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LTP FY18 Annual Report

Published by bennettg, 2018-11-19 10:09:37

Description: LTP FY18 Annual Report


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B&F mission EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGEwe make blue go I am very pleased to share with you LTP’s FY18 Annual Report.B&F vision At the start of FY17, Facilities & Operations announced an organizational transformation. With this transformation, weTo ensure our university welcomed Waste Management, Material Services and Movingcommunity has the environment & Trucking to our services and formally became “Logistics,and resources necessary to Transportation & Parking”. Our business office and IT functionschallenge the present, enrich transitioned to a new Administrative Services unit.the future and change the world. Since the transformation, the LTP team has been embracingLTP makes blue go. As an integral collaboration and continually looking for ways to improve service,part of Facilities and Operations, operate safely and strive to find a way to “say yes”.LTP provides a variety oflogistics, transportation and I hope that you enjoy the FY18 Annual Report and I thank all membersparking options in support of the of LTP for their hard work and dedication throughout the year.University’s primary mission ofteaching, research, patient care Steve Dolenand community service.2

01 Mission & Vision 020203 Executive Director’s Message 020405 Logistics 0606 Transit 10 Alternative Transportation 14 Waste Management 16 Fleet 18 Garage 20 Parking 22 Financials 24 Project Highlights 25 3

LOGISTICS Expediter Process ImprovementsLogistics Guiding Team The Expediters applied for and were awarded an ERGO Grant from MHealthy. With this grant, they were able to acquire new drywall carts,In FY18, the Logistics Guiding Team continued its charge with evaluating 2-wheel dollies that convert to 4-wheel carts, portable dock plates, whichmaterial management functions for Maintenance Regions. The team assist when the dock is higher than the lift gate and AirHawk seat cushionsidentified several actions to improve the synchronization of materials and for the big trucks, to take some of the jarring associated with the conditionmaintenance, including: of the roads. These tools have made a big difference in the ability to get work done safely. This is the second grant they have been awarded to • Continue the Inventory Rationalization effort of partnering with improve their safety and health at work. the five original Facilities Maintenance (FM) region warehouses to re-evaluate the right parts and the right quantities to have on hand. With the new calendar year, the Expediters have taken over the delivery of filters to each unit on the NCRC campus. This was previously contracted • Establish mechanical room audits. out to the filter supplier. Several of the staff have become familiar with the buildings and are learning the location for each unit. The packing • Potential synchronization of materials with scheduling. slips are emailed to us and they contain the building and unit number for delivery. These same employees attended the GIS training provided byInventory Implementation Projects the University. With this and a filter file, supplied by the NCRC, they are able to locate the room numbers for the units, to assist with the delivery.Continuing the optimization of our supply chain, the Utilities Inventory By utilizing University Staff, this process transferred seamlessly, due toProject and Key Office Projects continued in FY18. Guided by the preparation and collaboration with the dock personnel at NCRC.Material Service Unit staff, the team has organized, researched andidentified parts for the Key Office and all six Utilities shops. The KeyOffice and all six Utilities shops are fully up and running: High Voltage,Power and Lighting, Tunnels, Water, Boilers, and Central Power Plant.To date, the team has documented over 7,700 part numbers and adddedover 239,000 pieces into inventory.Asset Recovery for Obsolete and Excess MRO MaterialsIn FY18, the Logistics team partnered with customers continued its effortsto realize the potential value of Maintenance, Repairs, and Operations(MRO) supplies inventories that are located across thecampus. Over 9,000 MRO items (more than 8,000 lbs.) were identifiedand provided to strategic suppliers and an asset recovery supplier forbuy-back credits and third party sales to realize potential revenue fromexcess and obsolete inventory.4

