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Home Explore The Badge Issue 226 February 2015

The Badge Issue 226 February 2015

Published by marcus, 2016-05-04 08:39:22

Description: Borris' White Elephant


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2 Issue 226 - February 2015 Editorial: Published by GLA REPORT agreed in 2012) to remain. It is L.C.D.C The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd. As we do not publish in January, I outrageous that a reduction in the age LEADERS would like to wish all our readers a limit should be discussed before any of Unit A 303.2, belated Happy New year. As many of these future taxis are even built. At my NOT FOLLOWERS Tower Bridge Business Complex you are aware, much has happened last meeting with the Mayor, he agreed Tower Point, 100 Clements Road since we published our last edition with me that until the new greener taxis JOIN TODAY: Southwark, London SE16 4DG of The Badge. become a reality, age limits should be 0207 394 5553 The eagerly awaited report from the GLA off the menu. Telephone: 020 7232 0676 “future proof” was finally released just before Christmas. I am very pleased to CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAY E-mail for membership enquiries: say that many of its findings concur with Last week it was confirmed that TFL E-mail: [email protected] the LCDC views on the serious failings is to go ahead with the cycle Web: by TfL. I am proud that the Club made superhighway. significant contributions to the It seems utter madness at a time when Editor: Grant Davis consultation undertaken by the GLA. TfL is trying to implement an Ultra low This report is the first bit of good news emission zone in the capital, that they The Badge is distributed free to the that our trade has received in a long time are planning to go ahead with a Licensed London Cab Trade. and in our opinion was long overdue. scheme which will cause such traffic TfL performance as a Regulatory chaos that it will have a completeFor advertising enquiries please contact the office on Authority of our Industry has been truly reverse effect on what they are trying to 020 7394 5553 or E-mail: [email protected] abysmal; this has now been confirmed achieve. by the GLA and in my opinion See page 16. I think it is fair to say that All advertising in The Badge is accepted under our vindicates our view that unless there the lunatics have finally taken over the terms and conditions. These are available are changes made within TfL our future asylum. at the LCDC office. remains uncertain. (Read GLA recommendations on pages 4-5). UBER Before entering into any commitment, financial As you are aware, the Mayor has or otherwise, always remember to seek ULEZ publicly stated “he believes” Uber are professional advice. On page 6 you can read the Club’s using a meter in their vehicles to recommendations to the Ultra-low calculate the fare of the journey. The The views expressed in this publication are not Emission Zone consultation. Club has been in contact for several necessarity those fo the Editor or of the If you wish to read the full response (8 months with the I.M.C on this issue and Management Committee of the pages) then you can do so by clicking as you can see opposite, they also London Cab Driver’s Club. on the Club’s blog site. We at the believe it is a meter… over to you TfL. LCDC firmly believe that it is imperative Contributions for publication are welcomed for the 15 year age limit (that was Grant Davis and should be sent to the Editor at the above address. The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd.

Issue 226 - February 2015 3A METERED RESPONSEInstitute ofMeasurement &Control confirmLCDC view thatUber iPhone Appis indeed a meterAS READERS will know, thedebacle over whether Ubervehicles are in fact using ameter device will be thrashedout in the courts later on thisyear.It seems that although TfL holdthe view that in their eyes it isnot a meter, we have seen theMayor of London, BorisJohnson, state on radio that inhis opinion the iPhone App isin fact a meter.Where does this leave us in thecab trade when TfL are sayingone thing, and Boris Johnsonis saying another? And whenMayor Johnson is in charge ofTfL and could suspend Uber ifhe wanted to?Over the last few months,the club has been incorrespondence with theInstitute of Measurement andControl, and has given themthe Private Hire Act 1998 andall other relevant legislation.Their response by letter hasconfirmed what we havealways felt.This situation cannot carry onfor much longer and TfL reallyneed to do what they are thereto do - namely to regulate theindustry. [email protected]

4 Issue 226 - February 2015FUTURE PROOFING THEAs regular readers ofThe Badge will be aware,the recently publishedGLA report, FutureProof, has vindicated theconcerns of the cabtrade, since TfL becameregulator.The GLA report hascalled TfL woefullyinadequate - a sentimentthat the London CabDrivers’ Cab fullysupports.Below we set therecommendations fromthe GLA, for the future ofour industry.Recommendation 1 London, and actions that will Recommendation 3 including plans to pilot intend to monitor and improve passenger and number plate-based fixed improve supply and demand,By May 2015, the Mayor driver safety, guarantee a By May 2015, TfL should signage. for both taxi and private hireshould publish a long term sufficient number of high further develop the database industries, across London.strategy for the development quality drivers and vehicles that links drivers to vehicle Recommendation 5 This should include aof both taxi and private hire across the city, and ensure and operator information. TfL specific study into potentialindustries. The strategy that all services meet the should work with app By March 2015, The Mayor demand for taxi services inshould clearly set out the highest possible standards developers to produce a tool and TfL should report back to outer London town centreMayor’s position on the for accessibility. The strategy that will enable passengers the Assembly on options to locations.continued role of taxi and should also set out how TfL to check the status of their incentivise the uptake ofprivate hire services in will strengthen its driver, vehicle or operator. cashless payment options, Recommendation 7London, and actions that will enforcement and clamp for both the taxi and privateimprove passenger and down on illegal activity, within Recommendation 4 hire industries. By May 2015, the Mayor anddriver safety, guarantee a a clear and transparent TfL should set out plans tosufficient number of high governance and decision- By May 2015, TfL should Recommendation 6 ensure that all Undergroundquality drivers and vehicles making framework. produce a signage strategy stations located on the 24-across the city, and ensure for the licensed taxi and By May 2015, the Mayor and hour Tube network have athat all services meet the private hire industries, TfL should set out how theyhighest possible standardsfor accessibility. The strategyshould also set out how TfLwill strengthen itsenforcement and clampdown on illegal activity, withina clear and transparentgovernance and decision-making framework.Recommendation 2By May 2015, the Mayorshould publish a long termstrategy for the developmentof both taxi and private hireindustries. The strategyshould clearly set out theMayor’s position on thecontinued role of taxi andprivate hire services

