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Home Explore OCT 2021 HIGHLIGHTS


Published by HLCS News, 2021-09-24 00:43:29

Description: OCT 2021 HIGHLIGHTS


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Autumn at Heritage Lake Photo by : Deb Muehlenbein

Heritage Lake Community Services, Inc. PUBLISHER/EDITOR: Rick Miller ASSOC. PUBLISHER: Mary Petruzzi TREASURER: Carol Kowalski Security activities for our lake area include incidents as reported at the last board meeting prior to the current Highlights publication CONTRIBUTORS: Roger Wright Marianne Novak Heritage Lake Incident Report September Dick Werner Anita Johnson Runaway 1 911 Hang-up 1 Rev. Kevin Thompson Alarm 4 Admin 2 Lynn Forsgren HLPOA Medical assist 1 Traffic accident with injury 1 HLCS Inc. is an independent business entity sepa- Lockout 3 rate from the HLPOA, their staff, the Conservan- Traffic stops 15 cy Board, Fire District, Trustees and/or POA Road hazard 1 Board members. Though we are tightly linked by Suspicious person 1 our common interest in improving the HL Com- Property damage crash 3 munity, the views and opinions expressed by Animal complaint 1 HLCS are entirely our own and should not be con- Paper service 4 fused with opinions, policies or views of others. Criminal mischief 1 Traffic violation called by public 1 All articles submitted to HLCS, including meeting Harassment 2 minutes, are subject to editing to accommodate Mental 1 space limitations and we make every effort to Child custody dispute 1 publish in their entirety. Disturbance 2 HLCS is a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation and as Total Calls 46 such we rely on revenue created by the sale of advertising in the yearly Heritage Lake Telephone Directory and the monthly Commercial / Business Ads in the Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS newsletter. Please patronize our advertisers! Printed copies of the HIGHLIGHTS are available in the Blue Box Dispensers located at: 1. entrance to the HLPOA Clubhouse 2. entrance to the Marina 3. entrance to LH Park 4. by the drive off area at the bottom of the Gettysburg hill If empty contact HLCS (317-766-4118). The HIGHLIGHTS can also be found online at our web site www.HLCS.Online as well as the HLPOA Website under Newsletters. [email protected] or be dropped off at the Clubhouse 2 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ OCTOBER 2021

WILL YOU STEP UP? The Siltation Committee needs new members. Like so many other committees, current members have served a long time and some are ready to move on. They need you! Thanks to Duane Kelly, Tom Novak, Jerry Wood, Ed Der- mond, Ron Kowalski and Ben Fuchs faithful service, our lake has a regular process of silt removal. The Heritage Lake Siltation Committee has a three phased approach to siltation control. 1) Removal (dredging), 2) prevention and 3) maintenance. All three combine to help maintain or restore the integrity of our lake and its ecosys- tem, as well as the recreational and aesthetic values our residents desire. All methods have a cost associated with them the com- mittee must manage. Dredging in particular is a very ex- pensive option we must undertake. As such, it is our policy to perform this operation on an “as needed” basis when determined from “on-the-water” and drawdown observa- tions. This will provide us with an ongoing priority list of affected areas from which to select for future material re- moval. Things such as rate of refilling, size of affected area, number of affected homeowners and available funds will be used as a basis for this determination. The committee meets monthly on Thursday at 7:00 PM at the clubhouse, but does not meet from October through February. For more information, contact chairman Duane Kelly at 765-720-2285 OCTOBER 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 3

