West Africa's Largest Real Estate Exhibition 23-24 May 2017 Landmark Centre, Lagos www.cityinvestevents.com
West Africa’sLargestReal EstateGathering“Africa’s rapidly growing property marketsare attracting increased interest frominternational investors, developers andoccupiers. By 2100, it is projected thatnearly 40% of the world’s population willlive in Africa. Over the next five years, 13 ofthe 20 fastest-growing economies in theworld are forecast to be in Africa”Knight Frank’s Africa Report 2015
Discover the FutureInvestmentOpportunities forWest Africa RealEstate DevelopmentAccording to UN-Habitat, Africa is urbanisingat an increase of 4% per annum. Risingpopulations and a growing middle class havelead to predictions of African cities realisinghigher growth rates than other continents inthe world.The first City Invest Exhibition takes place from23rd – 24th May 2017 at the Landmark Centre,Lagos.It will provide the largest platform in WestAfrica for major real estate developers toshowcase their projects to international andlocal Investors.This platform has been developed exclusivelyfor mega projects to promote theopportunities they o er.Mega Projects Featured:• Eko Atlantic – Front Cover• Petronia Oil City Development (Ghana) – Inside• Atlantic Resort• Centenary City, Abuja• Greater Port Harcourt Master Plan• Jabi Lake• Orange Island• Eko Energy Estate• Atuabo Freeport (Oil and Gas Free Port – Ghana)• Mbini City (Equatorial Guinea)• Eko Pearl Towers• World Trade Centre• Sunrise Hills, Abuja www.cityinvestevents.com
Why Attend• Gain direct access to the entire value chain of the West African real estate industry• Discover information, learn and connect with everything West Africa’s real estate market has to o er• Informational sessions aimed at providing the audience with useful knowledge from industry leaders relevant to investing, developing and purchasing real estate• Gather all the facts you need to make a decision and maximise your ROI from potential risk, taxes and exchange rates to mortgages and private lending• Ascertain facts on new tax rules and fiscal policy updates enabling you to make informed business decisions• Search, analyse and discover what West Africa’s real estate market has to o er• Meet with Buyers, Investors and other Real Estate Professionals from all over the worldFeaturesThe Central Developers ZoneThe Exhibition will feature a Central Developers Zone in which each developer will have the opportunity toshowcase models of their developments and present detailed information to a room full of investors.The Knowledge ZoneThe Knowledge Zone will also provide developers with an opportunity to deliver a presentation of theirdevelopments; highlight investment opportunities and showcase on-going and new projects to the entire realestate industry.Networking OpportunitiesWe expect 3,000 attendees from across the value chain including key VIP investors, developers, the bigbrokers, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Real Estate Investment Trusts, Hoteliers, Banks and many others. www.cityinvestevents.com
“Investors and developers are increasingly targeting African real estate as one of the key emergingmarkets, drawn by the prospect of 20 percent-plus returns across many territories. In almost all of Africa'smarkets, demand for high-quality retail, o ce and industrial accommodation outstrips supply asinternational and local occupiers respond to the improving economic outlook”PWCAttendee ProfileMajor developers will have the opportunity to participate in the first large scale exhibition in West Africa,gathering the entire real estate value chain.Investors: Developers:• Fund managers i.e Private Equity • Residential• REIT’s • O ce• Asset Management Company • Retail• High Net Worth Individuals • Industrial• Corporate Investors• Banks Other Attendees• Brokers• Sovereign Wealth Funds • Hoteliers• Insurance Companies • Corporate end Users• Developers • Law Firms• Oil and Gas Companies • Architects • Construction and Engineering • Global Associations • Surveyors
\"The number one reason to invest in realestate in Africa is return - 18-20 percent onan annual basis\"Reuters Exhibit As the largest real estate exhibition in West Africa, City Invest o ers exhibitors the following opportunities: • Establish your company’s presence in the West African Real Estate market • Showcase your latest projects and services • Generate valuable sales leads • Access the industry’s most influential decision makers • Create local and international partnerships • Stay ahead of the competition • Participants will have the opportunity to: • Showcase their assets and the investment opportunities • Form new and strengthen existing business relationships • Display capabilities and expertise to potential clients and partners This will be a unique opportunity for the whole value chain in West Africa to meet in one place and really see what is happening, a genuine time saving exercise for all involved. www.cityinvestevents.com
Branding OpportunitiesCity Invest will have an abundant amount of opportunities to strengthen brands to the attendees throughmarketing opportunities. We will also provide targeted private networking opportunities for developers tohost within a targeted demographic.Central Developers Zone Package – Only 8 available• Stand in the Central Developers Zone• 20 minute presentation in the Knowledge Zone• Company advert included in the Exhibition Guide• Company logo on all event signage• Company logo on all Marketing• Access to full exhibition visitor list including all VIP InvestorsTailored Sponsorship OpportunitiesCity Invest o ers tailored networking events based around your needs. We can create campaigns to attractspecific audiences that you may be targeting to the event. You will then be able to host a private lunchfunction during which you can do a short presentation to these senior decision makers.Events could also include breakfasts and evening functions.Additional Sponsorship Opportunities• Sponsored Investor Business Lounge• Exhibition Closing Party• Exhibition Registration Desk and Badge Branding• Visitor Lanyard Sponsor• Exhibition Visitor Bags• Sponsored Press Zone• Branded Umbrellas• Exhibition Visitor USB’s• Exhibition Multi-Charge USB Ports• Branded Portable Phone Chargers• City Invest ‘You Are Here’ Boards• Branded Water Bottles• Exhibition Prize Draw Sponsor (Sponsor to provide the prizes)• Exhibition Directional Floor Tiles / Stickers• A4 Advert in the Exhibition Guide www.cityinvestevents.com
For more information on how you can getinvolved, contact:Saul John AkermanCommercial Director – Africa DivisionEmail: [email protected]: +44 (0)20 7978 0027Jason AdjaloSenior Business Development Manager –West AfricaEmail: [email protected]: +44 (0)20 7978 0096www.cityinvestevents.com
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