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Home Explore The Badge Issue 218 April 2014

The Badge Issue 218 April 2014

Published by marcus, 2016-05-04 08:02:59

Description: Shafted at the Shard


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LCDC Issue 218 April 2014 fighting today for INSIDE a better tomorrow TFL APPOINT NEW DIRECTOR More trade stories than all the others put together PAGES 4&5SHAFTEDASHT ATRHDE NEWSDemo May 6th BORIS PAGE 7@2:00pm STEPS IN NEWSFull story: TFL, TIME TOpage 3 RAISE YOUR GAME PAGE 16

2 Issue 218 - April 2014 Editorial Published by Grant Davis trade stood up for itself and stopped seen from last month’s edition of the The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd. this undermining of our trade. Badge, the Mayor agreed with me that As you can see from the front page Is this the future we can expect from it was indeed a meter but TFL still Unit A 303.2, the Club has backed calls for a TFL under the new SIPs regime? seem reluctant to take the same Tower Bridge Business Complex drive-in demonstration at The Shard Minicabs outside the door, and the conclusion. The way TFL is running our Tower Point, 100 Clements Road building in St Thomas Street on the licensed taxitrade down the Industry, to be honest we at the Club Southwark, London SE16 4DG Tuesday 6th May. road ..literally. feel they are not fit for purpose. The Shard has already become in the BE THERE ON THE 6TH MAY Telephone: 020 7232 0676 short time of opening a major London ----------------------------------- iconic buildings attracting thousands of ----------------------------------- E-mail for membership enquiries: visitors every week. It is vital that the Suburban review E-mail: [email protected] licensed taxi trade be given an Surface Intergration Web: opportunity to be able to offer its world Programme Finally, you have until the 10th April to class service to what has already respond to the Suburban Review Editor: Grant Davis become one of the most famous Talking of SIPs, TFL have finally after Consultation. I have spoken to TFL and buildings in the World. six months found someone to be the have been told the response has only The Badge is distributed free to the The reason that the 6th May has been new Director of Service Operations. been a few thousand. This is your Licensed London Cab Trade. chosen is that there is to be the The fact that it has taken this long when opportunity to have a say in how your opening of the new Shangri-La all the other Directors were appointed trade is being run. Please go-on lineFor advertising enquiries please contact the office on Hotel with 202 rooms and 17 suites. almost immediately tells us that this is and have your say. (See page 6 for 020 7394 5553 or E-mail: [email protected] Currently the TFL approved taxi rank is a poison chalice (see more on pages email address) so far away from the door (see 4-5). All advertising in The Badge is accepted under our opposite page) that the hotel says they terms and conditions. These are available will need a light beacon for drivers to be ----------------------------------- at the LCDC office. called, a lighthouse would be more appropriate!! Rouge Apps Before entering into any commitment, financial Not only that, but TFL and the or otherwise, always remember to seek Shangri-La Hotel have placed a two Following on from last month’s edition, professional advice. minicab drop off and pick up rank it still seems that TFL have not yet outside the door. It’s about time the decided to what action if any, they will The views expressed in this publication are not be taking against rogue Apps operating necessarity those fo the Editor or of the in London and how they calculate Management Committee of the fares on their App. As you may have London Cab Driver’s Club. Contributions for publication are welcomed and should be sent to the Editor at the above address. The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd.

Issue 218 - April 2014 3Shafted at the ShardOver the last few years during our says two minutes only. Private Hire waiting to pick up in thier designated area outside the hotelworking day we have all witnessed Why does PH need a waiting area there?the birth of a building that is destinedto be an iconic landmark in this great When dropping off at the hotel this takes justCapital City of ours. a minute for passengers to alight from the I for one watched it grow and apart from vehicle and even picking up, the passengersmoaning about the congestion due to site who have booked the car would see it pulltraffic have fallen in love with the building up outside the door and get into the vehicle.known as The Shard. So much so, like many The P.H waiting bay should be a two cabother people I and my family have paid a rank outside the main door and work likevisit to the viewing area and I must say it say, The Berkley Hotel facing West and thewas a trip worth making. Concierge can call cabs straight to the door. So how have we come to this? It all started around a year ago when the It now transpires at the Emergency siteJoint Ranks Committee were given drawings meeting on the 2nd April that the Shangri-Laregarding the provision of taxi ranks at the has its own car service, London ExecutiveShard building. The Ranks Committee who store their cars in the Hotelopposed them straight away and underground car park. With us right the way When they then received another set of back roasting on the useless rank just shortupdated drawings six months later, these too Of Borough High Street and for us to watch,where rejected out of hand and the JRC hawk like for a beacon to call us up themade representations to where the rank road . It was suggested by the Club that ashould be situated as in their opinion the lighthouse might do the job in question, it’sposition of the rank ( where it is at present ) that far away!would be unworkable for the drivers andpublic alike the useless rank at We all know what happens at a majority ofAbacus. Hotels in London, out of sight, out of mind, Several months ago Leon Daniels attended guests can’t see a taxi outside the door anda site meeting at the Shangri-La Hotel and ask for one, the doorman orders them alistened to where the hotel wanted the mini- Shangri-la drop off and pick up areas which arecurrently in place right outside the door. (see We in the Licensed Taxi trade are notphotograph) accepted these plans and left scared of fair competition, we have servicedTFL to try and work out where we could go. London for the last three hundred years andI have worked the shard and it is not unusual survive because Londoners want to use usto see the same cars park up there and be and are happy to use us. What we cannotthere for twenty minutes plus, even though it accept is being treated like second class citizens by both the Hotel but more importantly by TFL our Licensing Authority. See you at The Shard 2pm May 6thDRIVE-IN DEMONSTRATION Shangri-la Hotel @ 2:00pm May 6th, 2014 [email protected]

