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Home Explore MAR 2021 HIGHLIGHTS


Published by HLCS News, 2021-02-28 17:43:07

Description: MAR 2021 HIGHLIGHTS


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Publisher: Heritage Lake after winter’s storm 2.16.21 Photo by: Scott Paluchniak Horizon’s Edge Photography

Heritage Lake Community Services, Inc. PUBLISHER/EDITOR: Rick Miller ASSOC. PUBLISHER: Mary Petruzzi TREASURER: Carol Kowalski Security activities for our lake area include incidents as reported at the last board meeting prior to the current Highlights publication CONTRIBUTORS: HLPOA Roger Wright Marianne Novak Dick Werner Anita Johnson Heritage Lake Incident Report NOV DEC JAN Heather Ludlow Rev. Kevin Thompson Administrative Calls 3 3 3 Animal Calls 1 1 1 Roger Wright Shawn Pingleton Burglary 1 1 1 Crash 2 5 Doug Scott Civil Issues /Warrant / Paper Svc 1 5 Criminal Mischief 1 2 1 HLCS Inc. is an independent business entity sepa- 3 1 rate from the HLPOA, their staff, the Conservan- Disturbance Calls 5 cy Board, Fire District, Trustees and/or POA Dog Bite 4 2 1 Board members. Though we are tightly linked by Domestic Calls 4 2 our common interest in improving the HL Com- Assist other agencies 1 munity, the views and opinions expressed by Fraud 1 HLCS are entirely our own and should not be con- Assault 5 fused with opinions, policies or views of others. 2 Harrassment All articles submitted to HLCS, including meeting minutes, are subject to editing to accommodate Resident Alarms space limitations and we make every effort to Suspicious Vehicles/persons publish in their entirety. Theft Calls Traffic Stop w/Misdemeanor Charges HLCS is a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation and as Traffic Stops 21 16 16 such we rely on revenue created by the sale of ad- Trespassing vertising in the yearly Heritage Lake Telephone Di- Vehicle Lockouts 22 rectory and the monthly Commercial / Business Ads Weapon Complaint in the Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS newsletter. Please Deceased Person 1 patronize our advertisers! 1 Leaving scene of crash arrest Printed copies of the HIGHLIGHTS are available in TOTAL CALLS 40 33 49 the Blue Box Dispensers VACATION CHECKS 000 located at: 000 1. entrance to the HLPOA Clubhouse CITATIONS 2. entrance to the Marina WARNINGS 21 16 16 3. entrance to LH Park 4. by the drive off area at the bottom of the Did you notice? Gettysburg hill The Slogan on our front and back cov- er has changed. If empty contact HLCS (317-766-4118). It now reads: “Heritage Lake—The The HIGHLIGHTS can also be found online at our Best of the Great Lakes” web site www.HLCS.Online as well as the HLPOA We are experimenting with a map worthy Website of publishing and perhaps using on mar- under Newsletters. keting media. The first attempt is shown here. Any graphic artist out there is invit- [email protected] ed to submit a better example to us at or be dropped off at the Clubhouse [email protected] 2 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

