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Home Explore TEAM up in English1 Unit1.

TEAM up in English1 Unit1.

Published by saharut muangmorntong043, 2021-09-28 07:17:39

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_y g Contents Grammar Vocabulary Unit Numbers 1-30 Colours Warm Up! Classroom language School objects and school subjects p. 6 Subject pronouns Days, months, seasons be – Present simple (affirmative form) Ordinal numbers 1 What’s your name? Possessive adjectives The date Wh-questions (1) Greetings Numbers 1-100 Countries and nationalities p. 14 be – Present simple (negative form, questions Feelings and short answers) The family 2 I’m hot and thirsty Demonstratives: this / that, these / those Plural nouns (1) Rooms and furniture p. 22 Technological objects Articles: a, an, the Prepositions of place: on, in, under 3 There’s a TV room Plural nouns (2) there is / there are (all forms) p. 30 1-3 Check Your Progress Culture Spot 1: The British Isles pp. 118-119 pp. 38-39 4 I’ve got blond hair have got – Present simple (all forms) Physical appearance Position of adjectives Parts of the body School and personal objects (1) p. 40 Countable and uncountable nouns In the kitchen: objects, food and drink some / any 5 Is there any food? a lot of, a little, a few School and personal objects (2) How much…? / How many…? Rules p. 48 The possessive ’s 6 Tidy your room! Whose…? Imperative Let’s… p. 56 4-6 Check Your Progress Culture Spot 2: Multicultural Britain pp. 120-121 pp. 64-65

