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Home Explore 2019-06 HL Highlights Newsletter June

2019-06 HL Highlights Newsletter June

Published by HLCS News, 2019-10-25 21:41:48

Description: 2019-06 HL Highlights Newsletter June


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Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page Heritage Lake HIGH- Publisher: Heritage Lake Community Services, Inc. JUNE 2019 HERITAGE LAKE FIRE- WORKS $1.50 6 12 2019

Page 2 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 GENERAL Manager: Harold O. Paetow HL - Lake Committee EDITORS: Tom & Marianne Novak 2019 Lake Rules Review TREASURER: Dee Heavin Each month we will highlight random rules from the rule book. This is in no way PHOTOGRAPHER: Carey Paetow meant to replace your own review of the lake rules, which are in place for your safety as well as the safety of others. HLCS Inc. PUBLISHER & PRINTER The 2019 Lake Rules booklet is available at the Heritage Lake Community Services, Inc. marina and clubhouse. Retrieving a downed skier, wakeboarder, tuber Chairman: Roseann Paetow All power craft towing a skier(s) shall return to the downed skier(s) by slowing he power craft to idle, (no wake, no wash, no whitewater) while maintaining the The Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS POLICY is NO negative comments are same course prior to when the skier went down. AFTER reaching idle speed, allowed and all minutes, if needed are the power craft shall turn right (towards the shore) and idle directly to the condensed to fit by the staff of the skier. Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS. Rule is found in section H., Item #7, Page 13 Idle Speed in coves The POA office staff, Conservancy Idle speed means no wake, no wash, no whitewater. Board, Fire District, Trustees and/or Idle speed must be maintained within 100 feet of all shorelines and in all coves POA Board Members do not necessarily and areas designated by a buoy. agree with any of the material Rule is found in Section K., Item #3, Page 16 contained in the Heritage Lake Operation of Personal Watercraft HIGHLIGHTS. PWC maneuvers are to be performed only in designated course within he 200X200 area. Only the volunteer Board of the Herit- Only one PWC allowed at a time in the designated area. age Lake Community Services, Inc. has Rules found in Section G., Items 1,4,&5, Pages 12 and 13 any influence on the policies for the During the period between sunset and sunrise Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS. (as officially published) no watercraft shall: Operate at a speed greater than idle speed Expenses are covered by the revenue Tow any object except a disabled watercraft created by the sale of advertising in Create a wake that is disruptive to persons, the yearly Heritage Lake Telephone watercraft or property Directory and the monthly Commercial Operate stereo, radio or musical equipment / Business Ads in the Heritage Lake creating excessive noise. HIGHLIGHTS newsletter. Rule found in section F., Item #5, Page 10 Your Heritage Lake Committee, along with the HLPOA Board and Lake Security, HeInBGtlruHaeLnBcIGeoxtHoDTtihSsepaeCvnalsuielbrahsbolaeut sitnehe&the request your kind adherence to these and the other safety rules of the lake. ICf eommatpmtthyuencMiotnyatSaricentravHiecenerstirt(aaHgneLceCL. aSk).e Have a great and safe summer! Also can viewed & downloaded httopn:u/t/nhhdeeerHritLNagPeeOwlasAkleeWtpteeorbass..citoem/ Advertising in the Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS Newsletter 6‖ X 8‖ Landscape Ad $150.00 Articles & Ads can be emailed to: 4‖ X 8‖ Landscape Ad $100.00 [email protected] 4‖ X 6‖ Portrait Ad $75.00 or be dropped off at the Clubhouse 4‖ X 4‖ Square Ad $50.00 All material must be signed and include a telephone number (in case of questions) 2‖ X 3.5‖ Business Card Ad $30.00 Ads can be e-mailed To: [email protected] MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO : HLCS and Mail to: HLCS 189 Mill Springs Coatesville, IN 46121

