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Published by coeditor, 2021-12-27 11:31:31

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A,a abbess A A,a1/eı/ the 1st letter of the English abbess /’æbes/ n. woman who is head Alphabet İngiliz Alfabesinin ilk of a convent or nunnery baş rahibe harfi; A,a abbey /’aebı/ n. building where a2 /ə,eı/ an /an,æn/ (article) one; Christian religious men and each bir women live apart manastır Note: an is used in front of words abbot /’æbət/ n. man who is head beginning with a, e, i, o, u and with h of a monastery başrahip if the h is not pronounced (an apple; an hour); a is used in front of all the abbreviate /ə’bri:vıeıt/ v. make other letters and also u where u is shorter kısaltmak pronounced ju (a university) He likes to abbreviate words while taking notes. a3 n. the highest mark or grade that a student can get for a piece abbreviation /ə’bri:vı’e∫ən/ n. of work or course of study A (en shortened form of a word, phrase, yüksek not için kullanılan harf) etc. kısaltma aback /a’bæk/ adv. be taken aback; abdicate /’æbdikeıt/ v. give up a be shocked or surprised by sb, sth power or position officially feragat şaşırıp kalmak etmek; resmen ayrılmak; çekilmek abacus /æbəkəs/ n. frame with abdomen /’æbdəmən/ n. part of beads on wires, used for teaching the body containing the stomach, children how to count and bowels and digestive organs karın calculation abaküs Her abdomen hurts because she pushed herself too much. abandon /ə’bændən/ v. leave sb, esp you are responsible for, with no abduct /əb’dʌkt/ v. take (sb) away intention or returning terk etmek; unlawfully; kidnap (bir kişiyi) vazgeçmek; ayrılmak kaçırmak; zorla götürmek The crew abandoned the ship that night. aberration /,æbə’reı∫ən/ n. sudden change away from the right or abase /ə’beıs/ v. make (sb, oneself) expected way yoldan ayrılma; lose respect or honor aşağılamak; sapma gururunu kırmak; küçük düşürmek abet /ə’bet/ v. help a crime or abashed /ə’bæ∫t/ adj. ashamed; criminal yardakçılık etmek; suça embarrassed utanmış; mahçup yardımcı olmak abate /ə’beıt/ v. make or become abeyance /ə’beıəns/ n. in less azalmak; azaltmak; dinmek; abeyance; not in use or in force dindirmek for a certain time askıda olma; yürürlükte olmama abhor /əb’h‫כ‬:r/ v. hate very much; detest esp for moral reasons iğrenmek; nefret etmek 3

abhorrent A abhorrent /əb’hɒrənt/ adj. hateful; ablution(s) /ə’blu:∫ən/ n. disgusting iğrenç ceremonial washing of the body abide /ə’baıd/ abode/abode v. or part of the body dini olarak bear; tolerate tahammül etmek yıkanma; abdest I can’t abide his behaviours There are several places in the anymore. town to perform your ablution. abiding /ə’baıdıŋ/ adj. enduring; abnegate /,æbnı’geıt/ v. deny; without end; permanent kalıcı; renounce; reject yadsımak sürekli abnormal /æb›nɔ:məl/ adj. ability /ə’bılətı/ n. skill, power different from usual or expected, or capacity to do sth kabiliyet; esp in a way that is worrying or not yetenek; beceri wanted anormal I wish I had the ability to read The things happening for the last minds. few days are abnormal. abject /’æbʤekt/ adj. deserving aboard /ə’bɔ:d/ adv, prep. on great pity; wretched; without hope or into a ship, train, etc gemide; sefil; aşağılık; adam olmaz gemiye; trende; trene; vs ablaze /ə’bleız/ adj. on fire; The crowd walked aboard train burning quickly and strongly before it left the station. tutuşmuş; alevler içinde abode /ə’bəʊd/ n. the place sb. able /ˈeɪbəl/ adj. capable; skilled lives; house; home ev; mesken becerikli; hünerli *having the power to do sth ...ebilir abolish /ə’bɒlı∫/ v. officially end a He wasn’t able to breathe = He law, a system or an institution sona could not breathe. - Will you be erdirmek; iptal etmek able to come to the party? = Can The Caliphate was abolished by you come to the party? - He wasn’t Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1924. able to find the house. - He was able to sleep after a few days. abomb /’eı bɒm/ n. Atomic bomb Atom bombası Note: able is used with to and a verb abominable /ə’bomınəbəl/ adj. hateful; detestable; extremely ability /ә’bılıtı/ n. being able to do unpleasant and causing disgust something; I’ll do it to the best of nefret verici my ability = as well as possible. aboriginal /,æbə’rıʤənəl/ adj. able /’eibə/ adj. capable; skilled living or existing in a place from becerikli; hünerli *having the the earliest known time asıl yerli; power to do sth ...ebilir bir yerin en eskisi He was able to sleep after a few Most of the aboriginals of Americas days. are dead now. 4

