Parent and Student Handbook 2016-20172016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 1 of 74
2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 2 of 74
Dear Parents and Students,For students to achieve success, we need to be in close communication. This handbookhas been assembled with necessary information so that we can all work together as acooperative team.We want our students to learn to treat their fellows with humanity as they learn to directand control their own lives. To foster this growth, we seek to create a community ofstudents, parents, and teachers in which differences are valued and responsibilities areshared. We ask you to join us.We look at learning differences as just that, a different learning process requiring adifferent approach, different structure, and different disciplines. We encourage parentaladvocacy and involvement to help us carry this process beyond the classroom.Because parental, student, and faculty involvement and encouragement are all essential tosuccess at Fortune Academy, we ask that you refer to this handbook to obtain informationregarding the school. We are thrilled that you have entrusted us to educate your child.We are pleased to have you as a part of the Fortune Academy family___________________________Janet George, M.S., M.Ed., Fellow / A.O.G.P.E.Principal and Head of SchoolFortune Academy2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 3 of 74
TABLE OF CONTENTSMISSION STATEMENT........................................................................................................... 10RECOGNITIONS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS ................................................................. 10 Accreditation......................................................................................................................... 10 Association Memerships ................................................................................................... 10HISTORY and EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY ................................................................. 11FOUNDATION of FORTUNE ACADEMY ........................................................................... 11FACULTY QUALIFICATIONS ................................................................................................ 12INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS............................................................................................. 12OUTSIDE AGENCY OBSERVATION POLICY .................................................................. 13PARENT VISITS ........................................................................................................................ 14ANNUAL GIVING / GIFT OPPORTUNITES ...................................................................... 14FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE...................................................................................................... 15PAYMENT POLICY ................................................................................................................... 15CONTRACT and COMMITMENT ......................................................................................... 16SCHOOL HOURS ..................................................................................................................... 16 Lower School Hours ......................................................................................................... 16 High School Hours............................................................................................................ 16 Early Drop-Off Policy ....................................................................................................... 16 Late Pick-Up Policy........................................................................................................... 17MEASURING LOWER SCHOOL STUDENT PROGRESS ............................................. 17 Standardized Achievement Testing ............................................................................. 18 Curriculum Based Assessments .................................................................................. 18 Performance Based Assessments ................................................................................ 18 Portfolios .............................................................................................................................. 18CODE of CONDUCT POLICY................................................................................................ 18 Student Responsibility.............................................................................................. 19 Parent/Guardian Responsibility............................................................................ 19 Behavioral Expectations ................................................................................................. 20 Plagiarism ............................................................................................................................ 21 Suspension.......................................................................................................................... 21 Responsibility for Materials ........................................................................................... 22 Searches............................................................................................................................... 222016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 4 of 74
EXTRA-CURRICULAR/CO-CURRICULAR ELIGIBILTY POLICY............................... 22BEHAVIOR POLICIES............................................................................................................. 23 Dress Code Policy.............................................................................................................. 23 Uniform Bottoms ........................................................................................................ 24 Additional Clothing .................................................................................................... 25 Shoes .............................................................................................................................. 25 Hair for Boys ................................................................................................................ 25 Hair for Girls ................................................................................................................ 26 Layering ......................................................................................................................... 26 Legwear .......................................................................................................................... 26 Make-Up and Nails .................................................................................................... 26 Tattoos............................................................................................................................ 27 Scents............................................................................................................................. 27 Jewelry ........................................................................................................................... 27 Athletic Wear................................................................................................................ 27 Spirit Wear.................................................................................................................... 28 Special Dress Code Notes ........................................................................................ 28 Gym Uniform................................................................................................................ 28 Dress Code Violations and Consequences ......................................................... 28 Diversity Policy................................................................................................................... 29 Harassment Policy ............................................................................................................ 29DRUG and ALCOHOL POLICY ............................................................................................ 30 Drug and Alcohol Testing ............................................................................................... 31 Consequences .............................................................................................................. 31INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE and SAFETY POLICY (IAUSP).................................. 32 General Principles of IAUSP.................................................................................... 33 IAUSP Monitoring and Privacy ............................................................................... 33 Prohibited Uses of Fortune Academy’s Internet System................................ 34 Filtering.......................................................................................................................... 36 Protection of Personally Identifiable and Confidential Information ........... 36 Student Internet Safety ............................................................................................ 37 Violations of IAUSP Policy........................................................................................ 37 Limitation of Liability ................................................................................................ 38 IAUSP Copy and Inquiries ....................................................................................... 382016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 5 of 74
Electronic Equipment Policy ......................................................................................... 39 Laptop / Tablet Leasing ........................................................................................... 39 Personal Devices ......................................................................................................... 39 Cell Phone Policy ............................................................................................................... 39ATTENDENCE POLICY .......................................................................................................... 39 Absences .............................................................................................................................. 40 Make Up Work ................................................................................................................... 41 Jr. High and High School Students...................................................................... 41 Students in Grades 1-6................................................................................. 41 Make Up Work for Planned Absences ........................................................................ 42 Jr. High and High School Students...................................................................... 42 Students in Grades 1-6 ............................................................................................ 42 Tardies .................................................................................................................................. 42 Appointments/Leaving School/Early Dismissal..................................................... 43 College Visits ...................................................................................................................... 44ACADEMIC POLICY ................................................................................................................ 44 Academic Integrity Policy................................................................................................ 44 Personal Responsibility Practice (PRP) Policy .......................................................... 45 Jr. High and High School Students...................................................................... 45 Students in Grades 1-6 ............................................................................................ 45 Students in All Grades.............................................................................................. 46 Fortune Academy Teachers Will...................................................................... 46 Fortune Academy Parents Will ........................................................................ 46 Fortune Academy Students Will...................................................................... 47PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL TESTING ................................................................................... 48SAFE SCHOOL PROCEDURES ........................................................................................... 48 Confidentiality.................................................................................................................... 49 Campus Safety Concerning Visitors ........................................................................... 49 Visitor Procedures ...................................................................................................... 49 Walking My Child to Class ...................................................................................... 49 Dropping Off Items to My Child ............................................................................. 49 Picking Up My Child Early ...................................................................................... 50PARKING LOT SAFETY POLICY.......................................................................................... 50 Morning Drop-Off Procedures....................................................................................... 502016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 6 of 74
Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures...................................................................................... 51MORNING DROP-OFF PROCEDURES.............................................................................. 51 Lower School....................................................................................................................... 51 High School ......................................................................................................................... 51 Carpooling ........................................................................................................................... 52 High School Student Driver........................................................................................... 52DISMISSAL PROCEDURES .................................................................................................. 52 Lower School....................................................................................................................... 52 High School ......................................................................................................................... 52 Carpooling ........................................................................................................................... 53 High School Student Driver........................................................................................... 53HEALTH and SAFETY POLICY ............................................................................................ 53 Early Dismissal for Illness ............................................................................................. 53MEDICATION POLICY ............................................................................................................ 53 Medication Dispensing Times ....................................................................................... 53 Short-Term Prescription Medication........................................................................... 54 Long-Term Prescription Medication ............................................................................ 54 Over-the-Counter Medication ....................................................................................... 54LICE POLICY ............................................................................................................................. 55CONTAGIOUS DISEASES POLICY..................................................................................... 55IMMUNIZATION POLICY ....................................................................................................... 56 Immunization Requirements......................................................................................... 56GENERAL HEALTH and MEDICAL POLICIES ............................................................... 56 Students............................................................................................................................... 56 Employees............................................................................................................................ 58 Communicable Disease and Public Announcement.............................................. 58 Exposure to Health Risks and Body Fluids.............................................................. 59EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING ..................................................................................... 59HOMELAND SECURITY RED ALERT................................................................................ 59EVACUATION of STUDENTS ............................................................................................... 60LOCK DOWN MODE............................................................................................................... 60SNOW/INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY ......................................................................... 60TRANSCRIPTS and RECORDS RELEASE POLICY ....................................................... 61 Parent/Guardian/Student Requested Transcript.................................................. 612016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 7 of 74
Educational Institution Requested Transcript ........................................................ 61RECOMMENDATION LETTER POLICY............................................................................. 61GENERAL INFORMATION..................................................................................................... 61 Parent Pack Forms ........................................................................................................... 61 Custody Issues................................................................................................................... 61 Subpoena............................................................................................................................. 62 Study Trips.......................................................................................................................... 62 School Supplies ................................................................................................................. 63 Textbooks............................................................................................................................. 63 Telephone............................................................................................................................. 63 Carpools and Authorized Drivers................................................................................. 63 Lunch .................................................................................................................................... 64 Snacks .................................................................................................................................. 64 Microwave Usage ............................................................................................................... 64 Refrigerators ....................................................................................................................... 64 Communication ................................................................................................................. 64 Gradelink ............................................................................................................................. 64 Fortune Academy Website.............................................................................................. 64SCHOOL RECORDS POLICY ............................................................................................... 65SPECIAL HIGH SCHOOL SECTION (pages 65-72)........................................................ 65 Academics............................................................................................................................ 66 Core 40 Graduation Requirements ............................................................................. 67 Class Rank .......................................................................................................................... 68 Grades/Report Cards ...................................................................................................... 68 Numerical Grade Values................................................................................................. 68 Dean’s List........................................................................................................................... 69 Honors .................................................................................................................................. 69 Grading Periods, Conferences, and Final Exams ................................................... 69 Tests ...................................................................................................................................... 69 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences....................................................................... 69STUDENT DRIVER POLICY.................................................................................................. 69ACADEMIC PROBATION POLICY....................................................................................... 70EXTRA CREDIT POLICY ........................................................................................................ 71FAILING GRADES POLICY ................................................................................................... 712016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 8 of 74
MATH and FOREIGN LANGUAGE POLICY ..................................................................... 71GENERAL HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION...................................................................... 72 High School Advisory ....................................................................................................... 72 High School Community Service.................................................................................. 72FORTUNE ACADEMY ATHLETICS (pages 72-74) ......................................................... 72 Athletics Eligibility Rules .............................................................................................. 72 Athletics General Information ..................................................................................... 73 Sports Awards .................................................................................................................... 74 Varsity Letter ............................................................................................................... 74 Scholar Athlete................................................................................................................... 74DISCLAIMER:Fortune Academy’s Administration reserves the rightto alter or amend the guidelines and policies set forthin the Fortune Academy Parent and StudentHandbook based on individual student’scircumstances or change in school policy.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 9 of 74
MISSION STATEMENTFortune Academy is a comprehensive school dedicated to educating andequipping students with language learning differences to becomecompetent and confident lifelong learners.The school is designed to provide an environment that nurtures eachchild’s development, builds upon his/her individual strengths, and offersremediation in areas of weakness. It offers a comprehensive curriculumthat incorporates the Orton-Gillingham approach in all areas ofinstruction. The school provides a structured, sequential, multi-sensoryeducational program designed for students to achieve a high standard ofacademic excellence. Personalized instruction within the framework ofthe curriculum is developed for students ranging in ability from averageto above average potential to learn.Fortune Academy encourages students to develop effective learningstrategies by hiring highly trained teachers who meet the individualeducational needs of each student, building on strengths, addressinglearning styles, and cultivating the confidence necessary for self-advocacy. All teachers have been trained or are in training in the Orton-Gillingham Approach under guidance of a Fellow in the Academy ofOrton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators.Establishing partnerships with families and sharing resources withparents, educators, and professionals beyond the school are essential tothe Fortune Academy experience. Fortune Academy is dedicated toinspiring life-long learners who enjoy a quality of life that is educationallyrewarding and personally fulfilling. RECOGNITIONS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTSAccreditation Independent School Association of Central States (ISACS) The Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators (AOGPE) International Dyslexia Association (IDA)Association Memberships Indiana Association of Independent Schools (IAIS) Learning Disabilities Association National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 10 of 74