Issue 226 - February 2015 5LONDON CAB TRADEtaxi rank in place by the should also introduce vehicles and Pedicabs, and on destination bookings and arrangements.launch of the programme in requirements for all taxi and by licensed or unlicensed reinstate the requirement forSeptember 2015, and private hire drivers and drivers/vehicles. private hire drivers and Recommendation 16suburban Underground and operators to undertake operators to record aNational Rail stations have a mandatory disability Recommendation 11 destination at time of The Government should actrank by May 2016. TfL awareness training as part of booking. upon the findings of the Lawshould also prioritise rank the licensing process. TfL By May 2015, The Mayor Commission Review andprovision in outer London should also enforce a zero- and TfL should provide the Recommendation 14 propose legislation thattown centre locations with tolerance approach to drivers Committee with a definitive introduces stiffer penaltiesunmet demand. Rank and operators across both assessment of the resources By March 2015, The Mayor for touting, and greaterlocations should be included industries who illegally refuse currently devoted to and TfL should conduct a full enforcement powers foron TfL journey planning tools to carry disabled enforcement, setting out review of the policy on borough and police officers,and TfL should explore passengers, and increase costed plans to increase ‘satellite offices’, identifying including higher fines andoptions for increasing the the visibility of its complaints these where necessary and and securing the vehicle seizure powers.visibility of ranks through process so that disabled address funding gaps. This enforcement resourcesdistinctive signage. The should include options to required to regulate these Recommendation 17Mayor and TfL should also passengers can name andset out clear guidance for shame providers who break increase licence fees to effectively, including plans to By May 2015, The Mayor’sevent planners to ensure that the law. Drivers and ensure adequate clamp down on unlicensed office, TfL and the tradestaxi and private hire provision operators who are found to enforcement resources are ‘marshals’. Any further should develop and publish ais explicitly contained in not comply with these available. satellite office applications Memorandum oftransport planning for major regulations should face should be suspended until Understanding which clearlyevents and attractions. suspension of their licences. Recommendation 12 this has been achieved. sets out terms of reference and defines the respectiveRecommendation 8 Recommendation 10 By March 2015, The Mayor Recommendation 15 roles, responsibilities and and TfL and the Metropolitan expectations of each party.By May 2015, the Mayor and By March 2015, the Police should set out specific By May 2015, the Mayor and This should include specificTfL should satisfy this Metropolitan Police should steps that will be taken to TfL should enable greater service level agreements.Committee that the entry improve the information it improve the efficiency and joined-up working onrequirements into each collects on cab-related visibility of non-covert night- enforcement, including Recommendation 18market are fit for purpose. crime, to ensure greater time operations. working with the private hireThis should include providing understanding of whether trade and boroughs to By March 2015, TfL shouldevidence that there are no offences are committed by Recommendation 13 develop a cohesive, pan- revise its driver engagementartificial barriers to entry, that licensed taxis, private hire London policy on picking activity to ensure that it is asthe requirements are The Mayor and TfL should up/setting down widely representative asrelevant to the specific immediately clarify the policy possible, and improve thedemands of each industry transparency of taxi andand that they ensure private hire policy andprotection for passengers, decision making processesdrivers, and other road by routinely publishing theusers. minutes of meetings with the trades. TfL should alsoRecommendation 9 provide and publish a detailed breakdown ofThe Mayor and TfL should annual licence fee spending.ensure that disabled taxi andprivate hire passengers’ Recommendation 19needs are met by takingsteps to incentivise the By March 2015, the Mayorprovision of wheelchair and TfL should set out how itaccessible private hire will increase the visibility andvehicles (for example, accessibility of its complaintsthrough reduced vehicle process, and improvelicensing fees) with a view to systems for passengers toreaching 25 per cent give feedback and makewheelchair accessibility complaints about both taxiacross the private hire fleet and private hire 2018. By May 2015, TfL Complaints data should be reported to the TfL Board on a quarterly basis. [email protected]

6 Issue 226 - February 2015LCDC SUBMITS ULEZRECOMMENDATIONSLast month, the club handedin its response to the UltraLow Emission Zone to TfLSummary and recommendations The 10 year age limit and new more expensive taxis will be extremely damaging to the taxi trade. Even with the proposed TfL incentives many drivers may leave the trade and new drivers may opt to go to private hire. This will by definition reduce the provision of safe, accessible transport for London’s population.1. Recommendation 1. We strongly recommend that the Mayor waits until the technology is in place and working before introducing the TfL proposals for zero emission taxis from 2018. There is a significant level of risk that no manufacturer will be able to meet the proposed zero emission requirements and at a true London taxi duty cycle. To frame policy before the technology is available and proven is not responsible. The Mayor should declare his intention to introduce the 50g/km target but only when a minimum of 2 vehicle manufacturers can demonstrate they can produce taxis to at least a volume of 1,000 each per annum. If a zero emission target is introduced then it also must be capable of being programmed so it works in the ULEZ zone.2. Recommendation 2. TfL should encourage sales of Euro 6 diesel engine taxis as the fastest most practical way of reducing taxi emissions in London. This could be done by providing some level of purchase incentive on Euro 6 taxis.3. Recommendation 3. The Mayor should require TfL to introduce a standard taxi duty cycle which sets the emissions testing measurement for any taxi vehicle which is introduced into London, to hit the 50g/km target or whatever target is agreed as achievable.Read the full LCDC submission at: L.C.D.C WE GO THE EXTRA MILE JOIN TODAY: 0207 394 5553

Issue 226 - February 2015 7 & ISSUE 8POINT ULTIMATUM TO MAYORThe Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA) and Clean Air in London (CAL) invite theMayor to commit to an ‘Eight point transformation package’ for the taxi and private hireindustry in London for the benefit of current and future generations of Londoners.The ‘Eight point transformation package’needed from the Mayor of London:1. Require electric or plug-in petrol electric hybrids with a minimum daily range of 40 miles for all newly licensed taxis by no later than 1 January 2018. Consider tyre and brake wear standards.2. Require electric or plug-in petrol electric hybrids with a minimum daily range of 40 miles for all newly licensed private hire vehicles (PHVs) with immediate effect (because many such vehicles are available to purchase today). Consider tyre and brake wear standards.3. Establish a network of 500 rapid charge points in Greater London by no later than 1 January 2018 for the sole use of taxis with a geographic focus on inner London and air pollution hotspots to encourage visits to them. These must offer at least an 80% charge within 30-40 minutes at modest or no cost to drivers i.e. not two hours. If this number proves more than necessary for the taxi industry after 12 or 24 months some might then be made available to the general public.4. Scrap the 15 year and proposed 10 year age limit requirements on newly licensed taxis with immediate effect.5. Scrap the 25 foot turning circle requirement from the ‘Conditions of fitness’ for taxis with immediate effect. Keep the accessibility requirement and other Public Carriage Office requirements. Confirm that no state aid hurdles restrict funding below.6. Establish a fund totalling £150 million offering with immediate effect one-off financial grants of the greater of £10,000 or 100% of the VAT due on the purchase price of a new taxi that meets the requirements above for each of first 15,000 fully compliant taxis purchased. This would be on top of the £5,000 government grant already available for electric vehicles (irrespective of the number of taxi providers).7. Undertake never to allow geo-fencing near air pollution monitors, which are used to warn people of smog episodes and report legal breaches, whereby taxis or PHV’s would switch from fossil fuel tailpipe emissions to electric mode near those locations.8. Deliver new Vehicle Excise Duty bands and Benefits-in-kind taxation, if necessary initially just for new and used taxis and PHVs, based on the total sum of real world tailpipe emissions (grams per kilometre) of carbon dioxide (CO2), fine particles (PM5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). These changes should be tax neutral overall. Exhaust emissions must be independently certified.The ‘Eight point transformation package’ is not an a la carte menu from which the Mayor canpick and choose. The LTDA and CAL have agreed this list as a ‘total package’.

