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Published by coeditor, 2021-07-08 14:53:51

Description: HIH_4_students+project_BS


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Unit 1 Everyday Life 6 Unit 2 After-school Fun 12 School Link 1 18 Unit 3 Four Seasons 20 34 Unit 4 Seasonal Activities 26 40 School Link 2 32 46 Unit 5 Staying Home Unit 6 At the Park School Link 3

4 Unit 7 Dream Jobs 48 Unit 8 In the Future 54 School Link 4 60 Unit 9 Describing People 62 Unit 10 Being Sick 68 School Link 5 74 Unit 11 Fun Vacations 76 Unit 12 Weekend Plans 82 School Link 6 88 English Sounds 90 Scope and Sequence 94 Key Words 96

Matt Lewis Jumbo Mila Lopez Joey Jones Jade Chen Sunny Fluffy Ditto

4 What’s up? 2x Let’s get together. Everybody! Are you ready to have fun? Come along and join with us. We’ll have so much fun! Come along! Hand in Hand! Hello. How are you? I’m great. How are you? I’m ready to learn with you. I’m ready! Let’s get started! A We’ll go Hand in Hand To our own wonderland. You and me. We’ll go together Hand in Hand. It’s English for yourself. English for the world. You can do it with Hand in Hand. Come along! It’s lots of fun. You can with Hand in Hand. ARepeat .

Unit 1 Everyday Life Conversation A Listen and repeat. Then act out with friends. 2 No school tomorrow! When do you wake up? It’s Saturday. I usually wake up at 6:30. Yeah! I can sleep in. There’s my bus. Goodbye! What about you? I wake up at See you on Monday! seven o’clock. B Look at A . Practice the dialog with the new words. 12 6:45 mom 7:15 dad 6

C Listen and sing. 3 Sleep In No school tomorrow! It’s Saturday. I love Saturdays. I can sleep in. Yeah, me too! When do you wake up, usually? I wake up at six. When do you wake up, usually? I wake up at six. Wow! D Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. 4 What time is it? 12 It’s two fifteen. It’s a quarter past two. 2 : 15 2 : 30 two fifteen / a quarter past two two thirty / half past two 3 4 2 : 45 3 : 00 two forty-five / a quarter to three three o’clock 7

Words and Grammar 3 A Listen and repeat. Then point and say. 5 12 wake up start school finish school 4 5 6 come home eat dinner go to sleep B Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. 6 Wh at time ddooesthsehye wake up? She wakes up at 6:15. They wake up up start school finish up start school finish 8:20 8:35 wake 2 school wake 8 school 6:15 3:00 7:30 4:05 13 79 9:40 64 3:45 g1o0:t1o5sleep 12 10 4:50 go to home home 5 11 sleep 6:30 come 7:00 come eat dinner eat dinner They wake start finish come eat go She/He wakes starts finishes comes eats goes 8

C Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. 7 Does he eat dinner at 7? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. doesn’t = does not Do they Yes, they do. No, they don’t. don’t = do not 1 Do they eat 2 dinner at 7:00? Yes, they do. Does he come home at 3:30? 7:00 3:30 No, he doesn’t. He finishes school at 3:30. D Listen and circle Yes or No. 8 7:30 3 6:00 1 7:45 2 Yes No Yes No Yes No 4 4:10 5 9:30 Good morning, Mr. Baker! 6 8:20 Yes No Yes No Yes No E Look at D . Ask and answer. Does he wake up at 7:45? Yes, he does. 9

The World around Us A Look and listen. Then choose and write. 9 comes lives takes early Trang ________ in Vietnam. Here is what his morning is like on a school day. The day starts ________. Trang always gets up at 5:45 and gets ready for school. At 6:30, Trang’s mom ________ him to school on her motorcycle. School starts at seven o’clock and ends at eleven o’clock. He ________ home around twelve o’clock and eats lunch with his mom. B Think and answer about yourself. 1. When do you usually get up in the morning? 2. What do you do in the morning before school? 3. How do you go to school? 10

Unit Link U1 A Listen and answer. 10 8:40 3 4:00 4 2:30 1 7:15 2 B Look and talk about Ben’s day. He wakes up at 7:30. y Ben’s Da C Talk about your day with a friend. I wake up at 7:15. 11

Unit 2 After-school Fun Conversation A Listen and repeat. Then act out with friends. 11 That’s all for today, class. You look happy, Jade. What’s up? Goodbye, Mr. Jones. I have an origami class today. That sounds like fun. How many kids are in your class? Yes! I’m very excited. I don’t know. It’s my first day. B Look at A . Practice the dialog with the new words. 123 a ballet class a computer class a cooking class 12