Unapproved minutes of the HLPOA Board of Directors meeting . The HLPOA Board meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. at the Clubhouse & open to all Heritage Lake POA members in good standing. The Board Meeting agenda includes a forum that allows members to express their views to the Board. ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The POA official and approved minutes can be obtained and read at the POA Office or on the HLPOA Website. Heritage Lake Property Owners Association Inc. August 9, 2021 Board Exec Session Approved as submitted AJ/GF Board of Directors August 30, 2021 Opd Meeting Approved as submitted AJ/JR Board Meeting Treasurers Report: September13, 2021 Attending: Paul Forbes, (Rick Huddleston proxy held by Paul), AJ The accrued income for August is $125,669; total expenses were Stafford, Sumer Ramsey, Thomas Novak, John Reedy, Steve Hamp- $148,383 leaving a negative income balance of $-22,714. The ac- ton and Nina Stebbins (Grant Feldhake proxy held by Sumer Ram- crued income year to date is $1,313,120; total expenses were sey). Staff attending Debra Napier. Members attending 7. Meeting $1,105,113 leaving a net income balance of $208,007. aired on YouTube via Facebook. August short-term cash was $587,030 and the total investments (CD Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. and MM) accounts was $208,994. Marina donations total $5334. Motorized boat fees are at 99% of 2020 and non-Motorized are at Pledge of Allegiance 120% of last year’s total. Announcements: A. Clear Creek Conservancy – The next meeting is September 23rd, Board Committee Reports: 10 a.m. at the conservancy. B. Floyd Township Fire Dept. A&E – John Reedy provided a report on approved 18 permits for C. Neighborhood Watch – Save the Date! HLPOA Holiday Bazaar August 2021 (8 Houses-GB176, VH101, JV264, GB533, GB423, will be held November 20th in the Clubhouse and Activity Center. GB448, VH113 and PL128; 2 additions-MS336 and VH012; 4 fences JV442, JV481, LH172 and LH239; 1 Lift PL237; 1 permanent lift JV092 Booth space is available but limited, please register by November and 2 Docks MS051 and MS052). John went over the additions to 5th. Coney dogs, Hot dogs, potato salad, slaw and chips will be avail- the A&E checklist adding the office is to be notified when the footer able from 10:30-2:30 in the Clubhouse lower level. forms have been placed, prior to pouring concrete. An inspection D. HLCS – Rick Miller reported the Lake Committee purchased soft- will take place within 72 hours, then the builder will be notified to ware for HLCS to work in conjunction with the LMS system in re- continue. Also, construction equipment/vehicles are not to impede porting of results to POA and Marina cutting down on time spent traffic without a flag person, cones identifying a stopped vehicle at the point of delivery only (no parking in the street, blocking drive- combining information on Boat Operating Permit Test. ways, mailboxes, etc.). A member requested for A&E to look into a E. HLNAC – Sumer Ramsey reported the Poker run event grossed water drainage concern at MS214. $10,650, the gaming fee was $50, winner payouts were $5087, best Clean Up – Thomas Novak reported the Clean Up committee will hold the “Clean Sweep”; September 18th at the Maintenance Build- decorated boat $100, dock host $700, event materials $289.90, net income $4422.60; Pull tabs $480, winner payouts $240, net profit $240. Save the date our 2022 Poker Run is August 13, 2022. Up- ing located south of the dam. With a nominal fee you can bring all of your stuff, junk or unwanted yard sale items and clean up for coming events is the Trunk or Treat on October 30th at the Club- winter. The next meeting is September 15th at 7 p.m. house Complex; candy donations are being accepted at the POA office and Pictures with Santa is December 11th from 1-4 p.m. Government – Dick Werner reported having a “Government” blog watch the HLCS Highlights news magazine for more information. at www.HLCS.Online and gave report on meetings from CCCD, F. POA Security – Debra Napier reported security calls: 1 civil County Commissioners See his full report at: https:// matter, 1 runaway, 1 911 hang up, 15 traffic stops, 1 medical assist, 4 alarms, 2 admin, 1 traffic accident with injury, 3 lock-out, 1 ani- Lake –no report. mal, 1 suspicious person, 1 road hazard, 4 paper service, 1 criminal Clean Water Team – Phil McKinley reported the lake having exces- mischief, 1 traffic violation called by public, 2 harassment, 1 mental, sive weeds this year. He would like to do a study and see if there is 1 child custody dispute and 2 disturbances. Please watch out for a reason for the growth or if it is just that we have such a clean lake wildlife. that the weeds are flourishing. Garden Club – The next meeting is Thursday, September 16th at 9:30 Long Term Planning – Sumer Ramsey reported a more structured a.m. meeting and the discussions on the strategic plan. The next Plan- Presentation of Agenda ning meeting is Wednesday, September 15th 6 p.m. in the Club- Presentation of Minutes: house. August 9, 2021 Board Meeting Approved as submitted AJ/JR (Continued on page 5) 4 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ OCTOBER 2021

