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Home Explore The Badge Issue 230 June 2015

The Badge Issue 230 June 2015

Published by marcus, 2016-05-04 08:44:59

Description: Make me mayor and i will run UBER out of town


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More trade stories than all the others put together Issue 230 June 2015MAKE MEMAYOR ANDI’LL RUNUBER OUTOF TOWNGeorge Galloway throws down gauntlet to TfL - Pg 3HAVE YOUR SAY WITH ‘CALL’ QUESTIONS TOUT ANDTHE GLA AT LCDC AGM - WITH UBER NEED ABOUT WITHWEDNESDAY, JUNE 17TH TO BE ANSWERED EDDIE NESTOR!PG 7 PG 9 PG 24

2 Issue 230 - June 2015 Editorial: Published by LONDON MAYORAL first-hand their new initiative in L.C.D.C The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd. ELECTION HEATS UP tackling touts in the West End. LEADERS Even though the Mayoral I am sure after reading the article; Unit A 303.2, election is still a year away, it you will make up your own minds if NOT FOLLOWERS Tower Bridge Business Complex looks like being a very strongly you think this will work. Tower Point, 100 Clements Road contested one. I firmly believe JOIN TODAY: Southwark, London SE16 4DG that Uber will play a major part TAXI AGE LIMITS 0207 394 5553 in who ends up becoming our At the time of going to press the Telephone: 020 7232 0676 next Mayor. Mayor still had not made any public statement regarding the E-mail for membership enquiries: As you can see from the front page, age limits for London’s taxis. E-mail: [email protected] George Galloway has thrown his Web: hat into the ring and has submitted The LCDC has attended so many an article for the taxi trade to read ULEZ meetings over the past year Editor: Grant Davis and digest. There is also support to fight our corner; I can only hope from that the Mayor has listened to the The Badge is distributed free to the taxi drivers who have expressed trade’s well-constructed arguments Licensed London Cab Trade. their admiration for Caroline for us to keep the 15 years. Pidgeon and the work she has done I believe it is imperative for ourFor advertising enquiries please contact the office on for us within the GLA - will she future that he does so. 020 7394 5553 or E-mail: [email protected] stand as Mayor, who knows? Tessa Jowell, David Lammy, Sadiq LCDC AGM All advertising in The Badge is accepted under our Khan, Zac Goldsmith and even Sol Our AGM for this year takes terms and conditions. These are available Campbell have all expressed an place at the Club’s complex on at the LCDC office. interest. One thing’s for sure, it will Wednesday 17th June at 7pm. not be a two horse race like Boris Before entering into any commitment, financial and Ken last time around. There is free parking, refreshments or otherwise, always remember to seek and most importantly, we have Val professional advice. OPERATION NEON Shawcross and Caroline Pidgeon in As you can read on pages 4-5, I attendance for a Q&A session with The views expressed in this publication are not recently attended a night time members. necessarity those fo the Editor or of the walk about with TfL and Eddie I look forward to seeing you. Management Committee of the Nestor from BBC London to see London Cab Driver’s Club. Grant Davis Contributions for publication are welcomed and should be sent to the Editor at the above address. The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd.

Issue 230 - June 2015 3George throws his hat in the ringEver since my A $50 billion US corporation and downright breach of the ago that the late stages of character, their records as talksport radio which pays no tax here law being practised by Uber capitalism would see \"all drivers or even as citizens. days I've had a intends to wipe out the and the reason is not just that is solid melt into air, all The public can go hang.special relationship London cab like the grey the incestuous hiring policy that is sacred be profaned\". Some say Uber is cheaper.with cabbies. American squirrel did to our being operated by the US He was right, about that at No doubt, at least for nowEvery weekend my Mother traditional red one. behemoth, though that has least. Boris and his chums until a monopoly isof All Talkshows Ruthlessly and without care undoubtedly helped. For believe in globalisation, in achieved. But the price ofentertained, elucidated and for public affection or Tories like Boris and zero-hours contracts, in an cheapness can be high. Anno doubt often infuriated interest. Cameron this is the way it atomised workforce where accident in a dirty sub-cab drivers up and down And they have friends not all should be. They hate the nobody is anybody's brother standard un-insured cabthe country, especially it only at City Hall but in power of combination, of or sister and where driven by a dodgy driver willseemed in London. One of Downing Street too. TfL has sticking together to defend everybody is everyone seem cheap until the finalour most celebrated and turned a blind eye to each standards and earnings. else's cut-throat competitor. price is paid.frequently broadcast callers and every encroachment on Marx predicted 150 years They believe that all If I am the Mayor of Londonwas the legendary Fred the regulations on trade are to I will seek to run Uber out ofCabbie (if you read this be shredded if possible town as others in the worldFred please get in touch) even if the consequences have done. And to beginwho frankly astounded are the kind of carnage we with, I will unhesitatinglylisteners with his erudition. saw at Alton Towers. Health enforce the existing lawsThis prompted me one night and safety, public and regulations with all theto reveal that my daughter protection, job security are powers over Tfl I wouldLucy (now the mother of all \"red-tape\" to them. exercise. And if Uber friendsfour) when she was still a Uber cabs will be at Transport for Londonyoung girl once said \"taxi increasingly unsafe, don't like it, they can slingdrivers are very clever unregulated, under-insured their\". She meant I think, if insured at all. Everyonethat they always had a point will be in the end an Uber Georgeof view and could surely driver if they can get awayexpress it. But it is true, and with it, whatever their Gallowayis one of the reasons I'mhoping for support from cabdrivers in the forthcomingelection for Mayor ofLondon.Now Lucy's husband isdoing the knowledge (on abike I bought for him) andsoon I hope will join theranks of these clever men(and women toonowadays).I've always backed theLondon cab trade, longbefore I was running foroffice, and there's neverbeen a time when cabdrivers needed moresupport. The threat of Uber,the deregulation of yetanother of our essentialservices into just another nored-tape, law of the jungle,dog eat dog, globalisedexercise in mutual throat-cutting is real and present. [email protected]

4 Issue 230 - June 2015When Eddie, Garrett andAs many of you are wheel (TfL) and all this at aaware, touting in the the time when the number Garrett Emmerson, Peter Rose, Eddie Nestor, Steve McNamara, Helencapital has risen to of PH drivers exploded, TfLalmost epidemic then started the process of reclaiming the ranks at this will deter them from spoke to several driversproportions. offering staff redundancy venues in Mayfair, it seems even turning up. who were working the rankAt night you can travel packages and jobs the touts are getting the at Novikov and thearound London whilst elsewhere. We lost a hell of message that there is no On the Thursday night in response he received fromworking and see guys a lot of staff who “knew” the work for them to be had at question, I attended a walk nearly everyone was justtouting everywhere from trade and our workings and the venues and hopefully, about with Eddie Nestor how badly they feel letClapham High Street and it was the drivers who (BBC) Garrett Emmerson down by TfL.Vauxhall in the south, to suffered with the well- (TfL) Siwan Hayward (TfL) It has taken the GLACamden Town and known licensing fiasco to Helen Chapman (TfL) as “Future Proof” report toShoreditch north off the name just one disaster. TfL well as Steve McNamara highlight just how badly weriver and that’s not even were then forced to take on from the LTDA. have been let down by TfLtouching the City of London temporary staff to cover the We started off at Novikov and instead of beingor the West End: demand - what a way to run around 11pm and it soon dubbed a bunch of moaning ( or ruin ) our business? become apparent that once cab drivers, our complaintsOver the past years TfL the touts and cars had been and concerns have nowhave had a token plan of Anyway, Operation Neon removed from the rank been given the attentionactions that centred around really centres on having outside Novikov the work they deserve. I askeda few high profile locations several groups of TfL soon flowed and the public Siwan Hayward from TfLand just for a few weeks enforcement officers out at (like Nobu) loved nothing why is it that TfL issue PHhaving a go at cleaning up night wearing HI – VIZ more than to be able to vehicles with “Pre-Bookedthe problem, a bit like jackets and their aim is to leave the venue without the “only stickers, when byputting TCP on a boil. harass and deter regular hassle from touts and use Uber’s own admission, theyThe Introduction of Leon and well known touts in and a licenced taxicab. don’t undertake “Pre-Daniels’ Surface Integration around the West End to just Booked” journeys? TheProgramme really did us no drive off and move Eddie Nestor chatted to answer was once again Tflfavours whatsoever. With elsewhere. With new driver both Garrett and Siwan waffle and she spoke aboutthe taxi and private hire groups on Twitter such as regarding an array of the bookings in the cloudindustries both becoming a the “Mayfair mob” and problems we are facing and etc. etc… really not a goodsmaller cog in a bigger “starve a scab” who are to be honest, he didn’t take enough response by our any prisoners. He also Regulator.Eddie Nestor speaks to cab driver on Novikov