HISTORY and EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPYFortune Academy opened in August of 2002 as an independent dayschool for students with specific language learning differences. TheOrton-Gillingham approach is the foundation of the schools educationalprogram.Fortune Academy’s mission is to provide an environment that nurtureseach child’s development, built upon his/her individual strengths, andoffers remediation in areas of weakness. It offers a comprehensivecurriculum that incorporates the Orton-Gillingham approach into allareas of instruction. The school provides a structured, sequential, multi-sensory educational program designed for students to achieve a highstandard of academic excellence. Personalized instruction within theframework of the curriculum is developed for superior to averagelearners.Fortune Academy has an appreciation of the broader range of diversitythat exists in our society. Diversity exists in language, in color, inreligion, cultural heritage, financial resources, educational background,in fact, in many different ways that are not easily classified. FortuneAcademy makes a significant effort to reduce the barrier posed by tuitioncosts through need-based financial aid.Founder Janet George is the Head of School. Lori Jones is the AssistantHead of School, Jim O’Donnell is the Dean of High School, and AndreaCorey is the Director of Development. The teaching staff includesclassroom teachers, art specialists, and Orton-Gillingham practitioners.Attainment of Certification from the Orton-Gillingham Academy ofPractitioners and Educators is a requirement for all full time classroomteachers and tutors.Fortune Academy Board of Trustees is active and supportive of themission of the school. The Trustees’ leadership is strengthened by theirdiverse professional backgrounds, including business, finance, law,technology, and the medical field. The Board will continue to serve avital role as the school grows. FOUNDATIONS of FORTUNE ACADEMY Utilize proven, research-based reading and math instruction based on neuroscientific evidence.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 11 of 74
Provide rigorous and regular professional development to continuously equip teachers with the most proven instructional approaches to meet the needs of the LD students. Commit to a comprehensive and balanced curriculum, which includes art, performing arts, music, physical education, as well as extra-curricular offerings that support and encourage the LD student. Ensure a comprehensive and responsive team of ancillary specialists to support the individual student’s academic and social- emotional needs. Sustain a vested interest in strong parent/school/community partnerships. FACULTY QUALIFICATIONSFortune Academy prides itself on its outstanding and experienced staff,which is highly trained in diagnostic-prescriptive teaching, academicremediation, modifications, and adaptations. Our staff members arerecognized as leaders in their field. Faculty members holdundergraduate and graduate degrees from universities and collegesthroughout the country. Teachers are certified in one or more of theseareas: School Administration, Special Education, ElementaryEducation, Deaf Education, Gifted Education, Reading, and Orton-Gillingham. The Head of School is a Fellow in the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators.A strong professional development program enables both faculty andadministration to keep abreast of research and educationaladvancements in their fields through conferences, workshops, andgraduate studies. In addition to teaching responsibilities, the faculty isactively involved in professional organizations, leading workshops, andgiving presentations at the local and state level. INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMSAll Fortune Academy students benefit from a curriculum that isdelivered with research-based programs and instructional strategiesdesigned and modified for our students with a range of learning styles.Our curriculum is based on our students’ developmental readiness tomaster the skills and concepts involved in acquiring proficiency in eachsubject area. Students receive instruction and reinforcement within astructured curriculum framework until they are prepared forindependent application.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 12 of 74
A number of skills and concepts in our curriculum are taught over aperiod of years using progressively more challenging materials andincreased expectations for student performance. Our goal is to enableour students to become independent learners as they move through acurriculum that link the Orton-Gillingham Approach with learning in allareas.Fortune Academy students in every grade participate in study trips andquality programs that lay the foundations for cultural appreciation andknowledge of the world. These experiences enable the students to betterunderstand their place in the world and help equip them to managechange. Fortune Academy believes that the “hands-on” experiences thatchildren receive from out-of-school instruction can help solidify conceptstaught in the classroom. OUTSIDE AGENCY OBSERVATION POLICYFortune Academy recognizes the need for outside agencies to visit ourschool campus on occasion to complete formal observations for a specificstudent.We welcome visitors and wish to accommodate reasonable requests. PerFortune Academy school policy, please read the following and submit allrequired documents 24 hours prior to any scheduled visit: A mutually agreed date and time must be established between the visiting agency and Fortune Academy. Fortune Academy policy limits agencies to two visitors to complete observations. Fortune Academy policy requires agencies provide the following prior to their visit: a. Names of visitors who will complete the observation b. A copy of current police background check for each visitor c. Curriculum vitae on each visitor A signed Parent Notification and Permission for Outside Observation Form must be completed and turned into Fortune Academy 24 hours prior to the scheduled observation (attached). Note: Fortune Academy recognizes public schools do not have a legal requirement to obtain a release to observe a student. This is a policy of Fortune Academy. Observations will last no more than 90 minutes.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 13 of 74
PARENT VISITSYou are welcome to visit Fortune Academy, but due to our structuredclass environment, we do ask for 24-hour notice of your interest invisiting so we can inform you of any special circumstances during thetime you would like to visit.All visitors, including parents/guardians, must have a current CriminalHistory Background Check from the Indiana State Police Department onfile with Fortune Academy. ANNUAL GIVING / GIFT OPPORTUNITIESThe Annual Giving Campaign, which takes place in late fall, is essentialfor Fortune Academy and is our yearly commitment to enrichingprograms, competitive faculty/staff compensation, and affordabletuition.The entire Fortune Academy community depends on a successfulcampaign. A gift to the Annual Giving Campaign demonstrates supportto educational excellence for dyslexic children. We expect that the entireschool community will participate. You will receive a notice when thecampaign begins. We appreciate your continued support. VOLUNTEERINGParents, grandparents, and extended family members are vital partnersof Fortune Academy. Volunteering provides the opportunity to meetother parents, grandparents, Fortune Academy faculty members andstaff, and the students. All volunteers involved in student activities willbe required to complete a Criminal Background Check form, which willbe valid for the 2016 – 2017 academic school year. All adult volunteerstudy trip drivers will also be required to furnish a copy of his/heroperator’s driver license and proof of automotive insurance prior totransporting students.Parent and grandparent committees are essential to the success ofFortune Academy events. We encourage your involvement inestablished committees and welcome your ideas for new committeeprojects.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 14 of 74
Criminal Background Checks are valid for the current academic yearonly. Each year, a new background check must be conducted for thesafety of our students and staff. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCEFortune Academy provides Financial assistance for families who meetthe requirements and have submitted the appropriate paperwork toFortune Academy by the posted due date.Fortune Academy does not discriminate based on race, color, religion,gender identification, sexual orientation, or national origin when makingdecisions regarding Financial Assistance.Financial Assistance is available ONLY if Fortune Academy has theappropriate funds. Funding varies from year to year; therefore, familiesrequesting Financial Assistance must reapply each year. Currentrecipients of Financial Assistance are not guaranteed future assistance.The Fortune Academy Finance Committee is responsible fordetermination of Financial Assistance recipients. Decisions rendered bythe Finance Committee are final. All financial information provided willbe held in complete confidence and all financial documentation will besecurely destroyed and disposed once decisions are rendered.Financial Assistance procedures are available upon request or byvisiting the Fortune Academy website at Assistance is not a scholarship or a grant. Recipients ofFinancial Assistance will be required to provide ten Service Hours permonth for financial assistance. Please review Service Hours in thishandbook. PAYMENT POLICYFortune Academy has a payment policy to assist parents plan theirtuition payments. It is important that parents abide by the policy termsof the Tuition Contract. Fortune Academy is registered with FACTSTuition Management Plan. Parents sign up for FACTS by visiting ourwebsite at and clicking the FACTS link.Any type of payment returned due to non-sufficient funds (NSFs) issubject to a $30.00 fee payable to Fortune Academy per occurrence. Iftwo NSFs occur, payment in the form of cash, Cashier’s Check, orMoney Order will be the forms acceptable at Fortune Academy.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 15 of 74
In the event there are outstanding fees for tuition, laptop/tablet rental,After Care, clubs, athletics, text books, study trips, etc., all academicrecords, including report cards and progress reports will be sealed aswell as Gradelink locked until all fees are paid in full.Fortune Academy does not accept credit cards. CONTRACT and COMMITMENTYour child has been selected to occupy one of a limited number ofopenings at Fortune Academy. In the unlikely event that your child hasan extended illness or has been asked to complete an authorizedabsence due to behavioral and/or emotional issues, you are stillrequired to fulfill your total financial obligation as stated in the annualTuition Contract agreement. SCHOOL HOURSLower School Hours Student Drop-Off, Monday through Friday: 8:10 a.m. Classes Begin Promptly at: 8:25 a.m. a) Students not in their homeroom class at 8:25 a.m. will be considered tardy. Student Pick-Up Monday through Thursday: 3:15 p.m. Student Pick-Up on Friday: 1:15 p.m.High School Hours Student Drop-Off, Monday through Friday: 8:10 a.m. First Period Begin Promptly at: 8:25 a.m. a) Students not in their first period at 8:25 a.m. will be considered tardy. Student Pick-Up Monday through Thursday: 3:30 p.m. Student Pick-Up on Friday: 1:30 p.m.Early Drop-Off Policy Students are not permitted to enter the building prior to 8:10 a.m.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 16 of 74
Late Pick-Up Policy Any Lower School student not picked up by 3:30 p.m. will be sent to After Care, where a $15 fee will be applied (payable directly to the After Care Attendant (not Fortune Academy). In addition, the parent/guardian will be required to fill out After Care forms and consents. All High School students either need to be in an after school activity, or they need to be picked up or drive off the campus by 3:45 p.m. MEASURING LOWER SCHOOL STUDENT PROGRESSFortune Academy is committed to providing a child-centeredenvironment where a child’s needs, interests, and levels of developmentare considered. The education provided at Fortune Academy is adaptedto individual aptitudes and the faculty is prepared to offer a variety oflearning situations to achieve learning outcomes.Due to the specialized nature of the program offered to Fortune Academystudents, ongoing attention must be paid to enhancing communicationwith the parents of the students. Regular evaluation of each student’sprogress will be made throughout the year. Parent conferences will beheld first, second and third quarters to discuss academic growth, workhabits, and behavior. Letter grades will not be used on the progressreports in grades one through six, a numerical code will be used todenote the student’s progress toward his or her individual expectations.Grades seven and eight use a traditional standard lettering system (viewHigh School Section: Grades/Report Cards for details).You need not wait for a pre-determined date to schedule a conferencewith your child’s teacher or tutor. Fortune Academy staff membersrecognize and appreciate the importance of ongoing communicationregarding the academic and social growth of your child. Please feel freeto contact the school any time you have a question or concern. Youractive involvement is an important part of the approach to teaching thosewith learning differences.The following is an outline of the evaluation tools we use to measure thestudents’ progress. These tools are designed primarily for theinstructional staff to gain understanding of each student’s progress, aswell as student strengths and needs.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 17 of 74
