ISPECTRUMIssue 07/May - June 2014 MAGAZINEThe Ancient Astronomersof Nabta PlayaWilliam Tuke:Changing the Face ofPsychological Carehealth and emotionsan INTERVIEW WITHMONA LISA SCHULTZHistory & Physicsof Fire in the BloodThe Origin of Bioelectric Negentropy
CONTENTS Features 14 06 03 The Ancient Astronomers 38 of Nabta Playa 04 The Early People of Nabta Playa 06 The stone structures of Nabta Playa 10 The enigma of the table rocks 11 The end of the Nabta civiliza- tion and the rise of the great Nile cities 14 William Tuke: Changing the Face of Psychological Care 17 The Quakers and the York Asylum 21 Tuke’s treatments 22 The new form of asylum 25 Health and Emotions AN INTERVIEW WITH MONA 3 LISA SCHULTZ 28 Medicine, intuition and affirma- tions 31 Dialectical Behavioral Therapy 34 Thought patterns 36 Love yourself just the way you are 25 38 History & Physics of Fire in the Blood The Origin of Bioelectric Negentropy 42 Implosion in blood 1
editorial Mado Martinez Ancient civilizations… what mysteries Editorial Director do they hide? This issue opens with a fascinating article about Nabta Playa, a Ispectrum remarkable site composed of hundreds of prehistoric tumuli, stelae, and megalithic magazine structures located in the Nubian Desert (Egypt). Published Bimonthly ISSN 2053-1869 Following our tradition, our psychology Editorial Director section brings you the most interest- Mado Martinez, ing topics in the field. On this occasion, [email protected] we approach the figure of William Tuke, the first person to view mental illness Art Director as a disease from which a sufferer could Rayna Petrova actually recover; this was reflected in his [email protected] treatment of patients with sympathy and dignity rather than disgust. Copy Editing and Proofreading Matt Loveday Our readers know that Ispectrum Magazine [email protected] always has the privilege of interviewing renowned scientists and researchers from Jennifer James all the fields, and this time our interview was with Mona Lisa Schultz, psychia- Charlotte Shelton trist and neuroscientist, who spoke to us about emotions. Do they matter for our Contributing Writers physical health? How much? What can April Holloway we do to manage our emotions? Rob Hutchinson Controversial or not, Dan Winter always shoots fire with his theories like this one Dan Winter about the electrical origin and history of negentropic centripetal fields in blood, Images titled History and Physics of Fire in the Cover : © Deep sky image of the constellation Blood. Orion, Mouser from Wikimedia Commons , , As always, thanks for reading. Please , share and comment, we want to have your feedback and to know what inter- ests you. 2 [email protected] +44 7938 707 164 (UK) Follow Us
“Nabta Playa calendar in Aswan Nubia museum” Photo credit: Rawmbetz is licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0 by April Holloway website The Ancient Astronomers of Nabta Playa3
N abta Playa is a remarkable in the world. Some archaeologists site composed of hundreds of believe that the people of Nabta prehistoric tumuli, stelae, and Playa were the precursor civilization megalithic structures located for the first Nile cities that arose inin the Nubian Desert, approximately Egypt thousands of years later.100 kilometers west of Abu Simbel in to live as normal a life as possible.southern Egypt. They are the result of His courageous determination toan advanced urban community that carry on led to many studies intoarose approximately 11,000 years his condition, books being writtenago, and left behind a huge assembly about him and an illuminating BBCof stones, which have been labelled documentary of his struggles - Theby scientists as the oldest known Man Who Lost His Body.astronomical alignments of megaliths4
The ancient remains to be several decades are known today, andof Nabta Playa were before researchers dis- began to realize thefirst discovered in 1974 covered the dozens of role and importance ofby a group of scientists stone structures that these great megaliths.led by Fred Wendorf,an Anthropology The Early People of NabtaProfessor from the PlayaSouthern MethodistUniversity in Texas. Although Nabta Playa year, and thereby sup-The team of research- currently lies within port life for both ani-ers had stopped for a a dry and unforgiving mals and humans.break during the ardu- desert, it was not alwaysous journey from the this way. Scientists Archaeological evi-Libyan border to the have been able to dence appears to sug-Nile Valley when, as determine that around gest that the first set-Wendorf explained, “we 10,000 BC, a climatic tlements of people inwere standing there change occurred over Nabta Playa arrivedminding our own busi- North Africa caused between 11,000 andness, when we noticed by a northward shift 9,300 years ago.potsherds and other of the summer mon- Wendorf, and ethno-artifacts.” It was to be soons. This change linguist Christopherthe start of an incred- brought enough rain- Ehret, have suggestedible discovery. fall to the region to that the people who fill a number of playas occupied the region at Wendorf made sev- (dry lakes) for at least this time were pasto-eral more visits to the several months of thesite during the 1970sand 1980s, each timediscovering somethingnew. But the real sig-nificance of Nabta Playawas not recognised fora long time, and it was 5
ral nomads, who may ple were able to survive the settlements werehave set up season- by hunting and eating abandoned. However,al camps, moving on wild plants. By around the droughts even-again when the water 8,100 years ago, there tually subsided and,dried up. People of is evidence of domes- after a 1,000-year hia-this time herded cattle tication of animals, tus, groups of peopleand made ceramic ves- including goats and began returning to thesels. Although very few sheep, and the estab- Playa. It was from thisceramics have been lishment of an orga- time onwards, that thefound from this time nized labor force. region saw the arrivalperiod, those that have of a substantially moreare considered to be Between 8,000 and complex and advancedamong the oldest iden- 7,000 years ago, the society and it was dur-tified in Africa. region suffered two ing this period that most major droughts which of the major megalithic Around 9,000 years caused the water level structures were con-ago, the settlements to be significantly structed. It is consid-became larger and lowered. Nabta Playa ered to be the heightmore sophisticated became hyper-arid and of human occupationand the people built virtually lifeless and at Nabta Playa.huts with fire hearths,arranged in straightrows, and started todig deep walk-in wells,enabling them to have ayear-round water sup-ply, thus providing theconditions necessaryfor permanent settle-ment. During this time,the area was grasslandand supported gazelleand hare and the peo- 6