8 Issue 226 - February 2015

Issue 226 - February 2015 9 Alan’s AngleCOL cause chaos at London Wall!Last month a bizarre make the junction safer. The the scheme’s resultant roundabout. We are planning Chaos at London Wall ascycle route sprang up junction is being monitored westbound delays on London to obtain Member approval traffic piles up, thanks toovernight at the rotunda. daily for performance and Wall and we are currently (to restore London Wall back the City of London CycleTo my knowledge the safety. According to recent investigating ways to restore to two lanes) in February’s Scheme.consultation was only open data, this junction is the City two lanes westbound whilst Committee and it is expectedto people near the rotunda of London's fourth most retaining most of the safety that on-street changes will Photo by Steve Dewelland we as a trade were not dangerous junction. In the benefits for cyclists on the follow shortly after.”informed of these changes. last 3 years, there were 14 I'm happy that City OfThe City Of London complain collisions and 9 of those London have seen that thisabout air pollution levels injured were cyclists. This scheme is not working andwithin the square mile then low cost trial seeks to make are looking to change thego and create a traffic jam the junction safer whilst a outlay and put the two lanesfrom rotunda that backs up major project is being back in. Let’s hope they do itway past Wood Street. developed to improve the soon.Trying to make a complaint whole area. Makingand get a answer can be dangerous junctions safer ishard work with the COL, But a significant component offinally I received this back the City of London's Roadfrom them. Danger Reduction Plan.“Dear Mr McGrady,Thank Local occupiers wereyou for contacting City consulted on this trialregarding the Museum of scheme and the scheme wasLondon Rotunda. presented to the City’sThe City of London is trialling Streets and Walkwaysa new layout at the Museum Committee for approval.of London roundabout to However, we are aware ofMondrian cab rank at last Don't shoot the Messenger!Some of us who have permanent one in the up coming months. Praed Street trade to ensure that theirbeen the behind the We have fought hard for the rank space guests are able to easilywheel for a while know and from what I've seen and personally TfL has informed us that access a taxi from the rankSea Containers house, worked the rank is working well and the they have received further when this is requested.but do we all know it’s hotel appears to be playing straight for complaints about taxis The Cab Ranks’ Committeechanged in to Mondrian the time being. If anyone has any illegally ranking in Praed have had two meetings with the hotelHotel? concerns that the hotel is either putting Street outside Paddington Station, and Taxi and Private Hire about theIt’s taken some time but the good work into taxis or private hire resulting in problems for the hotel, rank and have been assured that thefinally the Mondrian Hotel over the phone please get in contact with station and other motorists, hotel’s concierges will follow thehas got a Three cab Rank the club. including taxi drivers. TfL’s required procedure and put guestsoutside. There have been Enforcement Team will be patrolling into a taxi on the rank when a taxi isa lot of discussions the area and reporting any drivers requested by the guests.between the trade, TPH, Mondrian Hotel who do rank up in Praed Street. The hotel will continue to reportand the council over the bay outside the both refusals and unattended taxishotel. The sticking problem has been the W Hotel to Taxi and Private Hire and thesecycle lane that runs along the side of the will be investigated but all drivershotel. The council’s concern was we TfL have had reports from the W should use the rank in the correctcould injure a cyclist pulling away from Hotel that some drivers are refusing way and accept all fares.the rank and also taxis over ranking in fares from the taxi rank on Wardour A follow up meeting with the hotelthe cycle lane. So what we have been Street. They have also had reports will take place within the next fewgiven is a three cab rank that will be on that some drivers are leaving taxis months to discuss how the rank istrial basis and hopefully if all goes well a unattended on the rank. The W being used and progress made. Hotel would like to work with the taxi

Issue 226 - February 2015 11HENDY FACING ADRESSING DOWN?Come and support the GLA questioning of TfLsupremo at City Hall - February 25th at 10am

12 Issue 226 - February 2015 LCDC LAUNCHTHE LCDC has been workinghard to bring another majorbenefit to our members, andwe’re delighted to announcethe launch of Badge Assist.Launched in conjunction withCricklewood Carriers, the schemewill ensure that LCDC members ina non fault accident do not haveto pay excess, can choose theirrepairer, and get a plated cab onthe same day, where possible.Along with a handful of otherbenefits, being a member of theLCDC for just 50p a day may be aNew Year resolution you justcan’t afford not to keep!Badge Assist -Your InsurerIn the event of a non fault accident OTHER INSURERS required for any personal injury aim to build a trusting relationship withwe can supply: claims.** every customer, like you, to ensure you ✗ A small courtesy car, but are kept thoroughly updated. We also BADGE ASSIST only if available 1. What is Badge Assist (BA)? operate a facility whereby you will be able to log in and track the progress of ✓ A plated cab the same day ✗ You pay your Excess Badge Assist is a one stop solution every single claim via your own where possible tailored specifically for the London Taxi computer. ✗ They choose the repairer Driver to keep you on the road. We offer ✓ No Excess or any other an exclusive credit repair service and 3. Who are costs ✗ You provide multiple credit hire service, to non-fault accident Cricklewood Carriers? estimates victims. We will arrange for repairs to be ✓ You can choose your carried out at Cricklewood Carriers. Cricklewood Carriers Cab Company has repairer ✗ You run around, sorting Since quality repairs take time we offer been in business for over 30 years. We things you a like for like replacement vehicle to are one of the oldest and most ✓ We get quotes/write off use for the whole time your car is being established London Taxi garages. In values for you ✗ They instruct their own repaired. We will then manage and that time we've built up a reputation for solicitor monitor the repairs throughout the honesty, reliability and a focus on ✓ We handle all the paperwork whole process. customer satisfaction. Our customer Badge Assist, a new service set up and service is second to none ✓ Expert Solicitor appointed backed by “The Badge” in conjunction 2. What is the benefit of using with Cricklewood Carriers, is now Badge Assist? 4. Why Cricklewood Carriers /CONTACT DETAILS offering a complete accident Badge Assist?Email : management service, all non-fault If you are involved in a non [email protected] accidents for members of the LCDC, accident we will arrange for your vehicle For starters, 10 reasons... who can now qualify for an accident to be repaired at Cricklewood Carriers - 24 hour breakdown andTEL: 020 8452 5461 management solution without losing and deliver you a replacement Cab to recovery your no claims bonus. You will not have use the same day where possible. - Get-you-home cover as standardMobile: 07866 0 07866 to pay for any services provided and - Replacement cab if you break-down benefit from 100% no win no fee if Badge Assist can answer any queries - Weekly system checkOffice hours: you may have. Our account managers - Full valet service on all cabsMonday – Friday 08.00 – 17.30Saturday 08.00 –

