2 Contents Your LMC Marketing Team......................................................................................................3 Your Road To Success.........................................................................................................4-5MARKET RESEARCH & BRANDING Billion Dollar Buying Power......................................................................................................6 LMC’s CAP Program.................................................................................................................7 LMC In-House Design Service...............................................................................................7 Marketing Research - The Farnsworth Group.................................................................8LOCATION SUPPORT Office Supplies, Furniture, Safety & Facilities - Staples Advantage.............................9 Yard & Showroom Design - Johnson Design Services................................................10 Lumber Carts, Shopping Carts and Baskets - Good L..................................................11 Banner Signs & Exhibits - Skyline.......................................................................................11 Store Bags, Danger Flags & Office Forms - Vanguard Direct.................................... 11 SHOWROOM / STORE MARKETING Printing Services - The Chambers Group.........................................................................12 Mailing List & Video Creation - R & D Communications…………………………......12 End Cap Digital Signage - EZ-AD TV…....................................………………….………13 On Hold Messages, Overhead Music & Video Signage - Spectrio………....………14 Print Advertising, Circulars, Catalogs - Circulars Unlimited.................................15 - 17 Co-op Claiming Service - Co-Starr.....................................................................................17CONTRACTOR MARKETING Contractor Print Advertising - Circulars Unlimited..........................................................18 Electronic Newsletter - Circulars Unlimited......................................................................19 Contractor Planner..................................................................................................................20 Pencils – Carpenter & Round - Dixon Ticonderoga......................................................20 Contractor Rewards - Loyaltyworks...................................................................................21WEB BASED PROGRAMS Mobile & Text Message Marketing - ATS Mobile………………………….…………22 Web Site & Social Media & Email Marketing - New Media Retailer...........................23 Web Site & eShowroom - Remodeling News.................................................................24PROMOTIONAL ITEMS Job Site Signs, Nail Aprons, Printed Items & Apparel - Ad Capitol...........................25 Outfitting & Wearables, Gift Cards - L.L. Bean Direct to Business..........................25 Outfitting & Wearables - Lands’ End Business Outfitters……………………..........26 Workwear - Lands’ End Business Outfitters……………….........................................26 Outdoor & Activewear, Printed Apparel, Gift Cards - Cabela’s Corporate Outfitter....27 Printed Items, Promotional Products & Apparel - 4 Imprint.......................................28LMC SUPPORT SERVICES Lumber & Pallet Bag Covers & Nail Aprons - L.I. Industries........................................29 Property & Casualty Insurance - PA Lumbermens………..........…………………….29 LMC.Net.....................................................................................................................................30 LMC Stockholder Relations & Regional Map....................................................................31
3Your LMC LMC Marketing Fran MonkMarketing Programs are… Director of MarketingTeam x7991 • Turnkey – Provides a fmonk@lmc.networks to seek out opportunities professional look whilethat will help your business working with your busy Stephanie Fortunatogrow and stay on the cutting schedule. Merchandisingedge. Programs Manager • Economical - Your LMC x3667Whether your customer base collective buying power sfortunato@lmc.netis professionals, remodelers or provides quality athomeowners, LMC Marketing reasonable rates. Tim Stephensonprovides a menu of options Graphic Designerto fit your needs and bring • Rebating – Programs x7912about the desired results you structured for your tstephenson@lmc.netare looking for to grow your benefit. Don’t leavebusiness. money on the table! Merchandising SpecialistMany LMC Marketing Programs • Knowledgeable – Produced x3675 by suppliers with industryare inspired and created based experience.on the needs of your fellowLMC dealers. Good ideas that fit Contact LMCthe needs of many dealers are Marketing Today!grown by pooled participation.This keeps your marketing We are focused on yourinvestment in line to work with success. LMC Marketing is hereyour budget. Why go anywhere to provide solutions to yourelse? marketing challenges. As a support team to your marketing department, we can provide insights on what works and what to avoid when it comes to your sales promotions, builder events, community involvement and building your brand. Let’s Build Business Together!Call 800.218.0043 for pricing and additional information on our programs.
YOUR4 ROAD TO SUCCESS Reach Your Customers by Communicating Your Value, Products, and Services. Develop Your Marketing Plan! A marketing plan is essential to the success of your business. It includes market research, target markets, an evaluation of your competition, along with strategies and messaging to grow the products and services you o er. With that information you then identify and define the promotional tactics: how to communicate your message, how to create an awareness of your product or service, how to motivate customers to buy and increase sales. This is where LMC can assist you in creating the road map to your success by o ering programs and ideas that support your marketing plan. Plan & track your marketing e orts. Obtain your free copy of a marketing budget tool from your LMC Marketing Team. 1 Get Your Creative Wheels Turning Market Your Yards, Stores & Showrooms A positive experience is key; reinforce your brand & communicate your message. • End Cap Digital Signage modernizes your location and engages your customers. • E cient Design Of Your Yard reduces operating costs increasing profitability. • Visual Branding goes a long way. Display your logo on company vehicles, throughout the store, on sta apparel, shopping baskets, carts, bags and lumber covers. • Sell While Your Customers Are Waiting. Promote products & specials through digital video or signage at the counter & with on hold messaging.
52 Focus On Your Contractors To Grow Business Support their need for new product information, installation techniques & building solutions. • Rewards Programs build loyalty and encourage behaviors that grow sales in higher margin items. • Educational seminars provide information to support their business. • E-Newsletters reinforce your brand message and drives them to your website with special o ers. • Monthly Planners stay in front of your customers all year long with a 14 month calendar, customized with your company information.3 Create Awareness Motivate Your Customers To Buy • Social Media & Blogs to promote specials & events. • Mobile Marketing & Text Messaging puts your business & promotions at your customer’s fingertips. • E-mail Blasts are an expensive method to send meaningful information, news, specials, and events. • Print is still e ective; be consistent; many types to meet your budget; circulars, hot sheets, catalogs, post cards and more. • Direct Mail & Mailing Lists specify demographics to target customers you want to reach with your message. • O er Promotional Items carpenter pencils, nail aprons, tee shirts, caps, golf balls, to promote and increase your brand awareness.4 Customer Relationship Providing OUTSTANDING customer service makes people tell their friends about you, becoming your greatest advertisers. • Testimonials collect and post them in your store, on your website and on your social media sites. Referrals generate the highest quality clients. • Elevator Speech equips your entire organization with a one minute message that describes the value of your company & what makes your company unique. • Events strengthen existing relationships and drives awareness with new customers. • Build A Solid Reputation with customers by supporting local charities, sports teams & other non-profit organizations. Cross market your business with other businesses who o er services that compliment your own. • Visit Your Contractors at job sites, reinforce your relationship & commitment to providing the best quality with face to face customer service.
