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Home Explore 2019-07 HL Highlights Newsletter July

2019-07 HL Highlights Newsletter July

Published by HLCS News, 2019-10-25 21:40:01

Description: 2019-07 HL Highlights Newsletter July


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Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Page Heritage Lake HIGH- Publisher: Heritage Lake Community Services, Inc. JULY 2019 5th ANNUAL BOAT POKER RUN & Corn Hole Tournament Saturday, August 17th Heritage Lake Cruisers Car Club Cruise-In July 27th 1-4 PM at the Marina. $1.50 7 15 2019

Page 2 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Heritage Lake Community Services, Inc. FEAST N’ SKI CANCELED FOR 2019. GENERAL Manager: Harold O. Paetow EDITORS: Tom & Marianne Novak Due to previous commitments, TREASURER: Dee Heavin Lake Committee members PHOTOGRAPHER: Carey Paetow are unable to present the Feast n’ Ski this year. HLCS Inc. HL - Lake Committee PUBLISHER & PRINTER Chairman: Roseann Paetow 2019 Lake Rules Review The Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS POLICY is Each month we will highlight rules from the lake rules book. This is in no way NO negative comments are allowed and all meant to replace your own review of the lake rules, which are in place for minutes, if needed are condensed to fit by the your safety as well as the safety of others. The lake rules booklet is available staff of the Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS. at the marina, clubhouse and on the HLPOA website. SECTION F – WATERCRAFT OPERATION The POA office staff, Conservancy Board, Fire #8: All traffic in excess of idle speed (including both power craft and person(s) District, Trustees and/or POA Board Members in tow) shall not operate closer to shore than 100 feet. Fast moving traffic may not agree with some of the material must remain a reasonable distance from non-motorized, idling, or anchored contained in the Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS. watercraft. Only the volunteer Board of the Heritage Lake Note: Please use common sense and move safely away from other slower Community Services, Inc. has any influence on moving watercraft such as pontoons and fishing boats. Your wake can the policies set forth for Heritage Lake be very disruptive as well as possibly putting your skiers in harm’s way. HIGHLIGHTS. #21: All watercraft, except sailboats under sail outside the 100’ buoy, must operate in a counterclockwise direction, keeping near the right hand All of HLCS Inc. expenses are covered by (starboard) shore except when picking up a downed skier or tuber. the revenue created by the sale of advertising in Note: It is imperative owners operate their watercraft in this manner the yearly Heritage Lake Telephone Directory to prevent collisions with other boaters and from hitting downed skiers. and the monthly Commercial / Business Ads in #27: Wake surfing can only be accomplished 200 feet from shore and in the the Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS newsletter. main body of the lake. Defined as, “the area South of East Fork, Clubhouse Cove”, and the middle of the lake. HBIoGxHDLisIpGPeHnrsiTneSrtesadlrocecoaaptveiaedsilaaotbf tltheheeinenthtreaBnlcuee Note: Surfing creates a major wake and is destructive to shorelines as well to ItfhHeemLHpPLtOyPAcOoAMntaCacrltiunHbaheeroniuttasrgeae&nLceaa.kt ethe as very disruptive to slower moving boats on the water. Community Services (765-386-6287). Please stay in your designated area when surfing. SECTION H – WATER SKIING &ThdehoHtwtIpnGl:oH/a/hLdeeIdGriHotanTgtSehlecaaHkneLapPlsoOoaAb.ceWovmieeb/wsietde #4: A minimum of two persons (one operator and one observer) is required under Newsletters. in a watercraft when towing skiers (and tubers!). The minimum age of an observer in a watercraft towing shall be six (6) years old. Articles & Ads can be emailed to: Note: Every spring new boat owners seem to be unaware of this rule. [email protected] Please keep in mind this is for the safety of your skiers/tubers! or be dropped off at the Clubhouse Please note that your lake committee has purchased 7 buoy lights as a test. We want to see if by lighting the top of the buoy it will help All material must be signed and include prevent night time collisions with the buoys. The cost to replace the a telephone number (in case of questions) buoys is very expensive and is paid out of your dues and by contribu- tions from the lakecommittee. Anything we can do to reduce their Advertising in the Heritage Lake destruction is being considered and this is only the first idea we are HIGHLIGHTS Newsletter trying. Please continueto be diligent when driving at night and watch out for the buoys!!!! 6” X 8” Landscape Ad $150.00 4” X 8” Landscape Ad $100.00 4” X 6” Portrait Ad $75.00 4” X 4” Square Ad $50.00 2” X 3.5” Business Card Ad $30.00 e-mail Ads To: hlhigglights@gmail. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO : HLCS Inc. and Mail to: HLCS 189 Mill Springs Coatesville, IN 46121