4 Issue 218 - April 2014TfL FINALLY APPOINT A DIRECAs I mentioned That integrated London Taxi & immediately confirmed saying that Taxis and Private Hire co-habit on Private Hire with Congestion Mr Blake will be taken up the new the streets of this Capital City hasin my editorial, Charging, Boris Bikes, Victoria position in June 2014. been given this post. Coach Station, Dial-a-Ride and Mr Peter Blake is currently Head I was so shocked by thisfinally, after six River services. Whilst the other Of Integrated Transport at announcement that someone Directorate posts were filled Worcestershire County Council from the outside and with nomonths TFL almost immediately, this post where he is responsible for Public experience of London was given has taken almost seven months Transport, Education, Social the job in preference to otherhave appointed to find a suitable candidate. Services Transport as well as the candidates who are currently Our sources within TFL have Counties Highways and working at TFL and also havea new Director informed me that the post will be Traffic Management Services. experience in some of the other filled by a certain Mr Peter Blake, The number of taxi and private services that are included in theof Surface at the time of reading this TFL will hire vehicles that come under Mr newly formed Directorate. most probably have made an Blake’s jurisdiction throughout the I emailed Garrett Emmerson toOperations. Peter Blake official announcement to the whole of Worcester is some 1,600 ask him whether he knew PeterAfter the Trade. On hearing this news I vehicles, It is of great concern to Blake or had he worked with him immediately contacted Mr Garrett us at the Club that someone in the past?Deloittes Emmerson to ask if this was without any working knowledge of You can see from his email indeed the case, to which he the unique way in which Licensed below that he did.Review last summer TFLdecided to reorganise theway surfaces were todelivered.They announced there was to be8 new Directorates, one of thembeing the newly formed SurfaceOperationsGarrett Dear Grant, In answer to your question below, yes I have know Peter forEmmerson many years and he in fact worked directly for me in the late It now looks like it will be a couple of days before we can 90's and was responsible for taxi and private licensing. You issue a press notice on this however, yes I can confirm that will also of course be aware that, outside of London the two we've offered the position of the new Director of Service trades also play an extensive role in the delivery of education Operations to Peter Blake and he has accepted it. and social services transport. He thus has extensive experience of both licensing and working with the industry Peter is currently Head of Integrated Transport at more generally. Worcestershire County Council, where he is responsible for public transport, education and social services transport, as I have no doubt that he is an excellent appointment both to well as the county’s highways and traffic management TfL as a whole, in terms of the overall Service Operations services. He also has a wealth of experience in community directorate, and as someone the taxi and private hire trade in transport, dial-a-ride and taxi & private hire licensing particular will be able to do business with. management.As you all know, we at the LCDC believed it to be. was Blake(y) which would have shambles of a system at TFL wehave been opposed all along to To then go and appoint an fitted in nicely with the front page will simply not survive.the Integration of all these individual with no working of the Badge back in November. It is our belief that under the newservices into one Department. experience with our great Capital The LCDC would like to reiterate S.I.P system that the trade willAnybody who has tried to contact City and all our Transportation the Clubs vision for the cab only see an erosion of our day toTFL regarding their licences, problems quite frankly only adds trades future, we believe that if day standards and therefore inchange of address etc will know insult to injury. I can only hope these points are NOT the eyes of the LCDConly too well that it has been the that this candidate was not implemented and we have tounmitigated disaster we always chosen due to the fact his name continue under the present IS NOT FIT FOR

Issue 218 - April 2014 5CTOR OF SERVICE OPERATIONS “At the end of last year the LCDC outlined the Club’s vision for the cab trade’s future. In the light of recent developments within TFL we feel it is more vital than ever that these proposals be seriously considered by the powers that be.” - Grant Davis CLUB’S RECOMMENDATIONS Summary of discussion points regarding the organisation of the London licensed cab trade within Transport for London The LCDC has four key negotiating aims. These are to: maintain the distinct historical identity of the London licensed cab trade consisting of both its drivers and vehicles establish clear channels of communication between the licensed trade and operational personnel at TfL establish unambiguous lines of accountability for the licensed trade function within TfL identify and safeguard the self-financing nature of licensed cab regulation We believe these aims can be achieved by: creating a separate directorate within TfL to deal exclusively with the licensed taxi trade staffed with dedicated and trained personnel emphasising the role of compliance and enforcement guaranteeing the primacy of the Knowledge as a necessary and unique element of the licensed taxi trade and in London’s overall transport policy continuing the policy of the self-financing nature of the licensed taxi trade by identifying and safeguarding its contribution maintaining quarterly meetings between TfL management and those bodies which exclusively represent the licensed taxi trade Blakey joins the crew on the bus [email protected]

6 Issue 218 - April 2014Airport MattersBY PETER “THE CANNON”L.C.D.C AIRPORT REPAt the end of last month, byelaws stating where London taxis much the marshalling scheme costs Lost Phones and LaptopsTransport for London (TfL) may ply for hire ; but the same Act to run. For example, the dailyorganised a crack down on doesn’t empower BAA to place a movements of between 40 and 50 According to information frombusinesses based in Heathrow’s restriction on the times of the day marshals have to be logged during Transport for London at Baker Streetpassenger terminals who illegally when the taxi ranks are to be made the course of each marshal’s Lost property Office, a fixed award ofact as booking agents for private accessible to drivers. In other working day at Heathrow. This £75 is payable to taxi drivers who findhire companies. words, the Airports Act ensures that labour intensive admin’ work is done laptops and £50 is payable for i- TfL mystery shoppers showed a BAA is obliged to keep Heathrow’s by NSL Ltd., the company that phones. The people who work forspecial interest in the activities of taxi ranks open at all times. manages the Taxi System and ranks TFL at Baker Street spend the wholeinformation desks and the uniformed The LCDC believes that the rules on behalf of BAA. Everything that of their working day immersed in lostpersonnel who advise passengers on ‘opening hours’ of Heathrow’s NSL does in connection with taxi property matters and not surprisinglyon hotel accommodation and ranks as laid down by the Airports marshals, ordinary taxi drivers and they acquire a thorough knowledge ofonward travel services . Act should not be questioned or taxi movements results in costs that how the reward system works. The Under key definitions given in circumnavigated. On the occasions BAA has to recover from the gate same can’t be said of reception staffprivate hire legislation a PH when there is a major public money. Rather than be accused of at MPS police stations who deal withoperation includes inviting or transport emergency at Heathrow, getting the arithmetic wrong over the deal with lost property.accepting PH bookings. Heathrow passengers requiring taxis can find cost of the marshalling scheme, the According to TFL at Baker Street, inAirport is situated within the Greater them on the ranks regardless of the LCDC invited the marshals’ situations when police stationLondon Area and although the time of night or day. Any move by management committee to ask BAA personnel hand over lost property toairport is private property, any the taxi trade to reduce the night accountants for a breakdown of all owners who call in person at abusiness at Heathrow that books time stock of available cabs on the costs. At the time of going to press, station, the property owner remainsminicabs on behalf of passengers or ranks has to be regarded as a the LCDC is still waiting for the liable to pay an award. In the case ofpromotes a particular PH company retrograde step. marshals to say something useful. high-tech property left behind in theneeds to have an operator’s licence. Private hire would love the licensed cabs of Heathrow drivers, it’s easy toUnfortunately, at taxi trade meetings taxi trade to be in favour of a night Waiting Time at Heathrow find drivers who are thoroughlyBAA has consistently rejected the time scenario under which minicabs dissatisfied with how they’ve beentrade’s claim that hotel desks for could arrive at the passenger There’s no doubt, that far too much treated when handing in property atexample, can’t be used as private terminals quicker than NSL could licensed taxi work at Heathrow is MPS police stations.hire operating centres unless all the dispatch taxis from the feeder-park. haemorrhaging to private hire and Admittedly the rules are complex,proper legal procedures have been By keeping the ranks well stocked at especially the minicab drivers who but all MPS police stations should becomplied with. all times, Heathrow drivers are break the law by arranging to pick able to advise people who leave Thanks to TFL’s latest efforts, BAA reducing the risk of private hire up passengers on the forecourts valuable property in taxis that anow knows that however becoming a recognised supplier of outside the terminals. This year the substantial reward may have to berespectable a business appears to cabs during the unsocial hours. time drivers spend in Heathrow’s paid to the finder. In 2013, the LCDCbe, it is breaking the law unless it two feeder parks before being acted on behalf of a Heathrow drivercan prove its services are being Heathrow Taxi Marshals dispatched to a terminal is typically who was victimised by the police afteroffered from an operating centre between 3 and 4 hours. innocently handing in a lost phone atthat’s been licensed by Transport for The taxi marshals have at long last There are no signs at the moment a south London police station.London. Even if a business at agreed with the LCDC that the that this waiting time is going to What started off as a perfectlyHeathrow could obtain an operator’s marshals’ so-called Service Level reduce and the same goes for the justifiable complaint from our memberlicence to take private hire bookings, Agreement doesn’t qualify as a 30 to 40 minute wait that can follow developed into a forty page file ofplanning permission and certification document that sets out the rules the completion of a local journey. information from severalwould have to be obtained from the under which the marshals provide Early-morning drivers who arrive at uncoordinated sources within thelocal authority, such as for example security services in Heathrow’s Heathrow now have to get there MPS. If the experience of the LCDCfrom the London Borough of passenger terminals. before 5am if they want to get is anything to go by, London policeHillingdon. For example, nothing in the latest straight into the south park and stations need to develop a central SLA that was drafted and published avoid the north Park. Even at 5am pool of information holding basicHeathrow Ranks at Night in-house by the marshals can be there will be at least 250 cabs details of lost i-phones and laptops interpreted to mean that the waiting in the south park and many etc. All taxi drivers handing in lost A plan has been hatched to limit marshals have the official support of early-morning drivers can easily get property to MPS stations shouldthe number of cabs that occupy the Heathrow police. Although the caught in a cycle of local journeys make a point of confirming thatHeathrow ranks during the night LCDC has informally agreed to that can detain them at Heathrow receptionists of whatever rank orwhen the there is only a trickle of assist the marshals to draft a new until midday. status know about TfL’s rules onpassengers emerging from the document covering the rules of their rewards.terminals. The LCDC does not unpaid security duties, the marshalssupport any such plan. There’s been have declined to answer twono clear statement from those in important but simple questionsfavour of a limitation and no regarding their modus operandi.reference has been made to what First of all, the LCDC believes it isthe law says about the occupation of essential that the marshals shouldranks during the unsocial hours. be able to explain who gives them It is a fact that the all important permission to bypass the two feederAirports Act empowers the airport parks. Secondly, the marshals haveoperator at Heathrow to make taxi yet to provide an estimate of

