wefvM mg~n K‡cv© ‡iU GmGgB jvqvwewjwU gv‡K©wUs jvqvwewjwU Acv‡ikb wi‡Kvfvwi †¯úkvj G¨v‡mU g¨v‡bRg¨v›U (GmGGg) gvbe m¤ú` Z_¨ cÖhwy ³ Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 49
wefvM mg~n dvBb¨vÝ GÛ GKvD›Um& †URª vix Af¨šiÍ xY wbixÿv wefvM AvBwmwm wmAviGg GÛ wmGwW †Kv¤úvbx mwPe wjM¨vj 50 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
wefvM mgn~ DËiv kvLv PÆMÖvg kvLv wm‡jU kvLv we‡kl `vwq‡Z¡ wb‡qvwRZ †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`‡qi GKvšÍ mwPe wjM¨vj wi‡UBbvi wjM¨vj wi‡UBbvi Public Relationship Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 51
gvbe m¤ú` GKwU kw³kvjx Ges wb‡ew`Z Kg©x evwnbx nj AvBGjGdGmGj Gi gj~ PvwjKv kw³ hv Qvov cwÖ Zôvb mdj fv‡e cwiPvwjZ n‡Z cv‡i bv| Avgiv me¯‡Í iB GKwU DÏxwcZ Ges cÖvYešÍ Kgx© `j _vKv‡K m‡ev© ”P ¸iæZ¡ w`‡q _vwK| Kg©xevÜe gvbem¤ú` bxwZgvjv †gavex Kg©KZv© ‡`i Abcy vÖ wYZ Ki‡e| cwÖ Zôvb wekv¦ m K‡i †h, gvbem¤ú‡`i bxwZgvjv¸‡jvi m‡e©vËg Abykxj‡bi gva¨‡g cÖwZôv‡bi D‡Ïk¨¸wj ev¯ÍevwqZ nq| dj¯i^ ƒc, AvBGjGdGmGj GKwU m¯y úó bxwZbvjv cÖbqb K‡i‡Q hv gvbem¤ú` m¤úwKZ© mg¯Í wel‡q cwiPvjbvq mvnvh¨ K‡i| GB gvbem¤ú` bxwZmgn~ wb‡qvM, cw« k¶Y, †ckvMZ Ges KgR© xe‡bi Dbœqb, †ckv`vi AvPiY, c‡`vbwœ Z Ges Kg¶© gZv g~j¨vq‡bi welqmgn~ AšfÍ y©³| gvbem¤ú` bxwZ¸‡jvi wbqwgZ ch©v‡jvPbv Kiv nq hv‡Z, AvBGjGdGmGj Gi mKj KgK© Z©v‡`i Rb¨ GKwU hy‡Mvc‡hvMx c¯« vÍ ebv cÖ`vb Kiv m¤e¢ , hvi d‡j †miv cwÖ Zfv‡K AvKl©Y Ges a‡i ivLvi m¤¢vebv ew… × cvq| mg¯Í KgK© Z©v-KgP© vix e›„ ` hLb wewfbœ mP~ ‡Ki wb‡R‡`i j¶¨gvÎvq †cŠuQ‡Z cvi‡e, cwÖ Zôvb mvgwMKÖ fv‡e ZLb Zvi j¶¨ ARb© Ki‡e| m‡e©vËg `¶Zv e¨envi AvBGjGdGmGj `p„ fv‡e wekv¦ m K‡i †h, Kg©x‡`i mv‡_ mvgÄm¨c~Y,© A_c© Y~ © m¤ú³„ Zv cÖwZôv‡bi Dbwœ Zi Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZc¡ Y~ © f~wgKv cvjb K‡i| cwÖ Zôv‡bi avivevwnK ¸bMZgvb eRvq ivL‡Z Kgx© iv Zv‡`i `¶Zv I †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i mv‡_ h_vh_ fw~ gKv cvjb K‡i| dj¯i^ ƒc, cÖwZôvb Kgx© ‡`i mv‡_ wbgiœ ƒc fv‡e RwoZt `¶Zv gj~ ¨vqY I Dbqœ b c×wZ e¨vwß e¨e¯v’ cbv Ges j¶¨ gj~ ¨vqb mfv gvwmK g³y Øvi bxwZ me mgq Kg©x g~j¨vqb evwl©K cÖvwZôvwbK cwiKíbv evwl©K B›Uv« ‡bU wbqwgZfv‡e B-‡gBj Ges B›Uvi‡bU wbqwgZfv‡e Avf¨šÍixY cÖwk¶Y Ges Dbqœ b mfv chv© qvµ‡g kvLv/wefvM ch©v‡q msw¶ß mfv ch©vqvµ‡g ¯^Zš¿/‡QvU MæÖ c wdWe¨vK mfv wbqwgZfv‡e Kg©x mšw‘ ó Rwic evwlK© Kgx© c¯Ö v’ b mv¶vrKvi cÖ‡qvRb Abymv‡i Kg©x e¨e¯v’ cbv AvBGjGdGmGj Kg©x‡`i Rb¨ GKwU cwi‡ekevÜe Kv‡Ri cwi‡ek ‰Zwi Kivi Dci bRi †`q †hLv‡b Kgx© iv t Zv‡`i m‡ev© Ëg ¯‡Í i Kg© m¤úv`b Ki‡Z cv‡i µgvMZ Zv‡`i Ávb weKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i Kv‡Ri †¶‡Î P¨v‡jÄ MªnY Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv‡`i Kw… Z‡Z¡i Rb¨ ¯^xK…wZ cvq Ges cyi¯‹…Z nq †ckvRxe‡b AvKvw•ÿZ Ae¯v’ ‡b hvIqv 52 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
Kgx© `j MVb cÖwZ‡e`‡bi †gqv` †k‡l †gvU 91 Rb Kg©KZv© -KgP© vix †Kv¤úvwbi cÖe„wׇZ Ae`vb †i‡L‡Qb, hvi g‡a¨ 59 Rb ¯’vqx| ¯v’ qx KgK© Zv© -Kg©Pvix‡`i g‡a¨, 75% cyiæl Ges 25% gwnjv| AvBGjGdGmGj Gi †gvU Kgx© i 67% nj hyeK †kÖYxi hv‡`i eqm 35 Gi wb‡P Ges 25% Kg©x hv‡`i eqm 40 Gi g‡a¨| cÖwZôv‡bi me©¯Í‡ii Kgx© ‡`i g‡a¨ GKwU kw³kvjx mgšq^ i‡q‡Q, hviv AvMvgx eQi¸wj‡Z cwÖ Zôv‡bi mvweK© Dbqœ ‡b we‡kl Ae`vb ivL‡Z mnvqZv Ki‡e| wb‡qvM Ges aviY AvBGjGdGmGj mg m‡y hv‡M bxwZ‡Z wek¦vm K‡i Ges ZvB wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î †Kv‡bv wj½, RvwZMZ †Mvôx ev a‡gi© cÖwZ †Kv‡bv c¶cvwZZ¡ c`Ö k©b K‡i bv| cÖwZôv‡bi gvbem¤ú` bxwZgvjvq ¯úófv‡e ejv Av‡Q †h, cwÖ Zôv‡b bZyb Kgx© wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î Zv‡`i †hvM¨Zv, AwfÁZv, `¶Zv myPviæfv‡e g~j¨vqb Kiv nq| cwÖ Zôv‡bi Kg©x‡`i a‡i ivLvi †¶‡Î GKB c×wZ Abmy iY K‡i| 31‡k wW‡m¤i^ 2021 chš© Í †gvU Kg©xi msL¨v `vwu o‡q‡Q †gvU 91 Rb, hv 2020 mv‡j wQj †gvU 115 Rb| wb‡qvM bxwZ Kgx© ‡`i ‰ewPÎgq Kg`© ¶Zv cÖwZôv‡bi kw³i mÂvi NUvq Ges mgwóMZ Kgx© evwnbx Mo‡Z mnvqZv K‡i| AvBGjGdGmGj me`© v wewfbœ †fŠMwjK Ae¯v’ b, ag,© RvwZMZ †Mvôxi e¨w³‡`i wb‡qvM Ki‡Z B”QyK KviY GwU Kg©x‡`i mv‡_ AviI fvjfv‡e m¤úK© Mo‡Z mnvqZv K‡i| cvwikwÖ gK bxwZ cvwikwÖ gK wbfi© K‡i Kg©x‡`i e¨w³MZ Kg©`¶Zv Ges Kg© mP~ K (†KwcAvB) Gi Dci| AvBGjGdGmGj Gi cÖew„ ׇK GwM‡q †bIqvi Rb¨, evRv‡ii †miv cwÖ Zfv‡K AvK…ó K‡i Ges †mBm‡½ GKwU nvjbvMv` gvbem¤ú` bxwZgvjv GwU a‡i ivL‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i| gvbem¤ú` bxwZgvjv Abhy vqx cÖwZôvb eZg© vb A_‰© bwZK †cÖ¶vc‡Ui Dci wfwË K‡i †eZb wba©viY K‡i _v‡K| DcišÍ, cwÖ Zôvb wbgœwjwLZ mwy eav¸wjI cÖ`vb K‡i _v‡K| Kgm© s¯v’ b myweav wb‡qvMKZ©vi Øviv wcGd Gi 10% Ae`vb GbUvB‡Uj wnmv‡e cÖ‡Yv`bv Kg©¶gZv-wfwËK †evbvm evwl©K ew„ × Rv¡ jvwb fvZv †gvevBj fvZv MÖvPyBwU †gwW‡Kj w¯‹g Drme AwMgÖ fvZv ÷vd FY GjGdG KgP© vix c‡`vbwœ Z AvBGjGdGmGj Gi wb‡qvM bxwZ Abmy v‡i †Kvb k~b¨c` c~i‡Yi c‡Ö qvRb n‡j Af¨šiÍ xY wb‡qvM‡K AMÖvwaKvi †`q| GwU cwÖ Zôv‡bi Kg©x a‡i ivLvi †KŠk‡ji mv‡_ mvgÄm¨c~Y© †hLv‡b wbqwgZ c‡`vbœwZi gva¨‡g Kg©x‡`i †ciÖ Yvg~jK ¯iÍ eRvq ivLvi g~j gvcKvwV wnmv‡e wPwýZ Kiv nq| cÖwk¶Y I Dbqœ b cwÖ k¶Y Ges Dbqœ b nj AvBGjGdGmGj Gi gvbem¤ú` bxwZgvjvi GKwU gj~ Dcv`vb| cwÖ Zôv‡bi gvbem¤ú` wefvM mKj wefv‡Mi c‡Ö qvRbxqvZvi Dci wfwË K‡i wbqwgZfv‡e mg¯Í cwÖ k¶‡Yi Av‡qvRb K‡i _v‡K| mKj ai‡Yi cw« k¶‡Yi welq¸‡jv eQ‡ii ïiæ‡ZB cwiwKíbv K‡i ivLv nq| GB cwiKíbvwU Kg©x‡`i mg¯Í cwÖ k¶‡Yi Pvwn`v ci~ ‡Y mvnvh¨ K‡i Ges Zv‡`i `vwqZ¡ h_vh_fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z c‡Ö qvRbxq Ávb I `¶Zv cÖ`vb Ki‡e| Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 53
SuzwK e¨e¯’vcbvi weeiYx fwel¨r AwbwðZ Ges avivevwnKfv‡e Avw_K© cÖfvemn NUbvejxi mvd‡j¨i ce~ ©vfvm †`IqvI KwVb| Z‡e, AwbðqZv †_‡K D™¢‚Z Avw_©K SzuwK cwiPvjbv Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| cKÖ Z… c‡¶ Szwu K e¨e¯’vcbv - SuzwK kbv³ Kivi, Gi cwiYwZ¸‡jv cwigvc Kivi Ges †mB Abyhvqx c`‡¶c †bIqv hv Swuz K ¯’vbvšÍi ev cÖkwgZ Kivi ¶gZv evovq| AvaywbK SuzwK e¨e¯v’ cbvi me‡P‡q ¸iæZ¡cY~ © w`K¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKwU nj `¶Zv, SuzwKi gj~ ¨ wbav© i‡Yi ¶gZv Ges e¨emvwqK Kvh©Kjv‡c M…nxZ Swuz K¸‡jv‡K h_vh_fv‡e cyi¯‹…Z wbwðZ Kiv| Swuz K e¨e¯v’ cbv n‡jv cKÖ …Zc‡¶ Avw_K© cwÖ Zôvb¸‡jv Kxfv‡e mwµqfv‡e SzuwKi aiY Ges ¯Íi wbev© Pb K‡i hv Abygvb Kiv| †ewkifvM e¨emvwqK wm×všÍ fwel¨‡Zi AwbwðZ Av‡qi Rb¨ eZ©gvb m¤ú‡`i mwVK e¨envi wbwðZ Kiv| AvBGjGdGmGj me`© v wbw`ó© cwigv‡Y Swzu Ki g‡y Lvgwy L nq| GB ai‡bi SzuwK e¨e¯v’ cbv memgq cwÖ Zôv‡bi Rb¨ caÖ vb D‡Ø‡Mi welq| eZ©gvb cÖwZ‡hvwMZvgj~ K Avw_©K Ges A_‰© bwZK cwi‡e‡k, †kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i †UKmB gj~ ¨ ew… ×i Rb¨ Kvh©Ki Swzu K e¨e¯v’ cbv Avek¨K| AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi Swuz K e¨e¯’vcbvi c×wZi welqwU †Kej wbqš¿K D‡Ï‡k¨ bq, †Kv¤úvwbi gvb Dbœqb Kivi Rb¨I| SzuwK e¨e¯v’ cbvi cÖavb D‡Ïk¨ nj e¨emvwqK Swuz K mwVKfv‡e MYbv K‡i †Kv¤úvwbi m¤ú` i¶v Kiv Ges wewfbœ Swuz K we‡ePbv K‡i gybvdv ARb© Kiv| AvBGjGdGmGj 18 †m‡Þ¤i^ , 2005 Zvwi‡L evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZ©…K Rvwi Kiv ÒAvw_K© cwÖ Zôv‡bi g~j SzuwK e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ wb‡`©wkKvÓ Ges 24 Rvbqy vwi, 2016 Zvwi‡L wWGdAvBGg mvK©jz vi bs 03 Gi Aax‡b evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZ…©K Rvwi Kiv ÒAvw_K© cÖwZôv‡bi Rb¨ mgwšZ^ Szwu K e¨e¯v’ cbv wb‡`©wkKvÓ †g‡b P‡j| Swzu Ki KviY¸‡jvi Dci `…p AvštÍ wefvMxq †hvMv‡hvM Kvi‡Y AvšÍtwefvM, KwgwU Ges EaŸ©Zb e¨e¯v’ cbvi g‡a¨ wm×všÍ MnÖ ‡Y mn‡hvwMZv cÖwZôvbwU‡K KvhK© i Suwz K e¨e¯v’ cbvq mnvqZv K‡i| †e‡mj-2 mycvwik MÖn‡Yi mv‡_ KvhK© i SuzwK e¨e¯v’ cbvi hy³ hv AvBGjGmGj‡K g~jab m¤úªmviY Ges SzuwK I Znwej e¨q‡K AbKy j‚ K‡i| 1. FY SuzwK FYMÖnxZv, Avw_K© cÖwZôv‡bi mv‡_ m¤§Z kZv© w` Abyhvqx Zvi A_© cÖ`v‡bi `vq¸‡jv c~iY Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡e Ggb m¤¢vebv †_‡K F‡Yi SuzwKi D™¢e| GwU‡Z Avw_K© cwÖ Zôv‡bi cvIbv cwi‡kva Ges mgqgZ cwi‡kv‡ai †¶‡Î DfqB AwbðqZv AšÍf³©z i‡q‡Q| FY SzuwKi Rb¨ Mn„ xZ e¨e¯v’ t g~j e¨emv‡qi †¶Î †e‡Q †bIqvi Rb¨ we‡kl‡Ái gZvgZ| ¸YMZgvb wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ kw³kvjx FY we‡kølY| Swzu Ki wfwˇZ gj~ ¨ wba©viY| Rvgvb‡Zi ch©vßZv Ges F‡Yi h_vh_ miy ¶vi AšÍf³~© KiY| †cvU‡© dvwjI Ges †jb‡`‡bi weweaKiY| FY Suwz K †iwUs Ges †¯‹vwis c×wZ e¨envi| SzuwK Ges FY ckÖ vm‡bi Dci bRi`vwi| cÖwZ‡ivagj~ K wbqš‡¿ Yi gva¨‡g cÖkgb| GKK MnÖ xZvi F‡Yi mxgv eRvq ivLv| 2. evRvi Szwu K evRv‡ii Suwz K n‡jv evRv‡ii cwieZb© kxj cwieZb© †hgb my‡`i nvi, Rvgvb‡Zi gj~ ¨, BK¨By wU m~P‡Ki ¯iÍ , wewbgq nvi, c‡Y¨i `vg Ges mvaviY F‡Yi cmÖ vi| 54 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
evRvi Suwz Ki Rb¨ Mn„ xZ e¨e¯’v t fwel¨‡Zi Rb¨ bZbz cY¨¸‡jvi (Znwe‡ji e¨q, m‡y `i nvi) Rb¨ AviI bZzb e¨emvwqK †¶Î¸‡jv mÜvb Kiv| `xN‡© gqv`x e¨emvwqK cwiKíbv| wbqwgZ wfwˇZ Znwej Ges evRv‡ii nvi ch©‡e¶Y| Ab¨vb¨ cwÖ Zôv‡bi mv‡_ A‡hŠw³K I Ab¨vq cwÖ Z‡hvwMZv Gov‡Z c`‡¶c MnÖ Y| Swzu K wfwËK gj~ ¨ wbav© iY| miKvix bxwZ I ivR‰bwZK cwiw¯’wZ we‡ePbvq †bIqv| 3. Zvij¨ Swuz K Zvij¨ Swzu K ZLb N‡U hLb †Kvb Avw_K© cÖwZôvb ¯í^ -†gqv`x `vqe×Zv¸‡jv ci~ Y Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| †µZv‡`i Afve ev A`¶ evRv‡ii Kvi‡Y Avw_©K cwÖ Zôvb g~jab Ges Avq †Q‡o bv w`‡q †KvbI m¤c` bM‡` iƒcvšÍi Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| Zvij¨ Swzu Ki Rb¨ M„nxZ e¨e¯v’ t ¯^í †gqv`x FY mvkqÖ x g‡~ j¨i mv‡_ m¤c‡`i wgjnxbZv Gov‡Z `xN‡© gqv`x F‡Yi e¨e¯v’ Kiv| wbR¯^ Drm mn Znwe‡ji wewfbœ Drm| KvhK© i bM` cÖevn cwiKíbv| AvBbx KvVv‡gvi g‡a¨ mev© waK msMÖ‡ni c‡Ö Póv| ¯’vbxq Ges we‡`kx Drm¸‡jv †_‡K ¯^í e¨qh³y Z‡e `xN©‡gqv`x A‡_©i mÜvb Kiv| `¶ Ges KvhK© i m¤ú` `vq e¨e¯’vcbv KwgwU| 4. Acv‡ikbvj Swzu K Acv‡ikbvj SuzwK n‡jv Ach©vß ev e¨_© Af¨šÍixY cÖwµqv, gvbly Ges c×wZ ev evwn¨K NUbv¸‡jvi d‡j ¶wZi SzuwK| hvi g‡a¨ AvBbx Szwu K AšfÍ ³©z i‡q‡Q Z‡e †KŠkjMZ I mby vgMZ SuzwK AšÍfz©³ †bB| Acv‡ikbvj Suwz Ki Rb¨ M…nxZ e¨e¯v’ t kw³kvjx gvbe m¤ú` bxwZ| cwÖ k¶Y Ges Kgx© ‡`i Dbœqb| cwÖ Z‡hvMxZvg~jK cvwikÖwgK c¨v‡KR mn mwVK RvqMvq mwVK e¨w³ wbe©vPb| meRy Awdm wb‡`w© kKv| kw³kvjx Z`viwK wbqš¿Y| mZZv wbwðZ Kivi cÖ‡Póv| Kvh©Ki wbivcËv e¨e¯v’ | 5. mybvgMZ Suwz K mybvgMZ Suwz K n‡jv GKwU Avw_K© cwÖ Zôv‡bi L¨vwZ‡Z ¶wZRwbZ Swzu K †hgb nviv‡bv ivR¯^; ewaZ© Acv‡iwUs, g~jab ev wbqšK¿ LiP; ev †kqv‡ii gj~ ¨ n«vm, Avw_K© cwÖ Zôv‡b †`vlx bv cÖgvwYZ n‡jI GKwU weiƒc ev m¤v¢ e¨ Acivag~jK NUbvi dj¯i^ ƒc| mvaviYZ mby vgMZ SzuwKi mv‡_ m¤cwKZ© cwÖ ZKj‚ NUbv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q bxwZkvmb, miy ¶v, ¯’vwqZ,¡ ¸Ygvb Ges bZzbZ|¡ mybvgMZ SuzwK K‡c©v‡iU wek¦v‡mi welq n‡Z cv‡i| mby vgMZ SuzwKi Rb¨ Mn„ xZ e¨e¯v’ t wbqšK¿ ms¯v’ i cvkvcvwk ewnivMZ FY †iwUs G‡RwÝ KZK©… m‡švÍ lRbK Dbwœ Zi †iwUs| MvÖ nK †mev Ges Awf‡hvM e¨e¯’vcbvi KvhK© ix Kvhµ© g| Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 55
6. †KŠkjMZ SuzwK †KŠkjMZ SzuwK n‡jv †mB SuzwK hv †gŠwjK wm×všÍ¸‡jv †_‡K D™~¢Z nq Ges hv cwiPvjKiv GKwU cwÖ Zôv‡bi D‡Ïk¨ m¤ú‡K© MnÖ Y K‡ib| gj~ Z, †KŠkjMZ Szwu K n‡jv GB e¨emvwqK D‡Ïk¨¸‡jv AR©‡b e¨_© nIqvi SzuwK| †KŠkjMZ SuzwKi Rb¨ M…nxZ e¨e¯v’ t mveav‡b ev‡RU c¯Ö w‘ Z| mveav‡b MvÖ nK wbev© Pb| gby vdv j¶¨ AR©‡bi c‡Ö Póv| j¶¨ AR©‡bi Rb¨ G›UvicÖvBR wi‡mvm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g cwÖ Zôv| 7. cwicvjb Szwu K cwicvjb Swuz K n‡jv AvBb, wewa-weavb, wbav© wiZ Abykxjb, Af¨šÍixY bxwZ Ges c×wZ, ev ˆbwZK gvb¸‡jvi j•Nb, ev A-mvd‡j¨i d‡j cÖvß DcvRb© ev g~ja‡bi eZg© vb Ges m¤¢ve¨ Swuz K| cwicvjb Swuz Ki Rb¨ M„nxZ e¨e¯’v t †K›`xª q cwicvjb BDwbU (wmwmBD) cÖwZôv| cwicvjb ms¯‹…wZ Abykxjb| h_vh_ cwicvjb KvVv‡gvq eivÏ| wbqš¿K‡`i cwicvjb wbwðZ Kiv| 8. A_© cvPv‡ii SuzwK mv¤cÖwZK eQi¸‡jv‡Z evsjv‡`‡k cwiPvwjZ Avw_©K cwÖ Zôvb¸‡jv Zv‡`i wnmvei¶‡Ki gva¨‡g msNwUZ †dŠR`vwi KvhK© jvc mbv³ Ges Zv‡`i cwÖ Z‡e`b Kivi AvBbx eva¨evaKZv c~iY Ki‡Z e¨_Z© vi Rb¨ wbqšK¿ ‡`i KvQ †_‡K Af‚Zc~e© Z`‡šÍi gy‡LvgywL n‡q‡Q| GB Z`‡šÍi cZÖ ¨¶ Ges m¤¢ve¨ m`y i~ cÖmvix cwiYwZ †KejgvÎ Avw_K© cÖwZôvb¸‡jvi Rb¨B bq, Zv‡`i MÖvnKiv Gw›U-gvwb jÛvwis‡qi (GGgGj) cwicvj‡bi Szwu Ki †evSv †`L‡Qb| A_© cvPv‡ii Suwz Ki Rb¨ Mn… xZ e¨e¯’v t A_© cvPvi Ges mšv¿ mev‡` A_v© q‡bi NUbv wPwýZKiY Ges cÖwZ‡e`b Kivi Rb¨ Af¨šiÍ xY bxwZgvjv, c×wZ Ges wbqšY¿ ¸‡jv ¯v’ cb Ges Kvh©Ki Kiv| wPd A¨vw›U gvwb jÛvwis Awdmvi (wmGGgGjwmI), †WcywU wPd A¨vw›U gvwb jÛvwis Awdmvi (wWwmGGgGjwmI), kvLv A¨vw›U gvwb jÛvwis Awdmvi (weGGgGjwmI) wbav© wiZ `vwqZ¡mn wb‡qvM| Awew”Qb KgP© vix Dbqœ b I m‡PZbZv cwÖ k¶Y Kvh©µg| weGdAvBBD-†Z wbqwgZ cwÖ Z‡e`b `vwLj| 9. cwi‡ekMZ I mvgvwRK SuzwK e¨e¯v’ cbv AebwZkxj cwi‡ekMZ cwiw¯w’ Z Ges Rjevqy cwieZ©b m¤úwKZ© A_©vqb †_‡K D™~Z¢ Swuz K| GB cwi‡ekMZ Ges mvgvwRK Swuz K¸‡jv‡K A_v© q‡bi wm×v‡šÍi Ask wnmv‡e we‡ePbv Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡j Avw_K© cÖwZôv‡b Ajm FY ew… × cv‡e| cwi‡ekMZ Ges mvgvwRK Suwz K¸‡jv n‡jv cwi‡ekMZ Ges mvgvwRK mgm¨v †_‡K D™Z¢~ FY Szwu Ki myweavRbK Dcv`vb| Avw_K© †jb‡`‡bi cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z AwbðqZv ev ¶wZi m¤¢vebv wb‡q Avmvq G¸‡jv SzuwK evovq| cwi‡ekMZ I mvgvwRK SzuwKi Rb¨ M…nxZ e¨e¯v’ t cvÖ MZ e¨vswKs‡qi †P‡q wMbÖ e¨vswKs‡qi w`‡K g‡bvwb‡ek Kiv| FY cÖ`v‡bi wm×v‡šiÍ Rb¨ evsjv‡`k e¨vsK c`Ö Ë Òcwi‡ek I mvgvwRK Szwu K e¨e¯’vcbv (BGmAviGg) bxwZgvjv 2017Ó AšÍf©y³| MxÖ b e¨vswKs bxwZgvjv KvhK© i Kiv| mvm‡UB‡bej dvBb¨vÝ KwgwU MVb| mvm‡UB‡bej dvBb¨vÝ BDwbU MVb| 56 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
10. g~jab e¨e¯’vcbv SzuwK Avw_©K cÖwZôvb¸‡jv‡Z gj~ ab e¨e¯v’ cbvmg~n mvaviYZ ch©vß g~jab eRvq ivLv, Af¨šiÍ xY g~jab ch©vßZv g~j¨vqb Ges Gi g~ja‡bi ch©vßZv Abcy vZ MYbv Kivi j‡¶¨ e¨e¯v’ ¸‡jv ev¯eÍ vqb‡K †evSvq| e¨vswKs Z`viwKi wel‡q †e‡mj KwgwU cÖ¯ÍvweZ ms¯‹vig~jK c`‡¶‡ci mv‡_ mvgÄm¨ †i‡L wewfbœ †`‡k Ges evsjv‡`‡kI wewfbœ ms¯‹vi D‡`¨vM MÖnY Ges cwieZ©‡bi gva¨‡g cÖwZdwjZ nIqvi Kvi‡Y GwU wekR¦ ‡y o ¸iæZ¡c~Y© n‡q DV‡Q| gj~ ab e¨e¯’vcbv Swzu Ki Rb¨ Mn„ xZ e¨e¯v’ t g~jab chv© ßZv Abcy v‡Zi Kg¶© gZvi Dbwœ Z| g~ja‡bi wfwË kw³kvjx Kivi Rb¨ A-cwieZb© ‡hvM¨ Amiy w¶Z Kcy b weqvwis mve-AwW‡© b‡UW eÛ Bm¨y Kiv| 11. g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g AvBGjGdGmG‡ji g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g Kvh©Ki I `¶ wm×v‡šÍi Rb¨ c‡Ö qvRbxq Z_¨ mieivn K‡i| c×wZwU gj~ Z Z_¨ msMÖ‡ni ch©vq †_‡K cwÖ µqvKiY ch©šÍ Z_¨ cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z m¶g| Z‡_¨i Pvwn`v †gUv‡Z GgAvBGm‡K wbqwgZ ch©v‡jvPbv I cwieZ©‡bi AvIZvq ivLv n‡q‡Q| GwU AvBGjGdGmG‡ji e¨e¯’vcbv KZ…©c¶‡K cÖwZwU chv© ‡q Z_¨ c`Ö vb K‡i ¸iæZc¡ ~Y© wm×všÍ wb‡Z mg_©b K‡i| GwU wm×všÍ MnÖ ‡Yi Rb¨ ¸iæZc¡ Y~ © mvd‡j¨i KviY¸‡jv m¤c‡K© AviI Z_¨ mieivn K‡i| g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷‡gi Rb¨ Mn„ xZ e¨e¯’v t h_vh_ GgAvBGm wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e| h_vh_ myi¶v wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e| evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki wb‡`©wkKv Abmy v‡i wbqwgZ e¨vKAvc| AvBwU we‡klÁ wb‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e| wdw›Uwj‡R›U †_‡K wdb AvjwUgvm Avw_K© mdUIq¨vi ¯’vbvšiÍ | Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 57
e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvj‡Ki e³e¨ 2021 mvj B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwRs GÛ dvBb¨vwÝqvj mvwf©‡mm wjwg‡UW (AvBGjGdGmGj) Gi cby M©Vb cwÖ µqv ïiæi wØZxq eQi| Avgiv k³ nv‡Z AvZ¥wek¦v‡mi mv‡_ †Kv¤úvwbi `yej© Zv wPwýZ K‡i Zv `~ixKiY I kw³kvjx w`K ¸‡jv Kv‡R jvwM‡q `xN©‡gqv`x I ¯í^ ‡gqv`x cwiKíbv ev¯eÍ vq‡bi D‡`¨vM wb‡qwQ| D³ cwiKíbv ev¯Íevq‡bi gva¨‡g mKj evav AwZµg K‡i mvg‡b AMmÖ i n‡q cÖwZôv‡bi mKj †kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i Av¯v’ q †divi Rb¨ Avgiv `„p cwÖ ZÁve×| cwÖ Zôv‡bi cby M©Vb cwÖ µqvi cvÖ i‡¤¢ Avwg 14B Rby 2021 mvj †_‡K B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwRs GÛ dvBb¨vwÝqvj mvwf©‡mm wjwg‡UW Gi e¨e¯v’ cbv cwiPvj‡Ki PjwZ `vwq‡Z¡ Kg©iZ i‡qwQ| 2021 mv‡j †KvwfW-19 ‰ewkK¦ gnvgvixi cÖfv‡e e¨emv cÖwZôvbmgn~ A_‰© bwZK g›`v KvwU‡q ¯v^ fvweK MwZ‡Z wdi‡Z cv‡iwb| G mg‡q gvby‡li bZbz Kgm© s¯v’ ‡bi my‡hvM †Zgb ew„ × cvqwb| d‡j GKw`‡K †hgb gvb‡y li Avq K‡g †M‡Q, Ab¨w`‡K e¨emv cwÖ Zôv‡bi wewµ n«vm †c‡q‡Q| GB `yB‡qi cÖfv‡e Avw_K© cÖwZôvb¸‡jvi Zvij¨ I †kYÖ xK…Z FY gvivZ¥Kfv‡e cÖfvweZ n‡q‡Q| GKB Kvi‡Y e¨emv cÖwZôvbmg‡~ ni Zvij¨cÖevn ¯^vfvweK bv nIqvq cÖvwZôvwbK `vqmg~n h_vh_fv‡e cwi‡kv‡a e¨_© n‡q‡Q| cby M©Vb cÖwµqv Pjgvb _vKvq 2021-G Avgiv 0.95 †KvwU UvKv FY weZiY K‡iwQ| FY weZiY Kvh©µg cY~ ©MwZ‡Z GwM‡q †bqvi gva¨‡g cwÖ ZôvbwU MwZkxjZv a‡i †i‡L‡Q| `xN© I ¯^í †gqv`x cwiKíbvi Ask wn‡m‡e Avgv‡`i AvgvbZ I FY `vq‡K g~ja‡b iƒcvšÍwiZ Kivi cÖwµqv Ges bZbz A_© msM‡Ö ni KvR Pjgvb i‡q‡Q| Avgiv cªwZôvbwUi ¯^vfvweK Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ FY Av`vq †Rvi`v‡ii gva¨‡g c‡ª qvRbxq A_© msM‡ª ni †Póv Ae¨vnZ †i‡LwQ| D³ A_© w`‡q mKj AvgvbZKvix‡`i GKwU wbw`©ó mg‡qi m`y cª`vb Ki‡ev Ges evwK A_© w`‡q ¯í^ ‡gqv`x I `xN©‡gqv`x FY ¸wj wbqwgZKiY K‡i FY cÖ`vbKvix cªwZôvb Ges AvgvbZ I F‡Yi bZzb I ciy vZb Mvª nK‡`i ˆ`bw›`b Pvwn`v c~iY K‡i mvg‡b GwM‡q hv‡ev| AvMnÖ x AvgvbZKvix‡`i wewa †gvZv‡eK kxNBª Zv‡`i AvgvbZ‡K †kqv‡i iƒcvšiÍ Kie| D‡jLø ¨, †kYª xK„Z F‡Yi wecix‡Z Avgiv 100% UvKvi ms¯v’ b †i‡LwQ| Avgv‡`i cªwfkb I ¯w’ MZ m‡y `i cwigvY 3,520 †KvwU UvKv| †kYÖ xKZ… I Pjgvb F‡Yi wecix‡Z Av`vqKZ„ A_© w`‡q Avgiv cwiKíbv gvwdK Avgv‡`i cÖwZôv‡bi ¯^vfvweK Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv KiwQ| G‡ÿ‡Î Av`vqKZ… A_© n‡Z AvgvbZKvixiv †hgb Zv‡`i A_© ¯v^ fvweKfv‡e D‡Ëvjb Ki‡Z cvi‡eb †Zgwbfv‡e wewb‡qvMKvixivI Av¯v’ i mv‡_ bZzb wewb‡qvM Ki‡eb| MvÖ nK‡`i Av¯’v †div‡bvi j‡ÿ¨ 2021 mv‡j 58 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
