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Home Explore WhatsApp Marketing 101

WhatsApp Marketing 101

Published by exponentialfacts, 2020-11-08 19:57:35

Description: WhatsApp Marketing 101


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DISCLAIMER These methods have been proven potent by me and a few other people whom all got good but different positive results. However, it is not a guarantee that you will make sales. Results are not typical because there are many factors beyond my control such as the amount of work you put in, consistency and focus. You probably belong to one of the two groups of people who will buy this book. First, those who would buy it, extract all they can, refine what they learnt with their creativity and use it to get results. Second, those who would buy and probably read to the end without practicing or implementing all the steps stated already. The latter by default is not likely to get results, or hopefully a little result.


ABOUT Hi there, and i am so grateful to you for purchasing this ebook where i would be sharing with you all the Contact secrets of selling on WhatsApp like a pro. By post: 32 Ken Narebor street Eputu Ibeju-lekki Lagos This eBook is actionable and By email: practical and i hope you follow the hilary.onyejekwe@hilariumdigital. steps religiously. com I am going to tell you a little about By phone: (+234) 905 112 3110 my humble self in a bit. Remember to download and activate the WHATSAPP BUSINESS app from Google play store to follow through. best regards, Hilary Onyejekwe

1 Module 1 Meet and greet Dear reader, I am a digital marketer and the founder of Hilarium Digital, a digital marketing agency in Lagos. We {Hilarium Digital} aim at one simple goal; helping you improve on your business and services while we take care of your marketing and sourcing for clients and customers. I started digital marketing in 2015 when I was able to use Google My Business to get my sister clients for her baking business. The impressive results propelled me to learn more about web design, social media etc. and found other ways to get customers for businesses without spending a fortune. Our tentacles are widely spread as we doing business with well renowned brands within and outside of Lagos. This book is a WhatsApp hack to keep you ahead of your competitors because being a messaging app which is similar to email marketing has been exploited for maximum results. Hilarium Digital offers limitless opportunity in this field such as:  Website Design  Content Marketing  Search Engine Optimization  Local SEO (showing up on Google Map)  Social Media Advertising and Management  Digital Marketing Consulting| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

2 Millions of people use WhatsApp the wrong way, spamming people in the name of advertising. We often get some unsolicited messages daily especially in groups. This is very annoying and makes people exit groups. I can assure that after this course you will see the app differently and systematically advertise and engage clients and customers to buy from you recurrently. This tutorial is going to reveal to you the hidden power embedded in your WhatsApp Business which only a few people are talking about. What you are about to learn was collated as at the time of writing this eBook. However, Mark and his team can decide to add new features tomorrow {which they always} do to make the platform better and increase user experience. Without further ado, let’s get down to business.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

3 Module 2 Social Media Algorithm Change explained You will agree with me that once in a while if not monthly you would get a prompt to update your mobile or desktop app. This is as a result of the application changes in the increasing user experience, codes, fixing a bug, adding a feature etc. WhatsApp is no exception. In fact the app has seen spontaneous growth especially after Facebook acquired it back in 2014. There is a big difference from what these platforms used to be and what they are now. And here is exactly what I want you to know about social media and its algorithm. What is SOCIAL MEDIA? This is any online platform where humans interact for different reasons. Remember we are social animals, and these interactions can be calls, chats, videos, audios, eBooks etc. People do these for entertainment, pleasure or business. The biggest of them all is Facebook because they have acquired the two biggest social media which are Instagram and Whatsapp. There is a philosophy of human beings which says an average human being CAN NOT have more than 100 friends. This means the total number of people you can remember their names, date of birth, etc can’t be more than 100 people at any given time.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