6 BILLION DOLLAR BUYING POWER TELL YOUR MARKET ABOUT YOUR BILLION DOLLAR BUYING POWER! www.LMCBuyingPower.comBILLION DOLLAR BUYING PROMOTE YOUR BUYING POWER:POWER STRATEGY • Request Your Free Media Kit“How do LMC Dealers talk about their collectivebuying power, market intelligence, and superior • Add The BDBP Icon To Your Website/Newslettersproduct offerings?” (linking instructions in kit)“They use Billion Dollar Buying Power Marketing Tools.” • Order Your Free Fence BannerThis exclusive LMC Dealer Marketing Strategy • Use The BDBP Video On Your Website/Social Mediaemphasizes the tremendous power of the LMC Dealernetwork with over 1300 lumber & building material MEDIA KIT INCLUDES:dealer locations in all 50 states and the Bahamas withcombined retail sales of over $11.7 Billion annually. • Logos Contractor BrochureThey focus on how LMC Dealers have... • Digital & Print Ads, Brochure Designs• Billion Dollar Buying Power • Contractor Newsletter Article• Service & Expertise On A Whole Other Level• Knowledge That Gives You A Competitive Edge • Message On Hold Script• Strong Roots To Keep Your Business Anchored• Brands That Provide Solutions • Fence Banner Design• Products That Perform • Post Card Design • Store Signage • Radio Script • Video For Website/Social Media/Commercials • Community Sponsorship Ad Templates • Special Linking Instructions to www.lmcbuyingpower.com • Door/Truck DecalsContact LMC at 800.218.0043 to get your kit - Fran Monk, fmonk@lmc.net x 7991or Stephanie Fortunato, sfortunato@lmc.net ext. 3667Learn more at www.lmcbuyingpower.com
BRANDING 7Don’t Leave Money on the Table!LMC’s CAP (Co-op Assistance Program) • Makes collecting your co-op funds fast and easy. • Simply sign up with participating suppliers and funds are collected for you. • No need to submit claim forms, just maintain proof of performance. • No follow up on payment of claims. • Opportunity to plan your advertising ahead. CAP funds cover costs for advertising that includes supplier’s trademarked logo for:Direct Mail Print Advertising BrochuresT-shirts Caps Job site signsPencils Message on Hold Other promotional itemsBanners Events Web SitesSign Up for CAP OnLine at www.lmc.netGo to Accounting & Tracking/CAP Program Participating Suppliersand follow on-screen instructions.Contact Stephanie Fortunato 800-218-0043 x3667 or sfortunato@lmc.net New or Updated Logos, Signs, Brochures, Billboards and More! Our experienced graphic designer with LBM background works directly with you. Take advantage of your extended marketing department. LMC’s Graphic Artist is here to help promote your business. Consultation is free and projects are quoted at a low LMC rate. Your project could be next, call Tim: 800-218-0043 x7912 or email tstephenson@lmc.net
8 MARKET RESEARCH Providing Market Research to the Building Supply Industry UINNDPUASRTARLYLEFLOECDUS. RSEOXEPSLEUEARTRTIOCNHS. MPIMEARPRFROKOERVTMEDANCE. Customer Advertising - Branding Category MarketSatisfaction Marketing Research Management Expansion Research Research Research ResearchInformation, Insights and Contact: Jim RobischAnswers! (800)394-5755 ext. 109 jrobisch@thefarnsworthgroup.com www.thefarnsworthgroup.com
LOCATION SUPPORT 9MAKE 34491-1_2/14getting it allHAPPENStaples Advantage® brings LMC dealersa business supply program withexclusive discounts.• Products for every area of your business including facilities, safety, furniture, technology, print, office supplies and more• LMC negotiated pricing and a rebating supplier• Easy online ordering at StaplesAdvantage.com• Free next business day delivery on most products• Superior Customer ServiceFor more information, contact your dedicated AccountManager, Frank Byrne, at ByrneF@Staples.com877-428-2573 x286 Easy Button is a registered trademark of Staples the Office Superstore, LLC.
10 LOCATION SUPPORT Designing for Tomorrow...Today! In today’s business environment, the key to increased profitability is operational efficiency. Our plans focus on product placement and accessibility that reduces staff time and damage potential. We generate merchandising plans for every product throughout the facility based on sales velocity and maximum on-hand inventories guaranteeing it will “fit”. We also design the structures, specify the racking and collect bids for both making sure you have what you need and at the right price. We have designed over 800 stores and yards and have developed a formula of product placement that guarantees you will maximize sales, gross margin and inventory turns. SELL MORE PRODUCT • IMPROVE EFFICIENCY • REDUCE SHRINKAGE & THEFT • Drive-Thru Lumber Yards • Design Centers • Retail Stores • LBM Distribution Facilities“ Hammond Lumber Company has engaged the services of Ron Johnson of Johnson Design Services on multiple occasions in varying capacities for many of our 12 yards. Ron’s market intelligence and design expertise continues to help increase our sales and most importantly, help increase our efficiency.Whether it’s creating a site plan from a green field site or redesigning an interior floor plan, Ron is one of”the best lumberyard specialists’ in the country. Mike Hammond - Hammond Lumber CompanyCall Johnson Design Services Today at 1-800-862-5552rjohnso9@maine.rr.com • www.JohnsonDesignServices.comJohnson Design Services Inc • 26 Merrymeeting Drive • Portland, ME 04103JDS is a LMC Rebating Supplier
LOCATION SUPPORT 11 PhiladelphiaSKYLINE EXHIBITSAND LMC HAVEPARTNERED TOSUPPLY LMC DEALERSQUALITY DISCOUNTTRADE SHOWDISPLAY PRODUCTS!Whether you need a single display or many,Skyline o ers a full range of products andservices – from design and manufacture toexhibit storage and installation. We canmanage all aspects of your exhibiting program.Je Dobra 267.331.4332info@skylinephl.comForms, Printing, Warehousing & DistributionSince 1976, Vanguard Direct has delivered smarter solutions and better results forleaders in business and retail and we’ve also worked with the LMC dealers for thepast 16Years.We can:- Create, print and manage any forms; saving you time and money- Save you money on your Custom Printed or Billion Dollar plastic bags- Now offering Custom Printed Warning Flags- Offer comprehensive warehousing and distribution services ensuring that you reach your target audiences right on schedule.Call Us Today to Get a Jump Start onYour Next Forms, Printing,Warehousing and Distribution ProjectTo discuss a solution that’s right for you please contact:John Incollingo(p) 267.468.0211 x112(f) 267.468.0219jfi@vanguarddirect.comwww.vanguarddirect.com
12 SHOWROOM & STORE MARKETING ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A RELIABLE PRINTING PARTNER? CALL THE CHAMBERS GROUP. WE STAND READY TO ACT - AND DELIVER147 Pennsylvania Avenue, Malvern, PA 19355 Full Service Printing610.993.8686 | chambersprinting.com • On demand digital printing • High quality offset printing • Wide format printing - posters • Layout & design • Complete bindery services • Warehousing & distribution • Corporate folders • Postcards • Brochures • Coupon cardsTCAORMGMETUENDICATIONS Customer Contact Solutions Your close-up is next! In-store: pos i T V © Custom video production puts your message on your playlist for your in-store digital display. Your people, your products, your services and specials are the stars in each production. In-home: List Management Mailing relevant offers to specifically-targeted households or businesses increases your sales revenue potential. Ask R&D to produce your next in-store video or build your prospect list.R&D Communications | Ed Redding | eredding@rndcom.com | www.rndcom.com | 866.508.0174