C Listen and sing. 12 That sounds like so much fun! That’s exciting. Soccer Practice That sounds like so much fun! It is! That’s all for today. Have fun! Goodbye, class. You look happy, Jade. What’s up? Oh, today I have soccer practice. Oh, today I have soccer practice. D Listen and write the number. Then act out. 13 1 What are you doing tomorrow? 2 Do you want to come? 3 It’s at 7:15 in the morning. 4 You look happy. What’s up? 12 I’m going to the movies. There’s no school No, thanks. tomorrow! I want to sleep in. 3 What time is the movie? 4 13

Words and Grammar 3 A Listen and repeat. Then point and say. 14 12 band practice Chinese class dance class 4 5 6 soccer practice swimming class taekwondo class B Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. 15 W hat ddooetshehye do after school? He has swimming class. They have 3 2 1 6 5 4 14

C Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. 16 Does she have band practice? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. doesn’t = does not Do they Yes, they do. No, they don’t. don’t = do not Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mila Chinese taekwondo dance taekwondo Jade & Joey band band 1 Does Mila have dance 2 Do Jade and Joey class on Friday? have band practice on Tuesday? No, she doesn’t. She has taekwondo class Yes, they do. on Friday. D Listen and circle Yes or No. Then ask and answer. 17 Matt Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Jade & Joey swimming band soccer band soccer Chinese Joey 1 Matt 2 Matt 3 Jade Yes No 5 Yes No Yes No 4 Jade 6I Joey I Yes No Yes No Yes No 15

The World around Us A Look and listen. Then choose and write. 18 team soccer good Wednesdays This is Ben, and he lives in the United States. Ben likes to play ___________ after school. He is in the school soccer club. Ben likes ________________ because that’s when he has soccer practice. Ben is ___________ at playing soccer. His soccer club is doing well. They were the number one ___________ in town last year. Ben is excited about the game this weekend. B Think and answer about yourself. 1. What do you do after school? 2. What’s your favorite school activity? 3. What do you want to do after school? 16

Unit Link U1, U2 A Listen and answer. 19 9:20 3 Tue 4 Wed 1 6:40 2 B Ask your friend and write the time. When do you wake up? I wake up at 7:10. wake start finish come eat go to up school school home dinner sleep I My Friend C Write about your after-school activities. Then point and say. Mila has taekwondo class at 3:30 on Tuesday and Friday. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mila taekwondo dance taekwondo 3:30 3:00 3:30 Matt swimming soccer soccer 3:15 2:45 2:45 Jade Chinese band band & Joey 3:30 3:15 3:15 I 17

School Link 1 Social Studies 20 Many schools have good programs for children after school. Children learn different things and have fun together. Every Monday, these children have a writing class. They write stories together. They have fun sharing their stories. On Tuesdays and Fridays, these children learn to play the violin. They like making music together. Think and Say Key Words 1. What do your friends do after school? children program 2. W hat is your after-school schedule? learn share music violin 18

These children learn Chinese together after school. Their Chinese class is once a week on Thursdays. 1. Write and draw five after-school activities in the chart. 2. Ask your friends to draw a red dot by their favorite activity. 3. Share the chart with the class. Favorite After-school Activities These are our favorite after-school activities. Soccer Seven students like playing soccer. Swimming English Piano Writing Go to page 1 in your Project Book. 19