“Megaliths from Nabta Playa displaid in the garden of the Aswan Nubia museum” Photo credit: Rawmbetz is licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0 The stone structures of Nabta Playa Over several thousand years of The megaliths can be found in sev- habitation, the people of Nabta eral separate clusters, arranged Playa constructed numerous mega- in an approximately north-south lithic monuments, including stone direction. In the northern most circles, underground tombs, huge area of the site, there is a group of stone slabs, and rows of stelae, around ten tumuli (mounds of earth which extend over about 2,500 and stones raised over a grave), meters. The megalithic monuments which are made from sandstone, are among some of the oldest in and have been found to contain the the world, pre-dating Stonehenge remains of cattle. by thousands of years. 7
The cattle graves “The skeleton of a young cow found in a chamber under a tumulus” Photo credit: Romuald Schild Most of the tumuli found in thecluster were composed of unshapedstones that contained piles ofbones belonging to cattle, goats,and sheep. However, one tumulusstood out above all the others, as itwas larger, and dug into the groundsurrounded by a clay frame. Inside,archaeologists found the remainsof an entire young cow, dating backaround 7,400 years. The cow hadbeen covered with broken rocksthat formed a mound eight metersin diameter and one meter high. The skeleton of a young cow found in a chamber under a tumulus The discovery was significant as Playa may have been used as athe piles of cattle bones and the regional ceremonial centre, whichconstruction of the tumuli for the was unprecedented in Africa atremains suggest that the animals that time. Although similar mega-were sacrificed and that much effort lithic structures have been foundwent into their burial. The practice in other areas, they are generallyof sacrifice is usually associated dated much later than those foundwith a belief in a god or gods and so in Nabta Playa.this finding, combined with the dis-covery of megalith alignments andstone circles, suggest that Nabta 8
The calendar circle Approximately, 300 Nmetres south of thecattle grave is a stone An outline of stone positions in the calendar circlecircle, which is anoth-er significant feature of made up of a number of are two rows of threethe site. Dating back at stones, including four stones. Using satelliteleast 7,000 years, the pairs of larger stones, technology, surveys bystone circle is among and then a series of Wendorf and Universitythe oldest of archeo- smaller stones. In the of Colorado Professor,astronomical devices, centre of the circle J. McKim Malville,designed as a prehis-toric calendar to marktwo significant celes-tial phenomena – thesummer solstice, whichis associated with theonset of summer rains,and the arrangementof stars in the nightsky, which they usedto guide themselvesacross the desert. The stone circle, whichmeasures only fourmeters in diameter, is 9
Constellation Orionrevealed that two of the southern row of were naturally formedthe pairs align to form a three stones inside the by the desert winds,north-south line, while circle represent the and contained numer-the other two pairs form three stars of Orion’s ous megalithic struc-an east-west line. The Belt, while the other tures, most of which areeast-west alignment is three stones repre- now clusters of brokencalculated to be where sent the shoulders and rocks. Along the north-the sun would have heads stars of Orion as ern hill, a 600-meterrisen and set from the they appeared in the long stretch of largesummer solstice 6500 sky thousands of years upright megaliths wasyears ago. ago. built, some of which would have weighed Astrophysicist Thomas Even further south, several tons. MalvilleG. Brophy, former NASA there are two flat- has claimed that thephysicist, suggests that topped knolls, which arrangement of stones on the knolls were 10
aligned to Ursa Majoris “Lifting a table rock from one of the pits” Photo credit: Romuald Schild(a yellow dwarf starapproximately 46 light-years away from Earthin the constellation ofUrsa Major), between6,700 and 6,000 yearsago.The enigma of thetable rocks Another significant that has mystified sci- have been located infeature of Nabta Playa entists since their dis- this the series of small covery is, how did themegalithic stone com- people of Nabta Playa Once located, the peo-plexes that had been find them? There would ple of Nabta Playa fur-built on top of table have been no visible ther shaped the tablerocks. Table rocks trace of the rocks at rocks to have convexare large mushroom- that time. One sug- sides and one straightshaped rocks that are gestion is that they edge that faced north.naturally formed by were discovered by They then placed anoth-erosion. Over thou- accident during digging er large shaped stonesands of years, they for wells, but it would placed horizontally onbecame buried by sev- seem to be somewhat top of the table rock,eral metres of clay and of a coincidence for so which some believesilt, so one question many table rocks to had been sculpted to 11
resemble a cow or Testing was carried have had a practicalother large animal. A out by dating char- function, like the cal-number of other rocks coal found around the endar circle, or theywere placed to hold the structures, although may have represented‘sculpture’ in position, this is not a full-proof something that heldand the pit was then method. meaning at the time.filled in with sediment. Perhaps more excava-Scientists believe that It is not yet known tion work may revealthe ‘sculptures’ date why the ancient people more of the secrets ofback to between 5,500 created these unusual this unusual place.and 5,000 years ago. structures. They mayThe end of the Nabta civilizationand the rise ofthe great Nile cities Around 5,000 years were forced to migrate made their way to theago, the civilization of to a more habitable Nile Valley, stimulatingthe Megalith builders of area, but the question the growth and devel-Nabta Playa collapsed remains – where did opment of the greatwhen there was anoth- they go? Nile cities that subse-er climatic change quently arose in Egypt.and the deadly desert Some archaeolo-returned once again to gists, such as J McKim “Within some 500the area. The inhab- Malville, believe that years after the exodusitants of the region the people of Nabta from Nabta, the step 12