__ yy gg _ y g _y ComCmomunmicuantiiocnat/ioPnro/nPurnonciuanticoination ComSkmilulSskn/iilcClasLtI/iLoCn/LCI/LuP/rriCoonusiurtinyocsCioatyrtniCoeonrrner SkPiellrssPCo/eonCrmaLsloImLTnou/aonlClTiukcoriatoitoliksoiintty/CPorronneurnc IntrodIunctirnogduycoiunrgseylof urself Introducing yourself Introducing yourself CountCinogutnotin3g0 to 30 Counting to 30 Counting to 30 Using UEnsignlgishEninglitshheinclathsserocolamssroom Using English in the classroom Using English in the classroom GreetiGngreaentidnginatnroddiunctirnogduycoiunrgseylof urself SkGillrseSetkiinllgs and introducing yourself Skills GramGmraGarmremetianrg and introducing yourself AskingAfsokrinagnfdogr iavnindggpiveirnsgonpaelrsinofnoarlminaftoiormn ation Word Wstroersds s(t1r)ess (1) LisAteskniLininsggtfe:onurinnadnged:rsugtnaivdniendrgisntpgaennrdsuiomnngbaenl ruisnm,focboremurnsa,ttrciiooenus natnrdies and ListeniSnugb:jeucnStudpAberjsoesktcniantongupdnrfionsnrgpoa.nun4undmsgpbiv.ei4rnsg, cpoeurnsotrnieasl iannfodrmat TalkingTaalkbionugtahboowutyhoouwfeyeol u feel nationnaalittiioens,acliotileosu, rcsolours nationbaleit–iesPb,rceos–elonPutrressismenptlesipm. p5le p. 5 TalkingTaalkbionugtatbhoeuftatmhielyfamily this orththiseoser?these? SpWeaokrSidnpgest:arakesisnksign(:1ga)fsokrinagnfdosraaynindgsathyeinngatmhee,naagmeea,nadge andSpeakiPnogs:seasPskoiivWnsesgeoasfrdosdijrvesaectnrtaeidvdsesjsesa(cy1pti).inv3ge6sthpe. 3n6ame, age and nationnaalittiyonality nationWaliht-y qWuehs-tiqounesspti.o7ns p. 7 ReadinRgea: duinndge:rsutnadnedrisntganadnineg-manaile-wmitahilpweritshonpaelrsonal ReadinPgic: tuinoPdnieacrrtsyitoannadrinyg an e-mail with personal informinaftoiormn ation inform1atNiounm1bNerusm, Cboelrosu, rCsoalonudrs and WritinWg:rictoinmgp: lceotimngplaentineg-manaile-wmitahilpweritshonpaelrsinofnoarlminaftoiorWmn arittioinnSgh:acpoemSshpalepteinsg an e-mail with personal informat CLTILalkCinLgILabout how you feel CLIL GramGmraTaarmlkmingarabout how you feel FooTadlkaFinogdodaNbauontudrittNitohunetrfiatimonily Food abned–NPubrteersTit–eainolPktnrinesisgmeanpbtloesuipmt. tp5hlee pfa. m5 ily this or these? DemoDnsetmraotinvsetsrapt.iv3e4s p. 34 Plural Pnlouturhanislsnopor.ut1nh5sespe.?15 DescriDbiensgcraibpinlagcae place CuDrieossCcirutibyrinoCgsoirtanypeClraocrener CuriosGitryamCoGmrrnaDaermersmcriabring a place GivingGiinvfionrgminaftoiormn abtiountawbhoeurtewshoemretshoimngeitshing is RhGymivieRnhTgyimimnefeo, WrTmimoaretdi,osWenaoarrcbdhos,euJatorkwcehhT,eJirmoekees,oTUmimnelueth,cikUnyngNluisuckmybNerusm, Rbheyrsm, eATritmicleeA,sWrptGio.cir1vldei3nsegpa.irn1cfh3o,rJmokaetiToinmaeb, oUuntluwchkeyreNsuommbeetr The leTttheer l‘eht’ter ‘h’ Quiz, DQiudizy,oDuidknyoowu?k,nEonwg?li,shEnSgalyisihngSsayings Quiz, DPilduryaolsPulpuk.rn1ao5lswp?., 1E5nglish Sayings The letter ‘h’ there itsh/eTtrheheeisrle/tatthreeerr‘peh.’a1r7e p. 17 PictioPniacrtyionary 4 Mov4inMg oHvoinugseHouse DescriDbiensgcrpibhiynsgicpahl yaspicpaelaarapnpceearance SkDillessScrkiiblilnsg physical appearance Skills GramGmraDarmesmcriabring physical appearance TalkingTaalkbionugtapboosustespsoiosnsess(s1io)ns (1) LisTtaelnkLiininsggte:anuboinnudget:rpsuotnasdnsedrsisnstigoanpdsroi(nf1gil)epsrofilfeasmoofufsampeooupslepeopleListenihnagv:eugnhoadtTve–aerslPkgtiraonentgsd–eainnPbtgroesupismteronpftoilleesismeospsfliefoanms o(1u)s people /s/ vs/s/S/vs /S/ SpeakSinpge:adkiensgcr:ibdiensgcraibpinegrsaonperson Speakipn.g9: deps. c9ribing a person TalkingTaalkbionugtafbooudtafnododdrainkd drink TalkingTaalkbionugtaqbuoaunttiqtuieasntities Re/asd/inRvgesa: du/Sinn/dge:rsutnadnedrisntganpdhiynsgicpahl ydseicscarlipdteisocnrsipatinodns and ReadinPgo:suitnioPdnoe/rsositft/iaoanvdndsjeionc/fgStai/vpdehjesycspti.icv2ae1lsdpe.s2cr1iptions and /s/ vs/s/z/vs /z/ identifidyienngtifoyuinrgfafomuorufsampeooupslepeople identifPyiinctgiofoPnuiacrrtyfiaomnaoruys people TalkingTaalkbionugtapboosustespsoiosnsess(s2io)ns (2) UnderUstnadnedrisntganadnidnggiavnindggiinvsintrgucintisotnrusctions WritinWg:ridtiensgcr:ibdiensgcraibfianmg oaufsampeorusosnperson Writin6g:Tdhees6HcrTuibhmienagHnuaBmofadamynoBuosdpyerson WhoseWohroWsehor’sW?ho’s ? CLTILalkCinLgILabout food and drink CLIL GramGmraTaarmlkmingarabout food and drink SentenSceentsetnrecses stress ReTcaylcklRinegcyacblionugt quantities RecycliQnguantQifuiTearnslktpiinf.ige1r6asbpo.u1t6quantities /s/ vs /z/ How mHuocwh…m?u/chH…ow? /mHaonwy…m?any…? p. 18 p. 1/s8/ vs /z/ CuTraiolksCiniutgyriaoCbsooirtunyteCproosrsneesrsions (2) CuriosGitryamCoGmrrnaTaearmlrkmingarabout possessions (2) BizUanrrdeBeiFrzsoatorardne,dFiounongdSa,naFndudngwiSviacinnhgdFwianciscthsr,uFFcaotciootdsn,siFnoBorditianinB,ritain, BizarrePFoososedsP,sFoivuUsensne’dSsseapirnv.sdet3wa3’nsicdphi.n3Fga3acntsd, FgoivoidngininBsrtirtuacinti,ons PuzzlePTuizmzlee, TSicmieen,cSeciSetnucfef, TSeteunff,TTeecehnnoTelocghyn,ology, Puzzle ITmimper,aISmtcivpieeenrpca.et3ivS7etupf.f,3T7een Technology, A FWamhoAosueFsaomTrhoWuumhsobT’.hs..u?mb... A FamoPuicstTiohPnuiamcWrtbyiho..o.nsaeroyr Who’s ? Sentence stress 3 In th3eISnCeltnahstesrnoCcoleamssstrroeossm 5 In th5eInBetdhreooBmedraonodminatnhdein the GaragGe arage

