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Home Explore The Badge Issue 232 September 2015

The Badge Issue 232 September 2015

Published by marcus, 2016-05-04 08:45:47

Description: Now its up to you


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More trade stories than all the others put together Issue 232 September 2015Help trade to fund INSIDElegal challengeand save our SPTROEPSSindustry - p 3 MAYOR BACKS APPNOW THAT PROMOTES UBERIT’S UP TO LONDONERSTO YOU PAGE 5 NEWS INDEPENDENT MAYORAL CANDIDATE PAUL TAVARES PAGES 6&7 NEWS THE LONDON TAXI CAMPAIGN #STAYFAREMAYOR PAGE 9

2 Issue 232 - September 2015 Editorial: Published by DRASTIC ACTION Regulations come into effect, the The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd. NEEDED London taxi trade may not be around! Unit A 303.2, This is our first edition of the Therefore we need to keep the Tower Bridge Business Complex Badge since July and even pressure on TFL on all angles. Tower Point, 100 Clements Road although some of the private Southwark, London SE16 4DG schools are still not back, the DEMONSTRATIONS work levels do not appear to The UCG have recently called Telephone: 020 7232 0676 be picking up and to be for 6 more demonstrations in honest, they are worse. London, these were called E-mail for membership enquiries: without any consultation with E-mail: [email protected] With the current rate of Private Hire any over trade Organisations. Web: licences being issued by TFL now standing at over 2,000 a month, Whilst I can appreciate the frustration Editor: Grant Davis unless drastic action is taken, the of drivers ( myself included ) I can’t trade will simply not survive. help thinking that if the money lost The Badge is distributed free to the We at the LCDC recently facilitated a by drivers demonstrating was instead Licensed London Cab Trade. meeting with one of London’s leading donated to the Taxi Fighting Fund, we litigation lawyers and arranged for will able to get TFL into court quicker,For advertising enquiries please contact the office on them to give a presentation and which is what we all want, without 020 7394 5553 or E-mail: [email protected] discussion with all the trade groups at alienating the very people we want their London offices (see page 3 for support from. All advertising in The Badge is accepted under our full report) terms and conditions. These are available at the LCDC office. PH REGS REVIEW MAYORAL ELECTION L.C.D.C There is no doubt that TFL As you all know the race for LEADERS Before entering into any commitment, financial are aware that the future of Mayor has started to get or otherwise, always remember to seek the licensed taxi trade is in going, in this month’s edition NOT FOLLOWERS professional advice. jeopardy, belatedly they are of the Badge we have Paul reviewing the regulations Tavares who is standing as JOIN TODAY: The views expressed in this publication are not which govern how PH operate an Independent. 0207 394 5553 necessarity those fo the Editor or of the in London. Management Committee of the As in the past, we will allow all London Cab Driver’s Club. This is all well and good but at the candidates the opportunity to talk rate they are issuing PH licences, to the trade. Contributions for publication are welcomed the time any of these new and should be sent to the Editor at the Grant Davis above address. The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd.

Issue 232 - September 2015 3 H A HATDU D UTrade groups meet lawyers to discusslegal action against TfLOn Friday 11th way in which they have dragging for nearly two help set up with the other £200,000 a month, that’sSeptember, the Club regulated over our years, we simply cannot trade Organisations a without taxi businessesorganised a meeting Industry in the last three sit and wait for Tfl to call totally independent donating as well.with one of the Cities years. the shots whilst licensing “fighting fund” that will beleading law firms that They went on to outline 2,000 minicabs a month! open and transparent on We all need to be underspecialize in litigation in detail a number of Unfortunately, the sums a dedicated web site no illusions with theagainst Governments issues in which we have of money needed to fund Where drivers and other battle we are facing here,and Major the work levels areCorporations. Ladies and Gentlemen, the choice is yours. dropping, the number of Surely one job a month to fight for you and your PH drivers are increasingIn attendance were families’ future has got to be worth it...? rapidly by 2,00 a month,myself along with Steve and our Regulator,McNamara LTDA, Lewis a strong case and a list such a case are eye taxi trade businesses can refuses to regulate:Norton RMT, Len Martin of potential remedies to watering, and I am the either donate a set sum, The battle for our survivalUCG, Eddie Symes resolve these issues. first to admit that the or set up a direct debit is HERE and NOW, andHATDU. Club cannot fund this on and these monies will go as my Dad used to tellThe lawyers in question I am constantly being our own. I think the time straight to help pay the me “Put up or Shut up!”had been studying very approached and asked has come for every driver lawyers’ fees.closely the conflict our “what are we doing?” out there to make a Ladies and Gentlemen,trade has been having about the dire situation decision whether they With over 20,000 taxi the choice is yours.with our regulator, we find ourselves in. The have a future as a taxi drivers in London, if Surely one job a monthTransport for London for Court case to decide if driver? every driver donated just to fight for you and yourquite some time. Uber are operating a one job a month, say families’ future has got toThey feel very strongly meter has now been The Club is prepared to £10, that would give us be worth it...?that we have a very goodcase against Tfl in the Grant Davis L.C.D.C LEADERS NOT FOLLOWERS [email protected]

4 Issue 232 - September 2015

Issue 232 - September 2015 5Mayor Boris backs app thatpromotes Uber for LondonLondon-based lifestyle as Time Out – Dojo says it SPTROEPSSapp Dojo has raised a has a better understanding$1.2m seed round in the of its market and clients.first investment madefrom the new London It will use the finance toCo-Investment Fund launch a second iOS versionlaunched by Boris of its app and an androidJohnson last year. version in March, alongside expansion into overseasThe round was led by territories.Playfair Capital, with The Mayor’s London Co-participation from investment Fund wasSaatchinvest and several created to invest in London-angel investors including start-ups in the science andHarry Briggs and Young Gun technology sectors toRoss Bailey, founder of ensure the city thrives as aAppear Here. “hotbed for” progressive andLaunched in 2014, Dojo innovative tech business. Londoners will love. Discussing the investment, for the capital. This is theaims to help Londoners Boris Johnson, added: “This first of many investmentsdiscover the coolest events Dojo co-founder, Robin “We see a future where new fund was set up with from the fund as we look toand places to eat and drink. Shimmin, said: somebody will arrive in a city the aim of helping ambitious cement the capital’sAlthough it shares a and check into a room with and innovative tech reputation as one of themarketplace with a host of “We are super excited to Airbnb, go on Dojo to find companies just like Dojo to leading tech clusters in thecompetitors such as YPlan launch Dojo V2, our team somewhere cool, then book get the support they need to world.”and Frugl, alongside more have been working day and an Uber to get there, all bring their ideas to realitytraditional publications such night to build something truly within five minutes – without and deliver jobs and growth Article courtesy of special that we know young leaving their smartphone”. Taxi demo brings Whitehall to a standstillOn Saturday 5th “If our London taxis are driven We at the club applaud greener taxis, we have at the tax.September, Whitehall was out of business, I would no #SaveTaxi for all their same time the new Business I would have thought that inbrought to a standstill as longer be able to hail a taxi and endeavours in this battle we are Secretary, MP Sajid Javid tell this age of Austerity, themembers of #Save Taxi get about….Tfl must make up in with not only Transport for anyone who would listen, he is Government would only be tooand cabbies demonstrated its mind, does London really London, but also now it seems, “ready to face down London’s pleased to get their hands onoutside number 10 to want a 100% wheelchair this Government. taxi drivers”….. What the hell is that sum of money every year.highlight the uneven and accessible fleet that is financed When you consider that going on here? Uber, with all their funds areunfair Taxi and PH by the drivers with no Tfl or GEELY have just invested A leading Accountant has well known to have “friends “inregulations not being Government subsidy with some £300m into building a stated that if Uber get their way high places to help them grow,enforced by Transport for drivers who know where they new plant in Coventry to build and take control of the UK taxi maybe what we now areLondon. are going and also, are insured the next generation of cleaner, market, the UK economy witnessing in London isTaxi driver’s wife, Artemis 100% of the time” stands to lose £2b a year in corruption at every level?Mercer, who started herFacebook group in May, hasnow than 16,000 followerswhich in itself is a fantasticachievement.Artemis said that the Tradeneeds answers from TFLsooner rather than later as shefears the black cab will soondisappear from the streets ofLondon..“Disabled People against Cuts“Organiser, Eleanor Lindseysaid: [email protected]