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page 3 HLPOA INFORMATION Office phone: 765-386-7447 Office Hours Monday thru Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. to Noon MANAGERS REPORT Pool is Open, come and Enjoy! Please do not forget to purchase your ―Family Pool Pass‖ for the season. A great value at $100 for the family all summer. Pool volleyball and pool basketball is available, and music along with drinks and snacks from the concession. Reminder – All unattended floating items, such as mats, trampolines, towable toys, etc. when not in use, shall be secured adjacent to owner’s dock, or should not extend out more than 24’ from owner’s shoreline. Please take the time to review and know all the Lake rules. This is your boating responsibility and are put into place for the safety of everyone. Respect your community and neighbors, and be sure to have a great summer. Respectfully, Ken Rozelle HLPOA Property Manager $1,500 HERITAGE LAKE SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED TO NORTH PUTNAM HS GRAD! Marcus Greenberg, Gettysburg, is a recipient of this year’s Heritage Lake Scholarship. Marcus plans to attend Purdue University to pursue a career in Engineering. Heritage Lake scholarships are awarded through the Putnam County Community Foundation (as recommended by the HL Scholarship Selection Committee) to graduating seniors on a competitive basis for community services that benefit directly or indirectly Putnam County residents with special emphasis on service hours earned that benefit Heritage Lake residents. Recipients must be graduating high school seniors who have not reached 20 years of age by April 30 of the award year. They must permanently reside with a HLPOA voting or associate member in good standing. High school students may begin earning official community service hours from September 1 of the candidate’s junior year until February 1 of their senior award year. For additional information about this scholarship, interested students/families should contact Jan at 317-730-0543. SPECIAL THANKS! to all who have made this special scholarship opportunity possible including Heritage Lake residents who contribute to this program each year through the annual POA assessment AND supporters of the Easter Breakfast fundraiser for Heritage Lake Scholar- ships! HERITAGE LAKE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE needs 2 new board members to help with continued implementation of this scholarship program. Anyone interested should contact Jan above. This committee will meet later this summer to make plans for the 2020 scholarship awards.

Page 4 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 HERITAGE LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Unapproved minutes of the HLPOA Board of Directors meeting May 13, 2019 The HLPOA Board meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. at the Clubhouse & open to all Heritage Lake POA members in good standing. The Board Meeting agenda includes a forum that allows members to express their views to the Board. ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The POA official and approved minutes can be obtained and read at the POA Office or on the HLPOA Website. HERITAGE LAKE PROPERTY nament; watch the Highlights for more infor- Trash was contacted for dumpsters which OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION mation. Jack stayed and help load/unload, then took BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. POA Security: Ken Rozelle reported the dumpsters away (prevented late dumping). MINUTES 5-13-2019 (Unapproved) Brian is on a call out here and will get his We took one trailer (tires, TV’s, and a lot of report for the minutes. toxic materials) to Greencastle, we work with Attending: Chris Schafer, Jim Johnson, G. Garden Club: Linda Lawler, we have the West Central Solid Waste District they do Thomas Novak, AJ Stafford, Grant Feldhake, successfully received the set of Swing and a “Tox-A-Way” we do a “Tox-drop” and of Paul Forbes, and Jeff Brooks (William Gou- Glider which will be placed once the cement the three counties, we are the only sub loca- pell absent proxy given to Chris Schafer). pad is ready (they are on display at the Club- tion that is allowed to collect and are glad to Staff attending was Ken Rozelle and Debra house patio-lower level rear). The pollinator have us. For lunch we donated to the Siltation Napier. There were 21 members in attend- garden process is going well as Cleanup Committee $150 to feed approximately 18 ance. (Live stream via You Tube). Committee has given a grant for the purchase volunteers. Our next meeting is August Call to Order: Chris Schafer called the of seeds. The Bark Park folks have shared which we will plan for fall garage sales and meeting to order at 7:00 pm. their site with us (Lincoln Park) and this the Clean Sweep (no toxic materials). We are week we will be tilling a 50x200 strip for trying a new event this year “Document Announcements flowers which attract the pollinators. Chris Shred” on August 10th from 9-11 (a truck will Ken Rozelle told a story of a welfare check here at Heritage Lake. The member is alive Schafer stated that neither the Bark Park nor come out, you can drive in, we unload as you today because of the swift action taken. I want potential locations have been brought to the watch your documents being shredded with- to thank Sheriff Scott Stockton, Jeff Blayes, Board for approval. The Mother’s Day plant out leaving your vehicle (donations accepted Paul Forbes, Thomas Novak and 7 trustees for sale was a “bust”. Our next event “Garden and a Co-Sponsor is welcomed). We have their support and time given to assist with a Tours” is in June for meet and greet, swap purchased 2 new aluminum can collection cleanup for this member. The cleanup con- idea’s, educate on things to come. containers; one for the Marina and one at the Pool so we can collect more aluminum cans tributed about 10-12 large bags of aluminum cans for recycling. This is a great community Presentation of Agenda: for recycling. Chris thanks all the members as with terrific people who want to reach out a Presentation of Minutes: they do a fantastic job helping the community i. April 8th Board Meeting keep things spic and span. give unconditionally. A. Clear Creek Conservancy: Duane Kelly Approved as submitted D. Government: Thomas Novak reported Motion by AJ/Second by Jeff - VOTE: having their first meeting with 2 people show- asked the entire membership to keep those Approved 8-0 Meeting ing. Our next meeting is June 21st at 7pm in “flushable” products OUT OF OUR TOI- ii. April 29th Operations the clubhouse for those interested in getting LETS (NOT BIODEGRADIBLE) so that the Moby AJ lift pumps are not clogged and overburdened iii. April 29th Executive Meeting involved. by these products (Diapers, feminine prod- Motion by Jeff/Second by AJ – VOTE: E. Lake: Jeff Brooks spoke about 2 boaters ucts, “flushable” wipes). Conservancy meet- Approved 8-0 complaining that a few fisherman flying ing is on Thursday 10:00 a.m. across the lake at breakneck speeds one cross- ing in front of them and one close in the back B. Floyd Township Fire Department: Jeff Treasurer’s Report: side; so I ask that we are considerate of each Brooks reported the Fire Department will be Jim Johnson reported total income for the boater, not getting too close, not running over hosting the Annual Memorial Day “Steak month of April was $134,810; total expenses fishing lines, not swamping boats with wakes, Sandwich” fundraiser beginning May 25th were $102,843 leaving an etc. so that everyone can enjoy their time on thru May 27th at the Marina 11-6. The fire- income balance of $31,967. The total income the water. There are rules in place so that we fighters will be doing extrication training at year-to-date is $462,139; total expenses year- all stay safe. the station with some wrecked vehicles that to-date were $315,978 F. Clean Water: Phil McKinley was not have been donated. Putnam County Emer- leaving an income balance of $146,161. As of gency Response Center (near county high- April 30, 2019, our short-term cash was present to give a report. way department) received a grant to provide $641,293 and total investments, which are G. Long Term Planning: Debra weather radio’s to residents for safety. As- made up of Certificates of Napier, Co-Chair, announced I will be con- sistance can be given by FTFD members. Deposits and Money Market Checking Ac- tacting the members and putting C. Neighborhood Watch: Breakfast fund- counts, $689,044. together our first meeting of the year in June raiser at the Marina Saturday May 18th 8 a.m. to begin business. Please contact me if you are interested. to 11 a.m. Board Committee Reports H. Siltation: Duane Kelly reported our next D. HLCS: Harold Paetow reported that A. A&E: Ben Fuchs reported the commit- meeting is May 23rd 7pm at the Clubhouse. I business is as usual, and nothing new to re- tee approved 13 permits for the month of want to thank Debra for her efforts organizing port. April for 14 projects; 6 houses (1220, 1497, and bringing in volunteers. She brought in E. HLNAC: Jan Sallee reported the commit- 1435, 1432, 2783, 1261 sq/ft), 3 fences, 1 lift new volunteers Kristie Weaver, Debbie Jen- tee has purchased new letters for the Herit- and 4 docks. (1480 for a house in March) nings, Elisha Jennings-Hendricks, Denice age Lake entry signs. She thanked all those B. Campground: Liaison spot is open, Ken Atwell. Ron Kowalski, my wife Janet and I that donated eggs, candy and helped with the Riggen resigned from the board. showed up to help. I was on the grill we Easter festivities. The Boat Poker run is C. Clean Up: Kurt Steuer, we just finished cooked 160 hot dogs and about 60 brats which scheduled for August 17th (Brenda Smother- up one of our big events “Tox Drop-Clean man is the contact) with a “Corn Hole” tour- Sweep”. We filled two dumpsters. Jacks is pretty good for a bad weather day. (Continued on page 5)

