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Home Explore The official newsletter of Kittivit School

The official newsletter of Kittivit School

Published by Guset User, 2022-07-13 02:21:38

Description: The official newsletter of Kittivit School


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JULY 2022 | ISSUE 1 กรกฏาคม ฉบับที่ 1 THE KITTIVIT POST ส า ร กิ ต ติ วิ ท ย์ ข่ า ว เ ด่ น ป ร ะ จำ ฉ บั บ


OUR NEWEST ART PROJECT BY TEACHER RICHARD SANCHEZ Make your newsletter more creative by Don't stop at getting contributions from your encouraging your students to submit their students. You can get them involved in the actual illustrations and photos. Graphics don't just break production of the newsletter, too. Allow them to monotony; it gives your students a venue for their edit each other's work. Make the students who artistic efforts. Encourage them to draw, paint, excel in grammar go through the work of their take photos, or make collages. After they submit peers. Lecture on the importance of fact checking, their work, ask them to write interesting captions then teach them how to do it themselves. Let for their submissions, too. them take turns on playing editorial board for each issue, so everyone can learn leadership and responsibility. Design is another area where your students can learn. Give them the freedom to design without making things too complicated. It teaches teamwork and gives them a better appreciation of what each member brings to the table.  You are encouraged to bring your own art materials. Please make sure everything you use is recycled.

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