6 Issue 232 - September 2015Paul Tavares ‘An attack onIndependentCandidate forMayor of LondonThe taxi and private hire help those in the industry to adopttrades are under attack by positive change for the continuedan organisation that is benefit of the industry as a whole,allowed to operate in a both in the present and in themanner that flagrantly future.disregards the laws of ourland. 2. I will ensure that all expenditure is transparently reported in CityIt seems they do so by exploiting Hall’s annual financial reports soambiguity in legal statute and that people can see how theirthrough what many believe to be hard-earned money is beingpolitical influence that borders on invested on behalf of the industry.outright collusion. Transport for London (TfL)Further compounded by an inept 3. I will undertake to re-structureand incompetent regulator, tens of TfL by appointing heads of tradethousand of decent, law-abiding covering the main forms oftaxi and private hire drivers are transport (i.e. taxi, private hireseeing their very livelihoods transport, cycling, tube, buses, etc)threatened. Naturally, this has far reporting directly into the Deputywider implications if you consider Mayor for Transport, who willthe impact on the families of many assume full oversight,drivers. management co-ordination and reporting responsibility.The list of illegal and often I will also ensure that those at the vehicles or not. regulations to allow TfL to only work within this specialiseddangerous actions of this top operate to very clear guidelines issue PH operating licences to enforcement team. All CCOs willcompany’s drivers are endless and and Key Performance Indicators 6. I will publish a list of the severe UK-registered companies have the power to arrest PHfar too extensive to list in this (KPIs) in order to ensure direct financial penalties and/or criminal classified as ‘transportation and drivers and impound PH vehiclesarticle, as are the inconsistent and accountability and the successful charges to those found guilty of Storage’ firms under the HMRC found to have committed illegalirregular actions and inactions of execution of their duties. illegal passenger transportation Trade Class - Summary List. activities under existing law.TfL as an industry regulator and offences on the TfL website inenforcement agency. But one thing GLA Recommendations order to make clear the direct 10. As a pre-requisite to acquiring I will also ask the Metropolitanis certain – it is a disgrace that we, 4. I will start work on implementing consequences of breaking the a London minicab license, all PH Police to increase efforts to tackleas a city, should allow this farce to all of the recommendations trade’s rules and regulations. I will drivers will have to pass rigorous such offences through covertcontinue when it suffocates the outlined in the GLA’s ‘Future Proof’ also work to ensure a zero entry qualification requirements. operations.livelihoods of so many good report immediately, including PHV tolerance attitude is adopted in the These will include, amongst otherpeople and clearly endangers the signage, developing a driver policing and prosecution of those things, strict driving evaluation Taxi Rankssafety of Londoners. database and integrated found to be illegally operating testing, disability awareness 12. I will work closely with taxi and passenger complaints App, and unlicensed PHVs, illegal training and full background and PH unions, local authorities,This needs to stop, and it needs to incentivising PH vehicle drivers to marshalling at venues, and other criminal record checks spanning a transport police and localstop now. provide wheelchair accessibility. such serious offences. period of no less than three (3) communities to significantly years. increase the number of existingThe question is, how? Legal 7. I will look to terminate the taxi ranks, with particular focus on 5. I will strongly lobby government permitted operation of Satellite Enforcement night-time tube stations, CrossrailRIGHTING A POLITICALAND and those in the legal justice Offices under existing legislation. 11. I will transfer all street stations, major venues and townMORAL WRONG system to clearly define ‘ply for enforcement responsibility to a centres.As always, someone has to clean hire’ in the context of the law in light Licencing dedicated taskforce unit underup the almighty mess that our of recent technological 8. As Mayor, I will tighten PH control of London’s Transport Technologyincompetent career politicians advancements, with particular operating licencing requirements Police. Their remit will be to focus 13. I will ensure TfL works closelyhave created. Therefore, as Mayor focus around the concept of ‘e- and ensure TfL has the power to on tackling illegal touting and other with taxi trade representatives andof London, I propose to implement hailing’. suspend / terminate / refuse such offences that put public safety external software companies toa number of policies that I think will operating licences without legal at risk. develop a black taxi-hailing to protect the black taxi and And where necessary, to amend prejudice.PHV trades: the law where necessary to ensure To that end, I will recruit 500 visible 14. Pending the upcoming judicial the practice of e-hailing comes to 9. I will also work towards on-street Constabulary ruling by the High Court, I will workFinance an immediate end. extending existing laws and Compliance Officers (CCOs) to closely with TfL’s solicitors and1. I will start by ring-fencing the£20m in annual licence fees from I will also extend this to include thethe taxi and Private Hire (PH) use of mobile smartphones or anyindustry and ensure that money is such technology that in effect actused to enforce the industry’s rules as taxi meters where passengerand regulations, improve journeys are determined by timepassenger and public safety, and and distance, irrespective of whether they are installed

