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Home Explore Cope programme

Cope programme

Published by martygalls, 2019-05-09 06:10:17

Description: Cope Programme

Keywords: lenamore Youth Centre


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Version 3.0 Session 7Recording Session Recording Comment/Follow on from Previous session (Input to progress/comments on SharePoint) Today was our evaluation session which provided a space for young people to revisit their learning from the programme and provide evaluative feedback which would help with the monitoring and evaluating of the programme. Issues or themes arising Feedback from the young people was really positive, it appears that the young people got a lot from participating in this programme, and baseline questionnaire analysis from the beginning and end of the programme indicate that the programme was successful in meeting the expected outcomes. Behaviour (Comment on participation/group process/roles etc) No behavioural issues with this group, and feedback from young people indicates that they had a positive experience from participating on this programme Any actions agreed or areas to follow up NA Indicators of change/progression/regression Baseline questionnaire analysis is provided in programme report Date of next meeting N/A P a g e | 54

Session Planner & Recording Booklet Project Report Changes (if any) to Programme One of the questions on our target wheel evaluation asked the young people to suggest any changes to the programme that they would like to see which may improve the learning experience for participants. 100% of these young people stated that we would not need to make any changes to this programme Changes (if any) to Methods Feedback from young people indicate that there are very little changes (if any) required to improve the delivery this programme, Initial feedback includes “more video’s’ ‘more sweets’ ‘’more games’ ‘more poster activities’. This suggests that young people really enjoyed participating on this programme How was the programme successful in meeting the project objectives? Young people felt a sense of ownership from the beginning of this programme as they were involved in the co-design as we explored some of the prevalent issues that they listed they would like the programme to be based on. Also the learning preferences for group members were taking into consideration through the delivery methods which maximised participation levels amongst young people. How have the participants progressed against the Area Action Plan outcome(s)? Baseline questionnaire completed at the start and at the end of the programme indicates a 24% increase in Confidence and Self-Esteem amongst group members, as well as an 8% increase in Managing Feelings and a 16% increase in Resilience. This is evidence against expected outcomes for this programme with the aim of increasing Confidence and Self-Esteem and also unintended outcomes of Managing Feelings and Resilience. P a g e | 55

Summative Comments/Project Reflection Young people evaluated this programme by listing what they learnt from participating on this programme, what they liked about the programme and any changes we could make. Feedback is as follows What did I learn? “I learnt about Mental Health” “I Learnt new skills from this project such as Confidence, Communication, Body Image, Mental Health and LGBTQ community” “ I learnt about mental health and how you can help someone with a mental health issue, I also learnt about how I can keep a good state of mind” “ I learnt how to support someone who may be identifying as LGBTQ+, and struggling to ‘come out’ “ I learnt how to support people who may be struggling body image, confidence etc.” I learnt how to be supportive to people and to talk to people in confidence” “ I learnt to feel more confident in my own body” “ How to Support people with Mental Health Issues” What Did I like about the Programme? “I liked everything we did” “I liked how we learnt new skills and help build on our confidence” “I enjoyed the games” “I liked the group activities” “ I lied the games and learning how to build confidence” “ I liked this programme, because we were able to talk to our friends” “ I liked how we were able to have fun whilst learning important things which will benefit us” “ I liked learning about different things in each of the topics, I have enjoyed this programme and learnt things I didn’t know before” “I enjoyed learning how we can support each other within our community around some of the issues including Body Image, Mental Health etc.” What Changes Could we Make to Improve the Programme? “ More videos” “Teach more ways to get your confidence up” “ More teamwork” “More games” “More Poster Activities” “More PowerPoints” P a g e | 56

Cope Programme Baseline Questionnaire Average % for Group Members 100 90 80 Managing Feelings Resilience 70 60 Outcomes 50 40 30 20 10 0 Confidence + Self-Esteem Start End Target Wheel Evaluation % Average of Participants 90 80 70 Skills gained Increased Sense of Decision Overall 60 82 learning ownership making programme 50 40 72 62 80 rating 30 20 77 10 0 Enjoyed programme Average 81 P a g e | 57

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