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Home Explore IBC Spring Newsletter May 2017

IBC Spring Newsletter May 2017

Published by admin, 2017-05-26 19:09:27

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News Update Issue 6 Spring 2017 Welcome all friends and supporters of Islington Boat Club to this, our occasional newsletter - updating you on all that is happening at The Club We celebrate the life of our founder Crystal Hale On Sunday 23 April, with the generous help of The Big Lottery Fund, we held a very successful open day at Islington Boat Club to thank our funders and celebrate the life and achievements of our founder, Crystal Hale. Along with friends, family and neighbours, Crystal created Islington Boat Club in 1970 while fighting the proposed closure of the City Road Basin - and eventually saving it. Crowds of people from the local community came along and enjoyed sampling for free all the water- based activities that we offer at The Club. We were delighted that both Crystal’s son Jeremy Pudney, for many years a trustee of The Club, and her daughter Rebecca Hale were able to be in attendance. (continued over) 1 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Crystal Hale Celebration(continued from page 1) celebrity, Paul Whitehouse and We hope that many of the young his daughter drawing the prizes people who attended will nowWe were able to provide free for our grand fundraiser raffle. come along to our youth clubfood and refreshments all day Jeremy Pudney presented the and that the adults who visitedand the activities on offer on Crystal Hale youth achievement will now know of the wide rangethe water included kayaking, awards to Max Neal-Fagan of activities on offer for them,canoeing, narrowboat and and Maya Kember and the day including UpperDeckers for thepowerboat trips, stand-up was rounded off with a bellboat over-50s, a range of professionalpaddle boarding, yoga on the regatta grand finale. training courses, stand-up paddlewater, zorbs and pedaloes. boarding, kayaking, water-based It was great welcoming our local yoga and much more.The crowds were entertained by community to such a happy music all afternoon and wewere lucky enough to have local (more photos from this event on pages 8 and 9) 2Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

All On Board Update difficulties. Over the course of the year with this group we have covered a multitude of activities not confined just to watersports.T his year saw the has been very successful as In addition to kayaking, start of the All On we have been able to build canoeing, narrowboating and Board programme, strong partnerships with local powerboating we have doneour scheme to help people and specialist organisations ice-skating, swimming andwith disabilities, learning including St Lukes, Daylight rock-climbing - which the kidsdifficulties and mental health drop-in centre, The Bridge have really enjoyed and whichissues get into watersports School, Samuel Rhodes, City has really helped to bring themand outdoor activities. and Islington College and out of themselves and give them Laycock. Using this we’ve also physical confidence. We haveOur programme was based been able to integrate some of also taken these young peoplearound two different systems: the participants from the school out on fun away days with ourone where we work with groups into our AOB after regular youth club to go bowlingbooked groups working school club and youth club. and visit Thorpe Park - both ofwith local schools, colleges which they have greatly enjoyedand special needs centres. The other aspect of this and it has helped to integrateThese groups get six week programme is our after school them into our regular youth club.programmes over the course club which runs on a Thursdayof which they try a variety evening from 4 - 7pm where we We also were able to organise aof activities, easing in with a get to work with a small group charity dinner in collaboration withnarrowboat trip and working of participants all year round. WeFiFo. Celebrity Chef Ronnieup to kayaking sessions as We have a core group of 12 that Murray led the young people tothey gain physical confidence. come every week but we have cook for a group of 35 people onThey would also do powerboat a database of 30 participants, our barge - including the youngsessions, mountainbiking some of whom can’t make people’s parents. Our youngand zorbing. This element every week because of their people were instrumental in the success of the evening involved in all aspects of the dinner, from preparation of the meal to service. In July we will be taking some of the young people away on a narrowboat trip with the Angel Community Boat. For many of them this will be their very first time away from home. Becca Wolff/Chris McCabe 3Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