Unapproved minutes of the HLPOA Board of Directors meeting . The HLPOA Board meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. at the Clubhouse & open to all Heritage Lake POA members in good standing. The Board Meeting agenda includes a forum that allows members to express their views to the Board. ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The POA official and approved minutes can be obtained and read at the POA Office or on the HLPOA Website. Heritage Lake Property Owners Association Inc. swer is “no”. The roads are the responsibility of the County Highway Department. The only agreement I have recently made with the Board of Directors County Highway Department was a free delivery of sand to help as- Zoom Board Meeting sist with the hill in Gettysburg between exits 49 & 50. February 8, 2021 The POA owns a spreader and I was out Sunday morning applying sand to the hill. I have worked way too many slide offs into the trees damaging their vehicles at the bottom of that hill, that is the reason Attending: Rick Huddleston, Thomas Novak, Jim Johnson, Paul for helping out with sand only. Forbes, AJ Stafford, Steve Hampton, Grant Feldhake and John Reedy. Lastly, if you are registering a boat, please do not forget to take the Staff attending Ken Rozelle and Debra Napier. New Board Candi- boating test in advance to save a lot of time for yourself. This can be dates Summer Ramsey and Dick Werner attended meeting. Mem- taken at the office or online. If online, just log onto our website, go bers attending 8. Meeting aired on Zoom/YouTube. to information, then documents, and scroll to the bottom to take the test. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Old Business: Announcements General Rules 2021: Ken reported that the Lake rule omissions and Presentation of Agenda ATV/Golf Cart additions have been completed, with a copy provid- There will not be Committee Reports represented at this meeting. ed by email, this is the second vote for approval of the booklet. Adopted and Approved 8/0 Presentation of Minutes: New Business: January 11th 2021 Board Meeting Bylaw Amendment 2021: Paul motions the board adopt the pro- Approved as submitted JR/SH posed legal amendment to the Bylaws in Article VII, section III I. January 25th 2021 Operation Meeting Adopt and enforce rules and regulations (“Rules”) reasonably neces- Approved as submitted SH/JR sary, as determined in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, to ensure that all Primary and Secondary Owners, their family members, guest, and invitees, utilize Heritage lake and all Heritage Treasurers Report: Preliminary Lake common areas in a safe and reasonable manner. The Rules Jim Johnson reported total accrued income for the Month of January may provide for a schedule of fines and sanctions which may be is $99,742; total expenses were $69,607 leaving an income balance imposed on the Primary and Secondary Owners for a violation of of $30,135. As of January 31, 2021, our short-term cash was the Rules. Sanctions may include, but not be limited to monetary $30,100. The total amount of our investments, which are made up of fines and the loss of Heritage Lake and common area Privileges. Certificates of Deposits and Money Market Accounts was $478,032. The Primary and Secondary Owners shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of all family members, and their guest and in- vitees, while on Heritage Lake or any Heritage Lake common area. Managers’ Report: The Rules shall be in writing and shall be made reasonably availa- The assessment amount for this year is report to be $256.00. This is ble to Primary and Secondary Owners. The Rules shall also be available on the Heritage Lake website. The Rules shall include an calculated from the consumer price index and in no way does Herit- appeals procedure whereby an aggrieved Primary and Secondary Property may appeal the imposition of any sanction or fine. The age Lake have a say so in the assessment amount. The fee is due on aggrieved Primary and Secondary Owner, at their sole expense, or before April 1st, and late fees will be assessed beginning May 1st. Applications are being accepted for positions at the Marina and to fill may be represented by an attorney at any appeals hearing. The a couple positions within the Maintenance Department. Application Board of Directors shall conduct a hearing on all appeals which are can be picked up at the office, or send an email to [email protected], timely initiated. The hearing shall be open to all Primary and Sec- and request an application be sent to you. Anyone looking to work ondary Owners. The Board of Directors shall maintain written close to home, this is a great opportunity. minutes of all appeal hearings. In conformance with Article I, Sec- The past recent snow events we have had, the office has experi- tion four (4), of the Bylaws, each Primary and Secondary Owner enced several calls asking if the POA is plowing our roads. The an- (Continued on page 5) MARCH 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 3

