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ERSC 2016 Booklet

Published by Naba Baruch, 2019-01-11 02:13:22

Description: ERSC 2016 Booklet


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NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETI was honored to have been selected to attend the ERSC for the first time, thanks tothe NABA Baruch College Chapter. This conference offered the perfect platform toshow case my networking skills and take a closer look at the companies I targeted.When we arrived on, there were many professional being pulled into the career fairlike a troop of job-scavengers. The whole atmosphere was very rich with excitementand dedication to learn how to mold oneself into the kind of candidate each targetedcompany was looking for. The professional branding and skills specialized workshopsessions that came along the following days added various new concepts to ourarsenal of leadership skills and professional development. By far, the best part of theevent was the people. Everyone was happy to be there and the organizers were eagerin making sure that everybody participated. There was definitely a great takeaway’sfor anybody who was present at the event.In addition to all the networking, I also did several mock interviews from which Ireceived positive, encouraging feedback. Even though I did not hear from some of thecompanies right on the spot, many reached out to me when we got back to New Yorkand directed me to their local office for a follow up. The ERSC is an event I woulddefinitely recommend to all my friends and I will be returning again next year.#BecauseofNABA#ThankYouNABA. Aderogba Salami

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETAs I joined the NABA chapter at Baruch in the fall of this year, I would have neverknown that I would be attending the Eastern Regional Student Conference.However, I had classmates and Betty Duverger to encourage me to partake in theERSC this year. Being an attendee at the convention must have been one of thegreatest decisions that I’ve made throughout my entire life.It was my first time ever visiting Pittsburg, going to a convention such as ERSC aswell as a career fair. I was exposed to everything all at once, it was a greatexperience. I met the different students from all around the eastern region and heardthe different perspectives that each had on certain topics that were based on theworkshops we had together. The professionals also played a role in my experiencefrom great advice to memorable quotes. A quote from Yanique Williams that had amajor effect on me said “Who you dream to be, you are like that just in an earlyage”. It may be hard to believe in yourself when you have little self confidence butit is true, we are destined to be great and within time we will be just be exactly that.Overall, my time at the ERSC was very exhilarating! Because of the ERSC, I wasable to get my first interview, and as well as my first offer.Ashleigh Joseph

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETI am a junior transfer student from New York City College of Technology. Duringmy time at City Tech, my peers spoke highly of the Baruch NABA chapter and howI should join the club as soon as I enroll in Baruch and I did exactly that. I decidedto join the National Association of Black Accountants because I wanted to becomea developed business professional. I wanted to work on my networking andprofessional skills. I wanted to get a better understanding of the business world andhow I can contribute to Corporate America.When I received the sponsorship email for the Eastern Regional StudentConference, I was excited because I knew this was my beginning path to success.Prior to the ERC, I went to the pre-conference seminar. We had participated in aresume review, a professional attire workshop, and a workshop on how to network/interview skills. When I arrived at the career fair, I was able to secure an interviewwith Johnson and Johnson. When I met the recruiter, I did my 30sec elevator pitchand I started asking her questions about the company and told her why I wouldwant to work there. This showed that I did research on the company and she reallyliked that. I also went to a lot of different workshops such as EY \"Why Advisory\".This workshop was very informative because I was able to learn about all thedifferent industry sectors within advisory. Prior to the workshop, I knew I wasinterested in advisory but I wasn't sure what sector would suit me. After attendingthe workshop, financial services would be more to my liking due to my passion forthe markets. Attending the Eastern Regional Student Conference was an opportunity of alifetime. I met so many wonderful professionals and learned a lot about theaccounting industry. If given the opportunity, I would love to attend the NABANational Student Conference.Zainab Jimoh

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETI will start by saying that it is a pleasure to be part of the NABA family. Last year Icame to Baruch College from BMCC and did not know a lot about the school.Luckily, I met Yuliana who introduced me to NABA. I can say that NABA hashelped me to not only grow professionally, but also personally.This year was my first time going at the Eastern Regional student Conference inPittsburg. I hesitated at first before going but a friend of mine persuaded because itwas an opportunity for me to learn and connect to different people. There are threemain reasons why I wouldn't hesitate about going at another conference. The firstreason is the type of people that I met. During my journey at the conference,brilliant students from other colleges to professionals from the top firms (EY,Deloitte, JP Morgan, etc.). I had the privilege to network and be advised by SeniorVP’s for instance, I met with a vice president of JP Morgan who gave me hisbusiness card and really insisted that I emailed him for coffee once back in NewYork, an opportunity that I would not have had if it was not for NABA. The secondreason is the job/internship opportunities that are available for students. Being aninternational student, it is kind of difficult to find companies that are willing toaccommodate me; however, at the conference it was easier for me to navigatethrough that process. Even though, I did not get offer from certain companies, I wasable to contact recruiters that were able to put me in contact with the department oftheir firms that would sponsor international student.. Finally, the third reason is thestate of mind that the people were living with. It was really fantastic how peoplewere living by the slogan “lifting as we climb”, helping each other with mockinterviews, giving advice to our peers on how to properly wear a suit and make agood impression and how to write thank you emails.All in all, the conference was definitely a success and helped me to grow not onlyprofessionally but also personally. Thus, I was able to network with professionals,learn a ton during the workshops and eventually will have an opportunity tointerview with a top firm in the coming weeks.ElHadji Wade