Standardized Achievement TestingTesting includes reading, spelling, math, and written expression. Thesetests are normed from a sample population, which provides a generalcomparison of where a student is in comparison with that population.Curriculum Based AssessmentsThis form of assessment is looking at how well your child is learningwhat is being taught. It is developed to monitor progress and will beconducted periodically throughout the year.Performance Based AssessmentsThis form of assessment allows the child to show what he/she knows atthe end of a unit of study. Students may perform a play, write a story,answer questions orally that are given by the teacher, or any otherappropriate model to demonstrate knowledge gained. A rubric is used toscore the student’s final project.PortfoliosThe staff collects and binds samples of specific work throughout the yearto document each student’s work and progress. This work is reviewed toexamine progress made in various subjects.Please feel free to phone the school if you would like to discuss theprocess of testing in further detail. CODE of CONDUCT POLICYThe goal of Fortune Academy’s Code of Conduct Policy is to instill in eachstudent an awareness of and respect for the rights of others. Suchawareness shall include proper respect of rightful authority, conformityto school rules and regulations, and such provisions of law as they applyto student conduct. Students will also adhere to the school dress code.Citizenship in a democracy requires respect for the rights of others.Student conduct shall reflect consideration for the rights and privilegesof others and shall exhibit cooperation with all members of the schoolcommunity. High personal standards of courtesy, decency, morality,clean language, honesty, and wholesome relationships with others shallbe encouraged.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 18 of 74
Student responsibilities include a conscientious effort in all areas ofschool life and conformance to school rules and regulations. Studentsshare responsibility, along with the administration and faculty, todevelop a climate within the school that is conducive to wholesomelearning and living.While the program at Fortune Academy contains the flexibility to providefor the needs of a wide range of students with learning differences, it isrequired that students not exhibit major behavior problems. Theteachers are trained in behavior management techniques, and theadministration will address infractions of school rules. To ensureacademic success, school hours are devoted to educational needs. It isexpected that all students and parents will follow school rules andpolicies. Teachers employ suitable consequences to encouragecooperation. If a student does not respond to these consequences, andthe problem behavior persists, additional measures will be taken. Nostudent has the right to interfere with the education of his or her fellowstudents. It is the responsibility of each student to respect the rights ofthe faculty, administrators, fellow students, and all others who areinvolved in the educational process.Student Responsibility: Be aware of all rules and regulations for student behavior and to follow the rules/regulations Volunteer information to an administrator in matters relative to the health, safety, and welfare of the school community and the protection of school property Assist the school staff in operating a safe school for all students, staff and visitors Exercise proper care when using facilities and equipment Exhibit courtesy and use appropriate languageParent/Guardian Responsibility: Maintain good communication with the school Encourage their child to participate in school activities Support a positive atmosphere2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 19 of 74
Behavioral Expectations Student will follow the rules/regulations for behavior that are stated in the handbook Student will demonstrate positive attitudes, respect, and courtesy towards self, others, and property Student will attend school daily and arrive to class on time Student will follow directions given by faculty and staff Student will adhere to the dress codeBehaviors that could result in suspension or dismissal include, but arenot limited to, the following: Violent behavior, evidence of violent behavior or physically hitting or harming self or other individuals The possession, use, or distribution of alcohol, drugs, tobacco products (including vaping and e-cigarettes), or any other potentially harmful substances or products (see Drug and Alcohol Policy) Vandalism and/or negligent disregard of school property or property of others. Hazardous activities, including causing a fire, falsely reporting or signaling a fire alarm or making a bomb threat Possession or use of firearms, knives, or other weapons or explosives Stealing Skipping class(es) Cheating, including plagiarism Violation of the Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (IAUSP) Violation of Drug and Alcohol Policy Fighting, hazing or harassment, whether physical, verbal, written or supposedly made in jest, violates state and federal law Sexual misconduct Leaving school grounds during regular school hours without permission Leaving a school group during an off-campus activity Any other gross or persistent violation of school policies StealingWhen a student fails to respond positively to disciplinary measures andconsistent effort to work with the student and the family does not resultin consistently improved behavior, then it will become necessary todismiss the student from Fortune Academy. Our goal is to teachstudents to make responsible choices regarding their behavior. It is2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 20 of 74
expected that students will treat their classmates, teachers,administrators and themselves respectfully at all times.A student who has been expelled is not welcome on school property or atany school function without prior consent from the Head of School. Ifthe student is on school property without prior consent by the Head ofSchool, he/she will be asked to leave.Because a student’s behavior reflects upon Fortune Academy and theentire school community, these behavioral guidelines are to be followedboth on and off campus for as long as the student is a member of theFortune Academy community. Therefore, violations that occur offcampus that come to the attention of the Fortune Academyadministration are also subject to disciplinary action.PlagiarismPlagiarism is unacceptable at Fortune Academy. Students who plagiarizewill receive a zero on the paper/project, and will be required to re-do theproject but will not receive a grade for it. Students will also be subject toother consequences and are subject to suspension or expulsion.SuspensionWhen a student is placed in either an in-school suspension (ISS) or anout-of school suspension (OSS), his/her grades will be affected in thefollowing manner: If a student has a test or a quiz during ISS or OSS, his/her grade on the test/quiz will be reduced by one letter grade (i.e. if a student scores a “B” on the quiz/test, he she will receive a “C” for it, etc.) Students are required to take all tests and quizzes Students will earn credit on all class work during ISS or OSS, but their grade on class work will be reduced by one letter grade (i.e. if a student scores a “B” on class work, he/she will receive a “C” for it, etc.) Students are required to complete all class work in a thorough manner Students are required to write a reflection essay during ISS or OSS A student who is serving an in-school or out-of-school suspension will be ineligible to participate in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities on the calendar days of the suspension.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 21 of 74
Responsibility for MaterialsAccepting responsibility for keeping up with and maintaining materials isimportant for each student. To reinforce these habits, teachers assiststudents in developing a system for organizing materials. Students arerequired to follow the organizational system Fortune Academy has inplace for students. Students are not routinely permitted to call homeand request that parents dispatch work and materials to them. Parentsare also encouraged not to bring these items to school for the student. Ifa student destroys school materials, equipment, or property, he/she willbe responsible for damages.SearchesFor the safety and protection of all students, anything brought onto theschool premises (in a locker, in a car, in a book bag, purse, on theirperson, etc.) is subject to search by school authorities/administrators. EXTRA-CURRICULAR/CO-CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY POLICYStudents must attend a minimum of four class periods in order toparticipate in extra-curricular activities that day (this includes practices,athletic games, performances, dances, clubs, Student Council, etc.) Thisincludes all school-sponsored activities regardless if the event is beingheld off the Fortune Academy’s physical location.A student will have the privilege of participating in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities (including Student Council, clubs, dramaproductions/practices, athletic practices/games, etc.) if he/she mustmaintain a minimum passing grade of 70% in all academiccourses/subjects.If a student becomes ineligible to participate in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities at either mid-quarter or at the end of a quarter dueto grades, he/she will be placed on an academic improvement plan.Once placed on an academic improvement plan, the student will bereevaluated on a weekly basis by the school administration to see ifshe/he can participate in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities thefollowing week. The student is to meet the following requirements inorder to become eligible the following week:1. Meet with his/her teacher or teachers of relevant subjects one time during the week for extra help and to see how he/she can improve2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 22 of 74
grade and have his/her teacher(s) sign off on the meeting(this meeting is to occur outside the regular class)2. Give the teacher(s) 100% effort in class and during the additional help session3. Have 100% PRP completion in all classes for the week4. If a student successfully completes steps 1, 2 and 3 above and still is unable to raise his/her grade to a minimum of a C, it is at the discretion of the teacher and the administration as to whether the student is able to participate in his/her extra-curricular/co-curricular activity.Students are to continue to meet the requirements outlined above insections 1, 2, and 3 if their core and/or overall GPA remains below a 2.0or if their grade falls below a C in any subject. If at any time, a studentwho is on the academic improvement plan does not meet requirements 1,2, and 3 listed above, he/she will lose the privilege to participate inextra-curricular/co-curricular activities for the following week. Studentswill be reevaluated on a weekly basis until they have a minimum of a 2.0core and overall GPA and a minimum grade of C in all subjects.A student who is serving an in-school or out-of-school suspension will beineligible to participate in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities on thecalendar day(s) of the suspension. BEHAVIOR POLICIESDress Code PolicyIn order to decrease time spent on dress code issues and to maintainour focus on education, students are required to wear a uniform top or acomplete uniform. Having a dress code allows the teachers andadministrators to concentrate on all of the positive accomplishments ofour students and to keep the curriculum a priority. Our goal is to makelearning, not clothing the student’s focus. When students are dressed“ready” for learning, there are fewer distractions and increasedaccomplishments in the classroom.Fortune Academy Head of School and Administrators reserve the right tojudge all hairstyles/general appearance as appropriate. Modifications tohair/dress will be required if the dress code is not followed. Adherenceto the dress code is the student’s responsibility. Violations in the dresscode will result in disciplinary action.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 23 of 74
The following describes our policy in specific detail to ensure thateveryone fully understands what the expectations are for appropriatedress in the school setting:The following dress code applies to ALL students in grades First throughTwelfth GradeIn order to decrease time spent on dress code issues and to maintainour focus on education, all students are required to wear a schooluniform. School uniforms allow the teachers and administrators toconcentrate on all of the positive accomplishments of our students andto keep the curriculum a priority. Our goal is to make learning, notclothing, the student’s focus.We have selected school uniform pants and shorts from Schoolbellesand Lands’ End. You may order uniform pants and shorts fromSchoolbelles at (school code 1775) and Lands’ End (preferred school number 900122748).Schoolbelles also has a retail store in the Glendale Mall area.To simplify the uniform purchase, parents will order student uniformtops through Fortune Academy. Both embroidered or appliqued topsand jackets may be ordered. These items will be available for pick up atthe School Ice Cream Social in August. All tops will have a FortuneAcademy logo. Jackets will have an embroidered logo. Polo shirts will theoption of either an embroidered or applique Fortune Academy logo.Additional uniform tops and jackets can be ordered on the FortuneAcademy website at through the AcornStore.The following describes our policy in specific detail to ensure thateveryone fully understands what the expectations are for appropriatedress in the school setting.Please remember to provide a complete spare uniform to keep at school.Label all jackets, sweaters, gym uniforms, etc. with the child’s first andlast names.Uniform Bottoms: All shorts and plaid jumpers (jumpers are only available for girls in grades 1-4 at Schoolbelles only) are worn no shorter than the2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 24 of 74
