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Home Explore Engagement FGramework Outcomes for Learners

Engagement FGramework Outcomes for Learners

Published by martygalls, 2022-01-27 12:13:11

Description: Engagement FGramework Outcomes for Learners


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Outcomes For Learners Lenamore Youth Centre Engagement Framework Maximising Exit Strategy Further Education Potential Continue With Youth Work Other Paid Employment Volunteering Decision Making Empower Social Action SKILLS DEVELOPED Active Engagement Participation / Local Voice/ Participative Structure Educate Accredited / Non Accredited Programmes Engagement Hobbies / Interests Entertain Contact Outcomes Framework 1) Enhanced Personal Capabilities 2) Improved Health and Wellbeing 3) Development of Thinking Skills, Life Skills, Work Skills 4) Improved Relationships with Others 5) Increased Participative Action 6) Active Citizenship

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