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Home Explore Welcome to The Bahamas

Welcome to The Bahamas

Published by ashley.albury, 2018-03-15 15:15:46

Description: Welcome to The Bahamas


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Welcome toAtlantisAt Atlantis Paradise Island, Bahamas, we recognize the idea of relocating to a new country,starting a new job and settling in your family can seem overwhelming. Now, after many years ofsuccessfully situating our international colleagues, we are pleased to offer this brochure as aguide.The following areas are covered :IMMIGRATION RELOCATION EDUCATION TRANSPORTATIONWork Permit Customs Private Schools Leasing Real Estate Colleges ShippingBANKING LIFESTYLEWe have covered several areas that affect your relocation in general terms, we welcome anyquestions you may have. Feel free to reach out to your recruitment representative. We are eager to dowhatever we can to further ease your transition to this new and exciting world of Atlantis, ParadiseIsland, Bahamas!

WE ARE….. WELCOME to the beginning of your future, to a career like no other, and an experience of a lifetime. You will be immersed in a culture that is driven and grounded in ‘Bahamianization.’ Join us and ‘be who you is,’ because we know that our most valuable asset is our human capital. Celebrating twenty years in The Bahamas, Atlantis, Paradise Island, is a unique, ocean-themed destination known the world over. Atlantis is defined by our luxurious accommodations, beautiful beaches and pools, amazing water attractions, marine life exhibits, marine mammal education and attraction programs. A one-of-a-kind water park, a world class casino, a championship golf course, a mega-yacht marina, celebrity chef restaurants, a shopping village, and a variety of guest activities and experiences that can be found here. This paradise is also all about the people. Our culture, values and heritage. Our ideas, dreams and stories. Our unique Bahamian spirit. We are here to walk this journey with you hand-in-hand. Sincerely your HR team

About TheBahamasStretched between the depths of the North Atlantic andFlorida’s eastern coast, The Bahamas comprises of morethan 700 islands and 2,400 cays, most uninhabited and allfringed by spectacular coral and fathomless oceantrenches.The archipelago is an ecological oasis which boasts theclearest water on the planet. “Discovered” by 1492 and almost entirely ruled by pirates in the 1700’s,The Bahamas eventually gained independence fromBritain in 1973.Each island of The Bahamas has its unique story thatcontributes to the country’s rich history. There’s sailingaround the Abaco’s history-filled Loyalist cays, diving thespooky blue holes of Andros, kayaking the 365 Exuma caysand lounging on Eleuthera’s pink sandy beaches.Bahamians celebrate their colorful history in so many waysand are proud to welcome visitors to explore and learnabout the people and events that helped shape the Islandsof The Bahamas into the fascinating place it is today.

KEY FACTSKEY FACTS Nassau (on the Island of New Providence) Approximately 330,000CapitalCity:Population:Official language: English Currency: Bahamian Dollar (B$) (equivalent in value to the US Dollar). BothGovernment: currencies are accepted everywhere.Weather: Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchyTime zone: FahrenheitDriving Lane:Area Code: ESTVoltage: Left 242 120V 60H 5

Bahamas Immigration Your Recruiting Representative will ensure your work permit and renewals where applicable are submitted in an efficient and timely matter. At the appropriate time, you will be requested to provide some or all of the following documents. Depending on the job requirements, we may request documents in addition to those listed here: Passport photos Copy of birth certificate Copy of passport Original marriage certificate (where applicable) Original police record Character references Food handlers certificate (where applicable) RENEWALS Copy of passport Original Police Record Medical Certificate It is advisable that our International colleagues who are not Americans should obtain an American Visa in the event that a connecting flight is needed through the United States . USEFUL LINKS The following are some useful links to Bahamas Immigration, the United States Embassy and other related links: The Government of the Bahamas, Immigration The American Embassy, Nassau, Bahamas Listing of Embassies located in Nassau