Issue 230 - June 2015 5Grant all got touted...! Hayward as to why no action would be taken towards the Operator when it was obvious to him that the Operator was working in collusion with the tout? Siwan explained that the offence was committed by the driver not the operator and as such it would be unfair to the Operator. Eddie said that this was rubbish and it was perfectly obvious to everyone that there was an arrangement between the alleged tout and the Operator on bringing work into the office, and then getting details put in the bookings ledger, which made it all look kosher.n Chapman, Siwan Hayward and Grant Davis If a lay man like Eddie can Minicab office in Lisle Street see the abuse going on,After looking around followed by the BBC then how the hell are TfL Eddie quizzes Garrett Emmerson about toutsMayfair, I told Eddie just recording engineer. not addressing this issue [email protected] a cesspool Soho had Once at the mini cab office with the PH Operators?become, with touts on every the tout ran inside, leaving Why are the drivers notcorner, blatantly touting to me alone to look at the row sitting / waiting inside theanyone walking up the of “taxis” that more office and not prowling thestreets. We walked down resembled a car park in streets?Coventry Street where I ASDA to be honest. He Why when bookings arewas asked if I needed a returned to the doorway not being taken legally, is“sex shop”… not really my with an older guy waving a the Operator’s licence iscup of tea to be honest, and clipboard.. not revoked?proceeded with Eddie and “Come over here and tell In my opinion, TfL andGarrett to Wardour Street. this man where we are their working practicesAs we walked towards the going” he bellowed, “so have been the cause for ajunction with Lisle Street, he can write it down”. lot of problems and havethere were several As I approached them, made a rod for their owngentlemen all standing in Eddie Nestor arrived backs. We are now facingthe road and just as we saying that he had been problems, not only withreached that part of the touted with Garrett Uber, but with the rankroad, it started. Emmerson by a man, now and file PH operators who“Taxi…taxi….you want a standing behind the “chance their luck” weektaxi?” one shouted to me clipboard johnnie. after week and how they“Yes, I do want a taxi, Within seconds the TfL operate.where we going Eddie?” I enforcement guys that If TfL do not get a gripasked. had been behind us and enforce the law, I approached the mini cab think they will be in for notThe tout told me his taxi driver and started to just a summer ofwas “this way” and asked question him by the wall. discontent, but for everyme to follow him to Lisle subsequent season toStreet, which I did closely Eddie quizzed Siwan follow.

6 Issue 230 - June 2015


8 Issue 230 - June 2015TAXI! board game launchedYour chance ‘Give or Take’ squares. Keepto win a game the card for yourself or pass itbefore it hits to a fellow player. Is your luckthe shops in, you may gain you may lose!“The London Taxi Board your fare ends, you must sound-off like a cabbie. The you mention increases your The winner is the player whogame” is a new game full answer a question on London ‘Sound-Off’ cards contain a takings. has earned the most moneyof fun and knowledge for to gain a tip. hundred varied subjects. On Driving a shift in a taxi is a at the end of the agreed shiftall the family (12 years old As all members of the public being told the ‘Sound-Off combination of luck and time, e.g. one hour or twoand up). know, taxi drivers have an subject’, you have 30 knowledge, turn left you get a hours.It goes on sale for the first opinion on every subject, land seconds to mention as many £5 fare turn right and you get For more information abouttime later this month. Created on one of the ‘Sound-Off’ of the six key words printed a £40 tour. This is reflected in Taxi!, visitby an Edinburgh black cab squares and it’s your turn to on the card. Every key word the ‘Taxi Board Game’ by the, the game was firstpiloted in Edinburgh and COMPETITION QUESTIONGlasgow, outselling the local To win a free copy of theMonopoly and Trivial Pursuit NEW London Taxi! boardin major stores throughout game simply answer these 2Scotland. Now, with new questions taken from thefeatures and a redesigned game, and be entered into aboard and box, the new prize draw.London edition is about to be For a £2 Tip: In what year oflaunched. Taxi Board Game the 17th century did the Greatcontains 600 local history and Plague strike London?general knowledge questions For a £4 Tip: Guess Who I’veabout London, and just like had in My Cab? This formerdriving a taxi, the better your worker at Smithfield Marketknowledge, the better the tips, went on to star in the 1960’sthe more you earn. When movie ‘Alfie’. Please send your entries to [email protected] Closing date 1/7/

Issue 230 - June 2015 9‘Call’ questions need answers LeonLeon Daniels, MD of TfL Surface Transport Jo Bertram, MD of UberAs we now dig into took legal advice over TfL have been having Jo Bertram? Yes or No with interest!TfL’s role in assisting Uber two years after they weekly phone calls with would be a good answer. We have sinceUber to set up in were licensed. Jo Bertram, MD of Uber. Likewise, Garrett discovered that CarolineLondon, more and Now sources close to TfL So through our pages, Emmerson of TfL - have Pidgeon, GLA Assemblymore questions are have contacted the club can we ask Leon Daniels, you had weekly phone Member, has made a FOIbeing raised. with their concerns - in MD of TfL Surface calls with senior people at request, with the purposeIn our last issue, we particular asking whether Transport, have you had Uber? of investigating theserevealed that TfL only the most senior people at weekly phone calls with We await their response concerns.

10 Issue 230 - June 2015Cab driver and daughterin bike ride for hospiceOn the 21st of June, fraction of its running and so is determined toJoe Cartwright, Cab costs through the NHS, raise as much asdriver for 15 years and is reliant on possible by completingand LCDC Member donations and the ride'. 'We've beenand his daughter, benefactors. Joe & Dani training hard, and hopeDani are taking part in would really appreciate the sun is shining on thethe London to any sponsorship amount day when we cross thatBrighton 60 mile bike to complete the tough finish line', said Joe.ride to raise money journey through the Dani's Just Givingfor St. Joseph’s South Downs, and are Webpage can found at:Hospice in Mare hoping to raise as much, Hackney. as possible for St ni-hickey1Like all Hospices, St Josephs. So, if you canJoseph’s take care of the spare a few pounds and Photo: Joe Cartwrightterminally ill, and provide wish to sponsor them, and his daughter Danithem with comfortable please visit Dani's Just are getting ready forsurroundings & dedicated Giving page and click the the long bike ride tostaff. However, St 'Donate' button. 'Dani lost Brighton for theJoseph’s receives only a her Great Aunt May at St worthy cause. Joseph’s two years ago Transport for London Private HireRegulations Review Consultation 2015It is imperative that every taxi driver takes the time to go online and fill out the above TflConsultation that closes this month:With this consultation, we all have a chance to have our say. They are asking our opinionson various matters that involve the way the Private DPDUOLRERTIAGVHSEEEINRS!ST,:1. Should fares be fixed and quoted at the time of booking2. Should there be a limit on PH numbers3. Should destinations be taken at time of booking4. Should satellite Offices remain or be scrapped5. Should there be an English language requirement for PH drivers6. Should PH vehicles have Hire & Reward insurance policy to be licensed7. Should all PH Operators be made to notify TFL details of drivers who work for them8. Should PH drivers who have their licences revoked, still be able to hold a PH vehicle licenceIt is very important that drivers read this and make their views known to Tfl.Go to; https// on the link for PH Regulations Review