UpperdeckersKeep active after 50 at the Boat ClubOur over 50s club has We have seen people come who help out on the narrowboat, now been running for were very nervous about getting youth club and with events that over a year. Over that on to the water gain skills and we do here.time we have seen this incredibly confidence over the year.popular club go from strength In the summer we took a groupto strength. We have see over We have had people gain of our kayakers to the Wye which250 unique people attend the RYA Helms certificate on the was a challenging and hugelysessions with a core group who Narrowboat, RYA Powerboat beneficial experience of kayakingcome regularly of around 30 Level 2 qualifications and BCU 1 on moving water. We hope topeople who have formed into a Star Certificates in Kayaking. do more trips with the group thisstrong social group with time at summer and continue with thisthe beginning and end of each We have also been able to recruit hugely popular programme forsession for people to chat, have a loyal group of volunteers from another year.a tea/coffee and a biscuit. our Upperdeckers group who Becca Wolff/Chris McCabe A couple of our Upperdeckers beginning their RYA Inland Waterways Helms Instructor course. This will mean they can not only drive a narrowboat themselves but also teach other people how to drive one.Come and join us. Just turn up and try it! Every Tuesday (term time only) 11am - 1pm For further information. please call 020 7253 0778 or email 4 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Upperdeckers Testimonial A s a member of the Upperdeckers User Group I have spoken to most of the people who attend the sessions and all are positive about the impact boating with IBC has had on them. Many of us who joined at the beginning of the project in Spring this year are still regular attendees whilst newcomers join almost every week. It is an amazingly popular project and has had an impressive uptake. It serves the local community well. Generally people comment on how it has given them a chance to do something totally different, something which is challenging and fun. 95% of us have never had the opportunity to do water sports prior to joining Upperdeckers at IBC. Users view it as a valuable community project, one which enriches their lives. Specifically the group have talked about: • The camaraderie of the group • The sense of adventure in trying something totally new • An increased sense of health and wellbeing • Increased fitness and vitality levels • The pleasure they get from learning new skills • Feeling less isolated • The joy of forming new friendships. • The experience of working cooperatively; the less-abled are helped by those more abled. • The supportive, non-judgemental ethos of the staff at IBC which allows users to do their personal best without being ridiculed. The users are grateful to the funding bodies for their generosity but are fearful that the entire project will close without on-going support. They feel that would be a massive blow to individuals and community alike. Maggie Maybury 5 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Youth Club NewsOverview of the youth club yearT his year we have seen a barbecue and bonfire on the Last week we went to a Division an huge increase in our beach one night and we topped Four Slalom Race where we numbers with a lot of off the week with a nice group were very successful, takingnew faces coming through the meal out for a debriefing session. away five medals includingdoor. We have had a popular fastest time, which was wonyear with Tuesday and Saturday We also held our half term project by Joe. Also Max (winner ofsessions being well attended. after the winter break. our Crystal Hale Award) and It was a great success. We went Alannah came second in the C2.After a successful summer bowling, did a white water trip to This was their first time in it, so aproject the youth club went to Harefield and also saw the start of really great achievement. Four ofBude for a week during October including our All on Board project the competitors were promotedhalf term to engage in a range of members in youth club activities. from Division 4 to Division 3.activities including surf-kayaking,surfboarding and paintballing. 12 Three of our former youth club We are all looking forward toof our youth club members went members, Sabrina, Jess and the London Youth Games onalong. Everyone had a brilliant Tamara did their BCU Level 1 the 3rd of June where we havetime improving the skills they had instructor qualification and have high hopes of finishing in abeen learning on the Tuesday now moved on to become paid good position.and Saturday sessions. We had members of the Boat Club’s staff. Becca Wolff/Chris McCabe 6Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Youth Club NewsEaster 2017 programme feedbackT his Easter we had a very won chose ice skating as her Hunt which was a lot of fun and successful programme not preferred activity. was met with great enthusiasm only did we have fantastic by the young people and all wentweather and a lot of new young Over the Easter programme we away happy. We also did ourpeople attending we also were had a lot of new faces which was regular kayaking, powerboatingable to integrate our youth club great to see, over the course