SpousesThe Immigration Department allows spouses to apply forpermanent residency in the Bahamas. A permit to residedoes not allow spouses to engage in gainful occupationhowever, there are local associations that he or she maywish to connect with. A list of local associations islocated in the Personal Telephone Directory section ofthis brochure.• The documents required for a permit to reside are:• Notarized Form 1 application• Two passport photos• Original medical certificate – dated within 30 days of submission• Copy of passport• Copy of marriage certificate• Two original character references – signed and dated within 90 days of submission• Original police certificate covering the last 5 years of residence 7

Relocation Temporary Accommodation For your comfort and convenience, we will arrange accommodations for you and your family at the hotel for a thirty day period, to afford you the opportunity to source on island living accommodations. On –Island Housing Paradise Island housing provides housing in close proximity to Atlantis Resort, however the cost is significantly higher than housing on New Providence (Nassau). There is a list of real estate agents in the Personal Telephone Directory section of this brochure. Shipping We recommend you bring items to meet your immediate and short term needs on your initial trip and assess the need to ship your remaining items while you are here. Furniture and vehicles incur customs du ty ranging from 45% to 75%. For more information on Customs in the Bahamas please visit For a list of freight forwarding companies in the Bahamas, please see

EducationThe Bahamas boasts a high rate of literacy and our education system is based on the British model. Bothprivate and public school options are available as follows:Primary for children ages five to tenSecondary for ages eleven to seventeenPrivate Colleges & UniversityVisit for more information onpublic and private schools in the Bahamas.A list of colleges and private schools are also included in the Personal Telephone Directory of thisbrochure.

TransportationYou will require a Bahamian drivers license to operate a motor vehicle. We recommend that you apply for theBahamian Drivers License shortly after your arrival. The documents required for obtaining a driver’s license are:  Valid passport  Permit to reside in The Bahamas (issued by The Bahamas Immigration Department)  National Insurance Card  Copy of a Driver’s License Step by step at the Licensing Office • Complete a Client Registration with a Customer Service Representative “CSR” • Upon verification of the relevant information, the CSR will request your photograph and signature. • Inform the CSR whether you are renewing for 1 or 3 years. (1 year - $20.00, 3 years - $60.00) • Pay the cashier and depending on your location, you will receive your driver’s license or a receipt to return and collect as per “Turn Around Times”. Turn Around Times: 1. New Providence Stadium Office– SAME DAY 2. Carmichael Rd. Office – NEXT DAY For more information, contact the Road Traffic Department at the address provided in the Personal Telephone Directory. Drivers’ License Unit: Thomas A. Robinson Stadium Eastern Entrance Section 4 P.O. Box N-1615 Nassau, The Bahamas Email: [email protected] Tel.: (242)604-5403 Fax: (242)322-8910

Banking Your Recruitment Representative will make the appointment and accompany you to your bank of choice. However, we recommend Scotia Bank on Paradise Island which is in close proximity. Your Personal Banking Officer will offer advice on foreign currency transfer and other matters related to your personal banking. Required documents: -Passport -NIB Card -Work Permit Card --Minimum of $400 cash Whilst the Bahamian Dollar is equivalent in value to the US Dollar, banks charge a nominal fee to change Bahamian currency to US currency. Some other key facts regarding banking in the Bahamas:  Only secured credit cards are available.  Loans are only approved to match to length of your  Visa (Work Permit).  International currency transfers in excess of $10,000.00 are taxed and must be declared.

Health &MedicalHigh quality healthcare is available on the Island. There are three major hospitals and manyphysicians and specialists practicing in Nassau. Air ambulance services are also available. Please seethe Personal Telephone Directory Section of this brochure for contact details. The link to theAmerican Embassy’s website provided earlier, also has a list of local medical practitioners.CommunicationLand lines, cellular phone service and internet access are all reliable in Nassau. There are tw ocommunication providers: The Bahamas Telecommunications Company and Cable Bahamas.In addition to the local postal service, major courier services such as FedEx and DHL are also located inNassau.Details of private postal companies such “Post boxes etc” are located in the Personal DirectorySection.