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLET It was a privilege for me to attend the NABA Eastern Region Conferencefor the first time. I must say that my experience throughout the conference wasbeyond all expectation. I was thrilled with the countless opportunities that wereprovided to me. I had the opportunity to network with many professionals from a fewof the world’s largest accounting firms and banks. Not only did I get to network withprofessionals, but, also with my fellow aspiring accountant peers who are striving forsuccess. I was surprised and astonished to see so many students from the differentcolleges with the drive and passion to take full advantage of the opportunities.Throughout the conference there were several insightful workshops which I attended.These workshops taught me how to develop and maintain my professionalism, helpme understand what is expected of me in the real word and how to tackle situationswhen they arise. Attending ERC helped me to better understand NABA'S motto “LiftingAs We Climb” because it showed me how important it is for black accountants tocontinue lifting up one another. As a scholarship recipient I can testify that NABA isheavily involved in helping college students not only by giving back throughscholarships but in many different ways such as mentorships and job assistance whichopens the door for future black accountants to accomplish their goals and have asuccessful career. With that being said, I left ERC with the thought that there are manyopportunities available that I can take full advantage of to make myself become moremarketable as well as successful. Also, I was reassured that I am not here by myselfas there are persons willing and capable of helping me throughout my career journey.Therefore, it is very important for me as a senior student who is getting ready totransition into the real accounting world to get involved and stay connected.Networking with professionals, attending workshops and listening to speakers’ sharetheir experiences motivated me to keep on striving for excellence and beat the odds. I would definitely encourage students to go to ERC, especially thosewho have never attended. Reason being, they can gain the available experiences andvaluable lessons as aspiring black accountants. Also, it would be very good to seeother students get exposed to the vast amount of opportunities that NABA provides.This will allow them to develop themselves professionally and later become an assetfor NABA.Oshae Miller

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETI'm a transfer student from Borough of Manhattan Community College; I’ve beeninvolved with of a lot of social, cultural and professional clubs during my ongoingtime as a college student. NABA is the first club I've been part of that says they arethere for you and truly are there for you and your development.I joined NABA in spring 2016 but I fully just started getting involved because afriend of mine who is part of the Lehman Chapter and who went to Nationals. Heexplained to me the opportunities that NABA can bring to you once you applyyourself and get involved as a member. One of the main reason I did not take itserious was because I am a Marketing Management major with a minor in Law andPolicy. So I didn’t feel NABA really had anything to offer me.I got the opportunity to attend ERC this year and that was the moment I saw NABAis bigger than just a major or a degree a student might be pressuring. I startednoticing this before we actually even got on the road for Pittsburg PA. The E-boardmembers were consistently in contact to make sure you were set to embark on thistrip. Before this ERC trip I had only edited my resume about once or twice but whenI signed up for ERC I edited my resume about 5 times. I always was given interviewtips and more insight of companies I could access.Being at ERC just solidified NABA for me. From the professionals, volunteers, andeven other NABA chapter members encouraging and willing to help you regardlessof if you are in their line of work. The professionals were just willing to network andgive you the necessary resources they have to help you succeed or carry you to thenext stage. The workshops that were provided also were very informative and gearedtoward building yourself up for success. This is something that I haven't seen orbeen a part of in my college years. I wish I had been a part of this organization sincemy freshman year but better late than never.Thank You,Malik BandaogoMalik Bandaogo

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETI’ve been a part of NABA since the beginning of my freshman year, but a club I nevertook advantage of. They were always there to offer help, with resumes, interviews,professional developments etc and overall had a family kind of vibe. Last year Imissed the opportunity to go to ERSC, and my friends that went never seized theopportunity to tell me of their experience and how amazing the conference was. So Ihad to go see for myself. ERSC had a motivating environment; the atmosphere wasfilled with dreams waiting to come true and talent waiting to bediscovered. Everyone came with the intentions to improve themselves and theprofessionals share and help students to become better professionals. I felt motivated,inspired and empowered by attending the events and sessions and by interactions withdifferent students and professionals. Although I am a Corporate Communicationsmajor in the midst of Accountants, I still benefited in the professional developmentaspect tremendously. I found ways to improve my resume, work on my elevatorpitch, network and be a better public speaker. I left feeling like I could achieve mygoals and I could do anything if I put my mind to it. I became more seriousacademically, aimed higher than I did before the conference and made greatconnections with many people. In addition, I became closer with my NABA BaruchChapter whom constantly gave tremendous support before, during and after the event.Their efforts on organizing the trip and making sure each one of us had a memorableand overall good time made the conference even more of a great experience. They arealways appreciated and give me reliability that I could always count on them to assistme. Grace Oladayo