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page 5 A $600 profit after expenses and awesome card to please cooperate. Motion to adjourn. donations, homemade food and friends make for a good day. Old Business: Approved I. Emergency Planning Team: John Dee- Gate access update: Jeff Brooks reported gan reminded the membership of the June 4th installation is still on schedule; we are wait- Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at Red cross Blood Drive in the lower level of ing for the weather to allow for them to get 8:33 pm. the Clubhouse from 2 – 7 p.m. and on the in there without sinking in mud. It appears Submitted by Debra Napier and Jeff Weather Radio Program it might be a good to be mid-May before we are able to start. Brooks idea to program both Park and Putnam coun- New Marina Update: Paul Forbes reported Covenant Change Open Discussion ties as weather will reach Park before Putnam the last meeting with Brandt Construction Chris Schafer announced that as of if coming in from the west. and Arch Designs the Ad Hoc is ready to today we have 552 votes counted at J. Election Committee: Chris reported schedule with the Board for a review of the this time. receiving 552 petitions thus far which is “Scope of Work” and schedule the roll out to about 18 ½ percent. Please DO NOT USE our membership. A discussion will need to THE PO BOX ENVELOPE FOR ASSESS- take place on what the limits are and the MENT PAYMENTS. scope of work we want here with the new Marina. Walking Path Update: Ken Rozelle report- Misc. Reports: ed that the permit required was not a finan- Cindy Huddleston – JV025 – asked Manager’s Report: KEN ROZELLE: cial decision; the Eagle Scout is not prepared about a document that was distributed First, I would like to welcome 2 new seasonal to handle this type of requirement therefore at Board meeting and was told that is they will use some type of stepping stones or not a POA or Board document. employees. Dave Gibson will be assisting will consider suggestions. Curtis Talbert – GB309 – that is my the maintenance guys with grounds upkeep, New Business: paper I passed out because the and Jake Shinovich, a young man that will Proposed Covenant Change vote is be assisting Lois and Tom at the Marina on weekends. Lake buoys have been put into place. In the IDEM Burn Meeting Update: Chris ludicrous and foolish and I don’t think past, after buoys have been put out, Kent Schafer reported that the burn area on the 30 they have the authority to promote it Hoops and I go out and adjust any that may acres is now closed. We met with IDEM on in the first place. need moved. Kent and I will have this ac- what our community needs are with the site. Harold Paetow – MS189 - How complished this week and strategically They have informed us that NO BURNING many votes have been received this placed where we believe they should be set. IS ALLOWED. Other options are available far? Petit Pools was out last week and they have but can be very costly (Chipping Equipment, 552 votes received (18 ½% of the everything opened and running. The pool is Dumpsters, permits and special requirements 2986) and we are not reporting the on schedule for opening date of Friday May on smoke control are required). Jeff Brooks yes/no votes because we don’t want 24th. quoted mulching equipment to be placed to sway anyone’s decision. The Patriots Landing park area, the 2 picnic would be $7500 and dumpsters is $4500. tables and shade structure has been finished. Possibly a budget item needs to be created for We want you to VOTE! This will be another great place for a picnic a 1 time a year event similar to the “Clean Debra Napier – A request from the and some fishing at the pond located on the Sweep” but for tree debris. POA Office is to please use the PO backside of the park. Box envelope for mailing your Bark Park: Ken Rozelle reported that in “Petition” for the Covenant Vote Getting things accomplished around the rain working with the group we have identified a and wet conditions….. location at Lincoln Park (114x76) that can be considered for the “Bark Park”. Items to be discussed are rules, access, application pro- Change. Many are using is for mail- When the ground is dry enough not to get cess, vaccines, fees, etc. equipment stuck, we need to have several ing assessments and this is causing loads of mulch added to the playground are- Open Forum: their payment to be considered late as as. Shannon Lieb, LH002, inquired about the PO Box is check infrequently but I also have purchased paint to put a fresh coat “Wells” or water aquafer in our area and US Mail to Heritage Lake comes in to on all the other playground equipment that would like to see preplanning versus not the office daily. we kept with the new equipment that was knowing if our ground water will sustain our community in the future. added late fall last year. Anita Camic, MS088, asked about infor- Motion to adjourn. Approved mation on water testing to be sure chemicals Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at Each year we normally add a load of clean are not coming into our community from 8:38 pm. sand to each beach locations. We will at- “road side spraying” on 725. Phil McKinley Submitted by has reported as part of the Clean Water (sub Debra Napier and Jeff Brooks tempt to get this accomplished before Me- of Lake Committee) our water has tested morial weekend. good. Jan Sallee, GB065, announced one individual Finally, I have instructed the Security staff to step up the efforts on asking for POA cards. In our young 2019 season, we have already removed 3 boats from the water that didn’t will receive $1500 from the Scholarship Pro- belong here. You as a POA member, it is gram. The committee/group is looking for not ok to invite just anyone to launch a boat new members. that is not registered as an owner with proper Cindy Huddleston, JV025, This is our 10 HLPOA OFFICE documentation. This is a quick way to get Year Anniversary for Putnam County Kids your privileges suspended. So, for this rea- Count and we would like to thank the POA 765-386-7447 son, I would request that if ask for your POA for their continued support for this program.