Scope and Sequence Conversation Words and Grammar The World English around Us Sounds Unit 1 I can sleep in tomorrow. wake up, start school, finish school, When do you wake up? come home, eat dinner, go to sleep A School Day i and ea/ee Everyday I usually wake up at 6:30. Morning oo and oo Life What about you? What time does she wake up? (Vietnam) I wake up at seven o’clock. She wakes up at 6:15. ow and ow Unit 2 There’s my bus. Goodbye! Does he eat dinner at 7:00? Kids Soccer ay and oy See you on Monday! Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Club After-school (USA) o and ar Fun That’s all for today, class. band practice, Chinese class, dance ar and or Goodbye, Mr. Jones. class, soccer practice, swimming class, Seasons School Link 1 You look happy. What’s up? taekwondo class in Egypt I have an origami class today. (Egypt) Unit 3 How many kids are in your class? What does he do after school? I don’t know. It’s my first day. He has swimming class. Beautiful Fall Four Does she have band practice? (South Korea) Seasons Social Studies: After-school programs Fun Things Unit 4 Project: Make a favorite after-school activity chart and do a class survey. We Did (Mexico, Seasonal What nice weather! spring, summer, fall, winter, hot, warm, Canada, Activities Yes, it’s a perfect day for swimming. cool, cold, humid, dry, breezy, stormy Italy, Kenya) Let’s all go to the pool. School Link 2 That sounds great. What’s the weather like in spring? The Little I love summer. It’s warm and breezy. Prince Park Unit 5 What’s your favorite season? Why does he like spring? (France) I like summer too. Because it’s warm and breezy. Staying Home Look out the window. build sandcastles, have picnics, go It’s snowing! sledding, go to the beach, make Unit 6 Let’s go out and play! snowmen, pick apples, plant flowers, What do you want to do? rake leaves At the Park We want to make a snowman. We need a carrot for the snowman. What does he like to do? School Link 3 OK. I’ll go get it. He likes to plant flowers. Do they like to go sledding? Science: Animals in winter Project: Make a report about what animals do during the winter. I’m home. clean the room, listen to stories, play Hi, Mom. You’re home early. video games, study English, talk on the Where is everyone? phone, watch a cartoon Dad’s not home yet. What about your brother? What did they do yesterday? He’s in the garage. He’s doing his They talked on the phone. science project. They didn’t talk on the phone. I’m hot. Let’s take a break. eat a hot dog, fly a kite, go running, Look! There’s an ice cream truck. have a picnic, read a book, ride a kick Let’s go get some ice cream. scooter There’s a long line. We need to get in the line too. Did they fly a kite yesterday? Hurry up! Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. OK. I’m coming. Art: Making a kite Project: Make a report about an interesting animal kite. 94

Conversation Words and Grammar The World English around Us Sounds Unit 7 May I interview you? Sure. an artist, a dentist, a race car driver, a farmer, Fun Clowns ur and er/ir What do you do? a firefighter, a pilot, a scientist, a vet Dream Jobs I’m a cook. Where do you work? What does he want to be? Unit 8 I work at a hotel restaurant. He wants to be a vet. Do you like your job? Does she want to be a pilot? In the Yes, I do. Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. Future Welcome to Willow Farm! fly a plane, go to space, help sick animals, Cool Jobs l- and -l School Link 4 What do you do every day? build houses, make movies, teach children, I get up early and milk the cows. travel the world, work on a farm Unit 9 What else do you do? I take the cows to the field. What does she want to do in the future? Describing How many cows do you have? She wants to fly a plane. People I have 200 cows. Do they want to go to space? Unit 10 Social Studies: Important people in history Project: Make a report of an important person in history. Being Sick Is your mom here? short/long/straight/curly hair, shoulder-length We are h and wh School Link 5 Yes, she is. hair, a ponytail, a beard, a mustache, glasses Twins Which one is your mom? Unit 11 She’s over there. She’s wearing What does she look like? a red sweater. She has short gray hair and glasses. Fun Is she the one wearing jeans? Which one is Jack’s mom? Vacations Yes, she is. She’s the one with shoulder-length brown hair. Unit 12 What’s wrong? a cold, an earache, a fever, a runny nose, When I w and wh My tooth hurts. a headache, a sore throat, a stomachache, Have Weekend Do you want to stop playing? a toothache a Cold Plans Yes, that’s a good idea. How do you feel now? What’s the matter with him? School Link 6 It still hurts. I should go home. He has a fever. I hope you feel better soon. Does she have a cold? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. Health: How to stay healthy Project: Make a daily water chart. Can we go to the beach now? months of the year, go to an aquarium, go on Summer ng and nk No, we should check in first. a bus tour, go camping, stay in a hotel, swim Vacation Wait here. I’ll be right back. in the ocean, visit a museum (Denmark) Are you ready to have some fun? What will she do on vacation? Yes, we are. She will visit a museum. I want to build a sandcastle. When will she go on vacation? I want to go swimming. She’ll go on vacation in July. Hello, Joey. buy shoes, eat out, get a haircut, go to a ball A Pajama st and str Hi, Matt. What’s up? game, have a barbecue, stay up late, stay Party I’m at the park. Do you want to home, wash a car (Germany) come? No. I want to sleep more. Will they eat out this weekend? Come on. It’s a nice day for bike Yes, they will. No, they won’t. riding. OK. I’ll be there soon. Math: Addition, subtraction, and multiplication Project: Make a report about the ticket prices for different activities. 95