Issue 232 - September 2015 7human decency’ participation of those in the audience. I will also undertake to publish the minutes from those meetings for the benefit of those working in the industry and who are unable to attend. 23. As Mayor, I will also establish quarterly meetings with the taxi and minicab trade – an initiative initially proposed by the existing Mayor when entering into Office, but one he failed to implement. Time For Action Although the obstacles before you are great, there is light at the end of the tunnel. And so to all the decent, hard-working and law- abiding people working in the taxi and Private Hire industry, I say this: Individually, you are without a voice over the affairs that directly and negatively impact upon you, the future of your industry and your very livelihoods. But collectively, united as one, you have the power to force change for the better.other government officials to I will also look to discuss other Customer Complaints Database. It industry trades will work together. It is within your grasp. Seize it.ensure that PHV e-hailing is union initiatives to ensure we will be the responsibility of TfL, asstopped immediately. safeguard both the black taxi and regulator, to operate and maintain Contained within the document, And also know this - the only way the PHV industries. this system. there will be clearly defined roles to deliver real, fundamental15. I will seek to ensure card and listed expectations of all change to the political systempayment facilities exist in all taxis, 17. To meet upcoming emission I will therefore commission the involved, together with specific within City Hall is start at the verythough affording taxi drivers the targets, I will work closely with car development of a user-friendly guidelines on negotiation and top. We need an Independentflexibility to accept both cash and manufacturers to continue, and web-based front-end and a free dispute resolution procedure. Mayor above political influence orcard payments. indeed increase, the pace of downloadable app allowing reproach who will stand up for development into electrical / hybrid passengers to log complaints and In regards to the latter, if all what is right and fair; someoneI will also ensure TfL works vehicle technology. I will also lobby monitor progress through to final attempts to reach dispute who is answerable to one group ofclosely with taxi union groups to government to persuade them to resolution. reconciliation fail, to ensure people, and one only – the peoplesuccessfully secure the lowest incentivise battery and green planned strike actions or protests of London.possible commission rates technology research within the UK 20. In an effort to identify trends in are minimised and onlywhen negotiating fixed-term car manufacturing industry. passenger complaints and undertaken as a very last resort, I That for me is the definition oflicence agreements with successfully focus enforcement will introduce a final process step social conscience and humanity,payment transaction providers. Operating Costs resources on tackling major whereupon I will personally chair and the sign of a true leader; the 18. I will further work with the issues, I will ensure TfL collates discussions between both parties kind of leader that this city soEnvironment government and car and actively monitors all in an open meeting. I hope this will desperately needs if anything is to16. I will adopt the LTDA’s 8-point manufacturing companies to complaints before publishing deliver full process transparency ever change for the better.Transformation Plan, as submitted ensure all reasonable steps are consolidated findings and statistics and ensure that both TfL andto the Mayor of London, Boris taken to drive down black taxi online via the TfL website. unions assume reasonable I therefore call upon all of you toJohnson. manufacturing and acquisition negotiating positions and find a unite together. Shout your costs. Industry Relations way to work together to protect message from the rooftops so thatThis will be extended to include the 21. I will work tirelessly to ensure both public and employee/member every man, woman and child ininstallation of 500 – 750 electric Passenger Complaints an ethos of co-operation and needs and interests. London hears you.docking stations throughout 19. In an effort to ensure the collaboration exists between TfL Do that and you will send a clearLondon and the development of a highest possible standards of and the various transport unions. 22. To deliver greater transparency and unmitigated message to thefree downloadable app with passenger service and safety are To that end, I will create a and accountability, I will relax the political elite strutting through theinteractive map display technology maintained on the streets of Memorandum of Understanding engagement rules during the halls of power within City Hall thathighlighting docking station London, I will seek to develop a containing clear terms of reference Mayor’s Cabbies Cabinet #EnoughIsEnough. It islocations. governing how TfL and various meetings to allow greater #TimeForChange and that time is here and now.

8 Issue 232 - September 2015Private Hire Rules & Regscome under the spotlightFor the past year, theClub along with the LTDAand Unite have heldmeetings with Transportfor London, members ofthe Private Hire Industryand also Isabel Dedring(Deputy Mayor forTransport) to carry out areview and consultationin how they interpret andimplement the PrivateHire Vehicles Act.There have been manypoints raised anddiscussed; some of theseare as follows:1. PH Operators must havea landline2. Operators must recorddestinations at time ofbooking3. 5 minute delay betweenpassenger booking andcommencement of hiring.4. No ride sharing5. The fare must be Representatives from the Private Hire industry and licensed taxi industry meet with TfL at City Hallspecified at time of booking6. Drivers must work for show vehicles available for 10. PH Operators required will be sent out to have put up are not oneonly one Operator at a time immediate hire – either having Hire & Reward consultation, we can only of “protectionism” but one7. Operators must offer a visibly or virtually via an insurance policy for its hope that common sense that is open, fair andpre-booking facility up to 7 app fleet. prevails. The Trade has ensures that public safetydays in advance 9. Satellite offices to be These issues and more argued long and hard for is always paramount in8. Operators must not scrapped TFL to treat everyone their decisions. fairly, the arguments

Issue 232 - September 2015 9The London Taxi Campaign: #stayfaremayorOver the next year and inthe run up to the MayoralElection in May, we haveembarked on a campaignto promote the Best Taxiservice in the world andprotect its unique statusand position in Londonas we head towards theMayoral elections nextyear. The campaign isbeing run by the Tradeand the London TaxiCompany.Too often London’s Taxis London, on both a platform to tell our story in these key ranks to marshal What is it?are categorised as being personal and industry a positive light, and to the protest and ensure it allagainst progress and yet level, whether that’s the those who can change runs smoothly. A positive protest of anover the years we have professional service we policy and make a hour of free rides foradapted to change and deliver, to the fact that we difference. We will be providing a London from key Londonmaintained our unrivalled are safe and reliable, faster short handout that you will rail hubs.position as the Best Taxi than other services and What and when? be able to give to When is it?service in the world. That is support London’s economy passengers during the Wednesday 14th Octoberwhy we are launching a and business. The protest is due to take hour, making our case for 2015, between 11am andcampaign that will show us place on Wednesday 14th a better future for the 12pmat our very best, But the time has come to October 2015, between Trade. We need you todemonstrating the vital spread this message far 11am and 12pm, and will ensure that all passengers Where is it?service we provide to and wide. We need to be organised from taxi who enjoy a free ride areLondon, day in day out. remind our stakeholders of ranks at three key London encouraged to share their Marshalled from taxi ranks the importance of the stations: London Victoria, experience on social at three key LondonTo kick off the campaign, London Taxi Trade and the London Charing Cross and media using the hashtag stations: London Victoria,we are calling all drivers to commitment we make to London Waterloo. #stayfaremayor. We London Charing Cross andsupport a new form of London every time we go would also encourage any London Waterloo.positive protest. A protest to work. This protest Representatives from drivers who participate to How do I get involved?where we offer an hour of provides us with the LTDA, LCDC, RMT and spread the word using, Turn up at the time, offerfree rides to London and Unite will be positioned at also using the hashtag. passengers a free ride, talkcall on London to support a The more buzz we can to them about ourbetter future and a level create around this event contribution to London andplaying field for London’s the better. the challenges facing andTaxis as we head towards call on them to support thethe Mayoral elections. The Ultimately, we need the campaign through the#stayfaremayor protest: a help and support of the Twitter hashtagpositive protest by Black entire trade to make this a #stayfaremayor.Cab Drivers, offering a free success and we hope we What’s in it for me?hour of rides in London. can count on you to make During the protest the this happen. Trade will be calling on allWhy? the Mayoral candidates to #stayfaremayor positive back a better future and aAs drivers and members of protest level playing field forthe trade, we are all London’s Taxis.familiar with thecontribution we make to