Warehouse Statistics by Dollar Amount, Number of Expediter TripsNumber of Transactions, Number of Items Purchased FY18 FY18 FY17 FY16 FY17 FY16 1,811 1,434Warehouse 6,522 5,965 3,790 July 2,209 2,090 1,844Part 1,654 1,668Transactions August 1,878 1,352 2,123 1,437 1,290Warehouse 94,580 109,448 60,831 September 1,577 1,163 1,434Parts Released 1,851 1,426 2,000 1,418Warehouse $ 828,601.74 $ 688,327.36 $ 254,022.97 October 1,253 1,990 1,918Parts Value 943 1,887 1,552 1,250 November 2,121 1,740 2,009Material Spend December 2,323 FY18 FY17 FY16 January 2,557 11,711 10,359Orders 15,347 February 1,242Lines 34,933 26,993 21,028 March 1,576 2.3 2.3 2.0Average Lines $8,618,657 $8,431,190 $11,437,687 April 1,056per Order May 1,162Dollar Spend June 1,424 5


Moving & Trucking, Work Completed by Work CodeWork Description FY18 FY17 FY16 Moving & TruckingCode of Work In FY18, Moving and Trucking (M&T) worked on continuousC228 Scaffolding $16,933.03 $13,275.28 $3,731.66 improvement activities developed through employee 25ft and Over engagement, including the development of a new vehicle and inventory checklist and an electronic overtime log for trackingM812 Assist/move $32,992.29 $13,810.81 $14,210.45 department overtime which provides cloud-based access of the Aerial log to employees.M377 Moving Barrels $6,529.63 $18,421.23 $14,843.91 Departmental performance data was migrated to a Dashboard for HVAC application for interactive display of performance in real time. Additionally, M&T applied for and was awarded an ERGO GrantC158 Office Systems $93,651.27 $46,475.85 $48,731.56 from MHealthy for the purchase of an Electric Chain Fall and Power Stair Climbing Truck. These purchases will help M&T move and deliver heavy materials needed to complete the jobs requested with reduced back and shoulder muscle strain on employees.M824 Rigging $142,746.08 $127,617.35 $87,494.61C200 Scaffolding $159,330.26 $127,328.87 $107,330.49C992 Special Event $90,059.20 $124,792.76 $118,188.84 Labor Set up 7

TRANSIT Reported FY18 FY17 FY16 Accidents/Incidents 156 161 178LTP continued its focus on safety, service, and technology during FY18.This continued focus has led to a 23% decrease in reported incidents and 7 Paratransit continued to be a highly used service duringcollisions since FY16. During that same time span, ridership on our system FY18. Ridership remained mostly steady, with a slight overallincreased by 11% between FY16 and FY18. decrease in ridership. Costs per trip rose ~12% for the same period. The addition of the Paratransit Coordinator continuesThe department had several notable achievements and initiatives during to enhance the service and make it easier to access for ourthe fiscal year: riders by creating a person who is responsible for coordinating all of their transportation services. 1 Ridership throughout the system increased substantially. Overall ridership topped 7.9 Million riders. 2 The SafeRide program transported over 20,000 members of the U-M Community. 3 A new route, the Crisler Express, was added in September 2017. This route serves as a direct link from the Medical campus to the commuter parking lots on South Campus in the afternoon, increasing staffs’ ability to access parking and easing parking concerns on the Medical campus. 4 Our Operator Training Program overhaul continued through FY18. New trainers were developed and the training program is being developed with input from our staff and best practices from transit training programs from around the country. 5 Transit Services continued to pursue further integration with the DoubleMap technologies and take advantage of the ADA announcements, reporting and passenger counting features of the system, in an effort to reduce the need for drivers to complete these tasks so they can focus on the safe operation of their vehicles. 6 Several Transit Coach Operator positions were added during FY18, increasing the number of permanent staff to 86.8

7.92 M 8MUM CampusBus Ridership FY16 FY17 FY18 Passengers Passengers 7M 2.65 M MRide 3M Ridership in our core value 6.58 M AAATA Ridership FY16 FY17 FY18 1M in our core value 9