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLET I would like to thank the board of NABA for working diligently and efficiently in getting all the students to come together for the regional conference. This was my first regional conference and I didn’t know what to expect. I knew that attending this conference would be a great opportunity to network and I wanted to push myself and get out of my comfort zone. This is a great opportunity that the community of NABA offers to students to network with one another as well as corporate professionals. For me, the conference helps to bridge the gap between college life to post-college life by providing me with a two and a half days filled with information, motivation and opportunities. There are many things that were different and innovative about the conference. The sessions were unique and each one of them aimed to address a specific aspect of being professional. While very informative, they were also interactive and I really got a chance to expand my network. I was able to get business cards from professionals that work for Ernst Young, Grant Thornton, Vanguard and the Federal Reserve. All these professionals were spread out in different states like New York, Maryland, Boston, Virginia. The team aspect was also another creative way to get students to speak with one another. After coming home, I made sure to exchange emails with professionals whose business cards I received and will be adding them on LinkedIn in the near future. The overall experience was great and I look forward to attending in the upcoming year.Luke Marseille

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETIn a nutshell, the NABA Eastern Region Conference was one for the books. Myexperience at the conference was exactly what I expected and more. From the earlyrise in the mornings, to attending professional workshops in the day, and finallycapping off the day with great networking sessions, the conference was what Ineeded. Above all, I feel the need to show gratitude to the efforts of NABA Baruch.I wholeheartedly believe that getting the support from the chapter on how to delivera “elevator pitch”, answer behavioral interview questions, and standout amongst allthe talented students at the conference helped me to land interviews. As a HumanResources major, there were opportunities for me but I had to go seek them outdiligently and that is exactly what I did. I believe perfecting my pitch made all thedifference for me. Through bonding with more of the members in my chapter, I grewcloser to the family and gained brother figures on this trip. I was able to prep for myinterviews with some of the NABA board members who gave me the confident Ineeded to nail my interviews. What I truly appreciated was the manifestation of theorganization’s motto: “Lifting As We Climb”. Essentially, I felt like I was on a teamwho supported and had my back at every step of the way. In the end, I received anoffer and I will forever be grateful. My favorite part of the conference was the workshops/gatherings led bythe “NABA men”. The brotherhood hour showcased a bunch of successful African-American men who encouraged the young men at the conference by showing us thatwe can do it; whatever it is, we can do it and be successful despite the nay-sayers. Itmay sound cliché but by listening to those professional men speak, I was motivatedand I was deeply inspired. Thank you Alumni, thank you administration, and thankyou NABA Baruch.Travis Dorville

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETThe Eastern Regional Conference in Pittsburgh was a great experience. I was verynervous at first, because I only had a vague idea of what I was going toexperience. However, I’m extremely happy that I attended the conference andcame out of my comfort zone.For me, one of the best thing about this conference was meeting so many newpeople, expanding my network and building new relationships. It was amazing tobond with some of my fellow students, because everyone had differentperspectives but similar goals. It was great to be around people who wanted to besuccessful, because it motivated me to want to do better. I appreciated thegenerosity and helpfulness of everyone I encountered. The career expo was veryhelpful; I learned so much by talking to professionals and gained a deeper insightabout the different career paths those professionals took.The workshops that I attended at Eastern Regional Conference were extremelybeneficial. I learned many different tips about improving my resume, interviewingskills, and how to properly talk to professionals. One of my favorite workshopswas about professional branding. I really enjoyed this workshop, because I learnedskills that I needed to master in order to present myself positively and confidentlyin the midst of professionals. Another one of my favorite events was the brother’scircle. This event discussed important topics that black professional menencounter throughout their careers in corporate America. I walked away from thissession believing more in my abilities to be great and accomplish all my goals.Overall my experience at Eastern Regional Conference was a great one. I met andspoke with a lot of great people and learned a great deal. I felt that from theconference I gained more confidence and became a better professional. Withoutthe hard work of this chapter, none of this would be possible. I thank you all andeveryone who helped the chapter made this happen.Gregory Davis-Clarke