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Page 3 HLPOA INFORMATION Office phone: 765-386-7447 Office Hours Monday thru Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. to Noon MANAGERS REPORT For nearly the past year, there has been many hours of discussion and work completed to roll out the potential construction of a new marina that would include a sit-down restaurant. This is a very exciting project to offer this growing community, that could be enjoyed by all, for many, many years to come. The base structure and flooring of the current marina is in extreme poor condition with decaying wood around the parameter. The appearance of the marina may look acceptable to many, but behind this fresh painted blue building with new white trim boards that were added as cosmetic cover-up, there is a building in very poor condition. The beginning stages for public viewing for this construction has begun on June 26th & 29th with opportunities for viewing, and / or questions you may have. Additional dates will be announced real soon. The tentative plan for demolition / construction would begin shortly after Labor Day that will allow for opening of the new marina in the spring of 2020. I know as a Heritage Lake resident; I am very excited about a new marina that will include a restaurant and will be a focal point of our community. Respectfully, Ken Rozelle HLPOA Property Manager NEW MARINA VIRTUAL TOUR COMMUNITY MEETING Saturday, June 29th 2019 Meeting begins at 9:00 am at the Clubhouse - FREE coffee and donuts. Also Another Meeting will be July 17th at 7 PM at the Clubhouse We are very pleased to be able to share with the community the results of the work of the Marina Replacement Committee! Check out the plans, ask questions, and give your feedback. Future sessions are also being scheduled, but these will be the first chance to see what’s coming.

Page 4 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 HERITAGE LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Unapproved minutes of the HLPOA Board of Directors meeting June 10, 2019 The HLPOA Board meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. at the Clubhouse & open to all Heritage Lake POA members in good standing. The Board Meeting agenda includes a forum that allows members to express their views to the Board. ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The POA official and approved minutes can be obtained and read at the POA Office or on the HLPOA Website. HERITAGE LAKE PROPERTY burglaries to report, 4 alarms, 19 traffic you watch your documents being shred- OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION stops, 2 citizens assist calls, 5 disturb- ded without leaving your vehicle ances-1 civil. Lake had 12 violations, (donations accepted and a Co-Sponsor is BOARD OF DIRECTORS boats attempting to launch with out welcomed). Our next meeting is August MINUTES 6-10-2019 (Unapproved) checking in at the Marina for stickers, 3 which we will plan for fall garage sales Attending: Chris Schafer, Jim Johnson, non-residents attempting to fish without and the Clean Sweep (no toxic materi- Thomas Novak, AJ Stafford, Grant Feld- hake, Paul Forbes, Jeff Brooks and Wil- have POA cards and not owning proper- als). liam Goupell. Staff attending was Ken ty, wake violations, jet ski safety checks, D. Government: Thomas Novak report- Rozelle and Debra Napier. Brandt Con- and enforcing idle speed in the coves. ed having their second meeting with 3 struction/Arch Design was invited to the G. Garden Club: Linda Lawler, people showing. Our next meeting is meeting. There were 21 members in at- “Celebrate”, the Pollinator Garden is June 27th at 10 a.m. in the clubhouse for tendance. (Live stream via You Tube). started at Lincoln Park. The pad for the those interested in getting involved. Call to Order: Chris Schafer called the Glider Set is being scheduled if it will E. Lake: Robin Alexander reported meeting to order at 7:00 pm. every stop raining. We have planned our sample lights have been placed on two Announcements next event “Garden Tours” is in June for buoys (1 a standard light and 1 led light) Chris Schafer shared with members the meet and greet, swap idea’s, educate on which we have not heard anyone men- “Burn area” is closed. Two (2) locations things to come. Join the Garden Club tion them so we assume they are not in- taking yard waste in our area is Green- for fun, laughter and tips on your gar- vasive and can be seen. The Kids Fish- Cycle∙McCarty and Putnam County Yard dens. ing tournament is this Saturday, June Waste Drop-Off Site. Only leaves and Presentation of Agenda: 15th. Fishing has been reported to be grass clippings will be accepted on a pre- Approved as submitted good and the committee has been look- arranged schedule at the 30-acre recycling Presentation of Minutes: ing at what type of fish we can stock area. i. May13th Board Meeting since the lowering last year. It is sug- A. Clear Creek Conservancy: Duane Motion by AJ/Second by Jeff - VOTE: gested that Hybrid stripper and walleye Kelly announced the Conservancy meet- Approved 8-0 be stocked. We have contacted Nate ing is on Thursday, June 20th at 10:00 ii. May 13th Executive Meeting Long with Aquatic Control for a field a.m. Siltation dredging of the east fork Motion by AJ/Second by Grant – survey which will show the fishery and will start after this rainy spell has past VOTE: Approved 8-0 the health of the lake (E. coli and light and the “Sealing of the Spillway will Treasurer’s Report: Jim Johnson re- penetration are not covered in the test). take place once the water level has ported total income for the month of May Contract to be reviewed by attorney, dropped, allowing the concrete to dry. was $233,322; total expenses were signed and returned back to Ken by June B. Floyd Township Fire Department: $140,079 leaving an income balance of 26th for scheduling purposes. Jeff Brooks reported the Fire Department $93,243. The total income year-to-date is F. Clean Water: no report. Annual Memorial Day “Steak Sand- $698,385; total expenses year-to-date G. Long Term Planning: Debra Na- wich” fundraiser was a success with a were $446,772 leaving an income balance pier, Co-Chair, announced, I will defer $2000 profit towards Equipment. Please of $251,613. As of May 31, 2019, our meetings due to my father’s health use all fireworks safely and watch your short-term cash was $743,528 and total (currently at home on hospice). children closely. Burning at your home investments, which are made up of Certif- H. Siltation: Duane Kelly reported our requires to be in a container and only icates of Deposits and Money Market next meeting is June 27th, 7pm at the burn natural wood-no treated lumber, no Checking Accounts, $689,062. Clubhouse. The East Fork will be mattresses, no furniture, no decks, no Board Committee Reports dredged once McCullough has finished a dock boards-those are illegal materials. A. A&E: Ben Fuchs reported the com- back log of work for members. C. Neighborhood Watch: Taco Bar on mittee approved 17 permits for the I. Emergency Planning Team: Thomas June 29th 11-2 at the Marina. month of May for 18 projects; 3 houses Novak announced the Red Cross Blood D. HLCS: Harold Paetow reported (1261, 1865, 2056 sq/ft), 6 fences, 2 Drive on June 7th received 42 donors (8 business as usual, nothing new to report. decks, 1 lift, 3 porches, 1 garage, and 2 were first time givers) 42 units of blood E. HLNAC: Grant reported the Boat docks. was collected which can assist saving Poker run is scheduled for August 17th B. Campground: no report. 132 lives. The next blood drive will be (Brenda Smotherman is the contact) with C. Clean Up: Kurt Steuer, we are trying in January 2020. Please sign up and join a “Corn Hole” tournament for cash priz- a new event this year “Document Shred” in on giving. es, a band, food, and we need 2 more on August 10th from 9-11 (a truck will J. Election Committee: Chris reported host docks for the event. Watch the come out, you can drive in, we unload as 590 votes received to date which is about Highlights for more information. 20% of the membership. Please, take a F. POA Security: Brian Helmer, no (Continued on page 5)