TRANSIT RIDERSHIP FY18 FY17 FY16All Routes 874 1187 1,763 704 Bio-Research Shuttle 1,081 2,407,707 638 Botanical Gardens 2,557,429 99,252 2,281,070 Bursley-Baits 82,283 1,891,245 105,173 Charter 1,980,944 1,742,583 Commuter 22,195 202,923 Crisler Express 219,404 4,355 192,640 Diag to Diag 8,808 547,081 4,668 Football 621,198 13,348 510,384 Med Express 20,510 9,789 Safe Ride 1,385,457 North Campus 1,434,706 302,823 1,341,290 Northwood 290,475 28,038 154,115 Northwood Express 33,350 46,326 146,593 Oxford 33,689 3,850 49,194 Oxford Shuttle 3,048 7,885 4,098 Paratransit Directly Operated 7,797 220,821 7,200 Paratransit Contracted 254,835 197,389 Wall Street - NIB 283,706 6,119 Night Owl 331,909 23,416 257,630 North-East Shuttle 20,430 7,464,752 17,959 Wall Street Express 7,915,389 7,028,532 TOTAL10

FY18 FY17 FY16 TRANSIT REVENUE HOURS 2,697 All RoutesBio-Research Shuttle 2,308 209 2,481Botanical Gardens 178 18,925 56 11Bursley-Baits 21,617 6,157 21,015Charter 5,274 30,812 4,769Commuter 33,196 31,132Crisler Express 1,442 3,217Diag to Diag 3,240 140 1,956Football 148 11,280 215Med Express 11,506 4,028 10,458Safe Ride 5,449 24,935 2,537Northwood 25,646 3,854 25,056Northwood Express 3,915 892 2,894Oxford 1,165 1,304 2,188Oxford Shuttle 1,521 3,304 2,234Paratransit Directly Operated 3,201 $11.55 2,791Paratransit Contracted $12.95 8,908 $11.35Wall Street - NIB 9,042 8,839Night Owl 18,910 1,021North-East Shuttle 20,998 2,613 19,676Wall Street Express 2,880 142,185 2,716TOTAL 152,726 142,034

Alternative TransportationLTP continues to promote transportation options for university employeesand students.  The LTP website features a commute calculator enablingmembers of the university community to calculate their commuting costsand potential savingsThe vanpool program continues to support roughly 100 vanpools. Thecontract for the program was re-negotiated in FY18, continuing thepartership with AAATA and adding Enterprise as the service provider.ArborBike bike sharing system suspended operations after the fall seasonin FY18. A new bike share vendor will be hired to operate a system in earlyFY19. Bike parking areas continue to be well-utilized around campus. 12

Alternative Transportation Program Numbers FY18 FY17 FY16Registered 15 25 20CarpoolsRegistered Carpool 30 58 48MembersVanpools 100 99 101Vanpoool 595 588 596PassengersZipcars 34 39 39Zipcar Reserving 1,200 976 1,092Members 14 14 21 4,417 4,381 4,381GM Car SharevehiclesBike Rackson Campus 13

Waste Management CollectionsIn FY18 Waste Management Services (WMS) replaced three front load FY18 FY17 FY16refuse trucks and also purchased a dedicated truck for food compost 5,295 Tons 5,274 Tonscollections. It is projected that WMS will collect close to 1,000 tons of Municipal Solid Waste 5,310 Tonsfood compost annually. (MSW)Beginning in FY19, WMS will use a new software program for billing and Roll Off MSW 1,444 Tons 1,276 Tons 1,265 Tonsrouting. The system was piloted this FY and will replace the current Roll Off Construction 412 Tons 706 Tons 428 Tonsmanually loaded system used for tracking collections. & Demolition (C&D)This software system allows our drivers to upload collections directly intothe database in real time while on route. The software is also set up tocapture frequently used metrics that greatly simplify the ability to obtainkey reporting data for both WMS and OCS. The billing process is alsoimproved, with most functions going from manual to automated entries. Scrap Wood 1,372 CYs 1,665 CYs 1,318 CYs Single Stream 2,709 Tons 3,021 Tons 2,454 Tons Recycling 859 Tons 624 Tons 461 Tons Compost Scrap Metal 468 Tons 364 Tons 526 Tons Polystyrene* 1,855 Bags 1,671 Bags 1,510 Bags14 15

FleetIn FY18 Fleet Services completed installation of a GPS system in allUniversity vehicles. Fleet Services also updated the specification documentused to spec out vehicles for customers. The new form streamlines theprocess and makes sending out bids for vehicles much easier for customersand vendors.The GPS system allows Fleet services to send detailed reports regardingvehicle utilization to customers on a monthly basis. Fleet Services is usingthe data collected by the GPS system to help determine where there areopportunities to reduce fleet sizes and to help determine what types ofvehicles are needed to meet customer needs when their current vehiclesare up for replacement. 16