_y g Contents Grammar Vocabulary Unit Present simple (affirmative form and spelling Daily routine variations) The time 7 I usually get up Frequency adverbs (1) Prepositions of time: at, on, in at seven p. 66 Present simple (negative form, questions and Free-time activities (1) short answers) Souvenirs 8 How often do you play? Prices Wh-questions (2) p. 74 9 Can you sing? can (all forms) Musical instruments very well / quite well / at all A birthday party p. 82 7-9 Check Your Progress Culture Spot 3: British Landmarks pp. 122-123 pp. 90-91 10 The Fashion Show Present continuous (all forms) Free-time activities (2) Wh-questions (3) Clothes p. 92 11 David cleans the windows Present simple vs present continuous Housework How often…? Activities at home p. 100 Expressions of frequency Frequency adverbs (2) Adjectives Places in town 12 It was three months ago be – Past simple (all forms) Past time expressions there was / there were p. 108 10-12 Check Your Progress Culture Spot 4: School Life in Britain pp. 124-125 pp. 116-117

__ yy gg _ y g _y ComCmomunmicuantiiocnat/ioPnro/nPurnonciuanticoination ComSkmilulSskn/iilcClasLtI/iLoCn/LCI/LuP/rriCoonusiurtinyocsCioatyrtniCoeonrrner SkPiellrssCPo/oenCrmaLsloImLTnuo/aonlCliTukcoriatoitoliksoinitty/CPorornneurnc TalkingTaalkbionugtarboouutitnreosutines SkTilallskSinkgillasbout routines Skills GramGmrTaaarmlkimngarabout routines AskingAfsokrinagnfdotreallnindgtethlleintgimthee time LisAteskniLininsggtfe:onlrisinatengnd:ilntisgetleltionignagnthdteoutnaimdnedersutnadnedrisntganthdeinwg etheeklyweekLliysteniPnregs:elinsPtreeAsnissmeiknnipgntlgetsoifpmo.arp4nal7denudpn.t4dee7llrisntganthdeintgimthee weekly /s/, /z//s,/,/I/zz//, /Iz/ routinreoouftianne Aomf aenriAcamnebriocyan boy routineFroefqauneFnrAecmqyueaerdincvcaeynrbabsdovpye. r4b9s p. 49 Sp/esa/,kSi/npzge/:,aak/siInkzi/gn:gafsokrinagnfdogr iavnindggpiveirnsgonpaelrsinofnoarlminaftoiormn atiSopneakiPnrgep: oassPikrtie/inospg/no,sfso/iotzrif/oa,tnnims/dIozeg/fipvt.iinm4g6eppe.r4so6nal information ReadinRgea: dreinadgi:nrgeaadsinhgorat ashrtoicrtleaartbicoluetaUbNouICt EUFNICEF Reading: reading a short article about UNICEF WritinWg:rictoinmgp: lceotimngplaettienxgta text Writing: completing a text TalkingTaalkbionugtafbreoeutifmreee time CLTILalkCinLgILabout free time CLIL GramGmrTaaarmlkimngarabout free time AskingAaskbionugtaobpoeuntinogpetinminegs times PeArssokniPnaeglrsHaobenaoalutl htHoaepnaedltnhSinaagfnetdtiymSaefsety PersonParleHsenaPtlrteAshissmeaknipntdlgesSiapmab.fpeo4tlu7eytpo.p4e7ning times AskingAaskbionugtapbroicuetsprices Asking about prices Wh- qWuehAs-stkiqoinungessaptib.o7onustpp.r7ices RisingRainsidngfaallnindgfainlltiongnaitnitoonnation Rising and falling intonation Rising and falling intonation OrganOisirngganaispinagrtay