Avgiv AvgvbZKvix‡`i 72.21 †KvwU UvKv bM`vqb K‡iwQ| Avgiv `ªæZZg mg‡qi g‡a¨ bZzb AvgvbZKvix‡`i UvKv bM`vqb K‡iwQ| ¯^í‡gqv`x cwiKíbvi Ask wn‡m‡e Avgiv mvaviY MvÖ nK‡`i Pvwn`v Abymv‡i Ges Avgv‡`i Af¨šÍixY A_© mieiv‡ni wfwˇZ bxwZgvjvi AvIZvq Zv‡`i Avgvb‡Zi UvKv D‡Ëvj‡bi my‡hvM w`w”Q| GQvovI G cÖwµqvq Avgiv Ab¨vb¨ MÖvnK‡`iI mg‡SvZvi wfwˇZ AvgvbZ bevqb Ges Avgv‡`i M„nxZ FY wbqwgZKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ Zvij¨ ceÖ vn mv‡c‡ÿ wm×všÍ wbw”Q| Avgiv g‡b Kwi AvBGjGdGmGj K‡qKwU eQi nvwi‡q‡Q hv Zvi `xN© w`‡bi AwRZ© mby vg‡K Pigfv‡e e¨vnZ K‡i‡Q| cwÖ Zôv‡bi BwZnv‡m H K‡qKwU eQi Kv‡jv Aa¨vq wnmv‡e _vK‡e| Avgiv wekv¦ m Kwi, cwÖ Zôvb cybM©Vb cwÖ µqv mdjfv‡e m¤úbœ n‡j Avgv‡`i m¤§vbxZ MÖvnKMY Av‡iv Drmvn wb‡q cÖwZôvb‡K m‡e©v”P P~ovq †cuŠQv‡bvi j‡ÿ¨ Avgv‡`i mv‡_ Kvu ‡a-Kvu a wgwj‡q KvR Ki‡eb| cÖwZôv‡bi MÖvn‡Ki ˆah© I Avgv‡`i ewjô †bZ…Z,¡ wbi‡cÿZv, `ÿZv, mZZv I wbôv AwZ kxNªB Avgv‡`i cwÖ Zôvb‡K MwZkxj K‡i mybvg cby iæ×vi Ki‡e| Avgiv AvZ¥wekv¦ mx I mvnmx| Kvh©Ki, Awfbe I mvnmx Kg© cwiKíbv ev¯Íevqb Avgv‡`i `ty mgq KvwU‡q mmy g‡q wdiv‡e| Avgiv wek¦vm Kwi, gvb‡y li g‡Zv cwÖ Zôv‡bi Ae¯’vI me mgq GK iKg hvq bv Ges Lvivc mgqI `xN©¯v’ qx n‡e bv| m¤§vbxZ MÖvnK‡`i Av¯v’ wdwi‡q G‡b Zuv‡`i mw¤§wjZ mn‡hvMxZvq Avgv‡`i m‡e©vËg cwiKíbv ev¯Íevqb ïiæ n‡q‡Q Ges Dnv m¤ú~Y© Kivi gva¨‡g mKj MÖvnK‡`i m‡e©vËg mš‘wó wbwðZ Kie| AvBGjGdGmGj Gi AvgvbZKvix‡`i `xN‡© gqv`x ¯^v_© iÿvi j‡ÿ¨ Avgiv †kYÖ xKZ… F‡Yi wecix‡Z evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki wbqg †g‡b cwÖ fkb msiÿY K‡iwQ| Avgiv Avgv‡`i g~jab ew„ ×i cwiKíbv ev¯eÍ vqb KiwQ hv GKw`‡K AvgvbZKvix, FY c`Ö vbKvix MvÖ nK‡`i I Avgv‡`i cwÖ Zôvb c‡Ö Z¨K Askx`v‡ii Rb¨ jvfRbK n‡e| Avgiv `ÿ cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i my‡hvM¨ †bZ‡… Z¡ MwZkxj I KvhK© i my`yicmÖ vix cwiKíbv ev¯Íevq‡bi gva¨‡g 1996 mvj †_‡K avivevwnKfv‡e AwR©Z mybvg cYy iæ×vi K‡i D`vniY ˆZwii gva¨‡g GKwU kxl©¯’vbxq mdj cÖwZôv‡b cwiYZ Ki‡ev| MÖvnK I †i¸‡jUi‡`i Kv‡Q GB Avgv‡`i A½xKvi| K‡ivbvKvjxb GB msKUgq gû~ ‡Z,© Avgv‡`i m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvi Ges Zuv‡`i cwiev‡ii g‡a¨ hviv K‡ivbvq AvµvšÍ n‡q g„Zz¨eiY K‡i‡Qb Zv‡u `i Rb¨ Avgv‡`i AvšÍwiK mg‡e`bv| Zvu‡`i AvZ¥vi gvM‡div‡Zi Rb¨ cig KiæYvg‡qi Kv‡Q †`vqv Kwi| Avgiv wekv¦ m Kwi, Avgv‡`i cvÖ _©bv gÄyi n‡e| gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿xi †bZ‡… Z¡ evsjv‡`‡ki mvnmx gvbly GKm‡½ j‡o GB `‡y hv©‡Mi AvuPo g‡y Q w`‡e Ges `æª ZB †`‡ki Avw_©K kw³ wdwi‡q Avb‡e| Avwg cÖwZôv‡bi e¨e¯v’ cbvi cÿ †_‡K gvbbxq mywcÖg †KvU© Gi nvB†KvU© wefvM KZK„© wb‡qvMK…Z AÎ cÖwZôv‡bi m¤§vwbZ †Pqvig¨vb I bZzb cwiPvjbv cl©`‡K cybM©Vb cÖwµqvq Zuv‡`i mvwe©K mn‡hvwMZv I w`K-wb‡`©kbvi Rb¨ AvšÍwiK KZ… ÁZv RvbvB| Avwg we‡klfv‡e KZ… Á Avgvi cÖwZôv‡bi mnKgx©‡`i Kv‡Q, Avgv‡`i cvÖ wZôvwbK jÿ¨ AR‡© bi c‡_ Zv‡`i wbijm cwik‡Ö gi Rb¨| AÎ cÖwZôv‡bi AMÖMwZ‡Z Ges Gi Pjvi c‡_ mvweK© mn‡hvwMZv I myPviæ c_wb‡`k© w`‡q me mgq cv‡k †_‡K‡Q evsjv‡`k e¨vsK| K…ZÁZv wP‡Ë ¯§iY KiwQ evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb, RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW© I Ab¨vb¨ wbqš¿K ms¯v’ i mve©ÿwYK mn‡hvwMZv‡K| cwÖ Zôv‡bi ewntwbixÿK Ges Zvi KgK© Z©ve„‡›`i cwÖ Z _vKj Avgvi KZ… ÁZv, hv‡`i wbixÿv m¤úv`b Avgv‡`i h_vmg‡q evwlK© cÖwZ‡e`b cKÖ v‡k mnvqZv K‡i‡Q| Avcbv‡`i mK‡ji m¯y ^v¯’¨ I wbivc` Rxeb Kvgbv Kwi| ÒAvgvbZ Avcbvi, miy ÿvi `vwqZ¡ Avgv‡`iÓ Rbve †gv. gwkDi ingvb e¨e¯v’ cbv cwiPvjK (PjwZ `vwqZ¡) Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 59
cwiPvjKe„‡›`i cwÖ Z‡e`b wcqÖ †kqvinv‡ìviMY, B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwRs A¨vÛ dvBbvwÝqvj mvwf‡© mm wjwg‡UW (AvBGjGdGmGj)-Gi cwiPvjK cl‡© `i cÿ n‡Z 31 wW‡m¤i^ 2021 Zvwi‡L mgvß eQ‡ii wbixw¶Z Avw_©K weeiYx I cwiPvjKgÛjxi cÖwZ‡e`b Dc¯’vcb Ki‡Z †c‡i Avgiv Avbw›`Z| cwiPvjKgÛjxi G cÖwZ‡e`bwU 1994 mv‡ji †Kv¤úvwb AvBb, XvKv ÷K G•‡PÄ †i¸‡jkÝ 2015, PÆMÖvg ÷K G•‡PÄ †i¸‡jkÝ 2015, Avw_K© cÖwZôvb AvBb 1993, evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki wb‡`w© kKv Ges Ab¨vb¨ cÖ‡hvR¨ AvBb-Kvbyb I wbqg Abmy iY K‡i cÖ¯ÍZy Kiv n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bxwZ I A_© e¨e¯v’ cbv evsjv‡`‡ki evRvi wfwËK A_b© xwZ we‡ki¦ Ab¨Zg `æª Z ea©gvb A_b© xwZ| †UKmB wfwËi Kvi‡Y weke¦ ¨vcx Pjgvb A_b© xw- Zi Øviv evsjv‡`k †Zgb †KvbI eo ai‡Yi ¶wZi m¤§yLxb nqwb| Z‡e wKQy mgm¨v ˆewkK¦ A_©‰bwZK ceÖ w„ ׇK m¼wz PZ Kivi Kvi‡Y evsjv‡`‡ki ißvwb I Avg`vwb ew„ ׇZ evavM¯Ö Í nq| evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bxwZ DbZœ †`‡ki ¯Í‡i DbœxZ nevi Rb¨ hvÎv ïiæ K‡i‡Q| bZby ev‡R‡U †`‡k we`¨y r I Rv¡ jvwb LvZ, AvBwmwU LvZ, wk¶v Ges wkívq‡bi Dci †Rvi †`qv n‡q‡Q| 2021 mv‡j A-e¨vsK Avw_©K cÖwZôbmg‡~ ni cvidig¨vÝ bb-e¨vswKs dvBbvwÝqvj Bbw÷wUDkb (GbweGdAvB) ev A-e¨vswKs Avw_K© cwÖ Zôvbmgn~ Avw_K© cwi‡lev c`Ö v‡b ¸iæZc¡ Y~ © fw~ gKv cvjb K‡i| MvÖ nK‡`i Pvwn`v †gUv‡Z GbweGdAvBmgn~ eûgLy x Avw_K© cY¨ I cwi‡levw` wb‡q cÖwZ‡hvw- MZvgj~ K Avw_©K evRv‡i RvqMv K‡i wb‡q‡Q| GbweGdAvBmgn~ evsjv‡`‡ki Avw_K© evRv‡ii cvkvcvwk evsjv‡`‡ki wi‡qj G‡÷U Lv‡ZI ¸iæZc¡ Y~ © f~wgKv cvjb K‡i| e¨vsK¸‡jvi g‡Zv †ewkifvM GbweGdAvB-Gi gv‡P©›U e¨vswKs Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ c„_K mvewmwWqvwi i‡q‡Q| Suwy KwfwËK Z`viwK e¨e¯v’ wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`k e¨vsK GbweGdAvB- mg~‡ni Z`viwK K‡i _v‡K| GbweGdAvB¸‡jv Zv‡`i Znwe‡ji Rb¨ e¨vsK Ges MÖvn‡Ki Avgvb‡Zi Dci wbfi© kxj| 2021 mvjwU GbweGdAvB ev A-e¨vsK Avw_K© cwÖ Zôvb wk‡íi Rb¨ GKwU nZvkvRbK eQi wQj| K‡ivbv cwiw¯w’ Zi Kvi‡Y A_©‰bwZKfv‡e wech¯© Í n‡q ûgwKi m¤§yLxb n‡q c‡o‡Q GbweGdAvB LvZwU| eQiwU‡Z G wk‡íi †Ljvwc FY¸‡jv c~‡ei© Zjz bvq †e‡o‡Q Ges Zvij¨ msKU mw„ ó K‡i‡Q, A‡bK GbweGdAvB AvgvbZKvix‡`i A_© †diZ w`‡Z e¨_© n‡q‡Q, hvi d‡j G LvZwUi cÖwZ MvÖ n‡Ki Av¯’v K‡g †M‡Q| †Ljvcx FY I †bU ¶wZ wbqš¿‡Yi evB‡i Qwo‡q c‡o| GbweGdAvB Lv‡Zi cwiw¯w’ Zi Dbwœ Z GLbI m¤e¢ nqwb| Pjgvb A_©‰bwZK cZ‡bi d‡j Avw_©K †m±‡i †h ¶wZ n‡q‡Q Zv Lye kxNªB c~iY n‡e bv| Pvwn`vi cÖvq 50 kZvsk MÖvnK GLb Zv‡`i FY cwikva Ki‡Z A¶g| myZivs, GbweGdAvB Lv‡Zi †Ljvwc FY¸wj AvMvgx w`‡b AviI e„w× †c‡Z †`Lv hv‡e Ges cwiw¯w’ Z ¯^vfvweK Ae¯’vq wd‡i Avm‡Z AviI mgq jvM‡e| mwy cgÖ †KvU© KZ©„K ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK I †Pqvig¨vb wb‡qvM AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi Avw_©K msKUc~Y© cwiw¯’wZ‡Z gvbbxq mwy cgÖ †KvU©-Gi nvB‡KvU© wefvM KZ©„K cÖwZôv‡bi ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK I †Pqvig¨vb wn‡m‡e Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb-†K wb‡qvM Kiv nq| Zvu i cwiwPwZ evwlK© cwÖ Z‡e`‡b c„_Kfv‡e AšÍf³©y Kiv n‡q‡Q| †Pqvig¨vb Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb 01 Rby 2020 Zvwi‡L AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi nvj a‡ib Ges wZwb eZ©gv‡b cwÖ Zôv‡bi AMMÖ wZi c_ cÖ`k©K| cieZ©x‡Z gvbbxq mywcÖg †Kv‡U©i nvB‡KvU© wefvM KZ©„K c`Ö Ë wb‡`k© bv †gvZv‡eK mgv‡R mycwÖ ZwôZ I ¯^bvgab¨ 5 (cvu P) Rb e¨w³‡K †Kv¤úvwbi ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e cwiPvjK cl‡© ` AšÍf³y© Kiv n‡q‡Q; Zvu iv 12 Rjy vB 2021 Zvwi‡L GK‡hv‡M †Kv¤úvwbi †ev‡W© †hvM`vb K‡ib Ges eZg© v‡b †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`‡qi †bZ‡… Z¡ Zvu ‡`i Øviv cÖwZôvbwU cwiPvwjZ n‡”Q| 60 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
eZ©gv‡b cwÖ ZôvbwUi MwZkxj I cybMV© b cwÖ µqvi †bZ„Z¡ w`‡”Qb gvbbxq mywcgÖ †Kv‡Ui© nvB‡KvU© wefvM KZK„© wb‡qvMKZ… †Pqvig¨vb Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb| Zvij¨ msKU KvwU‡q cÖwZôv‡bi ¯v^ fvweK Kvhµ© g cwiPvjbv Kivi Rb¨ †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`‡qi †bZ‡… Z¡ bZbz cl`© m`m¨MY wbqšY¿ Kvix ms¯v’ , miKvi Ges †`kx-we‡`kx wewb‡qvMKvix I FY cÖ`vbKvix cwÖ Zôv‡bi mv‡_ mveÿ© wYK †hvMv‡hvM K‡i Znwej msM‡Ö ni †Póv Ki‡Qb| AwZkxNªB cwÖ ZôvbwU MvÖ nK‡`i Av¯v’ i RvqMvq wd‡i Avm‡e e‡j be-MwVZ cwiPvjK cl‡© `i gvbbxq mwy cgÖ †Kv‡Ui© nvB‡KvU© wefvM KZ©„K c`Ö Ë wb‡`k© bv †gvZv‡eK wb‡qvwRZ †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`q I ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjKe›„ ` wek¦vm K‡ib| ewntwbix¶K KZ„K© ÒGWfvm© gZvgZÓ cÖ`vb I †m wel‡q e¨vL¨v AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi ewntwbix¶K evwl©K Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`‡bi Dci Òweiƒc gZvgZ (Adverse Opinion)Ó cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q hv evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`‡bi wbix¶K cÖwZ‡e`b As‡k ewY©Z Av‡Q (c„ôv bs-101)| ewntwbix¶K KZ„K© gj~ Z `wy U weiƒc gZvgZ c`Ö vb Kiv n‡q‡Q G g‡g© †h (1) MæÖ ‡ci Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`bmgn~ I G †Kv¤úvwbi c„_K Avw_K© cwÖ Z‡e`bmg~n mwVKfv‡e 31 wW‡m¤i^ 2021 Zvwi‡L MÖæ‡ci mgwš^Z Avw_©K Ae¯’vb I †Kv¤úvwbi c_„ K Avw_K© Ae¯’vb Dc¯v’ cb K‡i bv, Ges (2) Avw_K© cwÖ Z‡e`‡bi †bvU bs 2-†Z †hfv‡e wee„Z n‡q‡Q †mfv‡e mgwš^Z I c_„ K Avw_©K cvidi‡gÝ Ges mgwšZ^ I c_„ K bM` cÖevn AvBGdAviGm, Avw_K© cwÖ Zôvb AvBb 1993, evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZ„K© RvwiK…Z wewa-weavb I AvBb-Kvbby , †Kv¤úvwb AvBb 1994 Ges Ab¨vb¨ cÖ‡hvR¨ AvBb-Kvbby cwicvjb K‡i m¤úbœ Kiv nqwb| ewntwbixÿK KZ©„K Zv‡`i weiƒc gZvgZ cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ wfwË ev KviY wn‡m‡e †gvU 8 (AvU) wU welq D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q| G wel‡q AwWU KwgwUi gšÍe¨ n‡jv ewntwbix¶K KZ©„K †h mKj welq‡K Zv‡`i weiƒc gZvgZ c`Ö v‡bi Rb¨ wfwË ev KviY wn‡m‡e D‡jLø Kiv n‡q‡Q †m¸wji AwaKvsk mwVK wKš‘ †h `ywU weiƒc gZvgZ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q Zv h_vh_ bq ev D³iƒc gZvg‡Zi mv‡_ AwWU KwgwU mngZ †cvlY K‡i bv| Dciš‘ AwWU KwgwUi gšÍe¨ n‡jv G †Kv¤úvwbi eZ©gvb cl©` 31 wW‡m¤^i 2021 mgvß eQ‡ii Avw_K© cwÖ Z‡e`b cÖYq‡bi e¨vcv‡i `vqe× wKš‘ c‡~ e©i cl‡© `i Awbq‡gi †Ri ¯i^ ƒc ewntwbix¶‡Ki Òweiƒc gZvgZ (Adverse Opinion)Ó c`Ö v‡bi e¨vcv‡i eZg© vb (nvB‡KvU© KZ„©K wb‡qvwRZ) cl`© †Kvbfv‡eB `vqe× bq weavq mZ¨, mwVK I wbi‡cÿfv‡e Avw_©K cwÖ Z‡e`b cÖYq‡bi wel‡q h_vh_ mZKZ© v Aej¤^b K‡i‡Q| cwiPvjK cl©`I AwWU KwgwUi gšÍ‡e¨i mv‡_ GKgZ| cvkvcvwk cwiPvjK cl`© KZ©K„ we‡klfv‡e wee„Z n‡”Q †h mZ¨, mwVK I wbi‡cÿfv‡e Avw_K© cÖwZ‡e`b cYÖ q‡bi j‡ÿ¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq c`‡ÿc MÖnY Kiv n‡”Q Ges n‡e| AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi Acv‡ikbvj ch©v‡jvPbv AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi Znwej †_‡K eo A‡¼i FY MÖnxZv‡`i g‡a¨ A‡bK MvÖ nK F‡Yi wKw¯Í mgqgZ cwi‡kva bv Ki‡Z cvivq cÖwZôvbwU 2018 mvj n‡Z eo ai‡Yi †jvKmv‡bi m¤§yLxb n‡q‡Q| Z‡e AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi my` Avq 2020 mv‡ji Zjy bvq 2021 mv‡j 13.09% nv« m †c‡q‡Q Ges my` e¨q 2020 mv‡ji Zjy bvq 2021 mv‡j 20.73% n«vm †c‡q‡Q| †eZb I fvZv eve` e¨q 2020 mv‡ji Zyjbvq 2021 mv‡j 21.22% nv« m †c‡q‡Q| cwiPvjb e¨q 2020 mv‡ji Zjy bvq 2021 mv‡j 22.24% nv« m †c‡q‡Q| 2021 mv‡j †gvU cwÖ fk‡bi cwigvY 2,552.09 †KvwU Ges AwbwðZ my‡`i cwigvY 967.84 †KvwU hv 2020 mv‡j wQj h_vµ‡g 2,525.22 †KvwU UvKv I 955.54 †KvwU UvKv| 2021 mv‡j †kqvi cÖwZ Avq (BwcGm) FYvZ¥K : [(9.26) UvKv] hv 2020 mv‡j wQj AviI †ewk FYvZ¥K : [(31.30 UvKv)]| 2021 mv‡j †kqvi cÖwZ †bU Acv‡iwUs bM` cÖevn wQj FYvZ¥K (1.51) UvKv hv 2020 mv‡j wQj AviI †ewk FYvZ¥K (7.04) UvKv| 2021 mv‡j †kÖwYe× BRviv, FY Ges AMxÖ g Gi nvi wQj kZKiv 87.24% hv 2020 mv‡j wQj 88.22%| 2021 mv‡j Znwe‡ji e¨q (Cost of Fund) wQj kZKiv 8.76% hv 2020 mv‡j wQj 12.39 %| wefvMxq cvidig¨vÝ 2021 mv‡j AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi K‡c©v‡iU wefvM-Gi Av`v‡qi cwigvY 77.14 †KvwU UvKv, †¯úkvj G¨v‡mU g¨v‡bR‡g›U wefvM-Gi Av`v‡qi cwigvY 18.49 †KvwU UvKv Ges GmGgB wefvM-Gi Av`v‡qi cwigvY 0.99 †KvwU UvKv| 2020 mv‡j K‡c©v‡iU wefvM-Gi Av`v‡qi cwigvY wQj 119.02 †KvwU UvKv, †¯úkvj G¨v‡mU g¨v‡bR‡g›U wefvM-Gi Av`v‡qi cwigvY wQj 5.46 †KvwU UvKv, GmGgB wefvM-Gi Av`v‡qi cwigvY wQj 2.73 †KvwU UvKv Ges wW‡cvwRU Kv‡jKkb wefv‡Mi bZbz AvgvbZ msM‡Ö ni cwigvY wQj 1.48 †KvwU UvKv| Pjgvb A¯^vfvweK Kvh©µg AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi †bU cwiPvjb Avq 2018 mv‡j wQj †gvU 87.66 †KvwU UvKv| A_P 2019 mv‡j †bU cwiPvjb Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 61
ÿwZi cwigvY `uvovq FYvZ¥K : (763.50) †KvwU UvKv| 2020 mv‡j †bU cwiPvjb gby vdvi cwigvY `uvovq FYvZ¥K (248.42) †KvwU UvKvq| Ges 2021 mv‡j †bU cwiPvjb gybvdvi cwigvY `vu ovq FYvZ¥K (180.90) †KvwU UvKvq| 2018 mvj chš© Í mg‡q FY c`Ö v‡b †¯”^ QvPvwiZv, RvgvbZ QvovB FY cÖ`vb, m‡y hvM ey‡S FYMnÖ xZvMY KZK©„ FY cwi‡kva bv Kiv, Ges cwiPvjK cl‡© `i AbygwZ QvovB FY cÖ`vb wKsev wb‡`w© kZ RvgvbZ bv †bIqv‡K Giƒc Pjgvb A¯^vfvweK Kvhµ© g ev cvidig¨v‡Ýi g~j KviY wn‡m‡e †Kv¤úvwbi eZ©gvb cwiPvjK cl`© aviYv K‡ib| FY cÖ`v‡bi †ÿ‡Î h_vh_ wbqg bxwZi Abmy iY bv Kiv I wewfbœ Ae¨e¯v’ cbvi d‡j cwÖ ZôvbwU 2018 mvj n‡Z A_‰© bwZKfv‡e wech©¯Í n‡q c‡o, Zvij¨ msK‡Ui Kvi‡Y AvgvbZKvix‡`i A_© †diZ w`‡Z e¨_© nq Ges AvZw¼Z AvgvbZKvix‡`i wbqš¿Y Ki‡Z wM‡q cÖwZôvbwU ûgwKi m¤§yLxb nq| 2018 I 2019 mv‡j msNwUZ Awbqg I `yb©xwZ cwÖ ZôvbwU‡K `xN‡© gqv`x ÿwZi g‡y L †d‡j w`‡q‡Q| eZg© v‡b cÖwZôvbwUi c‡ÿ 233 I wec‡ÿ 37wU gvgjv wewfbœ Av`vj‡Z wePvivaxb i‡q‡Q| gnvgvb¨ mcy xÖ g †Kv‡Ui© nvB‡KvU© wefv‡M 2019 mv‡ji 299 bs gvgjvwU wePvivaxb i‡q‡Q| mvewmwWqvwi cwiPvjbv AvBGj K¨vwcUvj wjwg‡UW Ges B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwRs wmwKDwiwUm wjwg‡UW (AvBGjGmGj) n‡jv B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwRs GÛ dvBbvwÝqvj mvwf‡© mm wjwg‡U‡Wi GKwU m¤úY~ © mvewmwWqvwi cwÖ Zôvb, hv †`‡ki wewfbœ cÖwZôv‡bi wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i †mev cÖ`vb K‡i| AvBGj K¨vwcUvj wjwg‡UW 2021 cwÄKve‡li© wbixÿv cÖwZ‡e`b Abyhvqx †Kv¤úvwb 2 †KvwU 85 jÿ UvKv wbU gby vdv ARb© Ki‡Z mÿg nq| AwR©Z gby vdv †_‡K weMZ 2 Ryb, 2022 Zvwi‡L Abwy ôZ AvBGj K¨vwcUvj wjwg‡UW Gi 57Zg mfvq 5% (cuvP kZvsk) jf¨vsk mycvwik Kiv nq Ges 14 AvM÷, 2022 Zvwi‡L Abwy ôZ †Kv¤úvwbi 11Zg evrmwiK mvaviY mfvq D³ mcy vwikK…Z 5% (cvu P kZvsk) jf¨vsk Aby‡gvw`Z nq| B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwRs wmwKDwiwUm wjwg‡UW (AvBGjGmGj) 2020 mv‡ji ÿwZi cwigvY 137 wgwjqb †_‡K †b‡g 2021 mv‡j 23 wgwjq‡b †b‡g G‡m‡Q| Z‡e †Kv¤úvwbwU 2021 mv‡j cwiPvjb ÿwZ †_‡K cwiPvjb jv‡f DbœxZ n‡q‡Q| gj~ ab evRvi Acv‡ikb gj~ ab evRv‡i e¨vcK AebwZ m‡Ë¡I B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwRs GÛ dvBb¨vwÝqvj mvwf©‡mm wjwg‡UW 2021-22 mv‡j cwuy RevRvi wewb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î Zvi Ae¯’vb a‡i ivL‡Z m‡Pó i‡q‡Q| kvLv cwiPvjbv DËiv, wm‡jU I PU&Mª vÖ ‡g AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi †gvU wZbwU kvLv i‡q‡Q| gvbe m¤ú` AvBGjGdGmGj Kg©x‡`i cÖ‡qvRb I AvKv•Lvi cwÖ Z ms‡e`bkxj Ges Kg©x‡`i `¶Zv, m¤¢vebv Ges g‡bvfv‡ei mwVK g~j¨vq‡bi c‡¶ mnvqK| cwÖ Zôv‡bi KgK© Zv© wb‡qvM msµvšÍ bxwZ¸‡jv evsjv‡`‡ki Kg©ms¯v’ b mswkøó AvB‡bi mv‡_ Ges cÖwZôv‡bi cwiPvjbv cl‡© `i Ab‡y gv`‡bi mv‡_ mvgÄm¨cY~ ©| AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi Kg©x‡`i‡K mgvb ev BK¨z B‡Uej m‡y hvM c`Ö vb Kiv nq| RvwZ, ag,© eY,© eqm, ag©, wj½, RvZxq Drm, kvixwiK ev gvbwmK A¶gZv, cÖexYZv, ˆeevwnK Ae¯v’ Ges AvBb Øviv myiwÿZ ˆewkó¨ we‡ePbv bv K‡i †miv †hvM¨ Av‡e`bKvix‡`i Kgx© wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM †`qv AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi bxwZ| Z_¨ cÖhwy ³ Z_¨ chÖ wy ³ (AvBwU) wefvM AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi AvBwU AeKvVv‡gv ˆZwi I i¶Yv‡e¶‡Yi Rb¨ `vqe×| AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi AvBwU wefvM mdUIq¨vi, WvUv‡em Bw›U‡MkÖ b I gvB‡MÖkb, nvW©Iq¨vi msMnÖ , Bb÷‡jkb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y, †bUIqvK© AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, wewfbœ †bUIqv‡K©i mgm¨v mgvavb, wcwm wWfvBm, Z_¨ e¨vKAvc, A¨vw›UfvBivm, Uvwgb© vj mvf©vi, kvLv ms‡hvM Ges B›Uvi‡bU ms‡hvM BZ¨vw` †ÿ‡Î Dbqœ b wbwðZKiY I i¶Yv‡e¶‡Yi KvR m¤úv`b K‡i _v‡K| Af¨šÍixY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯v’ AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi Af¨šiÍ xY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v, Gi ch©vßZv Ges KvhK© vwiZv wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ cwiPvjK cl©` Zvi `vwqZ¡ ¯^xKvi K‡i| cwiPvjK cl`© I wbqš¿YKvix KZc…© ÿ KZ„©K wb‡`©wkZ I Aby‡gvw`Z bxwZgvjv ev¯Íevqb I Z`viwKi 62 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