Issue 226 - February 2015 13BADGE ASSIST for the accident. You may be able to benefit from Split Liability in the event of any accident, as we may be able to help your drivers with some of our services. 12. What if I am injured along with any of my passengers? If you have been hurt through no fault of your own we can get our expert Solicitors to help you claim the compensation you deserve. All claims are run on a 100% no-win, no-fee* basis and you will never be asked for any money to start your claim. If you don’t win your case, you won’t pay a penny. And remember, passengers are also entitled to seek compensation regardless of whether the driver is at fault or not. 13. Finally, is there anything further you would like to add or a message to our drivers?- Wide selection of cabs to choose from With Badge Assist the financial benefits to and deliver you a replacement vehicle Lastly thank you for taking the time to- Wide range of colours with no adverts your drivers are clear: they don’t need pay to wherever is most convenient. We will look at our new venture with Badge- Wide range of models and ages anything towards any part of the entire arrange for repairs to be carried out with Assist, we are truly passionate about- TX1, TX2, TX4, Fairway process. The costs are absorbed by the an exclusive Badge Assist 2 year the service and tools we can provide to- Full flat or half flat insurer of the other driver who was at fault warranty on all repairs. Since quality the trade and overall empower our- Double Teams for the accident. So your driver can have repairs take time we offer you a like for members and drivers to benefit from the their vehicle collected and repaired, while like replacement vehicle to use for the extra services we can now supply.With all this as standard, and a wide they drive a like-for like replacement whole time your car is being repaired. In the event of an accident we all reachselection of models to choose from, you vehicle, at no cost to them what so ever, We will then manage and monitor the for the phone and call our insurancecan see why so many cab drivers make meaning their income is not affected. repairs throughout the whole process. companies, if it is not your fault, thenus their first choice for cab rentals. don’t call them, call us. Not only are youFor the discerning cab driver, we have 6. Will this affect 9. What if I wish to use guaranteed a replacement plated,brand new Silver Spec TX4's in metallic my insurance? my own garage? metered cab, a repairer that cares andcolours with no adverts. stands by the work provided with 2We are full members of the LMCPA By using Badge Assist you will not have You can do this but Cricklewood offer a years full warranty. With the added(Originally known as “The Masters”) to pay your Excess and your No Claims two year warranty on all repairs to give benefit of no loss of earnings and a Bonus should not be affected. you total peace of mind. protected no claims bonus.5. How much does this cost? We aim to take the inconvenience and 7. Where do I collect the 10. Who insures the the costs away from accidents that areYou will be required to enter into a hire replacement vehicle from? replacement vehicle? not your fault. Knowing now that youagreement but all these charges will be don’t have to lose out if an accidentpaid by the at fault party. You will not even If your cab is driveable you can drop The hire vehicle comes fully insured occurs or if you need any advice feelneed to pay a deposit! your cab to Cricklewood Carriers they with a nil excess (conditions apply) free to call our Badge Assist team.We believe strongly that if your drivers are will already have a replacement vehiclenot to blame for their accidents then they waiting for you. 11. Can my drivers claim if Disclaimer **shouldn’t be left out of pocket. the accident is their fault?Unfortunately this isn’t the way most 8. What if my Cab is ** Subject to insurance costs. Feeinsurers think, as many drivers are left not roadworthy? Countless drivers believe we cannot payable if case not pursued at client’swith an inferior replacement vehicle, help with fault accidents, when in actual requesthaving to pay their excess, or being We will arrange recovery of your vehicle fact they may not be completely at faultcharged for higher premiums. † No Claims Bonus protection is not guaranteed in all cases. Customer are to check their insurance policy for details

14 Issue 226 - February 2015Recipe for chaos looms as TfL confirms‘Crossrail for Bikes’ across LondonFollowing from an one of the biggest those concerned about the capacity – and so causing transformation that theseoverwhelming amount of consultation exercises in east-west route’s impact on much shorter delays.\" routes will bring – not just forpublic support, the TfL's history,\" said Johnson. traffic,\" he added \"Thanks to It's expected that work will people who cycle now, but forMayor of London, Boris \"We have listened, and now the skill of TfL’s engineers begin as early as April 2015 the thousands of new cyclistsJohnson, has confirmed we will act. Overwhelmingly, and traffic managers, we with completion of the main they will attract. Getting morehe will be building Londoners wanted these have made changes to our part of the route, between people on their bikes willEurope's longest routes, and wanted them original plans which keep the Tower Hill and the A40 reduce pressure on the road,segregated urban cycle delivered to the high standard whole of the segregated Westway flyover at bus and rail networks, cutlane through central we promised. I intend to keep cycle track and junctions, Paddington, to be completed pollution, and improve life forLondon. that promise.\" while taking out much less of in April 2016. everyone, whether or not The \"Crossrail for Bikes\" \"But I have also listened to the route’s motor traffic \"I now look forward to the they cycle themselves.\"project is part of Johnson's£913 million \"cycle revolutionfor London\" initiative and willbe a protected route throughParliament Square, along theVictoria Embankment andUpper Thames Street,eventually linking Barkingand Acton and King's Crossand Elephant and Castle. A total of 84% of the 21,500responses were in favour ofthe plans. \"We have