4 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

Unapproved minutes of the HLPOA Board of Directors meeting . The HLPOA Board meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. at the Clubhouse & open to all Heritage Lake POA members in good standing. The Board Meeting agenda includes a forum that allows members to express their views to the Board. ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The POA official and approved minutes can be obtained and read at the POA Office or on the HLPOA Website. (Continued from page 3) Rick Huddleston asked for a list of Committee’s identifying the Chairperson or person reading a report at the annual meeting. agrees to be bound by and follow the Rules, and to fully comply with any sanction and timely pay any fine permitted by the Rules. Tom Novak asked for an Executive Session at the Operations The Board of Directors are empowered to initiate legal action to meeting February 22, 2021. enforce the Rules and compel compliance with any sanction, and collect any fine, including but not limited to, seeking injunctive re- Rick asked those members attending the meeting if there were any lief. In the event such legal action is required, the board of Direc- questions: tors shall also be entitled to recover costs and attorneys’ fees as provided in Article X of the Bylaws. Under no circumstance shall Dick Werner asked to give input during the Directors discussion of the Board of Directors or the Heritage Lake POA be required to the Zoom Account; this was denied but not to be ignored for his post any form of surety bond to obtain injunctive relief. Nothing input. contained herein is intended to and shall not create any duty or obligation to any third-party beneficiary. The Board of Directors Rick Miller wanted to let the membership know 2021 Directories and the employees of the Heritage Lake POA shall not have any are available at the POA office (free to those who are listed and $3 liability to any Primary or Secondary Owner, or their family mem- for non-listed members). bers, guests, and invitees, or any trespasser, arising from or related to the adoption, implementation, or enforcement of the Rules. Sumer Ramsey asked about how the “Concert Committee” be- comes a POA an official committee and continues raising funds for First vote resulted Approved 8/0 bands this summer. Jim Johnson gave his recommendations that these folks are well appointed are conforming to the POA stand- Write-offs/Aging Report: Debra requests the board to approve ards of fund raising (transfer agent account used by POA). $15,769.30 in write offs from 2020 as uncollectible debts resulting from Property tax sales, estates, settlements, etc. Adjourned 8:00 p.m. Motion: Jim Johnson/AJ Stafford First vote resulted Approved 8/0 Respectfully submitted: Debra Napier and Paul Forbes Swimming Lessons: Ken reported on behalf of AJ Stafford that un- Government report was submitted by Dick Werner and is available der the advisement of the Attorney and Insurance Agent, it is ad- for viewing on the HLCS Government page. vised, not to support a sole proprietor the use POA facilities and POA provide Liability Insurance. An alternate solution was sug- Government Committee - February 2020 ( gested to hire this person as an employee of the POA and give the option of lessons for a simple fee. First vote resulted Approved 8/0 POA Zoom Account: Tom proposed that the POA purchase a Zoom Business edition license ($199) as a bridge for meetings during re- strictive times for use by the Board of Directors, Committees and Clubs. Paul asked why do we need to do this with Zoom having free editions available. Tom replied, the free license limits the al- lowed time (40-minute meetings) and number of participants. The Business license will allow up to 300 participants and unlimited meeting times. Jim asked about who will operate the software? He suggests having an administrator and then each Chairperson have a password. Tom motions to waive the second vote on the proposed Zoom Account. There was no second on the motion therefore the motion is dead. Jim Johnson motioned that the POA purchase the Pro license at $149 a year with Rick Miller being the Administrator/Host and Ken Rozelle the Sub-Administrator, plus waiving the 2nd vote of approval. Adopted and Approved 8/0 MARCH 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 5

6 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

Manager’s Report HLPOA By: Ken Rozelle Board Meeting Well, March is finally here. Let the boat registration Monday, March 8 - 7:00 PM begin. Oh wait…..have you taken and passed your (via Zoom conference) boating test? Next Board Operations Meeting This topic has been discussed for quite some time. Be- Monday, March 29 at 7PM fore you receive your boat registration, you must pass the boating test. Meetings may be held by ZOOM Conference if Covid restrictions are in effect. The test can be taken on our Heritage Lake website, or Watch email for notifications. a kiosk in the office, and once the Marina opens, there will also be a kiosk there to take the test. It is an open book test, and must be passed with a score of 85% or higher. The test can be taken as many times as need- ed until a passing score is completed. There have been nearly 300 tests taken so far. We have a long way to go compared to the number of boats that are registered. Please, for everyone in- volved, pre-plan and test your self ahead of time be- fore arriving at the Marina after opening on March 26th, or on a weekend, only to find a long line waiting to take the test. If you choose to wait until arriving at the Marina to take the test, please do not be angry at anyone but yourself for procrastinating. Please know and respect the rules and we will all have a safe boating season. MARCH 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 7