4 In the earlier days of social media this philosophy wasn’t implemented because they don’t have much users and this allowed a single post be seen by all your friends even if you had a thousand friends. Now it’s not possible to get such results. This is called organic reach. Organic reach is the percentage of your friends who would see your post without running ads. The algorithm change which implements this human philosophy reduces your organic reach because it’s proven that you can’t have 5,000 friends. The celebrities we know have fans not friends, this limitation to organic reach benefits the social media companies by encouraging you to pay for advertising which most marketers embrace because the return of investment is awesome. Imagine if 1000 of your Facebook friends creates a post on a platform in one day, can you go through all the 1000 posts? Remember some of them would post more than 10 times daily, Phew! That’s exhausting to imagine. Yet despite the reduction in organic reach, scrolling your social media page seems endless as previous posts keeps showing up. See why this change is justified? That’s why they wouldn’t show all your friends your post and won’t show you all the posts of your friends. The friends you are likely to see their posts are those whom you normally engage with either by commenting, liking their posts or sharing them. These are people| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

5 who are categorized as your real friends except you are running a business, this means you are selling to an infinite number of people. More so, if you must reach a high number of people to sell your products or services as a business you would need a Facebook page to run sponsored ads. So if I want to sell a 10 pieces of smart phones on Facebook, I would have to advertise to more than 100 people so that 10 of them can decide to buy. Sponsored ads increase IMPRESSIONS, which is the number of times your post surfaces on peoples’ timelines for interaction. By doing this they make their money. (Facebook ads sample) On a personal account, the most viral post can only reach 10% of your followers or friends. So with 200 friends or followers I can only get twenty or less impression.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

6 Furthermore this is where influencer marketing comes in. If Davido having 20 million followers for instance makes a post, he is likely to reach about 2 million people with that single post. Meaning if I want to sell a 100 pieces of smart phones, getting Davido to post two or three times about my products can do the job, with this I can give Davido, 10-30% of the profit. And everyone goes home happy. This is why most companies have brand ambassador{s}. Have you noticed that these brand ambassadors are mostly entertainers? But did you know that this limitation doesn’t apply to WhatsApp? Yes, this algorithm doesn’t apply to WhatsApp because this application is an end to end messaging app, saving someone’s contact and getting them to do the same allows you to show your posts to all the contacts you have at that moment 100%.. That is the hidden treasure.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

7 Module 3 How it works and why you should listen WhatsApp and email marketing are both working on similar principles. In email marketing, a marketer gives subscribers something of value for free (e.g. an eBook) in exchange for their email address and by doing so they are added to a list which is attached to an auto responder which sends them email periodically depending on campaign the marketer is running. But there is a limit to this especially here in Africa because here we barely use or even open our email. I put it to you that an average Nigerian adult doesn’t check their mail daily, making this difficult to get results. (Have you checked your email today?) The ones who check their mail often ignore the promotion and social categories. Also, most mail services mark your email as spam if sent an unsolicited message and no one opens their spam box except when they have to. These are some email marketing facts  100 ratio 1; to get one person to take action you need to show it to a hundred people minimum  Email has between 8-33% open rate  Updating your list is what you must not stop doing  Email is not a major communication channel in Nigeria Some WhatsApp facts:  It has about 90% organic reach; you can reach all your saved contacts.  Over 100Million Nigerians are on WhatsApp  Over 80% of young people below 45 years open WhatsApp before any other social media app every day.  Status can be seen by 60 to 90% of your contacts. To see a status the contacts of both parties must be saved. It’s a 2 way thing.  Broadcast messages can reach 100% of your contacts if done correctly| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

8  Its owners neither support third party clients nor ads simply because they want to users focused on building a pure messaging experience. (This is the main concept behind this course)  Users open the app on an average of 23 times daily.  71% of users are active on a daily basis.  It’s the perfect platform to sell multiple products to same people. I bet this is getting interesting already, with these facts in mind you probably will be wondering where to start from so as to exploit this awesome opportunity. In the next module we would discuss on how to build your contacts.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