Boris steps in Issue 218 - April 2014 7On Wednesday 2nd April both the Licensed Taxi insisted that in his eyes this was not a meter, I am glad toTrade and Private Hire were due to attend say that the Mayor agreed with my view that it was in factseparate meetings at Palestra to discuss the a meter!alarming and unlawful situation regarding theuse of Rogue-Apps that have been allowed to It would seem finally that the Mayor has decided tooperate unchallenged by TFL. intervene on this tinderbox issue that could have serious It was only last month that I showed the Mayor on my legal ramifications for a receipt from one of these Apps clearly showing At the very last minute the Club received an email from TFL informing us that the meeting had been cancelledthat the journey had been calculated by time and distance. (see below) Garrett Emmerson who was also present at the meetingDear allYou’ll be aware we are due to be meeting at 9:30 tomorrow morningto discuss the above, following on from previous discussions.Unfortunately, we have just been advised by the Mayor’s Office that xxxxxxxxxthe Mayor has requested a personal briefing on this matter and is notcontent for our discussion to go ahead without this briefing having xxxxxxxxxhappened. This briefing is likely to occur later this week but clearly xxxxxxxxxnot before our meeting tomorrow morningThis means that we need to once again postpone our meeting. TheMayor has asked that I apologise on his behalf for thisinconvenience.We will be in touch tomorrow to find a new time for as soon aspossible.Kind RegardsGarrett EmmersonChief Operating Officer – Surface TransportTfL put ten year age limitback on the agendaEarly last month I attended a TFL limit.Ultra Low Emission Zone workshop Earlier this year the Mayor stated that heat Tower Hill. To cut a long story short it would appear would like all taxis to be zero emissions bythat TFL now wish to implement a ten year 2018, age-limit on London`s taxis. It is amazing to think that it was only 2011 This follows on the back from a Green Taxithat the Trade managed to convince the exhibition held at City Hall where the likes ofMayor LTC, Metrocab and Karzan all displayed That anything less than a fifteen year age their vehicles for the future.limit would prove disastrous for our Industry. Now all of a sudden, the powers that be It is somewhat confusing that on the onehave decided to recommend the only way hand TFL is promoting zero emission taxisforward is to bring in a ten year age limit. and on the other suggestion to impose a ten The argument put forward by the LCDC year age limit.and other Trade Organisations back in 2010still hold water today and we at the Club are The LCDC wrote to Isabel Dedringvehemently opposed to lowering of the ( ) to ask her whether or not a zerocurrent fifteen year limit. We have spoken to emissions taxi would fall under an age limit,the two main Manufacturers LTC and she replied that at the moment they are stillMercedes and both are undecided and are looking into it. In agreement with us regarding the age This beggars the question just what is the criteria for age limits on taxis? TFL in its usual manner seem more confused than ever and leaves us in the taxi trade with more questions than answers.! [email protected]