party TalkingTaalkbionugtaabboiluitieasbilities CuOrirogsCainutyirsiioCnsgoirtanyepCraortryner CuriosGitryamCoGmrrnOaaermrrgamnaisring a party Weak Wanedakstaronndgstfroornmgs:focarmn s/:ccaann’t/ can’t GuTeaslksGitnhugeasMsbotehuaetniaMnbgeil,aiFtnioeinosgd,TFeosot,dETxepsetr,iEmxepnetriTmimenet, Time, Guess ctahne pM.ce8aa2Tnnailpnk.gin8,g2FoaobdouTtesatb, iElixtpieesriment Time, Did yoDuidknyoowu?k,nDoow’s?,aDnod’sDaond’tsDionnt’thseinUKth, eJoUkeKT, Jimokee, TimDeid, you know?, Do’s and Don’ts in the UK, Joke Time, GrWeeetiaGnkgreaCentadirndsgtMrCoannrgdiafMoramnsia: can / can’t Greeting Card WMeaankiaand strong forms: can / can’t DescriDbiensgcraibcitniognascitniopnrsoginrepsrsogress SkDillessScrkiiblilnsg actions in progress Skills GramGmrDaaremscmriabring actions in progress DescriDbiensgcrwibhinagt swohmaetosnoemiesowneairsinwgearing LisDtensLciinrsigbtei:nnigdienwnght:iafidytiesnnogtmisfoyeoimnngeeosinosemwbeeyoanrtihenegbiryctlhoethirecslothes ListeniPnregs:eidnPetrneDctsoeiefnsynctitirnnicbguoionsnuogtsminwpeuh.oa6nut0essopb.my6te0hoenier cislowtheeasring /N/ /N/ SpeakSinpge:adkiensgcr:ibdiensgcrwibhinagt swohmaetosnoemiesodnoeinisg doing SpeakiSnpge:lldineSgspcerrulilblieninsggpr.uw5leh7satp.so5m7 eone is doing Re/aNd/inRgea: didienngt:ifidyienngtifayminogufsampeooupslepeboyptlheebiryctlhoethirecslotheRseadinPgic: tidioePnniatc/irNtfyyi/oinngarfyamous people by their clothes WritinWg:riwtirnitgin: gwraibtionugtahbooluidtahyoslidays Writin7g:Swumri7tminSegurmaabnmodueWrt ahinotdleidWrayinster ClotheCslothes TalkingTaalkbionugtahboouustehwoourksework CLTILalkCinLgILabout housework CLIL GramGmrTaaarmlkimngarabout housework DescriDbiensgcrriobuintginreosuatnindesacatniodnascitniopnrsoginrepsrsogress RoDadesSRcaroifabeditnygSarfoeutytines and actions in progress Road SParfeesteynPtreDsisemesnpctrleisbivimnsgpplrreoeuvsestinnpteressaendt actions in prog TalkingTaalkbionugtapbaosuttepvaesnttsevents contincuoonutsinpu.o6u2s p. 62 TalkingTaalkbionugtapbloacuetspilnacteoswin town Word Wstroersds s(t2r)ess (2) ExpresEsxiopnressosifofnrseqoufefnrecqyupe.n4c9y p. 49 FrequeFnrecqyuaednvceyrbasdvpe. r4b9s p. 49 CuTraiolksCiniutgyriaoCbsooirtunyteCpraosrtneevrents CuriosGitryamCoGmrrnTaaaermlrkimngarabout past events DidTaylkoDiunigdKanyboowuu?Kt,npForlaewce?eT,sFimirneeet,oTAwirmeney,oAure‘aygoouo‘da sgpooordt’sopro‘rat’ oDri‘da yobueK–noPbwaes?Tt,a–sFlkiPrmieanespgtlTeasimbipmo.eup6,tlA3eprepla.yc6oe3us i‘na tgoowodn sport’ or ‘a sore lossoerre’?lo, Jsoekr’e?T, Jimokee, TInimcre,dIinbclere!,dBibriltea!i,nB’sritFaaivno’surFiatevouristoere loPseicrt’?io, PJnoiackrteyioTnimarey, Incredible!, Britain’s Favourite DrWinko,rDPdreistntkFre,asPcsetst(2F)acts Drink, P9eTthFea9TcotTWswhnoerTidnoswWtrniensitnseW(r2a)intdeirnand in SummSeurmmer