Page 6 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Hello fellow HLPOA Members, When this community was founded back in the 70’s, it was easy to gather the entire membership for meetings and voting events. The number of members was much smaller, the technology for communi- cating wasn’t what it is today, so people got out and talked directly to each other a lot more and went to meetings to hear what was going on. It was far easier to gain consensus on matters before us, because we could achieve a quorum in a meeting to help us decide. We could vote on issues live and in person. The size of our community and the diversity of our members no longer supports that, as many folks are here only on the weekends or the summer season, and some never come here at all!! It’s difficult to know their perspective or what they want out of this community, even though they are POA members. Today’s world is much different than what it was when our community was founded. We have the internet, live streaming, social media, and cell phones that make information immediately available when we want it wherever we are. We don’t have to chase it down like we used to; we can find or view just about anything right from our phones. Our POA Board meetings are recorded on YouTube for all to watch at your conven- ience (just launch YouTube and search for “Heritage Lake POA”). Technology has expanded our ability to share information and communicate. In some ways, though, it’s made it more difficult to communicate because we are forced to communicate the same information in many different ways in order to reach everyone. People can actively ignore information that they aren’t interested in or think doesn’t affect them, so it’s hard to tell if they ever got the message. The POA office and the Board tries to communicate to our members using the contact details that we’ve all provided. But phone numbers and email addresses change over time. What once was a valid email address of phone number may no longer be. If you’re not getting emails from the POA office, please contact them or stop in and make sure that your contact information on file is correct. Those email notifications include upcoming community events, notices around water treatments and lake closures, Committee and group events, and voting and survey opportunities. Don’t be left out! Make sure your contact information is current with the office. Lastly, if you’ve not yet voted in the 2019 POA Covenant change, please do so! If you’ve lost your ballot, you can pick up another one from the office or you can be sent a new one if you call them. It is important to vote your lots as soon as you’re able, because those who have not voted will be sent the ballot a second and third time, costing the POA time and money. If you are unsure as to what the issues are on the ballot, please reach out to any Board member who can answer your questions. Most of your questions are proba- bly answered on the Heritage Lake website ( under “Important Links” or under “Information>Documents”. The various Facebook pages are monitored and Board members respond to questions there, too. There is also time set aside after each Board meeting and Operations meeting to answer questions and have discussions around the Covenants. Members of the Board are also working to be available at the Marina and public events, so feel free to walk up to us and ask us any questions you may have. We are here to help. This vote is important for the future of our community, and we want to help you make an informed decision. PLEASE VOTE!!!! Now that the busy season is upon us, enjoy the upcoming months with family, friends, and neighbors who come to visit this great community. Please do so safely and watch out for each other. There will be lots of great events and opportunities for all of us to come together and enjoy the summer. Thank you to all the POA Staff, Committees, and Volunteers who make our community great. Thank you friends and neighbors, for being part of the best lake community in Indiana! Chris Schafer President, HLPOA Board of Directors