Issue 218 - April 2014 9 Walker on the March....THE GHOST OF LTPH PAST! MANDATORYI picked that title because not only did we should be looking towards “Leroy” Daniels as CREDIT CARDwe suffer at the hands of John Mason the real force, apparently bent on the destructionwhen he was boss of LTPH, it seems of our fine trade. FACILITIESthat now he has left we still have himputting his oar in on Twitter and in his If you thought that was the end of Mason, think You may be aware that we are inblogs. This is no doubt to further his again, as he is blogging and tweeting away on the middle of a TfL consultation oncause as an independent advisor. things that don’t appear to be his concern any credit card facilities in taxis. To be fair, he wasn’t as biased as many of us longer. He has recently had his say on all things Mason takes a swipe at us becausethink, as PH liked him less than we did and Uber. He supports the argument that Uber’s some cabs only accept casheventually PH started the ball rolling that saw means of pricing jobs does not equate to using a payment.him out of office when it stopped. It was just that meter. Well, he’d have to say that, wouldn’t he? Is this an attempt in some way tohe was equally ineffective, or had his hands tied After all, he was the man responsible for giving influence the consultation decisions? Ifrom above, in managing taxis as PH. Maybe Uber a PH operator’s licence when they should don’t know but I do know there is a very clearly have been denied one. good chance that we will be forced to have credit card payment facilities in ourUBER 11 (3) of the PH Act that licence and that is that they disassociate cabs in the not too distant future. states......”taximeter means a device for themselves of any responsibility for the TfL cannot force us to accept paymentWe’ve been here before but just calculating the fare to be charged in hiring and that is totally against the PH by credit card because in law cash is thebriefly, just to be clear, Uber respect of any journey by reference to the Act. Uber clearly state in their T&Cs that only form of legal tender that we can becalculate their prices on a hiring distance travelled or time elapsed since .....“uber is not a transport provider”. compelled to accept as payment.charge, plus a farebased on the start of a journey( or a combination of However, they can if they wish, force us todistance travelled and a rate based both).” EXCUSE ME! What!!! The PH Act clearly have the equipment, just like when weon time elapsed when the vehicle is states that whether or not a PH operator had the compulsory receipt printers.stationary or travelling below a However, Mr Mason then adds the word sub-contracts a pre-booked fare, the Now, if we have this forced on us, weminimum speed. “specifically” to the word device himself. contract for the booking is between the can forget about the current situation A taxi fare is calculated by a meter and is What he then contends is that the Uber customer and the PH operator and that it where we pay providers nothing for thebased on a hiring charge plus a rate per way of pricing is not using a meter is the operator that effectively supplies the equipment. We will be paying rental fees,distance travelled and a rate based on because the mobile phone is not used vehicles. either directly or indirectly. There is talk intime elapsed when the taxi is stationary or specifically for the purpose of being a some quarters of transferring credit cardtravelling below a minimum speed. meter. What a load of old cods. Am I being thick or what? If Uber isn’t a charges from the current method of Can you spot the difference? No, of transport provider, how the hell can it hold adding them to the fare, to incorporatingcourse you can’t because the only All the law states is “a device”, not a a PH operator’s licence? them wholly or partially into the tariff. Ifdifference is the equipment used to “specific device”. If I threatened somebody that happens, all customers will be payingcalculate the fare. A taxi uses a dedicated with a bread knife, I would not win a case Call me a cynic, but are TfL afraid of the extra for the facility to use a credit card,taximeter, while Uber use a mobile phone against threat with an offensive weapon people involved in the $50 million even when paying cash, instead of thelinked to GPS. Uber are using a meter and by saying “oh, m’lud, but I also cut bread investment in Uber Europe, like Jeff Bozos current method of customers paying toas such, should not have been granted a with this knife”. No wonder LTPH is in the of Amazon fame? While authorities in the use a card.PH operator licence when they were so state it’s in if the guv’nor doesn’t USA are fighting hard to make Uber followclearly breaking the terms of the PH Act, understand the rules. the rules, as in Washington and New York,1998. TfL appear to take the view “never mind Mr Mason is trying to squirm out of his There is another reason why Uber should about the law, just keep the big moneydiabolical decision by claiming that Uber never have been given a PH operator’sare not using a meter, by use of a very happy”.weak argument. He correctly cites sectionSILLY SEASON! defending YBs driving through the central area with their hire light on because they areI’m gonna get some stick for this bit! only breaking the rules if they actually stopObviously, the suburban consultation for somebody that sees their light and hailshas stirred up some of the old issues them.from when the identifiers were firstintroduced. There are some drivers That’s OK then, no damage to our repclaiming that suburban drivers (YBs) there. A customer witnesses a bit of verbaldropping off in the centre or between two drivers and that damages ourreturning empty to their sectors are rep. Sure, it’s not good. However, somebodygetting stick and abuse from some hailing a cab with the hire light on with acentral drivers(GBs). driver that just eyeballs them, ignores them Personally, I have not witnessed any of this and drives on is not apparently causingbut if it’s happening, it is plainly out of order. damage to our rep. Yeah, right!The YBs should be able to go about theirlegitimate work without having to worry about In any case, what other reason is there forabuse from GBs. having your hire sign lit, other than to attract What is really daft though is that some a hail? If there is such friction as beingdrivers are claiming that this is showing us in claimed, surely driving through “out of sector”a bad light to customers that are witnessing areas with no rear identifier and a hire lightsuch abuse. However, the same people are on is bound to increase and friction and showing the identifier and turning off the hire light will reduce it. Or is that me just being stupid? [email protected]

Issue 218 - April 2014 11 Alan’s AngleAmazon gets it... in the end query. Please note that while most issues are know by replying to this email. Amazon had resolved within 2 business days, in some suspended and changed the wholeThis Month I was asked if I fancied a forward the complaint to the merchant liaison cases it may take longer for us to investigate. promotion, re worded from title to the termschallenge to try and change a team. About 10 minutes later I received a and conditions. I would like to thank Amazonpromotion that Amazon local was email from Amazon. Hello Alan, I can I'll contact you again within 2 business days for listening to our concerns and actingrunning an offer for cheap fares for appreciate that there is some degree of with an update. Please be aware that this is positively and quickly to avoid any confusionUber. They were advertising ambiguity surrounding the wording of the the maximum amount of time it will take for me and future embarrassment towards them. I didthemselves as licenced taxis. Being Amazon Local deal, for the Uber Private Hire to update you.Thanks for giving me the time to feel it was a victory for the trade in trying toone to not back down from a voucher. find the best solution for you. I hope this helps protect our image as the world’s Number onechallenge I went about trying to get and I will update you by tomorrow at the latest. taxi service and not to let the public intothrough to someone at Amazon that Indeed, it may well be the case that this Not long after that I got another phone call thinking that any vehicle that picks you up is aunderstood what I was trying to say. should be more specific to a private hire or asking if the email they had wrote was ok, I Taxi. mini-cab service, instead of a taxi service, and replied that they should suspended the offer to After 3 calls I finally got through to a operator indeed, though I am unaware of such stop people think they was buying voucherscalled Carlo who actually understood my legislation, contrary to legal stipulation in for cheap travel in a iconic London Taxi. I alsoconcerns about Uber being advertised as London. Unfortunately I am unable to answer dropped into the conversation we was thinkingtaxis. I also pointed out to him that this was your query directly, and I am restricted from about having a flash demo outside their newfalse advertising on Amazons behalf. He wrote taking the deal from the website. premises in Holborn Viaduct. I had not beendown all my concerns and said he would off the phone no more than ten Minutes when At this time I will have to investigate further I received another call from Carlo asking me if for you. I had checked my emails. To my surprise this was their reply. Hello Alan, I’m following up on We have asked our merchant liaison team the phone call you made to the Amazon Local to look into this issue in order to answer your Customer Service team. I've confirmed that this issue has now been resolved, and we've both checked the wording on the deal about the Private Hire service Uber were offering. If you have any further problems regarding your account, or any other deal, please let usEU air quality directives could killoff the black cab in LondonBY: LAWRENCE WEBB health, particularly those suffering from Lawrence Webb respiratory illnesses, NOx and other UKIPPressure is being brought to bear on exhaust gases are equally if not moreMayor of London Boris Johnson to harmful. Even by the councils’ ownbring in a ban on Black Cabs that are admission, buses account for and aroundmore than 10 years old. 50% of NOx emissions. This idea has been suggested by Camden This is clearly an example of kicking theCouncil, City of Westminster and City of smallest kid in the playground. Both privateLondon. In a joint letter to the Mayor they motorist and busses account for far moreare asking him to review the current, and pollution than the humble black cab but itonly recently brought in, 15 year age limit would be electoral suicide to limit the age ofand reduce it to 10 years. private cars or reduce the number of The reason being that they seem to blame busses on the streets so it is the hackneya significant percentage (around 20%) of cab that bears the brunt of this assault.the pollution on their streets on Black Cabs, In fact it would be far better for thesegiven that there are only councils with the support of the Mayor to24,000 or so black cabs and several million lobby the government to reduce the duty onother vehicles on the streets of London, I the low emission cleaner diesel and thenfind this hard to believe. we may truly start to see an improvement in Much of the concern is based around London’s air quality.particulates, or more precisely PM10s. Andwhilst there is no doubt that both PM10s UKIP Taxi receipts are back emailcan have a negative impact on people’s [email protected] to receive two free receipt pads. [email protected]