Heritage Lake Annual Membership Meeting The Election Committee would like to thank all of 2/27/2021 the Candidates that ran for the HLPOA Board of Di- rectors. Editorial Note: The following is not the minutes of the The election was completed the day of the annual meeting, but is instead a brief summary from this observer’s meeting on Saturday, February 27th. Four candi- view. dates were elected to the board. The HLPOA held their annual membership meeting via ZOOM The new Board was seated that day and the new conference. It was attended by 43 members, and is now avail- members that will serve a full 3-year term are: Ni- able viewing on the HLPOA YouTube Channel at this link: na Stebbins, AJ Stafford and Sumer Ramsey. Serving out the remaining 1 year of the seat vacated in 2020 is Grant Feldhake. As Board President, Rick Huddleston, opened the meeting with his remarks, he included a summary of projects and activities Please thank all of the candidates for their willing- achieved the by the board, while acknowledging the hard work ness to serve the community in this very important by many committees, and volunteers. It was a long list of pro- capacity. jects perhaps headlined by the new Marina, but the list of committees and volunteers he thanked profusely was longer Jim & Debbie Muehlenbein, Co-Chairs than the projects. The HLPOA Board should be proud of their accomplishments Ed Sahm attended the meeting and reiterated his enthusiasm and hopefully the community is grateful for the many benefits and commitment to the restaurant project. from their hard work. End of Year reports from all Committees were given. There is Treasurer, Jim Johnson did not give a detailed financial report so much we have due to volunteers, it is simply amazing. except to refer us to the printed Annual Report that everyone In addition to the Board sponsored committee reports, there should have received along with their annual dues billing. As were reports from Anita Johnson for the Garden Club and from Jim will not be serving the HLPOA in the new year, he too Rick Miller for HLCS. thanked many people for their help with his success while he served on the board. Elections for 4 Board of Directors positions were held and the winners announced and are listed in the article above from the Paul Forbes gave a report on the Marina. Among other things Election Committee. he quashed a rumor that Sahm’s had backed out of negotia- tions for becoming a restaurant operator in the Marina. He Ken Rozelle presented a nice plaque and thank you for their assured everyone there is no truth to the rumor. Paul gave service to 3 board members including, Jim Johnson, AJ Stafford huge kudos to Brandt Construction for their contributions in and Grant Feldhake. the face of serious labor issues due to Covid, and for the many changes we received from them that Brandt essentially gave us at no charge. This is truly uncommon for a contractor to do The only discussion in the open Forum after the agenda items this and the effort and cost is certainly not trivia. To say we were covered was from Lois Napier who expressed sincere should be grateful would be an understatement. Paul also thanks for the amazing new marina. She works there, so thanked Jim Johnson and many others who volunteered to knows how special it is. help. 8 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

John Reedy—A&E Liason HLPOA Executive Committee Tom Novak—Clean Up Liason Meeting Nina Stebbins—Government Liason Grant Feldhake—HLNAC Liason 2/27/2021 Steve Hampton—Neighborhood Watch Liason AJ Stafford—Siltation Liason As is customary, after the annual meeting, the new board members met in executive session to elect their officers. It is These are the people who have committed their time and also customary to appoint each board member to serve as talents to help execute, and provide oversight for, the affairs Liason to one of the HLPOA sponsored committees. of the POA and work with various committees to make our community the best it can be. Following are the results of the board’s elections and ap- pointments: President—Paul Forbes—Election Committee Liason Vice President—Rick Huddleston—Campground Liason Secretary—Sumer Ramsey—Neighborhood Watch Liason Treasurer—AJ Stafford—Siltation Liason MARCH 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 9