aborigine /,æbə’rıʤənı/ n. abrogate A aboriginal inhabitant (esp of Australia) bir memleketin (özellikle higher than; over yukarıda; Avustralya’nın) asil yerlisi yukarısında; üstünde above all most important of all hepsinden abort /ə’bɔ:t/ v. give birth too önemli early for the child to live çocuk You will see the marks above the düşürmek; düşük yapmak *end box. - The plane flew above the unsuccessfully before the expected clouds. - The temperature was time başarısızlıkla bitmek above 40°. Jennifer was very sad to abort her baby. abrade /ə’breıd/ v. to rub the surface of sth, such as rock or skin; abortion /ə’bɔ:∫ən/ n. medical damage it or rough aşınmak operation to terminate pregnancy kürtaj abrasive1 /ə’breısıv/ adj. rough; There are still contradictions when rubbing; annoying aşındırıcı; sert; it comes to abortion. yaralayıcı You shouldn’t use abrasive cleaners abortive /ə’bɔ:tıv/ adj. on those screens. unsuccessful başarısız abrasive2 n. substance used for polishing or grinding surfaces abound /ə’baʊnd/ v. exist in large taşlama veya aşındırmada numbers bol miktarda bulunmak; kullanılan madde; zımpara çok olmak Some of the chemicals you are using are abrasive. about /ә’baʊt/ adv. & prep. (a) concerning ilgili; Tell me about abreast /ə’brest/ adv. side by side, your holiday. - What do you want next to sb or sth, facing the same to speak to me about? - He is way yan yana; aynı hizada worried about his health. abridge /ə’brıʤ/ v. to make (a (b) more or less yaklaşık; The book, play etc) shorter by leaving room is about three metres square. some parts out kısaltmak (yazılı - The next train leaves at about dökümanları) four o’clock. - She’s about twenty You need to abridge that play so we years old. - The town is about ten can perform it. kilometres from here. abroad /ə’brɔ:d/ adv. in or to (c) in several places her yerde; her another country, to another country tarafta; He left his papers lying yurt dışın(d)a about on the floor. You will come across many opportunity when you are abroad. (d) to be about to do something = - He lives abroad. - They are going to be going to do something ...mek abroad on holiday. üzere olmak; I was just about to go out when you phoned. abrogate /’æbrəgeıt/ v. put an end; abolish kaldırmak; fesh etmek; above /ə’bʌv/ (ı›bʌv) adv, prep. iptal etmek 5

abrupt A abrupt /ə’brʌpt/ adj. sudden and absolve /əb’zɒlv/ v. clear sb of unexpected, often in an unpleasant guilt, blame or duty affetmek, way ani; birdenbire olan bağışlamak abscess /‘æbses/ n. swelling on or absorb /əb’sɔ:b/ v. take or suck in in the body, containing pus çıban; içine çekmek; emmek apse Towels can absorb a great amount It can be hurtful to have a dental of water. abscess. abstain /əb’steın/ v. refrain; keep absence /’æbsəns/ n. being away oneself from doing sth sakınmak; bulunmama; devamsızlık *non kaçınmak *not vote for either side existence; lack yokluk çekimser kalmak His absence in the lesson shocked He tries to abstain from drinking everyone. – In the absence of Mr hot beverages. Smith. abstinence /’æbstinəns/ n. keeping absent /’æbsənt/ adj. not here/not away from alcoholic drink or food there yok; mevcut değil (yiyecek ve içkiden) uzak durma He is absent. - Three children are absent because they are ill. abstract1 /’æbstrækt/ adj. existing as a quality rather than as an object; absentminded /,æbsənt’maındıd/ not concrete soyut; mücerret adj. not noticing what one is doing She is obsessed with abstract dalgın concepts such as love. His absentminded friend forgot the books. abstract2 n. short form of a book, speech, etc; summary özet absolute /‘æbsəlu:t/ adj. complete The abstract of the article was very tam *unlimited; unrestricted informative. mutlak; sınırsız There is no absolute truth about absurd /əb’sɜ:d/ adj. unreasonable; love. not sensible saçma; mantıksız; anlamsız absolutely /,æbsə’lu:tlı/ adv. It is absurd to blame him for that really/completely tamamen, tümü accident. *certainly kesinlikle You should accept the offer abundance /ə’bʌndəns/ n. plenty absolutely. - You’re absolutely bolluk right. - The weather was absolutely There is abundance in awful technological devices in the shop. absolution /,æbsə’lu:∫ən/ n. formal abundant /ə’bʌndənt/ adj. statement that a person is forgiven plentiful; more than enough bol; for what he or she has done (by çok a priest) (papaz tarafından) Helium is abundant in many günahların affı, af radioactive minerals. abuse1 /abju:z/ v. use badly 6