Fleet Composition Fuel Dispensed (Gallons) Auto FY18 FY17 FY16 Unleaded FY18 FY17 FY16 Unleaded Biodiesel 360,899 E85 70 43 40 Ethanol 370,437 380,922 363,540 Hybrid 398 394 383 376,181 369,782 64,517 Subtotal 29 37 54 45,212 55,815 Trucks 497 474 477 FY16 Unleaded Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Checks 8,568 E85 265 247 225 8,147 Biodiesel 225 227 239 Checks FY18 FY17 112 Electric 31 28 28 Approved 309 Subtotal 3 5 6 Incomplete 7,848 7,821 Buses 524 507 498 Ineligible 7,738 7,690 Unleaded 99 107 Biodiesel 2 2 2 11 23 Hybrid 21 25 28 Subtotal 30 25 25 Daily Rentals FY18 FY17 FY16 TOTAL 53 52 55 5,703 5,111 4,050 1,074 1,033 1,030 Daily Rentals 17

GarageGarage Services has had two vehicle lifts repaired and has had an Work Orders by Vehicle Typeadditional one installed in the garage. The additional above groundautomotive lift provides fleet mechanics an extra lift to use when working Other FY18 FY17 FY16on heavy duty vans and trucks. Previously, there was only one lift with the Auto 80 107capacity to safely lift those vehicles and so the new lift doubled working Rental 88 1,813 1,724capacity for those types of vehicles. Two bus lifts had become unsafe to Truck 1,925 682 718operate due to age and were repaired. The bus garage now has all four of Transit Fleet 684 1,582 1,475their lifts in operation. TOTAL 1,777 865 1,130 888 5,022 5,154They have also implemented an electronic down board for the transit 5,362operations so that they now have a real time document to see the status FY17 FY16of the transit fleet while it is in the garage for repairs. A mechanic has been Work Orders by Repair Type 233 238promoted to Sr. Supervisor to fill a vacancy due to retirement. Two changes 160 156to the transit coach procurement were made, our new buses are coming FY18 195 147from the factory with their graphics installed on them and they also will 1,653 1,806have disc brakes. 345 3,191 3,560 126 5,432 5,907 Breakdowns 150 Body Shop 1,707 Modifications 3,551 PM 5,879 Repair TOTAL18

Labor Hours by Vehicle GroupOther FY18 FY17 FY16AutoRental 272 235 394Truck 4,318 4,292 4,209Transit Fleet 1,600 1,656 1,716TOTAL 3,794 3,913 4,075 9,001 8,371 8,803 18,985 18,467 19,197Heavy Equipment Work Orders by Repair Type FY18 FY17 FY16PM 238 266 334Other 932 835 721TOTAL 1,170 1,101 1,055 19

Parking P1 Cancer Center and P5 CVC are scheduled to be automated facilities while P2 Taubman and P4 Mott are scheduled to be hybrid facilities withIn FY18, parking demand across the University continued to grow. LTP both parking attendants and automated equipment. For FY18 revenue,and Michigan Medicine formed a Parking and Transportation Advisory transaction numbers appeared to be lower at the P4 Mott and P5 CVCCommittee to address the growing patient, visitor, and staff parking facility. This can be attributed to major repair projects that occurred in thoseneeds on the Medical Campus. Parking and Transportation solutions facilities Summer and Fall FY18 included: Parking Customer Services, as of February 2018, has all staff positions1 Expansion of NC53 (Orange). within the unit filled. Approval for a one year appointment for a customer2 Expansion of the Green Road Park & Ride (free commuter parking). service representative was approved to assist with customer service3 Crisler Express Bus service (Michigan Medicine transportation option interactions. Having the additional staff member to answer the ever increasing customer calls and emails has been a positive improvement from the Medical Campus to SC7) - service started Fall 2018 and has for the Parking Customer Services office. continued through FY18.4 East Ann Arbor Shuttle Service (cab service from East Ann Arbor to the Medical Campus with return service).5 Late Night Pilot Program (cab service from the Medical Campus to North Campus parking lots from 10:30 p.m. - 4 a.m.).Overall, the goal of the above efforts for parking and transportationsolutions are to ease the parking crunch and improve customersatisfaction. The Regents also approved a second Wall Street Structure.Parking Access Revenue Control Systems (PARCS) was installed at thePalmer Street Structure in January 2018. The visitor parking area is nowan automated parking facility. New PARCS equipment will be installedthrough several patient and visitors sections at Michigan Medicine inFY19-20.20