Watercraft Operating Permit It’s time and it’s here now! Take the test now to be ready for your Permit! By Rick Miller HOW? There are 3 ways to take the test After a lot of discussion, system design and build, work by the Lake Internet—via the internet, from the comfort of your home on a PC Committee and discussion and votes by the POA Board of Directors, or Tablet as described earlier (it is possible to take it via smart the Lake Rules and testing system are in place, implemented and phone but simply due to screen size it is not recommended) ready for you to take the test now. iPad Kiosk—There will be 2 at the Marina and 1 at the POA office. Who must take the test? Until the Marina is open, all 3 will be at the POA office. The Kiosk is It has been decided that everyone who operates a watercraft on configured to make it easy and requires no prior knowledge of how Heritage Lake, must take and pass a test with a score of 85% or an iPad works to use it. higher. Paper Test—For those unwilling or unable to take the test online, With record numbers of boats being registered and operating on there will be paper tests available, but only at the POA office. our water, safety has become a big issue the POA is addressing. Some useful things to know: The objective of the test is NOT to cause you to fail, instead it is in- Online, as you begin taking the test, you will be required to register tended to assure everyone, not just the lot owner, knows the rules and provide required account information. On your first visit to the and can be held accountable to abide by them. test use the “Create Account” side. If you are visiting the test Accordingly, the POA board decided last year to implement testing again, for you or another family member using the same email ad- in 2021 and adopt rules changes in a sincere effort to help increase dress use the “Already Registered” side. safety on the lake. You must also check the boxes acknowledging you’ve read the rules and When , Where and How to take the test agree to abide by them and the Terms which are viewable online as well. When? With some 2,000 people or more needing to take the When supplying a “Username” don’t be test, you do not want to wait and cause a delay in registering your cute. The POA and boat or getting it on the water. So we recommend you take the Marina will use this to test starting now. search for your test Where? Anyone with a computer and internet access, an iPad or results when issuing your permit, so please even a smart phone can access and take the test when it’s conven- use something with ient for you. We’ve made accommodations for anyone without ac- your name in it, some- cess to devices, internet or just have issues with technology and will thing you can remem- describe those under “How” in subsequent paragraphs. ber because you will Taking the test online from home is both convenient and easy, and be asked for this when is essentially an open book test since you can have your lake rules in getting the permit. print or online open while you take the test. Using your last name You can find the test online at the HLPOA web site. In your internet is usually adequate. browser go to Click on Information, Upon completion of the test, you will receive an email with your then Documents. Scroll down to the document labeled Watercraft test results and the POA will immediately have a record of them. If Operating Permit—Take the Test and click on that. Read and fol- you passed, your email will contain a Certificate. It is not your per- low instructions from there and we think you’ll find it very clear. mit, but is evidence you are eligible to receive one, subject to age In addition to using your own computer, you can take the test at and residency validation. You can save some time at the POA office either the POA office or Marina where you’ll find iPad kiosks or op- or Marina by showing your certificate, but it is not required since tionally at the POA office you can take a written test. (due to con- they can lookup your test and results while you are there. gestion and logistics the written test is not offered at the Marina) (Continued on page 11) 10 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

Watercraft Operating Permit Q: Are my children required to get a Permit? Q&A A: Yes. If they meet the minimum age requirement and operate (Continued from page 10) the watercraft without a permitted adult with them, they must have a permit. Q: Is everyone in my family required to get a Permit? Q: We only have 1 email address shared by everyone in the family. An email address may only be used once. How do we register and take the test using the same email address? A:: Yes. Anyone operating a watercraft must have a Permit. A: The first person logging into the test site will register with Q: What if I fail the test? Can I take it again? “Create Account” using the email address. The next person us- ing the same email address will use the “Already Registered” A: If you should fail you can re-take the test immediately and/or as side of the screen. They will still be offered a screen to supply many times as necessary to achieve a passing score. The pur- their personal information required for the permit. pose is to make sure you know the rules, not to cause you to fail. Q: If the rules are not enforced how will this help lake safety? There will be 2 iPad Kiosks at the Marina and 1 at the POA office. For now, till the A: Clearly, enforcement is difficult. The intent is clear though, to Marina is open, they are all located at the give all operators accountability and the Safety Patrol Officers POA office. clear authority to issue citations that may result in fines and suspensions for violations. Penalties are intended to be a de- These were donated, 2 by the Lake Com- terrent to safety violations. mittee and 1 by HLCS, for convenience for our members. MARCH 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 11