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Page 5 moment to consider what this Covenant Lincoln Park Beach has had a truck load people voted. We cannot act on our vote can do for the membership. The of new beach sand added last week. voting results unless the minimum waiting period to accept a change is cur- Finally, notices have been sent out to all number of unachievable votes is re- rently three (3) years. Our Covenants turned. We need to do all we can to are represented by 6 Subdivisions based homeowners for unpaid assessments. If try and achieve that number. WG- on how the developer recorded them. not paid by first of August, this balance don’t feel we have tried everything-we We can be represented by Covenants of will be turned over for collections and a can go door to door, call, etc. HP-cash Heritage Lake for all members. Do you possible lien applied to the owner’s would be better if you offer prizes. CS want members that are involved in the home. Please pay your assessments, – we would still do all of those things community, making a difference, to be they are extremely reasonable, and only to gain the votes, not just the raffle. It bogged down by those who don’t care? helps your community. will be an effort that includes reach- ing out to all members to get their All good points to consider when voting. Father’s Day is next Sunday, and I would votes. We failed many times to get the Information is available at the POA Of- like to wish that all dads to have a great votes – we have to try new things. AJ- fice, Marina, Website and on YouTube day! catch them at boat registration. Motion for everyone to view and decide inde- pendently on what they want in the fu- Old Business: by JJ to accept incentives and work on ture for Heritage Lake. Please vote. Gate access update: Jeff Brooks, instal- the language in flyer to membership with cash equivalent options. Vote lation scheduled within 3-4 weeks (late passed 5/3. Misc. Reports: June to mid-July). Manager’s Report: KEN ROZELLE: Covenant Vote: The board has received New Marina Update: Jim Johnson, Paul Construction on the shelter point is nearly approval from our attorney to allow vot- Forbes and Brandt Construction/Arch complete. We are anticipating pouring ing incentives for the purpose of im- Designs presented a virtual reality tour proving ballot returns for the 2019 Cov- of the Marina design. This is a prelimi- the concrete floor this week and should enant Vote. All owners who submit a nary design to show the membership be open for use in the next couple of valid ballot have the opportunity to win; what can be included. Meetings will be weeks. prizes are in no way used to sway the scheduled so the membership can share Pool was opened May 24th as scheduled. owners vote one way or the other; own- ideas, recommendations, suggestions, It is off to a busy start, but not without ers will be made aware they are entered omissions on what we include at the new needed repairs. The pool heater was not into the drawing. TN-Why does the Marina. The do’s and don’ts will drive operating correctly and needed replaced. Board need to offer incentives for people the financial model of the project. Thank you to this Board for your quick to vote? It is a lot-owners right to con- New Business: response to replacing it with a new and trol the direction of Heritage Lake! By Open Forum: more efficient heater for a cost of $3047 adding incentives to voting is treating Roger Wright, MS466, inquired about the labor included. I have also ordered a voting like it’s something extra… and Eagle Perch if anyone is working on new poolside basketball goal that should that isn’t exactly a solid civics lesson this. CCCD had stated they are on board arrive in the next 7 to 10 days. and not a lesson the Board should be with this and to reach out to them about Buoys have been adjusted in the proper advocating. Maybe the United States location as Hendricks Power would do- positions. Thank you goes out to Kent should offer incentives for people to nate the pole needed. Also, go to the Hoops for helping me with this project VOTE in Presidential Elections (only 58 Lake Committee meeting for added sup- by driving the boat and directing me to percent of eligible voters went to the port on location and gathering details of do the grunt work. polls during the 2016 election, nearly when we can move forward. Upcoming Lake treatment dates for the breaking even with the turnout rate set Don Williams, PL138, asked about the remainder of June and for July. June during the last presidential election in “Burn area” if it is closed for leaves/ 19th, July 2, July 17th is with a 2-day irri- 2012; by the way there is a clear federal clippings as the chain across the drive gation restriction, and July 24th. ban on such incentive activities). Where has not been up allowing entry for more The campground had a visit from the will an incentivize program end… in- dumping. Ken will find out why it is Board of Health. Had a few minor centivize ELECTION of Board Mem- being left open. We Can Not Burn! camper violations, a cracked manhole bers, sure why NOT…get people to pay Jeff Brooks will present the quotes re- cover we need to repair, along with their annual assessments sure… register ceived from Elite Tree Service and Rays mulch to be added to the playground. their boats, O.K. …where do we STOP? for Chipping and or Haul away services They do not anticipate a return visit. We do not need to establish a precedent! at the next meeting. Harold mentioned JB-it may be legal – my opinion its not that maybe a fee will need to be assessed ethical. PF-History has shown the mem- for these services just like Clean Sweep. After completing the shelter construc- bership does not vote. AJ-the attempt is Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at tion, we will be focusing on placing a to get enough votes to decide-try every- 8:55 pm. boarder to contain and add new mulch to thing-we end up with nothing. The dif- Submitted by Debra Napier and Jeff all Marina, Campground, Clubhouse, ference in the examples Tom stated Brooks and Lincoln Park, playgrounds We are with respect to presidential elections, required to have 8 to 10 inches of mulch. Board elections, etc. is that those oth- All locations are in desperate need of er elections result in an answer of HLPOA OFFICE added padding. YES or NO regardless of how many 765-386-7447