kötüye kullanmak *say bad, rude access A or insulting things to or about sövmek; küfür etmek Can you accelerate the process a He abused my sincerity. bit more? abuse2 /ə’bju:s/ n. wrong use; accelerator /ək’seləreıtə’/ n. pedal misuse kötüye kullanma *bad, or handle which is used to increase rude, cruel or insulting words the speed of a car gazpedalı küfür; sövme The Large Hadron Collider at One of the main problems of young CERN is the world’s most powerful children is drug abuse. particle accelerator. abyss /ə’bıs/ n. very deep wide accent /’æksənt/ n. emphasis given space or hole that seems to have no to a word or a syllable by saying bottom uçurum it with more force vurgu *peculiar Be careful! There is an abyss way of speaking connected with a towards the end of the hill. region, area or class aksan; şive I couldn’t understand a word acacia /ə’keı∫ə/ n. tree with yellow because of his hard accent. - He or white flowers, from which gum speaks English with an Irish is obtained akasya accent. - She has a southern accent. There are lots of acacia trees in the garden. accentuate /ək’sent∫ʊeıt/ v. mark; pronounce with an accent vurgulu academic /,ækə’demık/ adj. about okumak schools and education akademik The academic knowledge of Mark accentuation /ək’sent∫ʊı∫ən/ n. is remarkable. act of pronouncing with an accent üstüne basarak okuma academy /ə’kædəmı/ n. school for special training akademi accept /ək’sept/ v. take or receive You should go to a language sth willingly almak; kabul etmek academy if you want to learn *to agree (to do sth.) razı olmak Spanish quickly. Unfortunately, the company didn’t accept the offer. - Will you accept accede (to) /ək’si:d/ v. agree to a this little present? - I invited her to request, proposal etc kabul etmek; the party and she accepted. razı olmak *to achieve a high position, esp to become king or access1 /’ækses/ n. way in; entrance queen yüksek mertebeye (tahta; giriş; geçiş *right to enter or use iktidara) çıkmak kullanma; girme hakkı (imkanı) He finally acceded to become the You don’t have access to that floor. king of England upon his father’s dead. access2 v. obtain information from; put information into (a computer) accelerate /ək’seləreıt/ v. (cause (bilgisayardan) bilgi almak; to) move faster or earlier than (bilgisayara) bilgi yüklemek expected hızlan(dır)mak I need to access to that information immediately. 7

accessible A accessible /ək’sesəbəl/ adj. accolade /‘ækəleıd/ n. praise or easy to reach or use ulaşılması, an award for an achievement that kullanılması kolay; kolay elde people admire coşku dolu övgü edilebilir accommodate /ə’kɒmədeıt/ v. The link to that product is not give a room, place to live or sleep accessible anymore. kalacak, yatacak yer sağlamak accessory /ək’sesərı/ n. sth accommodation /ə,kɒmə’deı∫ən/ useful or decorative but not n. place to live kalacak yer; really necessary aksesuar *(also yatacak yer accessary) person who helps I couldn’t arrange the another in a crime suça yardımcı accommodation yet. olan kişi; suç ortağı Do you have any accessories accompany /ə’kʌmpənı/ v. go, suitable for that dress? travel with *to play the piano, accident /’æksıdənt/ n. something etc., while someone else is singing which happens by chance *event birlikte gitmek; eşlik etmek that happens unexpectedly and He was accompanied by causes injury, damage, etc kaza his girlfriend. - Roast beef I met her by accident at the accompanied by boiled potatoes. bus stop. - There was a terrible - He was accompanying the singer accident on the road a few hours on the piano. - she accompanied ago. - She had an accident and had herself on the piano. to go to hospital. - Three people accomplice /ə’kʌmplıs/ n. person were killed in the accident on the who helps another do sth wrong or motorway. illegal suç ortağı accidental /,æksı’dentəl/ adj. event accomplish /ə’kʌmplı∫/ v. finish happening by chance tesadüfi; or complete successfully bitirmek; kazaen olan başarmak I don’t think it was accidental. To accomplish a design. accidentally /æksı’dentәlı/ accord1 /ə’kɔ:d/ v. agree or be chance *in an accident şans eseri, in harmony with uymak; uyum kazara sağlamak I found the missing watch accidentally. - He was killed accord2 n. formal agreement accidentally. between two organizations, countries etc uyum; uzlaşma; acclaim /ə’kleım/ v. greet with anlaşma *of one’s own accord; great joy and approval alkışlamak, voluntarily kendi isteği ile sevinçle karşılamak according (to) /ə’kɔ:dıŋ tə/ prep. acclimatize /ə’klaımətaız/ v. get as stated or reported by sb, sth ...e used to a new climate (bir yerin) göre iklimine, havasına alışmak According to a recent research, I couldn’t acclimatize yet. 8

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