gva¨‡g cÖwZôv‡bi Suwy K nv« m Kivi Rb¨ †Kv¤úvwbi B›Uvibvj AwWU GÛ Kgcøv‡qÝ wefvM `vqe×| wbix¶v bxwZgvjv I Gi ev¯Íevq‡bi †Kvb ÎæwU ev Ach©vßZv _vK‡j Zv wbiƒcb I AwWU KwgwU‡Z Z_¨ I cÖwZ‡e`b Dc¯v’ cb Kivi `vwqZ¡ B›Uvibvj AwWU GÛ Kgcøv‡qÝ wefv‡Mi| AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi eZ©gvb cwiPvjK cl©` cÖwZôv‡b GKwU myôz I Kvh©Ki Af¨šiÍ xY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v cÖwZôv Kivi wel‡q AvšÍwiKfv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| Avw_©K djvdj Ges jvf-†jvKmvb Ave›Ub (mvgwMKÖ ) 2021 mv‡ji Avw_©K djvd‡ji cÖwZ‡e`b 2020 mv‡ji mv‡_ Zzjbvmn Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡jv : weeiY 2021 2020 cwiPvjb Avq (1,566,777,418) (2,370,390,090) cwiPvjb e¨q 191,205,635 224,330,680 cwÖ fkb I Ki ce~ ©eZ©x gby vdv / Acv‡ikbvj gybvdv (1,757,983,056) (2,594,720,770) m‡›`nm~PK wnmv‡ei cwÖ fkb 264,540,772 4,314,505,483 Ki ce~ eZx© gybvdv (2,022,523,775) (6,909,226,253) Ki eve` LiP 31,861,134 33,032,645 Ki cieZx© jvf (†jvKmvb) (2,054,387,190) (6,942,258,898) Kx Acv‡iwUs Ges Avw_©K Z_¨ (Key Operating & Financial Information) MZ cuvP eQ‡ii Kx Acv‡iwUs Ges Avw_K© Z_¨ evwl©K cwÖ Z‡e`‡b ÒcÖavb Avw_©K m~PKÓ wk‡ivbv‡g c_„ Kfv‡e †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q| AvBGjGdGmGj Gi jf¨vsk †NvlYv 2021 mv‡j cÖwfkb I Ki ce~ ©eZx© gybvdvi cwigvY wQj FYvZ¥K : (180.909) †KvwU UvKv| G Qvov †Kv¤úvwbi wi‡UBÛ Avwb©sm-Gi cwigvY (FYvZ¥K) `uvovq (3,687.029) †KvwU UvKv| G Kvi‡Y cwiPvjK cl‡© `i 25 AvM÷ 2022 Zvwi‡L AbywôZ 259Zg mfvq 31 wW‡m¤^i 2021 Zvwi‡L mgvß eQ‡ii Rb¨ †KvbI jf¨vsk bv †`qvi c¯Ö Íve Kiv n‡q‡Q hv 26Zg evwlK© mvaviY mfvq Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡e| cwiPvjK cl‡© `i c¶ †_‡K weeZ„ n‡”Q †h, cwiPvjK cl©` AšÍe©Z©xKvjxb jf¨vsk wn‡m‡e †Kvb †evbvm †kqvi ev ÷K wWwf‡WÛ †NvlYv 2021 mv‡j K‡iwb Ges fwel¨‡ZI Ki‡e bv| Swuy K I D‡ØM A_e© vRv‡i mwµq AskMÖnYKvix wn‡m‡e †Kv¤úvwb‡K wewfbœ SuywKi m¤§yLxb n‡Z nq| wewfbœ ai‡Yi Swuy Ki g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q my` nvi Swuy K, FY Swuy K, Zvij¨ Swyu K Ges Ab¨vb¨ e¨emvwqK SyuwK| GKwU Avw_K© cwÖ Zôv‡bi wbiwew”Qbœ Kg©Kv‡Ûi Rb¨ `¶ Swuy K e¨e¯v’ cbv AZ¨šÍ Riæwi| wbqwgZ evRvi ch©‡e¶Y, wewfbœ KgK© v‡Ûi mv‡_ RwoZ bvbviKg Suwy K j¶¨ ivLv Ges h_vh_ SyuwK e¨e¯’vcbv GKwU Avw_©K cÖwZôv‡bi mgwš^Z Swyu K e¨e¯’vcbvi AšfÍ ©y³| AvBGjGdGmGj evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZ©…K 18 †m‡Þ¤^i 2005 Zvwi‡L RvixKZ… ÒAvw_©K cwÖ Zôv‡bi g~j SyuwK e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ wb‡`©wkKvÓ Ges 24 Rvbqy vwi 2016 Zvwi‡L wWGdAvBGg mvKjz© vi bs-03 Gi Aax‡b RvixK…Z ÒAvw_K© cÖwZôv‡bi Rb¨ mgwš^Z SyuwK e¨e¯v’ cbv wb‡`©wkKvÓ †g‡b P‡j| cwiPvjbv cl`© Swuy K cwigvc, wba©viY Ges ch©‡e¶‡Yi gva¨‡g Zv wbimb Kivi Rb¨ `vqe×| Z‡e wewfbœ Swuy Ki e¨e¯v’ cbvi Rb¨ AvBGjGdGmG‡j wewfbœ KwgwU MVb Kiv n‡q‡Q| e¨e¯’vcbv KwgwU (Ggwm) mg¯Í FY c¯ª Íve we‡kølY Ges h_vh_ e¨e¯v’ MÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g me ai‡Yi F‡Y Sywu K e¨e¯v’ cbvi Rb¨ `vqe×| G¨v‡mU-jvqvwewjwU KwgwU (Gj‡Kv) Znwe‡ji mv‡_ RwoZ mKj m‡y `i nvi I Zvij¨ Suwy Ki e¨e¯v’ cbvi Rb¨ `vqe×| GKwU ¯^vaxb B›Uvibvj AwWU Ab‡y gvw`Z FY weZi‡Yi c‡~ e© KiYxq Kvh©µ‡g cwiPvjbvMZ SyuwK †gvKv‡ejvi Rb¨ `vqe×| B›Uvibvj AwWU wWcvU‡© g›U mvgwMKÖ Avbôy vwbKZvi Ask wn‡m‡e `vwLjKZ„ mKj KvMRcÎ we‡kølY I cixÿv-wbixÿv K‡i hv cwiPvjbvi Swuy K †gvKv‡ejv Ki‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i| †µwWU wi¯‹ g¨v‡bR‡g›U (wmAviGg)-Gi Kvh©µg‡K weR‡bm †W‡fjc‡g›U wefvM n‡Z Avjv`v K‡i GKRb D”Pc`¯’ Kg©KZ©vi Aax‡b wmAviGg wefvM MVb Kiv n‡q‡Q| wewfbœ Suwy K msµvšÍ welq¸wj wb‡q we¯ÍvwiZ weeiY Avw_K cwÖ Z‡e`‡bi †bvU bs 2.41-†Z c`Ö vb Kiv n‡q‡Q| GQvovI Swyu K e¨e¯’vcbv wel‡q GKwU cÖwZ‡e`b evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`‡b c_„ Kfv‡e Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡q‡Q| Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 63
†µwWU †iwUs †µwWU †iwUs wewbqvMKvix‡`i wek` Z_¨ mieivn K‡i cÖwZôv‡bi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z Sywu Kmg~n we‡klø Y Ki‡Z mnvqZv K‡i| AvBGjGdGmGj-†K b¨vkbvj †µwWU †iwUs wjwg‡UW (GbwmAvi) bvgK kxl©¯v’ bxq ¯Z^ š¿ †iwUs G‡RwÝ KZ©„K 31 wW‡m¤i^ 2021 Zvwi‡L mgvß eQ‡ii Avw_©K weeiYxi wfwˇZ ¯^í †gqv‡`i Rb¨ ÒBBB+Ó Ges ST-4 wn‡m‡e ivq †`qv n‡q‡Q| cwiPvjK cl©‡`i MVb 2021 mv‡ji ïiæ‡Z AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi cwiPvjK cl©‡`i MVb wQj wb¤iœ ƒc: bvg weeiY Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb gvbbxq mywcgÖ †Kv‡Ui© nvB‡KvU© wefvM KZK„© wb‡qvMKZ… ¯^Zš¿ Rbve †gv. byiæj Avjg cwiPvjK I †Pqvig¨vb Rbve gynv¤§` Aveyj nv‡kg k Iqv‡jm evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW KZ„©K g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Rbve †gv. bI‡kiæj Bmjvg k Iqv‡jm evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW KZ©„K g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Rbve emy‡`e e¨vbvwR© †bPvi G›Uvicvª BR wjwg‡UW KZ„K© g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Rbve †gv. Avbv‡qviæj Kwei weAvi B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwg‡UW KZ„©K g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Rbve bvwmg Av‡bvqvi weAvi B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwg‡UW KZK©„ g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Rbve †gv. RvwKi Avnv‡¤§` wbD‡UK G›UvicÖvBR wjwg‡UW KZ„K© g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Gm †K Avãiy iwdK †bPvi G›UvicªvBR wjwg‡UW KZK©„ g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Rbve †gv. Rwniæj Avjg, GdwmG wbD‡UK G›UvicvÖ BR wjwg‡UW KZ„©K g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Rbve †gv. Aveyj nv‡mg (GgG nv‡mg) ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK Rbve biy æ¾vgvb ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK D‡jLø ¨, gvbbxq mwy cÖg †KvU©-Gi nvB‡KvU© wefv‡Mi wb‡`©kbvµ‡g wb‡qvMcvÖ ß ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK I †Pqvig¨vb Rbve L›`Kvi Be&ªvwng Lv‡j` ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK/ †Pqvig¨vb c` †_‡K 01 gvP© 2020 Zvwi‡L c`Z¨vM K‡ib hv gvbbxq mywcÖg †KvU-© Gi nvB‡KvU© wefvM 19 gvP© 2020 Zvwi‡L Avg‡j wb‡q †Kv¤úvwbi ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK I †Pqvig¨vb wn‡m‡e Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb‡K wb‡qvM K‡ib| G cwi‡cwÖ ÿ‡Z Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb 01 Rby 2020 ZvwiL †_‡K ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK I †Pqvig¨vb wn‡m‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb ïiæ K‡ib| ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e Rbve †gv. Rwniæj Avjg I Rbve biy æ¾vgv‡bi wb‡qv‡Mi 2q †gqv` h_vµ‡g 12 †g 2021 Zvwi‡L I 27 Rby 2021 Zvwi‡L †kl n‡q‡Q weavq Zuv‡`i cwiPvjK c` k~Y¨ n‡q‡Q Ges ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e Rbve †gv. Aveyj nv‡mg (GgG nv‡mg)-Gi wb‡qv‡Mi 2q †gqv` 29 A‡±vei 2022 Zvwi‡L †kl n‡e| 09 wW‡m¤i^ 2020 Zvwi‡L AbywôZ 24Zg †evW© mfvq wbD‡UK G›UvicÖvBR wjwg‡U‡Wi g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK wg‡mm cvwcqv e¨vbvRx© I †bPvi G›UvicvÖ BR wjwg‡U‡Wi g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK wg‡mm ggZvR †eMg Aemi MnÖ Y K‡ib Ges Zvu ‡`i ¯’‡j h_vµ‡g Rbve †gvt RvwKi Avng` I Rbve Gm‡K Avãyi iwdK (†kL Avãyi iwdK) wbev© wPZ nb| cieZ©x‡Z Rbve †gvt RvwKi Avng` I Rbve Gm‡K Avãiy iwdK cwiPvjK cl©` †_‡K c`Z¨vM K‡ib| Rbve †gv. byiæj Avjg (k Iqv‡jm evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW KZK©„ g‡bvbxZ), Rbve †gv. bI‡kiæj Bmjvg (†bPvi G›Uvicvª BR wjwg‡UW KZ„K© g‡bvbxZ) Ges Rbve evmy‡`e e¨vbvwR© (weAvi B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwg‡UW KZ„K© g‡bvbxZ) 30 wW‡m¤i^ 2021 Zvwi‡L Abwy ôZ 25Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq chv© qµwgK Aemi MÖn‡Yi kZ© ci~ ‡Yi wbwgË AemiMÖnY K‡ib Ges cybtwbe©vwPZ nb| 64 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
†Kv¤úvwbi g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjKMY wewfbœ gvgjv I AvBbx eva¨evaKZvi Kvi‡Y †Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvjbvq AskMÖnY Ki‡Z cvi‡Qb bv ev Ki‡Qb bv| GgZve¯v’ q gvbbxq mywcgÖ †Kv‡U©i nvB‡KvU© wefvM KZ©K„ mgv‡R mycwÖ ZwôZ I ¯^bvgab¨ 5 (cuvP) Rb e¨w³‡K ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e cwiPvjK cl‡© ` AšÍf©y³ Kivi Rb¨ wb‡`k© bv cÖ`vb Kiv nq Ges Zuviv 12 Rjy vB 2021 Zvwi‡L †hvM`vb K‡ib| D³ 5 (cvu P) Rb ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK n‡jb : Rbve ‰mq` Avey bv‡mi eLwZqvi Avn‡g`, Rbve †gv. mwdKzj Bmjvg, weÁ wmwbqi †Rjv I `vqiv RR (Aet), we‡ª MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij †gv. †gdZvDj Kwig weGmwc, Gmwcwc, wewcGgGm, GbwWwm, wcGmwm (Aet), e¨vwi÷vi †gv. Avkivd Avjx Ges Rbve †gv. Gbvgjy nvmvb GdwmG; eZ©gv‡b †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`‡qi †bZ…‡Z¡ Zvu ‡`i Øviv cwÖ ZôvbwU cwiPvwjZ n‡”Q| cwiPvjKM‡Yi Aemi MÖnY I cybtwb‡qvM †Kv¤úvwb AvBb 1994 Abymv‡i cÖwZwU evwlK© mvaviY mfvq cvewjK wjwg‡UW †Kv¤úvwbi b~¨bZg GK-Z„Zxqvsk cwiPvjK‡K ch©vµwgK Aemi MnÖ Y Ki‡Z nq; Giƒc chv© qµwgK AemiMnÖ ‡Yi kZw© U ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjKM‡Yi †ÿ‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨ nq bv; cwiPvjKM‡Yi ga¨ n‡Z †K ev Kviv Aemi MnÖ Y Ki‡eb Zv cwiPvjKM‡Yi wb‡qvM/ wbev© Pb/ cby twb‡qvM/ cby twb‡qv‡Mi ZvwiL Abmy v‡i †R¨ôZvi wfwˇZ wbav© wiZ nq; Ges evwlK© mvaviY mfvq AemiMÖnYKvix c‡Ö Z¨K cwiPvjK mvaviYfv‡e cybivq wbev© wPZ nevi Rb¨ †hvM¨ we‡ewPZ nb| †R¨ôZvi wfwˇZ we‡ePbv K‡i wb¤eœ wYZ© cwiPvjKMY 26Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Aemi MnÖ Y Ki‡eb : 1. Rbve bvwmg Av‡bvqvi (wbD‡UK G›UvicvÖ BR wjwg‡UW KZ„K© g‡bvbxZ) 2. Rbve †gv. RvwKi Avnv‡¤§` (†bPvi G›UvicªvBR wjwg‡UW KZ„K© g‡bvbxZ) 3. Rbve Gm †K Avãyi iwdK (wbD‡UK G›UvicvÖ BR wjwg‡UW KZ©K„ g‡bvbxZ) AemiMÖnYKvix D³ cwiPvjKM‡Yi msw¶ß cwiPq Avw_K© cwÖ Z‡e`‡bi †bvU bs 41.2-G c`Ö wk©Z n‡q‡Q| D³ 3 (wZb) Rb cwiPvjK wewfbœ gvgjv I AvBbx eva¨evaKZvi Kvi‡Y eZ©gv‡b †Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvjbvq AskMÖnY Ki‡Z cvi‡Qb bv ev Ki‡Qb bv, Z`ycwi mswkóø g‡bvbqb cÖ`vbKvix †Kv¤úvwbi cÿ n‡Z Zuv‡`i g‡bvbqb cZÖ ¨vnvi Kiv nqwb weavq 26Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq †kqvi‡nvìviMY Zvu ‡`i‡K cybtwbev© wPZ Ki‡Z cv‡ib Avevi mvwe©K we‡eP- bvq cybtwbe©vwPZ bvI Ki‡Z cv‡ib| †kqvi‡nvwìs KvVv‡gv K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡b©Ý †Kv‡Wi kZ© bs 1(5)(xxiii) Abmy v‡i †kqvi‡nvwìs KvVv‡gv c_„ Kfv‡e msh³y Kiv n‡q‡Q (mshyw³-1)| wi‡j‡UW cvwU© Uªvb‡RKkvb wi‡j‡UW cvwU© Uvª b‡RKkvb m¤úwKZ© we¯vÍ wiZ Z_¨ Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`‡bi †bvU bs 41-G cÖ`wk©Z n‡q‡Q| cwiPvjbv cl‡© `i mfv †Kv¤úvbx AvBb 1994 †gvZv‡eK c‡Ö Z¨K †Kv¤úvwb‡Z AšZÍ t 4 (Pvi) wU cl`© mfv AbywôZ nevi weavb i‡q‡Q| 2021 mv‡j AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi cwiPvjK cl©‡`i 07 (mvZ) wU mfv AbywôZ nq| cwiPvjKM‡Yi mfvq Dcw¯’wZ I cvwikªwgK †Pqvig¨vb I cwiPvjKM‡Yi cvwikÖwgK c`Ö vb m¤úwK©Z GKwU weeiYx Avw_©K weeiYxi †bvU 30-G cÖ`wk©Z n‡q‡Q Ges GKwU we¯ÍvwiZ weeiY mshy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q (mshyw³-2)| ewntwbix¶K wb‡qvM 30 wW‡m¤i^ 2021 Zvwi‡L AbywôZ 25Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq †gmvm© KvRx Rwni Lvb GÛ †Kvs, PvUv© W© GKvD›U¨v›Um, †Kv¤úvwbi 2021 mv‡ji ewntwbix¶K wn‡m‡e wb‡qvMcÖvß nq Ges wbixÿ‡Ki wdm 460,000 UvKv wbav© iY Kiv nq| †gmvm© KvRx Rwni Lvb GÛ †Kvs, PvUv© W© GKvD›U¨v›Um 27Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvi mgvwß Aewa KvR Ki‡e| 25 AvM÷ 2022 Zvwi‡L AbywôZ 259Zg cl©` mfvq †gmvm© KvRx Rwni Lvb GÛ †Kvs, PvU©vW© GKvD›U¨v›Um-†K 2022 mv‡ji ewntwbix¶K wn‡m‡e c~‡e©i wba©viYKZ… wdm Abhy vqx cby twb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ mcy vwik Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖwZôvbwU Zvi †KvbI cwiPvjK/ Askx`vi‡K †Kvb ai‡Yi FY cÖ`vb K‡iwb| 26Zg evwlK© mvaviY mfvq †gmvm© KvRx Rwni Lvb GÛ †Kvs, PvUv© W© GKvD›U¨v›Um-‡K †Kv¤úvwbi ewntwbix¶K wn‡m‡e †kqvi‡nvìviMY KZK„© cybtwb‡qvM Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 65
¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK wb‡qvM K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi 1(2)(a) bs kZ© Abymv‡i †gvU cwiPvjK msL¨vi b~¨bZg GK-cÂgvsk ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK (Independent Director) wb‡qv‡Mi weavb i‡q‡Q| D³ †Kv‡Wi weavb †gvZv‡eK ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvj‡Ki †gqv` n‡e 3 (wZb) eQi Ges Zv cieZx© AviI GK eQ‡ii Rb¨ e„w× Kiv hv‡e| ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK †Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvjK cl`© KZK„© wb‡qvMcÖvß nq Ges D³ wb‡qvM evwlK© mvaviY mfvq Ab‡y gvw`Z n‡Z nq| †m †gvZv‡eK ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e Rbve †gvt Rwniæj Avjg, Rbve †gvt Avejy nv‡mg (GgG nv‡mg) I Rbve biy æ¾vgvb h_vµ‡g 13 †g 2015 ZvwiL, 30 A‡±vei 2016 ZvwiL Ges 28 Ryb 2015 ZvwiL n‡Z wb‡qvMcÖvß nb| kZ© †gvZv‡eK ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e Rbve †gvt Rwniæj Avjg I Rbve biy æ¾vgv‡bi wb‡qv‡Mi 2q †gqv` h_vµ‡g 12 †g 2021 Zvwi‡L I 27 Rby 2021 Zvwi‡L †kl n‡q‡Q weavq Zvu ‡`i cwiPvjK c` kY~ ¨ n‡q‡Q Ges Rbve †gvt Avejy nv‡mg (GgG nv‡mg)-Gi wb‡qv‡Mi 2q †gqv` 29 A‡±vei 2022 Zvwi‡L †kl n‡e| Acic‡ÿ gvbbxq mwy cgÖ †KvU-© Gi nvB‡KvU© wefvM KZK©„ c`Ö Ë wb‡`k© bv †gvZv‡eK †Kv¤úvwbi ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb, Rbve ˆmq` Avey bv‡mi eLwZqvi Avn‡g`, Rbve †gv. mwdKjz Bmjvg, weÁ wmwbqi †Rjv I `vqiv RR (Aet), weª‡MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij †gv. †gdZvDj Kwig weGmwc, Gmwcwc, wewcGgGm, GbwWwm, wcGmwm (Aet), e¨vwi÷vi †gv. Avkivd Avjx I Rbve †gv. Gbvgyj nvmvb GdwmG-Gi cwiPvjK cl‡© ` AšfÍ y©³ nb Ges eZg© v‡b Zvu ‡`i gva¨‡g †Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvwjZ n‡”Q| welqwU †kqvi‡nvìviMY AeMZ n‡jb g‡g© 25Zg evwlK© mvaviY mfvq we‡klfv‡e †iKWf© ³z Kiv n‡q‡Q| K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡bÝ© Kgcvø ‡qÝ m¤ú‡K© cwÖ Z‡e`b I mb` Ges K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡bÝ© AwWUi wb‡qvM K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi kZ©mg‡~ ni AbymiY m¤úwKZ© GKwU cwÖ Z‡e`b c¯Ö Z‘ K‡i Zv mshwy ³-4 wn‡m‡e mshy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q| GQvov D³ †KvW Abmy v‡i 25Zg evwlK© mvaviY mfvq †gmvm© GmGiwk` GÛ A¨v‡mvwm‡qUm, PvU©vW© †m‡µUvixR-†K K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡bÝ© AwWUi wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q| †m †gvZv‡eK †gmvm© GmGiwk` GÛ A¨v‡mvwm‡qUm, PvU©vW© †m‡µUvixR, KZ©K„ K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡b©Ý †Kv‡Wi kZm© g~‡ni AbymiY m¤úwK©Z mb` Bm¨y Kiv n‡e hv evwl©K cwÖ Z‡e`‡b mshyw³-5 wn‡m‡e AšfÍ y³© n‡e| K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡b©Ý †Kv‡Wi weavb †gvZv‡eK 26Zg evwlK© mvaviY mfvq K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡bÝ© AwWUi wn‡m‡e †h‡Kvb c¨Ö vKwUwks PvU©vW© GKvD›U¨v›U dvg© ev K÷ GÛ g¨‡bR‡g›U GKvD›U¨v›U dvg© ev PvUv© W© †m‡µUvix dvg‡© K wb‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e| cwiPvjK cl©` KZ©„K †gmvm© GmGiwk` GÛ A¨v‡mvwm‡qUm, PvUv© W© †m‡µUvixR-†K cieZx© †gqv‡`i Rb¨ A_v© r 27Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv mgvwß chš© Í mg‡qi Rb¨ K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡bÝ© AwWUi wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM Kivi Rb¨ mcy vwik Kiv n‡q‡Q| wewfbœ cl©` KwgwU K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi 4, 5 I 6 bs kZ© †gvZv‡eK cwiPvjK cl`© KZ„©K cwiPvjbv cl‡© `i mve-KwgwU wn‡m‡e GKwU AwWU KwgwU Ges GKwU bwg‡bkb I †igby v‡ikb KwgwU MVb Kivi weavb i‡q‡Q| Acic‡ÿ evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki wb‡`w© kKv Abhy vqx cwiPvjK cl©‡`i 2 (`yB) wU KwgwU _vK‡Z cv‡i : AwWU KwgwU I Kvhw© be©vnx KwgwU| AwWU KwgwU K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi kZ© I evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki wb‡`w© kKv †gvZv‡eK †Kv¤úvwb‡Z GKwU AwWU KwgwU i‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZ„K© RvixK…Z wWGdAvBGg mvK©jz vi bs-13 Ges evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR A¨vÛ G•‡PÄ Kwgkb KZ©K„ RvixKZ… K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi wb‡`k© bv †gvZv‡eK AwWU KwgwU Zvi f~wgKv I `vq-`vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡i| K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi weavb Abhy vqx AwWU KwgwUi wUIAvi wbav© i‡Yi welqwU cÖwµqvaxb i‡q‡Q| AwWU KwgwU me©‡kl 19 RyjvB 2021 Zvwi‡L cybMw© VZ nq| 2021 mv‡j AwWU KwgwUi 2 (`By ) wU mfv AbywôZ n‡q‡Q| AwWU KwgwUi eZ©gvb †Pqvig¨vb Rbve †gv. Gbvgyj nvmvb, GdwmG| AwWU KwgwUi Ab¨vb¨ m`m¨iv n‡jb Rbve ˆmq` Avey bv‡mi eLwZqvi Avn‡g`, Rbve †gv. mwdKjz Bmjvg, weÁ wmwbqi †Rjv I `vqiv RR (Aet), we‡ª MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij †gv. †gdZvDj Kwig weGmwc, Gmwcwc, wewcGgGm, GbwWwm, wcGmwm (Aet) Ges e¨vwi÷vi †gv. Avkivd Avjx| K‡c©v‡iU Mfv‡b©Ý †Kv‡Wi 5(7) bs k‡Z©i weavb †gvZv‡eK AwWU KwgwUi GKwU cwÖ Z‡e`b msh³y Kiv n‡q‡Q [mshyw³-5]| 66 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
Kvhw© bev© nx KwgwU FY I BRviv msµvšÍ cÖ¯vÍ emgn~ ch©v‡jvPbvi wfwˇZ Aby‡gv`b cÖ`vb Kiv Kvh©wbev© nx KwgwUi cÖavb `vwqZ¡| Kvh©wbe©vnx KwgwU me©‡kl 19 Rjy vB 2021 Zvwi‡L cybMw© VZ nq| Kvh©wbev© nx KwgwUi eZg© vb †Pqvig¨vb Rbve ˆmq` Avey bv‡mi eLwZqvi Avn‡g`| wbix¶v KwgwUi eZg© vb m`m¨iv n‡jb Rbve †gv. mwdKjz Bmjvg, weÁ wmwbqi †Rjv I `vqiv RR (Aet), we‡ª MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij †gv. †gdZvDj Kwig weGmwc, Gmwcwc, wewcGgGm, GbwWwm, wcGmwm (Aet), e¨vwi÷vi †gv.Avkivd Avjx Ges Rbve †gv. Gbvgyj nvmvb, GdwmG| bwg‡bkb I †igby v‡ikb KwgwU K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi 4 I 6 bs kZ© †gvZv‡eK cwiPvjbv cl©` KZK©„ cwiPvjbv cl‡© `i mve-KwgwU wn‡m‡e GKwU bwg‡bkb I †igby v‡ikb KwgwU MVb Kivi weavb i‡q‡Q| †m †gvZv‡eK cwiPvjK cl‡© `i 23 †deæª qvwi 2021 Zvwi‡L AbywôZ 250Zg †evW© mfvq GKwU bwg‡bkb I †igby v‡ikb KwgwU MVb Kiv n‡qwQj, wKš‘ evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZ©„K RvixKZ… wb‡`©kbvi Kvi‡Y Zv KvhK© i Kiv m¤¢e nqwb| Avw_K© cÖwZ‡e`b wel‡q cwiPvjKgÛjxi wee„wZ cwiPvjKgÛjxi cÿ n‡Z weeZ„ Kiv hv‡”Q †h, cÖ¯ÍyZK…Z Avw_K© cwÖ Z‡e`bmg~n cwÖ Zôv‡bi mvwe©K Ae¯’v, Acv‡ik‡bi djvdj, bM` ceÖ vn Ges BKy¨BwU cwieZb© mwVKfv‡e Dc¯’vcb K‡i; cwÖ Zôv‡bi wnmve ewnmgn~ mwVKfv‡e i¶Yv‡e¶Y Kiv n‡q‡Q; Avw_K© weeiYx c¯Ö ÍZy Kivi †¶‡Î wnmve c×wZi bxwZgvjvmgn~ mvgÄm¨c~Yf© v‡e e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges hwy ³m½Z I wePÿY wePv‡ii wfwˇZ wnmve-wbKvk cwiMYbv Kiv n‡q‡Q; Avw_©K weeiYx c¯Ö y͇Zi †¶‡Î evsjv‡`‡k Mn„ xZ B›Uvib¨vkbvj GKvDw›Us ÷vÛvW©mg~n I B›Uvib¨vkbvj dvBb¨vbwmqvj wi‡cvwUs© ÷vÛvWm© g~n AbymiY Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges †Kvb †ÿ‡Î weP¨z wZ N‡U _vK‡j Zv D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q; cÖwZôv‡bi Af¨šÍixY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯v’ cby MV© b cwÖ µqvaxb i‡q‡Q Ges Af¨šiÍ xY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’vi mwVK ch©‡e¶Y Ges h_vh_ cÖ‡qvM wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ e¨e¯’v MnÖ Y Ae¨vnZ i‡q‡Q; msL¨vjNy †kqvi‡nvìviM‡Yi ¯v^ _© msiÿ‡Yi Rb¨ eZ©gvb cwiPvjK cl`© AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_ KvR K‡i hv‡”Q; †Kv¤úvwbi eZ©gvb Ae¯’vq †Mvwqs Kbmvb© wn‡m‡e Kvhµ© g Pvwj‡q hvevi †ÿ‡Î D‡jøL‡hvM¨ m‡›`n i‡q‡Q wKbv †m wel‡q Avw_K© cwÖ Z‡e`‡bi †bvU bs 40-G we¯vÍ wiZ weeZ„ n‡q‡Q; ˆÎgvwmK Avw_©K cvidig¨vÝ I evwlK© Avw_K© weeiYxi g‡a¨ †KvbI D‡jøL‡hv‡M¨ cv_©K¨ †`Lv hvq bv; Ges †Kv¤úvwbi I Zvi mvewmwWqvwi/ mnvqK †Kv¤úvbx¸wji ¯’vqx m¤ú‡`i evRvig~‡j¨ †KvbI D‡jLø hv‡M¨ cwieZ©b nqwb| KZ… ÁZv ¯x^ Kvi I ab¨ev` Ávcb evsjv‡`k e¨vsK, evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwU A¨vÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb, XvKv ÷K G·‡PÄ wjwg‡UW, PÆMÖvg ÷K G·‡PÄ wjwg‡UW, †iwR÷vi Ae R‡q›U ÷K †Kv¤úvwbR GÛ dvgm© , RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW© Ges Ab¨vb¨ wbqš¿YKvix KZc©… ¶‡K Zv‡`i ˆah© I w`K wb‡`©kbvi Rb¨ ab¨ev`| †Kv¤úvwbi m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìviMY, m¤ú„³ e¨vsKmg~n, mKj G‡R›U Ges Ab¨vb¨ mswkøó ms¯v’ mg~n‡K Zvu ‡`i mnvqZv I mnvbyf‚wZi Rb¨ AvšwÍ iK KZ… ÁZv Ávcb Kiv n‡”Q| †m mv‡_ wbix¶KMY‡K h_vmg‡q Zuv‡`i wbix¶v cÖwZ‡e`b Dc¯v’ cb Kivi Rb¨ ab¨ev` Ávcb Kiv n‡”Q| cwi‡k‡l me©¯‡Í ii KgK© Zv© -KgP© vixM‡Yi Z¨vM Ges wbôvcY~ © †mev cÖksmvi mv‡_ ¯§iY Kiv n‡jv| cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i c‡ÿ †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb †Pqvig¨vb ZvwiL : 14 †m‡Þ¤^i 2022 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 67
