Heritage Lake Garden Club 2021
Who we are We are gardeners with an array of gardening interests. Some grow vegetables. Some grow flowers. What unites us is the love of planting, nurturing and enjoying the fruits of our labor. The connection to our labor, our earth, our food and each other nourishes us. We create beauty and community through our service. Lincoln Park Pollinator Garden Growing good things in our community
2021 Officers President Anita Johnson Vice President open Treasurer Secretary Cathy Reedy Historian Lynn Forsgren Audrey Birtchman Members Birtchman, Audrey 765-386-7429 78 Mill Springs, Coatesville, IN 46121 812-371-1014 317-850-4645 Behler, Valaria 317-809-1788 333 Gettysburg, Coatesville, IN 46121 916-849-9361 [email protected] 317-294-0157 Everts, Ruth 3615 E. Co, Rd. 50N, Fillmore, IN [email protected] Carol Forbes 54 Jefferson VLY, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected] Forsgren, Lynn 117 Lincoln Hills, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected] Helterbrand, Lisa 125 Jefferson VLY, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected]
Members Continued Johnson, Anita 317-370-3472 55 Jefferson VLY, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected] Mitchner, Connie 317-224-6165 301 Patriots Landing, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected] Nice, Mary 317-619-3232 406 Gettysburg, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected] Novak, Marianne 765-386-2077 25 Mill Springs, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected] Reedy, Kathy 317-727-0419 230 Mill Springs, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected] Smith, Gloria 765-386-2166 17 Gettysburg, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected] Wilson, Donna 765-386-2702 10 Gettysburg, Coatesville, IN 46121 [email protected]
Club Meetings Meetings are part business, part education and part socializ- ing. Each component adds to the mission of growing good things in our community; education, beautification, and good strong connections in the Heritage Lake community. Meetings are held March through December on the second Thursday of the month at 9:30 at the clubhouse. Meeting changes will be posted on the Garden Club page of the hlcs.org. The POA office will provide a carafe of coffee. Cups, creamer, sugar and a light snack, if desired, are the responsibility of the meeting host. Dues are $12/year and are payable at the November meet- ing. The club flower is the Daisy. The club tree is the Redbud. The club bird is the cardinal. Community Flower Boxes/Beds As part of our service to the community, our members commit to maintaining the flower boxes and beds situated around Heritage Lake. LH Audrey Birtchman GB Donna Wilson PL JV Peggy Scotten MS Marianne Novak Clubhouse Front Anita Johnson Clubhouse Back Carol Forbes/Lisa Helterbrand Marina Lynn Forsgren
2021 Meeting Schedule March Meeting Refreshments April Meeting Refreshments May Meeting Audrey Birtchman Refreshments June Meeting Garden Tour-Donna Wilson Refreshments Ruth Everts July Meeting Mary Nice Refreshments Mary Nice August Meeting Lynn Forsgren Refreshments Gloria Wilson September Meeting Carol Forbes Refreshments Carol Forbes October Meeting Marianne Novak Refreshments Marianne Novak November Meeting Lisa Helterbrand Refreshments Lisa Helterbrand December Meeting TBD
Heritage Lake Garden Club By-Laws and Standing Rules Revised 2015 Article 1 – Name The name of this club shall be the Heritage Lake Garden Club. Article 2 – Objectives 1. To beautify the Heritage Lake community. 2. To promote interest in all types of gardening. 3. To stimulate interest in design, ecology, and conserva- tion. Article 3 – Membership Any person having attended a meeting as a guest and who is interested in the purpose for which the club was formed shall be eligible for membership. Upon payment of dues, all members will be given information regarding the duties and responsibilities of membership and shall agree to abide by the by-laws and standing rules. Article 4 – Fiscal Year The fiscal year shall be from March 1 to February 28 of the following year. Article 5 – Dues The annual club dues for membership shall be $12 due at the November meeting for the up-coming year. New members joining during the current year after March will be expected to pay dues for the year as prorated by the Treasurer. All members of each address included in one membership. Member will have one vote. (Continued on page 8)
Article 6 – Meetings The club shall meet monthly at the Clubhouse from March through December unless notified otherwise. Article 7 – Officers The elected officers shall be President, Vice President, Secre- tary and Treasurer. Together, these officers shall constitute the Executive. To be eligible for an elected office, a candi- date must be a member in good standing. Members may be nominated from the floor at the September meeting. Of- ficers may be selected at the October meeting to assume office on March 1. These officers shall serve a period of one year. Article 8 – Duties of the Officers President – The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, and shall appoint standing committees and chairper- sons as are applicable to the Club. Vice President – Shall preside in the absence of the President and be chairperson of the membership and yearbook com- mittees; shall appoint own committees. As such, the Vice President shall be responsible for all articles pertaining to membership. Secretary - Shall attend to all correspondence, sending cards, keep a record of all meetings, and shall handle all matters relating to publicity and news releases. Treasurer – Shall receive all dues and issue a receipt of same if requested. The Treasurer shall pay all Club bills and give a report of the Club account at each meeting. Checks written on the Club account should be signed by the Treasure, but man be signed by the President if the Treasurer is not availa- ble. Membership Permitting
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