Unapproved minutes of the HLPOA Board of Directors meeting . The HLPOA Board meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. at the Clubhouse & open to all Heritage Lake POA members in good standing. The Board Meeting agenda includes a forum that allows members to express their views to the Board. ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The POA official and approved minutes can be obtained and read at the POA Office or on the HLPOA Website. (Continued from page 4) November 1st. The marina had another great season with our inside Siltation – No meeting last month. sales exceeding $6100 over last year, and $23,000 over last year in HLEPT- Sumer Ramsey reported the planning committee wanted to fuel. form a sub-committee for Emergency Preparedness under LTP Com- Lincoln Hills- The small pond in Lincoln Hills is still on schedule for dredging this fall. McCullough Excavating is doing this project, and I mittee. will send out communication when I am informed when they will Election –Board of Directors Elections are coming up so if anyone is begin. interested in running for a board position, please pick up your peti- tion at the POA office. Positions held on the board require at least 2 On Saturday October 2nd, there will be a bike (bicycle) ride that will meetings a month and 1 committee meeting a month along with go thru a portion of Heritage Lake, and stopping at a hydration sta- tion at the marina shelter that is closest to the road. Please use cau- special project involvement. Get involved and be a part of your tion on this day. growing community. We will be taking down some dead trees this fall throughout some Managers’ Report: common property. If anyone is in needs some of this wood, please contact the office with your name and contact information. We Pool- Unfortunately, the pool is closed for the season. It is sched- make contact with you to discuss arrangements. uled to be winterized Wednesday the 15th. I would like to thank Finally, I am currently enjoying a vacation in Aruba. Hopefully Paul everyone who visited the pool this season. This seasons revenue, we were approximately $2000 over last year. With the cost of did me good by standing in for me reading my report. Rest assured, chemicals, propane to heat the pool, and labor to operate the pool, I can only handle so much sun and foo foo drinks, so I did bring my the expenses are very high, so your attendance was appreciated. laptop to stay on top of emails, and work to finalize the 2022 budget just in time to come back for our budget meeting. See you all Lake Treatment- This month is our last for lake treatments per our upon my return, Thank you, Ken seasons contract. There will be a treatment tomorrow the 14th, and Old Business: None again in 2 weeks on 9/28. Marina- The marina will remain open thru September. If weather (Continued on page 7) cooperates in October, the marina will be open on weekends only from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The marina will be closed for this season on OCTOBER 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 5


Unapproved minutes of the HLPOA Board of Directors meeting . The HLPOA Board meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. at the Clubhouse & open to all Heritage Lake POA members in good standing. The Board Meeting agenda includes a forum that allows members to express their views to the Board. ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The POA official and approved minutes can be obtained and read at the POA Office or on the HLPOA Website. (Continued from page 5) Open Forum: New Business: MN, 25MS, Maryann is asking for gently used or new coats, scarfs, gloves & hats to be distributed for the program “Coats for Kids” by A. 2022 Concert Series: The Board Directors voted via email 7/0/2 the Heritage Lake Homemakers. abstained; approving 4 concerts w/sponsorship in 2022. The permanent structure (stage) is pending approval. CT, 309GB, rule 157; what is in conflict with our Articles Tom? Tom replied reference Section 4 Priority of Governance. B. Victory Hill 277 Variance Request: John Reedy announced that Online Question, Sahm’s hours of operation. Hours are posted at VH277 is requesting a lift be put in temporarily until the lake is the restaurant and online. lowered and construction can begin on the permanent location. PM, 330PL, asked about the parking and traffic at the Marina based John expressed along with the neighbors that the cove is too on previous talks on traffic flow; all in all, everything is working well narrow now. TA motioned by Tom Novak with Sumer Ramsey and its busy which is great. second, to not approve the variance due to space constraints. Adjourned 9:35 p.m. Motion to Adjourn: Denied 8/1 C. A&E Rule Modification: John Reedy read rule 157.1 d with a Respectfully submitted: Debra Napier and Sumer Ramsey request to omit the entire line. With the letters received from Putnam County Planning and Zoning the committee requests HLPOA the verbiage be omitted. Sumer Ramsey seconded with the vote Board Meeting passing 8/1. Old Business A D. Marina Boat Dock Parking: AJ requested a site visit with the Monday, October 11 at 7:00 PM Clubhouse directors to determine if the EZ Dock system would work for our Next Board Operations Meeting lake (stability is key). Steve is awaiting his quote on the station- Monday, October 25 at 7PM ary system. Ops Agenda E. Recognizing Individuals: Nina requested this be tabled for more discussion. Ops - Tabled OCTOBER 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 7