Issue 218 - April 2014 13One 2 Onewith Dr Remo Gerber - CEO GetTaxi UKTell us a bit about your What are the challenges What future developments can Dr. Remo Gerberbackground Remo for GetTaxi? we expect from GetTaxi? And in your spare time what do Well before joining GetTaxi I worked with I wouldn’t isolate the challenge as a Our software development team are you get up to?Groupon and before that at McKinsey, both GetTaxi one but an industry challenge which constantly working on improving the entireof these roles were focused on transforming is to bring together the entire Taxi trade GetTaxi experience for all of those that come It’s no secret that I’m an avid skier butbusinesses both on a technological and across London to collaborate and define a into contact with it. From consumer app London hasn’t the slopes for such activities.process side. The Dr part comes from my single response to the competition from improvements that include the design, ease- The greatest pastime for me in the capital isPhD qualification, I’m a qualified physicist established private hire sector and also the of-use and speed to the technology on the walking down by the river, whether its downand did my thesis on the prion protein, the technology newcomers. We need to get driver tablet to help our driver entrepreneurs in more relaxed Richmond or the buzzcause of Mad Cow Disease. together as a trade, make use of technology, plan their journeys better and increase their around South Bank - The Thames really is and work together. It’s something I am earnings. heart of this terrific city.Why did you join a optimistic can be done, it starts withTaxi company? constantly championing the Taxi trade Tell us about the rest proposition, we’ve something very powerful of the UK team? I’d say we were but describe us as a and together are much company working alongside an The diversity of backgrounds inside theestablished industry to maintain its What sets GetTaxi apart GetTaxi team here in the UK is immense,importance into the 21st century. I’m from the rest? from those with decades of black Taxipassionate about the GetTaxi technology experience to customer service professionalsand how it brings the power of online and I believe that the service GetTaxi offers to from large corporate environments to smallermobile together. We’re all about connecting both its drivers and to our customers is boutique companies. We’ve some of the bestthe on and offline experience, delivering one unrivalled and unique, our 24 hour software developers in the city and peoplecustomer journey from ordering via an app assistance line and the proven, established with plenty of experience helping accelerateto getting in the Taxi and then that virtual business solution are certainly stand-out company growth. We’re in such a superbhandshake at the end - It’s all very exciting elements of the GetTaxi offering. position as we also have access to a globaland I’m passionate about being part of the pool of talent across our network of otherjourney. offices.Heart Tests For London Taxi Drivers MONDAY & TUESDAY NIGHT CABBIE SPECIAL WOOD STREET CLINIC £7.95 FISH AND CHIPS The Heart Centre For London Taxi Drivers and a cup of tea. Dine in only Have You Had Heart Problems? King’s Square, off Central Street EC1 Do you need an Exercise Test and / or Echocardiogram (to measure LVEF) for LtpH? We can help with our fast, efficient service and special low rates for London’s taxi drivers We are now providing stress Echocardiography (functional testing) when required. We understand that your living can depend on these testsContact us now onThe Wood Street Clinic133 Wood StreetBarnet, Herts EN5 4BXTelephone : 0208 449 [email protected] @WoodStClinic MFeormabllersLCDC£10 off

14 Issue 218 - April 2014AS AN L.C.D.C COMPLAINTS RANKS The Chairman is a regularMEMBER YOU AND APPEALS AND HIGHWAYS contributor on LBC, RadioWILL RECEIVE: London, and the BBC. As a member of the LCDC, The LCDC attend the Joint We at the Club also 24 HOUR DUTY we will deal with any Ranks committee, working represent the trade at SOLICITOR complaint that has been hard for more ranks and meetings with the Mayor’s EXCLUSIVE TO THE made against you by more access for the taxi Office, TFL, LTPH, CAB TRADE members of the public. trade in London. Corporation Of London, Also we will attend the BAA, and all Local Your 24 Hr duty solicitor LTPH with you on any CAB TRADE ADVICE Authorities in the Capital. hotline membership card. personal appeals that Peace of mind 24 hrs of would affect your licence. All members can call the JUST the day. office for any information £3 per HEATHROW or up to the date news on month FULL LEGAL COVER AIRPORT any trade related subject. REPRESENTATION * £12 per month is tax Our fantastic team of City MEDIA AND deductible Of London based solicitors With our reps at the airport AUTHORITIES and barristers, experts in working hard on the Hackney Carriage and trade’s behalf for a fairer, The LCDC is always the road traffic law. and more safer future first to be called when the at Heathrow. media want the “Cab Trade’s“ reaction. Please complete this form and send it with your application form Application Form (LCDC) Ltd UNIT 303.2 Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS TOWER BRIDGE BUSINESS COMPLEX, TOWER POINT, The subscription rate is £170 per annum. If you are unable to pay in a 100 CLEMENT’S ROAD, SOUTHWARK single payment please make one cheque payable to “The London Cab LONDON, SE16 4DG Drivers’ Club Ltd,” with today’s date, for £56.67, and two post-dated 0207 394 5553 cheques one month apart for £56.67. Standing Order Form Send the completed form to: THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd, UNIT A 303.2Your Bank: ......................................................................................... Tower Bridge Business Complex, Tower Point,Your Bank Address:............................................................................ 100 Clements Road, Southwark, London SE16 4DGPost Code:.......................................................................................... Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:.................... Surname: ...................................... Please pay the sum of £15 NOW and monthly therafter until further notice. First Names:...................................................................................... Please pay the sum of £42.50 NOW and then quarterly thereafter Address: ........................................................................................... until further notice. ............................................... Post Code: ...................................... Badge No: ............................. Shift: ............................................... Quoting Reference No ( ) Telephone No: (with full STC code):................................................ To the account of THE LONDON CAB DRIVERS’ CLUB LTD, I agree to abide by the rules of the Club. I also agree that the above Barclays Bank Bloomsbury & Tottenham Court Road branch, information will be kipt by the LCDC in a computer system under the terms of the Data Protection Act. PO BOX 1134, London W128GG Sort Code 20-10-53. Account No- 40450421. I understand that I will not be eligible for legal representation forYour Name: ..................................................................................... matters arising prior to the date of this application. Thereby declare thatAccount No: ..................................................................................... I have no outstanding PCO or police matters pending.Sort Code: .......................................................................................Signature: ........................................................................................ Signed: ...................................... Date: ......................................Date: ..................................................................................................