Page 6 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Heritage Lake Friends and Neighbors, For the first time ever, the HLPOA Board of Directors will be holding prize raffles for members who have returned a valid petition on the Covenant Vote. Every member who votes their petition during the Covenant Voting Period (March 19, 2019- Sept 20, 2020) is eligible to win. Voting “Yes” or “No” does not impact your eligibil- ity or chances of winning. Each voting member will be entered once. Board Members and those in- volved in the Covenant Vote process are ineligible. If you have already voted, we have your name and you are automatically entered. If you have not already voted, give yourself a chance to win – cast your petition! If you’ve lost yours or don’t remem- ber if you’ve voted, please just call the office and they’ll help you out (765-386-7447). Three separate drawings will be held in open Board Meetings between now and the end of the Covenant Voting (Sept 30, 2020). These are the prizes to be raffled in each of the three drawings: (1) $250 Gift Card; (1) $200 Gift Card; (1) $100 Gift Card; (2) $50 Gift Cards Winners need not be present to win; you will be contacted by the office. Drawing dates will be announced prior to each drawing. You can attend or watch it live (YouTube Search for “Heritage Lake POA”). Your mailed petition includes all the associated documents that define the Covenants. These are the changes to the Covenants that you’re being asked to vote on; Combining 6 sets of Covenants into 1 (change 6 “neighborhoods” into a single Community) Changing the required number of votes to pass an issue from 2/3 of ALL LOT OWNERS to 2/3 of returned ballots A minimum of 750 votes must be returned for a petition to pass (with 2/3 „yes‟) or fail (with 1/3 „no‟) Ballots will only be sent to “Members in Good Standing” and not ALL lot owners in the future. Member in Good Standing: Owner is current on all dues, assessments and other sums owed to the Association & does not have voting privileges suspended for failing to abide by the rules or requirements for using the common facilities as set or adopted by the Board. Making any approved Covenant change effective from the date they‟re filed with the county, instead of 3 years after an approved change (as it is now). Please sign, date, print your name, confirm your lot numbers, and mark YES or NO to ensure your petition is valid. Return your petition by any of the following options: Mail to: Heritage Lake Property Owners Association P.O. Box 329 Coatesville, IN 46121-8856 Drop your signed petition in the Petition Box at the POA Clubhouse Office or Marina; or Fax to: 866-368-9427; or Electronic mail (Email) or any other electronic means to: [email protected] ; or Photo of Completed Petition via text message to: 765-366-0441 Please Vote!!! Chris Schafer HLPOA Board President