3 There’s a TV room 1C 1.29 Listen and read. David: This is the TV room with a TV, a DVD S9 player and a video recorder… A Virtual Tour Maria: … and upstairs are the bathrooms. There isn’t a bath but there are ten showers. David: Are you ready Maria? Action! Maria: Hello Mum! Hello Dad! This is the Camp. David: The bedrooms are upstairs, too. Maria: Are there TVs in our rooms? I’m in the reception area now but come David: No, there aren’t… but there are with me… this is the kitchen and this is the dining room! Well, this is the games telephones! Upstairs there’s room. There’s a table tennis table… an attic with a fantastic David: … and a mini football table. It’s great fun! music room for parties. Maria: There’s an internet room, too. Maria: Look! There are over There are five online computers, three two hundred CDs! webcams and D&M: That’s all folks! a printer. Goodbye from the Camp! 2C 1.29 Listen and S9 repeat. Comprehension 3 Match the sentences to the rooms. games room internet room bathroom (x2) bedroom There are five computers. internet room 1 There isn’t a bath. _________________________ 2 There are ten showers. _________________________ 3 Are there TVs? No, there aren’t. _________________________ 4 There’s a mini football table. _________________________ 30 thirty

3 Vocabulary bathroom dining room chair table bed lamp sofa desk fridge kitchen living room 4 Match. lamp 2 __________ 3 ____________ 1 __________ 4 ____________ 5 ____________ 6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________ 10 ____________ 5C 1.30 Listen and check. 9 __________ Communication My Turn Look & Use 7 Write a short text. Describe your house. There is an internet room. In my house there is a living room, a double There are five computers. room, two single rooms, a kitchen and a There isn’t a bath. bathroom. There isn’t a dining room… Is there a desk? Yes, there is. Are there TVs? No, there aren’t. 8 Work in pairs. What is there in your 6 Work in pairs. Choose a room from bedroom? Ask and answer questions. exercise 4 and describe it to your computer webcam printer TV partner, with the help of the words in DVD player video recorder CDs the box. Your partner guesses which room it is. A Is there a TV in your bedroom? B No, there isn’t. double bedroom bath A Are there CDs in your bedroom? single bedroom shower B Yes, there are. A There is a bed and there are two lamps. thirty-one 31 B It’s the double bedroom.