of and narrowboating. It was greatand AOB club to make a club that the holiday we had over 75 unique to have a visit from Laburnumwas more inclusive to all. people come through our doors Boat Club on one of the days so and an average of 25 members both clubs could come togetherOver the course of the holidays per day. As a treat we decided for the afternoon. We also tookwe did many activities and trips to all go to Thorpe Park on the the opportunity to start with ouraway. Our first trip was our last week which as we were so London Youth Games training andregular pool session at which popular over Easter we had to building a team.we had 22 attendees, it was so have two full minibuses in orderbusy that we had to do two runs to accommodate everyone that We are happy to say that newwith the minibus. On the Friday wanted to come. We took 35 and old faces came over Easterwe also took the young people people for our trip to Thorpe Park and we have been able toice skating which we were able including six of our AOB members. retain them for our Tuesday andto do through our Jack Petchey On the last day of the Easter Saturday sessions.award. The young person that project we had an Easter Egg Becca Wolff/Chris McCabe 7Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Crystal Hale Celebration 8 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Crystal Hale Celebration 9 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Holiday Programme NewsMay half term programmeTuesday Wednesday Thursday 01 Friday Saturday30 May 31 May June 02 June 03 June Kayaking Kayaking Kayaking Day trip to Youth Canoeing Paddle Canoeing Southend gamesYouth games boarding training Paddle ALL DAY 8am - 5pm 11am - 1pm boarding - -11am - 1pm 11am - 1pm Day trip to Youth Southend gamesLunch - games in park ALL DAY 8am - 5pmNarrowboat/ Pool Wet powerboat session games 2pm - 4pm Zorbs tripsYouth games 2pm - 4pm training 2pm - 4pm All drop in sessions are £3 and are open to all abilities from age 9 to 19. All equipment is provided - including buoyancy aids. Please bring a full change of clothes including shoes and a towel.Places on the pool sessions are limited and need booking in advance at a cost of £5. Food is not currently available on site, but there are plenty of shops and cafes within a short walking distance. Islington Boat Club • 16-34 Graham Street • London N1 8JX (t) 020 7253 0778 • (e) (w) • (Facebook) Islington Boat Club 10 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Schools NewsWe have had a very successful year fleet of mountain bikes and are now able to with school bookings, both during offer mountain biking to primary as well as the school day and with after schools secondary schools. With accredited coursesgroups. Our All On Board project has meant in watersports and mountain biking, we canthat we have been able to further develop our offer schools an alternative sport for the PEwork with SEN schools, again with during and curriculum.after school groups. If you would like to book sessions for theThanks to funding from London Marathon school term please get in touch viaTrust we have been able to increase our Schools visiting groups 11Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Training Course NewsNarrowboat helm courseWe are now in or third year Last year we were Testimonialof training new boaters contemplating the introductionhow to negotiate all they of running an RYA diesel Hello Becca. I just wantedwill encounter on the canal course in addition to the to say a massive Thankssystem either as Leisure or helms course. This year, to the Boat Club for theLive aboard boaters. Taking courses have started under superb helmsman course.guidance and recognition the instruction and guidance of John was a fantasticfrom the RYA Narrowboat Matt Miller, a highly experience teacher, patient,helm training scheme our diesel mechanic who is also experienced and a reallycourse is taught on a purely an excellent teacher. To sound bloke! He copedpractical basis on our training deliver this course we have a amazingly well in a groupvessel Pegotty Tom. The working engine which students comprised of two ‘natural’Helms Course is increasing can use to practically apply helmsmen and me, (thein popularity as many of the what is being taught in the Frank Spencer of thestudents who have taken part classroom. The course enables group). I bet he has a fewin it have been recommending participants to fully understand more white hairs after theit to other people who are how to maintain and look after experience, though!considering holidays or a life their own engines, providing I would highly recommendon the water. To date we have them with the necessary the course to anyonetrained over 150 students knowledge to prevent them thinking about boatingto safely navigate their way from breaking down. life.around the UK canal system. I I thought that John wasam constantly reminded of the We are now looking forward to just brilliant at his job, andimpact that this course has on the prospect of a busy summer. a pleasure to cruise with.people and its ability to inspire Until next year folks! Many thanks, I’ll be backconfidence and surety on the for kayaking!water and ultimately a happier John Freed Suzanneboating experience. 12Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