Issue 226 - February 2015 15 Walker on the March....MAYOR’S QUESTION TIME longer universal. By and large the circuit than to compete. who likes a joke. work was still superior to the street job but Greed or lack of trust caused the three He was questioned about Uber’s use of aYou will find a report of the recent not by as much and not in every case. circuits to fall over themselves to offer or meter. It was pointed out that even the taxi“question time” elsewhere in this The partnership was completely respond to demands for total ground and private hire trades had come togetherissue but I’d like to draw your destroyed at the turn of the century transport provision. Had they on this issue to complain about this breachattention to the previous one this when two things occurred – PH collaborated to collectively refuse to of the law. Even Hendy’s guv’nor Borislast December. This demonstrates licensing and rates 2 and 3 on the work with PH, they may well still be Johnson has stated that Uber’s farehow seriously the business is meter. PH licensing was by far the most separate from them today and maybe calculation constitutes a meter.taken. damaging effect on the whole trade as the “them and us” attitude that prevails The interviewer reminded Mr HendyDuring questions about the MPS this not only allowed corporate today from drivers towards the circuits that the Uber i Phone that is used tofunding, an AM told Boris “you are lying” customers to now use PH operators, but would have remained “them and us” calculate fares cannot be used as aand “you are misleading the public”. it allowed the corporate sector into the jointly with the circuits towards PH. normal phone or send/receiveSerious stuff, eh? Boris’ response was supply side of our business by buying That isn’t necessarily to say that the messages and has i Tunes and web“clean your ears out” and “you should into PH operations. The circuits now had circuits still would not have lost almost browser disabled. In short, it isn’t anpay attention to your personal hygiene” to compete with PH and this usually half their combined turnover from 2007- actual phone in the accepted use. Theand to the speaker “he’s dirty”. meant a reduction in price to a greater 13, down from £171 million to just £100 interviewer, having shown how the UberAt this time the speaker became the or lesser extent. million but they may have retained the Phone cannot be used as a phone atschool teacher and threatened to keep The result was that while the circuit job driver goodwill that often made the all, quoted the legislation that perfectlythe whole class behind for ten minutes if was still sometimes of better quality to driver put the good of the circuit above describes the phone as a meter.they didn’t behave. Seriously, he did! He the driver, it was just as likely to be personal interest. But we are where we Mr Hendy’s reply – “none of the lawstold them he couldn’t chuck Boris out inferior. Now the previously dedicated are and any hope of that the circuits will were written for the modern mobilebut he could suspend question time for circuit driver was starting to weigh up the de-link from PH is long gone. phone and app era”. What the bloodyten minutes and that would keep them value of circuit jobs, rather than just However, it’s no use the circuit hell difference does that make. They areall behind for ten minutes. accepting what came. managements moaning that drivers the laws we have and they are the lawsThe next one is 25th February. It doesn’t The partnership was finally and cannot see further than the next job. I Mr Hendy should be applying. It is notmatter if you aren’t interested in trade irrevocably broken when the circuits “got suspect it is less about that and more his place to decide that the laws are nopolitics. Come anyway and enjoy the into bed with PH”. This was the wrong about drivers doing what is best for longer suitable as that is for the courts toslapstick performance. strategy in my opinion. The circuits took them, irrespective of whether that is bad decide. His job is simply to apply the the view that if they didn’t work with PH, for the circuit or not. laws whether they are suitable or not.LOYALTY the other circuits would. Did you ever Mr hendy then swerved the question see the Russell Crowe film “A Beautiful PETER HENDY – over Uber being based in theI very recently had discussions with Mind”? It was the story of John Nash, a STAND-UP COMIC? Netherlands. He says it’s a question forthe management of Comcab. One of brilliant mathematician. He won a Nobel the taxman. No it isn’t, it’s about theirthe things that came up was the Prize for his “equilibrium theory”. Commissioner Peter Hendy operation being in Holland. That’s whereperceived inability of drivers to see past Basically, this theory turned economics recently gave an interview to the they pay tax so that’s where theirthe next job. In my opinion, this is just as on its head and proved that it could be Evening Sub-Standard business is conducted, even if part of it ismuch a lack of loyalty as this inability. more beneficial for firms to co-operate newspaper. He’s obviously a man conducted in the UK. Forget us poor oldAlthough this was Comcab, the same cab drivers, this harms bona fide PHproblems have been voiced on many operators that are playing the game.occasions by the management of the They are put at an unfair advantage byother two circuits. paying tax on profits made in the UK.Comcab, in its former incarnation of Uber are making the profits in the UKLondon-Wide, began life with a main and transferring them to Holland to paygoal of taking on the minicabs at their lower tax rates. By doing so, they denyown game. Although we failed to do this, tax revenue to the UK society and under-for the first ten years or so it was a cut home-based operators unfairly.glorious failure. The drivers and Please Mr Hendy – do your job or movemanagement pretty much worked in over and let somebody do it who is abletandem as there was no reason not to. to. The best joke though was when heThere was no real competition other said “But I’ve yet to meet a black-cabthan the other circuits and the circuit driver who’s actually able to say to mework was genuinely a better quality than that Uber has damaged their business.”street work. Slick that. Doubtless that’s because heEvery job had a decent run-in, a doesn’t speak to cab drivers and that’sstandard 10% gratuity and a reasonable why they are unable to tell him theirwaiting time rate. It was completely in business has been damaged by Uber.the drivers’ interests to study the circuit Let’s all make it easy for him. He is dueaccounts and they would run for jobs at to answer questions on 25th Februarya loss sometimes if necessary. It was a at City Hall. Let’s get as many of usgenuine partnership between circuit and there as possible to fill the public gallerydrivers. and hopefully, on his way in and out,It is impossible to fix a date but the there will be loads of us that can tell himsituation started to change in the that Uber’s illegal activities arerecession of the late 80s/early 90s. Run- damaging our businesses.ins were eroded in real terms, gratuitiesand waiting time payments were no

16 Issue 226 - February 2015AS AN L.C.D.C COMPLAINTS RANKSMEMBER YOU AND APPEALS AND HIGHWAYSWILL RECEIVE: As a member of the LCDC, The LCDC attend the Joint 24 HOUR DUTY we will deal with any Ranks committee, working SOLICITOR complaint that has been hard for more ranks and EXCLUSIVE TO THE made against you by more access for the taxi CAB TRADE members of the public. trade in London. Also we will attend the Your 24 Hr duty solicitor LTPH with you on any CAB TRADE ADVICE Join over the hotline membership card. personal appeals that phone - just call Peace of mind 24 hrs of would affect your licence. All members can call the the day. office for any information and we’ll take HEATHROW or up to the date news on your payment FULL LEGAL COVER AIRPORT any trade related subject. REPRESENTATION details Our fantastic team of City JUST £3 Of London based solicitors With our reps at the airport per month and barristers, experts in working hard on the Hackney Carriage and trade’s behalf for a fairer, * £12 per month is tax deductible road traffic law. and more safer future at Heathrow. Please complete this form and send it with your application form Application Form (LCDC) Ltd UNIT 303.2 Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS TOWER BRIDGE BUSINESS COMPLEX, TOWER POINT, The subscription rate is £170 per annum. If you are unable to pay in a 100 CLEMENT’S ROAD, SOUTHWARK single payment please make one cheque payable to “The London Cab LONDON, SE16 4DG Drivers’ Club Ltd,” with today’s date, for £56.67, and two post-dated 0207 394 5553 cheques one month apart for £56.67. Standing Order Form Send the completed form to: THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd, UNIT A 303.2 Your Bank: ......................................................................................... Tower Bridge Business Complex, Tower Point, Your Bank Address:............................................................................ 100 Clements Road, Southwark, London SE16 4DG Post Code:.......................................................................................... Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:.................... Surname: ...................................... Please pay the sum of £15 NOW and monthly therafter until further notice. First Names:...................................................................................... Please pay the sum of £42.50 NOW and then quarterly thereafter Address: ........................................................................................... until further notice. ............................................... Post Code: ...................................... Badge No: ............................. Shift: ............................................... Quoting Reference No ( ) Telephone No: (with full STC code):................................................ To the account of THE LONDON CAB DRIVERS’ CLUB LTD, I agree to abide by the rules of the Club. I also agree that the above Barclays Bank Bloomsbury & Tottenham Court Road branch, information will be kipt by the LCDC in a computer system under the terms of the Data Protection Act. PO BOX 1134, London W128GG Sort Code 20-10-53. Account No- 40450421. I understand that I will not be eligible for legal representation for Your Name: ..................................................................................... matters arising prior to the date of this application. Thereby declare that Account No: ..................................................................................... I have no outstanding PCO or police matters pending. Sort Code: ....................................................................................... Signature: ........................................................................................ Signed: ...................................... Date: ...................................... Date:

Issue 226 - February 2015 17PERSONAL ACCIDENT & SICKNESS SCHEME ✓ UP TO 65 YEARS OF AGE ✓ DEATH £60,000 ✓ DEATH OF SPOUSE £50,000 ✓ TOTAL DISABLEMENT £50,000 WE ALSO ✓ TEMP DISABLEMENT £300 Per Week COVER KNOWLEDGE ✓ HOSPITALISATION £400 Per Week STUDENTS INTERESTED? CALL 0203 327 0555Once again the Club COVER SAMPLE SAMPLE RATEShave pulled it off. INCLUDING TAXESA travel insurance Cancellation: £5,000scheme for all readers Medical: £10,000,000 EUROPEof The Badge at a price Baggage: £2000 17 days single trip - £17.96to snap up. CHANNEL ISLES Airline failure 17 days single trip - £9.24 Travel EUROPE FAMILY ANNUAL - £60.75 & Accommodation failure WORLDWIDE FAMILY ANNUAL - £70.44 Delayed baggage Optional cover attracts additional premium PLUS PLUS optional: Winter sports Golf cover Wedding coverFor more information call: 0203 327 0555 / Email: [email protected] for full details of rates and cover. Arranged through ASUA LTD. who are authorized and regulated by the FCA No. 308488 [email protected]

18 Issue 226 - February 2015Another knife in the backBY MATTY NEWELL, executive vehicles for certain certainly get many taxi drivers’ about maximising work” and more. In my opinion,LCDC COMMITTEE MEMBER clients and members of staff. backs up when they know the profit with our work THEY cannot be TRUSTED Hailo said that Executive Cars details. The leaflet which they recycled, charging and are an ENEMY of the taxiIt is nearly a year since the would be for Hailo For Business have been circulating to mini us 10% and now trade.LCDC broke the news that only and not available on the cab drivers offers them a bonus offering it to How long before the ultimateHailo were applying for a app to non-business customers. and reduced commission from minicabs who they betrayal? They build up the PHPH Operators Licence. Well nearly, a year on where are 20 to 10%. will charge 20%. fleet and decide to dispose ofLike many drivers I was these so-called business Hailo Backup essentially is a I am amazed that drivers still Taxis. Don’t think it could notdisgusted and angered by accounts??? min cab option on the app for all work it! Why would you do three happen? Do you trust themtheir treacherous decision We know that Hailo pulled out Hailo’s customer base, which years on KOL to work side by after everything they haveand my feelings since have of America as they could not remember, was built up by us side by a mini-cab driver? done?not diminished. compete with UBER or LYFT TAXI DRIVERS. They have However, unfortunately we doHailo deny they use mini cabs but it appears that they are now the choice between us or a have some small-minded Follow on Twitter: Mattthecab14and instead refer to them as ruthlessly trying to gain a bigger mini-cab. Worryingly most of selfish drivers who cannot seeHailo Executive. Typical spin market in London. Are they these mini cab drivers will be or care beyond their day’swhich we have become planning to put the knife in a bit also using the UBER app. So takings. If you are still on it,accustomed from them. You deeper this time? They have briefly, Hailo are offering our taxi would you share a rank with acan dress it up all you like, if it had Taxi Drivers recruiting for street work to clueless UBER mini cab driver including UBERhas a roundel on the front and them at all the main line stations drivers. In addition, it appears and allow the customer toback and is driven by someone and at Canary Wharf trying to that Hailo are breaking PH choose between you andhypnotised by a Sat- Nav it is a get back the drivers they lost . legislation, as many of these them? Well this app is now amini cab, driven by a mini cab Sneakily they have been jobs will be instant hails rather Virtual Shared Taxi/Mini cabdriver! recruiting mini cab drivers than pre-booked. Rank!They explained it was dropping off at the stations at This new feature is further proof This company got the good willnecessary strategy to gain Car Washes. However, most that those running Hailo do not of the Taxi Trade with theCorporate Accounts as these alarmingly they have added a value our trade, tradition and broken promise of “Winningcompanies insist on high end new feature for its customers service and see us as a one tier back the work” from PH and is called Hailo Backup, which will system with scabs. It is all now “Giving them back