Heritage Lake Heritage Heartland Heritage Lake Book Club Homemakers Garden Club By: Marianne Novak By: Marianne Novak By: Marianne Novak Six book clubbers Zoomed on February Who doesn’t want to create a home Many house plants and common garden 10 to discuss The Mistress of the Ritz that is filled with peace and tranquili- plants can be toxic to people and pets. by Melanie Benjamin. This historical ty? A home should be a calm and re- Some plants are toxic to anyone who nib- fiction novel has three main charac- laxing place for everyone in the family. bles on them, including Belladonna or Vin- ters: Claude and Blanche Auzello Choosing the right color can make all ca. Many other plants might be safe for along with The Ritz Hotel in Paris, the difference in the world. Since dogs but toxic to cats, or safe for humans France. The author wrote this inspir- 2020 had plenty of calamity, the Pan- but toxic to dogs. You may be surprised ing story about a woman and a man tone Color Institute decided to choose to learn that the Aloe Vera Plant is very who discover the best in each other two colors for 2021 - yellow and gray. toxic to pets! The University of California amid the turbulence of war during the The message that these two colors has a website dedicated to poisonous Nazi occupation of Paris in the 1940s. convey is one of fortitude/gratitude, plants along with a list of both safe and We learned Ritz trivia - (Ritz Crackers strength/ hopefulness, and resilience/ toxic plants for humans and pets. https:// were named after the hotel. The Ritz positivity. Colors affect our mood and Since many of us have Hotel does not have any lobbies so as attitude. Whether you use these col- house plants and also have pets, check to discourage people from just wan- ors on appliances/kitchen gadgets or out specific house plants that are safe for dering into the building.) We rated the home office, yellow can encourage pets at the American Society for the the book 3.7. intellectual curiosity, originality, and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals web- resourcefulness of an open mind. site at On March 10 at 1 P.M., we’ll discuss Who doesn’t want that? Go YELLOW/ The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall. GRAY! For more information, check out Look for an email as to the details. For [email protected] more information, call Marianne No- vak at 765/386-2077. 12 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

Saturday, APRIL 3 An outside hunt only On the grounds of the Clubhouse complex Please follow Indiana Health Guidelines 11:00 A.M. Children ages 1-2 11:15 A.M. Children ages 3-5 11:30 A.M. Children ages 6-10 (ONE HUNT/PARTY PER CHILD, PLEASE!) Bring your own basket! HLNAC, the event sponsor, needs donations of small individually-wrapped pieces of Easter candy to fill our plastic eggs. Please bring donated candy to the POA Office by Thursday, April 1. Help is needed to fill eggs on Thursday and Friday, April 1 & 2 at 6 P. M. at the club- house. 2020! MARCH 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 13

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: DO PEO- PLE REALLY CARE ABOUT TRUTH? Do you think that human beings have a primary interest in truth? I confess, I really doubt it. We are interested in what suits us, what is practical or useful in some way. But I think it’s a rare person who is really inter- ested in truth, for truth’s sake. –And even if we are, it is most likely limited to certain issues or situations. This past month at Canaan, we’ve been exploring the Book February 16, 2021—Heritage Lake, IN of Job. Granted, Job is one of the oldest, and most enig- matic books of the Old Testament. It is written with all the By: Rick Miller word-smithing of a Shakespearean play and in language just as hard to follow. And yet, as I venture further into it, I’ve After what has been largely a mild winter, it would seem found myself having an ever deepening love and respect for Nature is not done with us yet. it. Pictured below is my own driveway after the biggest The book tackles the hardest questions of reality, and it snowfall of the season so far. does it without fear or apology. It challenges the practice of holding to cultural beliefs, just because they’re popular. It Blessed with good tools, a snowblower, to clear the shows the disastrous outcome that underdeveloped think- mess nature dumped on us, I had to drop down to 3rd ing can really bring. gear (out of 5) to let the blower discharge faster than I was moving. It presents a theology in unexplainable suffering and paints a human face on the isolation that comes with it. And it Good news is, the short term forecast has higher tem- raises a courageous face that holds to truth, despite the peratures and much less snow on the horizon! suffering and isolation. Despite the dark subject, Job holds a wonderful surprise! Once the reader gets around the language and the ancient context, it is surprising just how modern the focus really is. In a writing thousands of years before Plato or Aristotle, it is amazing how modern the approach actually is! Perhaps that shouldn’t be surprising considering people are people and truth is timeless. But even knowing this, it still surprises me and I love that! Job is a gateway into the bigger picture of reality, and the depths of our own human experience. It is worth it to eve- ryone to take at least one deep dive into the truth of Job … and that my friend, is certainly food for thought. You are invited to join us in person, or can catch our JOB SERIES on of Canaan’s Facebook and YouTube channels. You can reach both with a single click from our website: ca- 14 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