9 Module 4 Building WhatAapp Contacts The first step in acquiring customers to build your email list is the use of LEAD MAGNETS. Not because it’s faster than paid ads but because it builds loyalty, authority and relevance for your brand. What’s a Lead Magnet? A lead magnet is anything you offer to prospective customers (leads) in exchange for their contact detail(s) like email, phone number, etc. See it as a legal bribe which entices your target audience to give you what you request for willingly. Why is it important? A lead magnet works very well in any form of marketing and WhatsApp marketing is not an exception. When you get prospects to give you their contact, they are likely to buy from you because signing up your newsletter or getting your freebie is a signal they are more likely to buy from you. Have you ever wondered why most websites asks for newsletter subscription? For this course, creating a lead magnet can be simple, remember I promised to walk you through it all. Some digital products you can create to use as a lead magnet includes; 1. Short report: This can be a one or two page report that relates to what you are selling. It should be an extract from one of your eBook. Example of such should be like “5 secrets of increasing online sales” 2. Checklists/Cheat sheet: This is a bulleted point of actionable steps highlighted to achieve a particular goal. Example should be “10 point checklist for starting an online store” 3. Quick start guide: It doesn’t have to be elaborate just some simple steps to quick start a goal, everyone likes to get a quick result and the quick start are the magic words there. Example is a quick start guide to Whatsapp marketing.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

10 Assuming you are not interested in taking some of these actionable steps above or you want to advertise directly. Building your list for prospecting can be simple if you dig in the right place. NOTE: This hack is not a sprint but a marathon. Meaning, consistency outweighs speed. Here are some sources of contacts you can get to save your number once they are interested to buy what you sell. a. Running a Facebook/ Instagram ads for your products or affiliates. b. Posting your ads in groups with the approval of the admin to avoid spamming. c. Asking your already existing WhatsApp contacts to post your ads on their status and other social media platforms. d. Commenting your ads on forums like Nairaland. e. Running an affiliate program, that is giving away a percentage of the amount to anyone who gets you a buyer. I can give away #200 to anyone that gets me someone to buy my digital product of #1,000, meaning you can get five of your friends to buy my book and you get #1,000 for just telling them about it. f. Posting your ads on twitter with the trending hash tag; use a minimum of 10 to increase the post visibility. Just like other digital marketing types, a GOAL determines the strategy to use. The goal must align with the strategy in order to achieve a result which is the foundation of any marketing campaign. When selling to your Igbo audience, did you use Yoruba language in selling to them? This and many more can cause a poor marketing performance. While saving contacts for WhatsApp, use codes (will discuss this later on) and other parameters to segment the list just like in email marketing. The most important thing in marketing is:  Knowing your customers which helps you define the strategy to use and get the best from them.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

11  Selling to people who are more likely to buy from you. Advertising a house in Banana Island to a student is meaningless.  Write down your goal on what you want to achieve even if you don’t have a product or service to sell. Your goal can be either to sell your product or to sell someone’s product. i. Affiliate marketing: This is selling someone’s products for a commission. Find a product that is already in high demand and get customers who want to buy. For instance I can do this by getting orders from people who wants to buy gadgets, collect the money and then place an order from the seller whom I have already negotiated with and by so doing I don’t need an initial capital or do it have to stock inventory, just get paid for being a middle man and honestly, they don’t even care to know about that. ii. Creating digital products: There must be something you are good at which can be taught in an eBook, video, or any format and sold online to make money. Creating these are mostly not expensive at all, in fact it cost almost nothing to put these knowledge together in a digital format and make 100% of the interest unlike when you sell a physical product, you don’t make all the profits, because of the cost of production. Digital products can be an eBook, podcast, newsletter, video etc. and there is already a market for these especially when your digital product is based on an on demand topic. Setting your goal: This is a very important part. Success only comes when you align your goals with your strategy. So in setting your goal you need to know whom you intent to sell to. For instance if I want to sell smart devices, my target should be young adults and working class. Targeting people between ages of 50 and above may be a waste of time.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

12 Let’s do some analysis; Number of people who see your adverts: 1000 Number of people who are likely to contact you: 600 Number of people likely to patronize you: 150 (This is an assumption very similar to my results) Building a list of customers who are likely to buy- For a start, you should already have a contact list on WhatsApp although they are not all likely to buy from you, its normal so don’t feel bad about it. Facebook ads (other sources)WhatsApp Contact Landing page Actual sale If you do not have a landing page then skip that step. This sequence is based on when your traffic is coming from Facebook ads for instance, it’s important to save their numbers first before taking them to the actual sales so that even if they drop off after the second step you can still show them other products on your status. (Your should check out my Ebook—PILLARS OF CONTACT for businesses) Save contacts with codes. E.g.; Vivian WMF3 (This means Vivian WhatsApp marketing female Group 3) Notice that despite the feminine name I still included the gender? This is so because Vivian will chat me up sooner or later to get more info on how to buy from me. It will be more personal for me to address her by her name while chatting.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