Issue 226 - February 2015 19Airport MattersBY PETER “THE CANNON”L.C.D.C AIRPORT REPHAL PREPARED TO would remove (disapply) the obligation these illegal parkers and warn them that rejected and all too often it'sRECONSIDER TRADE’S PLANS to use the meter and define a scheme their licensees are committing criminal because not enough legalThe Heathrow United Trade Group that offered fixed fares from pick up offences at Heathrow. If licensed taxis research has been carried out.(HUTG) met Heathrow Ltd. at the end point to final destination. It appears to be from Bucks, Berks, Surrey and Herts HAL wants the taxi trade to increaseof January and we were all pleased TfL's expectation that regulations would etc. were forced to use Heathrow's car our efforts to devise a new Code ofto hear that HAL is prepared to continue to specify the maximum fare, parks, they would find it much harder to Conduct. But private rules such asreconsider the trade's plans to raise leaving drivers with discretion to charge under-cut Fair Fares and other fares those that could be devised jointly byfunds for the purpose of promoting a lower fare if they so wish. charged by taxis waiting on the airport's HAL and the HUTG can't beand improving Heathrow's taxi Passengers with credit cards are ranks. considered as a substitute forservices. entitled to expect five-star treatment on Hackney carriage laws and taxiAs reported in the December issue of the ranks, even though TfL and HAL HEATHROW POLICE AND UBER byelaws that target the few driversThe Badge, when the trade met HAL in acknowledge that under current Heathrow police (MPS) and HAL are who cause trouble at Heathrow. TheNovember, HAL expressed its Hackney Carriage laws, drivers cannot fully aware that more and more introduction of private rules shouldreluctance to support proposals for be compelled to accept credit cards. empty Uber minicabs are ignoring never be considered by the taxifunds to be raised by adding a special HAL isn't in a position to indemnify the byelaws that specifically forbid trade to be a solution to problemslevy to the gate money. (The 'gate drivers against losses resulting from parking on the set down areas of the caused where law enforcement hasmoney' is the payment drivers make for failed c/c transactions ; hence even airport's forecourts. been tried and failed or is ineffective.entry to the Heathrow Taxi System). without the protection of Hackney So what are MPS and HAL the airport (E.g. Heathrow police are notHAL is now exploring the possibility that Carriage law, the decision to accept or owner, doing about the illegal parking by enforcing the mininicab byelaws).the current gate money charge of £3.38 reject a credit card hiring rests with the Uber and other cheap-jack minicabs ? HAL and the taxi trade organisationscould be increased to £4.00 per entry. A driver who is asked to provide credit. At the present time they are doing don't have any legal powers tonew levy of £0.62 per entry to the Taxi Uber Operations at Heathrow nothing at all. Senior police officers who enforce each and every rule thatSystem would provide the taxi trade at Uber has drawn an imaginary boundary allocate resources for dealing with could be embodied in a Code ofHeathrow with much needed funding. around Heathrow and their drivers have minicab touts inside the terminals, are Conduct. Past experience showsHAL agrees that our share of the been supplied with a map of what is probably hoping that the taxi trade will that DIY disciplinary rules areonward travel market at Heathrow will known as Uber's Airport Zone. The give further cost-free assistance to the sometimes defective or overlookcontinue to decrease unless our taxi main roads situated just outside the MPS. Already this year, we provide the important procedural points. The lastservices are advertised and promoted airport's perimeter road such as Bath MPS with thirty-six taxi marshals to time an effort was made to produceboth inside and outside the passenger road, are included in Uber's parking patrol the passenger terminals on the a Code of Conduct at Heathrow,terminals. Many drivers are already zone along with all the B roads and lookout for minicab touts. The MPS HAL took charge at the initial draftingenthusing about what could be done residential streets ; in fact wherever contribution to the strength of this anti- stage. However, HAL over estimatedwith a new revenue stream, but it parking space can be found. When an tout force is just four officers. This its powers to discipline erring driversshouldn't be forgotten that the sudden Uber driver enters the Airport Zone, he means the police provide only one tenth and the project failed to earncollapse of HALTS in 2013, was an is automatically placed into a virtual of the manpower responsible for anti- Transport for London's approval. Asevent that is going to prejudice the queue where he waits for instructions. tout duties, while the taxi trade provides with any Code of Conduct, TfL is thetrade's standing at Heathrow for a long All Uber drivers are issued with a set of the remaining nine tenths. The latest ultimate arbiter of what disciplinarytime to come. Undoubtedly, whatever written instructions on how to meet and Information obtained from the MPS by action can and cannot be takenhappens in the coming year, if the taxi greet passengers at Heathrow. When the LCDC in December shows that the against drivers who break the at Heathrow are to flourish and an Uber driver accepts a job, he value of the work done by the taxi The HUTG proposes to deal withexpand, the rules that drivers work immediately calls his passenger's marshals isn't even discussed when troublemakers by arranging withunder will have to undergo several mobile to find out their location. In policing costs and manpower issues are HAL to suspend their local journeyradical changes. theory, Uber drivers meet their thrashed out by Crime and Security and Fair Fares concessions. It's aThe local journey rules and Fair Fares passengers inside Arrivals after parking executives at official meetings. The proposal that deserves and hasrules need to be revised so that fixed their minicab in the short term car park. LCDC has told the taxi marshals in no earned 100% support. Thefares are set at optimum levels, but Again in theory, the parking charge is uncertain terms, to stop making concessionary rules in questiondefinitely not at levels that will make added to the final fare paid by the excuses for the MPS when it's alleged were devised by the tradedrivers competitors in a race to the passenger. However, in practice it's that Heathrow police officers appear to organisations and are enforced onbottom. Despite many legal obstacles more than obvious that the majority of be deliberately ignoring offences behalf of the trade by HAL. In short,that have to be overcome, proposals for Uber drivers arrange to pick up their committed by minicabs. offenders who breach the new Codethe taxi trade to offer fixed fares at passengers on the set down areas of of conduct, could find themselvesHeathrow have not been ruled out and the terminal forecourts. Not only is it a NEW CODE OF CONDUCT stripped of their concessionary rightsfixed fares could be allowed under way of saving time, it's a simple way of Looking back over the years, the to return to a Heathrow taxi rank,London Hackney Carriage law. TfL has helping passenegers to avoid parking taxi trade's plans to improve its irrespective of where their last hiringmade a point of explaining that it is not charges. At the time of writing this services at Heathrow often get terminated.TfL's intention to invite Heathrow drivers article, the taxi trade organisations haveto make their own interpretations of the agreed that we need taxi marshals onlaw, but to provide a clear legal the forecourts to warn minicabs to eitherframework that will be of benefit to both move on or risk prosecution. It's not onlydrivers and customers. TfL has further TfL licensed minicabs who operate fromexplained that it has the powers to the forecourts, there's also a majorregulate and define fixed fares when problem with private hire and taxis fromappropriate. TfL appears to be confident out of town. The HUTG intends to get inthat it could make a Cab Order which touch with the licensing authorities of

20 Issue 226 - February 2015 Vito Taxi Club We Vito taxi owners all know that we drive the best vehicle for the job. No other cab compares with the quality, comfort, and performance as far as we are concerned. MB is listening to, and learning from the owners and drivers. R/steer upgrades coming soon. We help resolve the owner’s issues. We have set up an email address at MBHQ for owners to communicate with MB directly (politely of course) [email protected] Our genuine MB parts discount deal is great value for our club members. We aim to obtain group buying discounts with all products where possible. Join us Mike & Paul

Issue 226 - February 2015 21Vito Taxi Club visit PensoThe Vito Taxi Club wasinvited to Penso The Vito taxi production line at Penso in CoventryCoventry to discuss allaspects of the Vito taxi, conversion from start to Carbon fibre is a lightweight with yet another the Vito Taxi Club! It signalsand for them to finish. product being used to development engineer who the beginning of us alldemonstrate their All our questions were improve performance, and a spoke to us in detail areas embracing a new and frankinvestment and answered without weight reduction material which could be improved relationship. What we mostcommitment into the compromise before being being used to reduce CO2 and aspects of the Vito could like about working with theproduct since the taken to another technical for TFL future requirements. be improved for our Vito Taxi Club is that itcollapse of one80 and area where they had their Another Senior Engineering purposes which included provides us with an openKPM. own Vito Taxi (V1) and Executive gave us a talk on steps, ventilation, as well channel for all Vito Taxi As well as Mike and Paul, Paul’s Vito where the previous RWS system other things which we drivers to express theirattending was an technicians were working on and was very open with his brought to their attention. opinions and makeindependent - John Boyne, different areas of test on new opinions and spoke how the Penso would like to suggestions. This is a greatplus Mercedes London and worked vehicles for the new system was way ahead personally invite other opportunity for us all toDistrict Manager - Adam smooth upgrade transition of any achievement that the owners to their facility to improve and benefit. There’sLowe, Mercedes Head of and ways they are working previous company could demonstrate what we already a strong Mercedes-Service Quality - Mick Glover on bringing down the ever dream about. At this experienced, so anybody Benz Commercial dealerand Penso Head of Taxi upgrade times. point EU4 was discussed that is interested in going network to provide productBusiness Development - We were given a full tour of and explained why the new please email support.Roy McMaster. other development areas system wont work in it and [email protected] “And now it’s great to seeThroughout the day we had where we were given a full some solutions were and he will be organising S&B Commercials havepresentations from all demonstration of carbon discussed as regards to EU4 these trips. been appointed to startdifferent marketing, fibre technology in its raw owners, which the Vito Taxi Roy McMaster for Penso selling the Vito Taxi to theproduction, and development form all the way to finished Club will work with Mercedes commented “What a huge number of drivers whosenior executives. They rear spoiler on a high to finding an ethical solution. thorough and effective believe that the Vito is theexplained their individual performance super car. Our final topic of the day was working session we had with best taxi in London.”roles and inputs togetherwith their future vision of theproduct which now thatPenso has the IPR, they aretotally focused on bringingthe Vito Taxi in line withMercedes-Benz quality.The day began with theirmarketing executiveexplaining to us what Pensohas achieved with otherpremium brand motormanufacturers and aircraftmanufacturers. They wenton to explain what theirfuture involvement is withMercedes and the Taxi trade.We were then taken on atour of their technicalanalysis and developmentareas, their postproductiontrim areas. We were thenintroduced to their Taxiproduction manager whotook us to the newproduction area.We were shown how theyreceive vehicles fromMercedes and the fullprocess in converting theminto taxis.Afterwards we were taken tothe factory floor to be shownall the different areas of

