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Published by 6031006007, 2018-09-26 09:57:28

Description: ERW1Reading Journal 2


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Reading Journal By Kamonmada Somthana 6031006007This journal is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor English reading and writing 1 course of Liberal Arts in English Program, Mae Fah Luang University First semester 2018

Week 2 Title: SAT Takers Question If Test Was Leaked. Author: Esha Sarai. Source: Summary Online and social media reported that the SAT on August 2018 wasthe same SAT in October 2017 which was leaked on SAT internationaloversea to China and South Korean. There were students from Chinawho come to take the SAT, which they hand the answers from theleaked SAT. The College Board said that scores would come out asregularly scheduled. SAT were use to measure the quality of studentsin most of the U.S. colleges and universities. The higher scores of SATmean smarter students and better schools. For the cheating on testsadministered many SAT scores were canceled from the internationaltests. There were three Chinese students were arrested for“attempting defraud the United States” because they had paidanother student to take the SAT for them. Page 2 of 5

My reaction/reflection:For me, the content of the topic is quite difficulty because they talkabout the leak of SAT and then talk about the important of SAT. Thatmost school and college use SAT to tell the quality of school andstudents. After that they come back to talk about the leak SAT whichmade me confuse. About the news, if the SAT was really leaked, theCollege Board should not use the same score. They should have take thetest again or renew score. I think that the SAT test shouldn’t use thesame test in different test examination or even different time. Theyshould keep changing new test, which can prevent the test from leaking.For students that done the test for another student, didn’t theexamination staffs check the student’s identification? I think the CollegeBoard did not strict and not careful of the test and the process of thetest. Page 3 of 5

New words learned: (At least five new words that you have learned) New Words Definitions1. Capability The ability or equalities necessary to do something. (noun) Most U.S. colleges and universities use the SAT to measure the capabilities of2. Metric applicants. (adjective) Based on the metric system.3. Demand (noun) It is a metric that implies higher scores mean smarter students and better schools. A very firm request for something; something that somebody needs. They demanded the test be rescored.4. Rampant (of something bad) existing or spreading (adjective) everywhere in a way that cannot be controlled.5. Defraud (verb) But cases of cheating, particularly on tests administered throughout Asia, have been rampant. To get money illegally from a person or an organization by tricking them. In an extreme case, three Chinese students were arrested last year for “attempting to defraud the United States” after the government proved they had paid another student to take the SAT for them, which led to their admission to American universities. Page 4 of 5

Articles Rubric for Independent Reading Journal (10%) 5 12341. Summary (4 %)2. Reflection (3%)3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) Scores Total scores _______ ÷ 5 = _____ marksCriteria for the above categories1. Rubric for Article SummaryCategory 5-4 3 2 1-0Summarizing Provides a very Provides a clear Provides a clear but Provides a somewhatthe content thorough and clear and concise shallow summary of muddled, unclear and and concise summary of the the article; may be rambling summary of summary of the article context and excessively brief or the article. article context and content. may include some content. extraneous information.Identifying Student recalls Student recalls Student is not able to Student cannot locateDetails several details for details for most locate most of the details with accuracy. each main point. main point. details of the main point. Is characterized by theParaphrasing Is characterized by Is characterized Is characterized by substantial copying of paraphrasing of the by paraphrasing the substantial indiscriminately main idea and of the main idea copying of key selected phrases or significant details and significant phrases and minimal sentences. details paraphrasingSpelling & There are few or no There are some There are serious Serious errors inGrammar errors in usage, errors in usage, errors in usage, mechanics, usage, grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, or spelling punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, sentence that make the sentence fragments, sentence fragments, or summary difficult to or spelling. fragments, or spelling. understand. spelling.Total ________/20 ÷ 5 = 4 %2. Reflection on the Articles (3%)Students who have completely and clearly responded to the guided questions stated in the reading journalform will get 3 marks.3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) ≥ 70% correct = 2 marks 1 ≤ 70% = 1 mark All correct = 3 marks Page 5 of 5

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