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page 7 CLEAR CREEK CONSERVANCY DISTRICT The Clear Creek Conservancy District board of directors met MAY 16, 2019, at 10 a.m. at the district’s office. Directors Present: J. Duane Kelly, Chris Schubert, Jerry D. Wood Also attending: Kathy Deer, Administrative and Financial Manager; Doug Clodfelter, Plant Operator and Operations Manager; Jim Hazelwood, Harold Paetow; Tom Novak and Ken Rozelle, Heritage Lake POA Manager. Jerry Wood moved to approve the minutes of the April meeting. Chris Schubert seconded. Vote unanimous. Kathy Deer reviewed the financial report for the month ending April 30, 2019. Chris Schubert moved to approve the financial report and Register of Claims, April 19 through May 16, 2019. Jerry Wood seconded. Vote unanimous. Chris Schubert moved to authorize Kathy Deer enter into an agreement with Payment Service Network (PSN), Inc. for the dis- trict’s credit card processing for payments made online. Ampstun had notified the district that as of the end of June, they will no longer be able to work with Two vendors currently do the credit card processing – provides the online gateway and PNC Merchant Services processes the credit cards. PSN will provide the gateway and processing. Under their partnership with Ampstun, they charge the customer for the credit card fees directly instead of being paid by the district each month. The current flat rate fee of $3.00 will no longer be charged. For a $58.00 sewer bill, the customer will pay the credit card fee of $2.46. A person paying a late bill of $121.80 will pay $3.59. The district will only be billed the monthly gateway fee of $14.95 and the annual security fee of $89.00. There will be a $99.00 one-time setup fee. The board did not wish to utilize the bank electronic check service at a cost of $.50 per check. Jerry Wood seconded. Vote unanimous. Kathy Deer provided a written report. Kathy and Doug are meeting with Joe Miller to review the draft Emergency Action Plan for the dam and then Doug and Joe will be working on the permit to place concrete along the stream to prevent further erosion. Duane Kelly and Kathy Deer met with Ken Rozelle to discuss the revision of the plat of Patriot’s Landing 238 which was sur- veyed to points along the shoreline. The surveyor would not certify that all points on his survey made while the lake was down in November, 2018 were above the 827.0 elevation and no official legal determination has been made whether the Proprietor’s Certificate in the original plat grants fee simple interest in the property along the shoreline on waterfront lots. Without hiring attorneys to research the issue at substantial cost to either the Heritage Lake POA or the Clear Creek Conservancy District, the issue will not be pursued at this time. There are 1,430 account locations with 3 homes connected: GB426, VH145, and MS622. The April/May sewer access fee bills were mailed May 9, due June 15. No work orders were generated for Inflow/ Infiltration inspections due to deed transfer in April. There were 30 liens filed April 19. . Doug Clodfelter provided a written report. Mill Springs 622 was a deep sewer connection where McCullough Excavating was paid to bring the connection point up to 4 – 6 ft. deep. The locator for the sewer camera would not work while trying to use it at 461 Mill Springs to find out why the sewer was draining slow and backing up into his tub. After attempting to repair the locator, a locator from UMAC was used to find the problem at no charge. A new Subsite locator was purchased at a cost of $2,460.00. McCullough Excavating made repairs to fix the sewer line. A roto rooter was borrowed to clear a blockage in the sewer line at 4 Jefferson Valley. There was no sewer line installed originally for JV003 and JV004 and a 6” sewer line was installed later but does not have manhole access to be able to run the sewer camera in the line. Should a new connection be added to that line, a manhole access will be installed at that time. The 6” force main at LS M3 had a small crack in the elbow which was allowing a sewage seep on the ground. McCullough Excavating also made repairs at this location. An air relief valve at LS P2 failed and will need to be replaced. It has been capped until replacement is made. There are two other air relief valves known to need replacement, one which has broken off and another that is dry. It is estimated there are at least 30 air relief valves and possibly more on the collection system. Further investigation will be made to determine replacement with PVC or metal, estimated costs, and whether to plan to replace all of them. Duane Kelly reported that the board had received a ballot to vote for the covenant changes from the Heritage Lake POA for lots owned by the district in Gettysburg, not just the Gettysburg lot that the district has historically paid dues because of a lift station on the lot. The Heritage Lake POA is encouraging every lot owner to vote in this decision. Chris Schubert requested this issue be tabled. Jerry Wood seconded. Vote unanimous. The next regular meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 20, 2019, at the district’s office. Jack’s Trash RECYCLE ONLY BIN at HERITAGE LAKE on westside of Heritage Drive by the HLPOA Maintenance Building