Heritage Lake Heritage Heartland Heritage Lake Garden Club Book Club Homemakers By: Lynn Forsgren By: Marianne Novak By: Marianne Novak Our September meeting included ways Our September book was The Daugh- In September, Ruth treated us to a deli- to use the fall leaves that will soon ters of Yalta by Catherine Grace Katz. cious pineapple upside down cake! come tumbling down. If you would like Three women played prominent roles Agenda items included the Holiday Bazaar to avoid the chore of raking and dis- at the Yalta Conference in February, and plans for our annual Christmas Party. posing of fall leaves, go to thes- 1945. This led to the Big Three agree- Audrey taught the lesson on Computer/ for tips on mulching and ing on how to end WWII, form bound- Internet Safety. composting this fall bounty. aries for Poland, and establish The United Nations. Anna Roosevelt, Sarah Thank you for dropping off coats, hats, November is the Heritage Lake Holiday Churchill, and Kathy Averill accompa- scarves, mitten, and gloves in the Kids for Bazaar. The Garden Club will once nied their famous fathers and acted as Coats Box at the entrance to the Club- again be offering forced bulbs to hostesses plus much more. They sur- house by October 14. brighten the winter days in your home Our October lesson will be led by Ma- vived harsh conditions which in- Our next meeting is October 19 at 11:30 rianne Novak. Please join us on Octo- cluded bedbugs and bathroom A.M. at the Clubhouse. Dress up in Hal- ber 14, 2021 at 9:30am in the Club- shortages. We are grateful to loween Attire. Bring candy for “trick-or- house. these brave women and all that they treating” amongst fellow Homemakers, did to assist in the War effort! The and your lunch. For more information, check out book was rated 3.75. [email protected] The next book club is on October 13, 2021, at 1 P.M. at the Clubhouse. We’ll be discussing The Shape Shifter by Toni Hillerman. For more infor- mation, call Marianne Novak at 765/386-2077. 8 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ OCTOBER 2021

HL ELECTION COMMITTEE IS SEEKING GOOD CANDIDATES for the POA BOARD! “Are you considering a run for the board?” Contact us with any questions. October is the month you have to get your petition, available at the POA Office, signed by 25 property owners that are in good standing and submit it to the POA Office by the end of the office hours on October 29, 2021. Next month the committee will reach out to you to verify your email address and phone number for subsequent communica- tion. You’ll need to complete your BIO, which details your work history and any pertinent information relating to your desire to be a board member and submit it along with a per- sonal picture for the newsletter to HLHIGH- [email protected], no later than November 15th. Your Bio should be approximately 150-200 words and no more than a third of an 8-1/2” by 11” sheet of paper. There is a “Candidate Statement” form, available at the POA office, which requires your signature to publish your BIO and picture. This also must be returned to the POA office by the November 15th date. Once your documents have all been filed, your BIO and pictures will be featured in the December, Janu- ary, and February Highlights. During the first part of December, we will ask if the candi- dates wish to participate in a “Meet the Candidates,” which is encouraged by the Board. If it is decided to move forward, a notice will be placed in the January Highlights and the meeting will be scheduled for mid-January. It is a question- and-answer session of relevant lake issues allowing the candi- dates to address the important topics of the community. The voting for the Board members begins in early February and continues right up to 1:00pm the day of the annual meeting on February 26, 2022. The results of the election are announced at the annual meeting and the new board mem- bers are installed after the meeting. Current members Grant Feldhake, Rick Huddleston and Tom Novak’s terms are expiring at the end of this cycle so we will have three Board positions to fill. We encourage anyone with a desire to commit your time and energies for the betterment of our community to step up. If you have any questions, and/ or want to commit to running, please reach out to us at our new email address: [email protected]. Jim & Debbie Muehlenbein Co-Chairs Heritage Lake Election Committee OCTOBER 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 9