22 Issue 226 - February 2015 Fury fired up for O2 fight by father’s return from prisonTyson Fury Steve Bunce performance, he stuck to the gamewill be plan. If you look at Wilder, he's tall,bolstered -BOXNATION athletic - built more like a basketball player than a bodybuilder - and he'sduring his very fit. \"As a 6ft 7in tall heavyweight henext showed how you fight a smaller guy. But I'd out-think, outsmart, and out-performance heart him. I'd put it on him from round one. I'm taller and bigger than him andon February he wouldn't be able to bully me, or outjab me.28 at the O2 \"Deontay versus me is a very exciting build-up and very exciting fight. I'd takeArena in it straight away, even though I'm mandatory for the WBO. It's the WBCLondon heavyweight title we're talking about. I'm prepared to go to Las Vegas,against London, Manchester. Wherever it takes places, it would sell out.\"Christian Hammer with his father But Fury says he is not taking Hammer for granted. \"ChristianJohn Fury released from prison Hammer was a 2006 World Junior Champion. I know him from amateuron Feb 11. tournaments. He was a talented boxer and this is his time to shine, so I will notFury Snr, a former professional be looking past him. It's called ‘Risky Business', this event and it is exactlyheavyweight boxer, guided Tyson to the that, because a loss would take my mandatory status away.English heavyweight title after only \"The reason I'm taking this fight is that I need to keep my eye in. There is noeight paid fights. point fighting journeymen because they don't come to fight. I need to be\"It will be good for me to have my dad Tyson, and a former heavyweight boxer corner,\" Fury said. motivated, and I've got that with this himself known in the Eighties as Fury has consistently stated that he Hammer fight.\"there, back in my corner. It'll mean a lot ‘Gypsy' John Fury who fought the believes Klitschko will avoid him, but former WBC champion Henry has responded to Wilder's taunts in theto me because he started me in the Akinwande in 1991, was jailed for 11 last week that he will fight and defeat years after gouging out a man's eye in the Mancunian this year. \"I'll bring itsport and guided me to the British title,\" a brawl four years ago. down to a dog fight where it will be a Fury Snr had steered Tyson through battle of heart and will,\" Fury said lastsaid Fury, unbeaten in 23 contests, and his early career, but since February week. 2011 the heavyweight boxer has been \"If the Wilder fight is put to me I'll take iton the verge of a world title challenge trained by his uncle, Peter Fury, also a because it's a world title fight, but I am former boxer. mandatory and I have worked six yearsthis year. \"My dad still analysed a lot of to be mandatory for Wladimir. opponents when he was away and \"I thought Wilder was impressiveThe unbeaten Mancunian plans to always gave me advice on the styles. It against Bermane Stiverne in Las will be inspiring to have him back in my Vegas. It was an educateddefend the WBO International titleagainst the German in London andthen face either Wladimir Klitschko, theWBO champion, or Deontay Wilder, theunbeaten American boxer who claimedthe WBC heavyweight crown lastweekend in Las Vegas.John Fury, the father and trainer ofBoxing pundits Why 4 into 2 must goare like taxidrivers, get 8 in a Floyd Mayweather Jr calls the shots Manny and Amir down at Fitzroy Lodge IBF champion Kell Brookroom and you get9 different at a basketball game... coincidence? You down and is ready to take on in the Either way we could be looking at aanswers! tell me. Amir is a very fast cookie so summer. bumper crop of fantastic welterweight would Mayweather need such an Our very own underrated IBF Champion fights in 2015Boxing fans around the World are awkward opponent right now? Kell Brook also deserves a top fight after Khan Vs Brook at Wembley with thefeasting on the menu of having four very Some pundits are saying that Manny going over to America and beating the winner facing the winner of Mayweathertalented welterweights at present, who Paquiao has showed signs of slowing highly rated Shawn Porter. Vs Paquiao in Las Vegas.are all looking for the massive fight whichin turn produces mind boggling financialrewards.Who have we got? Starting with the mainman Floyd Mayweather Jr, we haveManny Paquiao, Amir Khan and comingin at the back our very own IBFChampion, Kell Brook.There could be one or two monster fightsahead this year and who should boxwhom and where, is the talk of boxing atthe moment.In the last few weeks, we have had AmirKhan and Manny Paquiao visiting thefamous London gym, Fitzroy Lodgewhere we are told there were murmurs of“getting it on” in the summer, but then lastweek we had Manny bumping into

24 Issue 226 - February 2015 Adam D. Elliott Vincent House, 99a Station Road, London, E4 7BU SPECIALIST ACCOUNTANT TO THE LICENSED TAXI TRADE Tel: 020 8281 0500 email: [email protected] / SKYPE: taxitax PAYTON’S SOLICITORS 9 – 13 CURSITOR STREET LONDON, EC4A 1LL We at the LCDC don’t often bang our own drum when it comes to helping our members with their legal troubles. A lot of the cases which come our way with members are quite sensitive and we respect their wishes to keep things in house and out of the paper which I can fully appreciate. However, not only do Payton’s Solicitors offer our members a 24 Hour Duty Solicitor 365 days a year, but since getting involved with the Club, our solicitor Keima Payton has the distinction of having a 100% success rate in all her cases which she has handled on behalf of the Club’s members. Keima Payton has a fearsome reputation in court and should ever the need arise you will find no one better able to fight your corner and save your Badge than Keima. - Grant Davis, LCDC Chairman Tel: 0207 405 1999 FAX: 0207 405

26 Issue 226 - February 2015 Heart Tests For London Taxi Drivers WOOD STREET CLINIC The Heart Centre For London Taxi Drivers Have You Had Heart Problems? Do you need an Exercise Test and / or Echocardiogram (to measure LVEF) for LtpH? We can help with our fast, efficient service and special low rates for London’s taxi drivers We are now providing stress Echocardiography (functional testing) when required. We understand that your living can depend on these tests Contact us now on The Wood Street Clinic 133 Wood Street Barnet, Herts EN5 4BX Telephone : 0208 449 7656 or [email protected] @WoodStClinic FMoermabllerLsCDC£10 offMORRIS TYRE Telephone: Mobile: 020 7607 3915 07831 222046SERVICES Unbelievable Prices M.A.M. TX / VITO REMOULDS AUTO ELECTRICIANS Ltd FOR TAXIS £38.50+VAT Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm TEL: 0207 231 5857 Saturday 8:30am - 1:00pm72 ENID STREET, BERMONDSEY, LONDON, SE16 3RA Unit 5, Acorn Production Centre Proprietor: 105 Blundell Street Michael Andreou London N7

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