Page 8 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Heritage Heartland Homemakers by Marianne Novak HHH’s May Meeting began with smiles and laughter since roll call was telling a joke, and then guessing who is the girl in that High School Picture. For Citizenship Committee, Donna reported about Venezuela. This South American County has been plagued with coups, Presidential impeachment, and extreme poverty among most of the population. Even though Venezuela is the world’s largest oil exporter, the country is run by dictators and thugs and is in default. Much time was spent planning the up-coming Marina Breakfast on July 13, 2019, from 8-11 A.M. Plans were also made for the Putnam County Fair purse auction. Mem- bers are asked to bring “something that is yellow” to put into the purse at the June Meeting. After the meet- ing, Penny, Chair of the Kids Count Committee, asked for volunteers to cut out super-heros’ symbols for the Kids Count Camp. Ethel, Kathy, Mary Ellen, and Marianne Novak helped. The Homemakers’ next meeting will be on June at 11:30 A.M. Penny Steur is the hostess. For this meet- ing, remember to bring your wedding picture. For more information, call Bev Spires at 765/246-6558. Heritage Lake Book Club by Marianne Novak Our May Book Discussion was Where the Crawdads Sing by Deliah Owens. This debut novel is written in beautiful language that keeps the reader teary-eyed throughout the entire book. Kya tells her story in third person past tense as she brings nature to life in her detailed descriptions. We rated the book 3.8. June 12 Running on Red Dog Road by Drema Hall Berkheimer July 10 The Flying Circus by Susan Crandell If you’d like to come join us, call Marianne Novak at 386-2077. Heritage Lake Garden Club by Marianne Novak Nine of us gathered on May 8 at 9:30 A.M. for the monthly meeting. Rain didn’t stop the Lil’ Sprouts Flower Planting on May 4. Three children brought their parents/grandparents and planted a total of six flowers in pots that they donated. A big ―thank you‖ goes out to Bob and Helena Radez from Heritage Lake Garden Center who donated the flower pots/plants and set up tables for this event! Look for our Wildflower Garden at Lincoln Hills Park Field this spring. We are excited about this venture! In June, Garden Club Members will visit local HL gardens in the morning. Then hostesses Donna Wilson and Gloria Smith will host a pitch-in luncheon at Donna’s home. The next meeting will be on June 13, 2019, at 9:30 A.M. and at 7 P.M. For more information, contact Linda Lawler at [email protected].