mshyw³-1 K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi kZ© bs 1(5)(xxiii) Abymv‡i †kqvi‡nvwìs-Gi aiY [ 31 wW‡m¤i^ 2021 ZvwiL Abhy vqx ] bvg weeiY gvwjKvbvaxb †kqvi msL¨v % †nvwìs/mvewmwWqvwi/G‡mvwm‡qU †Kv¤úvwb/mswkøó c‡ÿi †kqvi†nvwìst k Iqv‡jm evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW cwiPvjK g‡bvbqbKvix †Kv¤úvwb 3,85,15,754 17.36% †bPvi G›Uvicvª BR wjwg‡UW cwiPvjK g‡bvbqbKvix †Kv¤úvwb 1,81,51,560 8.18% weAvi B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwg‡UW cwiPvjK g‡bvbqbKvix †Kv¤úvwb 1,80,86,733 8.15% wbD‡UK G›UvicvÖ BR wjwg‡UW cwiPvjK g‡bvbqbKvix †Kv¤úvwb 1,74,01,602 7.85% gvbbxq mywcgÖ †KvU-© Gi nvB‡KvU© wefvM KZ„©K wb‡qvwRZ cwiPvjK Ges Zv‡`i cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i †kqvi‡nvwìst 0 Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK I †Pqvig¨vb 0% Rbve ˆmq` Avey bv‡mi eLwZqvi Avn‡g` ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK 0 0% Rbve †gv. mwdKjz Bmjvg ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK 0 0% 0% weÁ wmwbqi †Rjv I `vqiv RR (Aet) 0 0% we‡ª MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij †gv. †gdZvDj Kwig ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK 0% weGmwc, Gmwcwc, wewcGgGm, GbwWwm, wcGmwm (Aet) ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK e¨vwi÷vi †gv. Avkivd Avjx 0 Rbve †gv. Gbvgyj nvmvb, GdwmG ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK 0 Ab¨vb¨ cwiPvjK Ges Zv‡`i cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i †kqvi‡nvwìst Rbve Gg biy æj Avjg k Iqv‡jm evsjv‡`k wjwg‡U‡Wi cÖwZwbwa cwiPvjK 0 0% Rbve gynv¤§` Avejy nv‡kg k Iqv‡jm evsjv‡`k wjwg‡U‡Wi cwÖ Zwbwa cwiPvjK 0 0% Rbve †gv. bI‡kiæj Bmjvg †bPvi G›UvicÖvBR wjwg‡U‡Wi cÖwZwbwa cwiPvjK 0 0% Rbve em‡y `e e¨vbvwR© weAvi B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwg‡U‡Wi cÖwZwbwa cwiPvjK 0 0% Rbve Av‡bvqviæj Kwei weAvi B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwg‡U‡Wi cÖwZwbwa cwiPvjK 0 0% Rbve bvwmg Av‡bvqvi wbD‡UK G›UvicvÖ BR wjwg‡U‡Wi cÖwZwbwa cwiPvjK 0 0% Rbve †gv. Aveyj nv‡mg (GgG nv‡mg) ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK 0 0% wmBI, wmGm, wmGdI, B›Uvibvj AwWU GÛ Kgcvø ‡qÝ wefv‡Mi caÖ vb Ges Zv‡`i cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i †kqvi†nvwìst Rbve †gv. gwkDi ingvb e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK (PjwZ `vwq‡Z¡) 0 0% Rbve kwn`y¾vgvb caÖ vb Avw_©K KgK© Zv© (PjwZ `vwq‡Z)¡ 0 0% Rbve †gv. Avmv`y¾vgvb †Kv¤úvbx mwPe (PjwZ `vwq‡Z)¡ 0 0% Rbve †gv. byiæj Bmjvg Af¨šiÍ xY wbixÿv wefv‡Mi caÖ vb kxl¯© v’ bxq cuvP Rb GwKªw& KDwU‡fi †kqvi‡nvwìst fvBm †cÖwm‡W›U 0 0% Rbve mvw`K BkwZqvL Gwm‡÷›U fvBm †cwÖ m‡W›U 0 0% Rbve †gv. †iRvDj Bmjvg Gwm‡÷›U fvBm †cwÖ m‡W›U Rbve Avey †gv. Avj gvgyb Gwm‡÷›U fvBm †cwÖ m‡W›U 0% Rbve †gvnv¤§` Lv‡j` †nvmvBb †PŠayix Gwm‡÷›U fvBm †cÖwm‡W›U 0 0% Rbve †gv. byiæj Bmjvg 0 0% 10 % ev Zvi †ewk †kqvi aviYKvix(MY)-Gi †kqvi‡nvwìst 3,85,15,754 17.36% k Iqv‡jm evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW cwiPvjK g‡bvbqbKvix †Kv¤úvwb 68 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
2021 mv‡j Abwy ôZ cwiPvjKM‡Yi wewfbœ mfvq Dcw¯w’ Z I m¤§vbx m¤úwK©Z weeiY mshyw³- 2 cwiPvjbv cl`© mfv Kvhw© bev© nx KwgwUi mfv wbixÿv KwgwUi mfv gvwmK me‡© gvU m¤§vbx m¤§vbx (UvKv) cwiPvjKM‡Yi bvg (UvKv) Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb mfv Dcw¯w’ Z Dcw¯w’ Zi m¤§vbx mfv Dcw¯’wZ Dcw¯w’ Zi m¤§vbx mfv Dcw¯w’ Z Dcw¯w’ Zi m¤§vbx Rbve ‰mq` Avey bv‡mi eLwZqvi Avn‡g` msL¨v nvi (%) (UvKv) msL¨v nvi (%) (UvKv) msL¨v nvi (%) (UvKv) Rbve †gv. mwdKjz Bmjvg, 77 100% - -- - - 2- - - 3,00,000 36,00,000 wmwbqi †Rjv I `vqiv RR (Aet) 44 100% 1,10,000 - - - 2 2 100% 17,600 - 1,27,600 weª‡MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij †gv. †gdZvDj Kwig, 44 100% 1,10,000 - - - 2 2 100% 17,600 - 1,27,600 weGmwc, Gmwcwc, wewcGgGm, GbwWwm, wcGmwm (Aet) 44 100% 1,10,000 - - - 2 2 100% 17,600 - 1,27,600 e¨vwi÷vi †gv. Avkivd Avjx Rbve †gv. Gbvgyj nvmvb, GdwmG 44 100% 1,10,000 - - - 2 2 100% 17,600 - 1,27,600 Rbve †gv. byiæj Avjg - - 1,27,600 Rbve †gv. Avejy nv‡kg 44 100% 1,10,000 - - - 2 2 100% 17,600 - 26,400 Rbve †gv. Av‡bvqviæj Kwei - - 26,400 Rbve evm‡y `e e¨vbvR©x 7 3 43.00% 26,400 - 20 0 - - Rbve bvwmg Av‡bvqvi, GdwmG - - - Rbve †gv. bI‡kiæj Bmjvg 7 3 43.00% 26,400 - 20 0 - - Rbve Gg G nv‡kg - - 8,800 Rbve †gv. biy æ¾vgvb 70 0 -- - - 20 0 - - 26,400 Rbve †gv. Rwniæj Avjg, GdwmG - - 8,800 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 69 Rbve †kL Avãyi iwdK 7 1 14.28% 8,800 - - - 20 0 - - 26,400 Rbve †gv. RvwKi Avnv‡¤§` - - 26,400 7 3 43.00% 26,400 - - - 20 0 - - 26,400 - - 17,600 7 1 14.28% 8,800 - - - 20 0 - - 17,600 7 3 43.00% 26,400 - 20 0 - - 7 3 43.00% 26,400 - 20 0 - - 7 3 43.00% 26,400 - 20 0 - - 7 2 29.00% 17,600 - 20 0 - - 7 2 29.00% 17,600 - 20 0 - - wet `tª gm~ K I Ki mnKv‡i mfvi m¤§vbx c`Ö vb Kiv n‡q‡Q| mfvq Abcy w¯w’ Zi wel‡q ce~ e© Z©x cwiPvjKM‡Yi mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Kiv m¤¢e nqwb| †bPvi G›UvicªvBR wjwg‡UW Gi g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Rbve †gv. RvwKi Avnv‡¤§` †deqyª vix 23, 2021 Zvwi‡L c`Z¨vM K‡ib| wbD‡UK G›Uvicvª BR wjwg‡UW Gi g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK Rbve Gm †K Avãiy iwdK †deqyª vix 23, 2021 Zvwi‡L c`Z¨vM K‡ib| Rbve biy æ¾vgvb †g 12, 2021 Zvwi‡L AvBGjGdGmGj Gi ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvj‡Ki c` n‡Z Aemi MnÖ Y K‡ib| Rbve †gv. Rvwnijy Avjg †g 12, 2021 Zvwi‡L AvBGjGdGmGj Gi ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvj‡Ki c` n‡Z Aemi MÖnY K‡ib| mgv‡Ri mycÖwZwôZ 5 Rb wewkó e¨w³eM© gvbbxq mywcgÖ †KvU© Gi nvB†KvU© wefvM KZ…K© g‡bvwbZ n‡q RyjvB 12, 2021 Zvwi‡L ¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK wnmv‡e †hvM`vb K‡ib| Rbve †gv. bRiæj Bmjvg Lvb Gi gvwmK m¤§vbx I 5 Rb ¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjKe‡„ ›`i cl`© mfvi m¤§vbx gvbbxq mywcgÖ †KvU© Gi nvB†KvU© wefvM KZ…K© wbav© wiZ n‡q‡Q|
mshyw³- 3 wbixÿv KwgwUi cwÖ Z‡e`b [31 wW‡m¤^i 2021 Zvwi‡L mgvß eQi I 25 AvMó 2022 ZvwiL chš© Í mg‡qi Rb¨] evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR A¨vÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb (weGmBwm) KZK„© 03 Rby 2018 Zvwi‡L RvwiK…Z K‡cv© ‡iU Mf©‡bÝ †Kv‡Wi 5(7) bs k‡Z©i weavb cwicvj‡bi ¯^v‡_© B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwRs A¨vÛ dvBbvwÝqvj mvwf‡© mm wjwg‡UW (AvBGjGdGmGj)-Gi wbixÿv KwgwUi MVb Ges Gi f~wgKv, `vq-`vwqZ¡ Ges Kvhv©ejxi GKwU mswÿß weeiY msewjZ cwÖ Z‡e`b Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡jv: wbixÿv KwgwUi MVb AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi wbixÿv KwgwU evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZK„© 26‡k A‡±vei 2011 Zvwi‡L RvwiK…Z wWGdAvBGg mvK©jz vi bs 13 Ges weGmBwm KZK©„ 03 Rby 2018 Zvwi‡L RvwiK…Z K‡cv© ‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi weavb Abhy vqx MwVZ nq| AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi wbix¶v KwgwU me©‡kl 19 Rjy vB 2021 Zvwi‡L cby M©wVZ n‡q‡Q| 19 RyjvB 2021 Zvwi‡L cby M©wVZ nevi c~‡e© AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi wbix¶v KwgwUi MVb wQj wb¤œiƒc: Rbve †gv. Rwniæj Avjg GdwmG [¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK] - †Pqvig¨vb Rbve †gv. byiæj Avjg [k Iqv‡jm wewW wjwg‡UW KZ©„K g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK] - m`m¨ Rbve †gv. bvwmg Av‡bvqvi GdwmG [wbD‡UK G›UvicvÖ BR wjwg‡UW KZ„©K g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK] - m`m¨ Rbve gny v¤§` Aveyj nv‡mg [k Iqv‡jm wewW wjwg‡UW KZ©K„ g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK] - m`m¨ Rbve bI‡kiæj Bmjvg [†bPvi G›UvicvÖ BR wjwg‡UW KZ„©K g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK] - m`m¨ 19 Rjy vB 2021 Zvwi‡L cby Mw© VZ AvBGjGdGmGj-Gi wbix¶v KwgwUi MVb wbb¥iƒc: Rbve †gv. Gbvgjy nvmvb, GdwmG [¯^Zš¿ cwiPvjK] - †Pqvig¨vb Rbve ‰mq` Avey bv‡mi eLwZqvi Avn‡g` [¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK] - m`m¨ Rbve †gv. mwdKjz Bmjvg, weÁ wmwbqi †Rjv I `vqiv RR (Aet) [¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK] - m`m¨ we‡ª MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij †gv. †gdZvDj Kwig weGmwc, Gmwcwc, wewcGgGm, GbwWwm, wcGmwm (Aet) [¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK] - m`m¨ e¨vwi÷vi †gv. Avkivd Avjx [¯Z^ š¿ cwiPvjK] - m`m¨ †Kv¤úvwb †m‡µUvix wbixÿv KwgwUi mwP‡ei `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib| wbix¶v KwgwUi mfv 19 RyjvB 2021 Zvwi‡L cby Mw© VZ nevi ci 31 wW‡m¤i^ 2021 Zvwi‡L mgvß eQ‡i wbixÿv KwgwUi 2 ( `yB) wU mfv AbywôZ n‡q‡Q| D³ mfvmg‡~ n KwgwUi mKj m`m¨ Dcw¯Z’ wQ‡jb| KwgwUi AvgšY¿ µ‡g e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I cÖavb Avw_©K Kg©KZv© i PjwZ `vwq‡Z¡ wb‡qvwRZ KgK© Z©vMY Ges c‡Ö qvRbvbymv‡i wmwbqi g¨v‡bR‡g‡›Ui m`m¨MY KwgwUi mfvq Dcw¯Z’ nb| KwgwUi mfvmg‡~ ni Kvh©weeiYx mwVKfv‡e †iKW© fy³ Kiv nq| wbixÿv KwgwUi mfvi Kvhw© eeiYx wbqwgZfv‡e †evW‡© K AewnZ Kiv nq| wbixÿv KwgwUi f‚wgKv I `vq-`vwqZ¡ wbixÿv KwgwU †Kv¤úvbxi †ev‡W©i GKwU Dc-KwgwU wnmv‡e †evW©‡K Zvi `vwqZ¡ cvj‡b mnvqZv K‡i Ges evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZK©„ RvwiKZ… wWGdAvBGg mvKzj© vi bs 13 Gi weavb Ges weGmBwm KZK©„ RvwiKZ… K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi wb‡`k© bv †gvZv‡eK wbixÿv KwgwU Zvi fw~ gKv I `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡i| K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi weavb Abhy vqx 25 AvM÷ 2022 Zvwi‡L AbywôZ 259Zg †evW© mfvq wbixÿv KwgwUi wUIAvi wba©viY Kiv n‡q‡Q| wbixÿv KwgwUi caÖ vb Kvh©µg 31 wW‡m¤i^ 2021 mgvß eQ‡i Ges GB cwÖ Z‡e`‡bi ZvwiL (25 AvMó 2022 ZvwiL) ch©šÍ mgqKv‡j wbix¶v KwgwU wb¤eœ wYZ© Kvhv© w` m¤úv`b K‡i‡Q ; (K) Avw_©K cwÖ Z‡e`b cYÖ qb cwÖ µqv Ges wnmve-wbKvk i¶Yv‡e¶Y m¤úwK©Z bxwZ Ges c×wZ wbev© Pb wel‡q ch©‡e¶Y I Z`viK Kiv; (L) ˆÎgvwmK, lvb¥vwmK I evwl©K Avw_K© weeiYx chv© ‡jvPbv K‡i †ev‡W©i we‡ePbv I Aby‡gv`‡bi Rb¨ mycvwik Kiv; (M) ˆÎgvwmK, lvb¥vwmK I evwl©K Avw_©K weeiYx †ev‡Wi© we‡ePbv I Aby‡gv`‡bi Rb¨ Dc¯’vcb Kivi c~‡e© e¨e¯v’ cbvi mv‡_ c‡Ö qvRbxq Av‡jvPbv I chv© ‡jvPbv Kiv; (N) Af¨šÍixY wbixÿv wefv‡Mi Kvhv© w` ch©v‡jvPbv K‡i Af¨šiÍ xY wbixÿv Kvh©vw`i cÖ‡qvRbxq Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ civgk© c`Ö vb Kiv; (O) ewntwbix¶KM‡Yi Kvh©cwiwa I KgZ© rciZv, Kv‡Ri gvb Ges Kvh©Ki wbixÿvi wbwgË e¨eüZ mgq I `¶Zvi ¯iÍ BZ¨vw`i Dci wfwË K‡i wbix¶v wd wbav© iY Kiv; (P) ewntwbix¶KM‡Yi Kg¶© gZv ev `¶Zv ch‡© e¶Y I g~j¨vqb Kiv Ges Zv‡`i wb‡qvM ev cby twb‡qv‡Mi wel‡q †ev‡W©i we‡ePbvi Rb¨ mcy vwik Kiv; 70 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
(Q) evwlK© Avw_©K weeiYx chv© ‡jvPbvi Rb¨ ewntwbix¶KM‡Yi mv‡_ Ges c‡Ö qvRbvbmy v‡i g¨v‡bR‡g‡›Ui m`m¨M‡Yi mv‡_ mfvq wgwjZ nIqv; (R) e¨e¯’vcbv KZK…© `vwLjKZ… mswkóø cÿmg‡~ ni mv‡_ hveZxq †jb‡`b m¤úw©KZ cÖwZ‡e`b (Statements of All Related Party Transactions) chv© ‡jvPbv Kiv ; (S) †Kv¤úvwbi evwlK© Avw_©K weew… Zi ALÛZv ch©v‡jvPbv K‡i wbwðZ Kiv †h G¸wj †Kv¤úvwbi Ae¯v’ i GKwU mZ¨ Ges b¨vh¨ `„wófw½ cÖwZdwjZ K‡i; (T) evwl©K cwÖ Z‡e`‡b cKÖ v‡ki wbwg‡Ë cÖ¯Z‘ KZ… Management’s Discussion and Analysis chv© ‡jvPbv Kiv; (U) Avw_©K weeiYx chv© ‡jvPbvi mgq B›Uvib¨vkbvj GKvDw›Us ÷vÛvWm© g~n I B›Uvib¨vkbvj dvBb¨vwÝqvj wi‡cvwUs© ÷vÛvWm© g~n I †Kv¤úvwb AvBb 1994 Gi c‡Ö hvR¨ weavbvewj Ges GB †Kv¤úvwbi Rb¨ cÖ‡hvR¨ Ab¨vb¨ wbqg Kvbby †gvZv‡eK h_vh_ cÖwZcvjb I cÖ‡qvRbxq wWm‡Kv¬ Rvi cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q wKbv Zv wbwðZ Kiv; (V) Af¨šÍixY wbixÿv Kvhµ© g I KgcøvqvÝ cÖwµqv ch‡© e¶Y Kiv Ges Af¨šÍixY wbixÿv I Kgcvø qvÝ m¤úwKZ© cwiKíbv Aby‡gv`bmn Gm‡ei ch©vßZv ev KvhK© vwiZv wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ Af¨šÍixY wbix¶v wefvM‡K cÖ‡qvRbxq wb‡`©kbv cÖ`vb Kiv Ges Af¨šÍixY wbixÿv Kvhµ© g I KgcøvqvÝ cÖwµqv welqK cwÖ Z‡e`b chv© ‡jvPbv Kiv; Ges (W) wbix¶v KwgwUi Kv‡Ri wel‡q †ev‡W©i wbKU `vqe× _vKv| wbix¶v KwgwUi wi‡cvwU©s wbix¶v KwgwU Zvi Kv‡Ri wel‡q †evW©‡K wbqwgZfv‡e AewnZ K‡i _v‡K| wbix¶v KwgwU hyw³m½Zfv‡e wekv¦ m K‡i †h G †Kv¤úvwb‡Z ¯í^ mg‡qi g‡a¨ Kvh©Ki B›Uvibvj K‡›Uªvj GÛ Kgcvø qvÝ wm‡÷g cÖwZôv Kiv m¤e¢ n‡e Ges Zv †Kv¤úvwbi e¨emvwqK Kvh©Kjvc I Avw_©K Ae¯v’ m¤ú‡K© GKwU mZ¨ Ges wbi‡cÿ wPÎ Dc¯’vcb Kivi Rb¨ chv© ß n‡e| wbix¶v KwgwU hyw³m½Z fv‡e wekv¦ m K‡i G †Kv¤úvwb‡Z ¯^í mg‡qi g‡a¨ G †Kv¤úvwbi e¨emv‡qi mv‡_ hy³ ev mswkøó SyuwKmg~‡ni h_vh_ e¨e¯v’ cbvi wbwgË GKwU KvhK© i I chv© ßfv‡e wbqwšZ¿ wi¯‹ g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g cÖwZôv Kiv m¤e¢ n‡e| cÖwZôv‡bi ewntwbix¶K evwlK© Avw_K© cÖwZ‡e`‡bi Dci Òweiƒc gZvgZ (Adverse Opinion)Ó cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q| ewntwbix¶K KZ©„K gj~ Z `wy U weiƒc gZvgZ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q G g‡g© †h (1) MæÖ ‡ci Avw_K© cÖwZ‡e`bmg~n I G †Kv¤úvwbi c…_K Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`bmgn~ mwVKfv‡e 31 wW‡m¤i^ 2021 Zvwi‡L MÖæ‡ci mgwšZ^ Avw_K© Ae¯v’ b I †Kv¤úvwbi c…_K Avw_©K Ae¯’vb Dc¯’vcb K‡i bv, Ges (2) Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`‡bi †bvU bs 2-‡Z †hfv‡e weeZ„ n‡q‡Q †mfv‡e mgwš^Z I c…_K Avw_K© cvidi‡gÝ Ges mgwš^Z I c_… K bM` cÖevn AvBGdAviGm, Avw_©K cÖwZôvb AvBb 1993, evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZK„© RvwiK…Z wewa-weavb I AvBb-Kvbyb, †Kv¤úvwb AvBb 1994 Ges Ab¨vb¨ c‡Ö hvR¨ AvBb-Kvbby cwicvjb K‡i m¤úbœ Kiv nqwb| ewntwbixÿK KZK©„ Zv‡`i weiƒc gZvgZ cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ wfwË ev KviY wn‡m‡e †gvU 8 (AvU) wU welq D‡jLø Kiv n‡q‡Q| G wel‡q AwWU KwgwUi gšeÍ ¨ n‡jv ewntwbix¶K KZK„© †h mKj welq‡K Zv‡`i weiƒc gZvgZ cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ wfwË ev KviY wn‡m‡e D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q †m¸wji AwaKvsk mwVK wKš‘ †h `wy U weiƒc gZvgZ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q Zv h_vh_ bq ev D³iƒc gZvg‡Zi mv‡_ AwWU KwgwU mngZ †cvlY K‡i bv| Dciš‘ AwWU KwgwUi gšeÍ ¨ n‡jv G †Kv¤úvwbi eZ©gvb †evW© Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`b cYÖ q‡bi e¨vcv‡i `vqe× weavq mZ¨, mwVK I wbi‡cÿfv‡e Avw_©K cwÖ Z‡e`b cÖYq‡bi wel‡q h_vh_ mZK©Zv Aej¤^b K‡i‡Q| wbix¶v KwgwU wbwðZ Ki‡Q †h wbix¶v KwgwU hw` †Kvb ¯^v‡_i© msNvZ (conflict of interest) ev †Kvb RvwjqvwZ ev †Kvb Awbqg ev Af¨šÍixY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯v’ q †Kvb e¯‘MZ ÎæwU ev †Kvb AvBb ev wbqg-Kvby‡bi †Kvb cÖKvi j•Nb Lyu‡R cvq Z‡e Zv weGmBwm KZK…© RvwiK…Z K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi 5.6 bs kZ© Abhy vqx h_vh_fv‡e wi‡cvU© Ki‡e| wbix¶v KwgwU wbwðZ Ki‡Q †h G KwgwUi Dci Awc©Z ev c‡Ö hvR¨ mKj `vwqZ¡ I KZe© ¨ h_vh_fv‡e cvjb Kivi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨ mKj KvhK© i c`‡ÿc MÖnY Kiv n‡e| G cwÖ Z‡e`bwU K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡bÝ© †Kv‡Wi 5(7) bs k‡Zi© weavb †gvZv‡eK †Kv¤úvwbi evwlK© cwÖ Z‡e`‡b cÖKv‡ki wbwgË cYÖ qb Kiv n‡q‡Q| wbix¶v KwgwUi c‡¶ †gv. Gbvgjy nvmvb GdwmG KwgwUi †Pqvig¨vb Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 71