pyramid at Saqqara was construct- resent Orion’s Belt, which also helded, indicating that there was a pre- an important place within ancientexisting cultural base, which may Egyptian astronomy. Wendorf andhave originated in the desert of Schild (2004) point out anotherUpper Egypt. An exodus from the intriguing feature:Nubian desert at 5000 years agocould have precipitated the devel- “Perhaps the most convincing tieopment of social differentiation in between the myths and religion ofpre-dynastic cultures through the Ancient Egypt and the Cattle Herdersarrival in the Nile valley of nomadic of the South Western Desert are thegroups who were better organized groups of Nabta Basin stelae. Theand possessed a more complex cos- stelae here face the circumpolarmology.” (Malville, Wendorf, Mazar region of the heavens. According to& Schild, 1998) The Big Dipper According to Schild and Wendorf,there is enough evidence to sug-gest that at least some of the rootsof ancient Egyptian beliefs, magic,and religion, originated with thepeople of Nabta Playa. For exam-ple, some of the stalae at NabtaPlaya are aligned with the brighteststar of the pattern of seven starsknown as the Big Dipper, whichforms part of the Ursa Major con-stellation. Records indicate thatthis star was also very impor-tant in ancient Egyptian cosmol-ogy. Furthermore, the row of threemegaliths within the calendar circleof Nabta Playa are believed to rep- 13
the early Egyptian mortuary textsknown as the Pyramid Texts, this isa place where the stars never dieand where there is no death at all”. The series of associations between About: April Holloway,the complex and structured societ- April BSc (Psychol),ies that developed over thousands Holloway is a writerof years in the Nubian Desert,and the great Nile cities of ancient and editor atEgypt, suggests that the rise of theinfluential and powerful civilization, a websiteof ancient Egypt extends back muchfurther than initially believed. dedicated to exploring andREFERENCES reconstructing the story of humanity’s past. April writes hundreds of articles every year on topics relating to archaeol- ogy, anthropology, human ori- gins, unexplained phenomena, ancient technology, and myths and legends from around the world.F. Wendor and R. Schild (1998). Late Neolithic of Nabta Playa. Focus on Archaeology,Megalithic Structures at Nabta Playa (Sahara). Academia 1, no. 1, pp 10-15.Available from: M. Gaffney (2006). The Astronomers of Nabtaplaya_W%26S.htm Playa. Atlantis Rising, 56, pp 42-43.F. Wendorf and R. Schild (1998). Nabta Playa J. McK Malville, R. Schild, F. Wendorf, and R.and its Role in Northeastern African Prehistory, Brenmer (2007). Astronomy of Nabta Playa.Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 17, African Sky, 11, p 2.pp 97-123.F. Wendorf and R. Schild (2004). The Megaliths 14
William Tuke:Changing the Face of PsychologicalCare by Rob Hutchinson website www.ispectrummagazine.comW illiam Tuke, a Yorkshire so successful that it caused a Quaker, opened ‘The fundamental shift in the laws Retreat’ in York, relating to mental illness andEngland, in 1796. Tuke was its treatment. The following isone of the first to view men- the story of The Retreat andtal illness as a disease from William Tuke, both of whichwhich a sufferer could actually played a defining part in revo-recover, reflected in his treat- lutionizing age old attitudesment of patients with sympa- to mental illness and servingthy and dignity rather than as a model for how asylumsdisgust. The Retreat became should be run. 15
and public service. Little else is known about Tuke’s early life, but after the death of a Quaker at the York Asylum, Tuke’s name would be forever written into history and be referenced in almost all texts refer- ring to the development of moral treatment for the mentally ill. Born In this era it was a commonin 1732, assumption (by experts and theWilliam public), that the mad were wildTuke belonged to a leading Quaker beasts, whose madness could notfamily in York. He came from a long be tamed. Some were viewed asline of non-conformists, with his less than human or even possessedgrandfather having been a support- by dark forces. Although lunaticer of the Society of Friends (later the asylums did exist they were com-Quakers), suffering imprisonment parable to a torture chamber, withand losing his property because patients far better off on the outsideof his religious beliefs. Having rather than the inside. A regime ofthe benefit of being from a well terror reigned in the asylums, withfinanced family William received a brutal treatments such as suddenvery strong education, later in life immersion in cold baths, blistering,being taught by a clergyman which debilitating purges and long termundoubtedly strengthened his reli- immobilization in manacles. Withgious and moral idealism. Much of the general conception that luna-his early adult life was spent in the tics had lost their reason beyondmerchant business, but he always recovery, it seemed to give freefound time to pursue philanthropic 16
reign to these tortur-ous practices. You couldbe forgiven for thinkingthat the administratorsof these asylums hadtaken a page from theSpanish Inquisition. 17
In 1790 a Quaker, a person can never be trying to bring togeth-Hannah Mills, was extinguished. This new er the Quakers to helpinterned at the York form of asylum would bring his vision intoAsylum, which was focus on treatment different from any with the goal of recov-of the other asylums ery, rather Daniel Hack Tukeof that day and age. than sheerFriends of Mills, living brutality insome distance away, the hopeasked acquaintances in of beatingthe village to check on the mad-her. Arriving at the asy- ness outlum they were turned of some-away and refused one.access, and later on itwas discovered that in Althoughfact Mills had died in he had athe squalid conditions strong willthere. The Quakers and a phil-became suspicious that anthrop-she should die after ic goal, itonly a few weeks in was notthe asylum and on vis- so easy toiting there they found raise thethat the patients were moneytreated inhumanely. required to build a newAppalled at what he asylum. William Tuke’ssaw there William Tuke grandson, Daniel Hacktook charge of a proj- Tuke, described in anect for a new type of account in 1885 theasylum based upon problems his greatthe Quaker principles grandfather endured inof morality and a basisthat the inner light of 18