Issue 232 - September 2015 11 Alan’s AngleNew speedcameras tobe rolled outNew speed cameras Transport for London Rugby World Cup taxi rank trial at Twickenham Stadiumthat cannot be believes that the newcheated by motorists cameras will prevent an England play France at Twickenham Stadium on Saturday 15 August 2015 and there will bewho step on the additional 17 “killed or special taxi arrangements in place for this match. The taxi arrangements will be tested at thisbrakes to avoid being seriously injured” match and if successful retained for Rugby World Cup matches at Twickenham Stadium.flashed are going up accidents a year, moving The match kicks off at 20:00 and road closures in the area will be in place from 17:00 until aroundacross London. London further towards 00:00 (midnight). Taxis will be able to drop off passengers in London Road (between March RoadThe average-speed the Mayor’s target of and Cole Road) before the match kicks off. There will also be two trial taxi ranks in operation:devices outwit drivers who reducing these accidents • London Road – the trial rank is opposite March Road and extends back to Cole Road, it is forslow down and then by 105 a year. approximately 24 taxisspeed up again by A report to TfL’s finance • Arragon Road – the trial rank is for approximately 31 taxismeasuring a vehicle’s policy committee, whichspeed along a stretch of this week approved www.lcdcorg.wordpress.comroad, using a network of spending on the trial, saidcameras. members had “concernsThe “all-seeing” devices about the publicare being set up by acceptability” of the newTransport for London to cameras.eradicate accidents at The report said the Mayorgaps between existing, wanted the averagebut obsolete, spot speed cameras installedcameras. at a limited number ofThe four trial sites are on sites to “further assessthe A406, Hanger Lane to their operational benefits”.Bounds Green Road; on The trial routes werethe A40, Polish War chosen because they areMemorial to Paddington high-speed, multi-laneslip road; on the A2, Black roads with high levels ofPrince to Tunnel Avenue; traffic and speed limits ofand on the A316, M3 to 40-50mph.Hogarth roundabout. Four other potential sitesTfL chose sites where it have been chosen but TfLbelieves there will be will first monitor the initial“demonstrable casualty four for two years.reduction benefits over AA president Edmundand above those… King said: “The deterrentachieved by like-for-like effect of certain fixedreplacement of spot cameras has worn off asspeed cameras”. some regular commutersSpot cameras at the four tend to increase speeds insites prevent an estimated between the fixed16 “killed or seriously cameras.injured” accidents a year. “We believe drivers willBut over the past three accept these newyears 145 such accidents cameras as long as theyhave occurred on the are clearly signed asroutes in gaps between average speed camerasthe cameras. on these four routes.”

Issue 232 - September 2015 13Every driver must take responsibilityI hope everyone had a their council house paid for.good summer and spentsome quality time with Each new licence issued istheir family and did not almost certain to drive for UBERhave to endure working and will add to the 24 gridlockthroughout the school and dangerous driving we haveholidays. to encounter daily from their drivers.Workwise, August in my opinionwas no worse than the last few So far, TFL have only paid lip represent them.years but I put that down mainly service to the 19 GLAto a late Ramadan and the recommendations. We saw at What disheartens me are thebenefit we had of our City Hall with Leon Daniels and “I’m All Right Jack” drivers whoArab/Middle Eastern guests Garrett Emmerson, in their have their ‘head in the sand’,staying throughout the month. arrogant, defensive and evasive who are oblivious to the realities testimonies that they will not we now face or simply do not Now we have entered into carry out these proposals care. Who throw out excuses “ISeptember we are at a crucial willingly. don’t do trade politics, too muchperiod in our struggle to save doom and gloom”.our iconic trade decimated We know that Leon Daniels Leon Daniels - phone calls with Uber?further by an unfit, woeful has had weekly phone calls I am amazed by the number ofregulator. TFL’s illegal over the last 18 months with our livelihoods are now at a have the street-work”. Well drivers who are not in any tradederegulation of PH appears to UBER and none with our Taxi critical stage. Make no mistake sadly, the unthinkable is now organisation who approach mebe gathering even more Apps and Circuits or even these people at the top of TFL happening with e-hailing. If for information of what is goingmomentum with approximately Addison Lee. Rumours have have NO RESPECT for the cab work decreases further many of on behind the scenes. In such650 new licences SOLD each circulated he has been having trade and us the drivers. Do us will be in serious financial concerning times the trade is inweek. If it continues at this rate, meetings with UBER senior they want to replace a Taxi hardship, some already are. I would have thought they couldwe will have approximately management in Coffee Shops. Service envied around the find 50p a day to join an org andanother 10k drivers competing This proves as we always world with a third world With the situation we are in, it contribute, to give us a fightingfor our customer base by the suspected that TFL provide imitation? Where the only is time for ALL of us to be more chance against a deplorableend of the year. By the first UBER a preferential service requirement is the ability to put proactive, militant and TFL facilitating our demise.quarter of next year there could and have a cosy, unethical, a cross in a box and pay a small determined to take on more UBER drivers than us, biased relationship with them. fee. In addition, there are largewhich is currently the case in Each individual has to take on amounts of drivers who haveNew York. After the Horse has bolted, we Work levels are at an all-time some personal responsibility, driven a taxi for decades and have had the PH Regulations low due to the over saturation of make an effort to help save and have never or only briefly been Why is there is such a huge Consultation by TFL to change PH. TFL have allowed the secure his or her future and in a trade org. Many of theserise in the numbers of mainly legislation due to the rapid World’s most unregulated mini- working conditions. Drivers drivers enjoyed the best yearsforeign-born men wishing to growth in app technology. cab company to operate in the need to pick up trade papers where the job gave them thebecome mini cab drivers? Ironically, the legislation was market of the most regulated get on Twitter, read blogs on the opportunity to work hard andQuite simply it is because they already in place to prevent Taxi Service in the world. internet and keep up to with earn well. It enabled them tocan ply for hire via the UBER UBER issued a licence in the events. Each driver should buy a nice family house in theapp and believe the first instance, which they chose Over the past decade, we attend City Hall themselves suburbs, raise their childrenmisleading advertising by to ignore. How can we have have lost all Corporate Work when Boris or TFL comfortably and enjoy manyUBER that they can earn confidence in the Hierarchy at and during those times, how Management appear, rather family holidays. It would be£1400 per week. Many of TFL to push through these new often I did I hear “we will always than leaving it for others to great if some of them could putthese drivers will work part- regulations and enforce them if a little back to a trade that hastime and see this has a great they ever come to fruition? been good to them.opportunity to bring in someextra revenue knowing they We have so many grievances TFL have thrived on driverhave the safety net of keeping with TFL from licensing UBER apathy for years, let us put atheir tax credits and having and their non-enforcement of stop to it and all get involved in regulations that the trade and securing our futures!! Strength in numbers!!! L.C.D.C LEADERS NOT FOLLOWERS