Issue 230 - June 2015 11

Issue 230 - June 2015 13Operation Neon just a gimmick?Due to political pressure Mayfair and were moving Taxis out rule for touting - is this app parked or double-parked and Espaces.from the GLA Report and from joining legitimate ranks. It happening? I bet not. Any in the West End, Operationthe large number of Taxi appeared that many of their illegal activities, are vehicles Neon with its small teams has It appears to me that TFL’sDrivers attending City Hall staff did not have a basic being seized? I bet not. little effect clearing the streets main focus of enforcement isevery month to support understanding of Taxi and PH of touts. We will continue to directed at us the law abidingCaroline Pidgeon and her regulations and are usually A couple of weeks ago our have difficulty getting to Taxi Driver. Recently we haveCommittee, TFL employed by TFL as Bus Chairman Grant Davis and patrons leaving busy venues. seen Compliance Officers inannounced a new Inspectors. BBC Radio London presenter Customers we do pick up have numbers patrolling Praedinitiative to clamp down Eddie Nestor were touted by a the misfortune to watch the Street outside Paddingtonon touting,”Operation Over the last few weeks, the Clipboard Johnny in Soho eye meter increase before they Station to catch and preventNeon.” Enforcement Teams have witnessed by TFL’s Garrett have got anywhere, due to taxi drivers from ranking up. been better-organised and Emmerson (the very man who mass gridlock. Emergency The most vindictive and small-Operation Neon runs every efficient clearing rank spaces, has refused to acknowledge services are also affected from minded treatment from TFLThurs, Fri and Saturday night but other than that what real touting is rife). Surely if TFL getting from A to B, which has been aimed at hundredsthroughout May and June meaningful effect is it having? are going to back up their could have devastating of drivers, who received(shouldn’t this be a continual rhetoric of robust enforcement, consequences. warning letters for havingexercise?) in central London. Enforcement Teams are they will revoke this Mini Cab posters of “Totally FailingIn their notice TFL state that checking PH insurance details, Company’s licence. With TFL’s gluttony for revenue London” on their windscreens,they have substantially but that should be for hire and Worryingly Grant said he did raising by selling PH licences whilst on the demo on 26thincreased the levels of visible reward also. They are moving not see one Police Officer on to anybody who wants one May outside Windsor House.enforcement (that’s not hard unbooked PH on, but they this Enforcement Team that and their belief in the free In addition, Operation Neonfrom nothing!) and combatting should be arresting them for night, so how can arrests be market free for all, Wild West has reported over 100 driversillegal activity and keeping Taxi touting. As soon as the made? London, the Air Quality figures for not wearing their badge, butRanks clear. Enforcement Teams move on must be quite disturbing. Not just asks non-booked PH to the touts return. In addition, With the over saturation of mini all PH drivers drive Hybrids move on.For more years than I can Boris said some years ago that cabs and thousands more and many UBER drivers areremember the Taxi Trade has there is a one-strike and you’re now, working off the UBER now using Mondeos, Vectras On the evidence, so farbeen screaming out for TFL to Operation Neon in my opiniondo something about the is no more than a windowepidemic of illegal touting that dressing exercise in responsehas plagued our streets to the GLA’s concerns on theirthroughout London. We have poor record on persistentbeen constantly ignored by touting.TFL and spun incoherent It is by design toothless and nofigures of touting successes more than a marshallingand the size of their exercise to clear a few scabsenforcement team. Before off ranks outside high profileOperation Neon went live, you Mayfair venues. TFL are YETcan understand why I and again insulting our intelligencethousands of other Taxi Drivers if they believe that we will bewere sceptical of TFL’s satisfied and accept this levelmotives and desire to do this of action.properly and meaningfully. Operation Neon? More likeThe first few nights of Operation Gimmick!!!Operation Neon, it appearedfrom reports from drivers that itwas bordering on calamitous.Some members of theenforcement team wereunaware of the night-time ranklocations in some parts of L.C.D.C LEADERS NOT FOLLOWERS

14 Issue 230 - June 2015 STOP PRESS STOP PRESSCAB:APP TO LAUNCH IN“It’s timeto helpourselves”Created by adriver for driversFounded by Peter Schive, aLondon green badge driverfor 14 years, cab:app is anational taxi app with over6,800 registered driversacross 90 cities in the UK(Hackney only) and Ireland(full time drivers only). Thisnational network will providea strong foundation to buildon when our new technologyplatform goes live in the nextcouple of weeks.Organic growth now ready ever seen, putting us firmly back to drivers (via the app) they can take the free cash or Innovation is the key tofor major expansion back in control of our own with cashback for every job convert it into cab:app future successcab:app has been self funded destiny using technology that accepted, credit card shares. Cab:app has partnered andand the business makes ‘works for us’ not ‘against us’. processed and from We are committed to keeping shares office space withmoney due to its passenger journeys where cab:app in the hands of the Pocket App the UK’s largestexceptionally low operating Every driver can be a part drivers have introduced a trade, and when new money independent app developers,costs, as smart technology owner of cab:app (for free) passenger using the driver is required to help grow and giving us the support to growdoes most of the work. A through our cashback unique promo code. Drivers develop the business, the and the ability to access newcommon theme with most scheme will see their cashback total investment opportunity will ideas and innovations inother taxi apps is they are Cab:app will redistribute a grow (on the app dashboard) always be offered to mobile technology. We alsoowned by corporate percentage of its revenue and at the end of each year drivers/trade first. have our own in-house teaminvestors, who have no longterm vested interest in ourtrade, and ultimately want tocontrol drivers with a soleobjective of making as muchmoney as possible forinvestors and not the’s vision is to buildthe strongest driver ownedtaxi app network in theworldWe are regularly voted theworld’s best taxis, if theworld’s best drivers unite anduse one app, we would havethe strongest network ofindependent taxi drivers andco-owners the industry