14 SHOWROOM & STORE MARKETINGSell While Your Customers WaitTurn those waiting moments into a sales opportunity. Hundreds ofLMC retailers are already on board. What are they using to do it?On Hold & Call Handling Sales Counter Video Overhead Music Starting at $24.95/mo Starting at $35.00/mo Starting at $29.95/moProfessional messaging for Digital Signage mounted Plays high quality musicyour customers when they call behind your counter throughout your storein or are placed on-hold Promote your products and Enhances the buyer moodGreat for informing, educating, events with integrated and influences customerand highlighting specials and weather and social media behaviorpromotions Hassle free, end to end Fully licensed music library management from with top artists installation to updatesSpectrio is a rebating supplier and provides notarized affidavits for co-op.Want to learn more? Contact Meredith Brewer | 800.584.4653 x6668 meredithb@spectrio.com | spectrio.com/LMC
SHOWROOM & STORE MARKETING 15ADVERTISING made simple Circulars Unlimited & LMC team up to bring you an Affordable & Effective Advertising Program $5000OFF Wfinedwwilalyhsetlpo youSaleEnds5/30/15 COUPON Any Purchase $250.00 Or More Coupon may not be reproduced or combined with any other offer. Limit one per household. Cash or Bank Cards only. Hiawassee Hardware Valid 5/30/15 only.�What does New �aGBndrugosetwithne emYosostsuourtCOMSEA&TUSREDEATYHEMAY Consistent 30TH, HIAWASSEE HARDWARE! Advertising mean to you? 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM �Increased consumer of your marketingWe’ve Remodeled STOAP LSOEIL! & Restocked! ¢ confidence in your demographic. budget!We've added hundreds of new 1 CU. FT. �Increased sales and 99products for your home & garden. Bright, clean and inviting, there’s AlSluSpepWalsiheoisnleLLaosntg. . traffic to your store. something for everyone! 4 JULYth �Increased awareness • Live product demonstrations of your products & • Product experts on site services. • FREE food & drinks of �Create a sense of • FREE kids’ activities SMAULLCEH ! AV urgency that will drive customers • Door prizes BUY 2 5$10FORRed, Brown, Black or S I N G S ! to your store. & drawings Cypress. Pine Bark 3GTHEFTERERED & Mini Nuggets too! FREE 3I(WnMc'1lui1txd8he17s59$p86o')l0yMAcPaomtdtuoenrecfilrnahgiUac, pSsaoAelen,.We$aFh9gill.lee9aa9sngudVpbpaKrlliaeuicstkeelat.st. We offer… • Music • And more!!! Bonnie Plants 1499 MEET OUR 6 or 4 pack vegetable plants, STORE MANAGER 6 to 8 inches high. Free one is of equal or lesser value. Dip Thompson Save $16 10-Lb. 100% Organic 399SAVE $6 9$ 99 NEW Lump Charcoal 48\" Fiberglass Handle American oak and hickory “ultra Gal. Concrobium XT $24999 Round Point Shovel premium” hardwood. (M1230541) Eco-Wash for (9690199) (SKU #1175328) Decks & Patios 20-Qt. Roadie® 25.9920-Lb. Renews exterior surfaces 2199SAVE $3 Cooler Was $25.99 without harmful chemicals. (M1182454) ...... (M1315156) Was $9.99 30\" x 50\" U.S. Flag Kit Extra-thick walls house $999 $599Save $20 Nothing compares to Printed, sleeved nylon U.S. flag, 5' 1-piece added insulation. the Big Green Egg. 699SAVE $6 aluminum pole and 2-position, cast aluminum 16 Tine RakeMProinofiMthaatxg®reBatigthGinrgesecnomEegg bracket with screws. 5442074 (M1015992) 50 Qt. ..............$379.99 (2668267) (SKU #1012i5n4s6m) all packages. Built to perform, 20-Oz. Was $24.99 65 Qt. ..............$399.99 Was $29.99 and ready to travel! Includes carrier. (M1291101) Citro Guard 75 Qt. ..............$449.99 Burns up to 40 hours. 8108573 (M1090542) Was $12.99 SATURDAY 3799SAVE $5 1199SAVE $3 999SAVE $3 1199SAVE $2 5/8\" x 50' MAY 30TH 20\" Air Soaker Hose Oscillating 18\" Water Wand ONLY!!LimCuitsOtonmeePrer Circulator Saves water usage Sprinkler 9 different spray patterns. Top-mount, high by 70 percent. Assorted colors. $9999 performance, 7085020 (M1004025) Covers up to 66' x 42' area. 7490329 (M1114930) multi-position base. 9105396 (M1114948) Was $13.99 5,000 BTU Kitchen & BathWas$14.99 Air Conditioner NOTHING COMPARES $5488SPECIAL SAVINGS 180 degree adjustable. Was $12.99 (3006368) (SKU #1014105) TO THE BIG GREEN EGG See Pag(B9e9i2g848R87e) (dSKUW#1a2g04o95W1n82a9)s30$6402.(9M91084028) 15-0001 LMC Visit us online at: www.HiawasseeHardware.com PRICES GOOD AT ALL LOCATIONS Copyright 2015 Circulars Unlimited - www.circulars.com 15-0006 LMC Copyright 2015 Circulars Unlimited – www.circulars.com�Circulars �Electronic Media, InspiratioGunide�Project & including CircularsCommercial �Broadsheets DTuRrEnAYMouSr TH Catalogs REIAnLtoITY �Contractor Marketing,�Hot Sheets�Brochures including Newsletters �Co-op Claim Service�Post Cards �Graph Pads�Coupon Books �Presentation Folders Circulars Unlimited (NAP)�Circular Wraps �Newspaper Ads (ROP’s) Deb Ford, Sales Representative …and more 607-821-2363 (Voice) • 607-336-3824 (Fax) 1-800-655-3010 • dford@circulars.comCirculars Unlimited 18-20 Mechanic St., Norwich, NY 13815 • find us online at: www.circulars.com
16 SHOWROOM & STORE MARKETING Circular PACKAGE don'tmissit! Sale Starts Advertising 2/18/13 CU/LMC Advantage Sale Ends �Full Custom Program – Allows you the ability to PRICES GUARANTEED!3/2/13 OUR PLAN,25% DOWN PAYMENT PACKAGE PLAN tailor your circulars to match your store branding. We offer a full range of sizes, formats and paper Now through March 31, 2013 a 25% down payment guarantees stocks to meet your advertising needs. you will get Bernard's lowest package price of the season. OR YOURS Your only limitation is your imagination. Prices guaranteed through time of delivery. All orders must be paid in full and picked up or delivered by May 31, 2013. START TODAY!Bring in your plans, a material list, or use one of our designs. LetSBEeReNARpDa’Sgheelpsyo2u w&ith3thefoHOrMmE oof YrOeURdDeREtAaMiSls! on our Package Plans! chec k us out online g.comwww.bernardbuildinyLoMuCtchiercBuleasrstbtharnogugfohrCyUouorffbeurck… “projects plus+ program” independencecelebrate your from high prices O'nPraonjeycptuPrcrihcainseg'oofn$P5u,0rc0h0a.0s0esorfoSmArVoItNhrGeSe,GOnrOeeDxc6t/e25i6/v15em– 7so/1pn1/e1t5hcsia! l Jackson will be closed July 3rd & 4th Save on Lumber, Tools, Plumbing and Electrical Products, Drywall and Accessories, Doors, Paints and Stains, Flooring, Kitchen and Bath Cabinets, Countertops, Windows, Cabinet & Door Hardware, Garage Doors and Accessories, Lumber and more! Certain items may not apply. Contact your local Bernard Building Center for more information. or visit us at: www.bernardbuilding.com E-mail us at: sales@bernardbuilding.com 995Compared to other programs, our program offers all 3 LOCATIONS! WE DELIVER Anywhere In Michigan For A Nominal Fee Supplies may be limited on some advertised U.S. Flag Kitthe flexibility you need. There are never To Better Serve You items. The prices quoted herein are subject 3' x 5' deluxe cottonany hidden costs. We provide you with HALE On M-65 2295 to change due to possible printing errors or flag. 6', 2-sectionone quote that includes all fees. Phone: 989-728-2211 circumstances unforeseeable at the time of aluminum pole. AU GRES On U.S. 23 4\" gold-colored metal Phone: 989-876-7114 145Lin. Ft. eagle ornament. Bracket, HILLMAN On M-32 hardware and halyard. Phone: 989-742-2299 (6234785) Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00 14-1/2\" Table Top Kettle Grill 5/4\" x 6\" ArchitectEuxrparleKssnotty Cedar Decking 1999 799 Saturday 8:00-3:00 Copyright 2013 - LMC - Circulars Unlimited –pLwoonrwcgwell.iafcienirscetunularadmryses.lctfeoinemlischo.n(s8t8r2u5c1ti6o8n) with Natural occurring phenols prevent decay, rot and insects. (CEDAR546KNOTTY) 84\" Double Lunch Cooler 13-0001 LMC Shepherd’s Hook Durable polyester. 