CLEAR CREEK CONSERVANCY DISTRICT h t t p s : / / w w w. c l e a r c r e e k d i s t r i c t . i n . g o v / The Clear Creek Conservancy District board of directors met fiber optic line at GB214/215. They have not yet made payment. FEBRUARY 18, 2021, at 10 a.m. at the district’s office. There are 1,515 account locations with 4 connections added to the billing system – GB003, GB461, PL095, and PL155. The Dec/Jan late Directors Present: J. Duane Kelly fees were $1,741.70 on 305 account locations. No work orders were generated for Inflow/Infiltration Inspections due to deed transfers in Chris Schubert January. The board took no action to vote in the POA election and the ballot will be destroyed. Jerry D. Wood Director Not Present: None Also attending: Kathy Deer, Administrative and Financial Man- Doug Clodfelter provided a written report. Doug explained the issue ager; Doug Clodfelter, Operations Manager; Tom Novak, Laura locating the sewer lateral at GB003 and the charges of $375 for 3 hours of excavation to locate the lateral and then the decision to Chamberlain, and Ken Rozelle have Indy Core drill a hole in the manhole rather than keep trying to Chris Schubert moved to approve the minutes of the January regular locate the lateral. The plant’s return LS had a high-water alarm on February 7. The MTR relay filed and was replaced. The February 14, meeting. Jerry Wood seconded. Vote unanimous. the LS J4 phase monitor failed and was replaced. Curry & Associates Kathy Deer reviewed the financial report for the month ending Janu- is continuing to work on the plans to upgrade the treatment plant, ary 31, 2021. Jerry Wood moved to approve the financial report and with cost estimates expected to be ready by late spring. Register of Claims, January 21, 2021 through February 18, 2021. The owner of 42 Patriots Landing addressed the board requesting Chris Schubert seconded. Vote unanimous. Chris Schubert moved they consider selling the adjacent lot which the district owns and to approve a three-year contract for the dumpster at the $55.00 leases to the Heritage Lake POA. They would like to be able to put price and authorized Kathy Deer to sign on behalf of the district. an addition on their house that would come within 6 ft. of the cur- Jerry Wood seconded. Vote unanimous. rent property line. The board responded that they would like to Kathy Deer provided a written report. No CD’s mature until the end have additional time to consider all the issues involved in approving of March. No update on the PL238/239 easement issue. Tim their request. In the meantime, the board recommended they have McCormick is working on quotes for insurance, but he is out of the their lot surveyed. Ken Rozelle addressed the board stating that the office until February 26. Doug, Duane, and Kathy met with the Put- leased lots have been an unforeseen maintenance expense with nam County Commissioners at their meeting on Monday, February dead ash trees and that by selling a lot to an adjacent landowner 15. The Commissioners were provided a copy of the dam inspection where it would not be sold for new construction, the POA would report and pictures showing that the road needs to be repaved and benefit from the POA dues assessed. the separation of the CMP inlet pipes. The Putnam County Highway Superintendent indicated that their plan is to repave in 2022 if they The next regular meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at the treatment plant. get their 2021 Community Crossings grant money. Endeavor was Approved by the Board of Directors on March 18, 2021. billed $2,606 on January 21 for the sewer lateral damage from the MARCH 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 15