CERTIFICATION ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE As Per ANNEXURE-C of CG Code and under condition no.1(5)(xxvii) International Leasing And Financial Services Limited Status of Compliance with the Corporate Gevernance Guideline (CGC) For the year ended 31st December, 2021 Status of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Commission's Notification No.BSEC/CMRRC- D/2006-158/207/Admin/80, dated 03 June, 2018 issued under section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969: (Report under Condition No. 9) mshyw³ -4 Condition Title Compliance Status Remarks (if any) No. 1 Board of Directors.- (Put √ in the At the beginning of 2020, there 1(1) Size of the Board of Directors appropriate column) were 4 (four) 1(2) The total number of members of a company's Independent Directors including Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as Complied Not Mr. Khondokar Ibrahim Khaled, 1(2)(a) \"Board\") shall not to be less than 5 (five) and Complied the High Court Appointed more than 20 (twenty). Independent Director & 1(2)(b)(i) Independent Directors √ Chairman. On 01 March 2020, 1(2)(b)(ii) Independent Director & At least one fifth (1/5) of the total number of √ Chairman Mr. Khondokar directors in the company’s board shall be Ibrahim Khaled resigned. independent directors; any fraction shall be √ Thereafter, Mr. Nazrul Islam considered to the next integer or whole number √ Khan was appointed as for calculating number of independent director(s); Independent Director & Chairman as per High Court Who either does not hold any share in the Order dated 19 March 2020 company or holds less than one percent (1%) under Company Matter No. 299 shares of the total paid-up shares of the of 2019 and he assumed his company; charge on 01 June 2020. As per Who is not a sponsor of the company and is not another High Court order dated connected with the company's any sponsor or 16 June 2021 under same director or nominated director or shareholder of matter, 5 (five) Independent the company or any of its associates, sister Directors were appointed on the concerns, subsidiaries and parents or holding Board of ILFSL and they joined entities who holds one percent (1%) or more the Board on 12 July 2021. shares of the total paid-up shares of the company on the basis of family relationship and his or her family members also shall not hold above mentioned shares in the company: 72 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
1(2)(b)(iii) Who has not been an executive of the company in immediately √ 1(2)(b)(iv) preceding 2( two) financial years; √ 1(2)(b)(v) √ 1(2)(b)(vi) Who does not have any other relationship, whether pecuniary or √ otherwise, with the company or its subsidiary or associated companies; √ Who is not a member or TREC ( Trading Right Entitlement √ Certificate) holder, director, or officer of any stock exchange; √ √ Who is not a shareholder, director excepting independent director or officer of any member or TREC holder of stock exchange or an intermediary of the capital market; 1(2)(b)(vii) Who is not a partner or an executive or was not a partner or an executive during the preceding 3 (three) years of the concerned 1(2)(b)(viii) company's statutory audit firm or audit firm engaged in internal 1(2)(b)(ix) audit services or audit firm conducting special audit or 1(2)(b)(x) professional certifying compliance of this Code; Who is not an independent director in more than 5 (five) listed companies; Who has not been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction as a defaulter in payment of any loan or any advance to a bank or a Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFI); Who has not been convicted for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude. 1(2)(c) The independent director(s) shall be appointed by the board of √ As per High Court Order dated 19 March 2020 directors and approved by the shareholders in the Annual under Company Matter No. 299 of 2019, 1 General Meeting (AGM). (one) Independent Director has been appointed on the Board of ILFSL and as its Chairman. He 1(2)(d) The post of independent director(s) cannot remain vacant for _ assumed the charge of Chairman with effect 1(2)(e) more than 90 (ninety) days. √ from 01 June 2020. √ As per High Court Order dated 16 June 2021 1(3) The tenure of office of an independent director shall be for a under the same Company Matter, further 5 1(3)(a) period of 3 (three) years, which may be extended for 1 (one) _ (five) Independent Directors have been 1(3)(b) term only. appointed on the Board of ILFSL. He joined the 1(3)(b)(i) √ Board with effect from 12 July 2021. Qualification of Independent Director: The information regarding the Apointment of 1(3)(b)(ii) these 6 (six) Independent Directors was Independent Director shall be a knowledgeable individual with intimated to the Shareholders in the 25th AGM integrity who is able to ensure compliance with financial laws, of the Company. regulatory requirements and corporate laws and can make meaningful contribution to business; N/A Independent Director shall have following qualifications: N/A Business Leader who is or was a promoter or director of an unlisted company having minimum paid up capital of Tk. 100.00 million or any listed company or a member of any national or international chamber of commerce or business association; or Corporate Leader who is or was a top level executive not lower than Chief Executive officer or Managing Director or Deputy Managing Director or Chief Financial Officer or Head of Finance or Accounts or Company Secretary or Head of Internal Audit and Compliance or Head of Legal Service or a candidate with equivalent position of an unlisted company having minimum paid up capital of Tk. 100.00 million or of a listed company; or Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 73
1(3)(b)(iii) Former official of government or statutory or autonomous or √ As per High Court Order dated 19 March 2020 1(3)(b)(iv) regulatory body in the position not below 5th Grade of the √ and 16 June 2021 under Company Matter No. national pay scale, who has at least educational background of √ 299 of 2019, total 6 (six) Independent Directors 1(3)(b)(v) bachelor degree in economics or commerce or business or law; √ have been appointed on the Board of ILFSL. or _ 1(3)(c) Mr. Md. Mashiur Rahman has been in the 1(3)(d) University Teacher who has educational background in √ Current Charge of the Managing Director & Economics or Commerce or Business Studies or Law; or √ CEO of ILFSL since 14 June 2021. 1(4) As per High Court Order dated 19 March 2020 1(4)(a) Professional who is or was an advocate practicing at least in the under Company Matter No. 299 of 2019, Mr. 1(4)(b) High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court or a Nazrul Islam Khan was appointed as Chartered Accountant or Cost and Management Accountant or Independent Director on the Board of ILFSL Chartered Financial Analyst or Chartered Certified Accountant or and as its Chairman. He assumed the charge of Certified Public Accountant or Chartered Management Chairman with effect from 01 June 2020. Accountant or Chartered Secretary or equivalent qualification; Will be complied with The independent director(s) shall have at least 10 (ten) years of N/A experiences in any field mentioned in clause (b); N/A In special cases, the above qualifications or experiences may be relaxed subject to prior approval of the Commission. Duality of Chairperson of the Board of Directors and Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer.- The positions of the Chairperson of the Board and the Managing Director (MD) and /or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company shall be filled by different individuals; The Managing Director (MD) and/or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a listed company shall not hold the same position in another listed company; 1(4)(c) The Chairperson of the Board shall be elected from among the √ non-executive directors of the company; 1(4)(d) The Board shall clearly define respective roles and _ responsibilities of the Chairperson and the Managing Director 1(4)(e) and/or Chief Executive officer; _ 1(5) In the absence of the Chairperson of the Board, the remaining √ 1(5)(i) members may elect one of themselves from non-executive √ 1(5)(ii) directors as chairperson for that particular Board's meeting; the √ 1(5)(iii) reason of absence of the regular Chairperson shall be duly √ 1(5)(iv) recorded in the minutes. √ 1(5)(v) √ The Directors' Report to the Shareholders _ 1(5)(vi) An industry outlook and possible future developments in the 1(5)(vii) industry; The Segment-wise or product-wise performance; Risks and concerns including internal and external risk factors, threat to sustainability and negative impact on environment, if any; A discussion on Cost of Goods sold, Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin, where applicable; A discussion on continuity of any extraordinary activities and their implications(gain or loss); A detailed discussion on related party transactions along with a statement showing amount, nature of related party, nature of transactions and basis of transactions of all related party transactions; A statement of utilization of proceeds raised through public issues, rights issues and/or through any others instruments; 74 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
1(5)(viii) An explanation if the financial results deteriorate after the _ N/A 1(5)(ix) company goes for Initial Public Offering (IPO), Repeat Public √ 1(5)(x) Offering (RPO). Rights Share Offer, Direct Listing, etc.; √ 1(5)(xi) √ 1(5)(xii) An explanation on any significant variance that occurs between √ 1(5)(xiii) Quarterly Financial Performance and Annual Financial √ Statements; 1(5)(xiv) √ A statement of remuneration paid to the directors including 1(5)(xv) independent directors; √ 1(5)(xvi) √ A statement that the financial statements prepared by the management of the issuer company present fairly its state of √ affairs, the result of its operations, cash flows and changes in equity; √ √ A statement that proper books of account of the issuer company √ have been maintained; √ √ A statement that appropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied in preparation of the financial statements √ and that the accounting estimates are based on reasonable and √ prudent judgment; √ A statement that International Accounting Standards (IAS) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as applicable in Bangladesh, have been followed in preparation of the financial statements and any departure there from has been adequately disclosed; A statement that the system of internal control is sound in design and has been effectively implemented and monitored; A statement that minority shareholders have been protected from abusive actions by, or in the interest of, controlling shareholders acting either directly or indirectly and have effective means of redress; 1(5)(xvii) A statement that there is no significant doubt upon the issuer company's ability to continue as going concern, if the issuer company is not considered to be a going concern, the fact along with reasons there of shall be disclosed; 1(5)(xviii) An explanation that significant deviations from the last year's 1(5)(xix) operating results of the issuer company shall be highlighted and 1(5)(xx) the reasons thereof shall be explained; 1(5)(xxi) 1(5)(xxii) A statement where key operating and financial data of at least 1(5)(xxiii) preceding 5 (five) years shall be summarized; 1(5)(xxiii)(a) 1(5)(xxiii)(b) An explanation on the reasons if the issuer company has not 1(5)(xxiii)(c) declared dividend (cash or stock) for the year; Board's statement to the effect that no bonus share or stock dividend has been or shall be declared as interim dividend; The total number of Board meetings held during the year and attendance by each director; A report on the pattern of shareholding disclosing the aggregate number of shares (along with name-wise details where stated below) held by:- Parent or Subsidiary or Associated Companies and other related parties (name-wise details); Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Internal Audit and Compliance their spouses and minor children (name- wise details); Executives; Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 75
1(5)(xxiii)(d) Shareholders holding ten percent (10%) or more voting interest √ 1(5)(xxiv) in the company (name-wise details). In case of the appointment or reappointment of a director, a disclosure on the following information to the shareholders:- 1(5)(xxiv)(a) a brief resume of the director 1(5)(xxiv) (b) nature of his/her expertise in specific functional areas; The directors who will retire and be eligible for re-election in the AGM has not been participating or unable to participate in the activities of the Company (and out of contact) due to court cases and legal issues. As such no information could be published. 1(5)(xxiv) (c) names of companies in which the person also holds the directorship and the membership of committees of the Board; 1(5)(xxv) Management's Discussion and Analysis signed by CEO or MD √ 1(5)(xxv)(a) presenting detailed analysis of the company's position and √ 1(5)(xxv)(b) operations along with a brief discussion of changes in financial statements, among others, focusing on: √ 1(5)(xxv)(c) √ 1(5)(xxv)(d) accounting policies and estimation for preparation of financial √ 1(5)(xxv)(e) statements; √ 1(5)(xxv)(f) √ 1(5)(xxv)(g) changes in accounting policies and estimation, if any, clearly √ 1(5)(xxvi) describing the effect on financial performance or results and √ 1(5)(xxvii) financial position as well as cash flows in absolute figure for such changes; √ 1(6) comparative analysis (including effects of inflation) of financial performance or results and financial position as well as cash flows for current financial year with immediate preceding five years explaining reasons thereof; compare such financial performance or results and financial position as well as cash flows with the peer industry scenario; briefly explain the financial and economic scenario of the country and the globe; risks and concerns issues related to the financial statements, explaining such risk and concerns mitigation plan of the company; and future plan or projection or forecast for company's operation, performance and financial position, with justification thereof, i.e., actual position shall be explained to the shareholders in the next AGM; Declaration or certification by the CEO and the CFO to the Board as required under condition No. 3(3) shall be disclosed as per Annexure-A; and The report as well as certificate regarding compliance of conditions of this code as required under condition No. 9 shall be disclosed as per Annexure-B and Annexure-C. Meetings of the Board of Directors The company shall conduct its Board meetings and record the minutes of the meetings as well as keep required books and records in line with the provisions of the relevant Bangladesh Secretarial Standards (BSS) as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) in so far as those standards are not inconsistent with any condition of this Code. 1(7) Code of Conduct for the Chairperson, other Board members and Chief Executive Officer 76 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
1(7)(a) The Board shall lay down a code of conduct, based on the √ The Board in its meeting held on 25 August recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration √ 2022 laid down code of conduct of Chairman, 1(7)(b) Committee (NRC), at condition No.6, for the Chairperson of the √ other Board Members and CEO. 2 Board, other board members and Chief Executive Officer of the company; √ The code of conduct of Chairman, other Board 2(a) √ Members and CEO as laid down by the Board 2(b) The code of conduct as determined by the NRC shall be posted √ has recently been posted on the website of the 2(c) on the website of the company including, among others, prudent Company. 2(d) conduct and behavior; confidentiality; conflict of interest; √ 2(e) compliance with laws, rules and regulations; prohibition of The Board of each Subsidiary Company 3. insider trading; relationship with environment, employees, consists of 4 (Four) Directors. 3(1) customers and suppliers; and independency. 3(1)(a) In the past, Audit Committee reviewed the Governance of Board of Directors of Subsidiary Company:- Financial Statements (FSs) of subsidiaries 3(1)(b) during review of Consolidated FSs of the 3(1)(c) Provisions relating to the composition of the Board of the holding Company. Presently, Audit Committee reviews 3(1)(d) company shall be made applicable to the composition of the FSs of the subsidiaries under separate agenda. 3(1)(e) Board of the subsidiary company; 4 (four) Officers of ILFSL have been assigned 3(2) At least 1 (one) independent director of the Board of the holding with the charges of MD, CFO, HIAC and CS company shall be a director on the Board of the subsidiary each holding Current Charge 3(3) company; 3(3)(a) 4 (four) Officers of ILFSL have been assigned The minutes of the Board meeting of the subsidiary company with the charges of MD, CFO, HIAC and CS shall be placed for review at the following Board meeting of the each holding Current Charge holding company; Will be complied with The minutes of the respective Board meeting of the holding company shall state that they have reviewed the affairs of the Will be complied with subsidiary company also; The Audit Committee of the holding company shall also review the financial statements, in particular the investments made by the subsidiary company. Managing Director (MD) or Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Head of Internal Audit and Compliance (HIAC) and Company Secretary (CS):- Appointment The Board shall appoint a Managing Director (MD) or Chief Executive Officer (CEO), a Company Secretary (CS), a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and a Head of Internal Audit and Compliance (HIAC); The positions of the Managing Director (MD) or Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Company Secretary (CS), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and a Head of Internal Audit and Compliance (HIAC) shall be filled by different individuals; The MD or CEO, CS, CFO and HIAC of a listed company shall not hold any executive position in any other company at the same time; The Board shall clearly define respective roles, responsibilities and duties of the CFO, the HIAC and the CS; The MD or CEO, CS, CFO and HIAC shall not be removed from their position without approval of the Board as well as immediate dissemination to the Commission and stock exchange(s). Requirement to attend Board of Director's Meetings The MD or CEO, CS, CFO and HIAC of the company shall attend the meetings of the Board: Provided that the CS, CFO and/or the HIAC shall not attend such part of a meeting of the Board which involves consideration of an agenda item relating to their personal matters. Duties of Managing Director (MD) or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer(CFO) The MD or CEO and CFO shall certify to the Board that they have reviewed financial statements for the year and that to the best of their knowledge and belief: Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 77