STOP PRESS STOP PRESS Issue 230 - June 2015 15WEEK OF 15TH JUNEof technology developers cab:app will offer drivers the cities with one app. This driver has introduced the support. If the trade is really(across all major platforms), latest mobile chip/pin solution network now extends from passenger using the driver ready for a national driverso we can innovate at a working in partnership with Inverness in the north of unique promo code. owned taxi app, themuch faster pace. The Barclaycard. The Bluetooth Scotland down to Plymouth technology, foundation andlaunch of the new driver app, device can be handheld or in the South, Norwich in the If 6,800 drivers advertised infrastructure has been laidpassenger app, website and mounted, and will be enabled East and Galway in the West one app in their cab it would so let’s start taking control ofmobile payments system is to accept contactless of Ireland, encompassing all reach approximately 35 our future before it’s too late.just the start as we have payments up to £20 major towns and cities in million passengers a year,many new features/services (increasing to £30 in between. Passengers now generating a large financial What happens next?to be released over the September). Passengers will have the convenience of contribution to the driver We’ve discussed the newcoming months, including continue to pay the 3.9% booking and paying for a cashback and share app with all the major tradegoing home jobs, corporate card fees and drivers will now licensed taxi anytime, ownership scheme. organisations and they areaccount booking engine, get paid 5 days a week, anyplace, anywhere from supportive of our driver-Apple Pay. providing the lowest cost and one nationwide app owned Helping others less owned business model. We fastest payment option for and controlled by fortunate on their journey now need the collectiveLowest cost drivers. There’s no contract independent taxi drivers. Part of cab:app’s business support of individual driversjobs for drivers and no ongoing % model is to help the wider across the country and it onlyCab:app offers drivers the transaction fee levied against Increasing passenger community, with a focus on takes a few minutes tooption of instant hail, pre- drivers, there’ll be a one off awareness and downloads kids charities. Our new download and register. Whenbook and fixed price jobs for cost for the new contactless We have a number of website and passenger app we launch the new app in aany journey over 8 miles to chip/pin device (to be strategic PR and marketing will offer an innovative affiliate couple of weeks we will sendevery airport and beyond. All announced), the cost of initiatives already planned to partner and cab:miles the download link to all 7,400jobs are ‘pay as you go’ which will easily be recovered help increase awareness of donation programme that will registered drivers. For anycharged at a flat rate e.g. 75p from driver cashback earned cab:app to offer existing taxi generate income for our new drivers you can eitherin London for journeys under from transaction volumes ‘we users one booking app and chosen charity partners. register on the current app at8 miles and £1.50 for any pay you’. Other payment also to open up new markets. or send usjobs over 8 miles. Drivers will options will soon be added This will be ongoing as “It’s time to help ourselves” your name, badge andsee the job details, including including PayPal, Pingit and cab:app commits to re- We now have the technology mobile number topick up, drop off (compulsory Apple Pay to maximise investing a percentage of and strategy in place, we just [email protected] so wefor pre-books) and whether customer choice. revenue back into promoting need to spread the word as can send you the downloadit’s on the meter or a fixed the trade. quickly as possible among link as soon as the new appprice (£ displayed) so drivers Passenger numbers will fellow taxi drivers (UK and is released in the app stores.will decide if the job works for grow if we offer one Initiatives include a cab:miles Ireland) and make it happen.them before accepting or national taxi app rewards/loyalty programme We’ll be promoting the It’s nowrejecting it. There are approximately which comes directly from business through the trade to time to help 75,000 Hackney drivers cab:app’s revenue, and the increase awareness and will ourselves andContactless card across the country and over driver cashback scheme also be going on a road trip to unite throughpayments make it even 15,000 licensed taxi drivers in which offers drivers a lifetime meet drivers nationally to technology toeasier for passengers Ireland. Cab:app has already revenue share from help gather widespread take control ofAs part of this release connected 90 towns and passenger journeys where a our future with a national taxi app designed and owned by taxi drivers. [email protected]

16 Issue 229 - May 2015AS AN L.C.D.C HEATHROW AIRPORT TFL and was a major influence in the recent Join over theMEMBER YOU REPRESENTATION “ future proof” document. phone - just callWILL RECEIVE: With our reps at the airport working VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS and we’ll take 24 HOUR DUTY SOLICITOR hard on the trade’s behalf for a fairer, The Club works alongside LTC and your payment EXCLUSIVE TO THE CAB TRADE and more safer future at Heathrow. Mercedes to deliver a vehicle that Your 24 Hr duty solicitor hotline RANKS AND HIGHWAYS meets our standard as a London taxi details The LCDC attend the Joint Ranks driver. Recently we have held membership card. committee, working hard for more meetings to work against the ULEZ Peace of mind 24 hrs of the day. ranks and more access for the taxi strategy and the introduction of taxi trade in London. age limits. FULL LEGAL COVER Our fantastic team of City Of London CAB TRADE ADVICE ACCIDENT & SICKNESS SCHEME based solicitors and barristers, All members can call the office for We can offer members a fantastic experts in Hackney Carriage and any information or up to the date accident and sickness scheme to help road traffic law. news on any trade related subject. assist you in times when you may be off the road due to sickness or COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS TRADE’S FUTURE accident, up to £400 a week. As a member of the LCDC, we will The Club worked tirelessly in bringing deal with any complaint that has been JUST £3 made against you by members of the i in the green & yellow identifiers to the per month public. taxi trade. Also we will attend the LTPH with you And are always working hard to * £12 per month is tax deductible on any personal appeals that would protect our future. affect your licence. CAB TRADE REPRESENTATION We are working hard to work with members of the GLA and also politicians to fight our corner against Please complete this form and send it with your application form Application Form (LCDC) Ltd UNIT 303.2 Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS TOWER BRIDGE BUSINESS COMPLEX, TOWER POINT, The subscription rate is £170 per annum. If you are unable to pay in a 100 CLEMENT’S ROAD, SOUTHWARK single payment please make one cheque payable to “The London Cab LONDON, SE16 4DG Drivers’ Club Ltd,” with today’s date, for £56.67, and two post-dated 0207 394 5553 cheques one month apart for £56.67. Standing Order Form Send the completed form to: THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd, UNIT A 303.2 Your Bank: ......................................................................................... Tower Bridge Business Complex, Tower Point, Your Bank Address:............................................................................ 100 Clements Road, Southwark, London SE16 4DG Post Code:.......................................................................................... Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:.................... Surname: ...................................... Please pay the sum of £15 NOW and monthly therafter until further notice. First Names:...................................................................................... Please pay the sum of £42.50 NOW and then quarterly thereafter Address: ........................................................................................... until further notice. ............................................... Post Code: ...................................... Badge No: ............................. Email: ............................................... Quoting Reference No ( ) Telephone No: (with full STC code):................................................ To the account of THE LONDON CAB DRIVERS’ CLUB LTD, I agree to abide by the rules of the Club. I also agree that the above Barclays Bank Bloomsbury & Tottenham Court Road branch, information will be kept by the LCDC in a computer system under the terms of the Data Protection Act. PO BOX 1134, London W128GG Sort Code 20-10-53. Account No- 40450421. I understand that I will not be eligible for legal representation for Your Name: ..................................................................................... matters arising prior to the date of this application. Thereby declare that Account No: ..................................................................................... I have no outstanding PCO or police matters pending. Sort Code: ....................................................................................... Signature: ........................................................................................ Signed: ...................................... Date: ...................................... Date:

Issue 230 - June 2015 17Life Insurance is required to protect the most precious peopleand assets in your life. For us, as self-employed drivers withoutadequate protection your monthly income is at risk.The LCDC working alongside TMC Advisors are offeringmembers a totally free Independent review.FCA Regulated / Prices as low as £20 per monthSOME OF THE BENEFITS:50% Off Virgin Active Memberships ( even for existing members )Weekly free cinema tickets CALL75% off Champneys Spa25% - 50% off Eurostar travel 020 3608 0240Up to 40% off BA return flightsNew added benefits for LCDC membersWe have built a able to keep up has a direct impact advertise subscription to Thenew website: to date as to on our trade when their taxi for LCDC, this is the what goes on you’re out driving sale for a being a member ofmost advanced behind the your taxi. small charge the LCDC for free!website the trade scenes at the of £20.has to offer - it has LCDC, seeing It has a TFL traffic Knowledge Studentsbeen put together how the LCDC report streamed in, We have can join the LCDC forwith the is working hard providing you with up great free as an associatemembership as its to protect your to the minute traffic pleasure to announce member andfocus. livelihood. You will be reports - there is also that The LCDC have participate on the able to participate in our Twitter feed being teamed up with knowledge forum,Every member will be polls the LCDC will displayed on the Green Badge accessing some greatable to register on the put out soliciting your website. Promotions, providing money saving offers,new website - once opinion on trade access to fantastic helping you keep theregistered you will be issues. You will be You will now be able money saving offers, cost down whilst able to access our to access and read for both you in studying the new forum area and The Badge in a digital running your taxi to knowledge. communicate with format. You can place days out with the other members. We your taxi for sale and family. We are [email protected] have also provided include photos of confident that if you the facility to upload your taxi in our new take advantage of photos and videos members’ classified these offers you will you have taken of section. Non- save in discounts anything you see that members can also your annual