‘In the spring of the year 1792, William Tuke made thememorable proposition to a meeting of the Society ofFriends held in York, that it should have an institution underits own control, for the care and proper treatment of thosewho ‘laboured under that most afflictive dispensation – theloss of reason’. But the proposition was far from meet-ing, in the first instance, with a cordial response. Some ofthe speakers denied the want of any such institution; othersmaintained that it was entirely out of the province of suchan assembly to enter into a consideration of the subject; andthe greater part manifested (what might naturally have beenexpected) little acquaintance either with the extent to whichinsanity existed, or with the actual condition of the insane.A small number, however, including his eldest son, and thewell-known grammarian, Lindley Murray, warmly seconded theproposal. At the subsequent conferences on the subject muchfresh evidence, which had been collected, was earnestly putforward, and at length the non-contents were satisfied, andallowed the following resolution to be carried: ‘That in caseproper encouragement be given, ground be purchased, and abuilding be erected sufficient to accommodate thirty patients,in an airy situation, and at as short a distance from York asmay be, so as to have the privilege of retirement; and thatthere be a few acres for keeping cows, and for garden groundfor the family, which will afford scope for the patients totake exercise when that may be prudent and suitable’ – aresolution which indicates, very clearly, the enlightened benev-olence of its authors. This was also evinced by the name pro-posed for the establishment – “The Retreat” – by which itwas “intended to convey the idea of what such an institu-tion should be, namely a place in which the unhappy mightobtain a refuge; a quiet haven in which the shattered barkmight find the means of reparation, or of safety’’.’ 19
As Daniel Hack some of the Quakers, especially those whoTuke’s account although religiously inclined had little under-shows quite clearly, standing of mental illness itself. It took two years forhis great grandfather Tuke to obtain the necessary funds and garner enough support forhad an encompassing the project. Throughout this timevision for what the asylumshould be like. In comparison towhat already existed at the time itmust have seemed even fanciful to Microcosm of London Plate-Quakers'Meeting(1809) 20
Tuke never lost his passion andurgency for the project. At onepoint he travelled to St Luke’sHospital, hoping to increase hisknowledge on the treatment ofthe insane. The patients herewere in a state of such mis-ery and hopelessness that itshocked him deeply, especiallythe case of one woman whowas chained naked to a walland left there with only dirtystraw as a bed. Although hehad so far faced some prob-lems in his project this experi-ence left him in no doubt thatit had to succeed. EventuallyTuke had amassed the requisitemoney to commence building Original Building of The Retreat,York(1797)The Retreat. In 1796 The Retreat opened, set capacity. It is likely that from thein the countryside of York. Tuke outside people viewed The Retreathad attached great importance to as some strange religious projectthe idea that patients should have rather than a serious attempt attime to reflect and open spaces to curing the insane. After all, no-onehave access to nature as part of the had ever seen or heard of anythingrehabilitation process. Although the like it. Tuke found that many peo-building held 30 people at first there ple derided it at first, even makingwere only three patients. Gradually fun of it and distancing themselvesthis increased to eight, way below from him. There were no chains or manacles and patients were free to walk the grounds. Physical punish- ment was strictly forbidden. 21
Tuke focusedtreatmentstowards per-sonalized atten- In addition to the personal- ized therapies there was a strongtion and kind community bond built within The Retreat based upon trust and order.heartedness. Everyone felt part of the community and could help contribute to dailyHe believed that life. Patients wore their own clothes and were treated as people whocompassion, had temporarily lost social behav- iours but that they could recovernot cruelty, them through moral strength and self-restraint.could help curethose afflictedwith many men-tal illnesses.Occupationaltherapy wasintroduced, withpatients encour-aged toengageinmild labour in Tuke focused treatmentsthe fields, giv- towards personalized attentioning them a and kind heartedness. He believedsense of worth that compassion, not cruelty,and reminding could help cure those afflicted withthem of thelives they used many mental live. In thepicturesque andtranquil settingsTuke’s treatmentsbegan to take effect. 22
To begin with there so profusely in other William Tuke’s grand-was a minimal use of asylums actually made son Samuel put greatrestraints. patients worse, where- emphasis in his 1813Doors were locked and as allaying the fears of book ‘Description ofthe window frames patients helped them. The Retreat’ on thewere actually iron bars, Jepson and Tuke built a importance of improv-with straightjackets strong relationship built ing morale for peopleemployed only when around their principles in distress and howabsolutely necessary. and together started to this should be achievedAlthough the gardens bring the treatment of through a combina-were beautiful, at the the insane out of the tion of environmentaloutskirts there was a dark ages. Originally and practical consider-sunken wall, almost there was no intention ations. Samuel encap-invisible at a distance, to form a new model sulated The Retreat’sto stop patients from of treatment for the methods and philoso-escaping. Medical treat- mentally ill, only to phy as ‘moral treat-ments used in other give them a supportive ment’. Others becameasylums were tried and environment in which inspired to try this newdiscarded quite quick- they could regain their form of therapy andly, with an apothecary senses. Although origi- the treatment of theserving as The Retreat’s nally only accepting insane became revolu-physician. Quakers, The Retreat tionized. gradually began to The success of The take in patients from For all the good TheRetreat owed much to all walks of life, and Retreat had done how-its staff. George Jepson interest in the treat- ever, things took awas the first superin- ments used there turn for the worse intendent and, alongside became of interest to its later years. By thethe apothecary Thomas those involved in men- mid-1850s, and afterFowler, concluded that tal health care both at Tuke’s death, chang-the use of fear tactics home and abroad. es were afoot. 1847and threats employed marked the first for- 23
Hydrotherapy mal appointment of a medical superinten-Warm continuous baths were used dent. Moral therapyto treat patients suffering from was pushed aside andinsomnia, those considered to be medication and hydro-suicidal and assaultive, and calmed therapy became theexcited and agitated behaviour. forefront of treatmentCold water was used to treat and practices. Afterpatients diagnosed with manic- such a successful start,depressive psychoses The Retreat was being converted to an asylum 24 of the olden days. The Retreat expanded and the community ethos that served William Tuke so well was quick- ly forgotten. Quaker involvement was lim- ited and the institute began to look unrecog- nizable from its early days. Statistics for The Retreat between 1880 and 1884 show that the majority of patients were non-Quaker and suffering from schizo- phrenia and mood dis- orders. Drug therapy was the common pre- scription and over a third of patients had a history of assaulting each other or the staff.