Issue 218 - April 2014 15NEW LCDC ACCIDENT ANDSICKNESS SCHEME ON THE WAYLCDC Associate Member David Fitzgerald - LCDC Member Emrah Zeki - LCDC Member Tammy Goddard - “Great value for peace of mind. Another“Even being on The Knowledge for £2.50 “I signed on to the scheme to get peace reason for being a member of the LCDC”/week, it’s great peace of mind.” of mind at a very affordable price.” HOT OFF THE PRESS THE LCDC HAVE ARRANGED AN IMPROVED P.A. AND SICKNESS SCHEME WITH ASUA FOR READERS OF THE BADGE.THE SCHEME IS AVAILABLE NOW FOR TAXI DRIVERS AND KNOWLEDGE STUDENTS. FULL DETAILS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN NEXT MONTHS EDITION OF THE BADGE.LCDC COVER SAMPLE SAMPLE RATESExclusive INCLUDING TAXESTravel Cancellation: £5,000Insurance Medical: £10,000,000 EUROPE Baggage: £2000 17 days single trip - £17.96Once again the Club CHANNEL ISLEShave pulled it off. Airline failure 17 days single trip - £9.24A travel insurance Travel EUROPE FAMILY ANNUAL - £60.75scheme for all readers & Accommodation failure WORLDWIDE FAMILY ANNUAL - £70.44of The Badge at a price Delayed baggageto snap up. Optional cover attracts additional premium PLUS PLUS optional: Winter sports Golf cover Wedding coverFor more information call: 0203 327 0555or Email: [email protected] for full details of rates and cover. Arranged through ASUA LTD. who are authorized and regulated by the FCA No. 308488

16 Issue 218 - April 2014Run For Diabetes 10KLast year a very good friend of mine’s 10Year old daughter was diagnosed withType 1 Diabetes, so we decided to host arunning event to raise money andawareness. The race is called “Run For Diabetes 10k” andwill take place in the picturesque RoyalGreenwich Park on Saturday 14th June at9:30am. All race finishers will receive a goodybag, medal and spot prizes will be given on theday. There will also be a photographer takingphotos of runners, and all proceeds will go to thecharity. A percentage from each race entry will go toJDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)whose aim is to fund research to cure, treat andprevent Type 1 Diabetes. So why not get fit and supportthis great charity at the same time!All the information can be foundon our website along with how toenter the MagoldLondon Black Taxi DriverTfL, time to raise your gameGreetings all to London recognising me from writing this and be counted, we would have a Mercedes Vito is more thancabbies, green and yellow column is on the up. While sitting stronger voice to stand up against £43,000. With our most generousbadge alike and Knowledge in traffic I often hear from a cabbie Transport for London. Too many pay rise of 0.7% on 5 April, I can’tboys and girls, and I am who has drawn alongside me, cabbies just do the hours, take the see many cabbies rushing down toencouraged to see a good “You’re the cabby who writes the money, and go home. Why is it all the dealer’s showroom.number of out on their Butterboy column!” and says that down to Grant Davis and his Which reminds me, Mr Daniels,scooters at the moment. they enjoy reading my article, and fantastic team at the London Cab was your pay rise this year 0.7%, I am encouraged and proud to say that what I write is the truth. Drivers Club, to hold meetings and and was your pay rise last yearthat the number of cabbies who are If only a few more would stand up challenge the hierarchy? Quite 1.7%? You and your team at TFL often I have my dinner with Grant continue to ignore cabbies’ pleas during a shift, and the number of for proper enforcement. In fact the cabbies who want to talk to him is only enforcement I have ever amazing, yet hardly any of them witnessed in over two years was are members of our club. Grant being asked to produce my badge must have the patience of Job. and bill twice. You seem to ignore Cabbies! There is more to being a minicab touting, rickshaws, and London Taxi Driver than driving come up with stupid ideas of yellow around with an orange diary on badges being able to work in some your dashboard! green badge areas. I recently heard Leon Daniels on We cabbies are so infuriated by Eddie Lester’s show on Radio the number of minicab satellite London. There was only time offices, that we are being forced to enough for one question from a have our own demonstration cabby, and that was about this outside the Shard building on 6th proposed ridiculous ten year age May. rule. Mr Daniels reply was, why I would love to see you, Mr don’t you buy a new cab? Let me Daniels, do the Knowledge, and remind you Mr Daniels, in case you then to see your trade being stolen are unaware, that a new TX4 is in by those who are less competent excess of £36,000, where a or even