Issue 232 - September 2015 15It’s time for drastic action Boris

16 Issue 232 - September 2015AS AN L.C.D.C HEATHROW AIRPORT TFL and was a major influence in the recent Join over theMEMBER YOU REPRESENTATION “ future proof” document. phone - just callWILL RECEIVE: With our reps at the airport working VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS and we’ll take 24 HOUR DUTY SOLICITOR hard on the trade’s behalf for a fairer, The Club works alongside LTC and your payment EXCLUSIVE TO THE CAB TRADE and more safer future at Heathrow. Mercedes to deliver a vehicle that Your 24 Hr duty solicitor hotline RANKS AND HIGHWAYS meets our standard as a London taxi details The LCDC attend the Joint Ranks driver. Recently we have held membership card. committee, working hard for more meetings to work against the ULEZ Peace of mind 24 hrs of the day. ranks and more access for the taxi strategy and the introduction of taxi trade in London. age limits. FULL LEGAL COVER Our fantastic team of City Of London CAB TRADE ADVICE CLUB PROTECTA based solicitors and barristers, All members can call the office for To help drivers who have acquired experts in Hackney Carriage and any information or up to the date twelve points keep their licence. road traffic law. news on any trade related subject. JUST COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS TRADE’S FUTURE £3 per As a member of the LCDC, we will The Club worked tirelessly in bringing month deal with any complaint that has been made against you by members of the i in the green & yellow identifiers to the * £12 per month is tax deductible public. taxi trade. Also we will attend the LTPH with you And are always working hard to on any personal appeals that would protect our future. affect your licence. CAB TRADE REPRESENTATION We are working hard to work with members of the GLA and also politicians to fight our corner against Please complete this form and send it with your application form Application Form (LCDC) Ltd UNIT 303.2 Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS TOWER BRIDGE BUSINESS COMPLEX, TOWER POINT, The subscription rate is £170 per annum. If you are unable to pay in a 100 CLEMENT’S ROAD, SOUTHWARK single payment please make one cheque payable to “The London Cab LONDON, SE16 4DG Drivers’ Club Ltd,” with today’s date, for £56.67, and two post-dated 0207 394 5553 cheques one month apart for £56.67. Standing Order Form Send the completed form to: THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd, UNIT A 303.2 Your Bank: ......................................................................................... Tower Bridge Business Complex, Tower Point, Your Bank Address:............................................................................ 100 Clements Road, Southwark, London SE16 4DG Post Code:.......................................................................................... Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:.................... Surname: ...................................... Please pay the sum of £15 NOW and monthly therafter until further notice. First Names:...................................................................................... Please pay the sum of £42.50 NOW and then quarterly thereafter Address: ........................................................................................... until further notice. ............................................... Post Code: ...................................... Badge No: ............................. Email: ............................................... Quoting Reference No ( ) Telephone No: (with full STC code):................................................ To the account of THE LONDON CAB DRIVERS’ CLUB LTD, I agree to abide by the rules of the Club. I also agree that the above Barclays Bank Bloomsbury & Tottenham Court Road branch, information will be kept by the LCDC in a computer system under the terms of the Data Protection Act. PO BOX 1134, London W128GG Sort Code 20-10-53. Account No- 40450421. I understand that I will not be eligible for legal representation for Your Name: ..................................................................................... matters arising prior to the date of this application. Thereby declare that Account No: ..................................................................................... I have no outstanding PCO or police matters pending. Sort Code: ....................................................................................... Signature: ........................................................................................ Signed: ...................................... Date: ...................................... Date:

Issue 232 - September 2015 17Life Insurance is required to protect the most precious peopleand assets in your life. For us, as self-employed drivers withoutadequate protection your monthly income is at risk.The LCDC working alongside TMC Advisors are offeringmembers a totally free Independent review.FCA Regulated / Prices as low as £20 per monthSOME OF THE BENEFITS:50% Off Virgin Active Memberships ( even for existing members )Weekly free cinema tickets CALL75% off Champneys Spa25% - 50% off Eurostar travel 020 3608 0240Up to 40% off BA return flightsNew added benefits for LCDC membersWe have built a able to keep up has a direct impact advertise subscription to Thenew website: to date as to on our trade when their taxi for LCDC, this is the what goes on you’re out driving sale for a being a member ofmost advanced behind the your taxi. small charge the LCDC for free!website the trade scenes at the of £20.has to offer - it has LCDC, seeing It has a TFL traffic Knowledge Studentsbeen put together how the LCDC report streamed in, We have can join the LCDC forwith the is working hard providing you with up great free as an associatemembership as its to protect your to the minute traffic pleasure to announce member andfocus. livelihood. You will be reports - there is also that The LCDC have participate on the able to participate in our Twitter feed being teamed up with knowledge forum,Every member will be polls the LCDC will displayed on the Green Badge accessing some greatable to register on the put out soliciting your website. Promotions, providing money saving offers,new website - once opinion on trade access to fantastic helping you keep theregistered you will be issues. You will be You will now be able money saving offers, cost down whilst able to access our to access and read for both you in studying the new forum area and The Badge in a digital running your taxi to knowledge. communicate with format. You can place days out with the other members. We your taxi for sale and family. We are [email protected] have also provided include photos of confident that if you the facility to upload your taxi in our new take advantage of photos and videos members’ classified these offers you will you have taken of section. Non- save in discounts anything you see that members can also your annual

18 Issue 232 - September 2015Taxi Profession & is a standard feature carefully read yourPrivate Car Insurance included with most insurance schedule andExclusions comprehensive policies, so terms. Further my call was just to be investigations have alsoHere is an insurance 'double-safe'. To my indicated that insurers loadmatter that came to light surprise I was told 'no', prices based on professionsrecently that perhaps your because I am a taxi driver. such as taxi drivers.readers should be made The rationale being that Perhaps this is somethingaware of. some 'taxi' drivers may be our trade association shouldI recently phoned my private tempted to drive any other discuss with the motor carcar insurers to check I could vehicle for hire and reward if insurance industry to ensuretemporarily drive a car, not their work vehicle is off the that when obtaining privateowned by me, with just 3rd road. This risk, that car quotes London TaxiParty insurance cover. This concerns some insurers, is drivers are disassociated clearly due to the PH market from PH and other drivers. and not London taxi drivers It is unheard of that a who can simply hire a London cabbie has driven a replacement cab if need be; private car for hire and we are hardly going to go reward. Those of us that touting around in Ford have private cars use such Galaxy with an orange vehicles, in the main, just flashing light on top, occasionally for purely social although some PH outfits and domestic journeys - would love to! This again, low risk. 'profession based' exclusion Kind Regards may not be a condition of all Stephen Buckle insurers - so as always L.C.D.C LEADERS NOT