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Page 7 CLEAR CREEK CONSERVANCY DISTRICT Directors Present: J. Duane Kelly , Chris Schubert , Jerry D. Wood Also attending: Kathy Deer, Administrative and Financial Manager; Doug Clodfelter, Plant Operator and Operations Manag- er; Jim Hazelwood, Harold Paetow, Tom Novak, William Goupell, Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Talbott, and Chris Schafer. Chris Schubert moved to approve the minutes of the May meeting. Jerry Wood seconded. Vote unanimous. Kathy Deer reviewed the financial report for the month ending May 31, 2019. Jerry Wood moved to approve the financial report and Register of Claims, May 17 through June 20, 2019. Chris Schubert seconded. Vote unanimous. Kathy Deer provided a written report. Four copies of the Emergency Action Plan for the Heritage Lake dam have been delivered to the district by Banning Engineering. An electronic copy will be provided the Heritage Lake emergency planning committee. One copy will remain at the plant office, one copy for Tom Helmer, Putnam County Emergency Management Director, and one copy for David Costin, 9Director. The new Payment Services Network, Inc. payment processing went live on June 18. At this time customers can make 11 payments with credit cards but a new feature where customers can call in to make credit card payments will be available soon. There are 1,434 account locations with 4 homes added to the billing system – GB547, GB416, MS276, and LH107. There are three sewer connections recently paid with the connections still pending. The April/May sewer access fee bills were due June 15 with grace period to June 17 since the 15th fell on Saturday. Late fees of $1,553.36 were added to 274 account locations. Two work orders were generated for Inflow/Infiltration inspections due to deed transfers in May – JV016 and MS235. The board received a request to waive a late fee for MS664 due to issues logging into the billing system. Assistance was not requested until after the due date. Chris Schubert moved to deny the waiver. Jerry Wood seconded. Vote unanimous. Doug Clodfelter provided a written report. BL Anderson performed the annual flow meter calibration. A lower bearing renovation kit at $761 and brush assembly for $436.00 has been ordered for the head works fine screen and a contractor will be used to install the parts. Michael has been doing a lot of locates for home builders and the Hendricks Power brush cutters. A video locate for MS071 and MS072 using the crawler camera found tree roots coming in around the lateral connection to the main. Eco Solutions jetted the main, but the crawler camera still could not get past the lateral. The wheels of the camera will be moved so the camera body sits lower in the 8” pipe or it may be possible reach with the push camera from a downstream manhole. Eco Solutions also ran a lateral launcher camera to get an accurate locate at JV087 and found the wye located in the JV088 gravel drive. The homeowner of MS180 requested assistance to locate a blockage which the plumber had expected at about 25’ out. The camera could not see anything under the water but hit blockage at the hookup point, so it is believed the lateral has settled, pulled apart, or collapsed. She is going to have it dug up. This is a common problem due to the thin-wall, green sewer pipe and Schedule 40 pipe is stronger. During connection at MS276, McCullough discovered the neighbor’s lateral was bent and crushed so it was repaired. Erik Baker requested a manhole be raised at GB416 about 12” to be able to finish the yard right. Michael did some research and decided to try HDPE riser rings. These High-Density Polyethylene risers are very light weight, lock together well, and are similar in cost to concrete but much easier to handle. Emergency callouts occurred Saturday night, June 15 for LS P3 with problems on Pump 1. The pump had to be reversed to clear the rags and the station pumped down by hand when the lag pump would not come on. Michael replaced the MTR controller on Monday. On Sunday, June 15, the plant return lift station Pump 2 tripped out. The pump had to be reversed to clear blockage. Doug also reported that two pressure relief valves will be ordered and replaced. In the public forum, Curtis Talbert provided a written statement and addressed the board stating that the conservancy district should not use the lots they own to vote in HLPOA matters. Chris Schafer addressed the board and explained that the lots owned by the district are not excluded in the total votes, the impact of not voting, and some alternatives for the board’s consideration. Upon recommendation of Chris Schubert, no action will be taken by the board until closer to the end date for voting in September 2020. The next regular meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 18, 2019, at the district’s office. Remember the following catch phrase to keep flushable and disposable materials out of the sewer system. The three “Ps” – Pee, Poop and Paper (toilet paper) – is all that should be flushed down the toilet. Nothing else goes in there. And that if they are selling their house, they need a current Inflow/Infiltration inspection on file with us. Thank you!