student’s mid-thigh (halfway between the top of the child’s inseam to the top of the knee). Clothing should fit appropriately, should not be skintight nor should clothes sag. Uniform shorts are not permitted to be rolled up at the leg or rolled down at the waist. Long uniform pants and shorts are permitted from the approved uniform outlets. Capris, Skorts, Cargo Pants, Skirts, Dresses, Leggings, Yoga Pants, Sweatpants, etc. are not permitted. Uniform pants are not permitted to be rolled up at the leg or rolled down at the waist. Uniform skirts may be worn due to religious beliefs, but must be a minimum of fingertip length.Additional Clothing: Hats, scarves, bandannas, or scarf headbands are not permitted to be worn in school. Students must remove outer garments including boots, jackets, coats, caps, hats, bandannas, and sweatbands when entering the building.Shoes: The only footgear permitted to be worn with the school uniform are: a) Solid white, solid navy blue, or solid black tennis shoes b) Solid tan or solid navy blue Dock Shoes (Boat Shoes) Shoelaces must match the color of the shoe Tennis shoes may not have “high heels” or “wedges” Tennis shoes come up as high as the ankle (high tops are permitted) Shoes may not have glitter or sparkly sheen Toe stop of tennis shoe must match the color of the shoeHair for Boys: Hair is to be well groomed, clean, and out of the eyes at all times Hair (if color treated) is to be a natural color and styled in such a way that it is not a distraction (blue, red, purple, green, pink, orange, etc. is not permitted) Hair that falls below the collar must be kept in a hair tie at all times. Dreadlocks are not permitted. Sideburns should be trimmed so they are not excessively thick and do not reach below the bottom of the ear Facial hair (i.e. mustache or beard) is not permitted.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 25 of 74
Hair for Girls: Hair is to be well groomed, cut and styled so it does not become a distraction Hair (if color treated) is to be a natural hair color (blue, red, purple, green, pink, orange, etc. is not permitted) Dreadlocks are not permitted Approved Hair Accessories a) Hairbrettes and hairclips must be of natural hair color b) Elastic and Plastic Headbands must be of natural hair color c) Other approved hair accessories must be purchased through Schoolbelles or Lands’ End Non-approved Hair Accessories a) Chopsticks or pencils to hold hair up b) Beads, flowers, feathers, chains, etc. c) Scarves d) Bandanas e) HatsLayering: Garments worn under polo shirts are to be white with no writing Girls who wear the plaid Jumper (grades 1st-4th only) may wear hunter green or navy blue shorts under their jumperLegwear: Tights and leggings are to be plain and must coordinate with uniform colors: white, navy blue, or hunter green Socks are to be plain and must coordinate with uniform colors: white, navy blue, or hunter greenMake-Up and Nails: Jr. High (7th-8th) and High School (9th-12th) Girls may wear make- up and nail polish, both should be in good taste. Unusual colors, combinations of colors, designs, or excessively heavy make-up are not to be worn Girls in grades 1st-6th are permitted with parent discretion Boys are not permitted to wear make-up or nail polish to schoolTattoos:2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 26 of 74
No visible tattoos are permitted at school, at school functions, or during Fortune Academy athletic events.Scents: Perfume, Cologne, and Body Spray is not permitted due to student and teacher allergies.Jewelry: Earrings are the only acceptable form of visible body piercing for female students. a) Rings and posts are permitted only through the ears. b) Girls may wear up to two pairs of earrings. c) Dangling earrings are not to be worn Excessive jewelry is not permitted Jewelry may not be noisy or distracting Males may have only one set of ear piercings at the lobe. No gages permitted (stud earrings only).Athletic Wear: Fortune Academy Athletic Wear may only be worn on the athletes’ Game Day or on Wednesday Spirit Wear Day All Fortune Academy Athletes will have to purchase an approved Athletic School Uniform from the Acorn Store (if the student athlete wishes to wear the athletic uniform during school hours) at The Athletic School Uniform is the same for all sports with the exception of the tee shirt, which will state “Volleyball”, “Basketball”, “Cross-Country”, “Cheerleading”, or “Track”. Athletic Uniform consists of three pieces and is worn with all three pieces: Tricot jacket, tricot pants, and white tee shirt with the sport appliqued in green. a) Athletic tee shirt (white with green appliqued sport name) may not be worn with basic uniform pants or shorts b) Athletic tricot pants may not be worn with basic uniform top c) Athletic tricot jacket may not be worn with basic uniform2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 27 of 74
Spirit Wear: Spirit Wear tops may be worn in lieu of a uniform top (uniform pants are still required) on Wednesday Spirit Wear Day Spirit Wear must be ordered from the Acorn Store at www.thefortuneacademy.Special Dress Code Notes: All students are expected to be clean, neat, and well groomed. Clothing should be clean and in good repair, i.e., free of holes, tears, or stains. Fortune Academy students attending any school-sponsored event must wear appropriate clothing whether the event is on the campus or away from the campus.Gym Uniforms: High School students must purchase the required gym uniform from the Acorn Store at a) Green Fortune Academy Shorts b) White Property of Fortune Academy Tee-Shirt c) Uniform Approved Tennis/Athletic Shoes Jr. High students are required to dress for gym and are NOT required to purchase the gym uniform from the Acorn Store a) Uniform Approved Tennis/Athletic Shoes b) Plain (no writing/graphics) Shorts and T-Shirt for warm weather c) Plain Sweat Pants and Sweat Shirt for cold weather d) Special Note: Shorts must be at least half way between the inseam and back of the knee in accordance to the Parent/Student Handbook. Yoga pants are not permitted in Wellness.Dress Code Violations and Consequences:Violations in the dress code will result in disciplinary action as follows: First Violation: Student will be sent to the school office. Student will phone parents to explain the violation. Student will change into back-up uniform. Second Violation: In addition to the First Violation, the Second Violation will result in reading the dress code from the handbook to an administrator plus a half (½) hour of after school detention.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 28 of 74
Third Violation: In addition to the First and Second Violations, Parent/Student conference will be calledDiversity PolicyThe concept of diversity is at the core of the educational philosophy thatdrives Fortune Academy. As a specialized school for children withspecific language learning differences, Fortune Academy acts on thebasic premise that individuals learn differently and that the role of theschool is to help students understand their differences. With thisunderstanding, students can reach their full potential as individuals andmembers of society. The Board of Trustees, administration, and facultyappreciate the significance of such diversity as we advance the school’smission. We see as a key goal for educational process that all parentsand students achieve an appreciation for the significance of thedifferences in learning styles and understand that the strength of ourschool rests in our ability to support one another in these differences.As with learning differences, we strive to have our students recognize,understand, and respect the full range of both their own differences andthose of their friends and schoolmates. The educational process aims toprepare students to function in the complex mix of our society with pridein self and appreciation of others.Fortune Academy Board of Trustees, Administration, faculty, and staff,expect Fortune Academy students to accept the diversity of our schoolpopulation.Fortune Academy seeks to graduate students who have not only a strongsense of their own identity but also an appreciation that the strength ofour society is founded on the diversity of its members.Harassment PolicyFortune Academy is committed to cultivating a school community thatreflects cultural, ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic diversity. Thiscommitment to diversity requires a commitment by the schoolcommunity to practice mutual respect and to provide a forum in whichwe examine our traditional attitudes and beliefs about differences anddiscard those that are not appropriate.Fortune Academy strives to be a community in which every individual istreated with sensitivity and respect. The school will not tolerate the2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 29 of 74
intimidation, humiliation, or degradation by any member of itscommunity of any other individual based on personal, immutablecharacteristics such as sex, race, religion, gender identification, sexualorientation, or national origin. Even if a student claims to be joking,harassment is still being committed, and the consequences outlinedbelow will be followed. Such harassment will constitute grossmisconduct and will result in disciplinary action that may includesuspension and/or expulsion. Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual advances and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is intimidating, hostile, degrading or offensive. The school is entrusted with the physical and emotional well-being of each of its students, and any hint of inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature is a breach of trust and will result in strong disciplinary action. Racial harassment is intimidation, humiliation, or degradation of an individual or group based on race. Racial harassment includes both easily identified acts of oral, written, or physical harassment, and more subtle forms of harassment such as graffiti, epithets, and racially offensive remarks, jokes, or other forms of “humor”. Such harassment will not be tolerated and will result in strong disciplinary action. Religious, gender identity, sexual orientation, or ethnic harassment includes intimidating, humiliating, or degrading remarks, or gestures or other forms of behavior or expression that demean or trivialize the religious or natural origin of an individual or group. Such harassment will not be tolerated and will result in strong disciplinary action. Any member of the faculty or staff who becomes aware of harassment of a student must report the facts of such harassment to Administration. Students and parents are to report any harassment to administration. Once any allegation of harassment is received, a prompt investigation of the charge will be conducted. Any charge determined by the investigation to be true will be subject to disciplinary action at the sole discretion of the Head of School. Disciplinary action will be taken based on any conduct, on or off campus, which poses a threat to persons or property within the school community. DRUG and ALCOHOL POLICYFortune Academy is a drug free and smoke free campus. It is the goal ofFortune Academy to provide a safe learning environment that is free of2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 30 of 74
illegal drugs, tobacco products (including vaping and e-cigarettes), and alcohol possession and/or its use. This includes using or distributing over-the-counter or prescription drugs in a manner in which they are not prescribed or intended. This goal requires ongoing proactive educational activities that address drug and alcohol use and dependency. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of Fortune Academy administration to impose disciplinary action and consequences on any student who chooses to engage in illegal or inappropriate drug and/or alcohol use, regardless of whether the behavior occurred on or off campus, as well as students under the age of 18 possessing and/or using tobacco products including vaping and e-cigarettes. If a student is found in possession of drugs, tobacco products (including vaping and e-cigarettes), and/or alcohol while on school property, the local authorities will be called. Drug and Alcohol Testing Administration will accept and review referrals for drug and alcohol testing of students, including students exhibiting problematic behavior, students who volunteer for treatment, and students who admit to drug or alcohol use. Drug and Alcohol testing will take place at Fortune Academy and will be sent to a lab chosen by the school’s administration. Students who refuse testing can be dismissed from Fortune Academy. Parents will be billed for the cost of the test, see “Payment Policy”. Consequences:I. If the first drug or alcohol test is positive: a) There will be a meeting with the student, parent and the administration as soon as possible. b) A professional independent counselor, chosen by Fortune Academy , will conduct a drug and alcohol assessment, and the student will be required to follow the recommendations of the counselor in order to remain at Fortune Academy c) The student will remain subject to unscheduled drug and alcohol testing for the remainder of his/her enrollment at Fortune Academy. II. Students who are found to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol on school grounds or at a school-sponsored function,2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 31 of 74