3 1C 1.31 S 10 Listen and read. Argh! There’s a mouse on my bed! Sara: Hello. Maria: Argh! Sara! There’s a mouse on my bed! Sara: What? There’s a mouse under your bed? Maria: No, on my bed! There’s a mouse on my bed! Isn’t there a cat at the Camp? Sara: No, there isn’t. Just a minute, please. David! There’s a mouse in room 30. David: What? Don’t be silly! There aren’t mice in this camp! Sara: Yes, there are! There’s a mouse on the bed in room 30. David goes upstairs. David: OK, I’m in room 30, now. Where is the mouse? Maria: It’s on the bed. David: Ha ha! That isn’t a real mouse – it’s a toy! It’s a joke! Vocabulary 4 Where is the mouse? Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. on in under 2C 1.31 S 10 Listen and repeat. Comprehension It is __u_n_d__e_r_ the bed. 1 It is _____ the box. 3 True (T) or false (F)? TF 2 It is 3 It is _________ _________ the rug. Maria is in her bedroom. I I the table. 1 There isn’t a cat at the Camp. II 2 Sara is in room 30. II 5C 1.32 Listen and check. 3 There is a CD player on the bed. II 4 The mouse is a toy. II 32 thirty-two

3 Communication Sounds Good! Look & Use 7C 1.33 Listen and circle the word you hear. Where’s the mouse? 1 angry / hungry 2 air / hair There’s a mouse on my bed! There’s a mouse under your bed! 3 here / year 4 hate / ate There aren’t mice in this camp! 8C 1.33 Listen again and repeat. 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the My Turn picture above. 9 Write about your classroom. Then check school bag / desk with your partner. A Where is the school bag? B It’s on the desk. In my classroom there are ten desks. There is a computer on a students / classroom table. There is a school bag under A Where are the students? my desk… B They’re in the classroom. 1 printer / chair 2 books / desk 3 rubber / pencil case 4 pencils / desk thirty-three 33

3 Grammar Focus Articles: a, an, the Plural nouns (2) Look at the examples and complete the Regular plurals rules with a, an, the. Find the plural of these nouns in the a an the dialogues on pages 30 and 32. This is the games room. a bedroom two ___________________ There’s a table tennis table. a CD a hundred ____________ There’s an internet room, too. a party two ___________________ We use the definite article ______ for specific a telephone seven _________________ nouns. We use the indefinite article ______ / ______ Look at the examples and complete with non-specific singular nouns. the rules. We use ______ before a consonant or a consonant sound. bed beds We use ______ before a vowel or a vowel sound. We usually add _____ to form plural nouns. 1 Complete the sentences with a, an, the. party parties Francesco is ___a_n___ Italian boy. For nouns ending in consonant + y, we 1 Sydney is _______ city in Australia, but it change the y to _____ and add _____. isn’t _______ capital city of Australia. potato potatoes 2 There is _______ mouse in the kitchen. box boxes 3 Manchester United is _______ English bus buses watch watches football team. 4 Where is _______ bathroom? We add _____ to nouns ending in s, ss, ch, 5 Is there _______ attic in your house? sh, x and _____. Hot Tip! leaf leaves wife wives A or an? Think of the sound and choose! For some nouns ending in f or fe, we We use a before letter h: a hostel. change the f to v and add es. We use an before silent h: an hour. In the noun MP3 the first letter is a 2 Write these nouns in the plural. consonant, but its pronunciation is a vowel sound (em-pi-three). So we 1 fox 2 knife use an: an MP3 player. _________ _________ 34 thirty-four 3 DVD 4 printer _________ _________ 5 match 6 city _________ _________

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