Page 8 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Heritage Heartland Homemakers by Marianne Novak It was Taco Tuesday for our June luncheon meeting. Penny Steur served us tacos, nachos, taco salad, watermelon, and yummy chocolate desserts. Roll call was a wedding anecdote. For International/Citizenship Committee, Donna McGinley read us Queen Latifah’s Words of Wisdom On Being a Good Citizen: “Volunteer, vote, march, build bridges”! A big “thank you” goes out to Penny (a real super-hero) for Planning the Kids Count Craft Lessons. She had help teaching the classes from Bev Spires, Kathy Wass, and Mary Ellen Deegan. Fair books were passed out, and we shared our treasures for the Purse Auction, which is themed “anything yellow that fits into a purse.” We made a donation to the 4-H and Adult Open Class monetary awards. With a nautical theme, Meegan Ebacher installed the officers for the 2019/2020 year: Pam Miller – President; Audrey Birtchman – Vice President; Meegan Ebacher – Secretary; and Donna McGinley – Treasurer. Please support our Marina Breakfast on July 13, 2019, from 8 – the food runs out! For $5, you get egg casserole or scrambled eggs; potatoes; biscuits & gravy; breakfast bread or muffin; and coffee, juice, or water. Since July is County Fair Month, we are skipping our regular monthly meeting, but hope to see everyone at Family Fun Day at the Fairgrounds on July 24. For more information, call Pam Miller at 765/386-6226. Heritage Lake Book Club by Julia Prather For the month of June, the book selection was a memoir - Running on Red Dog Road by Drema Hall Berkheimer. Book Club Members were treated to a trip down a red dog road into 1940-50’s West Virginia that brought back memories of grandparents and an upbringing reminiscent of snippets of their own childhood. Our members rated the book 3.4 and shared memories of influential people from their own childhood. The book also made us aware of the importance of sharing our memories in order to create a legacy for our own children and grandchildren. July 10 The Flying Circus by Susan Crandell August 14 Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand September 11 The Spy and the Traitor by Ben Macintyre If you’d like to come join us, call Marianne Novak at 386-2077. Heritage Lake Garden Club by Marianne Novak In June nine garden enthusiasts visited HL resident gardens. A big “thank you” to the following for inviting us into your gardens: Andy & Donna Patterson, Kathy Reedy, Anita Johnson, and Peggy Scotten. After the garden walk, everyone drove over to Donna Wilson’s home for a pitch-in luncheon. Have you seen our Wildflower Garden at Lincoln Hills Park? Last month, Kurt Steur rototilled a plot, and Peggy & Dan Scotten planted the seeds. With all of our rain, we hope that the pollinators will find the nectar pretty soon! The next meeting will be on July 11, 2019, at 9:30 A.M. and at 7 P.M. at the Clubhouse. For more infor- mation, contact Linda Lawler at heritagelake- [email protected].

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Page 9 KIDS CHARACTER CAMP “Learn from Nature” Thanks to everyone that made it Happen...

Page 10 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Heritage Lake’s 2019 Clean-up Committee is a Proud Sponsor of 1st ANNUAL PAPER SHREDDING EVENT In the Heritage Lake Clubhouse Parking Lot Have your personal confidential documents shredded! AUGUST 10, 2019 FROM 9:00 AM until 11:00 AM or until the Shredder Truck is filled to Capacity! Sponsored by Heritage Lake Clean-Up Committee & PROSHRED® Security CLEAN OUT YOUR OLD FILES AND SHRED THEM! ALL SHREDDED MATERIAL IS 100% RECYCLED! To help with the costs of the vehicle, the Clean-Up Committee will ask for donations from residents who use this service. Additional charges may be requested if the amount of shredding exceeds normal expectations as determined by the HL Clean-Up Committee. Businesses are welcome, but limited to 10 boxes with a minimum donation of $5 a box. Get Your Ducks in a Row! Informative and fun Workshop On August 21st, Hunter Estate & Elder Law will be at Heritage Lake to give an informative and fun workshop called “Get Your Ducks in a Row!” There are common questions in estate planning and elder law – like, what is the difference between a Will and a Trust? Do I need a Trust? What is probate? How can I protect myself against rising long-term care costs? By attending this workshop, you will learn the answers to all these questions (and much more!). The workshop will be held at Noon and again at 5 p.m. with each session lasting 1 hour. Both will be held in the Meeting Room at the POA Office Building. The presenter, Jennifer Rozelle, is an estate planning and elder law attorney, spent many of her most memorable years living in Mill Springs, is a North Putnam alumni, and is a current Heritage Lake property owner. She looks “WATER AEROBICS IS BACK” Monday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Al you need is a Noodle and have some Fun & Get some Exercise. Questions Call Nancy Schuch (317) 459-8232 The Heritage Lake Emergency Preparedness Team meets the first Wednesday of each month from 7-8:30pm in the Clubhouse Emergency Communications Center Room. Please join us as we prepare ourselves and our community for unexpected events, including health, weather & unforeseen events! Contact John Deegan @ 317-846-2979 or Darcey Schafer at 317-590-0981 with any questions, ideas or for more information.