3(3)(a)(i) these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement √ An NRC was constituted, but it could not 3(3)(a)(ii) or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be √ become effective due to issuance of a directive misleading; and √ from Bangladesh Bank 3(3)(b) √ 3(3)(c) these statements together present a true and fair view of the On 19 July 2021, the Audit Committee was company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing √ reconstutued with the newly appointed 4 accounting standards and applicable laws; Independent Directors in order to make it √ effective. 4(i) The MD or CEO and CFO shall also certify that there are, to the √ 4(ii) best of knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the √ 5. company during the year which are fraudulent, illegal or in √ 5(1) violation of the code of conduct for the company's Board or its √ 5(1)(a) member; √ 5(1)(b) The certification of the MD or CEO and CFO shall be disclosed √ in the Annual Report. √ 5(1)(c) √ 5(2) Board of Director's Committee.- 5(2)(a) For ensuring good governance in the company, the Board shall 5(2)(b) have at least following sub-committees: 5(2)(c) Audit Committee; and 5(2)(d) Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) 5(2)(e) Audit Committee.- 5(2)(f) 5(3) Responsibility to the Board of Directors. 5(3)(a) The company shall have an Audit Committee as a sub- committee of the Board; The Audit Committee shall assist the Board in ensuring that the financial statements reflect true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and in ensuring a good monitoring system within the business; The Audit Committee shall be responsible to the Board; the duties of the Audit Committee shall be clearly set forth in writing. Constitution of the Audit Committee The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least 3 (three) members; The Board shall appoint members of the audit committee who shall be non-executive directors of the company excepting Chairperson of the Board and shall include at least 1(one) independent director; All members of the audit committee should be \"financially literate\" and at least I (one) member shall have accounting or related financial management background and 10 (ten) years of such experience; When the term of service of any Committee members expires or there is any circumstance causing any Committee member to be unable to hold office before expiration of the term of service, thus making the number of the Committee members to be lower than the prescribed number of 3 (three) persons, the Board shall appoint the new Committee member to fill up the vacancy immediately or not later than 1 (one) month from the date of vacancy in the Committee to ensure continuity of the performance of work of the Audit Committee; The company secretary shall act as the secretary of the Committee. The quorum of the Audit Committee meeting shall not constitute without at least 1 (one) independent director. Chairperson of the Audit Committee The Board of Directors shall select 1 (one) member of the Audit Committee to be Chairperson of the Audit Committee, who shall be an Independent director; 78 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
5(3)(b) In the absence of the Chairperson of the audit committee, the √ N/A remaining members may elect one of themselves as 5(3)(c) Chairperson for that particular meeting, in that case there shall √ 2 (Two) meetings were held in 2nd and 3rd be no problem of constituting a quorum as required under quarters of 2021 after reconstitution of the Audit 5(4) condition No.5(4)(b) and the reason of absence of the regular _ Committee with High Court Appointed chairperson shall be duly recorded in the minutes. Independent Directors. 5(4)(a) √ Chairperson of the Audit Committee shall remain present in the N/A 5(4)(b) Annual General Meeting (AGM): Provided that in absence of √ N/A 5(5) Chairperson of the Audit Committee, any other member from the √ 5(5)(a) Audit Committee shall be selected to be present in the annual √ 5(5)(b) general meeting (AGM) and reason for absence of the √ 5(5)(c) Chairperson of the Audit Committee shall be recorded in the √ 5(5)(d) minutes of the AGM. √ 5(5)(e) √ 5(5)(f) Meeting of the Audit Committee √ 5.5(g) √ 5.5(h) The Audit Committee shall conduct at least its four meetings in a √ 5(5)(i) financial year: Provided that any emergency meeting in addition _ 5(5)(j) to regular meeting may be convened at the request of any one √ of the members of the Committee; _ 5(5)(k) 5(5)(l) The quorum of the meeting of the Audit Committee shall be √ constituted in presence of either two members or two third of the 5(5)(m) members of the Audit Committee, whichever is higher, where 5(6) presence of an independent director is a must. 5(6)(a) Role of Audit Committee :- 5(6)(a)(i) 5(6)(a)(ii) The Audit Committee shall:- Oversee the financial reporting process; monitor choice of accounting policies and principles; monitor Internal Audit and Compliance process to ensure that it is adequately resourced, including approval of the Internal Audit and Compliance Plan and review of the Internal Audit and Compliance Report; oversee hiring and performance of external auditors. hold meeting with the external or statutory auditors for review of the annual financial statements before submission to the Board for approval or adoption; review along with the management, the annual financial statements before submission to the board for approval; review along with the management, the quarterly and half yearly financial statements before submission to the Board for approval; review the adequacy of internal audit function; review the Management's Discussion and Analysis before disclosing in the Annual Report; review statement of all related party transactions submitted by the management; review Management Letters or Letter of Internal Control weakness issued by statutory auditors. oversee the determination of audit fees based on scope and magnitude, level of expertise deployed and time required for effective audit and evaluate the performance of external auditors; and oversee whether the proceeds raised through Initial public Offering (IPO) or Repeat Public Offering (RPO) or Rights Share Offer have been utilized as per the purpose stated in relevant offer document or prospectus approved by the Commission: Reporting of the Audit Committee Reporting to the Board of Directors The Audit Committee shall report on its activities to the Board. The Audit Committee shall immediately report to the Board on the following findings, if any:- Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 79
5(6)(a)(ii)(a) report on conflicts of interests; √ N/A 5(6)(a)(ii)(b) N/A 5(6)(a)(ii)(c) suspected or presumed fraud or irregularity or material defect N/A 5(6)(a)(ii)(d) identified in the internal audit and compliance process or in the N/A financial statements; 5(6)(b) N/A suspected infringement of laws, regulatory compliances 5(7) including securities related laws, rules and regulations; An NRC was constituted, but it could not become effective due to issuance of a directive 6. any other matter which the Audit Committee deems necessary from Bangladesh Bank 6(1) shall be disclosed to the Board immediately; 6(1)(a) An NRC was constituted, but it could not 6(1)(b) Reporting to the Authorities:- become effective due to issuance of a directive from Bangladesh Bank 6(1)(c) If the Audit Committee has reported to the Board about anything 6(2) which has material impact on the financial condition and results of operation and has discussed with the Board and the 6(2)(a) management that any rectification is necessary and if the Audit 6(2)(b) Committee finds that such rectification has been unreasonably 6(2)(c) ignored, the Audit Committee shall report such finding to the 6(2)(d) Commission, upon reporting of such matters to the Board for 6(2)(e) three times or completion of a period of 6 (six) months from the date of first reporting to the Board, whichever is earlier. 6(2)(f) 6(2)(g) Reporting to the Shareholders and General Investors 6(2)(h) Report on activities carried out by the Audit Committee, including any report made to the Board under condition 5(6)(a)(ii) above during the year, shall be signed by the Chairperson of the Audit Committee and disclosed in the annual report of the issuer company. Nomination and remuneration Committee(NRC).- Responsibility to the Board of Directors The company shall have a Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) as a sub-committee of the Board; The NRC shall assist the Board in formulation of the nomination criteria or policy for determining qualifications, positive attributes, experiences and independence of directors and top level executive as well as a policy for formal process of considering remuneration of directors, top level executive; The Terms of Reference (ToR) of the NRC shall be clearly set forth in writing covering the areas stated at the condition No. 6(5)(b). Constitution of the NRC The Committee shall comprise of at least three members including an independent director; All member of the Committee shall be non-executive directors; Members of the Committee shall be nominated and appointed by the Board; The Board shall have authority to remove and appoint any member of the Committee; In case of death, resignation, disqualification, or removal of any member of the Committee or in any other cases of vacancies, the board shall fill the vacancy within 180 (one hundred eighty) days of occurring such vacancy in the Committee; The Chairperson of the Committee may appoint or co-opt any external expert and/or member(s) of staff to the Committee as advisor who shall be non-voting member, if the Chairperson feels that advice or suggestion form such external expert and/or member(s) of staff shall be required or valuable for the Committee; The company secretary shall act as the secretary of the Committee; The quorum of the NRC meeting shall not constitute without attendance of at least an independent director; 80 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
6(2)(i) No member of the NRC shall receive, either directly or indirectly, 6(3) any remuneration for any advisory or consultancy role or 6(3)(a) otherwise, other than Director's fees or honorarium from the company. Chairperson of the NRC The Board shall select 1(one) member of the NRC to be Chairperson of the Committee, who shall be an independent director; 6(3)(b) In the absence of the Chairperson of the NRC, the remaining An NRC was constituted, but it could not members may elect one of themselves as Chairperson for that become effective due to issuance of a directive 6(3)(c) particular meeting, the reason of absence of the regular from Bangladesh Bank 6(4) Chairperson shall be duly recorded in the minutes; An NRC was constituted, but it could not 6(4)(a) The Chairperson of the NRC shall attend the annual general become effective due to issuance of a directive 6(4)(b) meeting (AGM) to answer the queries of the shareholders: from Bangladesh Bank 6(4)(c) Meeting of the NRC An NRC was constituted, but it could not become effective due to issuance of a directive 6(4)(d) The NRC shall conduct at least one meeting in a financial year; from Bangladesh Bank 6(5) The Chairperson of the NRC may convene any emergency 6(5)(a) meeting upon request by any member of the NRC; 6(5)(b) The quorum of the meeting of the NRC shall be constituted in 6(5)(b)(i) presence of either two members or two third of the members of the Committee, whichever is higher, where presence of an 6(5)(b)(i)(a) independent director is must as required under condition No. 6(5)(b)(i)(b) 6(2)(h); 6(5)(b)(i)(c) The proceedings of each meeting of the NRC shall duly be 6(5)(b)(ii) recorded in the minutes and such minutes shall be confirmed in the next meeting of the NRC. 6(5)(b)(iii) Role of the NRC 6(5)(b)(iv) 6(5)(b)(v) NRC shall be independent and responsible or accountable to the Board and to the shareholders; NRC shall oversee, among others, the following matters and make report with recommendation to the Board: formulating the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a director and recommend a policy to the Board, relating to the remuneration of the directors, top level executive, considering the following: The level and composition of remuneration is reasonable and sufficient to attract, retain and motivate suitable directors to run the company successfully; The relationship of remuneration to performance is clear and meets appropriate performance benchmarks; and remuneration to directors, top level executive involves a balance between fixed and incentive pay reflecting short and long-term performance objectives appropriate to the working of the company and its goals; devising a policy on Board's diversity taking into consideration age, gender, experience, ethnicity, educational background and nationality; identifying persons who are qualified to become directors and who may be appointed in top level executive position in accordance with the criteria laid down, and recommend their appointment and removal to the Board; formulating the criteria for evaluation of performance of independent directors and the Board; identifying the company's needs for employees at different levels and determine their selection, transfer or replacement and promotion criteria; Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 81
6(5)(b)(vi) developing, recommending and reviewing annually the √ company's human resources and training policies; √ 6(5)(c) √ 7. The company shall disclose the nomination and remuneration √ 7(1) policy and the evaluation criteria and activities of NRC during the √ year at a glance in its annual report. √ 7(1) (i) √ 7 (1) (ii) External or Statutory Auditors √ 7 (1) (iii) √ 7 (1) (iv) The issuer company shall not engage its external or statutory √ 7 (1) (v) auditors to perform the following services of the company, 7 (1) (vi) namely :-- √ 7 (1) (vii) 7 (1) (viii) appraisal or valuation services or fairness opinions; √ 7 (1) (ix) √ financial information system design and implementation; √ 7(2) book-keeping or other services related to the accounting records √ 7(3) or financial statements; 8. √ 8(1) broker –dealer services; 8(2) √ actuarial services; 8(3) 9. internal audit services or special audit services; 9(1) any services that the Audit Committee determines. 9(2) Audit or certification services on compliance of corporate governance as required under condition No.9(1); 9(3) any other service that creates conflict of interest No Partner or employees of the external audit firms shall possess any share of the company they audit at least during the tenure of their audit assignment of that company; his or her family members also shall not hold any shares in the said company: Representative of external or statutory auditors shall remain present in the Shareholders' meeting (Annual General meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting) to answer the queries of the shareholders. Maintaining a Website by the Company.- The Company shall have an official website linked with the website of the stock exchange. The company shall keep the website functional from the date of listing. The company shall make available the detailed disclosures on its website as required under the regulations of the concerned stock exchange(s) Reporting and Compliance of Corporate Governance.- The company shall obtain a certificate from a practicing Professional Accountant or Secretary (Chartered Accountant or Cost and Management Accountant or Chartered Secretary) other than its statutory auditors or audit firm on yearly basis regarding compliance of Corporate Governance Code of the Commission and shall such certificate shall be disclosed in the Annual Report. The professional who will provide the certificate on compliance of this Corporate Governance Code shall be appointed by the Shareholders in the annual general meeting. The directors of the company shall state, in accordance with the Annexure-C attached, in the directors' report whether the company has complied with these conditions or not. 82 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