automatically are classified as having a positive drug and/or alcohol test result; therefore, the steps outlined under sections I(a), I(b), and I(c) will be followed.III. If a second drug and/or alcohol test is positive: a) The student will be required to leave Fortune Academy as this demonstrates the inability of the student to remain drug and alcohol free with the awareness of unscheduled drug and alcohol testing and with interventions.IV. Voluntary student request for assistance with chemical dependency problems: a) Students who come forward voluntarily to seek help for a chemical dependency problem will be assisted by the administration. Students who voluntarily request assistance before a violation of the school’s rules regarding alcohol and/or illegal drug involvement will not be subject to discipline. However, the student will be subject to the policies and procedures outlined in The Drug and Alcohol Testing section. V. Law enforcement will be called for any student found to be in possession of illegal drugs. Students found to be using over-the- counter or prescription drugs in a manner in which they are not prescribed or intended, who is using and/or encouraging other students to use over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, or illegal drugs, or who possess alcohol/drugs (prescription, over-the- counter,) for resale will be expelled immediately from Fortune Academy.Fortune Academy Administration reserves the right to alter or amendthese guidelines based on individual student circumstances. INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE and SAFETY POLICY (IAUSP)Fortune Academy provides access to the School’s Internet System for itsemployees, agents, students, and volunteers, collectively referred to as“users” for educational and business purposes, in conformance withapplicable law. This Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (“policy”)governs all electronic activity of users using and accessing the School’sInternet system, including School e-mail and School-provided access tothe Internet, and applies to the use of the Fortune Academy InternetSystem both on and off Fortune Academy property.“The Fortune Academy’s Internet System” means School-provideddevices, Internet connections (including wireless connections) providedby the School, School-provided e-mail accounts, intranet and any remote2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 32 of 74
connection to Fortune Academy system. A user is deemed to access anduse the Fortune Academy’s Internet System through any electronicactivity conducted on the Fortune Academy Internet System using anydevice (whether or not such device is a Fortune Academy-provideddevice) regardless of the user’s physical location.“Fortune Academy-provided devices” means any electronic deviceprovided by the School, including, but not limited to, desktop computers,laptops, and hand-held devices, such as personal digital assistants(PDAs), smartphones, iPads, tablets and e-readers.Student use of the Fortune Academy’s Internet System is governed bythis policy, Fortune Academy regulations, policies and guidelines,Indiana Code 20-30-5.5, and applicable laws. Employee use is governedby this policy, Fortune Academy regulations, policies and guidelines, theFortune Academy’s employment policies, applicable collective bargainingagreements and applicable laws.By using the Fortune Academy’s Internet System, a user agrees to followthis policy and all applicable School regulations, policies and guidelines.All users must report any misuse of the network or Internet or receipt ofany communication that violates this policy to a teacher, supervisor orother appropriate Administrative personnel.General Principles of IAUSP:Internet access and e-mail provided by Fortune Academy are intended foreducational use, instruction, research and the facilitation ofcommunication, collaboration, and other School related purposes. Usersare subject to the same standards expected in a classroom and/orprofessional workplace.IAUSP Monitoring and Privacy:Users have no right to privacy while using Fortune Academy’s InternetSystem. The School monitors users’ online activities and reserves theright to access, review, copy, store, or delete any electroniccommunications or files. This includes any items stored on schoolprovided devices, such as files, e-mails, cookies, and Internet history.Fortune Academy reserves the right to disclose any electronic activity,including electronic communications, to law enforcement officials orthird parties, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law. Fortune2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 33 of 74
Academy will fully cooperate with local, state, or federal officials in anylawful investigation concerning or relating to any illegal activitiesconducted through the Fortune Academy’s Internet System.Prohibited Uses of Fortune Academy’s Internet System:Users may not engage in any of the activities prohibited by this policy orthe law when using or accessing the Fortune Academy’s Internet System.If a user is uncertain whether behavior is prohibited, he or she shouldcontact a teacher, Administrator or other appropriate School personnel.Fortune Academy reserves the right to take immediate action regardingactivities that (1) create security and/or safety issues for FortuneAcademy, students, employees, schools, network or computer resources,or (2) expend Fortune Academy resources on content the Schooldetermines lacks legitimate educational or academic content or purpose,or (3) Fortune Academy determines are inappropriate.Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of prohibited behavior:1) Causing harm to others, damage to their property or Fortune Academy property, such as: a) Using, posting, or distributing profane, lewd, vulgar, threatening, or abusive language in e-mail, messages, material posted on Fortune Academy web pages, or professional social media sites; b) Accessing, using, posting, or distributing information or materials that are pornographic or otherwise obscene, advocate illegal or dangerous acts, or advocate violence or discrimination. If users inadvertently access such information, they should immediately disclose the inadvertent access in a manner specified by Fortune Academy; c) Accessing, posting or distributing harassing, discriminatory, inflammatory, or hateful material, or making damaging or false statements about others; d) Sending, posting, or otherwise distributing chain letters or engaging in spamming; e) Damaging computer equipment, files, data or Fortune Academy’s Internet System in any way, including spreading computer viruses, vandalizing data, software or equipment, damaging or disabling others’ electronic property, or engaging in conduct that could interfere or cause a danger of disruption to Fortune Academy’s educational or business environment;2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 34 of 74
f) Using the Fortune Academy’s Internet System in a manner that interferes with the education of the user or others or the job duties of the user or others; g) Downloading, posting, reproducing or distributing music, photographs, video or other works in violation of applicable copyright laws. Any music, photographs and/or video should only be downloaded for Fortune Academy, and not personal purposes. If a work specifies how that work may be used, the user should follow the expressed requirements. If users are unsure whether they can use a work, they should request permission from the copyright or trademark owner, or engaging in plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were original to the user.2) Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Fortune Academy’s Internet System, or to any third party’s computer system, such as: a) Malicious tampering, phishing or hacking activities; b) Intentionally seeking information about passwords belonging to other users; c) Disclosing a user’s password to the Fortune Academy’s Internet System to other individuals. However, students may share their School’s password with their parents. d) Modifying passwords belonging to other users; e) Attempting to log in through another person's account; f) Attempting to gain access to material that is blocked or filtered by the Fortune Academy; g) Accessing, copying, or modifying another user’s files without authorization; h) Disguising a user’s identity; i) Using the password or identifier of an account that does not belong to the user; or j) Engaging in uses that jeopardize access into others’ accounts or other computer networks.3) Using the Fortune Academy’s Internet System for commercialpurposes, such as: a) Using Fortune Academy’s Internet System for personal financial gain; b) Conducting for-profit business activities, personal advertising, or other non-school business communications; c) Engaging in fundraising not authorized by Fortune Academy Administration or Fortune Academy Board of Trustees; or2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 35 of 74
d) Using the Fortune Academy’s Internet System on behalf of any elected official, candidate, candidates, slate of candidates, or a political organization or committee.4) Engaging in criminal or other unlawful activities.FilteringIn accordance to Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the FortuneAcademy blocks or filters content over the Internet that the Schoolconsiders inappropriate for minors. This includes pornography, obscenematerial, and other material that may be harmful to minors. The FortuneAcademy may also block or filter other content deemed inappropriate,lacking educational or work-related content or that pose a threat to thenetwork. Fortune Academy may, in its discretion, disable such filteringfor certain users for bona-fide research or other lawful educational orbusiness purposes.Users shall not use any website, application, or methods to bypassfiltering of the network or perform any other unlawful activities.For additional information regarding CIPA, log on to of Personally Identifiable and Confidential Information:The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibit FortuneAcademy Administration, Fortune Academy Board of Trustees, and otherSchool Officials from disclosing Personally Identifiable Information (PII)from education records of Fortune Academy students and families tothird parties without parental consent. However, several exceptions tothis general rule may apply.All users of the Fortune Academy’s Internet System must comply withFERPA. If you are unsure about whether the activity will comply withFERPA, please contact Fortune Academy Administration.Internal communications with a Fortune Academy attorney may also beconfidential. Accordingly, users should not forward or distribute suchcommunications without first checking with the attorney. Users shouldensure that e-mails that include or attach confidential information areonly sent to the intended recipients.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 36 of 74
Student Internet Safety:1) Students Using the Fortune Academy’s Internet Systems: a) Students must not reveal personal information about themselves or other persons on social networking sites, in chat rooms, in emails or other direct electronic communications, or any other forum over the Internet. For example, students must not reveal their home address, home telephone number, or cell phone number. Students must not display photographs of themselves, or the images of others. b) Students should not meet in person anyone they have met only on the Internet. c) Students must promptly disclose to their teacher or other school employee any message or other activity they receive that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable. d) Students should not allow School computers to save their passwords.2) Parents: a) Although students generally will be supervised when using the Fortune Academy’s Internet System on school property, it is not practicable for Fortune Academy to monitor and enforce a wide range of social values in student use of the Internet. Parents are primarily responsible for transmitting their particular set of family values to their children, and discussing with their children what material is and is not acceptable for their children to access through the Fortune Academy’s Internet System. b) Parents are exclusively responsible for monitoring their children's use of the Internet when the Fortune Academy’s Internet System is accessed from home or a non-school location. Fortune Academy may or may not employ its filtering systems to screen home access to the Fortune Academy’s Internet System. Parents should inquire with Fortune Academy Administration.Violations of IAUSP Policy:Fortune Academy, including Fortune Academy Administration, FortuneAcademy Board of Trustees, and other Fortune Academy Officials,reserves the right to terminate any user’s access to the FortuneAcademy’s Internet System - including access to Fortune Academy e-mailat any time.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 37 of 74