Issue 232 - September 2015 19 Walker on the March....ME ‘OLIDAYS easier than saying Kent). He told me he Even now, as TFL have finally stopped – illegal. They don’t accept advanced had family in Birmingham and did I know dragging their feet and taken Uber to bookings – illegal. They don’t acceptI was chatting to somebody the other them???? court, it appears that it is not their intention telephone bookings – illegal. They allowday and Princess Diana’s funeral came After Mauritius it was back to Zimbabwe to tell the court they think it’s a meter, but customers to view available PHVs andup. for a trip to the Eastern Highlands. You simply ask the court to decide. The TFL hail them electronically – illegal. They useI started early on the Sunday, a few hours think of Southern Africa as really hot but coward hiding behind the judge and a meter for PHV fares – illegal.after she had been killed. It was all a bit this place was like the Scottish Highlands. hoping the big bullying Uber won’t see Well, not necessarily illegal but certainlyeerie. People that knew were shocked Jumpers worn during the day and roaring them and pick on them. against the spirit and intentions of the law.and those that didn’t had trouble believing log fires at night. We stayed on a hotel at Then, there’s the e-hailing. The excuses Meanwhile, TFL close their eyes to thesewhat they were told. From mid-morning, i the edge of a large Trout lake. TFL make for not stopping this illegal sharp practices.was running media people around or I spoke to a local that worked on the practice is laughable. They say the Uber Make no mistake that although we aredelivering piles of Sunday newspapers to Lake’s hatchery and this is where you find operating model is not e-hailing but pre- hurting, traditional PH operators aremedia addresses. out how different a perspective on life booking. Spherical objects! suffering a lot worse and there is theI missed the actual funeral because I was these people have. I asked if he’d ever TFL were quick enough to call it e- hailing danger. Following the last PH consultationoff on holiday on the following day. This visited Harare (our last stop-off). This guy when Hailo introduced minimum fares a process, the LPHCA didn’t like thewas during a period of eight years that almost begged us not to go there as he while back. Members of LTPH were giving outcome and so TFL bottled it by shovingfollowed death and serious illness in the was certain we would be robbed at thefamily that caused me and the missus to very least and quite possibly murdered. It it the Billy Big Bananas on the web, saying it into the back of the broom cupboard andsay stuff it, we’re going to enjoy ourselves turns out these were the kind of stories how they would do any cab driver that forgetting it was there. If TFL do not putuntil the money runs out. he’d heard about Harare but he had never they received complaints about charging the proposals in the PH consultation intoSo it was that we found ourselves in been more than two miles from where we above the meter on a Hailo minimum fare. practise this time, there will be a veryVictoria Falls, Zimbabwe, on the day of stood on the Trout lake where he had They claimed it was a hailed job and not a different outcome.Diana’s funeral. We were in a souvenir been born, some sixty-odd years ago. pre-booked job where a fare above the If the Uber model is not outlawed, theshop when the funeral procession began After three weeks of this, a horrendous meter could be charged. large PH operators will have no choice butand everybody in the shop stopped what flight brought us back to home and reality. As soon as they realised they’d have to to adopt it themselves. If that happens,they were doing and watched it silently on Those eight years or so took us to treat Uber’s whole booking system the there will be a free-for-all and TFL will losethe shop’s TVs. Europe, North America, South America, same way, they went all shy and silent on any semblance of control over the PHAnyway, let me tell you a little about the Africa, the Indian sub-continent, South- the subject and no cab driver nicked as far trade. If that happens, TFL may find thatholiday. We started in Victoria Falls and East Asia and Australia. I’ve never had the as I know. they also lose control of the taxi tradeafter checking into our own hotel, we went nerve to add up what it all cost but I know You will also know by now of some of the because drivers may find themselves withstraight to the Victoria falls Hotel for we were skint at the end of it. Worth it things in the embargoed PH consultation a choice of going out of business orAfternoon Tea. We’d travelled all night and though for the memories we still enjoy that has been reported elsewhere in the joining in with ignoring the rules.when the wife went to the ladies room, I daily. trade press. In there is a proposal that This court case and the outcome of thistemporarily nodded off but was quickly Maybe I’ll bore you with more tales of PHVs must not be made available for current PH consultation may well be the Lawakened by a small gang of monkeys adventure. Did i tell you about the time we immediate hire, either visually or virtually Even if we take them to court and win,that saw their chance to jump on our table climbed to the rim of a volcano, while the via an App. If this isn’t an admission that they’ll just find another way of using aand make a disaster of our cream tea. crater next door was spitting sparks, the Uber booking system is e-hailing, then meter.Vic Falls is an unusual place. Our hotel flames and gas every twenty minutes or I don’t know what is. Last Chance Saloon for TFL to keepwarned us to be careful walking on the so. Maybe next time. So ladies and gents, line up the list of control of a regulated and previously veryroad after dark. Not because of fast trafiic Uber’s rule-breaking, while TFL close their successful industry. Failure may see theor robbers and bandits on the poorly lit TFL COWERING IN THE CORNER eyes, put their hands over their ears and whole shebang disintegrate.roads but rather, because of the wild whistle a happy tune. Uber deny that SO TFL, TIME TO GROW A PAIR ANDanimals. It’s amazing that you can get Do you remember your school days bookings are between Uber and customer DO YOUR BLEEDIN’ JOB!within six feet of an elephant before you when the bullies always picked on theactually realise it’s there, as we did. kids that were too scared to stand upFrom there, we went into Botswana for a for themselves? These horribleshort safari along the river Chobe, by car specimens of humanity would spot theand boat. After that, we went on to weak and go for them. I don’t knowMauritius. I treated myself to a day out about you but I find similaritiesboat fishing and caught loads of Bonitos between Uber and the regulator.up to about 5kg but no game fish. TFL are great at regulating the taxi tradeLocal people use taxis for short journeys and those parts of PH that play by theas the busses tend to go from one town to rules. Too bad for us that when they comeanother with no stops in between. The taxi up against a big multi-national like Uberdrivers in Mauritius don’t hang about when with access to lawyers and publicists, TFLthey see tourists. We hailed a cab one brick it and run and when he pulled up, we realised Everybody from the travelling public tohe had two locals in the cab already. No TFL know that Uber use a meter. Shouldproblem, he kicked them out so he could be a doddle to stop it, shouldn’t it? Nah!take us. We protested that he shouldn’t do What dos TFL say? The legislation isn’tit but he said another would be along in a clear on whether it’s a meter or not. TFLminute and the locals seemed quite tried to hide behind an excuse that ahappy with the arrangement. Lord only smart-phone isn’t a meter because it isn’tknows how much more than the locals fixed to the vehicle (not in the legislation),that we were paying. etc. Boris says even if we take them toA gardener in the hotel asked me where court and win, they’ll just find another waywe were from and I told him London (it’s of using a meter.