16 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

All performances at the Clubhouse beach May 30th CLAYTON ANDERSON 5pm – 8pm June 19th WAR RADIO 6pm – 9pm July 3rd OUTLAW NATION 5:30pm – 8:30pm July 10th THE LOUISVILLE CRASHERS 6pm – 9pm July 24th DAVE & RAE 6pm – 9pm Aug 21st THE FLYING TOASTERS 6pm – 9pm Sep 5th THE IMPALAS 5pm – 8pm Sponsorships available from $500 to $5000. Please contact us at [email protected] for details. Consider joining our MUSIC FAN list by making a contribution to support the Free concert series. Checks can be mailed to HLPOA, 1000 Clubhouse, Coatesville, IN 46121. Follow us @ Heritage Lake Concert Series on Facebook MARCH 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 17

New at the HLCS Website We’ve added a new page to our web site! Be sure to visit the HL Campgrounds page at: HL Campgrounds | HLCS Online Welcome to Shawn Pingleton a new HLCS contributor, who will be posting Blogs on the page about activities and events happening at the Campground. Among the news there this month is the announce- ment about the 2021 Site Selection meeting being held March 7. Ever wonder where you’re friends are who use the facility? Well me too, but I wonder no more with the new map of the campgrounds that can be found and downloaded from a blog on their page. 18 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

Covid-19 Pandemic Update By: Rick Miller Indiana is reporting many counties including Putnam and Hendricks in the Yellow category. According to Indiana guidelines this changes the recommended restrictions for Business and Public gatherings. There are several counties reported as Blue, notably among them is Marion Co., a continuing positive trend. There are still restrictions recommended for counties reported as yellow, 100 People, and gen- erally 50% capacity in venues. As shown in the included charts taken from the Indiana Coronavirus web site, all metrics are again trending down. Personally, I take this as very good news and remain both hopeful and watchful for future up- dates. Charts to the right show data as of 2/24/21. MARCH 2021 ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ WWW.HLCS.ONLINE 19

All Events are in the Community Calendar at HERITAGE LAKE ACTIVITIES/EVENTS FOR 2021 Calendar | HLCS Online **Dates, Events, and Times may change DATE ACTIVITY TIME DATE ACTIVITY TIME 1:30 p.m. February 27 Annual Meeting 8:00 a.m. July 10 Concert-Louisville Crashers 6pm-9pm 8:00 a.m. March 26 Marina Opens Morning—TBD July 17 Ski n’ Fun 12pm- 12am Drop box at POA Office March 26 Campground Opens 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. July24 Concert-Dave & Rae 6pm-9pm 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. April 3 Easter Egg Hunt 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. August 14 Pro Shred—Clean up Event 9am- 11am 5pm-8pm April 24 National Drug Take Back Pgm 6pm-9pm August 14 Boat Poker Run/Family Fun Day All Day 5:30pm-8:30pm April 29-May 1 Community Garage Sales Dusk (9—10 p.m.) August 21 Concert-Flying Toasters 6pm-9pm May 8 Clean Sweep September 5 Concert-The Impalas 5pm-8pm May 8 Tox Drop September 9-11 Community Garage Sales 8am-3pm May 30 Concert-Clayton Anderson September 18 Clean Sweep 8am-2pm June 19 Concert- War Radio October 30 Fall Festival - Trick or Trunk 6pm--8pm July 3 Concert-Outlaw Nation November 11 HLPOA Veterans Breakfast 8am-10:30am July 3 Fireworks—Rain date July 4 November 13 Holiday Bazaar 9am-3pm All Meetings and events are subject to seasonal changes and/or cancellations due to mandated Covid-19 restrictions 20 WWW.HLCS.ONLINE ǀ HL HIGHLIGHTS Copyright© 2021 ǀ MARCH 2021

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