2 sides with For hanging baskets or mesh pockets. Comfortable 3899 bird feeders. Holds up handle for easy carrying. to 22 lbs. (0743328) (6260681) 18\" Electric Sale Hedge Trimmer June SAVE ON Dual-action blade for a clean cut and less Decking Materials, vibration. Extended reach and even cutting.�Printing & Composition = Priced Countertops, Flooring, (4518387) Kitchen & Bath Cabinetry, per thousand, based on quantity Windows & Doors, Tools, 3499 11599 and circular format. CELEBRATING 120 YEARS Everything for Building, Remodeling Paint & More! 999 SALE RUNS JUNE 1-30, 2015 & Home Improvement Since 1895! Gal. 5,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner Gal. Driveway Crack Filler Bleaching Oil™ Lightweight and efficient. Easy-to-use electro-mechanical Provides a tight, flexible seal. Produces a self-protecting finish controls. Washable filter. Fits double-hung windows. (6312748) and achieves a uniform weathered Model RG-51-H (3006368) look. Dries to a natural, flat finish. (9683822) 15-0002 LMC VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.JACKSONLUMBER.COM Visit Us On Facebook No minimum sign-up. Enjoy outdoor living.�Sign Up Fee = No Charge We don’t just sell�Quarter Fold = No Charge advertising…�Imprint Fee = No Charge�New Image Fee = No Charge WE BELIEVE IN IT!�Graphic Library Fee = No Charge�Coordination of Distribution to Mid-Cape Home Centers’ Locations: Wellfleet • Orleans • South Dennis • Middleboro • Martha’s Vineyard • 800-295-9220 • www.midcape.net Newspaper or Direct Mail = No Charge 15-0002 LMC Copyright 2015 Circulars Unlimited www.circulars.com Popular add-on options for your marketing campaign Coupon Book Hot Sheet ROP Ads INTRODUCING THE NEW ULTIMATE 5 1/2\" h x 8\" w 8.5\" x 11\" and 11\" x 17\" MULTI-SLIDE DOOR Bartlett’s A LFIOTR TTHOLSEEWBHOIDGREGAMER. Lumber & Hardware Ipmosasgiibnielittihees... K&FaiBtlcalhtSehnale Serving The Texas Panhandle Since 1937 Anything You Can Fit In The Bucket October 1-31, 2015 20% 3No9w7 Off Bucket Sale With Coupon BONANZA Sale starts Sept. 3rd SAVINGS 17⁄8\" x 60-Yd. and ends Sept. 5th Imagine. Stack. Create. JobSite® DUCTape™ Heavy duty adhesive backing. Oh, the bucket is $ & - & # 3 \"5 * / ( : & \" 3 4 Water resistant. Perfect for repairs. FREE! (INT72982) Beckerle Coupon Expires 10/24/15 See your local Bartlett's Lumber and Hardware Store For Details.at Beckerle Lumber S A Family Tradition Not responsible for typographical errors. improvement needs since 1940. SALE STARTS TODAY SALE ENDS 10/24/15 – w Don’t miss out! mber.com Enjoy great savings on...15-0004 LMC Copyright 2015, Circulars Unlimited Beckerle Lumber :1 • Cabinetry • Flooring 4No9w7 Steel Lawn Rake • Appliances 4RVBSF3VNCMFE 22 tines. 54\" lacquered wood …and more! 8BMM'JSF1JU With Coupon handle with 6\" green grip. Create a grand wodreksfigoLnretytoeouau.mr centerpiece to your (MINT01238) outdoor living space. Our new Rumbled™ Coupon Expires 10/24/15 Wall fireplace kit Marvin® Scenic Doors bring the outdoors includes everything in by elegantly and effortlessly connecting SAVINGS you’ll need to create your inside space with the environment at Beckerle Lumber a bold addition found right outside your doors. to any outdoor The Ultimate Multi-Slide Door is Spring Valley Orangeburg Everything for Building, Remodeling & Home Improvement Since 1895 entertainment area. more than just a new panoramic door. SOUTH DENNIS • ORLEANS • MARTHA’S VINEYARD • WELLFLEET• MIDDLEBORO Consists of 32 rumbled It’s an entirely new lifestyle. www.midcape.net • 800-295-9220 wall stones and 3 Chestnut Street 219 Route 303 We’re Easy to Reach… And Easy To Deal With CELEBRATING 120 YEARS 1 - 24\" square (Down Hill From Finkelstein Library) (Across From Lowes) 4 CONVENIENT ROCKLAND LOCATIONS fire pit insert with 845-356-1600 845-359-4633 removable grate. Congers Haverstraw Store Hours: 15-0030 LMC Copyright 2015 Circulars Unlimited www.circulars.com Not responsible for typographical errors. 79 Lake Road 59 Westside Ave Monday - Friday 7:00-5:00, Saturday 7:30-3:00 (Across From St. Paul’s Church) (Across From Mt. Repose Cemetery) Spring Valley: Saturday 7:30-1:00 845-268-9248 845-942-1492 Spring Valley Showroom Saturday Hours 8:00-1:00 www.beckerlelumber.com Sale Starts Today Sale Ends 10/24/15 We’re Always Close By…For Quick Service Cash and Carry prices throughout this circular. Delivery service available. Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Sorry, no dealers. We will honor the Everything for Building, Remodeling & Home Improvement Since 1895 advertised prices in this catalog as long as possible - but costs rise and fall rapidly, so it’s a good idea to check with us for current prices when you’re planning a purchase. Prices are subject SOUTH D&//*4t03-&\"/4t.\"35)\"47*/&:\"3%t8&--'-&&5t.*%%- to change without notice. Due to different store sizes, all items may not be available at all locations. If you want an item not available at that location, we will deliver it to that store for you. 24: Beckerle Lumber XXXNJEDBQFOFUr Everything for Building, Remodeling & Home Improvement Since 1895 15-0041 LMC Copyright 2015 Circulars Unlimited www.circulars.com Not responsible for typographiScaOl eUrroTrHs. DENNIS • ORLEANS • MARTHA’S VINEYARD • WELLFLEET • MIDDLEBORO www.midcape.net • 800-295-9220 15-0037 LMC Copyright 2015 Circulars Unlimited www.circulars.com Not responsible for typographical errors. find us online at: www.circulars.com
