA the England and Gt. Britain boxers, who No1 Super Heavyweight, i.e. 91+ kgs, but have won international medals, with the who hadn’t been entered by GB, they hadCentre, in Grove Park, possible exception of Lancaster’s Frankie put forward Frazer Clarke, who has long Taylor and London’s, Fitzroy Lodge’s, David been the boxer they’ve fancied at thereally pleased the Haye, have been boxers. Unless you are a weight, despite Joyce holding 3 previous phenomenal puncher, as per, George wins over Clarke. Joyce was entered by hisfans, but whilst old Foreman, Joe Frasier, you have to box in club, Earlsfield, so had to box all the way order to win international medals. It is clear through the competition, where as Clarkefashioned tear ups that the future of amateur boxing has to be only came into the competition at the firmly based on skill. Hit without getting hit, quarter finals. These are the first ABAs toruled the day, the long must be the mantra of the sport, both to use seeding with GB boxers only entering encourage numbers at grass roots level the competition at quarter final stage, theforgotten The Boddyman and to achieve Olympic success. idea is to ensure all lottery funded,inconvenience of cut Liverpool staged the ABA Finals, over 3, GB/England boxers, participate in the - BOXNATION back to back days, in front of a sparse championships.eyes became ever crowd. Currently and hopefully only Joyce stopped Clarke in a titanic battle, but temporarily, named the Elite Finals, as, the intrigue continued in that Clarke had, fullpresent, with five cut AIBA, the world governing body for amateur time, paid GB/England trainers in his corner, Joe Joyce - Amateur boxer boxing, have banned the use of the word where as Joyce had his club trainers in hiseyes in 10 contests. amateur, despite the fact that the sport they corner, solid old fighters in their own right, and loose with their big names picking and govern was founded and has run as Andy Staples, Bob Pearson and Pop Khan. choosing whether or not to compete at theThese were the first amateur boxing since 1880, with the ABA Selection for the Commonwealth Games Commonwealth Games in, what is, the 3rd finals being staged since 1881. Plus bona happens by the end of the first week in most watched TV programme.championships, since fide amateur boxing, without use of the June, there are 10 men’s weights and only Whereas England’s amateur boxing rulers word amateur, now has the possibility of 3 women’s weights, however rumours have given up our domestic boxing tothe Seoul Olympics, confusion with other forms of boxing such abound that England might be restricted to AIBA’s rules and rulers, a move made just as, White Collar, Keep Fit and “Charity” only being authorized to have 11 boxers to keep themselves in power, the USA, aswithout head-guards boxing, all of which, unlike amateur boxing, total in the tournament, in which case 2 has long been the case, still allow boxers to are commercial enterprises, formed and run men’s weights would have no English enter their national championships at 16and using the 10 point per round for the to make money for their organisers. representative. If this rumour turns out to be years of age. Boots Ennis, a 16 year old Londoners won 4 of the 10 titles on offer, true, there will be a furore as boxing is welterweight from Philadelphia, aboutwinner of the round, judges having to 49kgs Harvey Horn & 52kgs Charlie GB/England’s most successful sport, re whom you’ll hear much in the future, lost Edwards (Repton, Bethnal Green), 81kgs money invested to Olympic medals won, controversially in the national finals to Garydecide a winner of each round, no matter Josh Buatsi (South Norwood) and 91+kgs plus, track and field, in particular, play fast Russell, USA No 1. Russell thus breaking a record for the number of nationalhow close the round. champions from the same family, 4/5 brothers all named Gary.Whilst the entertainment factor was Finally young Charlie Hoy, a national amateur champ and unbeaten pro is doingobvious, the 10 point must, pro style, the knowledge, make him welcome, he’s a good guy and a terrific little fighter.scoring system saw competent, boxers Drive carefully, cheerfully, safely and profitablyreverting to fighting rather than boxing,which is fine for entertainment, but no goodfor producing Olympic medals.Furthermore, parents, witnessing theLondon Finals, who do not have a widerknowledge of amateur, boxing, would beunlikely to encourage their children to takeup the sport as their perception of amateurboxing, from the London Finals, would bethat it is too brutal.If England/GB wants to carry on winningOlympic and other international boxingmedals; GB being the most

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