18 Issue 218 - April 2014The LCDC visit Metrocab HQBy: Danny Sullivan their feedback for the main prototype to On a single charge it is able to travel up Dixon) said “they will hope vehicle will come in by January 2015. to 60 miles before the petrol engine kicks have an Unlimited Lifetime and will pushOn the 11th March, a few of the The New Taxi is being brought back to in and recharges the Lithium Batteries in TFL for this, as this Taxi gives out ZeroLCDC committee and members life by the Frazer-Nash Corporation and 15 minutes, this is all whilst you are still emissions”.were invited to Metrocabs Test are eager to make this work. working and there is no need to pull overTrack, in Mychett Surrey. The Taxi is a six seater and they hope it and find a charging point. When not The new Metrocab is driven by two They are intending to run 100 vehicles will come in the price range between a working you can put this on charge at independent brushless electric motors.from August this year with drivers giving TX and the Vito. home at a cost of £1.50 per night. The A small petrol engine, coupled with a taxi comes with a 15 litre petrol tank and generator - the ‘Range Extender’ - is will they say it will cost the average used to recharge the battery pack or Driver £9 a Day; the top speed is limited provide power directly to the motors. at 80mph, and the Battery life is up to 6-8 Plug-in charging is also achieved via years at a cost of renewing at £3-6k and any mains outlet when the taxi is off is made up of 78 Cells, which are all duty. renewable so there will not be the cost of Zero-emissions in electric mode and having to buy a new battery. regenerative braking all ensure a low The Drivers Multi-Function Display is a fuel consumption through the course of touch screen and alerts the driver to any the working day. on board problems, as well as having Achieving over 70 mpg on the Public hands free, USB points, air-con, ABS Carriage Office (PCO) Cycle, this and Air Suspension. technologically efficient taxi offers We all had a Test drive of the new Taxi greater economic benefits for the driver and for a Battery powered vehicle it and operator. certainly had plenty of pull away speed when loaded full of adults. In its Range Extender low-emission We gave our verdict on the driver’s mode, the new Metrocab produces less position and the passenger’s than 50g/KM of CO2 – significantly compartment and hopefully Metrocab will better than any other vehicle in the put all this together to make it as market. comfortable as possible for all. Performance figures that entitles Frazer-Nash spokesman (Gordon Metrocab owners to a wide range of tax breaks and government grants of up to £5000.TLC golf day at Addington Golf ClubThe TweetaLondonCab (TLC) golfsociety held their March event ofthe year at The Addington GolfClub. 54 players turned up at whathas been voted the 33rd bestcourse in the country. With its tight fairways, deep gulleys andlightning fast greens the winner’s scorewas expected to be lower than usual. The Society meets once a month and anevent usually comprises coffee and baconrolls on arrival, 18 holes and then a mealand prize presentation. As well as thehighest Stableford score winning theCabup Trophy, there is also a woodenspoon for the lowest scorer, two nearestthe pin prizes and longest drive prize. TheLCDC also provided a bottle prize fornearest the pin in 2 shots. This was won byMark Morris and was presented by TheClub’s Danny Sullivan.Winner on the Day was Dave Plattwith 38 points.The next event is at Stapleford LCDC Committee member Danny Sullivan presents Mark Morris with a bottle of scotchAbbots golf club in Essex on 22ndApril, priced at £40 per man. If youwould like to join in the fun you cancontact The Society on twitter at@TLCGolfSociety, or by email [email protected]. You can alsofind more details

Issue 218 - April 2014 19 The good, the bad and the ugly \"End this interview now\" was the He asked me how much I earned for message. \"I can't\" I said, \"I couldn't sitting on the radio chatting nonsense. I possibly interrupt the Prime Minister. liked him after that. Tony Benn sent my producers into a -------------------------------------------- panic because he started smoking his pipe and nobody had the guts to tell him it wasn't allowed. I want people to fear me like that. May their souls RIP David CameronEDDIE NESTOR Had an interview with David Bob Crowe Anthony Benn Cameron last month and asBBC London 94.9 always with top politicians, there This month we said goodbye to ---------------------------------------------------Drivetime: Weekdays 5-7pm is someone watching the clock Bob Crowe the bulldog generalCall: 0207 224 2000 I had been given 5 minutes so he Secretary of the RMT and Tony What are the rules around could talk about how the government Benn the conviction politician of competing with children?Weekly Podcasts was helping people with childcare. I our times. I ask because I haven't let my 4 I yearUK Black have done these before and know he It felt like the left was under attack. old win anything yet and my wife isManchester United Redcast will talk for about 4 minutes and they I had the \"pleasure\" of interviewing furious. I try to explain that I am don't like interruptions. both men and they certainly didn't take preparing him for real life but she isn't Then you try to get one cheeky kindly to being challenged by me. having it. question in. Bob was upset with me because I Well mine was on housing and to suggested he was on a healthy salary. give The Prime Minister credit, he recognised there was an issue with foreign investors getting first dibs at new builds. My time was up. It was then my producers phone began to ring. [email protected]

20 Issue 218 - April 2014

Film 2013 Issue 218 - April 2014 21by Norman Barry RED – Stop, don’t bother wasting your money AMBER – It’s alright, go if you want. Or wait for the DVD GREEN – Put your foot down, go and see it.Noah (12A)In keeping with tradition, Easter gives thousand years ago (or alternately beus a chance to eat our hot cross buns a thousand years from now) this is awhilst watching a repeat of a big Biblical very cinematic journey that offers anepic that usually stars Chalrton Heston amazing visual and sonic experienceand his rich commanding voice. This you'd expect from this director. It alsoyear though, the cinematic Gods are dares to give us a Noah that suffersoffering us a different epic from a with survivors guilt and is well handledcreative, independent film director. One by Crowe. The supporting cast includeswho also happens to be an atheist. Jennifer Connelly (as Noah's wife), Darren Aronofsky, the man who gave us Emma Watson and a villainous Raythe drug horror in Requiem for a Dream Winston.(2000) and the balletic nightmare in Black Taken as it is, it's epic entertainment atSwan (2010) brings us his suitably dark the cinema. Of course it's not a film thattake on Noah and the Ark. In a world will sit well with everyone. There's alwaysravaged by human sin, Noah (played with somebody who will say 'The book isbrooding intensity by Russell Crowe) is better.'given a divine mission: to build an Ark tosave creation from the coming flood. GREEN LIGHT Deliberately styled as though set a [email protected]