Everything Tuke had foughtfor was starting to unrav-el. The newly founded fieldof psychiatry contributed tothis, with medicines becom-ing championed as the mosteffective treatment of thementally ill. William Tuke died in 1822 but he ily, helping countless sufferers oflived long enough to see the chang- mental illness along the way. Todayes that The Retreat had started The Retreat is a registered charityto bring about. Not only did Tuke operating as an independent hospi-have a defining role in influencing tal with 100 beds, and has thank-the shift to more moral treatment fully returned to its core principles.for the insane, he also inspired his It is still loyal to its original ethosfamily to follow in his footsteps. and a number of the employees areHis son Henry was the co-founder from Quaker backgrounds. Thereof The Retreat and Tuke’s grandson are still no restraints used and noSamuel wrote an account of the locked at The Retreat and its thera-peutic practices along with theneed for reform. In turn Samuel’sson James wrote the importanttreatise ‘A Manual of PsychologicalMedicine’ in 1858 and was a leadingphysician in the study of insanity.William Tuke’s guiding hand influ-enced three generations of his fam- 25
Health and EmotionsAN INTERVIEW WITHMONA LISA SCHULTZ by mado martinez website www.madomartinez.comM ona Lisa Schulz (Dr. Mona of balance. Mado Martinez had an Lisa) received her doctor- interview with her. They talked about ate in behavioral neurosci- emotions, the brain, health, illness- ence from Boston University es, intuition and how all these things School of Medicine in 1993. In addi- are connected by the power of your tion to her extensive background in thoughts. health and brain research, Dr. Schulz has been practicing medical intui- tive since 1987. Dr. Schulz teaches us how to become aware of how our symptoms of illness are part of our intuition network, letting us know when something in our lives is out 26
MM: What makes you the right person for understanding how emotions,the brain and health work?ML: I used to work in a However, in addition to emotional patterns thatbrain lab doing connec- going to medical school affected their capacitytions with certain areas and becoming a phy- to get better or worseof the brain. sician and examining with medicines. AndI have a PhD. I’m a doc- people, I’ve learned why couldn’ttorate scientist in brain that only certain things certain people -connections. Why does could make people bet- why couldn’t youthat make me exqui- ter. There were certain make them bet-sitely skilled to under- ter with science?stand Louise Hay’s affir- Or with yourmations [Editor Note: understanding ofLouise Hay – Author brain pathways?of the book ‘Heal YourBody’]? Because, I So then, I got sickunderstand the con- - a bit like every-nections between the body. There’s aright brain and the left, phrase calledbetween emotions, ‘necessity is thethoughts and behavior. mother of inven-And the connections tion’, or, ‘whenbetween the brain and the going gets tough;the body and its health. the tough get going’. When you get sick, and 27
cine and science; it was affirmations that really helped put everything together. And it drove me crazy. I wanted to know how they worked.your intellect is not only someone’s name So. In medical intu-available, your body and age. I could tell ition, there is sciencespeaks to you intuitive- you what was going on that suggests that,ly and lets you know in their emotional life and so science actuallywhat needs to change. that aggravated their supports Louise Hay’s health, and I used to do mental causes and ifSo, through epilepsy this in medical school to you take all of theseand narcolepsy I used to get them out of the hos- mental causes and yoube asleep - I used to fall pital faster. So I wrote superimpose them onasleep, I used to have a book; ‘Awakening a chakra system theyseizures, walk around Intuition’ and, one of the match medical intu-and fall asleep, and it things I did to get bet- ition. That’s the key.was so bad I used to ter from epilepsy was, But it’s not just that,fall asleep whilst skiing; this book fell off the this isn’t just a flakeyI used to fall asleep sit- shelf - ‘Heal your Body’. little book; there’s actu-ting in the lab on a chair And it has all these lit- ally something to sup-- I‘d fall off the chair. I tle ditzy, ditzy thought port it. And I wantedeven fell asleep while patterns so this drove to always show that, sorunning and got hit by me crazy, and though I walked up to Louisea truck! I know, it’s a I did this and it helped about 12 years ago andlong story, but anyway me learn how to stop said ‘if you ever want tothe point of the mat- seizures with Chinese write a book and showter is: I’ve learned how herbs, with anti-con- that there’s science toto do readings knowing vulsives, with medi- support this, just let me know.’ 28
But nonetheless, my going to say ‘Be spiri- that is available; ALLpoint is that I’ve always tual! Suffer! Do some the things that are onwanted to show that affirmations!’ That’s the menu to make youyou can heal your body, ridiculous! You’re going healthy. That’s whatwith medicine, intuition to want to do every- this book is about.and affirmations. And thing available. And so,that you need ALL of just like going to thethose things to heal. fruit market and say-And that science sup- ing ‘what kind of fruitports affirmations. have you got availableJust as much as sci- here?’ When you go toence supports intuition. the restaurant you sayMany people want to ‘show me the menu’.use affirmations butthey think medicine is This book; ‘All is Well’ridiculous, well THAT’S [By Mona Lisa Schulzridiculous: If your child and Louise Hay],breaks a leg, you’re not shows you everythingMM: Yes. Ok. Let’s talk about your book. I have read it and I have high-lighted some questions. And, I know all the things that you have writtenbut our readers, they don’t know the book, they haven’t read it yet andthey don’t know anything about it yet. So they want to know: you’re adoctor and scientist - how can your emotions affect your body and yourhealth?ML: Tudo está bem’ – but has your emotions and OK. Tudo está bem. everything can be bad somebody else’s emo- too. Your right brain tions. You can be awareIn Portuguese, thatmeans ‘all is well’. 29
of your feelings and be will respond instead. immune system, blood Photo:(c) Michelle Dennis 2008intuitively ‘keyed-in’ vessels, nerve system,to somebody else’s. If If you’re angry, angry and it goes to the organyou can take your feel- about work, or you’re that needs to tell youings - fear; anger; sad- near somebody else that something in yourness, bring it to your who’s angry, angry life is out of balance.left brain and say it; about work, and yourespond effectively; and can’t figure out howrelease: you have less to process that it willcapacity to get ill. Less! go down into the areaEvery illness is in-part of the centre for work,due to genetics, the and that anger will goenvironment, diet, inju- to your adrenal glandry and so-on. But every and that adrenalillness could be precipi- gland - it’s a daisytated by your feelings chain! A dominoor intuitive awareness affect of neuro-of somebody else’s. transmitters and molecules thatIf, you do not take go from emo-your feelings - fear, tion; to chem-anger, sadness or love ical; to body.of something, and joy, Emotion,and you don’t take it to to chemi-tour left brain; express cal, to, respond to it - do Emotion goessomething about it - to the brainand then, let it go! It stem and towill go down into your the adrenalbody, and your body gland, pro-instead will have to talk duces corti-about it for you. If you sol; estrogen;can’t talk and respond androgens;to your fear, your heart changes your 30