20 Issue 232 - September 2015ANTHONY JOSHUA A. J. goes marching onneeded only 97 secondsto knock out Gary later as Joshua stepped in Joshua earning the first fellow Londoner Dillian fights with a third-roundCornish and claim the with a short left to leave significant title of his career. Whyte who extended his stoppage of Brian Minto onCommonwealth Cornish on his knees and Joshua could next face his own unbeaten record to 16 the undercard.heavyweight title at theO2 Arena in London onSaturday night. The 25-year-old dumpedCornish to the canvas twiceto earn an emphatic victoryand stretch his unbeatenrecord as a professional to14 fights. Cornish had gone into thefight with a 21-fightunbeaten record and highhopes of becoming the firstman to defeat the Olympicsuper-heavyweightchampion. The British Amateur BoxingAssociation has said it isdisappointed OlympianAndrew Selby has left itsranks to turn professional But while the Invernessfighter showed plenty ofintent to attack from theopening bell his admirableambition simply played intoJoshua’s hands. The homefavourite dumped Cornish tothe canvas for the first timewith a short right hand fromwhich the underdog did wellto rise to his feet. It was all over momentsFury vows to retire if he losesTYSON FURY has vowed to but he hasn't fought anyone of WBO, WBA, IBF and IBO heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko from Ukraine, land his challenger Tyson Furyretire from boxing if he does note. That's where I come in to it.not defeat Wladimir Every 10, 15 or 20 years there is and will be in Wladimir's corner \"I'm not too bothered if he's got what he does, he's gettingKlitschko in their world a man who comes along and for the fight, but Fury doesn't care 10 brothers. If they all want to knocked out. End of.heavyweight title showdown wipes everyone out. who is in his opponent's fight at the same time then I'll \"He thinks he's perfected hison October 24. entourage. fight them all,\" he said. style with his long reach and his The Wilmslow boxer will \"We're in a bad era of Tyson Fury celebrates victory \"It doesn't make a difference jab-and-grab style but he's neverchallenge Klitschko for his WBO, heavyweights but I tell you what over Christian Hammer how many brothers he brings or fought anyone like me.WBA and IBF titles at the Esprit I'm looking forward to - going inArena in Dusseldorf, Germany. there and writing this fellow off. Fury is unbeaten in his career \"It's not going to be a pointsso far having won all 24 of his decision in Germany as we allbouts, and he says he will hang know. You're not going to beat aup the gloves if he can't get the champion in his own country onjob done next month. points, so I need a knockout \"If I don't knock him out then I \"He's been knocked out threemust be useless. If I can't beat a times. Three men have done it40-year-old man then I need and if a man can be knocked outbanning from boxing,\" he said. three times before, what's to stop \"I won't be boxing on if I don't him getting knocked out again?\"beat him because I won't be able Klitschko has beento achieve my goals. If I can't heavyweight champion for nearlybeat him then it doesn't say a lot ten years, with his current reignof me - a 27-year-old in the prime beginning when he defeatedof his life. Chris Byrd back in 2006. \"He's been a great champion His brother Vitali is also a former world heavyweight

22 Issue 232 - September 2015 LCDC MEMBERS PAY JUST £180 FREE - iZettle credit card machine - No monthly contract - Driver keeps fare, plus tip, plus 2%

Issue 232 - September 2015 23Drivers needed on Twitter free to choose your own.We as a trade need to be up to speedwith social media - so that we can act • Please note: You can change yourquickly and with one voice when username in your account settings atneeded. any time, as long as the new username It’s not difficult to sign up to Twitter - see is not already in use.below!And you can keep up to date with allthe latest trade news by following the trade • Usernames must be fewer than 15organisations. characters in length and cannot contain \"admin\" or \"Twitter\", in order to avoidSigning up with Twitter brand confusion.To create an account on the web:1. Go to and find the sign Important information about signingup box, or go directly to up with email address: • An email address can only be associated with one Twitter account at a2. Enter your full name, phone number, you can select a username (usernames Note: if you'd like to sign up with Twitter time.and a password. are unique identifiers on Twitter) — type using an email address, you can do so via your own or choose one we've suggested. the \"Use email instead\" link at the bottom • The email address you use on your3. Click Sign up for Twitter. We'll tell you if the username you want is of the sign up page. Twitter account is not publicly visible to available. others on Twitter.4. In order to verify your phone number, Tips for picking a username:we will send you an SMS text message 6. Double-check your name, phone • Your username is the name your • We use the email you enter to confirmwith a code. Enter the verification code in number, password, and username. followers use when sending @replies, your new Twitter account. Be sure tothe box provided. Learn more about mentions, and direct messages. enter an email address that you activelyhaving a phone number associated with 7. Click Create my account.You may be • It will also form the URL of your Twitter use and have access to.your account here. asked to complete a Captcha to let us profile page. We'll provide a few available Check your inbox for a confirmation know that you're human. suggestions when you sign up, but feel email to make sure you signed up for5. Once you've clicked Sign up for Twitter, your account correctly.

24 Issue 232 - September 2015 MONDAY & TUESDAY NIGHT CABBIE SPECIAL £7.95 FISH AND CHIPS and a cup of tea. Dine in only King’s Square, off Central Street EC1 Adam D. Elliott Vincent House, 99a Station Road, London, E4 7BU SPECIALIST ACCOUNTANT TO THE LICENSED TAXI TRADE Tel: 020 8281 0500 email: [email protected] / SKYPE: taxitax