If a student violates this policy, appropriate disciplinary action will betaken consistent with Fortune Academy Disciplinary Policies. If astudent’s access to the Fortune Academy’s Internet System is revoked,the student may not be penalized academically, (unless suspended orexpelled from school), and Fortune Academy will ensure that the studentcontinues to have a meaningful opportunity to participate in theeducational program.Employee violations of this policy will be handled with appropriatediscipline.All users must promptly disclose to their teacher, Administration, orother school official any information they receive that is inappropriate ormakes them feel uncomfortable.Fortune Academy Administration and/or Fortune Academy Board ofTrustees will seek legal representation and financial reimbursement forlegal fees as well as restructuring, repairing, or replacing all electronicequipment or Internet System for users knowingly or unknowinglyviolating this policy within the limitations of the law.Limitation of Liability:Fortune Academy makes no guarantees about the quality of the servicesprovided and is not responsible for any claims, losses, damages, costs, orother obligations arising from use of the network or accounts. Anyadditional charges a user accrues due to the use of the FortuneAcademy’s network are to be borne by the user. Fortune Academy alsodenies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of the informationobtained through user access. Any statement, accessible on thecomputer network or the Internet, is understood to be the author'sindividual point of view and not that of Fortune Academy, its affiliates, oremployees.IAUSP Copy and Inquiries:Fortune Academy reserves the right to amend and/or revise this policy atany time as the need arises. This policy is available in hard copy formatupon request and may be downloaded from the Fortune Academy’swebsite located at .2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 38 of 74
Electronic Equipment PolicyLaptop/Tablet Leasing:Students in grades 7 – 12 are required to lease a laptop or tablet fromFortune Academy and must complete the Laptop Leasing Agreementfound at Devices:CD players, headphones, I Pads, I Pods, MP3s, and other similar devicesare not permitted to be used during the school day unless the equipmentis necessary to accommodate a learning difference in a classroom. If astudent brings such equipment to school, it is to be kept in the student’sbackpack when it is not in use in the classroom.Cell Phone PolicyStudents are required to turn in personal cell phones prior to schoolstarting to the appropriate High School Advisor or Lower SchoolHomeroom Teacher. If a cell phone is necessary to accommodate alearning difference in a classroom, the High School Advisor or HomeroomTeacher will ensure the student has access to his/her personal cellphone. If a student is known to be using his/her cell phone during the school day, the cell phone will be confiscated and given to Administration. The student’s cell phone will be returned to his/her parent. Additional cell phone use infractions will result in one-hour school detentions (either during academic hours or after academic hours as set by administration). ATTENDENCE POLICYRegular attendance is necessary to meet the educational needs ofstudents. It is our expectation that all students will be present daily,except for illness, family emergency, or court appearances. Pleaseschedule vacations and medical appointments outside of the daily schoolschedule. Students who have an exemplary attendance record will berecognized at the Awards Ceremony at the end of the school year.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 39 of 74
AbsencesAttendance is a fundamental component of the Student’s overalleducational success. If a student misses more than a combined nineacademic days for the academic year, the Student may be retained incurrent grade.Attendance records reflect attendance for each class period during theschool day for High School. Attendance records reflect attendance forthe day from the homeroom class for Lower School. Students who are absent for reasons other than illness (vacation, clubs, sporting events, etc.) is considered unexcused absences. Any student receiving nine (9) or more unexcused absences will not receive credit for the semester course unless the Head of School has been notified and she/he grants permission. When a student is absent, the parent or guardian must call the school office by 8:30 a.m. If you would like to pick up your student’s PRP when he/she is absent, please let the appropriate administrative assistant know when you call to report the absence. The work will be available for pick up in the Main Office between 3:15 and 3:45 p.m. A doctor’s note is required for medical absences that last more than three days. Please have your child give the administrative assistant at the front desk in the Main Office, the doctor’s note when he/she returns to school. Students must attend a minimum of four class periods (High School) or four hours (Lower School) in order to participate in extra-curricular activities that day, including: practices, athletic games, performances, clubs, dances, etc.) This includes all Fortune Academy school sponsored activities. Instances of truancy may result in a Friday detention, suspension, disciplinary probation, or expulsion. In determining the consequences, the administration will consider all circumstances regarding the truancy and the student’s disciplinary record. When extenuating circumstances occur (i.e. family member’s death, surgery, hospitalization, etc.) exceptions to the Attendance Policy may be made by the administration. A student with an oral temperature measuring 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater will be sent home from school. A student must remain fever free (without fever reducing medication) for twenty-four hours before returning to school.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 40 of 74
Families are asked to plan vacations on days other than school days. An absence due to a vacation, family reunion, etc. will be considered unexcused and assignments and tests may not be able to be made up, unless the Head of School has been notified and she/he grants permission.Make Up WorkJr. High and High School Students: It is the student’s responsibility (not the parent’s responsibility) to ask his/her teachers for make-up work when he/she returns to school. The day the student returns he/she will ask his/her teachers when his/her work (missed during absence) is due (including work that was picked up by a parent during the absence). If the student fails to meet the deadline the teacher sets for the make- up work (including test/quizzes) or never checks with the teacher for the deadlines, the student will receive a “0” for the work (including tests/quizzes). It is the responsibility of the student to make up all work missed during an absence. If the student knows in advance that assignments were due on the day of the absence, the work will be due upon the student’s return to class. If a student is absent from a class because of a school activity, the work must be turned in on the day it is due. This means the student is responsible for turning in the assignments before leaving school for the activity.Students in Grades 1-6: The parent/guardian may pick up student’s PRP when he/she has been absent for more than a day. Please contact the Lower School Administrative Assistant to arrange picking up your child’s schoolwork between 3:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 41 of 74
Make Up Work for Planned Absences (Religious Holiday and CollegeVisits)Jr. High and High School Students: It is the responsibility of the student to obtain from each teacher his/her assignments prior to departing for the religious holiday or college visit. Assignments are due upon return from the religious holiday unless it is against what the religious institution dictates. If this is the case, the parent should inform Administration prior to the holiday. When a high school student goes on a college visit, his/her work is due prior to departure (students must obtain written approval by each teacher to go on a college visit).Students in Grades 1-6: It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to obtain from the homeroom teacher his/her child’s assignments prior to departing for the religious holiday. Assignments are due upon return from the religious holiday unless it is against what the religious institution dictates. If this is the case, the parent should inform Administration prior to the holiday.Tardies High School Students: Period 1 begins at 8:15 a.m.; students are expected to be seated in their first period class at 8:15 am. Lower School Students: Class begins at 8:25 a.m.; students are expected to be seated in their homeroom class at 8:25 a.m. A student is considered tardy to class if he/she arrives after the class begins. Each tardy will be documented by the classroom teacher and will be handled as part of the classroom behavior plan. Students with excessive tardies will be subject to consequences that are more stringent. If a student will arrive late (due to an appointment, etc.), the parent is to call, email or send a note, detailing the reason for the late arrival. If the late arrival is due to a medical or dental appointment, a note from the doctor is required. Students who arrive late are to check in at the front office. The student will issue an “Admittance Pass.” Please note that attendance and tardy rules apply even in the case of medical appointments.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 42 of 74
High School Students: When a student is habitually tardy to school, the amount of missed class time for 1st period will be documented. Every 50 minutes of missed class time for 1st period will count as one missed class period and will be applied towards the nine unexcused absences for that class. Any student having more than nine unexcused tardies will require a meeting with the parent/guardian and Administration.Appointments/Leaving School/Early DismissalStudents are allowed to leave campus only for medical appointments,illness, Jury Duty (high school students over the age of 18), Ivy Tech(high school), religious purposes, or funerals. Students are not to leavecampus for errands, non-medical/non-legal appointments, lunch, orother non-critical purposes.The school reserves the right to make determinations as to the necessityof leaving campus. A parent is asked to call or send a note if a student needs to leave campus during school hours for any reason. If a call or note is not received, the student will not be allowed to leave campus until a parent is reached to give verbal permission for the dismissal. Students must be signed out in the main office prior to leaving campus. A student should bring his/her appointment note to his/her homeroom teacher or High School Advisor before at the start of school. When specifying the time of departure in the note, parents are advised to calculate five extra minutes to allow for the sign-out procedure. If returning to school after an appointment, the student will need to be signed in at the school office to receive a pass to class. Upon return to school (same day or following day) student is required to submit “Return to School” note from medical facility to the main office. Parents may occasionally pick up their son/daughter for lunch. Families must follow the checkout procedures. Additionally, we must insist on the following: i. Families do not take other students out to lunch. ii. The student must return prior to class beginning after his/her scheduled lunch/recess time.iii. Families should not overuse this privilege (no more than once every 9 weeks)2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 43 of 74