MM: Something is wrong. It’s like an alarm?ML: tionships, love); one respond effective- for speech - you know, ly and then release it. It’s like the dashboard voice (thyroid), and Otherwise the light willin your car: You have a so-on, each light will go get worse and worseseries of warning lights. on with a warning and and worse and theSo just as if you had with a symptom, let- symptom will get worseseven warning lights on ting you know that that and worse and worse.your dashboard; one area of your life: some-for family (oil); one for thing’s wrong with (water); one You need to name it;for work (gas); one forelectricity (heart - rela-MM: You talk in your book about intuition and, how can a psychiatrist applythis intuition whilst doing his or her work? For example? Or a doctor?ML: state of the art way that bipolar too, almost any people change thought disorder now people This is a book by a patterns so that they have cognitive behav-famous psychiatrist can fix depression, anx- ioral therapy for.named Aaron Beck. He iety, anger, obsessiveis the father of cogni- compulsive disorder, They show on scanstive behavioral therapy.‘CBT’. It is the classic, 31
that we use cognitive teaches people how to observe, describe whatbehavioral therapy. The do a skill called ‘wise emotion is going on forother thing is there’s mind’ based on mind- you. What the hell doanother kind of therapy fulness. Balancing your you think that is? Forcalled dialectic behav- emotional mind (which teaching people intu-ioral therapy, and that is is what I call right ition! Plus this person -this: - and I’m getting to brain) with left brain - who I think shouldyour intuition question your thoughtful mind, get a Nobel Peace- This is called ‘Skills to have a balance. Prize (Her name isTraining for Borderline The thing with all of Marsha Linehan) -Personality Disorder’ this is this DBT teach- she says that theseby Marsha Linehan. It’s es a person mindful- people are raisedcalled DBT: Dialectical ness. To be able to sit, in traumatizing,Behavioral Therapy. It invalidating fami- lies. What’s invali- dating - someone who sees some- thing in a family and says it - look daddy’s coming home late is daddy having an affair with somebody? No he’s not; shut up, your fathers a good man! That’s invalidating. You’re invalidating what that child says and when that child intuitively gets a perception. 32
MM: I see.ML: at the right time with emotion to make cor- the right people and rect decisions in their No! What you see is not at the wrong time life. Dialectic Behavioralwrong! She says those so basically she teach- Therapy teaches youpeople develop post es you how to validate how to have emotion-traumatic stress disor- your perspective. But al regulation: validateder and then they devel- not abuse yourself with your emotion but learnop moodiness and vol- people who are invali- how to effectively use itatile personalities, but dating. So as far as in relationships.she teaches them how I’m concerned psychia-to observe, describe, try helps people usename your emotion,but learn how to say it 33
MM: Someone told me once – a psychologist – that if you think, if youmake an exercise – you and me – and I tell you; ‘think about a red dino-saur’, you would just imagine it and you would see a red dinosaur, andthen I say to you; ‘now think about a blue dinosaur’ - you think about theblue dinosaur and you see it inside your mind. Changing your thoughts isas easy as that – she said. And therefore if you change your thoughts youcan change your emotions. Is it that easy?ML: temporal lobe, but I ask doesn’t move you like you! Mado, you don’t an opera could move I’ve learned from have any behavioral you or a movie couldbehavioral neurolo- relevance to blue or red move you. The wordsgy and neuro-psychi- dinosaur! So therefore ‘red dinosaur’ do notatry that the area for it’s not hard for you to move you.attention – for paying change from blue to redattention to something because it’s not behav- However, if I said– it goes down to the iorally relevant to you. Mother: you had a badtemporal lobe and the It doesn’t do any spik- Mother, imagine it. Andhippocampus and the ing in your temporal then I said, you haveamygdala attach emo- lobe. It doesn’t change a good Mother: that’stional relevance to it, so your amygdala AND it harder to do, becauseif you have a thought – doesn’t do anything to you have an emotionalsomeone puts an image your autonomic nervous charge – it’s behavior-in you - an image and system; it doesn’t do ally relevant. You havea sound they say ‘red anything to your hypo- a series of emotionaldinosaur’, right? And thalamus, your pitu- connections and expe-then they say ‘blue dino- itary and your adrenal riences – a network ofsaur’, and you image gland and ultimately connections to the wordblue dinosaur. The your body because the Mother. Because theproblem is is that what word emotion, means first word that cameyou’ve heard and seen to create movement. It out of your mouth was– red and blue dino-saur – it goes to your 34
‘Mo…Mottthhher’ and say ‘bu’, ‘bu’; than ‘gu’, is much more difficult.that initial word; ‘bad’ ‘gu’ – I’m just telling That’s why it’s hard foror ‘good’… it’s a single you, phonetically – so, people to say; ‘I loveword, but it’s very hard to change the thought myself just the way Ito change from bad from ‘bu’ to ‘gu’; bad am’.to good. It’s easier to mother to good motherMM: So it’s not that easy?ML: Of course not! ‘I. negative thought pat- But I’m not saying it’sLOVE. MYSELF. Just the tern; no you don’t. You impossible. I’m sayingway I am’. NO! Because hate your …. No you it’s required. People sayyou’ve said millions of don’t. You hate your to me on the phone:times, you have the and that’s like a func- ‘But that’s hard!’, I saypatterns in your brain, tional MRI as far as I’m ‘You can, and you will’.thought patterns all concerned. Every time You can and you willover the place: ‘I hate you say I love myself because the most valu-my hips. I hate my hips’. just the way I am and able things are the ones‘I hate my hair! I wish you hear a negative that are hard to get.I was…’ etc etc. You’ve thought pattern it’s like They’re called com-heard it thousands of doing a functional MRI. modities. That is a realtimes! So you have to NO! Oh my God, I just commodity. You can anddilute that with ‘I love picked another path- you will do this, or youmyself just the way I way! Another synapse. don’t want to see meam’. Louise Hays says So, you CAN change driving up your drive-that every time you say a thought but to say way! Because I will!that you might hear a it’s easy is invalidating. 35