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETNABA Eastern Regional Student Conference 2016 will surely be one of manymore memories to come as a second semester Baruch College student. Not onlywas it enjoyable, it helped me realize my potential in the business world andwhere I was standing academically to be able to compete with top students. At firstwhen I read the NABA acronym, I thought the conference only involved people ofcolor but I was wrong. I was honored to network with students and professionalsfrom different backgrounds and ethnicities all over the world.Even though I have been in several resume building sessions and mock interviewsbefore NABA, I went to their conferences, and every experience felt like a newlesson. Every lesson or speech by professionals, gave me a sense of what it’s likein a formal setting and workplace. The professionals were very approachable and Iconnected with them as if I had met them in the past. Many students were eitheraccounting or finance majors but as a Statistics major I did not feel left out. I met atremendous amount of professionals and they were all willing to connect me withother actuaries they personally know and gave me directions to fill outapplications for internship opportunities in their finance department.I will like to give a special thanks to NABA and the participating professionals forgiving up their precious time to cater to the minds and talent of youngprofessionals like myself. Surely in the future, I will follow in the footsteps ofhelping others along the professionals journey, thanks!Khalil Abubakar

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETMy visit to NABA’s Eastern Region Student Conference is an experience that I will always remember andone that I am really thankful for. I had pretty high expectations going in, as a few of my friends had been toERSC previously and told me of the importance of going. These same friends were able to guide me with thefirst steps and figuring out how to secure a spot on the trip. Once I got to Pittsburgh, PA for the conference,my expectations were not only met, but surpassed. It was a tremendous opportunity to network, interviewand develop professionally.I went in knowing that I wanted to make the most of it and learn as much as I can. The fair was a positivenetworking experience and I had the opportunity to connect with a number of great individuals. Amongst theworkshop, the that really stood out to me was titled “All the Way UP! Strategies for Success at Work andLife.” Through this workshop, I understood the importance of defining my success. Whatever yourdefinition of success may be, it is important that you own it and stay focused on it. Since returning, I havededicated a lot of time into figuring out what my definition of success is. Since having defined my success, Iam working on owning it.During my time at the conference, the one thing that really stood out to me was NABA’s motto of “LiftingAs We Climb.” The conference was attended by over 700 individuals, about 500 students and 200professionals. All of the NABA staff was volunteers, meaning that they were not being paid for their timeand service. These individuals left a lasting impression on me because of their dedication to the motto andtheir genuineness. They were willing to give back, reach out, and lift up as much as they could. Theseindividuals, whom I had never met before, were genuinely interested in my future and interested in givingme as much advice as possible to help me get to where I want to be. Once again, I stress that these wereindividuals who were not paid, and yet they were so passionate about giving back and lifting the youngergeneration.And when it wasn’t the professionals offering advice, there were the students. Students who also wanted toachieve success, and yet wanted others to get there as well. Whether it was fixing my tie, offering meinterview tips, or speaking about their past experiences, they wanted to lift as they climbed. I believe in theterm “strength in numbers,” and my experience at the conference only made me more of a believer. If all ofus work together and help each other out, we can achieve so much together.ERSC was an eye opening experience and one that will have a lasting impression on me as I continue myjourney to climb. It has taught me the importance of lifting as I climb and helping each other out. I havebeen blessed with many individuals who tirelessly work to help me achieve my goals, and I hope I can giveback and be the same for others. I am extremely thankful for NABA Baruch and for this opportunity. This isan experience that has motivated me to be the best person I can be. I will not forget this experience and willdo my best to promote this conference to my friends for a long time. Harindu Migelratne

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETAfter experiencing a rough second semester of my freshman year, I thought all hope was gone.Spending my whole summer working endlessly and trying to prepare and better myself for theupcoming school year was a handful but worth it. After receiving my letter of attendance to theEastern Regional Conference on Friday August 12th 2016, I was very delighted. The excitementand eagerness that rushed through my body to be able to attend the Eastern Regional Conferencefor a second time was phenomenal. I ensured that I was prepared and that my resume was intact.Upon arrival to my first session at the Eastern Regional Conference, I was excited for what was instore for me. The wise words of many inspiring speakers motivated me greatly and taught me thatdespite the downfalls that one may come across, it’s okay to get back up and fight harder becausefailure is a good thing. Upon hearing those words from a past NABA Baruch Alumni, now a fulltime employee of Deloitte, it encouraged me to be the best of myself to become the best version ofmyself. Not only has it pushed me to be great but also allowed me to be aware of my mission andvision of where I am and where I want to be. There were many aspiring quotes that stuck out to mebut the two most inspiring of them all were from the Women’s circle. They are “You have toshower every day to be clean, so motivate yourself every day to be motivated” and “Who youdream to be, you are already that, just at an earlier age”. Not only have these womenencouraged me to become the best person I can be but they also motivated me to strive for the bestin my academics.I am grateful to have been given the chance to attend the Eastern Regional Conference once againin Pittsburgh. The Eastern Regional Conference 2016 was a wakeup call for me. The manydisappointments I faced and the many times I told myself I couldn’t do it, all because of onefailure, has now turned into many aspirations that I am striving for and will acquire. Also, themany opportunities given to network with many professionals and even students like myself, notonly has left me with many friendships and connections but also has allowed me to be confident.The once nervous, petrified Karyss, is now able and proud to say that I have now knocked thatwall down. I have learned that there are many opportunities out there waiting to be encountered, itjust takes hard work, consistency and dedication to achieve your goals.Karyss Rawlins