College Visits Juniors are permitted two college visit days during the school year (one per semester). Seniors are permitted college visit days during the school year in addition to the date the PSAT is given to underclassmen/women in the fall. After April 1st, of the senior year, students may only visit colleges to which they have been accepted for admission. The college visit days will not count toward the total number of absences, but any additional days taken for college visits will count. The dates are not cumulative and are to be taken in two separate years. Approval for college trips must be obtained at least three days in advance of departure. Students must complete the College Visit Form, available from the student’s High School Adviser. The student’s parents, the High School Dean or Head of School, and each of the student’s teachers must sign this form. Only students who are doing well in classes will be approved. Students are to turn in the request portion of the form to their High School Adviser at least five academic days prior to departure for approval signature. The College Visit Form will then be handed back to the student so authorized personnel at the college or university visited may sign the form. Student is expected to return completed form to his/her High School Adviser on the FIRST academic day following the college visit. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence and failing grades for the missed day. Students may not schedule visits in December or May because of conflicts with the end of the semester. Students are expected to turn in any work due during their absence to their teachers prior to their departure unless alternative arrangements have been discussed and approved by the student’s teachers at least two days prior to the departure. If a student does not use the college visit days for the specific purpose of exploring college admissions, the student will be considered truant. ACADEMIC POLICIESAcademic Integrity PolicyIt is our expectation that Fortune Academy students demonstrate thehighest standards of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty includesproviding or copying Personal Responsibility Practice (PRP), providing or2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 44 of 74
receiving information during quizzes or tests, and providing or usingunauthorized materials during quizzes or tests. Academic dishonestyalso includes plagiarism, which is using the words or ideas of anotherperson as one’s own without giving credit. Whenever a student is nothonest on a test, quiz, or assignment, he/she will receive a “zero” on theassignment, quiz, or test. Any student who plagiarizes will also receive a“zero” on the assignment. He/she will be required to re-do theplagiarized assignment but will not be given credit for it. Furtherconsequences are at the discretion of the administration and mayinclude detention, disciplinary probation, or suspension.Personal Responsibility Practice (PRP) PolicyJr. High and High School Students:PRP serves two basic purposes. First, it is an important component oflearning, understanding, and applying specific academic skills. Second,PRP establishes and improves daily work habits, personal discipline,and organizational competence so that these become permanent lifeskills. Fortune Academy students can expect to have PRP each evening.All students at Fortune Academy may have PRP at each grade level, as isdevelopmentally appropriate. The amount of time needed to completePRP varies, but these are the general guidelines for students in grades7-12: 30-45 minutes (Jr. High) and 60 minutes (High School) of written PRP or assigned study per academic day Students who have difficulty with school anxiety, PRP completion, or other factors that affect a successful experience will meet with Administration to create a plan that supports the student to meet the course requirements. This may include (but not limited to) modified assignments, modified time requirements, or modified class schedule.Students in Grades 1-6:We are committed to making the connection between home and school apriority at Fortune Academy. PRP is a review of skills to be masteredand/or studying for a test or quiz. PRP reinforces what a student learnsin the classroom, improves student performance, helps students developeffective study habits, and provides an important link between schooland home.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 45 of 74
All grades will use developmentally appropriate PRP assignment pagesand/or planners. Students are expected to complete work on time anddemonstrate effort for quality and neatness.Establishing and maintaining a study area that meets your child’sindividual learning style and study needs is very important. Supportand guide your child when necessary; student mistakes allow teachersto better understand your child’s on-going learning needs. Please notifythe teacher if your child has difficulty with an assignment. You can alsopromote self-advocacy by encouraging your child to talk with the teacherif an assignment presents problems.The assignment notebook is an important communication tool, so pleasecheck the appropriate page daily. Notes from the teacher regardingincomplete or missing assignments may be sent home in the assignmentnotebook. The teachers will report missing assignments to theparents/guardians and the Assistant Head of School. Homeroomteachers will collaborate with the family to develop appropriateinterventions for incomplete or missing assignments.Students in All Grades:Fortune Academy Teachers Will: Give PRP that is meaningful, educational, clear and student-directed Support and guide the student in successful understanding of assignments Check PRP for completeness, accuracy, and neatness Establish procedures for handling incomplete and/or unacceptable work Require students to record assignments in their planner, laptop or via photo from phone (with classroom teacher permission to use for such purpose).Fortune Academy Parents Will: Assist their child in establishing and maintaining a study area that meets their student’s individual learning style and study needs Support and guide their child when necessary; student mistakes allow teachers to better understand a student’s on-going learning needs; adjustments can only be made within curriculum when a student has the opportunity to try to solve problems independently2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 46 of 74
High School Only: Remind their child to notify the teacher via email the night prior to the assignment due date when he/she has difficulty with an assignment. For families without e-mail, the student is to write a brief note explaining his/her difficulty with the assignment, and the parent is to sign the note. Jr. High and High School Only: Promote self-advocacy by encouraging their child to talk with the teacher if an assignment presents problems Refrain from re-teaching at home or getting into a power struggle with the student. Promote self-advocacy by encouraging their student to talk with the teacher if an assignment presents problemsFortune Academy Students Will: High School Only: Arrive to each class with a hard copy of all assignments (if a hard copy is not ready to be presented to the teacher at the beginning of class, the teacher will deduct percentage points from the assignment) Complete their PRP and turn it in the day it is due High School Only: Email their teacher the night before the assignment is due if they are still confused after speaking with their classmate or give their teacher a note the day the assignment is due signed by their parent that indicates they did not understand the assignment (long term assignments excluded) Jr. High and High School Only: Call a classmate or email the teacher if they do not understand the material Lower School Only: Give their teacher a note the day the assignment is due signed by their parent that indicates they had difficulty with the assignment Develop self-advocacy skills If a student does not understand an assignment (long-term assignments excluded) and has followed the procedures listed above, he/she will be given an additional night to complete the work. A student may receive a “zero” for PRP that is not completed by the due date and handed in at the beginning of class. The teacher will record a “zero” in the grade book. The student will be given a 24-hour extension to complete the work for 75% maximum credit. After 48 hours, the student will receive a “zero” for PRP but will still be required to complete it.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 47 of 74
High School Only: If the work is turned in more than 48 hours after it is due, the student will not receive credit for it but will be required to complete the work. Lower School Only: If PRP is habitually turned in late or incomplete, a conference will be held with the Lower School staff, student, and parents to develop a plan for the student’s successful resolution of PRP difficulties. When there are extenuating circumstances that prevent a student from completing PRP (i.e. a family emergency or other situation outside the student’s control), teachers will be appropriately flexible if notified by the parent before class via e-mail, a hand-written note, or a phone call. If one-on-one tutorial assistance becomes necessary, a referral will be made to the family. If the above steps are followed, but PRP continues to be turned in late or incomplete, a conference will be held with Administration, student, and parents to develop a plan for the student’s successful resolution of PRP difficulties. Student may be required to attend an After School Study Lab PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL TESTINGFortune Academy may require a re-evaluation of each student’scognitive and educational functioning (i.e., psycho-educationalassessment) at least one time every three years. Either a psychologist orpsychological examiner needs to complete this type of assessment. Thisassessment will help us determine areas that continue to needintervention. Often the examiner will want the teachers to completerating scales and other information forms. The results of thisassessment will be discussed with the student’s teachers to determine ifchanges or additional services need to be provided. SAFE SCHOOL PROCEDURESFortune Academy is committed to providing a safe and secureenvironment for our students and staff.The following drop-off and dismissal procedures were developed to keepstudents, parents, and staff safe. Please support our safety program bydiscussing these safety procedures with your student.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 48 of 74
ConfidentialityAt no time will a student’s, parent’s, or staff’s private information beopenly discussed in front of others or shared with others unlessexpressed written consent is provided. This policy applies to academic,medical, legal, and demographic information.Campus Safety Concerning VisitorsVisitor Procedures:All visitors must enter and exit the school building using Door 1. Inorder to keep our campus safe all parents, guests, visitors, andvolunteers must sign in at the Main Office. Sign VISITORS LOG with the following information i. Your Name ii. Today’s Date iii. Time In iv. Purpose of Visit Fill out a VISITOR’S BADGE and include i. Your Name ii. Today’s Date iii. Time The VISITOR’S BADGE must be worn and visible at all times while on campus Sign out in the VISITORS LOG when leaving Return VISITOR’S BADGEIf a Visitor’s Badge is not visible, Fortune Academy Staff have beeninstructed to direct the visitor to the Main Office.Walking My Child to Class:We do understand that from time-to-time, students have a rough start tothe morning. In the instance the parent is wishing to walk their child toclass in the morning, the parent will need to follow the Visitor Proceduresstated above.Dropping Off Items to My Child:If your child forgot his/her lunch, backpack, bookbinder, sweater, coat,etc., please drop these items off at the Main Office. Fortune Academy2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 49 of 74
Staff will deliver the dropped off item to the student’s homeroom teacheror High School advisor.Picking Up My Child Early:If you need to pick up your child early, please follow these procedures: Call the Main Office at 317-377-0544 stating your child will be picked up early. In addition the following information will be needed: i. The Date ii. The Time of Pickup iii. The Time of Return (if applicable) iv. Reason for Early Pick-Up Office staff will send a pass to the student’s homeroom teacher or High School advisor. Students will wait in the Main Office until the parent signs the student out. High School students will sign themselves out of school (only if a parent has notified the school first of an early dismissal). i. High School students will be dismissed to meet their parents in the parking lot by the flag poles, or ii. If the High School student drives, he/she will be permitted to drive off campus. PARKING LOT SAFETY POLICYMorning Drop-Off Procedures Parking Lot Speed Limit is five m.p.h. Drivers are to pull along the sidewalk and pull up by the flags. Drivers are not to leave large gaps between you and the driver in front of you. Drivers will be asked by staff to pull forward if there is too much space between vehicles. Drivers are to put their vehicles in PARK. Staff personnel attending outside will give the signal to dismiss students from vehicles. Students are to make their way down the sidewalk to the flags and enter their correct door. Staff personnel will give drivers the okay to pull out when ALL students have safely cleared the drop off zone. Drivers are not to pull around the car in front of them without direction from Fortune Academy personnel. Drivers are to never use reverse in the drop-off zone.2016-2017 Parent and Student Handbook Revised June 13, 2016 Page 50 of 74