SHOWROOM & STORE MARKETING 17The Benefits of working with CU:�Unmatched customer service. You will have a �CU has an image library of over 300,000 dedicated customer service representative ready images specialized for your industry. to assist you with every step of the process. �Flexibility to work your circulars around your schedule�Sales drivers can be seasonal, category driven, and change commodity pricing up to the day of press. project/product driven, or service driven. �We save you time by doing all production.�100% Custom program allows for effective store Just send us a list of items with branding and the ability to advertise what is manufacturer name and model trending that month. numbers and we do the rest.DON’T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT!“The team at Circulars Unlimited “I started using Circulars Unlimited in 1989, “We have used Circularsjumped right in to help when we and now, 27 years and 300 plus flyers later I am Unlimited for our circularlost our in-house graphic designer. still using them, and I have never regretted the program for approximatelyThey quickly adapted to our style decision to go with their program! 15 years.and worked with our vision in mind LMC chose wisely back in 1987 when they selected We do 18 circulars everyto produce quality ads that truly Circulars to offer a flyer program to its dealers. Back year. The circular is alwaysrepresented our company. Even if in 1977, when I became Curtis Lumber’s advertising done on time and we’vewe presented them something that manager, I was doing all of the composition work never missed a circular yet.needed quick turnaround, it was never on our flyers and used a local printer to print them. The production work is verya chore... they treated each job like it It was tedious and time consuming, and the results good and consistent,was a priority for them, too. Our sales were mediocre. That all changed in 1989. Circular’s Circulars has developed arepresentative was always available program produced a better product, with less time look to our circulars thatand a real pleasure to work with – spent on my part. They have always been creative, customers can tell it’s aI know we’re not their only client, flexible, and all their people are a pleasure to work Bernard circular beforebut it honestly feels like we are. with! I have total confidence in their ability to do any picking it up. We feelThey continue to amaze us with print job, not just flyers but catalogs, brochures, this is important as it’sboth their skill and their service custom mailers, etc. I use them for everything! part of the brand thattime and again; I highly recommend Their abilities are truly ‘unlimited’, and I would is Bernard’s.”Circulars Unlimited.” give them my highest recommendation!” – Bruce Bernard,– Jolene Lajoie, Marketing Manager, – Dave Bielawski, Advertising Manager, Vice President, Mid-Cape Home Centers Curtis Lumber Co., Inc. Bernard Building CenterCo-opClaiming�Is claiming co-op draining made simple A division of Circulars Unlimited your time & energy? �Handling co-op claims can be complex, time consuming, and a drain Have questions? on your manpower. Teaming with Co-Starr can free up your time and Call us today; we’re place your focus back on what’s important… your customers. here to help you! �We process claims for hundreds of thousands annually. Cindy Foote, �Co-Starr service is available to all dealers, no matter where your Co-Op Coordinator Phone 607-821-2215 advertising is produced. Co-Starr is able to generate claims for FAX 607-336-4204 all the various media: circulars, newspaper, radio, TV, billboards, cfoote@circulars.com in-store broadcasts, and more. find us online at: www.circulars.com
18 CONTRACTOR MARKETING Contractor Marketing Pieces Build rapport and loyalty with your contractor customers with consistent communication.PresentationFolders Custom Pool Option OptionKeep quotes, manufacturer’sliterature, promotional salessheets & business cards togetherin one comprehensive sales kit 1-800-836-4545for your customers and prospects. Route 1, Foxboro, MA 02035 • www.chacebuilding.comCustom or Pooled versions (508) 543-7316 • 800 287-7316available. Pooled versions offera Kitchen & Bath option along witha Lumber/Building Materials version,or opt for a full custom folder. Serving All Of New England Since 1939CapabilityBrochure A great piece to highlight the products and services you offer that sets you apart from your competition.Graph PadsThese 8½\" x 11\" pads can be used for quotes, bids Ponderay • 208-263-5119 Date:and RFI’s to architects. These pads allow drawings Project Name:and sketches to scale. Project Location: Salesperson: Due Date: www.sandpointbuildingsupply.com Call me today to discuss how you can bestcommunicate with your Contractor Customers.Circulars Unlimited (NAP)Deb Ford, Sales Representative607-821-2363 (Voice) • 607-336-3824 (Fax)1-800-655-3010 • dford@circulars.com find us online at: www.circulars.com
CONTRACTOR MARKETING 19100% Electronic Service and Expertise on a Whole Other Level!Contractor Newsletter Whether your contractor views important communication Lessons Learned: Put Money Into Marketing in email or on a mobile device; we have you covered. 2015 Big50 winner Jericho Home Improvements has experienced impressive growth since Your customized messages, name and website will the start of the company. What’s their secret? CEO John Bartrom spoke with remodeling always be close at hand. magazine at the 2015 Remodeling Leadership Summit about generating leads, nurturing loyal customers and, most importantly, putting profits back into marketing.�Benefits & Features�Features one customizable Watch this video at www.remodeling.hw.net Track your ROI with editorial/photo (which you analytics that feature: Make Customer Experience Part Of your Product These days, a pretty portfolio isn’t enough to land the job. provide), up to 5 optional Read more at www.proremodeler.com Four Often-Overlooked Tendencies That Could Cripple Your Business Avoid these traits if you hope to keep profiting. Read more at www.remodeling.hw.net 10 Tips For Re-Modelers Using Social Media In the U.S., 180 million people are using social media. Some of them are your prospective clients. How effective you are at reaching them depends on the social media channels you use and the way you use them. Read more at www.proremodeler.comblocks with product or • The number of In this Issue Virtual Showroom - Make Customer Experienceinformation of your choice newsletters sent Part Of your Productand a customizable coupon and how many of - Four Often-Overlooked�Custom areas may be used to those were opened Tendencies That Could Cripple Your Business - 10 Tips For Re-Modelers Using Social Media• Provide a message from • Total number ofthe owner thanking the clicks on all links Ad Block Titlecontractor for their business• Listing of Contractor/Community Events• Employee Spotlight • Industry Rewards & Achievements Watch Video• Educational Sessions • New Product Spotlight Ad Block Title• Contractor Only Specials�Provides direct communication with your contractors Click To Learn More via email and mobile Making Our Community Welcome Our New Stronger! Salesperson!�Features a Request a Quote icon which is directly We support our Welcome Tim linked to your email community by recently Samsonite to the team! partnering with Habitat Tim comes with over�Links available directly to your website or any site for Humanity to 10 years of experience provide building in the industry and of your choosing materials for their local looks forward to community projects. working with you.�Facebook & Twitter icons available for a direct Learn more Email Tim link to your social media sites ModernView Decking We Want To Reward You! Composite deck Click here to sign up boards come with for the Lumber grooves to work with Contractor Rewards fastening systems and Program so YOU can are also available with start earning rewards a square edge to run on your purchases! along the perimeter of your deck as a border.�Store locations are linked directly to Google Maps, Click Here Learn More making your destination easy to find Locations Locations Store Name Store NameCirculars Unlimited (NAP) Your Address Here Your Address HereDeb Ford, Sales Representative City, State 00000 City, State 00000 Phone: Phone: 555.555.5555 555.555.5555 Hours: Hours: 9am - 5pm 7am - 5pm607-821-2363 (Voice) • 607-336-3824 (Fax)1-800-655-3010 • dford@circulars.com Click Here for a List of all the Upcoming Events! LMC and Circulars Unlimited are not responsible for any internet or pop-up advertisements contained within the articles of the newsletter. find us online at: www.circulars.com