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETAttending NABA’s 2016 Eastern Regional Student Conference has served both as aneye-opener and a game-changer for me. It is one thing to hear from others that youhave potential, but it is an entirely different feeling for you, yourself to realize and tapinto it – this year’s conference has done exactly that for me. Being in a room filledwith professionals and companies I’ve dreamt of working for after graduation, andbeing able to build my network and portray my personal brand was an experience inits own. Not only that, but I was able to register for helpful workshops ranging fromAccounting to HR/Operation related, that offered tips on the CPA Exam, how tomarket yourself, and much more. Essentially, it was a weekend filled of remarkableopportunities where I was able to built meaningful relationships with both peers andprofessionals, and I left with a rewarding sense of new confidence within myself.In retrospect, I will never forget this experience. The new friends I was able to makefrom schools all over the Eastern Region, building a bond with my own NABAcollege chapter, and all the professionals I was able to meet. At this conference, I hadthe opportunity to land interviews with companies such as EY, KPMG, and Deloitteamong others. I was able to use all the tips learned from numerous events and mockinterviews hosted by our own STARR Career and Development Center. ERSC is aplace to apply all you’ve learned, but also to see where you stand, define yourstrengths and challenge yourself to improve. Whether it be your interpersonal,interview, and/or time management skills to name a few, with a daily schedule ofvigorous workshops, and interviews, you will leave this conference with way morethan you expected.To sum it up, I can now say NABA goes beyond the simple definition of anorganization, it’s a family. A family that is willing to help, mentor, encourage, andpush you while being there every step of the way. And I’m grateful to be a member.Hearing NABA’s “Lifting as We Climb” is one thing, but getting to experience it first-hand is another. As one of the students who had the privilege to be sponsored, I’d liketo extend a huge thank you to all who were able make this unforgettable experiencepossible for me!Alexandria Joseph

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETMy first time at the National Association of Black Accounts Eastern RegionalConference was one remember, never to forget. Before attending, I wondered whatto expect and what I can gain from the experience. I decided I would use this as achance to get my name out into the world and to learn how to be a better youngprofessional. Unexpectedly, I was first taken by surprise after receiving an emailfrom Grant Thornton for an interview. This led me to look into Grant Thornton tolearn that they were a mid-size firm that does tax, audit and advisory. In addition, Iwas again taken by surprise when I found out that I had another interview withDeloitte for advisory. With these preselected interviews I was able to feel betterabout the work I have done so far in school because the work force was noticing.Upon arrival to the conference, I immediately felt the intensity and the fast pace ofthe conference. I quickly adjusted and went to the career fair where I used thistime to practice my networking skills and fine tune my elevator pitch. With aComputer Information Systems major, this was a time to make connections andlearn more about advisory as I looked at the different ways to enter the corporateworld. Thanks to the support from various NABA members, I was able to have agood transition and adapt to the environment. I learned a tremendous amount ofinformation by attending the daily seminars, where I was able to be confidentwhen talking to professionals and interacting with students outside of my major. Iwas again taken back when a KPMG representative said to me “you have animpressive resume for a sophomore” which lead to an interview with them. Thistrip has opened my eyes to so many opportunities, with the deepest gratitude I justthank and appreciate everyone who made this possible for me.Ezekeil Williams

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLET I would like to sincerely thank those who led a hand in making the NABA Eastern Regional Conference a reality. Considering I am a relatively new member of NABA and I had never before attended such a conference, I was unsure of what to expect. Through the career fair and various workshops, I was exposed to an extensive amount of valuable information and the opportunity to make meaningful connections with professionals and fellow students. Immediately after arriving to the venue, we were given an overview of what would take place over the course of the conference. As a senior accounting student, the opening event helped me to start thinking about the steps I needed to take to prepare for the CPA exam. Prior to the event, I was not familiar with all of the resources available on the AICPA website. I learned that the website have sample questions, reviews on CPA courses, scholarship opportunities, and much more. Now that I am aware of these resources, I am more confident in my ability to make informed decisions about my future as an accountant. It was evident that one of the aims of the conference was to prepare us for life as professionals. Some of the workshops I attended focused on female empowerment, personal and professional success, and financial success. There was an overwhelming sense of joy and motivation as a result of being surrounded by so many talented individuals. I was able to meet and interact with students from different schools and learn so much about their perspectives and goals in life. To speak on a more personal note, it was both beautiful and empowering to see so many people of color pursuing their career goals. So to those who worked relentlessly to put this event together and made it possible for so many of us to attend, again, I say thank you. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to grow and to flourish.Aicha Adula