13 It’s more personal to say “Hello Vivian” than saying “Hello good afternoon”. In a nutshell, always segment contacts into different lists just as it’s done in email marketing where you segment each email depending on some factors on your list. Some list maybe “new customers” or “existing customers” etc. So doing this on your Whatsapp will help you send customized or personalized messages to customers thereby increasing the personal relationship. Give customers your WhatsApp contact especially on social media is good but it’s better to give them a link to click, this saves them time and stress of having to save your number. Clicking on your customized link takes them straight to your DM with a customized message which you have included. To create a link for your WhatsApp number go to add a WhatsApp number and customize a message with which sender would use (this message has to relate to your current campaign) then use a link shortner like to shorten your link into few characters. There are many other sites like this but this is what i use: Go on Google and search for WhatsApp link creator. Create a lead magnet This is giving away something of value for free to buy their loyalty in terms of services but if you sell a low ticket product you can create information around your products in form of an eBook or podcast or newsletter on how else the product can be used etc. For any product there is an accompanied service side of it, there is always a service to render for each products this includes but are not limited to creating an awesome customer experience from the point of sale to the delivery to getting feedback from such customers, and even doing a follow up to know if they enjoy using your product which is a room for your to up sell them.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

14 COLD CONTACTS- WARM CONTATCTS A cold contact is someone who is likely to buy from you but is a total stranger, has no encounter from you before then. A warm contact is someone who has seen/heard about you before (not necessarily physically but your products/services) and has possibly bought from you too. When you must have created this lead magnet which can be buy 1 and get 1free. I did give an example of a real estate company that gives a Rolce Royce when you buy just an apartment from them in Banana island Lagos. Most people buy these apartments because they need the car not the house, yet the goal of selling the house has been achieved. Always remember that the lead magnet must be something of value and the targets are likely to be interested in. If your products are all low tickets then do well to write a small eBook around that product and give it away for free. Now that you know how to acquire these contacts, let’s discuss how to keep them engaged and market to them without presenting yourself like a marketer. See you in the next module.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

15 Module 5 Engaging your contacts part 1 (Status Hack) There are things to do and things not to do while engaging your contacts. Remember you must save their number while they save yours before the two parties can view each other’s status (you should already know that by now). In getting someone to save your number do this: Get them to save your number while you save theirs using your WhatsApp business account. Use this template for a first timer, and I will show you how to save their numbers in a bit. “I am glad you made it this far this far and I can’t wait to impress you. To participate in the class and get stuff from me do these” A. Save my number (Hilary Onyejekwe) and trust I’d save yours (the access to class will be broadcasted on my WhatsApp status and if you don’t save my number you won’t see it) by doing this there is a higher chance of them doing your bid. B. Once my number is saved, kindly tell me your name and gender so I can save yours too. (You may ask for their city name too depending on what you intend to sell them) but the first two info are ok C. Once they do that, save theirs like this. Assuming the response is john, Male. I’d save the contact as JohnWMM01 meaning WhatsApp marketing male 01. This code will help you batch your contacts by gender or location for easy broadcasting.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

16 Things to do on your WhatsApp status include: a. Post daily, maximum of 10 daily and minimum of 5 posts b. Schedule your posts for morning, afternoon and evening (at least 2 hours interval) c. Aside your products/services post trends, information, comedy etc d. Always comment on people’s status e. Post about lifestyle and motivation f. Put a face behind your brand (use a brand ambassador if you have or just simply show your face) g. Post testimonials h. Post offers i. Do referral marketing too if you want Things NOT TO DO: a. Do not always sell. Post what you sell maybe 3 days in a week but never daily, let’s say Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Other days post other engaging, funny and trendy thing to keep people checking back on your status. b. Never post more than 5 posts if they’re not connected. (Tell stories) c. Avoid too much posts d. Avoid always marketing e. Don’t go a day without posting Following the simple rules can get your contacts coming back to see your updates and possibly interact with you as you reply all messages. In the next module I am going to explain how to use the broadcast message hack to reach your contacts.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