Certificate Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 83
Disclosures Under Piller-III Market Discipline A) Scope of application Qualitative Disclosures: The name of the top corporate entity in the group to which this guidelines applies. International Leasing & Financial Services Limited An outline of differences in the basis of consolidation for accounting and regulatory purposes, with a brief description of the entities within the group (a) that are fully consolidated; (b) that are given a deduction treatment; and (c) that are neither consolidated nor deducted (e.g. where the investment is risk-weighted). The ILFSL Group has two wholly owned subsidiaries: International Leasing Securities Limited and IL Capital Limited, which are fully consolidated. Any restrictions, or other major impediments, on transfer of funds or regulatory capital within the group. Not applicable. Quantitative Disclosures: The aggregate amount of capital deficiencies in all subsidiaries not included in the consolidation that are deducted and the name(s) of such subsidiaries. Not applicable. B) Capital structure Qualitative Disclosures Summary information on the terms and conditions of the main features of all capital instruments, espe- cially in the case of capital instruments eligible for inclusion in Tier 1 or in Tier 2. Tier 2 capital includes: i) General provision up to a limit of 1.25% of Risk Weighted Asset (RWA) for Credit Risk; ii) Revaluation reserves: 50% Revaluation reserve for fixed assets; 45% Revaluation reserve for securities; iii) All other preference shares. Conditions for maintaining regulatory capital: The calculation of Tier 1 capital, and Tier 2 capital shall be subject to the following conditions: i) The amount of Tier 2 capital will be limited to 100% of the amount of Tier 1 capital. 50% of revaluation reserves for fixed assets and 45% of revaluation reserves for securities are eligible for Tier 2 capital. 84 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
Quantitative Disclosures: Amount in BDT The amount of Tier 1 capital, with separate disclosure of: crore 221.81 Particulars - 45.62 Paid up capital - Non-repayable share premium account Statutory reserve (3,687.03) General reserve - Retained earnings - Minority interest in subsidiaries Non-cumulative irredeemable - preference shares (3,419.60) Dividend equalization account Total Tier 1 capital 32.45 (c) The total amount of Tier 2 capital - (d) Other deductions from capital (e) Total eligible capital (3,387.15) C) Capital Adequacy Qualitative Disclosures A summary discussion of the FI’s approach to assessing the adequacy of its capital to support current and future activities. Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) ILFSL has adopted Standardized Approach for computation of Capital Charge for Credit Risk and Market Risk while Basic Indicator Approach for Operational Risk. Total Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) of the Compa- ny is determined by multiplying the capital charge for market risk and operational risk by the reciprocal of the minimum capital adequacy ratio i.e. 10% and adding the resulting figures to the sum of risk weighted assets for credit risk. Total RWA is then used as denominator while total Eligible Regulatory Capital as on numerator to derive Capital Adequacy Ratio Strategy to achieve the required Capital Adequacy Operational level: Immediate measures: Asking unrated Corporate clients to have credit rating from External Credit Assessment Institutions (ECAIs) recognized by Bangladesh Bank; Rigorous monitoring of overdue contracts to bring those under 90 days overdue; Continuous measures: Concentrating on SME clients having exposure up to BDT 1 crore as this will carry 75% fixed risk weight (for regular contracts only); Financing clients having good credit rating; Using benefit of credit risk mitigation by taking eligible financial collaterals against transactions; Focusing more on booking high spread earning assets and thus increasing retained earnings. Strategic level: Injecting fresh capital by issuing subordinated bond. Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 85
Quantitative disclosures: Sl. No. Particulars Amount in BDT crore b) Capital requirement for Credit Risk 2,956.55 c) Capital requirement for Market Risk 83.42 d) Capital requirement for Operational Risk 37.90 (e) Total and Tier 1 Capital ratio: Particular Consolidated Stand Alone CAR on Total capital basis (%) -110.15% -113.15% CAR on Tier 1 capital basis (%) -111.35% -114.38% D) Credit Risk Qualitative Disclosures (a) The general qualitative disclosure requirement with respect to credit risk, including: Definitions of past due and impaired (for accounting purposes) As per the Bangladesh Bank’s Prudential Guideline on Capital Adequacy and Market Discipline for Finan- cial Institutions, the unsecured portion of any claim or exposure (other than claims secured by residential property) that is past due for 90 days or more, net of specific provisions (including partial write-off) will be risk weighted as per risk weights of respective balance sheet exposures. For the purpose of defining the net exposure of the past due loan, eligible financial collateral (if any) may be considered for Credit Risk Mitigation. Description of approaches followed for specific and general allowances and statistical methods; Specific and General provisions are maintained according to the relevant Bangladesh Bank guideline. For Example, 0.25% provision is maintained against SME-Standard loan/ lease, 1% provision is maintained against good loans (other than SME-Standard loan/ lease, 5% against SMA loan/ lease, 20% against sub-standard loan/ lease, 50% against doubtful loan/ lease and 100% against bad/loss loan/ lease after deducting the amount of interest expenses and value of eligible securities from the outstanding balance of classified accounts. Discussion of the FI’s credit risk management policy. Implementation of various strategies to minimize risk: To encounter and mitigate credit risk the following control measures are taken place at ILFSL: Visiting the client’s business premises, conducting all other necessary due diligence required for extending credit facility; Assessing the repayment capacity and the past payment performance of customer before financing; Analyzing and verifying the provided financial statement & related information as well as financial condi- tion in case of unstructured accounts to identify the risk; Annual review of clients; Adequate insurance coverage for funded assets; Vigorous monitoring and follow up by Special Assets Management and collection Team; Follow up of compliance of credit policies by Credit Administration Department; Taking collateral and performing valuation and legal vetting on the proposed collateral; Seeking legal opinion from internal and external lawyer for any legal issues; Maintaining neutrality in politics and following arm’s length approach in related party transactions; Regular review of market situation and industry exposure; 86 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
Sector-wise portfolio is maintained within specific limits to ensure diversification of loan assets; Coordination of all pre and post sanction activities of all necessary loan documents. In addition to the industry best practices for assessing, identifying and measuring risks, ILFSL also consid- ers Guidelines for Managing Core Risks of financial institutions issued by the Country’s Central Bank, Bangladesh Bank; vide FID Circular No. 10 dated September 18, 2005 for management of risks. Approved Credit Policy by the Board of Directors The Board of Directors has approved the Credit Policy for the company where major policy guidelines, growth strategy, exposure limits (for particular sector, product, individual company and group) and risk management strategies have been described/stated in detail. Separate Credit Risk Management (CRM) Department An independent Credit Risk Management (CRM) Department is in place, at ILFSL, to scrutinize projects from a risk-weighted point of view and assist the management in creating a high quality credit portfolio and maximize returns from risk assets. Research team of CRM regularly reviews market situation and exposure of ILFSL in various industrial sub-sectors. CRM has been segregated from Credit Administration Department in line with Central Bank’s Guidelines. CRM assess credit risks and suggest mitigations before recommendation of every credit proposal while Credit Administration confirms that adequate security documents are in place before disbursement. Special Assets Management and Collection Team A strong Law and Recovery Team monitors the performance of the loans & advances, identify early signs of delinquencies in portfolio, and take corrective measures to mitigate risks, improve loan quality and to ensure recovery of loans in a timely manner including legal actions. Credit Approval Process To ensure quick service and mitigation of credit risk, the approval process is maintained a standard operat- ing procedure (SOP) developed by the Management of ILSFL. Credit Quality and Portfolio Diversification ILFSL believes in diversification in terms of products as well as sectors. To mitigate the Credit Risk, the company diversifies its loan exposure to different sectors confirming the Central Bank’s requirements. Threshold limit is set for any sector so that any adverse impact on any industry has minimum effect on ILFSL’s total return. Central Bank’s instructions are strictly followed in determining Single Borrower/Large Loan limit. Significant concentration of credit in terms of groups or geographical location is carefully avoided to minimize risk. Early Warning System Performance of loans is regularly monitored to trigger early warning system to address the loans and advances whose performance show any deteriorating trend. It enables the company to grow its credit portfolio with ultimate objective to protect the interest of stakeholders. NPL Management ILFSL measures its loan portfolio in terms of payment arrears. The impairment levels on the loans and advances are monitored regularly. As per FID Circular No.3 dated March 15, 2007: 1. Loan/Lease, classified as bad/loss and with 100% provision, can only be written-off. 2. Approval from the Board of Directors has to be taken before write-off. 3. The financial institutions should constantly try to recover the loan/lease written-off amount. If legal action has not been taken against the client, legal charges should be placed before the write off. 4. To expedite the legal settlement or collection of the due amount, third party agents can be appointed by the financial institutions. 5. A separate ledger should be maintained for the written off loans/leases and the accumulated written off value should be disclosed separately under the heading of “notes to the account” in the annual report/balance sheet of the financial institutions. Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 87
6. Even if the loan/lease has been written off, the client should be classified as defaulter and reported to CIB accordingly. Detail records for all such write off accounts are meticulously maintained and followed up. Counterparty Credit Rating ILFSL is taking initiatives to rate the Corporate Clients of the company immediately by the External Credit Assessment Institutions (ECAIs)/Rating Agencies duly recognized by the Central Bank. Methods used to measure Credit Risk As per the directives of Bangladesh Bank, ‘The Standardized approach’ is applied by the company to measure its Credit Risk. Quantitative Disclosures (a) Total gross credit risk exposures broken down by major types of credit exposure. Particulars Amount in BDT Crore Leasing 161.91 Term loan Real estate finance 3,849.49 Work order finance 5.40 Short term loan Staff loan 19.02 69.53 0.20 (b) Industry or counterparty type distribution of exposures, broken down by major types ofcredit exposure. Particulars Amount in BDT Crore Dhaka Division 3,942.36 Chittagong Division 128.38 Rajshahi Division 13.92 (c) Industry or counterparty type distribution of exposures, broken down by major types of credit exposure. Particulars Amount in BDT Crore Agriculture 196.04 Textile & Garments 640.84 Transport & Communication 184.23 Food production/processing industry 209.66 Iron, Steel & Engineering industry 48.42 Chemical & Pharmaceuticals 389.52 Service Industry 222.96 Plastic Industry 94.63 Paper, Printing packaging 25.41 Telecommunication/information technology 52.77 Real Estate & Housing 156.13 Ship and Ship making industry 63.83 Education 64.59 Hospital and medical equipment - Trade & Commerce 745.95 Power & Energy 216.52 Others 803.16 Beside these, ILFSL group portfolio includes total margin loan to clients by our capital market subsidiaries (International Leasing Securities limited and IL Capital Limited) of amount Tk. 336.99 but does not include Loan to subsidiaries paid by International Leasing and Financial Services Limited of amount BDT 247.92 crore, which should be deducted from the portfolio. Therefore, the total industry exposure amount to 4,039.30. (e) Residual contractual maturity breakdown of the whole portfolio, broken down by major types of credit exposure. 88 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
Particulars Amount in BDT Crore Repayable on demand 21.29 Over 1 month but not more than 3 months 57.59 Over 3 months but not more than 1 year Over 1 year but not more than 5 years 261.54 Over 5 year 897.26 Total 2,847.00 4,084.68 (f) Gross Non Performing Assets ( NPAs) Amount in BDT Crore Non Performing Assets (NPAs) to Outstanding Loans & advances 3,563.33 Movement of Non Performing Assets (NPAs) 0.00 0.00 Particulars 3,563.33 Opening balance Additions Reductions Closing balance Movement of specific provisions for NPAs Amount in BDT Crore 2,235.27 Particulars 483.49 Opening balance - Provisions made during the period - Write-off 1,751.78 Write-back of excess provisions Closing balance E) Equities: banking book positions Qualitative Disclosures The general qualitative disclosure requirement with respect to equity risk, including: Differentiation between holdings on which capital gains are expected and those taken under other objec- tives including for relationship and strategic reasons; and Total equity shares holdings are for capital gain purpose. Discussion of important policies covering the valuation and accounting of equity holdings in the banking book positions. This includes the accounting techniques and valuation methodologies used, including key assumptions and practices affecting valuation as well as significant changes in these practices. Quoted shares are valued at cost prices and if the total cost of a particular share is lower than the market value of that particular share, then provision are maintained as per terms and condition of regulatory authority. On the other hand, unquoted share is valued at cost price or book value as per latest audited accounts. Quantitative Disclosures Value disclosed in the balance sheet of investments, as well as the fair value of those investments; for quoted securities, a comparison to publicly quoted share values where the share price is materially differ- ent from fair value. Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 89
Particulars Cost Price Market Price Quoted shares 48.34 41.20 Unquoted shares 14.62 14.62 The cumulative realized gains (losses) arising from sales and liquidations in the reporting period - Nil. Particulars Market Price Total unrealized gains (losses) (7.15) Total latent revaluation gains (losses) - Any amounts of the above included in Tier 2 capital - Capital requirements broken down by appropriate equity groupings, consistent with the FI’s methodology, as well as the aggregate amounts and the type of equity investments subject to any supervisory provisions regarding regulatory capital requirements. Specific Risk- Market value of investment in equities is BDT 1.15crore. Capital Requirement is 10% of the said value which stand to BDT 3.27 crore. General Risk- Market value of investment in equities is BDT 1.15crore. Capital Requirement is 10% of the said value which stand to BDT 3.27 crore. F) Interest rate in the banking book Qualitative Disclosures The general qualitative disclosure requirement including the nature of interest risk and key assumptions, including assumptions regarding loan prepayments and behavior of non-maturity deposits. Interest rate risk in the banking book arises from mismatches between the future yield of an assets and their funding cost. Assets Liability Committee (ALCO) monitors the interest rate movement on a regular basis. ILFSL measure the Interest Rate Risk by calculation Duration Gap i.e. a positive Duration Gap affect company’s profitability adversely with the increment of interest rate and a negative Duration Gap increase the company’s profitability with the reduction of interest rate. Quantitative Disclosures The increase (decline) in earnings or economic value (or relevant measure used by management) for upward and downward rate shocks according to management’s method for measuring interest rate risk broken down by currency (as relevant). Maturity wise Distribution of Assets-Liabilities Particulars 1 to 30/31 Over 1 Over 2 Over 1 Over 6 day (1 month to 2 months to 3 months to 6 months to 1 1 month) A. Total Rate sensitive Liabilities 2 months months months year 135.31 3 4 5 6 (A) B. Total Rate sensitive Assets (B) 158.94 150.21 199.45 415.19 965.10 C. Mismatch 23.63 D. Cumulative Mismatch 23.63 176.45 204.89 360.41 625.88 E. Mismatch (%) 17.46% 26.24 5.44 -54.78 -339.22 49.87 55.31 -338.69 17.47% 2.73% 0.5 -35.15% -13.19% Magnitude of Shock Minor Moderate Major 2% 4% 6% Change in the value of Bond Portfolio 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Interest Income -6.77 -13.55 -20.32 Revised Regulatory Capital -3353.32 -3360.09 -3366.87 Risk Weighted Assets 3181.13 3181.13 3181.13 Revised CAR (%) -105.41% -105.63% -105.84% 90 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