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETAs I’ve only been involved in NABA for a few months prior to attending the Eastern RegionalConference (ERC), I didn’t know what to expect. NABA Baruch was still very new to me and I wasunfamiliar with many of the NABA Baruch chapter members. Having now had the opportunity toattend the highly-motivational and clear-cut conference, I’m indebted to the NABA Baruch chapterfor the occasion and sponsorship. Prior to exiting the bus in Pittsburgh, PA the Weston ConventionCenter had already established a welcoming atmosphere. Within ten minutes of being inside theWeston I felt a sense of comradery and brotherhood among the men of the other NABA chaptersunlike anything I’ve experienced. These were strangers I had never meet before yet they helped eachother iron suits, tie ties, and perfectly position NABA pins. Typically, there is a sense of oppositionamong African Americans as if we don’t like to see each other become successful or at least not assuccessful as ourselves. But during this 3-day conference period, I never felt that opposition takehold. I was emotionally overwhelmed witnessing a room full of young African-American leadersboth women and men who wanted to change the world for the better. These individuals dawned intheir professional attire served as representation for the next generation of leaders in the blackcommunity. More importantly, among these young leaders were seasoned NABA professionals andvolunteers. Along with being indebted to NABA Baruch, I’m forever grateful to the professionalsthat took time out of their busy business lives and work schedules to volunteer their insights andrecommendations. These professionals didn’t have to but, the fact that they wanted to invest in thesuccess of the younger generation—this really resonated with me. I could see how the stories theyshared, the hardships they’ve experienced, and the successes that followed shaped their character forthe better. For example, Karlo Young mentioned that he’s missed spending time with his new 2-month old to attend the NABA ERC and share his experiences. This sacrifice displayed just howpassionately these NABA professionals want young leaders to succeed.The commitment to our development motivated me more and more during the conference.Additionally, being able to glance across a panel and see black leaders describe how important I amto them was an encouraging feeling. As I continue my educational and professional career, I willalways remember the experiences shared with my Baruch chapter at ERC. NABA Baruch bondedthroughout the weekend and I now have friends and connections I previously lacked at Baruch. Witha connected network of young leaders, I feel more at home at Baruch in a large part of this is due tomy experiences at ERC. Thanks to ERC, I’m now more motivated to make the professionals thatvolunteered their time proud by achieving both academic and professional excellence. “Lifting as weclimb” is no longer a slogan or tagline for me. It describes the continuous efforts among the African-American community to cultivate, shape, and lead our future professionals in the right direction.ERC was a learning experience that rivals any coursework that I’ve taken so far and its valuewill continue to pay dividends throughout my life. My major takeaway from the ERC is to utilizenew opportunities that come my way for the betterment of young leaders, just like me, who needsupport and guidance to maximize their potential. Kevon Butts

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETI was honored to be a part of the NABA Baruch Chapter and to have attended the2016 Eastern Regional Student Conference in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The ERSCconference was another experience I had and I learned a lot because theprofessionals were only there for the students.The atmosphere was, in a sense, professionals were there to give away jobs tostudents. It seemed to me like as though the students were already a part of thecompanies and that the conference was basically a three-day training session. I hadopportunities to be interviewed by two firms, Vanguard and New York Life. I waspre-selected with Vanguard before ERSC and New York Life selected me on thesite. I got interviewed and hopefully I will get into one of the companies.In addition to the jobs offers, there were a tremendous number of workshopsscheduled back to back. Just to name a few, the “Making the Most Effective Use ofYour Communication Style” workshop that I attended was rich in content. It helpedme learn more about my communication style and it also taught me how to interactwith people who have different communication styles. The workshop on “Whyadvisory?” gave me a deeper understanding on what the service was about and italso informed me on the great programs that EY just innovated in that field. The“Lesson on Alternative Investment” workshop taught me about kinds ofinvestments that I didn’t know about before and the workshop made me aware ofhow to invest and guided me down the paths I should take during my career. I amtruly blessed to have had the opportunity to be able to explore, absorb and indulgein the vast array of knowledge that these seminars and professionals bestowed onme. Thank you NABA for once again opening doors and minds to the large worldwe live in and to bright future we have the power to tap into.ERSC focused on a student’s career development compared to many nationalconvention events that I was fortunate to attend. Because of NABA, I will be ableto get a deep insight of what it looks like to prepare for a career in AmericanCorporate businesses. Thank You NABA.Islamia Adjibi