22 Issue 218 - April 2014 Farewell Micky Duff making fights happen. In America in theSteve Bunce Seventies and Eighties his word was gospel-BOXNATION on a fighter and fighter's ability; this was a time before the convenience of online fights madeMickey Duff did not like many people in Micky Duff at ringside Lewis and Frank Bruno showdown in Cardiff every man and his dog an instant expert.the boxing business and the feeling was, in 1993. Duff was scornful of Maloney'strust me, mutual. When his control of boxing in Britain started management of the Olympic champion, Duff would travel to a gym, talk and meet to slip in the Eighties he never tried to hide his saying: \"He's done a Cecil B. DeMille in and learn about the men he was matching. He told his most loyal fighter, Duke dislike for his rivals Frank Warren and Frank reverse - he's taken a star and made him an He spent a life of nights in the Fifties andMcKenzie, that there was nothing in a contract Maloney. \"I don't like Warren,\" he said unknown.\" Sixties at ringside in lost and forgotten venuesthat said you had to like the boxer you whenever asked. In later years they did talk, studying the business. He had quit the promanaged or promoted. Duff had rows with his which is something, considering Duff refused He could be nasty but it is, however, too ring at 19 after 69 fights, so he knew about thefighters, rival promoters and people in the to talk to his father for 35 years and ignored a easy to forget that Duff had a brilliant boxing hard part of the hurt game; his apprenticeshipboxing game that were so vicious grown men death-bed wish that he visit. mind and was a genius at reading fights and at ringside helped him become the world'swould blush and try to leave the room. leading boxing figures in the Seventies. Maloney worked with Duff on the Lennox However, it was always business with He would appear at ringside in Caracas,Mickey, nothing personal, just business. Lusaka, Leeds, Las Vegas, New York and Reno with an interest in one of the men in the ring or to get a close look at one of the men in the ring. In Mexico City in 1975 he watched the legendary Jose Napoles make his 12th defence, during his second reign as world welterweight champion. That night he called Terry Lawless, who was John H. Stracey's manager, and said that the time was right. Lawless disagreed and the pair had another of their furious rows. Thankfully, Duff won the argument and Stracey went to Mexico City, stopped Napoles and won the world title.The old meets the newIt’s April and the 69kg then 75kg, 81kg then 91kg. Weights are limited, in international boxing,ABA’s start with the because of the number of boxers permitted to compete in the OlympicLondon Divisional Games, hence women only have 3 weight classes. Fine, but why should that effectChampionships, but and limit England’s domestic boxing and take from the safety of the sport and limitthere is a twist this the number of boxers competing in national competitions in England?year. As you know, No headguards, no two bouts in a dayfrom previous articles, and 12oz gloves above 64kgs.. 10 points to the winner of a round, judges have tothe powers that run pick a winner of each round. 5 judges but only 3 of the judges scores, randomlynational amateur The Boddyman selected, count. London’s boxers willboxing are based in - BOXNATION compete, in their traditional divisions,Sheffield and after North East, North West, South East, South West, but all box at the samethey had been voted venue, The TA Centre, Baring Rd., Grove Park, London SE12 and will box over 3 toout of power, before 4 evenings, from the 1st April, to ensure the London semis happen Saturday, 12thChristmas, by all but April with the London Finals, Sunday, 13th April also at the TA Centre, noonish bothone of the regional days.divisions, those in There’s more fun and games, last year the ABA wouldn’t let “World Series”, SportSheffield resorted to England, Gt Britain, lottery funded boxers, who get both wages and prize money togiving governance of English amateur compete in entertaining, 5 x 3 minute round professional contests, in pro gloves,boxing to AIBA {the world governing under pro rules, but under contract to professional boxing an amateur. Like the Italian WSB team, wishes to compete in AIBA, compete in last year’s Olympics, the ABA Championships, which this year’s championships for his club,body of amateur boxing}. championships, much to the consternation will be called The Elite Championships, Earlsfield, he has not been seeded, of GB Boxing; this was because of the are over 3 x 3 minute rounds. No one has because GB/AIBA want him to box, for theThis meant, that if the vote had stood obvious insurance problem with a answered the insurance question, but as Italian WSB team, who have fixtures that GB are running the ABAs, some GB clash with our domestic championships,and the regions took back control of their boxers that have competed in WSB, are let’s see what develops. slated to compete, as seeded boxers,sport, England would have been expelled later in the tournament. AIBA rules state On a happier note, the Schools that WSB takes precedent over domestic Championship, staged over only 2 ageby AIBA, meaning England’s boxers and championships, even, maybe, the groups, our AIBA pals at it again, saw 18 Commonwealth Games, so there is the Londoners reach the finals, 13 of themclubs would not be allowed to compete nonsense of lottery funded boxers being from Repton Boys, Bethnal Green, two of excluded from their own championships, the Repton boxers being the grandsons ofinternationally, at any level, nor could which are the oldest championships in the Repton Chief Junior Coach, Bobby Beck, world; they have been staged since 1881 with Bob Beck, Bobby’s son, also being aboxers from other countries box in and are the foundations of world amateur coach to Repton’s juniors, it’s the Repton boxing. Joe Joyce, GB’s number 1 super family way.England. The regions capitulated, so heavyweight boxer, who boxes for the Drive carefully, cheerfully, safely andeverything that now happens in English profitablyamateur boxing has to mirror AIBA’s ruleswhich are based around the needs ofinternational competition not domesticboxing.Only the 10 Olympic weights, not 13weights will be contested as has been thecase over recent years. There will be nofeather, light middle or cruiserweight,

24 Issue 218 - April 2014 Adam D. Elliott Vincent House, 99a Station Road, London, E4 7BU SPECIALIST ACCOUNTANT TO THE LICENSED TAXI TRADE Tel: 020 8281 0500 email: [email protected] / SKYPE: taxitaxSIMIA WALLThe Taxi Drivers AccountantsSpecialising in: SPECIAL OFFERAccounts preparation: PERSONAL INJURY Offices in City & North London REFERAL SCHEME £200 HMRC enquiry insuance (75% discounts) Associated law firm (25% discount) HAD AN ACCIDENT? Tax Returns completed Loss of earnings claims We can arrange for your claim to be managed Personal Injury claims management by associated in house team dealing with References for banks etc. everything from injury claim, loss of earnings, bent metal repairs and most importantlyFirst consultation free of charge arranging a REPLACEMENT VEHICLE.178 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4NJ / Also at Devonshire House, Stanmore HA7 1JS / For appointments phone: 020 8732

26 Issue 218 - April 2014 FoMreamllbeLrsCDC£10 offHeart Tests For London Taxi DriversTasty Café WOOD STREET CLINIC For the best in homemade Italian cooking The Heart Centre For London Taxi Drivers Pasta, chicken, Have You Had Heart Problems? meatballs, lamb, pork Do you need an Exercise Test and / or Echocardiogram escalopes, sirloin steaks (to measure LVEF) for LtpH? a speciality We can help with our fast, efficient service and special MEALS low rates for London’s taxi drivers £7.00 INCLUDING TEAS AND We are now providing stress Echocardiography COFFEES (functional testing) when required. £8.00 SIRLOIN STEAK DINNERS We understand that your living can depend on these tests PLASMA TV FOR Contact us now on ALL FOOTBALL The Wood Street Clinic 133 Wood Street 72 St John St, EC1 Barnet, Herts EN5 4BX Tel: 020 7253 1907 Telephone : 0208 449 7656 or K.W. TAXI SERVICES [email protected] UNIT 10 BRYANT AVENUE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE ROMFORD ESSEX RM3 0BY @WoodStClinic 01708 373 786 L.C.D.C FAIRWAY, TXI, TXII, TX4 LEADERS NOT FOLLOWERS Overhauls, Servicing, Repairs, JOIN TODAY: Fitting only LTI Factory Parts cab rental, best rates, 0207 394 5553 24hr RAC cover, Fairway, TXI KEEPING LONDON’S TAXIS MOVING MORRIS TYRE SERVICES Unbelievable Prices TX / VITO REMOULDS £38.50+VAT TEL: 0207 231 5857 72 ENID STREET, BERMONDSEY, LONDON, SE16

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