MM: And what would be one of best exercises to change that pattern?Looking at yourself in the mirror and saying it?ML: Failure, is much more now, to try it! Because the skills. You can andfrightening than regret. you have nothing to you will do this. YouOk? This is the story. lose! So you can and will learn to do thisSo, RIGHT NOW is the you will do this. But it’s with discipline. Becausemoment that you can hard: ‘I’m afraid!’ So there are people whochange. You can either you’re afraid?! Nobody love you, and supportthink of yourself as ever died of fear. You you, and want you toninety thousand years won’t die. You will try. do it.old – bitter! – Or you It’s painful. But you cancan use the moment tolerate it. You have 36
MM: This takes me to another point. Ok, so we want to change, we want to change our patterns, we want to do it. So, suddenly – I read in your book like I read in Plato and the Oracle of Delphos and in the old Greek wisdom, that you have to know yourself. You have to explore yourself and you have to be aware of the things that are happening inside of you. ML: That’s the intuition.MM: Why is it so important and why does thishave to be the very first step in life?ML: Because. You’ll noticeI never ask a directquestion. Know your-self. Not somebodyelse. Because if youknow somebody elseyou want to be them.But if you know your-self you’ll want to beyourself so you want tolove yourself just theway you are. 37 Photo credit: Kimberly Vohsen
MM: You have talked about chakras and about meditation. It’s very impor-tant because, the happiest man in the world is Matthieu Ricard, a Tibetanmonk. He’s the right hand of the Dalai Lama and he meditates all day long.So neurosurgeons studied him in a laboratory and their conclusion wasthat he was the happiest man in the world. A man who is in a monasteryin Tibet with no cars or anything and no women - not doing anything butmeditating. Maybe, this is the solution?ML: tively and he releases it does what he loves all to the universe. That’s the time. If you can No. It’s his solu- his love. If you tried to get into the flow oftion. It’s what his brain do that you’d be mis- doing what you love alltells him is love. What erable. That’s what’s the time OR identifyingmoves to his left brain. behaviorally relevant love in every momentHe identifies it and he to him. Know thyself. of your day: identifyingresponds to it affec- Not know thy monk. love in this! Identifying You have to follow your love in this! Identifying bliss. Each one of us love in every aspect has a love. We have a of everything. Then bliss that we’re sup- your brain will be in posed to do. That’s just the same way. It will like saying I need to be be in your amygdala, like Madonna. I want in your hippocampus, to be like that monk. in your frontal lobe, What we can learn from in your hypothalamus, that is not ‘do a monk’; pituitary, your adrenal but do you. You’ve got gland - will all be in the to do yourself. So, my nutrients of love. point is that you go back to allowing your- self to do love. The answer to that is he 38
History & Physicsof Fire in the BloodThe Origin of BioelectricNegentropy by dAN wINTER website www.fractalfield.comThe subject of this article is the electrical F irst a background discus-origin and history of negentropic (selforganizing), centripetal (implosive) fields sion. It is critical to understand howin blood (as in where does physics learn the electrical cause of centripetal,about ‘soul’). negentropic (conjugate/implosive) fields are absolutely essential to the nature of life, consciousness, and the path out of chaos in general. Let us be clear- this is all related to the stupefying tragedy, caused 39
by earth’s physics community real- material makes a phase conjugately not having a clue to the wave mirror work. The truth is the magicsymmetry cause of any centripetal material which motorizes negent-and negentropic field. This is why ropy in phase conjugate mirrors,current physics also has no infor- must be phase conjugate to Planckmation as to why an object falls to dimensions both at atomic, andthe ground, or what electrical field molecular scales. (Again, the visualcauses life and mind and aware- here for phase conjugation as aness. These are all phase conju- wave phenomenon is essentiallygate and negentropic (self orga- two golden spiral pine cones ‘learn-nizing) wave phenomenon. So if ing to kiss noses’ animated: www.we were to survive as a species, )wouldn’t you think that scientists- who clearly observed negentropyand self organization in phase con-jugate optics - would at least admitto you that the absolute mostimportant question in all of phys-ics (how do waves emerge fromchaos, and make life and mindand negentropy) desperatelyneeded an answer? (As in- if you hadn’t noticed -right now chaos seems tobe winning.) No - those physicists alsoreally have not a clue as to whata makes a phase conjugate mir-ror work. The ‘non-linear’ materialquestion so artfully swept under therug - they don’t know why certain 40
What is clear by mea- Mind’ : how brainwav- species. Note especial-surement- is that es in phase conjugate ly the phase conjugatehuman consciousness golden ratio frequen- / negentropic hygieneis electrically centrip- cy signature, combined which is associated withetal and negentro- with hemispheres 180 taking memory throughpic (Tiller: Measuring degrees out of phase, death ( compress when produce the compres- immortality).exposed to attention, sional longitudinal field To the rest - your stub-Dossey: Measuring effect at born physicist com-seed growth acceler- mindwave. This is the munity - who smuglyated when exposed teachable, measureable ignore everything weto human attention, brainwave pattern of all have published aboutGeller: Measuring radio- psycho kinesis, prayer, implosion, we sendactive half life reduced and how you create them appropriately toby human attention- your immortal ‘kes- their karma: chaos andlike it is also reduced by jahn’/ ‘ka’(aura plasma oblivion.phase conjugate dielec- coherence)your onlytrics). vehicle through death The physics article –The illustrations of this (‘ka’ means boat to the ‘Mathematics and waveprinciple I most like- underworld.) mechanics proof: gold-are the numerous tes- en ratio’ is the solu-timonials about roses So to those who under- tion to constructivepopping open suddenly stand how to rearrange wave interference, non-in the hand of a saint. waves so that negent- destructive compres-Centripetal fields are ropy happens and chaos sion and phase conju-the essence of mak- is avoided, to them gation / negentropy:ing bioactive healing belong a path alive out of history.and We The only alternative ulti- mathematicsoffusionexplained at length the mately is death of theirwave mechanic ori-gin of ‘Flame in the 41
This (lo frequency / negentropy among damn non full spectrumphase conjugate pump waves! fluorescent lights willwave) is for example This is more than just you?’ It is also the gen-clear proof of what the optical frequency eralized wave mechanicphase conjugate wave recipe which obviously recipe to get all of lifesymmetry CAUSES restores attention span out of chaos!photosynthesis . This to your children’s class-is how you cook up life room as in ‘shoot those 42