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETThis year’s National Association of Black Accountants Eastern Regional StudentConference (ERSC) was a great experience for me. Having attended the conferencelast year as a freshman, the conference proved to be a measure of my growth withinthe past year. Last year I was brand new to events like the ERSC and as a result Iwas very timid. However, this year, I can see that I was by far more comfortable ina professional setting. Much of my growth is attributed to what I learned at lastyear’s ERSC, the multitude of NABA events I have attended throughout the year oncampus, the mentorship I have received through NABA, and the internship Icompleted this past summer. With my increased confidence, I found myself helpingthis year’s newcomers that were unfamiliar with the conference and deliveringadvice on professionalism, an experience that was truly rewarding for me.Furthermore, I am proud to say that I was a scholarship recipient at this year’sERSC. I remember watching from the crowd at last year’s ERSC while a selectgroup of students crossed the stage and collected their awards. I also witnessed ourcurrent president, Shantel Deleon give a speech in acceptance of her OutstandingStudent of the Year Award. It was truly inspired, watching with wide eyes andimagining myself in their position. In turn, I made it my goal to walk across thestage the following year, and I am truly grateful that I did.In conclusion, the Eastern Regional Student Conference helped me grow withinmyself and as a member of NABA, while strengthening my network and achievinga personal goal of accepting a scholarship.Isaac Akanmu

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETI am absolutely grateful to NABA for granting me the opportunity to attend theEastern Regional conference where I was able to meet some outstanding peoplethat not only inspired but also installed a sense of motivation in me. Thisconference was a prominent learning experience for me. Throughout the span of 3days, I learned how to network and present myself in a professional manner. I wasalso encouraged to exhibit my accomplishments in a skillful fashion that allowedme to market myself.At each workshop, we focused on crucial skills. Some of which included (Moneymanagement, Confidence builders, Elevator Pitch, Women empowerment, etc). Allof the skills discussed at the seminars were beneficial and prepared us for the realworld when we are faced with different situations within our professional careers.The mood that was set by both the students and mentors at the conference was onethat I have not experienced elsewhere. Each individual that I have met had a senseof ambition and was motivated to make a change in the community. Whether itwas volunteer work or advertising, each individual was willing to give back andencourage the younger generations to follow in their footsteps.What made this experience even more unforgettable was the sense of unity. I feltconnected to my peers on a more intimate level. Within the NABA community, weshared our opinions freely and supported each other’s ideas. My peers also servedas a form of support system. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to attendthis conference because it has taught essential life lessons that will I will continueto abide by throughout my life as a female, young professional and student.Noran Omar

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETFirst and foremost, I want to thank NABA for sponsoring my trip to the ERSC. I alsowant to thank all the corporate sponsors, and everyone in the NABA community forworking so hard and diligently to make this experience a loving, learning and funopportunity for myself and my peers.I had the honor of attending the NABA ERSC with the help of my school’s NABApresident and advisor. As a new member of the chapter I wish I would have takenadvantage of all the great opportunities NABA had to offer during my freshman year.Thankfully, I joined sooner than later and learned NABA’s mission, aspirations andstories of previous conferences. I was ready for the new experience, to network fornew connections, and possibly land an internship for the upcoming summer. NABAmade this possible!NABA helped, financially and academically, to make my attendance at the ERSCpossible. Being a new member and a sophomore, NABA covered most of theexpenses of my trip. All of the NABA E-Board members were also great in helpingme prepare for the conference whether it was resume workshops, networking orinterview skills. I see why NABA’s motto is, “Lifting as we climb.” The people ofNABA are so generous, helpful and confident in every single individual theyencounter with. So many go out of their way to help and that is what continues tocreate a sense of family.I was excited about the panel discussions and seminars. I knew I would get somegreat takeaways from each session and learn new skills, but I got so much more. Inetworked with very inspiring, insightful professionals and colleagues. I was alsoselected for two interviews from the corporate sponsors that were in attendanceduring the career fair. I received great tips on how to prepare for the interviews,resume reviews and how to follow up. Everything I have learned from attending theERSC will be of great use as I grow in my professional career.Again, I truly appreciate NABA and I am grateful of this opportunity as well as theconnections I have encountered from being a member and attending ERSC. I thankyou all again. It has truly been a blessing for me and will hopefully continue forfuture generations of scholars. Zakia Abraham