18 Issue 229 - May 2015Dear Grant, TFL should introduce a 2-3 day cabbies in sports gear and dirty look scruffy! falling off the window!We all know it's tough out course on customer care - and trainers! At the least we should It's an embarrassment to see I've often wondered whythere at the moment, but us how to deal with the public wear a collar, trousers, dark these adverts stuck on cabs cabbies have the 'cash only'cab drivers are becoming (i.e. getting out the cab and denim and smart tailored shorts peeling off! signs up - it tells people you’reour own worse enemies! helping people with luggage, (if we choose) in the summer Summer is here now, so there carrying cash - good luck then ifThe list is becoming endless as prams etc. - we have legs so months. should be no excuse for a dirty you work nights and getto what is letting the trade use them!) Problems with taxis haven't cab, even if you rent! mugged!down! Drivers need to lose the We should never refuse a helped the trade too - £5.00 to get a cab washed is We also have to stop drivingattitude that 'I've got the wheelchair because we can’t uncertainty with zero emissions nothing and it's tax deductible round with phone headsetsknowledge' and adapt to be bothered! and taxi age limits should have too. permanently in our ears - justchange, in order for us to be the There are too many drivers with been dealt with a long time ago! If your cab has carpet in the use them when making andbest! a rude and cocky attitude! Boris you really need to do get back then sweep it out and receiving calls. Look at it from aI think as we get our badges We need to start being more the taxi related problems sorted spray some air freshener - customer’s point of view, then polite and professional - talk to now! make it smell nice for the you might actually get chatting people in a polite manner, London Taxi company should customer. to them - which in turn leads to rather than talking to them like sell TX4s for 30K - then they’d Keep a nice clean front of cab a bigger tip! you’re down the pub with your be flying off the shelves. too - put your lunchbox in the We all need to stop being on mates! Ageing rust bucket cabs are not boot so you can get luggage in. phones too whilst customers If a customer has a preferred what the public want to travel in Rather than moaning on the are on board - they’re not route then take them the way anymore. rank, get out and wipe the paying to hear our they want to go - they are People don't want to get in old windows clean (obviously on a conversations! paying at the end of the day! dirty vehicles now, but cabbies dry day) take down the 'cash Overall so much more needs to No doubt it's been said several don't seem to care anymore! only' signs, get your card be done to keep people times before but we need to Adverts all over cabs and now machine fitted. Any tatty jumping in cabs! Let's raise our smarten up too - even builders on the roof of a cab is stickers in the cab - replace game and this might help the go to work smarter! something that never should them. Not a good look with no battle against the 'U' word. It makes me cringe seeing have happened - it's making us smoking stickers curled up Name and address withheld L.C.D.C LEADERS NOT

Issue 230 - June 2015 19 Walker on the March....THE UBER METER TFL have re-interpreted the original WHERE WE ARE NOW is investigating capping theirAt last, the Uber meter issue has intention of the PH Act in regard of Up to now the effects of all this have numbers, along with the previousbeen sent to the High Court. A PH accepting “pre-booked” fares. been slow but we are now seeing a talk of introducing a PH KOL.preliminary hearing can be expected The original intention was intended real acceleration. Taxi driversometime after 2nd June. The date for “pre-booked” to mean “advanced numbers are falling, albeit slowly, as FUTURE PROOFhas been served on the LTDA, booked” but the wording has those joining the trade are less than On the subject of the GLA “FutureLPHCA and Uber to make their allowed TFL to interpret this as the number leaving it. Meanwhile, Proof” recommendations, TFLsrepresentations. TFLs view is still simply meaning that PH fares must PH driver numbers have increased Surface Transport Panel (STP) hasthat the smart phone and the way be booked through an operator from 24,000 in 2003 to the 74,000 responded to the GLA. They appearUber use it to calculate fares does rather than directly with the driver. they currently are. to have completely ignorednot represent a meter. This removes the time element of a I am hearing from drivers who claim recommendations 1 - 3, 6 and 11 – booking and is what allows PH to have had their takings halved on 20.THE BEGINNING OF THE drivers to be “electronically hailed” last year. I have heard of drivers In response to the need to look atBEGINNING OFTHE END instantly via Apps. that have missed their last couple of taxi and PH signage (Rec 4), theyWhen Livingstone introduced PHlicensing and generated such askewed, two-tier system, it wasnever going to last. It was alwaysfated to eventually become a one-tier system. Yet, TFL claimed thatthe purpose was to preserve thetwo-tier system of taxis and PrivateHire (PH). It was always going to bea one-tier system eventually unlessmeasures were taken to prevent it.The taxi trade would otherwiseultimately become inconsequentialunder such conditions and reduce toa mere tourist attraction.The only way to preserve the two-tier system requires first andforemost, a very strict separation of Has licensing private hire really made anything better for Londoners?the activities undertaken by the twoservices. This is due to the skewedlicensing system that is far more Satellite offices have created PH mortgage payments. I heard of quite are going to pilot a scheme putonerous on the taxi and the taxi ranks outside venues and a few drivers who have left the trade forward by the LPHCA for PHVdriver than is imposed on the encourage other PH ranks to be and many others that are talking of signage to be on the number platePrivate Hire vehicle (PHV) and its formed even where there is no doing the same. The circuits have only, which is not quite what thedriver. AS such, the taxi service satellite office. In many cases, seen their subscriber numbers and committee asked for.could never be able to compete in there are now PH ranks where there turnover halved. In response to the request todirect competition with PH as TFL is no taxi rank at all, giving PH This is not the 1990s. This is not incentivise the uptake of cashlesshad ensured that taxi service costs drivers a distinct advantage over recession. The recession is long payments, the STP intend looking atwere significantly higher than those taxi drivers in many parts of the over, even if the recovery is slow. forcing such payments in taxis andof the PH service. “rank market”. This is pure and simple, increased not a word about PH.On the supply side, the discrepancy SO, while the original legislation and unfair competition, artificially They have agreed to look at rankingin driver and vehicle testing intended ranks and on the spot created by TFL, aided and abetted facilities at the Tube Stations takingrequirements creates incentive for a bookings (whether on the street or by inadequate enforcement. part in the 24 hour operatingnew entrant to opt for licensing as a through an agent) to be the sole scheme (Rec 7)PH driver and a disincentive for domain of the taxi trade, TFL have RAY OF SUNSHINEopting for taxi driving. Even if all deliberately removed these barriers It’s not quite over yet; not quite In response to entry requirementsother things were equal, which they to allow PH to infiltrate these taxi- terminal. By the time you read this, into both trades (Rec 8 and 9), allaren’t, this is guaranteed to slow the only preserves. we should know if TFL are going to the STP propose is to look atgrowth of taxi driver numbers and Meanwhile, PH drivers ignore the follow the GLA recommendations or training taxi and PH drivers onincrease the growth of PH driver rules with impunity because they treat the GLA with the same legislation, disability needs, first aidnumbers. know that there is very little contempt it treats the taxi trade with. and customer care. This is in enforcement and what there is, is If the recommendations are response to a call for examining theMAKING MATTER WORSE woefully inadequate. seriously applied, there is significant entry requirements into both tradesInstead of doing the single thing that Matters are made worse by the hope for our recovery. and making 25% of the PH fleetwould guarantee a two-tier system – effect TFL are having on the supply Boris appears to have heard the wheelchair accessible.ring-fencing the type of service each side. Entry to PH driving remains a penny drop because he has recently They say they are already workingside could provide, TFL have merely cosmetic exercise on the been in the media stating his with The Met to fulfilactively set about dismantling those one hand, while on the other, worries about the growing number recommendation 10, on improvingbarriers that maintain that only the inefficient administration has of PH drivers and admitting that information on cab-related service can accept instant hiring increased the average time taken to there may be more than 100,000 of Thankfully, TFL already appear toand only taxis can operate from complete the KOL to 51 months. them within two years if something be going further than the STPranks. isn’t done to stop them. As such, he proposals.