20 CONTRACTOR MARKETINGContractorPlannersKEEP YOUR NAME IN FRONT OFCONTRACTORS ALL YEAR LONG!This marketing tool includes a customized cover withyour company name, logo, company information andwebsite. Defray your costs by offering local businesses &suppliers advertising space.Help your contractors stay organized!Features:• 14 month, 35 page calendar• 29 Pages of Handy Tools and Estimating Tips that Contractors Reference Daily• Durable Leatherette Cover in Four Designer ColorsCall 800-218-0043 Add Optional Inserts for Co-op Advertising, Business CardStephanie Fortunato, x 3667 Holder, Notepad Holder, and/or Custom Graph Pads.sfortunato@lmc.netDixon is the worldʼs LMC and Dixon have teamed to provide you with the lowest possible everyday pricing.best known pencil CARPENTER - ROUND PENCILS Available imprinted with your logo/or supplier logo Dixonʼs Carpenter Pencil OwOrdweLrrTMdOwhCnel..rirnLnoeeOMutth!nCrgoluh.ignnheet Smooth marking and long lasting. Item #12970...1,728 Minimum Order Prepaid Freight Minium 3,672 Super Jumbo 13/32” Diameter McfarlanSCduh8n3aP8sr-e4a1iLr5iu1em8D3eb7F-e5or1r0e1st 846-5441 SchellAWNeHDAopEpmrReecSiBaOtueiNlYdoiTunrRgBUuSsCieSnenstCsrOe. Item #65530 (without eraser) 1,728 Piece Minimum Order Prepaid Freight Minimum 3,384 Item #65520 (with eraser) 1,728 Piece Minimum Order Prepaid Freight Minimum 2,880 Promotional Rounds come in a variety of colors! Item #114070 1,000 Piece Minimum order Prepaid Freight Minimum 4,400 800.2LM1C8a.0nd04Di3xoxn3h6av7e5te|aOmredd etor pOronvliidneeyotuhwroituhgthhe wlowwewst.plomssci.bnleeetveryday pricing.
CONTRACTOR MARKETING 211 Stimulate 2 Increase 3 Compete Stimulate Sales without Increase Repeat Establish Competitive Sacrificing Margins Business DifferentiationMillions of Merchandise Items Loyaltyworks offers LMC Dealers an easy way to reward contractors, builders, other trade professionals, as well as, Event Tickets your employees and sales people. The LMC loyalty program is flexible and easy. You decide who to reward and how to Individual & Group Travel reward them based on your business goals. Program Inclusions Dealer Branded Website & URL - including a mobile optimized version Dedicated Account Manager Participant Customer Service Center Administrative Portal Access Includes: ◦ Full suite of reports ◦ Participant database management ◦ Content management system ◦ Email communications tool Quiz & Survey Tool to Leverage Vendor Funding Dealer Branded Point Certificates Communication Elements ◦ Dealer branded email templates & print-ready PDFs ◦ Annual activation/engagement campaigns ◦ Dealer branded point award notifications What Other LMC Dealers are saying...“Chace ProRewards has been well worth the minimal investment by keeping us top of mindacross all our product categories. I’ve actually had several customers tell me they are buying more from us now because of the program.” - Rich Chace, Chace Building SupplyContact: Loyaltyworks www.loyaltyworks.comJeff Cagle *LMC Rebating Supplier678-514-0212jcagle@isicorporate.com
22 DIGITAL MARKETINGYOUR CUSTOMERS NEED NEW TOOLSSO DOES YOUR ADVERTISINGeOvnearvyedraaygeo,nAmmoebriilceadnesvsipceesn.dW4e.7whiollurspromote your business everywhere online ...that your customers spend their time.Source: lnformate Mobile Intelligence, Jun 2015. Contractor's GuideThe whole mobile world in one. ATS Mobile Whether you're stocking up for a major newwill place your ads on thousands of websites and build or a small renovation, Stephensoninside customer's favorite apps, all for one low Lumber's experienced staff will get you the bestmonthly cost. supplies at the best price - guaranteed!No wasted advertising expense. Our tools allow us to Trust the Tri-County Lumber Expertslimit where your ads are seen; only to your true market Serving the community for more than 50 years.area and only by the users most likely to buy. stephensonlumberyard.comKeep in touch with your customers. Using ads, wecan help you build a aatabase of customers who you •' Like .. Comment ,+ Sharecan reach via text message. Imagine sending a pieceof direct mail that arrives instantly and is read 97% of �( \"' 1 Michael Candelorithe time. August11 ·.II.There's no time to waste. Mobile usage El .I.\. .. 0 Moregrows every day. Dant let your competitorsdominate this powerful space - hire ATS Mobile! News Feed Requests Messages Notificationsmoai;i�t�s I le Start reaching customers on mobile t(_)day. Contact Bob Bentz at (610) 254-7191 or sales@atsmobile.com WE ARE A REBATIN G SUPPLIER
DIGITAL MARKETING 23NMEEWDIA Website * Social Media * Email MarketingRETAILER BUILDING YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER Website Email Social Media Estimate Forms-_--.-.._-_-·-· ----· - -- ----------Pol�BlimUtitnat• c ---- --- )��� -�··- _<.._,!\"�� ------------------·----- ----...�UR HOME IMPROVEMENTEXl!E!I.J§..JI --=_,,_-�aM-··-.·--H• .. : ::··. 1-. ·-==-=�--�-=...�1__.. i....T.=-::..,.. 1-11·--�;·:·:----=-= I Take the guesswork out of your online marketing.New Media Retailer manages your website, social media and email marketing for you. Your designated NMRSpecialist will do the work for you, so you can focus on your business. Contact us today to get started: Keegan Edwards 607-821-1851 Managing Director kedwards@newmediaretailer.com Visit newmediaretailer.com New Media Retailer is a rebating supplier
24 DIGITAL MARKETING Remodeling News LBM Digital Platforms PRODUCT SELECTION Ask about our GUIDE Request a Quote program PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE CLICK HERE to searchDesktops Tablets Smartphones The eShowroom is a customized searchable database that is integrated into your website,providing in-depth information on all of the products that you sell. You can easily edit your product listings with the click of a mouse. It’s simple, affordable and qualifies for most co-op programs.Website Design Exclusively For LBM Dealers We design, host, and maintain affordable \"Product Centric\" websites that include an “eShowroom” which is integrated throughout the site. Your website will also feature a Content Management System and Mobile Web Technology. The flexible design allows your website to be easily expanded as your needs grow. Take advantage of a no obligation consultation to discuss your new website.. .For an online demo, contact Don Smith 201-389-3838 x102 dsmith@remodelingnews.com Remodeling News LBM Digital Platforms is a division of JSD Communications.