Active Parking Permits Parking TransactionsPermit Type FY18 FY17 FY16 Structure FY18 FY17 FY16 116,035 119,679Gold 1,803 1,756 1,699 Cancer Center (P1) 116,532 789,735 765,580Blue 17,769 17,579 16,609 274,487 259,238Yellow 9,113 8,873 8,563 Taubman North 791,656 63,884 65,608Orange 5,455 4,966 5,068 (P2) 1,244,141 1,210,105TOTAL 34,140 33,174 31,939 Mott/Simpson (P4) 237,312 92,567 91,493 330 acres 52,118 71,358 68,795 CVC (P5) 163,925 160,288 1,197,618 Sub-Total - Medical 1,408,066 1,370,393 15 Campus structures ~ 100 Fletcher St. 83,311 64,996 surface lots Palmer Dr. 148,307 Sub-Total - Central Campus TOTAL 1,345,925 21

FINANCIALSLTP Consolidated Financial Results FY18 FY17 FY16Dollars $$ 27,112,652 26,017,912 24,566,164Revenue 3,247,893 3,291,905 3,204,429Parking Permit Revenue 27,004,350 26,364,047 19,977,788Medical Campus Patient/VisitorLTP ServicesTotal Revenue 57,364,895 55,673,864 47,748,381Expenses 18,336,809 18,024,556 13,486,602Compensation & Benefits 5,087,582 3,382,139 3,467,126Services of Others - External 1,706,999 1,752,012 1,571,221Insurance 1,281,903 1,157,713 1,245,184Utilities 5,837,625 5,316,743 4,969,403UM Transportation 4,743,901 3,964,917 2,474,608Plant Operations, Maint, & Materials 1,483,269 1,135,509 2,033,496Other Expense22 23

PROJECT HIGHLIGHTSMichigan Medicine Parking & Transportation Solutions Connector and Mobility ResearchLTP has been working closely with Michigan Medicine on a number of In FY17 (January), the university and partners (City of Ann Arbor, AAATAnear and longer term solutions to help address parking and transportation and DDA) began discussing refocusing work of the Connector study tochallenges. Some highlights in FY18 include: address segments which are most congested and carry the highest volumes of trips. In FY18, the university began to explore less costly options for aWall Street West Structure: The University of Michigan’s Board of shorter segment connecting north and central campuses. The work is takingRegents approved a 1050-space, $39.5 million parking structure located a comprehensive look at the Fuller Road corridor and focusing on a highbetween Wall Street and Maiden Lane during its meeting on Thursday, capacity, dedicated right-of-way that accommodates current technologiesDec. 7. Project completion is anticipated at the end of 2020. and can incrementally support future advancements in technology, such as automated and connected vehicles.Commuter lot enhancements: The East Ann Arbor gravel lot was improvedand now has the capacity for 422 parking spaces. NC53 and Green Road At the request of UMOR and College of Engineering (COE), LTP hasCommuter lots were also expanded, by approximately 250 and 120 participated in an effort with General Motors since FY16 that launched a carspaces respectively. sharing program branded as Maven.Employee Parking Shuttle: To help improve parking capacity and access, LTP has been collaborating with the COE and is operating shuttles on behalfa new direct shuttle service launched in February 2018 for employees of RITMO (Reinventing Urban Transportation and mobility), a new on-demandbetween the East Ann Arbor (EC1) gravel parking lot (375 free parking transportation system developed by COE research. These shuttles mayspaces for MM employees) and the academic medical center. Service someday have the potential to supporthours are 5:45AM - 1AM M-F (until Saturday morning) with 5-10 minute LTP operations, working in conjunction with high-capacity transit routesfrequency during peak times. on campus.Late Night Transportation (Blue Car): A pilot program launched in LTP has been working closely with Mcity and U-M Transportation ResearchFall 2017 offering on demand cab service between Taubman and Institute in the exploration of autonomous and connected vehicle technology.northeast parking lots. Service hours are 10:30pm - 4am M-F These efforts may one day lead to solutions in mobility other than commuting(until Saturday morning). in single occupancy vehicles.Michigan Medicine Parking & Transportation Advisory Committee Transportation Facility(PTAC): Co-chaired by Michigan Medicine and F&O, a new committee(of approximately 15 employees) was formed to increase employee In FY16, the University decided not to move forward with plans to build aengagement in the identification, prioritization and implementation of new transportation operations and maintenance center on North Campusactions to improve parking and transportation for Michigan Medicine (originally approved in May 2014). The project had called for a $38.5 million,employees. A final report is anticipated in Summer 2018.24