Page 12 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Thank you, Heritage Lake Residents! Cruisers Car Club members held their first “Cruise-In” on a Saturday On June 4, 2019, 42 Donors afternoon at the Marina. Heritage Donated 44 Units of Blood Lake residents stopped by to admire With eight (8) first time donors and ask questions, eight cars partici- pated. You saved 132 lives!!! Next Cruise-In, July 27th 1-4 PM at the Marina. AVOID POTENTIALLY HARMFUL CHEMICALS Popular Mechanics - July/August 2019 WEED KILLER: 1 gallon vinegar ; 1 cup salt; 1 tablespoon dish soap Mix and put in a spray bottle. Mist large patches of weeds, or adjust the nozzle and use a stream for individual invaders. May require more applications than the stuff from Monsanto. WIPER FLUID: 1 gallon distilled water; 1 cup 99% rubbing alcohol; 1 tablespoon castile soap If an overnight freeze is possible where you live, leave a small amount out overnight to test if it freezes. A higher proportion of alcohol will lower the freezing point. Jack’s Trash RECYCLE ONLY BIN at HERITAGE LAKE on westside of Heritage Drive by the HLPOA Maintenance Building

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Page 13 FOOD FOR THOUGHT: THE QUESTIONS PROJECT It’s pretty much official, we live in a post-Christian culture. It is not that we have outgrown the concept of God, we’ve just strayed away from Him. The result has been a profound loss in under- standing the actual teaching of the faith. Even if an individual has no desire to be in the faith, it is a loss of heritage, because like it or not, Judeo-Christianity has been infused in western culture since 200 BC. That’s a lot of heritage! The truth is, for all the information out there, it is rather difficult to get an honest and balanced answer based on Biblical teaching. I’m by no means a scholar, but I am an ordained pastor who cares about this community in which I live. I also have a strong passion for honesty and balance in approaching Scripture. So here’s the deal. I’m hoping for questions from the community. Maybe it’s respectfully address- ing a spiritually hostile meme or comment, maybe it just something you’ve wondered about, or perhaps it’s a conflict you sense within Scripture itself. There are lots of honest questions out there. I would love to hear them and do my best to address them. Even if we can’t settle every issue, perhaps we can wrestle with them together. I’d love to learn from you, just as much as I’d like to offer a thought that might help in your ponderings. Here’s to looking forward to the community’s spiritual questions. Just forward them to [email protected]. I’ll do my best to offer an honest, clear, and Biblically balanced response. Kevin and his lovely editor wife Kathy are happy members of Canaan Community Church. Bible Study WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Wednesday FRIDAY ‘s at 7:00 PM ... 9:30 AM to 11:00AM .. See Calendar at the clubhouse. in the CLUBHOUSE small Meeting Wednesday ... 7:30pm 8:30pm .. Room. at New Maysville Community Church Please contact : Address : 6817 CR 900E , Kathy Landrey at 317-919-1139 10 min. from the Lake The Bible is more than just another book. It's like working a big jig saw puzzle. The more pieces that come together, the clearer the picture becomes. All are invited to join us in putting together the pieces of this wonderful book, the Bible. Contact: Jim Limp 386-7512

Page 14 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Page 15

Page 16 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 AOLpoecraatlelydOBwusniendes&s BEAVER LAKE STORAGE NOW HAS DRIVE-THROUGH BOAT STORAGE for Week-End convenience

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Page 17

Page 18 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 CALL Chris Bassett Owner 317-919-6573 KIDS COUNT YELLOW TRASH BAG SALE! . . . is an ongoing sale to benefit Kids Count, sponsor of the annual Character Day Camp held at Heritage Lake These bags are available at the Office. contact Cindy (386-6338) or Jan (317-730-0543)