LifestyleThere is a calm civility about the Bahamas that is evident almost immediately on arrival. The pace isslower than most major cities and you will find yourself stopping to enjoy the view in the middle of abusy day.At Atlantis, Paradise Island, we strive to achievethe work / life balance by encouraging ourteam members to stop and enjoy the view.There is an abundance of high-end restaurants,lounges, spas and sporting activities on theIsland, to ensure your downtime is trulyrejuvenating.Supermarkets are conveniently locatedthroughout the island and most of them willstock items you are familiar with. Organic foodoutlets are also available bu t may not be asconveniently located. Shopping malls arelimited.For spouses who would like to become involvedin the community, please refer to the directoryfor a list of associations. 13

Day to Day at AtlantisOne of your first priorities as an Atlantis team Understand that while you are here because ofmember who is new to the Bahamas, is to your particular skill-set and knowledge, theunderstand the culture and work ethic of the application of those attributes may differpopulation. slightly as you seek to train and develop your team members. Recognize also that seeking toUnderstanding the Bahamian employee and learn from your colleagues may make thisdeveloping a healthy professional relationship transition smoother and more effective.with your colleagues, can only be achievedwith respect for and orientation to the cultural It is a rich Bahamian tradition to always greetidentity, social norms and values of the people. each other, “Good Morning” or “Good Evening”. If you do not respond, it may beFollowing are some tips for navigating through seen as unfriendly.this, sometimes, delicate phase: Be careful about your choice of words. What Be willing to accept the way things are done in may be acceptable in your home environment your country is not necessarily superior to what may not be appropriate in your new you experience here; it is simply different. environment. Take on a learner’s attitude as you seek to Help your team members to grow and develop understand why people do things the way they and to see opportunities beyond their current do, before questioning their habits and positions. Build strong working relationships and behaviors. Keep an open mind about common be comfortable sharing information and practices such as food, religion, past-times and responsibility. customs. Be tolerant of situations that may take time to Be open to change your approach to business change. Seek input from your team members issues, opportunities and the way things are when wanting to introduce new ideas or done. Stretch yourself to be more creative and concepts. Help them to see the bigger picture. innovative in your approach to business. Your team members and colleagues are keen to welcome you. They are excited to show you their unique way of meeting demanding obligations, while developing and maintaining a mutual respect for the cultural diversity that exists at Atlantis, Paradise Island. Seek input from team members and Human Resources when seeking new ideas

Things to Do Whether sightseeing or a beach day there is always something fun to see and do, follow the links to find activities that may interest you. Year’s Day (January 1st)Junkanoo parades take place in most islands.Majority Rule Day (January 10th)Majority Rule Day became a public holiday in 2014. It commemorates The Bahamas gaining majority rule for the first time onJanuary 10, 1967, symbolizing the promise of equality, a level playing field, and fair play for all Bahamians.Good Friday (Friday before Easter Sunday)This religious holiday marks the end of the Lenten season and is the first day of a long holiday weekend which includes thefollowing Monday after Easter Sunday. On this holy day most Bahamians attend church services and serve fish as their mainmeal of the day.Easter Monday (Monday after Easter Sunday)This holiday marks the beginning of the beach picnicking season for Bahamians. There are also many cookouts in public parkson the Nassau waterfront; homecomings and regattas are held in some Out Islands.Whit Monday (Seventh Monday after Easter)This holiday marks the end of the Easter cycle and the beginning of public witness of the Christian church.Randol Fawkes Labour Day (First Friday in June)Sir Randol Fawkes established Labour Day in 1961, and it is now named in his honor. On this holiday, members of the laborunions from different organizations, as well as political parties, march in a large parade through the streets of downtownNassau, usually in colorful uniforms, beginning around 10:00 a.m. Local bands and a few Junkanooers lead the parades,providing lively music for the marchers and spectators.