PROMOTIONAL ITEMS 25 BSEESLLTERS Printed apparel can be used as a part of your Call Me TodayRebating Supplier company uniform & also makes a great promotional for Current Promotions! give-away. –Cindy We are the manufacturer. Being an LMC member ensures you will always receive the lowest price. Over 300 promotional items to choose from. For peace of mind, backed by 100 years of dependability, place your order with AdCapitol! www.AdCapitol.com Cindy Schwab 800-868-7111 ext 235 Cindy@AdCapitol.comRebating Supplier Outfitting and Gifts You Can Provide with Pride!• 15% minimum discount on full price merchandise - 6 pcs. or more• Generous gift card discount From polos and fleece to tote bags and outdoor gear, find everything to outfit your team and provide gifts to your contractors and building customers. You’ll make a great impression with your company’s logo on L.L.Bean products. L.L.Bean Direct to Business National Accounts 800.470.4288 nationalaccounts@llbean.com Go to llbeanbusiness.com to view our full selection of products
26 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS a professional image for your team starts with our quality clothing. – Clothing that combines top quality with exceptional value – – Our expert embroidery services can reproduce any logo – – Custom online storefront for easy shopping & ordering – – A rock-solid promise of satisfaction: guaranteed. period.® – business.landsend.com/store/lmc_dealer 1-800-990-5439 This isn’T sofT wear. shirTs panTs ouTerwear This is The • Extra-tough twills • Construction-ready cotton duck • Rugged and ready cotton duck hard wear • High-performance polos • Durable, functional twill work pants • Our hard-working Squall® • Tees that can take it • Integrated Iron Knee® technology • ThermaCheck® fleece and more meanT for hand work.cloThing builT on a legacy of qualityand a foundaTion of comforT, funcTionaliTy and durability.so Tough, we’re noT afraid To back iT wiTh This promise: guaranteed.business.landsend.com/store/lmc_dealer 1-800-990-5439
PROMOTIONAL ITEMS 27GIVE BACK TO THOSE *Discounted merchandise and Gift Cards to LMC dealers.WHO GIVE YOU THEIR BESTWith over 150,000 products to choose from, you’re sureto find something for every outdoor enthusiast. Wecarry many styles of clothing, including activewear,pants and more – all ready for the outdoors. Or,choose from our assortment of fishing, camping andgrilling essentials, which can all be personalized foryour organization. For those working in the field, ourWildlife & Land Management tractors and implementsserve as the perfect tools for your business.Need something more? Try our customized gift cards.They’re the easiest and most flexible way tomeaningfully reward your customers and employees.You can even add your organization’s logo or apersonal message as an extra-special thank you. Workwith our design team to create a gift card specific toyour needs.EMBROIDERY | LASER ENGRAVING | HEAT TRANSFER | HEAT BIND | SCREEN PRINTING | DECALS | STICKERS | BANNERS | PLAQUES Stephanie Fortunato | 800.218.0043 ext. 3667 | sfortunato@lmc.net
28 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS More Value for Your Money at 4imprint! Promotional Products— Tools for Targeted Marketing Need your logo on a variety of items? We have thousands of products!! FREE samples, FREE art assistance, and lightning-fast service from people who make ordering easy.“Our 360° Guarantee® Use Discount means you’re covered from every angle.” Code LMC10 • On-time shipment or your order is free. when ordering to If your event is missed because we didn’t ship on time, your order is on us. SAVE 10%!• Lowest prices. If you find a lower advertised price within Check us out at www.4imprint.com/lmc 30 days of your purchase, let us know and we’ll refund double the difference in prices.• Satisfaction. We promise the product will meet your expectations and your imprint will be exactly as you approved it, or we’ll rerun your order or refund your money—your choice.4imprint contact: 1-877-446-7746 Andrea, with Andrea DiLoreto Ext. 8539 4imprint Joe Sonkowsky Ext. 8363 3 years; Joe, with Fax: 888-608-2771 4imprint 10 years Email: lmc@4imprint.com www.4imprint.com/lmc
SUPPORT SERVICES 29L.I. Industriesis your source!Customized Lumber Covers, Pallet Bags & Nail ApronsLUMBER COVERS & PALLET BAGS• Protects against vandalism and theft • Send the message that your products are worth protecting• Display your logo reinforcing your brandingNAIL APRONS• Large, heavy material contractors apron• Attached hammer holder loop• Co-op the aprons with your suppliers by adding their product picture and logo• 10 1/2” x 18 1/2” – Full Color GraphicPROMOTIONAL ITEMSCustomized Caps, Shirts, Yardsticks, Sweatshirts,Tape Measures, Paint Paddles and More…• Screen Printing and Embroidery• Outstanding Customer Service• Manufacturers Level PricingJoel Strauss 800-526-6465 | apronaz@aol.com | www.apronsupply.comYOUR SPECIALTY IS WOOD. OUR SPECIALTY IS YOU!THE PREMIER PROPERTY AND CASUALTY PLM/ILM OFFERS A SAFETY GROUPINSURANCE PROVIDER TO THE LUMBER, DIVIDEND PLAN FOR THEWOODWORKING AND BUILDINGMATERIAL INDUSTRIES. DEALER MEMBERS OF LMC. THE PARTICIPATING MEMBERS HAVE For more information or to obtain a quote, please call or have your local RECEIVED A 5% DIVIDEND FOR agent/broker contact us at 800.752.1895 or at info@plmins.com. THE PAST TWO YEARS. FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN JOIN THE LMC SAFETY GROUP DIVIDEND PLAN!