17 Module 6 Engaging your contacts part 2 (Broadcast Messaging Hack) The status hack is one most people use, but here we would go through the broadcast hack together. To create broadcast list follow the series of images below. Image 1. Open your WhatsApp business app on your mobile or desktop and click on the three dots just below the battery sign and beside the search sign. The screen should display what I have on image 2. 1. 2. Image 2. On image 2 select “New broadcast” from the list of options which is between New Group and Labels. Image 3. This should take us to image 3 below where you will have to select the contacts to form your list. This is where you should do the separation depending on your criteria. For me I like separating them using gender for digital products then location if you sell other tangible stuffs. (Note that the list I used for this| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

18 illustration is my contact list and I know 98% of them in person. It’s better to save unknown people or customers with codes so you can easily group them) After selecting them carefully, now click on the approval sign at the bottom right corner of your screen to create this broadcast list. Image 4. Click on the broadcast icon to get options to rename the broadcast list to whatever you want according to what your goal is. Example: EricWMM1 which stands for WhatsApp Marketing Male 1 3. 4. Remember name tags in email marketing? Where I will get an auto responder email saying “Hello Hilary” in the salutation? This doesn’t mean the sender knows me, by the way it’s an auto responder but for my name to be mentioned makes it more personal and will increase the quality of attention/conversation as the case may be. So here what we can do is close to name tags, since we can’t include each person’s name we use words that are close and general. Example in the male broadcast list I can just send a broadcast like this “Good Morning Chairman”. This seems personal and yet general.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

19  Make the conversation look natural but private. Remember the whole list is getting the same message. -Greet (good morning chairman. And wait about 15 seconds) -How has been your week? (Makes it look natural) -Send your broadcast now after about 20 seconds of the last one. -Quote your copy. (Refer to what you are selling)  Always ask for feedbacks to know where you can improve.  Send a smiley.  Try and reply 80% of messages daily as no one like being ignored. When the messages become too much, address this on your status which they will see eventually.  Use captivating headlines (I gave a sample of headlines to your in my Facebook advertising course.)  Do giveaways and send broadcasts like “please read my status”.  Never send broadcast messages daily as this will become spam and irritating.  Do not send broadcast messages to all your lists at once. Do this one at a time at intervals of an hour to avoid messages to be clogged and fail to deliver. Send one, wait and hour minimum and send another.| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

20 Module7 Use testimonials Most people make purchases because of what other people say or think about something. This is called SOCIAL PROOF. When you get good recommendations, never ever hesitate to post this on your status as this will not only build trust but also increase your confidence. What other people say about your business directly impact the actions of those who come across it. The worst case is when there is no review on your product or service, this means people are not buying and when people are not buying implies that the product is not good. All these are out of your control because they are all happening in the mind of your customer and giving them reasons to buy will help them make a good decision, which is buying form you. When last did you shop on Amazon or Alibaba or even Jumia? Did you check on reviews before buying? I do that a lot and sellers or products with no, little or bad reviews are definitely not seeing my money. Did you know?  3 in 4 shoppers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations (Brightlocal, 2019)  62% of consumers say they will not buy from brands that censor online reviews (Trustpilot,2020)  Nearly 9 out of 10 consumers read reviews before making purchase (trustpilot, 2020)  97% of shoppers who read online reviews from other customers also read responses from businesses (Brightlocal, 2019)| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

21 If your business is on Google map, share your feedback link with them to rate and comment on your product or services online as this will lead to search engine visibility of your business locally according to research. And on the other hand if your business is not on Google maps, consider hiring us to make you {your products} show up when the map is viewed in your city. Just like when you type in Hilarium Digital on Google map you would see us there. That’s all for now and remember to drop your comments and feedbacks to help us serve you better. This eBook will be updated as soon as I have something valuable to add up. Stay Focused, Hilary Onyejekwe + team Email: [email protected]| WHATSAPP MARKETING 101

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