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page 9 FOOD FOR THOUGHT: KIDS, DESIGN, AND LIFE IN GENERAL It’s not surprising that kids are on my mind. Our annual Heritage Lake Kids’ Character Camp is nearly upon us! With kids in mind, I was researching the greatest stressors for youth in our society today. Much of it dealt with the usual things like thunderstorms, sudden noises, and monsters under the bed. But there were significant trends as well. For example, Generation Z has reported the most mental health problems of any recent generation. One of the biggest stress- ors is fear over school shootings. (There’s something the previous generations never even imagined.) For younger kids, over-scheduling is a major upset, for many, there simply isn’t enough down time. Yet ironically, boredom is also a problem. Other prominent issues are stressed-out parents, bullying, and general chaos in life. If we look for a common denominator, it is: life slipping more and more outside the intended design. Let’s face it; when par- ents get into fist fights at their kids’ little league games, or a child is so bullied or socially ostracized that they bring a gun to school with the intent to take life- something in society is basically out of balance. To keep this in perspective, the extreme cases are relatively rare. That being said, they are too significant to be ignored. Per- haps even the best of us could use a little tweaking back to the intended design for healthy living. That’s the focus in Kids’ Character Camp this year; by looking at nature we can be reminded of the design. In the character modules we’ll be exploring some anchor points such as; truth, order, and balance. In the ten years we’ve been doing character camp on the lake, I am still amazed and inspired by how sharp our children are. It is amazing to watch the potential when nurtured with a little love and direction! Let me just say, if you have sent your kids to Kids’ Camp in the past; your kids are great! Thanks for sending them. In addition to the character module, there are a number of the usual great projects and games. This year we are also looking at design by teaching the older kids environmental robotics. We are fortunate to have Chris, our very own electrical engineer and theoretical physicist! (Don’t worry, he’s brilliant but kid-friendly.) We also have a master illusionist who will teach the younger kids some of the basic tricks of keeping some of the magic and mystery in life. It’s all meant to be a tweak to remember there is a design to healthy living. It’s in the creation all around us! ~Anyway, it is certainly food for thought. Check out Kids Camp: Pastor Kevin and his lovely editor-wife are members of Canaan Community Church, just off the Lake on 800E. Bible Study WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY FRIDAY ‘s at 7:00 PM Wednesday ... 9:30 AM to 11:00AM .. See Calendar at the clubhouse. in the CLUBHOUSE small Meeting Room. Wednesday ... 7:30pm 8:30pm .. at New Maysville Community Church Please contact : Address : 6817 CR 900E , 10 min. from the Lake The Bible is more than just another book. It's like working a big jig saw puzzle. The more pieces that come together, the clearer the picture becomes. All are invited to join us in putting together the pieces of this wonderful book, the Bible. Contact: Jim Limp 386-7512

Page 10 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page 11 ASHLEY MATTOX/RUOFF MORTGAGE I Would like to THANK all the Neighborhood Watch Captains and Members that helped, donated and supported the Breakfast on May 18th It was great seeing everyone and what a beautiful day we had. The Marina staff, Lois, Steve, Arlene and Jake Donna Mcginley , Darcey Schafer, Rita & Larry Goen, Loma Ginder, Lynn Forsgren Cindy Huddleston, Kate Robertson, Peggy Purvis, Bev Spires, Debra Napier, Teresa Lenahan Ashley Mattox/RUOFF Home Mortgage TACO BAR JUNE 29 11 AM - 2 PM APRIL LAND

Page 12 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 We have already had some tastes of spring with warmer temperatures and greening lawns. As we think about spring fertilizing and weed control, the Clean Water Team would like to remind our neighbors to think about the effects of lawn practices on our lake. Obviously fertilizers that may be carried into the lake can also nourish plant growth there. Although it can reasonably be argued that some aquatic growth such as cattails along some areas of shoreline can be beneficial for water purification, erosion control, and fish habitat, we surely do not want to nourish unwanted weed and algae growth that we then have to pay to try to control. To that end, the Clean Water Team encourages all of our neighbors to limit fertilizer use to no more than necessary. The closer such use is to the lakeshore or inlets, the more important such restraint can be. At the very least, use only phosphorous-free fertilizers, i.e. those with a middle number of 0. Such products are available locally for your convenience at Heritage Lake Garden Supply as well as big box stores in nearby towns. Thank you for your cooperation with this important neighborhood initiative. The Heritage Lake Emergency Preparedness Team meets the first Wednesday of each month from 7-8:30pm in the Clubhouse Emergency Communications Center Room. Please join us as we prepare ourselves and our community for unexpected events, including health, weather & unforeseen events! Contact John Deegan @ 317-846-2979 or Darcey Schafer at 317-590-0981 with any questions, ideas or for more information.

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page 13

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Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page 15 BEAVER LAKE STORAGE NOW HAS DRIVE-THROUGH BOAT STORAGE for Week-End convenience Secure Trailer Storage as low $10 mt. SEA CYCLE FOR SALE: $2,000 Great exercise and fun. Moves quickly through the water. You pedal the propeller (2 people pedal at same time). Like New condition! Has cushions, basket, docking eyelets and fishing pole holder (not shown in picture). Contact : Jim Price Cell: 317-500-0059 can deliver to buyer.

Page 16 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 AOLpoecraatlelydOBwusniendes&s Help your Community Pitch-In

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page 17

Page 18 Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 KIDS COUNT YELLOW TRASH BAG SALE! . . . is an ongoing sale to benefit Kids Count, sponsor of the annual Character Day Camp held at Heritage Lake These bags are available at the Office. contact Cindy (386-6338) or Jan (317-730-0543)