30 WWW.LMC.NETYOUR PASSWORD:Key To Maximizing The Power Of LMC Information...LMC.net is a daily destination to find out what’s new, trends driving the market and maybe a few solutions.• MARKETPLACE - Supplier specials, updates LMC EVENTSon program pricing and terms, dealer to dealer All upcoming events including the LMC Annual,sales items. Roundtables, LMC Exchange and the LMC EXPO.• NEWS - Photos and articles of what LMC PASSWORD & LOGINDealers are doing. Supplier news is here to keep Request your password under the login on www.you informed on new products and industry lmc.net. When you receive your temporarynews impacting your business. password, login and make it your own.MEMBER SERVICES SUBSCRIPTIONSLMC provides services for dealer’s every Subscribe to email notifications for updates today business needs including operation News, Random Lengths and other LMC Reports.support, business technology programs,Financial Tools, Industrial Supply and CUSTOMIZEMarketing Solutions. Create supplier favorites to filter specials & customize subscriptions. Also, select the LMCACCOUNTING & TRACKING Staff you deal with most and post their contactAccess electronic invoicing, all information on your web view.accounting functions, including trackingA/R Open Items, Rebates and CAP Funds.Access and/or followLumber & Panel Orderson Transnet.MARKET SPECIALS & LMC DIRECTORYINFORMATION PROMOTIONS Locate contactStay on top of market Easy access as informationconditions with LMC soon as you log in. for LMC Staff,Analysis, Daily Futures, LMC SuppliersLumber Market, and fellow LMCPanel Market, Truss Dealers.Manufacturing Reportand Random Lengths. VIDEO LIBRARY Quick & easy “howPRODUCTS to’s” for navigatingSupplier Program easily throughoutInformation, Product LMC.NETDetails, ProductWarranties & TUTORIALSRegistration Forms, Click on this iconMaterial Safety Data throughout theSheets (MSDS), LMC site to view a “howBuyer Contact information. to” instructional video.For Assistance Contact Kenny Gilyard | 800.218.0043 x7936 | kgilyard@lmc.net
STOCKHOLDER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT 31HELP US KEEP YOU CONNECTEDCommunication is key to building business together. Please advise Stockholder Relations of anystaffing changes, location updates or revisions to your phone, email, or website. It’s important tokeep our data base current so you receive communications and maintain confidentiality.PURCHASING CLINICS AT LMCDo you have a new staff member who should know more about your co-op? Let LMC help with the trainingprocess! Purchasing clinics are a great tool! LMC Stockholder Relations is adept at developing a customizedschedule that allots the time necessary to meet with specific LMC departments and staff to reviewpurchasing opportunities.THE BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATING IN A PURCHASING CLINIC ARE ABUNDANT:• Focus: Dedicated time away from your business • Personal: Meeting one-on-one with LMC allows more focus on how LMC can best assist staff strengthens business relationships and you and your business. improves communication.• Information: Tailored to your needs, Purchasing • Education: Teaching LMC staff about the unique Clinics provide insights on how best to utilize aspects of your business or in your market is an your investment in LMC and by helping to essential part of building business together. identify opportunities you may be missing.LMC Stockholder Relations will assist in making arrangements, contact Judy Duva or Michele Murtaugh. New York City LMC Corporate O ce Wayne, PACall 800-218-0043 Bahamas 1 Northeast...........................David Caisse, 5013 VP Business Development..................Joel Gelb, 7140 2 Southeast.............................Mike Tester, 5010 Dealer Development ...........Michele Murtaugh, 7006 3 Northwest...........................Paul Thorne, 5016 Dealer Development .........................Judy Duva,7120 4 Mid-Atlantic............Jim Muthersbaugh, 5014 5 Great Lakes........................Kevin Kessler, 5012 6 South Central.....................Joe Burlison, 5011 7 Western........................Warren Shuckies, 5017
32 Call 800.218.0043 4 Imprint Fran Monk Marketing Director | fmonk@lmc.net x7991 Joe Sonkowsky & Andrea DiLoreto Stephanie Fortunato Merchandising Programs Manager | sfortunato@lmc.net x3667 (877) 446-7746 Ext. 8363, 8539 Tim Stephenson Graphic Designer | tstephenson@lmc.net x7912 jsonkowsky@4imprint.com, Merchandising Specialist x3675 adiloreto@4imprint.com www.4imprint.com/lmc EZ-AD TV New Media Retailer 101 Commerce Street Lawrence Mansour Keegan Edwards Oshkosh, WI 54901 (888) 580-5593 Ext. 101 (607) 821-1851 Lawrence@ezadtv.com kedwards@newmediaretailer.com AdCapitol www.ezadtv.com/lmc www.newmediaretailer.com Cindy Schwab 26031 Manzano Ct., Ste 312 18-20 Mechanic Street (800) 868-7111 Ext. 235 Valencia, CA 91355 Norwich, NY 13815 cindy@adcapitol.com www.adcapitol.com The Farnsworth Group Pennsylvania & Indiana 1400 Goldmine Road Jim Robisch Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Monroe, NC 28110 (800) 394-5755 Ext. 109 (800) 752-1895 jrobisch@thefarnsworthgroup.com info@plmins.com ATS Mobile www.thefarnsworthgroup.com 2005 Market St., Ste 1200 Bob Bentz 6640 Intech Blvd, Suite 100 Philadelphia, PA 19103 (610) 254-7191 Indianapolis, IN 46278 bbentz@atsmobile.com R & D Communications www.atsmobile.com Good L Corp. Ed Redding 1150 First Avenue, Suite 105 Jere Brown (866) 508-0174 King Of Prussia, PA 19406 (615) 631-9775 eredding@rndcom.com jbrown@bigbasketco.com www.rndcom.com Cabela’s Corporate Outfitter www.bigbasketco.com 3432 Sweet Arrow Lake Road Stephanie Fortunato 5382 Murfreesboro Road Pine Grove, PA 17963 (800) 218-0043 Ext. 3667 LaVergne, TN 37086 sfortunato@lmc.net Remodeling News/ www.cabelas.com Johnson Design Services LBM Digital Platforms One Sidney Drive Ron Johnson Don Smith Sidney, NE 69160 (800) 862-5552 (201) 389-3838 Ext. 102 rjohnso9@maine.rr.com dsmith@remodelingnews.com The Chambers Group www.johnsondesignservices.com www.remodelingnews.com Joe Chambers 26 Merrymeeting Drive P.O. Box 911 (610) 993-8686 Portland, ME 04103 Bedford, NY 10506 jchambers@chambersprinting.com www.chambersprinting.com L.I. Industries, Inc. Skyline 147 Pennsylvania Ave Joel Strauss Jeff Dobra Malvern, PA 19355 (800) 526-6465 (267) 331-4332 apronaz@aol.com jeffdobra@skylinephl.com Circulars Unlimited www.apronsupply.com, www.skyline.com Debra Ford www.lumbercoversprotect.com 1100 Schell Lane, Suite 103 (607) 821-2363 100 Hanover Avenue #403 Phoenixville, PA 19460 dford@circulars.com Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 www.circulars.com Spectrio 18-20 Mechanic Street L.L. Bean – Direct to Business Meredith Brewer Norwich, NY 13815 Bob Meinert (800)584-4653 Ext. 6668 (800) 470-4288 meredithb@spectrio.com Co-Starr nationalaccounts@llbean.com www.spectrio.com/LMC Cindy Foote www.llbean.com/business 720 Brooker Creek Boulevard (607) 821-2215 15 Casco Street Suite 215 cfoote@circulars.com Freeport, ME 04033 Oldsmar, FL 34677 www.circulars.com/services/coop/ 18-20 Mechanic Street Lands’ End Business Outfitters Staples Advantage Norwich, NY 13815 (800) 990-5439 Frank Byrne Business.solutions@landsend.com (877) 428-2573 Ext. 286 Dixon Ticonderoga Co. http://business.landsend.com/store/ byrnef@staples.com (800) 218-0043 Ext. 3675/3667 lmc_dealer/ www.staplesadvantage.com Order on Line at LMC.net/Member 6 Lands End Lane 1414 Radcliffe Street, Suite 110 Services/Marketing Solutions/Dixon Dodgeville, WI 53595 Bristol, PA 19007 www.dixonpromo.com 615 Crescent Executive Crt., Ste 500 Loyaltyworks Vanguard Direct Lake Mary, FL 32746 Jeff Cagle John Incollingo (678) 514-0212 (267) 468-0211 Ext. 112 Jcagle@isicorporate.com jfi@vanguarddirect.com www.loyaltyworks.com www.vanguarddirect.com 2337 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 220 455 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 128 Atlanta, GA 30341 Fort Washington, PA 19034
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