Humility is the first building block in becoming a true reflection of Christ, and not just a “cheap knock-off.” 3 Insights on the Power of Humility All that Christ did on this earth is saturated with real humility. He “set aside himself.” Jesus demonstrated that; humility is If you look up your garden variety definition for “humility”, the liberation from self. Here’s the power of that: you’ll find something like: • When self is set aside: You can see others, because you get Not proud or arrogant. out of your own field of vision. Feeling insignificant, inferior, or subservient. • When self is set aside: You’re not in danger of your person- No wonder there is very little true humility in the world today. al insecurities, which leads to spineless “people-pleasing” It sounds more like a weakness than a strength. But God sees on one hand and rigid “people-alienating” on the other. it quite differently. The life of Christ was the living illustration of what humility can do. If we use the example of Christ’s life • When self is set aside: We don’t strike first in confronta- as a reference, here are 3 practical insights on humility. tions, but we don’t run from them either. Humility is connection with reality. • When self is set aside: We have the courage to extend cor- rection in the hard things, but with the strength of gentle- True humility is not seeing oneself as less or more of what you ness and respect. The Greek word for that also translates really are in life, or the plans of God. It is to understand your- to kindness and integrity. self for exactly what and who you are. Humility has the cour- age to take an honest look at yourself. It is being open to the • When self is set aside: There is no need to look down on observations of others. Nothing else will work in our lives, if those below or chafe at those above. –And in skills, experi- we’re out of touch with reality, especially as it pertains to our ence, and position, there is always someone above and be- self. low a person. Humility lets you get out of your own way. • When you set self aside: You will be the most self-aware, because you will begin to see the reality of yourself. • Real Christ-work is not possible, without setting oneself aside. That was even the case with Jesus! That is humility. In reality, it’s NOT all about you. Humility allows you to turn Humility is both an inner transformation and an outer practice. off the distraction of self. –Does that person like me? –They It’s a power, but it takes courage to get there. must’ve meant that about me, when they said… -I’m wrapped It starts with this question: How well do you really know your- up in my own feelings even as I’m listening to you! self? It’s worth finding out! Meanwhile, we’re missing what the other person is actually Pastor Kevin and his lovely editor wife are members of Canaan saying, feeling, or needing. Humility let’s one turn off the inner Community Church. -dialogue to truly hear others. OCTOBER 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 11