Things to Do cont… Bahamas Independence Day (July 10th) This holiday commemorates the day when The Bahamas became a fully independent nation in 1973, separating from the United Kingdom. However, we remain a member of The Commonwealth of Nations. Emancipation Day/August Monday (First Monday in August) This holiday celebrates the emancipation of slaves in the British colonies in 1834. It is celebrated with a Junkanoo Rush-out, a day of beaching, sailing, and regattas in most islands. National Heroes Day (Second Monday in October) Formerly known as \"Discovery Day\" or \"Columbus Day,\" this holiday has now been dedicated to honoring Bahamian national heroes since 2013. Many people enjoy the day with family gatherings and beach picnics. Christmas Day (December 25th) Christmas is celebrated in The Bahamas with many events such as Junkanoo, carnival . Boxing Day (December 26th) This holiday was granted to slaves the day after Christmas, when they were given the boxes left over from their master’s gifts. These boxes usually were sent from England and were well-crafted from fine wood. Hence the holiday is known as Boxing Day. Junkanoo parades take place on some islands to commemorate the day. Please note: •Holidays falling on a Saturday or Sunday are usually celebrated on the following Monday •Holidays falling on Tuesday are usually celebrated on the previous Monday •Holidays falling on Wednesday or Thursday are celebrated on the following Friday (with the exception of Independence Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day) •Banks/businesses and many shops are closed on public holidays

Personal TelephoneDirectoryFire 911Police 911Air Ambulance 322-2881BASRA (Bahamas Air & Sea Rescue) 322-3877Doctor’s Hospital (Private) 302-4747Lyford Cay Hospital (Private) 362-4400Princess Margaret Hospital (Public) 322-2861

AssociationsThe Rotary Club 351-6032 rotarybahamas.orgKiwanis Club 394-4695 kbahamas.orgThe Red Cross Society 323-7370 bahamas.caribbeanredcross. orgProject Read 394-2426Bahamas National Trust 393-1317 bnt.bsNational Art Gallery 328-5800 firstcaribbeanbank.comFidelity Bank (Bahamas) Ltd. 325-8591 Caribbean International Bank 322-8455 amasRoyal Bank of Canada (Bahamas) 356-8500 bahamas.scotiabank.comScotiabank Bahamas Ltd. 356-1400 18

Car Dealers 397-1700 356-7100 Executive Motors 328-2285 Friendly Ford 394-0323 Honda/Nassau Motor Co. Ltd. 322-3775 Montague Motors Ltd. 326-6377 Quality Auto Sanpin Motors Ltd.Courier/MailFederal Express 322-5656 Worldwide Express Ltd. 322-7193Mailboxes Etc. 394-1508 mbeglobal.comPost Boxes Etc. 327-7678

Customs BrokerageFirmsPinder’s Custom Brokers 393-3795Tropical Brokerage Service Ltd. 393-3524Global United 377-0164Real EstateAgency GuideBahamas Realty 396-0000 bahamasrealty.bsCaldwell Banker 393-8630 coldwellbankerbahamas.comDupuch Real Estate 393-1811 erabahamas.comGraham Real Estate 356-5030 grahamrealestate.comHG Christie 322-1041 hgchristie.comIsland Living Real Estate 322-7979 islandlivingrealestate.comMosko Realty 326-6441 moskorealty.comParadise Sales & Rentals 363-4000

Schoolsand Colleges/UniversitiesKingsway Academy 324-2158 kingswayacademy.comLyford Cay International 362-4774 lcis.bsQueens College 393-1666 qchenceforth.comSt. Andrews School 324-2621 st-andrews.comTambearly School 327-5965 324-2158Bahamas Technical & Vocational (BTVI) 362-4774 of The Bahamas (UB) 393-1666 Southeastern UniversityUniversity of the West Indies 324-2621 Campus

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