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETAttending NABA’s Eastern Regional Student Conference was an amazing experience! This triphas allowed me grow to as a professional and as a student of Baruch College. I attended manyworkshops, networking opportunities and many fun social events. Overall, I had an enjoyabletime learning about being a business professional and got to know my peers in NABA.In the spring semester of my freshman year, I joined NABA. I attended some events, but I reallydidn’t get too involved. I am reserved by nature so I usually stay by myself or with very fewothers. At the start of my sophomore year, I promised myself that I would get more involved inNABA’s events. I wanted to learn more about the business professional world and make somenew friends in Baruch.NABA’s Eastern Regional Student Conference was my first big event with NABA Baruch. Onour first night, there was a career fair. I was very nervous about the fair. I’ve never had theopportunity to network with professionals that were in the business field. I didn’t know muchabout networking prior to joining NABA but I was encouraged to network with everyone that Imet. NABA gave me many tips on my resume and how to network. I met many businessprofessionals at the career fair that were able to tell me more about the many opportunities thatwere out there for students like myself. This was really a big moment for me. For many people,networking comes easy. For me, it is one of the hardest things in the world. Having thisexperience and being able to overcome one of my biggest shortcomings was fantastic. It reallyhelped my self-esteem. I felt confident and empowered because I was able to break out of myshell and network with as many people as possible. My networking skills may still need somework, but I feel accomplished thanks to NABA.I had a great time attending the workshops at the ERC. There were many different classes forvarious topics. Attending these workshops opened my eyes to a multitude of diversity. I havealways wanted to do taxation accounting. After attending a class about being in Advisory, I amnow starting to think about pursuing a career in advisory. I would not have thought about being inadvisory beforehand because I knew very little about what a career in advisory meant. Anotherclass that I really liked was the one that explained the different advanced certifications. I want tobecome a CPA, but I didn’t know that there are other certifications. After attending the class, I amthinking about getting other certifications as well in the future.I am very thankful and appreciative for being able to attend NABA’s 41st Eastern RegionalStudent Conference. I was able to really dive into the business professional world for the firsttime, so many great people and created bonds with new friends. It was an exceptional experience!Denisha Smallwood

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETAs a freshman, this was my first time at The Eastern Regional Student Conferenceand it was a very informative and exciting experience. At the Eastern RegionalConference, through various sessions with different speakers, I was able to gainknowledge on how to professionally present myself, how to create a stand outresume, and the different career options within the accounting and finance field.Throughout the conference, I was able to experience my first career fair and networkwith business professionals from many different companies. This was an opportunitythat many college students, especially freshmen, don’t come across often. The careerfair was very overwhelming for me at first, but now that I’ve had the experience, Iam very confident and prepared for events of that nature. At the conference, studentsalso had the opportunity to receive an interview with different companies and I wasone of them. I experienced my first corporate interview, I was able to make animpression on my interviewers as well as learn what to expect from other interviews.I am very grateful for such an opportunity, especially at my age. My favorite partsof the conference were connecting with new amazing people, and attending theWomen’s Empowerment Panel, where I was moved by the speakers who expoundthe importance of knowing one’s value.Overall, this conference is doing an amazing job of giving students the informationand tools to be successful during and after college. I am very happy and grateful thatI was able to be a part of the eastern regional conference this year and urge thosewho have the opportunity to go next year to take it.Amanda Estrada

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS BARUCH COLLEGE CHAPTER 2016 ERC TESTIMONIALS BOOKLETBeing part of NABA was one of the best decision I have ever made in my college career. I joinedNABA in summer 2016 and when I heard about the opportunity to attend the NABA EasternRegional Student Conference, I applied for it. I applied for it because one of my friends had areally nice experience with NABA’s National Convention and is currently working with JPMorgan. Prior to NABA’s Eastern Region Conference, I had really high expectations for myprofessional development workshop and about the available internship opportunities. But theConference surpassed my expectations: I got 4 internship interviews and got the chance to networkwith executives from different industries.As soon as I got into the Hotel, I saw some inspiring faces who were ready to help the students gettheir name tag and other identification. These happy faces who were volunteering for NABA reallymade me feel welcomed. The initial orientation ceremony gave me a glimpse of what NABA is all.Stepping into the fair was a really exciting moment because I saw so many opportunities right infront of my eyes. I thought to myself, this is a great way to make a good impression and getselected for an interview and that is exactly what I did. The next day I was selected for aninterview.NABA stands for National Association of Black Accountants but the way NABA welcomesother people from different ethnicities, color, and religion is just amazing. I am fromBangladesh and felt welcomed in the same way African-Americans did. This is something thatreally inspires me to remain a part of NABA for life. Whether or not I get a job or internship, Iwant to be a part of NABA and volunteer so I could give back to the people after me.Arranging this conference wasn’t easy and for this I really want to thank all of those people whoworked with NABA Baruch to make this happen and extend my gratitude for their time and effort.This was my first time attending the NABA Eastern regional conference and I am quite impressedand amazed by the experience I had.I believe NABA is doing some great work for students of all ethnicities by holding true to itsmotto “Lifting as we climb”. ERSC was a great experience for me. I had the opportunity to knowmyself beyond the college campus and got the opportunity to interact with professionals. I believeI’ve walked away from this experience as a better and improved young professional. MD Fazley Fayel

NABA Baruch Thanks…Accounting Unit

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