Heritage Lake HIGHLIGHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 Page 19 For Sale: Fish & Ski 2014 Lowe FM 175 Pro SC, Board Meeting 115 HP Motor 4-Stroke, Rear conversion Bench Seat, Monday, JUNE 10, 2019 at 7:00 PM Fish Locator, Trolling Motor, Built in Battery Charger, at HLPOA Clubhouse Boat Cover & Trailer. Only used at Heritage Lake and Stored inside. Price $18,500. Next Board Operations Meeting Contact: Wally Barnes 317-201-2728. JUNE 24 at 7PM at Clubhouse For Sale: Sailboat. Hunter 170. 1999, 17 ft, The Cruisers will be having a Cruise-In at Heritage 2 sails. good condition. Price $1500 Lake Marina June 22nd from contact: Kurt 17 MS. 765-246-1203 1-4 and July 27th same time. For Sale: Fish & Ski Boat, 1992 Astro S185FS, Next meeting 13 June don't miss the Tech Session on 18ft,115 Mercury Outboard Motor, Trolling Motor, Trailer, $4000. call Larry at (317)371-2347 Carburetor setup. We meet the 2nd Thursday For Sale: 1968 Cadillac Convertible, of the month at 7pm. at the New 472 V8 Motor, Bad Axel, Lot of work.. HLPOA Clubhouse. $1,968 Rare!! Make OFFER! Call: (317)709-4817 Gary Owens at 618-830-4699. For Sale: 2002 Stratos fish and sky boat 150 Yamaha NEXT MEETING JUNE 13th motor runs good bought new at The Boat Place only used at Heritage Lake. Asking 9000.00 call Jim Watson 765-719-3969 SECURITY TIP LINE “All politics is local” is a much heard quote. While many of us profess to nonpolitical, local politics affect IN CASE OF AN our daily lives both directly and indirectly. Among EMERGENCY local political issues affecting us are: road maintenance and regulation, building and land use regulations, lake DIAL 911 quality and recreational regulations, schools and library, police and fire coverage, and local taxes. Call the HLPOA Office 386-7447 Here at HL we have a Government Cmte whose goal it is to speak as an organized voice when address- and dial extension 111 to access the ing elected and appointed officials and agencies to both voice mailbox of the HLPOA’s Security improve the image of our community and to make our issues known. HL is a population center in Putnam Officer & leave a detailed message. County that is second in size only to Greencastle. We can and should have an influence within the County on Please report suspicious activity, issues that affect the welfare of our community, and we information about an incident, etc. can best advocate for ourselves by doing so in an organized, positive and respectful manner. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Please join us at the next scheduled monthly needs YOU, next meeting! meeting of the Government Committee scheduled for Thursday, June 27, at 10:00 am at the Heritage Lake SEE THE CALENDAR Clubhouse. IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, If you have questions please contact Steve Forsgren, CALL 911 916-337-8591. DO NOT CALL the HLPOA security line if you have an emergency.

PHagEeR2I0TAGE LAKEHCeOriMtaMgUeNLIaTkYeSERHVIIGCHESL, IGNCHTS EMAIL > [email protected] JUNE 2019 189 MILL SPRINGS U.S.P.S. COATESVILLE, IN 46121 POSTAGE ADVERTISING ‚in the ‛ Heritage Lake HIGH- STAMP LIGHTS SEE PAGE 2 or Contact: Harold Paetow ~ 189 Mill Springs ~ Coatesville, IN 46121 View The HIGHLIGHTS at: HLPOA Website Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MAY 31 01 7PM Women’s Bible Study HIGHLIGHTS AVAILABLE 02 03 04 05 06 7pm A & E Cmte 07 08 9 AM 1PM Stitch & Quilt 9:30AM BIBLE STUDY PC Commissioner’s Mtg 7PM Women’s 1PM DOMINOS Bible Study 7PM HLEPT 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 7PM HLPOA 1PM Stitch & Quilt 9:30AM BIBLE 9:30AM Garden 7PM EUCHRE CLUB BOARD MTG STUDY Club 7PM DOMINOS 1PM Book Club 7PM Garden Club 7PM Car Club Mtg 7PM Clean-Up Cmte 16 17 18 19 20 21 1st Day of Summer 22 11:30AM Homemakers 7PM Women’s 9:30AM BIBLE 10AM CCCD Bible Study 1-4 PM Cruisers Cruise-In 9 AM STUDY 7pm A & E Cmte Marina PC Commissioner’s Mtg 1PM Stitch & Quilt HIGHLIGHTS 7PM Nbhd Watch 6:30 PM HLNAC 6:30 PC COUNCIL articles due 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 11AM—2PM 7PM HLPOA Ops Mtg 1PM Stitch & Quilt 9:30AM BIBLE 10AM Government 7PM Women’s TACO BAR @ Marina STUDY Cmte. Mtg Bible Study 7PM Lake Cmte 1PM Bridge-O-Rama HIGHLIGHTS 7PM Siltation Mtg AVAILABLE FIREWORKS @ Dusk 30 JULY 01 JULY 02 JULY 03 JULY 05 JULY 06 1PM Stitch & Quilt 7PM Women’s Bible Study

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