About the Youth ClubT he youth club is open on Tuesdays (5.00pm - 7.00pm) and on Saturdays (11.00am - 4.00pm). The sessions are open access for everyone aged 9-19 and cost £3.00 per session.Youth Club Young people will be able to try the following activities: All welcome! • kayaking £3 Saturdays per 11am to 4pm • sailingsession Canoeing, • mountain biking kayaking, sailing and other • games watersports activities • canal journeys Aged 9 to 19 years • polo matches / slalom training Tuesdays • narrowboat trips 5pm to7pm • new kayak slide.Open access and slalom training You will just need to bring a full change of clothes and a completed membership form if it is the first time you are coming down. The form is available from The Club or on our website. Our youth forum also meets once a month to discuss what you would like to see at the club and how we can make it happen together. 16-34 Graham Street • London • N1 8JX We look forward to seeing you020 7253 0778 • at the youth club! If you feel that you would like to get involved, please contact 13 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Courses and Training ISLINGTON BOATCLUB CITY ROAD BASIN REGENTS CANAL NarrowboatingNarrowboat • RYA Narrowboat helm accreditation t: 020 7253 0778 w: www.islingtonboatclub.comtrips and e: bookings@islingtonboatclub.comRYA • Learn pre-start checks, driving and maintainingnarrowboat a narrowboat Narrowboatinghelmand crew • Gain confidence driving in our sheltered basincourses before progressing to the main canal • Learn how to operate a lock • Learn Waterways etiquette • Navigate the Islington tunnel • Skippered trips also available ISLINGTON BOATCLUB CITY ROAD BASIN REGENTS CANALAccredited Accredited Coursescourses • RYA Powerboat Level 1 and 2 • RYA Narrowboat Helm t: 020 7253 0778 w: • Diesel engine maintenance e: • BCU Kayaking, Paddlepower Start, Accredited Courses Passport, Discovery • First aid-aquatic or first aid at work • MIAS Mountain Bike Gears awards • Stand Up Paddleboarding 14 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Courses and TrainingDiesel Diesel Engine t: 020 7253 0778 w: www.islingtonboatclub.comengine e: bookings@islingtonboatclub.commaintenance RYA Diesel Engine Maintenancecourses Training Course Diesel Engine Maintenance Course Whole day training course at Islington Boat Club • 16-34 Graham St • London N1 8JX Cost: £120 per person Our new RYA diesel engine maintenance course will commence mid-January. This will be a one day course taught on a 6:1 ratio costing £120 per person. The course will give participants full RYA diesel engine maintenance qualifications. As part of the course you will receive a maintenance certificate and an RYA diesel engine maintenance handbook. The course will run both on weekends and weekdays and a full list of dates will follow shortly. Please check our website for details Stand Up Paddle BoardingStand up Stand Up Paddle Boarding (SUP) is a unique waypaddle to get fit and experience the great outdoors!boarding The Islington Boat Club offers a community approach to stand up paddleboarding Lessons • Guided Tours • Yoga • SUP Club Wednesdays 18.30pm - 20.30pm Sundays 09.00am - 11.00am t: 020 7253 0778 w: 11.00am - 12.30pm (SUP Yoga) e: Book online at Stand Up Paddle Boarding or contact Rosie: (e) or (t) 07415 383 428 for more information ISLINGTON BOATCLUB 15 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017

Contact details Contact usIf you are interested in hearing more about any of the activities available atThe Boat Club, would like to sign up for any of the training we offer or offeryour support in some way for the valuable work we do, please do not hesitateto contact us. Details for how to get in touch are below: Islington Boat Club • City Road Basin • Regent’s Canal 16-34 Graham Street • London N1 8JX Tel: 020 7253 0778 Email: (general enquiries) Email: (bookings) Web: 16 Islington Boat Club News Spring 2017