history and physics of negentropy - implosion in blood How human DNA participates in the broad spectral- implosive - negentropic - phase conjugate pump wave. Summary:1. The recursive braiding golden ratio molecular geometry contrib- utes to the mid range frequency component ( khz- mhz). Probably relates to the so-called psychokinetic measuring ‘BOSON 7’ or ‘Micro -chloridians in the blood’stories. Doing real power spectra of DNA to measure psycho kinesis/evolution is of course a political hot potato.2. The implosive geometry of hydrogen - golden ratio proven orbits - at the DNA ladder rung core, contributes to the very high fre- quency phase conjugate component.3. The low frequency phase conjugate component seems likely to be largely generated by the below 50 hz beautiful harmonic cascades- from the heart/brain during peak experience/coherent emotion/ bliss (much of my life’s work was on this). The EKG harmonic cascade during peak emotion appears to be a linear, octave based harmonic series which, however, seems to move closer to a con- jugate .618 hz (key signature) during love/empathy etc. Whereas the EEG harmonic series, during bliss, psycho kinesis or projec- tive plasma events, appears to take on a beautiful golden ratio: precisely phase conjugate harmonic series (see BLISSTUNER - at In addition what may be even more beautiful, as we discuss in the frequency cascade graphic at the top of this article, the key signature ALPHA EEG frequency seems to lock on to the Schumann resonance (planetary embedding) which is also profoundly phase conjugate to Planck length and time (meaning precisely atomically implosive). 43
The result is: a plasma field sion, for them the only form of lifearound DNA which is psychokinetic, extension is a metal environment.negentropic, time travelling, lucid Stephen Hawking’s limited under-dreaming and ensouled. These are standing represents a ‘ground-hogall the things that our Nephalim, day’ ‘we’re going to have to repeatDraco, Uru and Annunaki ancestors this mistake’ return to our soullessprecisely could not do. To - Enlil/ ancestors.Yalweh and the soulless cloners, we Instead of maximizing the negen-send our condolences. tropic field effect of a geneti- cally diverse biosphere to create To the clueless Stephen Hawking the ensouling negentropic chargeapproach in which he says stem cells implosion of nature, with the yogaare the key to immortality. What he lifestyle of charge attraction, thesedoesn’t know is that phase conju- small minded, clueless to how DNAgate dielectric (implosive charge) makes a soul types, would leadfields are the key to switching on you down the literally dead-endand off stem cell behvaiour. What path which took the Dracos (ourlies deeper beneath this is that the part ancestors), and the Greys, toconjugate field of the stem cell, their dead, metal encased, soullessin order to have soul making con- agony. Our past, and their soul-text, requires exactly the opposite less future does not have to be ourof what cloning offers in order to future!make the human plasma field actu- A bit of irony here that Enki (andally immortal! So Stephen Hawking- his Caducceus conjugator side-who sadly it appears is lacking the kick Hermes/Thoth/Tehute DaWiD)biological equipment to have a Enki’s other name Nudimid - meansglandular bliss experience. So he ‘The Cloner’(see Anton Parks). Talkadvocates the soulless approach of about finding your job descriptionthe Nephalim and Draco. Of course is the problem, instead of the solu-those who choose a mechanical tion! By becoming his father’s team-assisted form for metal life exten- leading cloner, he discovered exact- ly how cloning was de-souling his bloodline, and offered the solution: 44
the Caducceus. In the into the immortal. This created by the phasephysics of wave mechan- becomes exactly the conjugating geneticics the Caducceus is the mechanism that makes field- is DNA’s way ofshape of a conjugate Enki’s profession ‘The attempting plasma pro-field. Naturally gener- Cloner’, obsolete. jection. If you throwated by DNA, in the the ball coherently itright (blissful) biologic At death or bliss/ creates a plasma toroidcontext the conjugate kundalini/tantra – which can be sustained.wave (so called ‘perfect moments this ‘KHEM It becomes the door-storm’ rogue) - can pro- unto the lord’ black hole way through death topel our bioplasma aura immortality depending on coherence, whose climax form is phase conjugate. Here we shed more light on the archetypal concept: the Ba from the Ka. Translating the Egyptian concept- the Ka is the amount of coherence in your plas- ma aura enabling your ‘boat into the under- world’ and the Ba is squeezed out from the Ka like a seed from the husk. The Ba is the part of your plasma coher- ent aura which can and does survive implosive compression accelera- 45
tion trhough the speed are precisely whole Recursive phase con-of light, enables lucid number golden ratio jugate phonon pumpdreaming, time travel, exponents times Planck wave braiding (EKG /and memory mainte- length, therefore here EEG harmonics of blissnance through death. is a corrected picture emotion) make thisThis is where the human of the radii of hydrogen broad spectral/envelop-DNA experiment can at the heart of DNA’s ing/long wave embed-outshine our Draco, implosive braid. Phase ding.Uru, Annunaki ‘any- Conjugate tornado toone not cloned is illegal’ the soul the black hole We suggest the mech-ancestors. wormhole down the anism which allowsThe hydrogen cen- centre zipper of DNA!tre bond of eachcodon is phaseconjugate/fractal/implosive/negent-ropic. The centreof each implosivecodon rung on theDNA ladder is thehydrogen atomwhich is preciselyimplosive/phaseconjugate in nucle-ar structure: . Since my newequation provedthat at least threeradii of hydrogen 46
human emotions like love and bliss necessarily in the centripetal andto program DNA to implosive soul negetropic (self organizing direc-making is long wave piezoelectric tion). For an example of negentro-braiding. Phase conjugate ‘pump pic handedness (how the Vimanawaves’ from the frequency signa- flew) when you pump high inertiature of EKG and EEG during love mercury liquid in the correct toroidand bliss shareable wave emotions spiral trajectory to make gravity,of pure intent, measurably causing (Star Trek impulse powder vs theimplosive braid in DNA. Kowsky-Frost which was their warp power), the direction on the critical So it is my view that the struc- trajectory determines the polaritytural and wave mechanic mecha- of the gravity (independent iner-nism (low frequency phase conju- tial field) created. This is how yourgate ‘pump wave’) by which DNA heart propels your aura, before andimplodes to become negentropic after death!and ensouled, is now fairly wellunderstood. Consider a probablesolution to why DNA- is enantio-morphic: the necessary asymmet-ric handedness of all biologic pro-teins. The direction of rotation onthe surface of a torus determineswhether the net gravity createdis centripetal or centrifugal (simi-lar to why one pole of a magnet ismore centripetal and healing thanthe other the physics of yin/yang).Biologic proteins have to go one wayonly, so that the phase direction ofthe phase conjugate pump wavesin DNA helixes (Schumann to EKGcascades of bliss emotion), will be 47
“Know yourself. Not somebody else. Because if you knowsomebody else you want to be them. But if you know yourselfyou’ll want to be yourself so you want to love yourself just theway you are. “ MONA LISA SCHULTZ www . ispectrummagazine . com 48
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