20 Issue 229 - May 2015 LCDC MEMBERS PAY JUST £180 FREE - iZettle credit card machine - No monthly contract - Driver keeps fare, plus tip, plus 2%

Issue 230 - June 2015 21 Downes and Terry Spinks shared gyms with him and they gathered last week. Hill was a trainers' trainer and was once praised by Sam Burns, a legend in the 1950s and 1960s as a manager, as being unique at the top level. Burns said: 'Freddie is one of the few trainers who is greater than his fighters. He has got such charisma that he manages to instil it into his boxers.'Back in the Steve Bunce Boxing was different back then Remembering1950s, there -BOXNATION because there were fewer protectedwas a ritual boxers and opportunities were harder toeach morning come by. Hill understood the risks. He knew the game and in 1965 took Rudkinafter Freddie to Tokyo for a world title bout against Freddie HillHill boxed as Masahiko Harada. Rudkin was 24,an amateur Harada just 22 and brilliant, but Hill hadwhen he a plan. It did not quite work and Rudkinpulled his van lost on points over 15 rounds.into the Hill is perhaps best known for his workEvening with the Finnegan brothers and his mouth shut. run the Lodge for about 40 years, calledNews yard residency at the Craven Arms on In 1987, Hill was back at the Lodge the London ABA to clear the matter. Henear Fleet Street. Lavender Hill in south London. The gym and working with the junior boxers and was told that Hill had to go on a'Fellas, I've got a nice 21-piece dinner at the Craven Arms was a mess - dirty little John Guilfoyle in particular. In the beginner's training course. Hill loved thatset - not stolen. What is my first bid?' he carpets, some traditional boxing space of a few weeks, the contraptions but failed the test.would announce as a crowd gathered. apparatus and gadgets that Hill had started to come off the walls at the Hill still trained Guilfoyle throughout theThey were simple days for a boxer and devised. Hill had wall racks, pulleys and dilapidated Craven Arms and were championships, but he could not go inauctioning off a prize from a contest the floor-to-ceiling balls on thick elastic erected at the Lodge. Many are still the corner. Guilfoyle won the title and onnight before was an easy way to bindings that no other gyms had. British, there and trainers from all over the world Wednesday he was at the crematorium.generate a bit of bunce money. Commonwealth and European titles have looked at them in amazement. 'He wouldn't let me see him at the end,'The maverick trainer died last month followed. Today, Hill would have 20 Manny Steward sketched one, but few he said. All his former charges had beenaged 80 and was cremated in London world championship belts on the wall. know how they work. refused visits since Hill had a strokeon Wednesday. In the 1960s and 1970s, Away from the ring, Hill had his own Hill quickly came face to face with before Christmas.he took control of the corner for some of methods and boxers at the Fitzroy amateur boxing's bureaucracy. As Guilfoyle starts as a trainer at FitzroyBritain's best boxers. He worked with Lodge remember being taken aside to Guilfoyle prepared for the junior Amateur Lodge next month and the first thing heAlan Rudkin, Kevin and Chris Finnegan, be given a 'Hill pill'. Hill would give a Boxing Association championships, it will do is get Hill's mad contraptionsBilly Walker, Frankie Taylor, Bobby Neill boxer a Smartie, tell him it was a secret was clear that Hill should go in the working again.and dozens of others. Alan Minter, Terry potion and then tell the kid to keep his corner with him. Mick Carney, who hasFroch Vs Golovkin, Khan Vs Kell?Carl Froch happen then It will be a huge event. Icould take on fight with Carl and GGG. It's a huge fight can't rule it out but I also can't rule outmiddleweight king and we are certainly talking,\" Hearn told Carl retiring.\"Gennady Sky Sports. Golovkin's promoter Tom Loeffler, talkingGolovkin in a \"At some stage that fight becomes too to Boxing Scene, earlier said: \"We’vepotential farewell big to ignore but at this stage we still told Froch’s promoter Eddie Hearn thatfight, according to don't know if Carl will fight again. Gennady will go to 168lbs to fight Carl inpromoter Eddie \"You know Carl will fight anyone and if what would be a tremendous fight. But itHearn. it's a fight he can get up for and it does is not clear whether Carl will retire orFroch recently gave up his WBA super- fight again.\"middleweight belt and hinted atretirement, but Golovkin's camp say Amir Khan has accepted Kelltheir fighter will move up to 168lbs to Brook's challenge to a fight andtake the Nottingham fighter on. says he wants to meet his BritishGolovkin, who boasts a perfect 33-0 welterweight rival at Wembleyrecord with 30 of those wins coming by \"within the next 12 months\".knockout, had previously talked about Bolton-born Khan added: \"It could bedropping a weight to meet Floyd his last fight, I would give him that muchMayweather of a beating.\"Froch says he will only fight again if a Unbeaten IBF champion Brook, 28,bout is found that will excite him and he demanded a showdown with Khan afterhas already been out of action for nearly beating Jo Jo Dan on Saturday.a year since his second victory over Khan is due to fight in May before aGeorge Groves in front of a packed possible clash with the winner of thehouse at Wembley Stadium. Floyd Mayweather v Manny Pacquiao\"I've seen reports regarding a potential bout. Khan, 28, suggests a winner-takes-all contest with Brook, telling Sky Sports News: \"It shows it is not about the money, it is about the pride.\"

22 Issue 229 - May 2015Drivers needed on Twitter free to choose your own.We as a trade need to be up to speedwith social media - so that we can act • Please note: You can change yourquickly and with one voice when username in your account settings atneeded. any time, as long as the new username It’s not difficult to sign up to Twitter - see is not already in use.below!And you can keep up to date with allthe latest trade news by following the trade • Usernames must be fewer than 15organisations. characters in length and cannot contain \"admin\" or \"Twitter\", in order to avoidSigning up with Twitter brand confusion.To create an account on the web:1. Go to and find the sign Important information about signingup box, or go directly to up with email address: • An email address can only be associated with one Twitter account at a2. Enter your full name, phone number, you can select a username (usernames Note: if you'd like to sign up with Twitter time.and a password. are unique identifiers on Twitter) — type using an email address, you can do so via your own or choose one we've suggested. the \"Use email instead\" link at the bottom • The email address you use on your3. Click Sign up for Twitter. We'll tell you if the username you want is of the sign up page. Twitter account is not publicly visible to available. others on Twitter.4. In order to verify your phone number, Tips for picking a username:we will send you an SMS text message 6. Double-check your name, phone • Your username is the name your • We use the email you enter to confirmwith a code. Enter the verification code in number, password, and username. followers use when sending @replies, your new Twitter account. Be sure tothe box provided. Learn more about mentions, and direct messages. enter an email address that you activelyhaving a phone number associated with 7. Click Create my account.You may be • It will also form the URL of your Twitter use and have access to.your account here. asked to complete a Captcha to let us profile page. We'll provide a few available Check your inbox for a confirmation know that you're human. suggestions when you sign up, but feel email to make sure you signed up for5. Once you've clicked Sign up for Twitter, your account