CLEAR CREEK CONSERVANCY DISTRICT h t t p s : / / w w w. c l e a r c r e e k d i s t r i c t . i n . g o v / SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 MINUTES month Supplemental Connections Fee due to failure to sched- C L E A R C R E E K C O N S E R VA N C Y D I ST R I C T ule the required I/I inspection – PL003, MS128, JV212, PL227, The Clear Creek Conservancy District board of directors met and JV312. SEPTEMBER 16, 2021, at 10 a.m. at the district’s office. Doug Clodfelter provided a written report. Doug was called Directors Present: J. Duane Kelly out Sunday, August 22 due to an odor complaint coming from Jerry D. Wood LS P2. It was bad due to the high temperatures and high hu- Chris Schubert midity. An odor filter on the vent was installed and grease treatment that smells like oranges was added. Eco Solutions Director Not Present: None came out the next week to vac grease out of lift stations J3, L2, Also attending: Kathy Deer, Administrative and Financial Man- M3, P4, V2, V4 and V5. The grease in M6, G5, P2, P3 was so ager; Doug Clodfelter, Operations Manager; Dick Werner and thick and strong smelling, Doug had it hauled off site. The Harold Paetow. callout on Friday, August 27 to LS J1 was for a 120-volt trans- former alarm. Doug called Michael out to help wire around the transformer. The Omni-site unit burnt a couple of termi- The board conducted the public hearing for the 2022 proposed nals and went in for repair under warranty since we are on the budget. No comments were made. Advantage Plan. There are two dead trees in the easement line on VH313 that could fall and damage LS V3. With the per- Chris Schubert moved to approve the minutes of the August mission of the lot owner, the cost to take down and remove is meeting. Jerry Wood seconded. Vote unanimous. $1,430. Michael made changes to the two frequency drives on the South oxidation ditch since they did not restart on their own after a power failure at the plant. MacAllister is working Kathy Deer reviewed the financial report for the month ending on the generator at LS M6 due to a “low coolant temperature” August 31, 2021. Jerry Wood moved to approve the financial alarm. Doug provided a pamphlet and reported on his visit to report and Register of Claims, August 20, 2021, through Sep- the Clayton sewer plant using a “in the round” dewatering for tember 16, 2021. Chris Schubert seconded. Vote unanimous. sludge and the inventor of the system has a mobile unit that could possibly be utilized here. The next regular meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on October 21, Kathy Deer provided a written report. The next CDs to mature 2021, at the treatment plant. will be in November. A letter was sent to Warren Weaver of VH237 requesting he move the LP tank he has placed on the district’s property. Boswell Tree Service has provided a quote Approved by the Board of Directors on October 21, 2021. of $2,450 to drop trees on the adjacent lot but he will not do the work until the LP tank is moved. The board authorized the additional quote for trees to be dropped. The district was not successful in obtaining the SWIF Grant. Only 22 projects were funded out of almost 500 applications. Duane attended the 2nd meeting for the Putnam County American Rescue Plan Funds. Another meeting is scheduled for October where the com- mittee will discuss the projects and begin to sort through their applications. Work on the READI Grant is continuing with ap- plications to be submitted by September 30. There are 1,543 account locations with 4 connections added to the billing sys- tem – JV218, JV275, JV164, and VH097. The Aug/Sep sewer bills were mailed Sept. 10 with payment due October 15. No work orders for I/I inspections were generated from deed transfers in August. Five accounts were coded for the $92 per OCTOBER 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 13

WILL YOU STEP UP? County Government Meetings attended: The Government Committee needs new members • County Commissioners meetings, 1st and 3rd Mondays every month, 9am Courthouse They provide an important presence and voice for our com- • County Council meetings, 3rd Tuesday each month, munity at many county meetings that can impact us. They 6:30pm Courthouse need YOU! Government Committee Highlights • Clear Creek Conservancy District monthly meeting 3rd Thursday 10am at Conservancy office Chairman - Dick Werner • PC Board of Health quarterly meetings Feb/May/August/ Member - Tom Novak November 6:30pm EOC/911 building Board Liaison - Nina Stebbins This committee meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday at • Floyd Township VFD Board meetings Clubhouse following 6pm meeting of Long Term Planning • BWWA (Big Walnut Watershed Alliance) quarterly Committee (dual meeting). meetings, chaired by PC SWCD (Soil and Water Conserva- This committee reports to the HLPOA Board of Directors at tion District) Executive Director Sara Campfield each monthly Board meeting. Report is also published online • PC Parks Board meets ad lib, following Commissioners at This meeting monthly report includes county meeting info pertinent to resi- PC Drainage Board meets ad lib • PC American Rescue Plan Act Committee 1st Wednesday 6pm Courthouse (temporary?) dents of Heritage Lake, gleaned from attendance at meetings listed below. Due to length of this monthly report, it is not • usually included in monthly Heritage Highlights publication. Presently Dick Werner is the only member attending and re- Editor’s note: With more members, Dick Werner could spread the porting on most of these county government meetings. We meeting load around more. Or, having more HL residents at some would love to have more participation in county meeting meetings could increase the impact of our presence. attendance from residents able to do so. I promise you will be surprised at what it takes to run this county, as well as the For more information email Dick Werner at: amount of volunteerism it takes to make this community what [email protected] it is today! 14 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ OCTOBER 2021


Must See This Month! 10/30 5:30 PM– 7:30 PM 16 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ OCTOBER 2021

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