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can do english 2 workbook

Published by coeditor, 2023-08-21 09:55:00

Description: can do english 2 workbook


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1. Look and circle. wrap write wrist whistle quilt quince 2. Match and number. 1 23 4 56 ----- pharmacy ----- toy shop ----- library ----- museum ----- grocery store ----- bakery 51

3. Complete the sentences. 1. The cinema is ------------------- the pharmacy. 2. The theater is ------------------- the stadium and -------------------. 3. The hotel is -------------------------. 4. The bank is ----------------------- the hospital. 5. The school is ---------------------- the bus station. 6. The cafe is ------------------------- the hotel. 7. The museum is --------------------- the school. 52

4. Listen and write the places. 01 1 H O T E L 3 2 1. ------------------ 2. ----------------- 3. ------------------ 5. Listen and tick. 02 782. YES 741. YES NO NO 714. YES 80 3. YES NO NO 53

6. Circle the correct option. 1. A: ------------- is that? B: She’s my sister. What Who Where 2. A: ------------- are they? B: They’re in the park. What Who Where 3. A: -------------- is your English class? B: It’s on Monday. What When Where 4. A: -------------- old are you? B: I’m seven years old. What When How 5. A: --------------- time is it? B: It’s ten o’clock. What When Where 6. A: --------------- do you do? B: I’m a nurse. Who What Where 7. A: --------------- do you work? B: I work in an airport. Who What Where 7. Write the missing letters. bak_ry l_ br_ ry pos_off_ce 54

8. Listen and tick. 03 YES NO 1. 2. YES 3. NO 4. YES NO YES NO 55


1. Look and circle. twig twin twelve twenty two twig 2. Listen, match and write. 01 1. ------------------- 2. ------------------- 3. ------------------- 4. ------------------- 5. ------------------- 57

3. Crossword puzzle: Write the sports. 1 23 4 56 1 3 4 2 6 5 58

4. Write the numbers. 83 86 81 88 90 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 5. Complete the sentence. (can/ can’t) ✓ x ✓ ✓ x x Jack can ------------------------------. Jack can ------------------------------. Jack can ------------------------------. Jack can’t ----------------------------. Jack can’t ----------------------------. Jack can’t ----------------------------. 59

6. Complete the sentences. slowly – loudly – carefully – happily – fast - quietly 1. I listen to music ----------------. 2. I sing ----------------------. 3. I write --------------------. 4. I run ----------------------. 5. My sister walks ----------------. 6. We talk --------------------. 60

7. Listen and tick. 02 He can’t play guitar. He can’t sing a song. He can paint a picture. He can dance. He can swim. 8. Color it. 61


1. Circle the odd one. kn wr tw 12 2. Listen and number. 01 3. Circle the right number. ninety- two 95 91 94 92 one- hundred 10 100 70 10 ninety- seven 97 79 96 77 ninety- five 93 95 59 85 ninety- one 19 91 90 81 63

4. Complete the sentences. Names Objects Paul bag This is --------------------------. Jane hat This is --------------------------. My father car This is --------------------------. My sister shoes These are ----------------------. 5. Write sentences use my/ his/ her/ their. -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 6. Word search puzzle: Mark the foods. 64

7. Look and circle. cookies chocolate hamburger cupcake cookies french fries doughnut doughnut steak rice pasta salad soup hamburger rice chicken steak pizza 8. Write about the foods you like and don’t like. I like ----------------------------. I don’t like ------------------------. I like ----------------------------. I don’t like ------------------------. I like ----------------------------. I don’t like ------------------------. 65

9. Listen and circle. 02 1. Toast and pasta 2. Hamburgers and soup 3. Pizza and french fries 4. Cookies 5. Cheese, egg and doughnuts 10. Match the sentences. B: We’re having soup and fish for dinner. A: What’s for lunch today? B: I like to eat cupcakes and A: What do you have for breakfast? chocolate. A: Do you like hamburgers? B: We have some chicken and rice for lunch. A: What’s for dinner today? A: What do you like to eat? B: No, I like pasta and salad. 66 B: We have cheese, olive and egg for breakfast.


1. Unscramble. LALTWE AG L U G E G SAPPS TRO C ETKT I 2. Circle the correct letter. tw ng ck kn wr qu ng ph wh th ck sh ch sh th 68

3. Listen and circle the items. 01 4. Complete the sentences with comparatives. 1. February is ---------------- than June. (cold) 2. Our new house is ------------------ than the ol done. (small) 3. My brother is ------------------- than my father. (tall) 4. A turtle is --------------------- than a rabbit. (slow) 5. I am ------------------- than my cousins. (young) 6. Bread is ------------------- than meat. (cheap) 7. Cars are ------------------------- than bikes. (expensive) 8. Planes are -------------------- than cars. (fast) 69

5. Match and number. 3 2 1 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 ----- passport ----- ticket ----- drug ----- wallet ----- hat ----- camera ----- telephone ----- suitcase ----- map ----- cash 6. Write the words. -------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 70

7. Match the words. try places take your luggage visit local food pack a holiday book photo plan new people buy a hotel meet tickets 8. Write the words. three travel items three colors three foods three months three seasons three sports three clothes 71

9. Write about your travel. 10. Color it. 72

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