G) Market risk Qualitative Disclosures Views of BOD on trading/investment activities All the Market Risk related policies/guidelines are duly approved by BOD. The BOD sets limit and review and updates the compliance on regular basis aiming to mitigate the Market risk. Methods used to measure Market risk Market Risk is the probability of losing assets in balance sheet and off- balance sheet position arising out of volatility in market variables i.e. interest rate, exchange rate and prices of securities. In order to calcu- late the market risk for trading book purposes the company uses Standardized (rule based) Approach where capital charge for interest rate risk, price and foreign exchange risk is determined separately. Market Risk Management system Policies and processes for mitigating market risk Market Risk has been managed as per instruction of the Board of Directors of the company where a clear instruction has been given on Loan Deposit Ratio, Liquidity Contingency Plan, Local Regulatory Compli- ance, Recommendation / Action Plan etc. Treasury manages the Market Risk with the help of Asset Liabili- ty Management Committee (ALCO) and Asset Liability Management (ALM) Desk in the following fashion: Interest Risk Management Treasury Division reviews the risks of changes in income of the Company as a result of movements in market interest rates. In the normal course of business, ILFSL tries to minimize the mismatches between the duration of interest rate sensitive assets and liabilities. Effective Interest Rate Risk Management is done as under: Market analysis Market analysis over interest rate movements are reviewed by the Treasury of the company. The type and level of mismatch interest rate risk of the company is managed and monitored from two perspectives, being an economic value perspective and an earning perspective. GAP analysis ALCO has established guidelines in line with central Bank’s policy for the management of assets and liabili- ties, monitoring and minimizing interest rate risks at an acceptable level. ALCO in its regular monthly meeting analyzes Interest Rate Sensitivity by computing GAP i.e. the difference between Rate Sensitive Assets and Rate Sensitive Liability and take decision of enhancing or reducing the GAP according to prevailing market situation aiming to mitigate interest rate risk. Continuous Monitoring Company’s treasury manages and controls day-to-day trading activities under the supervision of ALCO that ensures continuous monitoring of the level of assumed risks. Equity Risk Management Equity Risk is the risk of loss due to adverse change in market price of equities held by the Company. Equity Risk is managed by the following fashion: ILFSL minimizes the Equity Risks by Portfolio diversification as per investment policy of the company. Quantitative Disclosures The capital requirements for Market Risk: Particular Amount in BDT Crore Interest rate risk 3.27 Equity position risk Foreign Exchange Position and Commodity risk (if any) Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 91
H) Operational Risk: Qualitative disclosure: (a) Views of Board on system to reduce Operational Risk: All the policies and guidelines of internal control and compliances are duly approved by the Board. The Board delegates its authority to Executive Committee and to ManCom members as per company policy of delegation of authority. Audit Committee of the Board directly oversees the activities of internal control and compliance as per good governance guideline issued by Securities and Exchange Commission. Performance gap of executives and staffs ILFSL’s recruitment strategy is based on retaining and attracting the most suitable people at all levels of the business and this is reflected in our objective approach of recruitment and selection. The approach is based on the require- ments of the job (both now and in the near future), matching the ability andpotential of the individual. Qualification, skills and competency form our basis for nurturing talent. We are proud to state that favorable job responsibilities are increasingly attracting greater participation from different level of employees in the ILFSL family. We aim to foster a sense of pride in working for ILFSL and to be the employer of choice. As such there exists no performance gap in ILFSL. Potential external events No such potential external event exists to raise operational risk of ILFSL at the time of reporting. Policies and procedures for mitigating operational risk: ILFSL has also established Internal Control and Compliances Department (ICC) to address operational risk and to frame and implement policies to encounter such risks. ICC assesses operational risk across the Company as a whole and ensures that an appropriate framework exists to identify, assess and mange operational risk in line with the approved policies. Approach for calculating capital charge for operational risk: Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and system or from external events. ILFSL uses basic indicator approach for calculation capital charge against opera- tional risk i.e. 15% of average positive annual gross income of the company over last three years. Quantitative Disclosures: (b) Capital requirement for operational risk: Particular Amount in BDT crore Capital requirement for operational risk: 7.60 92 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MDA) [As per Condition no 1(5)(xxv) of the Corporate Governance Code] A. Statement on Application of Accounting Policies and Estimation for Preparation of Financial Statements as well as Changes in Accounting Policies and Estimation, if any, clearly describing the effect on Financial Performance or Results and Financial Position as well as Cash Flows in absolute figure for such changes Bangladesh Bank is the prime regulatory body for Financial Institutions (FIs) in Bangladesh. Some requirements of Bangladesh Bank’s rules and regulations contradict with those of financial instruments and general provision standards of IAS and IFRS. As such the company has departed from those contradictory requirements of IAS / IFRS in order to comply with the rules and regulations of Bangladesh Bank. A detailed disclosure has been made under Note 2.2 in the Notes to the Financial Statements. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) as practiced in Bangladesh. No adjustment has been made for inflationary factor affecting the financial statements. The accounting policies, unless otherwise stated, have been consistently being applied by the company and are consistent with those of the previous year. In order to comply with IFRS, as per IAS 39 an entity should undertake the impairment assessment by considering whether objective evidence of impairment exists for financial assets that are individually significant. For financial assets that are not individually significant, the assessment can be performed on an individual or collective (portfolio) basis. However, as per FID circular no. 08, dated August 3, 2002, and FID Circular No. 03, dated May 3, 2006, a General Provision @ 0.25% to 5% under different categories of unclassified leases/loans and advances (Standard & SMA) has to be maintained regardless of objective evidence of impairment. Also provision for sub-standard, doubtful and bad-loss leases/loans and advances has to be provided @ 20%, 50% and 100% respectively on outstanding amount net of eligible securities and suspended interest on the basis of time equivalent of amount in arrears. However, such provision policies are not specifically in line with those prescribed by IAS 39 \"Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement\". The Company has adequate resources to continue in operation for foreseeable future. The going concern basis is used in preparing the financial statements. Preparation of the financial statements in conformity with IAS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the company’s accounting policies that affect the reported amounts of revenue and expenses, assets and liabilities. Due to involvement of inherent uncertainty in making estimates, actual results could be different from those estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimates are revised in any future period affected. Provision for leases/loans and advances, deferred tax assets/liabilities, provision for gratuity and rate of depreciation of fixed assets are the major elements that require estimates and judgments. B. Comparative Analysis (including effects of inflation) of Financial Performance or Results and Financial Position as well as Cash Flows for current financial year with immediate preceding five years explaining reasons thereof Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 93
Particulars 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Interest Income 4,893.28 4,198.16 1,726.22 1,986.35 (2,707.42) 136.36 324.29 Profit after Tax 44,180.89 39,542.17 (2,067.53) (6,817.59) (28,033.35) 2,654.30 2,423.97 Average Assets (1,127.56) 2,017.18 46,342.97 45,424.37 44,822.61 300.85 (15.84) Average Equity 407.21 707.22 (33,162.23) (28,719.67) (22,588.40) Net cash flows from operating activities (419.49) 2,708.56 (412.67) (1740.48) (2,117.28) Net cash used in investing activities 5,572.86 2,864.30 (0.904) (25.94) 424.81 Net cash used in financing activities 5,153.87 5,572.86 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 502.88 1104.15 375.97 equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the (89.31) (662.26) (1,316.50) beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of 3,174.60 3,836.87 5,153.37 the year 3,263.91 3,174.60 3,836.87 A. Comparison of Financial Performance or Results and Financial Position as well as Cash Flows with the Peer Industry Scenario Amount in Million Taka Particulars IPDC IDLC NHFIL Interest Income 6,544.50 10,149.67 1,620.02 Profit after Tax 881.05 1,576.20 261.289 Average Assets 80,471.01 130,087.19 18,420.90 Average Equity 6,208.23 12,621.49 2,139.37 Net cash flows from operating activities (2,412.27) 1,484.99 1,077.43 Net cash used in investing activities 2,189.95 1,814.43 (328.94 Net cash used in financing activities (2,276.80) 1,529.89 (143.08) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (450.00) 1,859.82 901.46 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 14,673.52 19,831.38 2,795.04 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 14,223.52 38,429.66 3,696.50 D. Financial and Economic Scenario of the Country and the Globe A Statement on Economic Environment Review has been given separately in the Annual Report in page 22. E. Issues of Risks and Concerns related to the Financial Statements, as well as Risk and Concerns Mitigation Plan of the Company Issues of Risks and Concerns related to the Financial Statements, as well as Risk and Concerns Mitigation Plan of the Company, have explained in the Annual Report separately as Statement on Risk Management. F. Future Plan or Projection or Forecast for Company’s Operation, Performance and Financial Position, with justification thereof(i.e. Actual Position) As part of the long-term and short-term plan we are working on raising fund which. We are also continuing efforts to manage normal operational activities by keeping the liquidity of the company at the right level. We are having plan to make payment of interest for a specific period to all depositors and to regularize short-term and long-term loans with lending institutions. We will then go ahead with new deposits and loans and meeting the needs of old customers. Md. Mashiur Rahman Managing Director (CC) 94 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
As per Annexure-A & Condition No. 1(5)(xxvi) of the CG Code International Leasing And Financial Services Ltd. Declaration by CEO and CFO Date : August 25, 2022 The Board of Directors The International Leasing and Financial Services Limited DR Tower (13th Floor) 65/2/2, Bir Protik Gazi Golam Dostogir Road Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Subject: Declaration on Financial Statements for the year ended on December 31, 2021 Dear Sirs Pursuant to the condition No. 1(5)(xxvi) imposed vide the Commission’s Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/207/80 dated 03 June 2018; under section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969, we do hereby declare that: (1.) The Financial statements of the International Leasing And Financial Services Limited for the year ended December 31 , 2021 have been prepared in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), as applicable in the country and any departure there-form has been adequately disclosed; (2.) The estimates and judgments related to the financial statements were made on a prudent and reasonable basis, in order for the financial statements to reveal a true and fair view; (3.) The form and substance of transactions and the company’s state of affairs reasonably and fairly presented in its financial statements; (4.) To ensure above, the company has taken proper and adequate care in installing a system of internal control and maintaining accounting records; (5.) Our internal auditors have conducted periodic audits to provide reasonable assurance that the established policies and procedures of the company were consistently followed; and (6.) the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the financial statements is appropriate and there exists no material uncertainty related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the company’s ability to continue as a going concern ; In this regard, we also certify that; I. We have reviewed financial statements for the year December 31, 2021 and that to the best of our knowledge and belief; (a) These statements do not contain any materially untrue statements or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading; (b) these statements collectively present true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards and applicable laws; II. There are, to the best of knowledge and belief, no transaction entered into by the company during the year which are fraudulent, illegal or violation of the Company’s code of conduct for the company’s Board of Directors or its Members. Md. Mashiur Rahman Shohiduzzaman Managing Director (CC) Chief Financial Officer (CC) Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 95
Value Added Statement Value Added 2021 2020 Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Value added Operating revenue 1,897,460,816 2,017,317,532 Cost of borrowing (3,465,643,567) (4,388,835,107) (1,568,182,751) (2,371,517,575) Other income 1,405,333 1,127,485 (1,566,777,418) (2,370,390,090) Provision for future losses 264,540,722 (4,314,505,483) Operating expenses (45,375,312) (49,289,013) (excluding staff cost & depreciation) (1,347,612,008) 100% (6,734,184,586) 100% Distribution of value addition Shareholders as dividend - 0.00% - 0.00% -5.89% 128,338,194 -1.91% Employees as salaries and other benefits 110,521,883 -1.70% -0.49% 33,032,645 Government as income tax 31,861,134 142,383,017 -7.59% 161,370,839 -2.40% Retained for reinvestment Depreciation & amortisation 35,308,440 -1.88% 46,703,473 -0.69% 109.47% (6,942,258,898) 103.09% Retained earnings and other reserves (2,054,384,909) 107.59% (6,895,555,425) 102.40% (2,019,076,469) (1,876,693,452) 100.00% (6,734,184,586) 100.00% Employees' statistics 91 115 Number of employees at year end 20,851,218 17,541,892 Operational income per employee (20,623,005) (58,558,127) Value added per employee 96 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
mvewmwWqvix cwiwPwZ Annual Report 2021 International Leasing 97
AvBGj K¨vwcUvj AvBGj K¨vwcUvj wjwg‡UW Gi †Pqvig¨vb I cl`© m`m¨e›„ ` Rbve k¨vgj KvwšÍ †Nvl (†Pqvig¨vb) we‡ª MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij †gv. †gdZvDj Kwig Rbve †gv. Gg`v` †nv‡mb †kL weGmwc, Gmwcwc, wewcGgGm, GbwWwm, wcGmwm (Aet) cl`© m`m¨ cl©` m`m¨ Rbve †gv. gwkDi ingvb Rbve †gv. Igi dviæK cl`© m`m¨ wmBI 98 Annual Report 2021 International Leasing
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