Issue 230 - June 2015 23LCDC LAUNCH BADGE ASSISTTHE LCDC has been working hard BADGE ASSIST OTHER INSURERS then manage and monitor the repairsto bring another major benefit to throughout the whole process.our members, and we’re delighted ✓ A plated cab the same day ✗ A small courtesy car, butto announce the launch of Badge where possible only if available 9. What if I wish to useAssist. my own garage?Launched in conjunction with ✓ No Excess or any other ✗ You pay your ExcessCricklewood Carriers, the scheme will costs You can do this but Cricklewood offer a twoensure that LCDC members in a non ✗ They choose the repairer year warranty on all repairs to give you totalfault accident do not have to pay ✓ You can choose your peace of mind.excess, can choose their repairer, and repairer ✗ You provide multipleget a plated cab on the same day, estimates 10. Who insures thewhere possible. ✓ We get quotes/write off replacement vehicle? values for you ✗ You run around, sortingBadge Assist - Your Insurer things The hire vehicle comes fully insured with a nilIn the event of a non fault accident we can ✓ We handle all the paperwork excess (conditions apply)supply: ✗ They instruct their ownCONTACT DETAILS ✓ Expert Solicitor appointed solicitor 11. Can my drivers claim ifEmail : [email protected] the accident is their fault?TEL: 020 8452 5461 3. Who are Cricklewood Carriers? We believe strongly that if your drivers are not Mobile: 07866 0 07866 to blame for their accidents then they Countless drivers believe we cannot help withOffice hours: Cricklewood Carriers Cab Company has shouldn’t be left out of pocket. Unfortunately fault accidents, when in actual fact they mayMonday – Friday 08.00 – 17.30 been in business for over 30 years. We are this isn’t the way most insurers think, as many not be completely at fault for the accident. YouSaturday 08.00 – 12.00 one of the oldest and most established drivers are left with an inferior replacement may be able to benefit from Split Liability inBadge Assist, a new service set up and London Taxi garages. In that time we've built vehicle, having to pay their excess, or being the event of any accident, as we may be ablebacked by “The Badge” in conjunction with up a reputation for honesty, reliability and a charged for higher premiums. to help your drivers with some of our services.Cricklewood Carriers, is now offering a focus on customer satisfaction. Our customer With Badge Assist the financial benefits tocomplete accident management service, all service is second to none your drivers are clear: they don’t need pay 12. What if I am injured along withnon-fault accidents for members of the anything towards any part of the entire any of my passengers?LCDC, who can now qualify for an accident 4. Why Cricklewood Carriers / process. The costs are absorbed by themanagement solution without losing your no Badge Assist? insurer of the other driver who was at fault for If you have been hurt through no fault of yourclaims bonus. You will not have to pay for any the accident. So your driver can have their own we can get our expert Solicitors to helpservices provided and benefit from 100% no For starters, 10 reasons... vehicle collected and repaired, while they you claim the compensation you deserve. Allwin no fee if required for any personal injury - 24 hour breakdown and recovery drive a like-for like replacement vehicle, at no claims are run on a 100% no-win, no-fee*claims.** - Get-you-home cover as standard cost to them what so ever, meaning their basis and you will never be asked for any - Replacement cab if you break-down income is not affected. money to start your claim. If you don’t win1. What is Badge Assist (BA)? - Weekly system check your case, you won’t pay a penny. - Full valet service on all cabs 6. Will this affect my insurance? And remember, passengers are also entitledBadge Assist is a one stop solution tailored - Wide selection of cabs to choose from to seek compensation regardless of whetherspecifically for the London Taxi Driver to keep - Wide range of colours with no adverts By using Badge Assist you will not have to the driver is at fault or on the road. We offer an exclusive credit - Wide range of models and ages pay your Excess and your No Claims Bonusrepair service and credit hire service, to non- - TX1, TX2, TX4, Fairway should not be affected. 13. Finally, is there anythingfault accident victims. We will arrange for - Full flat or half flat further you would like to add orrepairs to be carried out at Cricklewood - Double Teams 7. Where do I collect the a message to our drivers?Carriers. With all this as standard, and a wide selection replacement vehicle from?Since quality repairs take time we offer you a of models to choose from, you can see why Lastly thank you for taking the time to look atlike for like replacement vehicle to use for the so many cab drivers make us their first choice If your cab is driveable you can drop your cab our new venture with Badge Assist, we arewhole time your car is being repaired. We will for cab rentals. to Cricklewood Carriers they will already have truly passionate about the service and toolsthen manage and monitor the repairs For the discerning cab driver, we have brand a replacement vehicle waiting for you. we can provide to the trade and overallthroughout the whole process. new Silver Spec TX4's in metallic colours with empower our members and drivers to benefit no adverts. 8. What if my Cab is not roadworthy? from the extra services we can now supply.2. What is the benefit of using We are full members of the LMCPA In the event of an accident we all reach for the Badge Assist? (Originally known as “The Masters”) We will arrange recovery of your vehicle and phone and call our insurance companies, if it deliver you a replacement vehicle to is not your fault, then don’t call them, call us.If you are involved in a non fault accident we 5. How much does this cost? wherever is most convenient. We will arrange Not only are you guaranteed a replacementwill arrange for your vehicle to be repaired for repairs to be carried out with an exclusive plated, metered cab, a repairer that cares andat Cricklewood Carriers and deliver you a You will be required to enter into a hire Badge Assist 2 year warranty on all repairs. stands by the work provided with 2 years fullreplacement Cab to use the same day agreement but all these charges will be paid Since quality repairs take time we offer you a warranty. With the added benefit of no loss ofwhere possible. by the at fault party. You will not even need to like for like replacement vehicle to use for the earnings and a protected no claims bonus.Badge Assist can answer any queries you pay a deposit! whole time your car is being repaired. We will We aim to take the inconvenience and themay have. Our account managers aim to costs away from accidents that are not yourbuild a trusting relationship with every fault. Knowing now that you don’t have to losecustomer, like you, to ensure you are kept out if an accident occurs or if you need anythoroughly updated. We also operate a advice feel free to call our Badge Assist team.facility whereby you will be able to log in andtrack the progress of every single claim via Disclaimer **your own computer. ** Subject to insurance costs. Fee payable if case not pursued at client’s request † No Claims Bonus protection is not guaranteed in all cases. Customer are to check their insurance policy for details

24 Issue 229 - June 2015 Tout and about in London!EDDIE NESTOR make it very difficult. deputy head of So Uber, aside I have interviewed So fair dues to Garrett Emerson, Chief enforcement, head of nigh-on all the Top Brass at TFL andBBC London 94.9 Operating Officer Of Surface Transport private Hire vehicles, two often the best and most revealing bitsDrivetime: Weekdays 5-7pm at TfL, for accepting the challenge and of their wardens and are said off air. I assure you cabbies,Call: 0207 224 2000 keeping his word. repping Black Cab they get it. There (in my opinion) is no I had spoken to his boss only recently Drivers, Grant Davis and point moaning about how late theyWeekly Podcasts and Sir Peter Hendy was forced to Steve McNamara. came to the party, the truth is, they areUK Black concede he had changed his mind on After the niceties, Grant here. Use them, tell them where theManchester United Redcast the concerns of Black Cab drivers re suggested we go to Soho problems are and get your Union reps touts (or scabs) because it was always to hold them to account. If they don'tWHEN I challenge London's top There was now something called fun there and wow was listen, tell me. There is [again in myofficials to come out with me and Operation Neon, a hi Viz deterrent he right. opinion] an uncomfortable truth.see a problem within their scope of which would work alongside the covert We had no sooner Things have changed. These areresponsibility, they often say yes [on missions, to root out the scourge of stepped foot in the area tough times and the number of licensedthe radio] but then the firewall that is illegal touting. This problem laid beside when we were vehicles and Uber are huge and PR get in the way and the proliferation of licensed vehicles on approached by a tout from a cab the streets of our capital had made station. 2015 the worst I had known in relations No really, there are 8-10 of us and between the trade and TfL. some have hi viz jackets on that say I had been out on a couple of TFL and they still tried to tout us. operations before and was impressed Grant hasn't been that happy since he by what I had seen, but this time I visited that ping pong show in Thailand . wanted cabbies out with us so we could \"Eddie, we got a cab he shouted\" To be see, hear and tell. fair Garret found it as funny as the rest When I got to our location near Green of us did. Park, I knew it would be fun but no one The third highest ranking official at TFL had any idea of just how surreal the being touted on a mission to root out experience would be. touting. You couldn't make it up. So who was in our Neon street gang? I've been asked to give a statement Myself, Senior Prooducer, Garret, and I can't wait. Adam D. Elliott Vincent House, 99a Station Road, London, E4 7BU SPECIALIST ACCOUNTANT TO THE LICENSED TAXI TRADE Tel: 020 8281 0500 email: [email protected] / SKYPE:

Issue 230 - June 2015 25Airport matters...BY PETER “THE CANNON” L.C.D.C AIRPORT REPTRADE SLOWLY BEING parking byelaws on the Peter Cannon and Dave Bowers attend the terminals boats before he drove off. TheSTRANGLED AT HEATHROW terminals. Trade reps have more Greek 'sailors' were thenThe London taxi trade is than proved the point that when airport's use of unpaid taxi can't have an effective say in challenged by an LCDC rep andslowly being strangled to offending minicab drivers are drivers to patrol inside the crime and security matters. But they told him that they didn'tdeath at Heathrow Airport. asked to get moving, 99% of terminals on the look out for according to legal guidance know they weren't allowed toHeathrow Police (MPS) and them do so with very little minicab touts who prey on published by the Home Office, park outside T2 . They alsoairport operator HAL are not resistance. Contrary to what vulnerable travellers. Given that police manpower and costs explained that several policeshowing the slightest interest in MPS law enforcers claim, not a Heathrow's annual policing bill is issues are matters into which all officers had looked at them, butstopping the big private hire scrap of paperwork has to be £36 million the LCDC was key stakeholders with had not spoken to them. Howcompanies from using the set processed by either the MPS or surprised to find out from established businesses at could it happen that nobody indown bays outside the the CPS to achieve measurable available police records that the Heathrow should have some authority at Heathrow Airportpassenger terminals as if they results. value and existence of the taxi input. However, in the bothered to check out a foreignare dedicated PH ranks. The marshalling scheme doesn't experience of LCDC reps, on registered vehicle with a loadedillegal ranks, especially outside POLICING COSTS feature in negotiations on the few occasions when the taxi trailer of equipment that wasTerminals 2 and 5, are now AT HEATHROW policing costs. We say 'available trade meets Heathrow police parked on T2 under a Nobeing used by five times as Heathrow Airport's Crime and records' because apparently officers, they are definitely not Parking sign ? Later that day amany passengers as are arriving Security Framework is some of elements of policing the MPS decision makers who team of taxi trade 'parkingat the official taxi ranks. Unless devised by the Home Office costs that the LCDC would really either make or influence enforcers' made a surprise visitsenior Heathrow police officers and the Department for like to make public, can't be decisions on how the MPS to T2 and as usual, private hireare prepared to stop private hire Transport. located within the MPS Heathrow should spend its £36 companies such as Uber anddrivers from breaching the PH The framework consists of information storage systems. As million income. their drivers had completebyelaws on the forecourts, the statutory rules under which HAL already stated, taxi trade reps control of the set down areas.London taxi industry at and the MPS are obliged to have been able to demonstrate GREEK ARMADA ON T2 Not a single official law enforcerHeathrow faces being meet several times per year to that clamping down on the illegal At midday on Friday 5th of was seen during the 75 minutesdestroyed. The MPS recently discuss and negotiate policing activities of minicabs who park May, outside Terminal 2 , a that the trade reps had T2 underadvised the taxi trade that HAL costs. Although some police anywhere and everywhere at very large Greek registered observation. How can anybodythe airport operator is security functions at Heathrow Heathrow should not amount to van towing a long trailer either on behalf of the MPS orresponsible for ensuring the are paid for by the Home Office a manpower problem for (photos taken) with four HAL argue a case that thedrop off areas are out of bounds from national funding streams, Heathrow police station. The speedboat strapped on it was Heathrow's passenger terminalsto empty private hire cars. The enforcement of PH byelaws on LCDC believes that HAL should illegally parked on the set are as safe and secure as theyLCDC totally disagrees with the forecourts and drop-off areas pay the MPS Heathrow to down area of T2 in full view of possibly can be ? The set downHeathrow police. We maintain is a police function that has to be increase the number of officers a marked police van driven by bays outside Terminal 3that it's the duty of Heathrow paid for by the airport operator, responsible for directing empty a police constable. Departures are not only thepolice (MPS) to actively prevent namely HAL. The National minicabs away from the The officer did absolutely nothing favourite parking spots ofhundreds of minicab drivers Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) terminals and into the official car to check out what the foreign minicab drivers. T3 also providesfrom committing criminal acknowledges that the MPS parks as required by Heathrow's registered vehicle was doing convenient parking places foroffences on the forecourts. Its Heathrow advise HAL on how PH byelaws. Senior police there or who was inside it. Heathrow police cars and vans.also the duty of the MPS to much needs to be spent on officers and HAL executives Admittedly, he got out of his Very often, ten or twelvereport persistent offenders to policing the airport and not the seem to have created a closed Transit for a few seconds and unattended police vehicles canTransport for London with a view other way around. Nevertheless, shop monopoly on who can and had a quick glance at all the be seen outside T3, while theto having their PH licences either taxi drivers at Heathrow sense policemen have a coffeee breaksuspended or revoked. The PH that police expenditure on the in the Airport staff canteen.byelaws clearly state that the protection of their Hackney Official attitudes towards illegalminicabs may not wait for or pick Carriage rights seem to be parking and the picking up ofup passengers unless it's done suffering from a bad case of \"He passengers at Heathrow havefrom an offical car park. who pays the minstrel calls the some how got to change. At theHeathrow police officers claim tune\". The facts behind moment the police law enforcersthat if they were to stop all empty Heathrow's annual policing costs don't seem to give a damn ; theminicabs from breaching the of over £36 million are slowly but policemen who park anywherebyelaws, the overall effect would surely being obtained from the on T3 while they have a coffeebe to over-load the MPS and MPS by the LCDC. We aim to break don't give a damn andCrown Prosecution Service find out from MPS records of Heathrow managers who are in(CPS) with paperwork. Taxi official meetings if police charge of licensed Taxi Servicestrade reps have good reason to expenditure on controlling don't give a damn. Meanwhile,totally reject this latest feeble minicabs is discussed as a the LCDC is going to continue toexcuse. For the past two priority between the MPS and play a leading role in getting tomonths, taxi trade reps dressed HAL. The LCDC has asked the the bottom of how and whyin hi-viz jackets have been MPS a few well crafted policing at the UK's leadingfinding out for themselves just questions about Heathrow's taxi airport is being done on thehow easy it is to enforce the marshalling scheme and the cheap.

26 Issue 229 - May 2015 Heart Tests For London Taxi Drivers WOOD STREET CLINIC The Heart Centre For London Taxi Drivers Have You Had Heart Problems? Do you need an Exercise Test and / or Echocardiogram (to measure LVEF) for LtpH? We can help with our fast, efficient service and special low rates for London’s taxi drivers We are now providing stress Echocardiography (functional testing) when required. We understand that your living can depend on these tests Contact us now on The Wood Street Clinic 133 Wood Street Barnet, Herts EN5 4BX Telephone : 0208 449 7656 or [email protected] @WoodStClinic FoMreamllbeLrsCDC£10 off MORRIS TYRE CABS WANTED TOP PRICES PAID SERVICES INSTANT CASH CAB HIRE ALSO AVAILABLE Unbelievable Prices TX / VITO REMOULDS 07877 093 866 07956 293 748 £38.50+VAT TEL: 0207 231 585772 ENID STREET, BERMONDSEY, LONDON, SE16

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