100,000-square-foot building to be constructed near Green Road between Bike Share ProgramBaxter and Hubbard roads, relocating from Kipke Drive on the Stephen M.Ross Athletic Campus. The proposed center was planned to accommodate In her fall 2011 Sustainability Address, President Coleman identified thecurrent and future maintenance space needs, including the flexibility to goal of bringing a modern bike sharing system to campus. To further thishandle larger, articulated buses. idea, bike sharing was identified as a LTP Business and Finance priority for FY2013. Due to concurrent City and local agency interest, LTP hasDue to the cancellation of the project, LTP initiated a couple new projects focused on a collaborative approach to bike sharing since FY2012—workingin FY18: closely with the City of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority (AAATA) and Downtown Development Authority (DDA) to establish a • An interim plan to provide more immediate upgrades for Fleet and modern bike sharing system in Ann Arbor. A three-year pilot launched in Vehicle Maintenance operations on Ross Athletic Campus, while fall FY2015, where U-M committed an annual contribution of up to retaining all operations at that facility. $200,000 for three years to cover a large percentage of system operating expenses and assume title sponsorship. The pilot was extended during • A longer term plan (3-5 years) to relocate Transit and Heavy Equipment FY17. In FY18, AAATA assumed management of the Ann Arbor bike share to North Campus, while retaining and renovating spaces for Fleet and program. A new vendor will be selected by the end of FY18 - early FY19 Vehicle Maintenance on Ross Athletic Campus. to operate the system.Lighting Replacement Parking Automation ProjectLTP has continued its plan to upgrade parking lot and structure lighting. In FY2015, LTP retained a consultant to assist in the development of aIn FY18, new LED lighting was installed at the North Entrance parking long term plan for introducing greater automation in patient and visitorstructure (P1). The project included installation of a generator for structures. The effort emphasized customer experience as a primary focus.emergency power, new conduit, wiring and distribution panels. The fixturesselected offered integrated controls that reduce light output when ambient New parking access and revenue control systems (PARCS) were installedlight levels are high and during idle periods. In addition to parking bays, in the Palmer and Fletcher parking structures in early 2018. Palmer visitornew fixtures were installed on the roof, in stair/elevator towers, the elevator parking is now a fully automated while cashier and self-service equipmentshaft, and storage and service, electrical and mechanical rooms. An (intended for use after cashier operations end) is available at Fletcher. Newapproximate 70% energy reduction was achieved. PARCS equipment will be installed in the patient and visitor parking areas at medical campus parking facilities in FY18. P1 (North Entrance) and P5Parking lot lighting improvements also continued in FY18 with the (Cardiovascular Center) are planned to be automated facilities while P2installation of LED fixtures at three locations. In addition to specifically (East Medical Center) and P4 (Simpson Circle) are planned to be hybridplanned locations, parking lot lighting throughout the campus will be facilities with both cashiers and self-service equipment.upgraded to LED fixtures in lieu of making repairs to existing lights. Futureplanned relighting projects include the NCRC and Catherine structures inFY2019, and Fletcher and Church structures in 2020. 25


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