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 Page 19 For Sale: Fish & Ski 2014 Lowe FM 175 Pro SC, Board Meeting 115 HP Motor 4-Stroke, Rear conversion Bench Seat, Monday, JULY 8, 2019 at 7:00 PM Fish Locator, Trolling Motor, Built in Battery Charger, at HLPOA Clubhouse Boat Cover & Trailer. Only used at Heritage Lake and Stored inside. Price $18,500. Next Board Operations Meeting Contact: Wally Barnes 317-201-2728. JULY 29 at 7PM at Clubhouse For Sale: Sailboat. Hunter 170. 1999, 17 ft, The Cruisers will be having a Cruise-In at Heritage 2 sails. good condition. Price $1000 Lake Marina July 27nd from 1-4 contact: Kurt 17 MS. 765-246-1203 We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month at For Sale: Fish & Ski Boat, 1992 Astro S185FS, 7pm. at the HLPOA Clubhouse. 18ft,115 Mercury Outboard Motor, Trolling Motor, Gary Owens at 618-830- Trailer, $4000. call Larry at (317)371-2347 4699. For Sale: 1968 Cadillac Convertible, NEXT MEETING New 472 V8 Motor, Bad Axel, Lot of work.. JULY 11th $1,968 Rare!! Make OFFER! Call: (317)709-4817 For Sale: 2002 Stratos fish and sky boat 150 Yamaha motor runs good bought new at The Boat Place only used at Heritage Lake. Asking 9000.00 call Jim Watson 765-719-3969 SECURITY TIP LINE “All politics is local” is a much heard quote. While many of us profess to nonpolitical, local politics affect IN CASE OF AN our daily lives both directly and indirectly. Among EMERGENCY local political issues affecting us are: road maintenance and regulation, building and land use regulations, lake DIAL 911 quality and recreational regulations, schools and library, police and fire coverage, and local taxes. Call the HLPOA Office 386-7447 Here at HL we have a Government Cmte whose goal it is to speak as an organized voice when addressing and dial extension 111 to access the elected and appointed officials and agencies to both im- voice mailbox of the HLPOA’s Security prove the image of our community and to make our is- sues known. HL is a population center in Putnam Coun- Officer & leave a detailed message. ty that is second in size only to Greencastle. We can and should have an influence within the County on is- Please report suspicious activity, sues that affect the welfare of our community, and we information about an incident, etc. can best advocate for ourselves by doing so in an organized, positive and respectful manner. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Please join us at the next scheduled monthly needs YOU, next meeting! meeting of the Government Committee scheduled for Thursday, July 25,at 10:00 am at the Heritage Lake SEE THE CALENDAR Clubhouse. IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, If you have questions please contact Steve Forsgren, CALL 911 916-337-8591. DO NOT CALL the HLPOA security line if you have an emergency.

PHagEeR2I0TAGE LAKEHCeOriMtaMgUeNLIaTkYeSERHVIIGCHESL, IGNCHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JULY 2019 189 MILL SPRINGS U.S.P.S. COATESVILLE, IN 46121 POSTAGE ADVERTISING ‚in the ‛ Heritage Lake HIGH- STAMP LIGHTS SEE PAGE 2 or Contact: Harold Paetow ~ 189 Mill Springs ~ Coatesville, IN 46121 View The HIGHLIGHTS at: HLPOA Website Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat June 28 June 29 7PM Women’s Bible 9 AM Marina Mtg Study CLUBHOUSE 11 AM—2PM HIGHLIGHTS TACO BAR AVAILABLE June 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 7pm A & E Cmte 9 AM 1PM Stitch & Quilt 9:30AM BIBLE 7PM Women’s STUDY Bible Study PC Commissioner’s Mtg 1PM DOMINOS 7PM HLEPT 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 7PM HLPOA 1PM Stitch & Quilt 9:30AM BIBLE 9:30AM Garden 8-11 AM Heritage BOARD MTG STUDY Club Heartland Home- 7PM DOMINOS makers Breakfast 1PM Book Club 7PM Garden Club Marina 7PM Car Club Mtg 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1PM Stitch & Quilt 7PM Women’s 9 AM 9:30AM BIBLE 10AM CCCD Bible Study 7PM EUCHRE CLUB PC Commissioner’s Mtg 6:30 PC COUNCIL STUDY 7pm A & E Cmte 6:30 PM HLNAC 6:30PM HLNAC Mtg 7PM MARINA Mtg. HIGHLIGHTS @ HLPOA Clubhouse articles due 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1PM to 4 PM 1PM Stitch & Quilt 9:30AM BIBLE 10AM Government 7PM Women’s Heritage Lake Cruisers STUDY Cruise-In at HL Marina Cmte. Mtg Bible Study 7PM Lake Cmte 1PM Bridge-O-Rama HIGHLIGHTS 7PM Siltation Mtg AVAILABLE 28 29 30 31 AUG 1 AUG 2 AUG 3 7PM HLPOA Ops Mtg 1PM Stitch & Quilt 7PM Women’s Bible Study

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