Issue 232 - September 2015 25Airport matters...BY PETER “THE CANNON” L.C.D.C AIRPORT REPIn the past two years the forecourts, even though they are byelaw enforcement. An stop cars from parking wherever Credit Cards at HeathrowMetropolitan Police Service committing byelaw offences. The independent observer of the busy suits them ? There is no shortage of creditat Heathrow has received two main reasons behind the illegal PH ranks outside the card experts within the taxi tradeover £72 million in policing absence of effective enforcement terminals would be forgiven for The Law and Heathrow's and on its fringes who are keen tocosts. on the forecourts are probably surmising that HAL has no Taxi Ranks insist that credit card acceptance both to do with HAL wanting to intentions of confronting members Heathrow Airport ceased to be will have to be made mandatory.The LCDC is adamant that the save money on labour costs. First of the travelling public who are under the control of BAA plc, when Unfortunately, the experts are nottaxi trade has a right to know how of all, HAL is saving money by not prepared to breach the byelaws it was purchased by the Spanish paying enough attention to themuch is being spent to stop the Ferrovial Consortium in 2006. The trading experiences and views of employing civilian forecourt staff rather than trek with their luggage sale of Gatwick Airport took place the entrepreneurs who alreadyillegal activities of the private hire to stop empty minicabs from to a car park to meet their in December 2009 followed by the specialise in conducting creditindustry. On-going efforts by the entering the forecourt areas. minicabs. sale of Stansted in 2013. There card business with HeathrowLCDC to get the full facts on the Secondly, HAL is saving money are no licensed taxi services worth drivers. Too many of the 'experts'subject from Heathrow police by not employing staff to advise Where are the HAL 'Enforcers'. mentioning at the two latter don't have a clue about thestation are very slowly bearing members of the public that it's a Not all trade reps and trade orgs airports and that's because mindsets of drivers who keepfruit, but it's obvious that senior criminal offence to arrange to be at Heathrow agree with the Gatwick and Stansted are not Heathrow's ranks supplied withofficers are not too keen to be picked up by a minicab other than accusation that Heathrow police situated within the Greater London cabs 24/7. Without speculating oncooperative. According to legal in an airport car park. or Transport for London are to Area and are not caught by how drivers in town would react toguidance published by the blame for the lack of parking and London Hackney Carriage law. a new regulation, it's predictableNational Police Chiefs Council LCDC on the Terminals PH byelaw enforcement on the TfL does not appoint the ranks at that TfL does not have theand the Home Office, there is a In late August, an LCDC rep forecourts. There appears to be Heathrow , they are appointed by resources to deal with HeathrowPolice Service Agreement in force witnessed an incident when three merit in the argument that HAL HAL. Heathrow taxi drivers should regulars who will refuse to offerat Heathrow Airport. This PCSOs were strolling up and and alone is responsible for never take it for granted that the credit to all comers. Short localcommercial agreement is down on Terminal 3 departures allowing unlimited numbers of Taxi System as we have known it journeys will get refused pointsupposed to have been drawn up and doing nothing more than private cars to create congestion for the past 40 years is incapable blank and compellable journeysunder conditions of openness and gazing at the private hire drivers blackspots all over Heathrow's of being wound down and that may meter £100 upwardstransparency. It's terms would who had formed ranks all over the overloaded road network. There's replaced by a private hire system. will only be accepted by driversexplain what duties the police forecourts. One of the officers a lot more that's now being said in To comply with the Airport's Act at who can cope with waiting toundertake at Heathrow and give a was so chatty and friendly with a defence of the MPS Heathrow. Heathrow, the airport owner has to receive payment.break down of what HAL the family group that was being By way of analogy, it's been provide facilities for London taxi Each sole trader on a Heathrowairport operator has to pay the illegally picked up by a minicab, pointed out that the bonded drivers to ply for hire ; but there's rank has his own way of keepingMPS in annual policing costs. that our rep fully expected the warehouses in Heathrow's Cargo nothing in the Act to say there has his head above water it would beResearch carried out by the officer to load the passengers' Village aren't routinely guarded by to be a rank on each terminal or foolish of anybody in authority toLCDC suggests that the taxi trade luggage for them. What Heathrow the police . They are under the that a rank has to have a particular think that an inflexible credit cardshould not take it for granted that taxi drivers definitely don't need care of civilian security staff and it capacity. HAL isn't obliged to rule can be imposed that willHeathrow police (MPS) are being are police officers (irrespective of follows that all security costs are provide a feeder park capable of work for both passengers andpaid by HAL to prevent empty their rank) on the terminals who paid by the warehouse holding 400 cabs and very few of drivers. The self-appointedminicabs from using the set down deliberately incentivise PH drivers companies. If these warehouses the rules affecting the daily lives of advisors are failing to constructareas in contravention of the to ply for hire by letting them know were left unsecured and Heathrow taxi drivers are set in and answer two very importantHeathrow's parking and waiting that they need have no fear of the unguarded, it's hardly likely that stone. It certainly isn't beyond the questions : first of all does TfLbyelaws. All the taxi trade can be consequences. If HAL the airport Heathrow Police would be realms of possibility that any new have the resources to deal withsure of is that the terms of the owner isn't paying for the MPS to blamed for failing to stop criminals owner of Heathrow could replace complaints made againstcontract were hammered out at keep offenders off the forecourts from having a field day. The point the two feeder parks with an Uber Heathrow drivers who will refuseminuted meetings. The LCDC is then why are the police doing the being made here is that in the first style virtual rank. At the risk of to take credit cards ? Tonow trying to get copies of the little bit of enforcement that they instance, HAL management and stating the obvious, Heathrow taxi prosecute or discipline aminutes and there is every do ? Quite possibly the police not Heathrow police (or TfL) are drivers would have to log on to a Heathrow driver, would requirepossibility that the MPS Heathrow presence has more to do with the responsible for controlling the PH virtual queue in the same way that not only the involvement of theare not under contract to stop PH MPS earning the £7 million they traffic that arrives outside the PH drivers at Heathrow are now complainant, but also the rankdrivers and PH companies from get paid for 'national security' terminals, but where are HAL doing. The thousands of minicabs agent who witnessed the refusal.conducting business on the duties, than it has to do with PH civilian staff in hi-viz jackets to that ply for hire on airport property Secondly, many Heathrow drivers are not at any stage of their whether or not they have a bank operations under the control and account, will refuse credit card direction of HAL, but they are fares that rely on a payment being somehow managing to take five made via a bank account times the amount of work that is Although it's essential that credit being done by cabs from the card acceptance should become feeder park. Only the taxi industry a golden rule at Heathrow, it's is shackled by the law, whilst our foreseeable that many drivers will PH competitors break it with find ways to nullify the power of impunity under the watchful eye of any regulation introduced by TfL HAL, Heathrow police and that sets out to make acceptance Transport for London. compulsory.

26 Issue 232 - September 2015 Heart Tests For London Taxi Drivers WOOD STREET CLINIC The Heart Centre For London Taxi Drivers Have You Had Heart Problems? Do you need an Exercise Test and / or Echocardiogram (to measure LVEF) for LtpH? We can help with our fast, efficient service and special low rates for London’s taxi drivers We are now providing stress Echocardiography (functional testing) when required. We understand that your living can depend on these tests Contact us now on The Wood Street Clinic 133 Wood Street Barnet, Herts EN5 4BX Telephone : 0208 449 7656 or [email protected] @WoodStClinic FoMreamllbeLrsCDC£10 off MORRIS TYRE CABS WANTED TOP PRICES PAID SERVICES INSTANT CASH CAB HIRE ALSO AVAILABLE Unbelievable Prices TX / VITO REMOULDS 07877 093 866 07956 293 748 £38.50+VAT TEL: 0207 231 585772 ENID STREET, BERMONDSEY, LONDON, SE16

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