Your wedding is an exciting and joyful event! We believe that God created marriage, the union between a man and woman, to bring us closer to him and to bring more joy into our lives. Marriage is a glorious relationship that is often misunderstood and mysterious. Please remember that getting married is a serious matter and one of the most significant decisions you will ever make. At the Way, we are committed to working with you to ensure that your wedding ceremony honors our Lord. We long to join with you in creating a worshipful, memorable and personal experience for everyone involved. May the Lord Jesus continue to guide, direct and bless you as you look to him for guidance in planning this important event.
In addition, to have your wedding at the Way, any of the following must be active members or active attendees of the Way who agree with the Way’s Statement of Faith: bride, groom, mother or father of the bride or groom. Couples considering a wedding ceremony at the Way should contact the office to check availability, and to receive a Wedding Policy and Application. After a completed application is returned and approved, and a signed copy of the wedding policy is returned to the office, the wedding and rehearsal dates will be added to the calendar, only then should the couple plan on having their wedding at the Way. The bride and groom must agree to premarital counseling and arrange sessions with the pastor by contacting the church office. Requests for weddings at the Way should be made at least one month in advance and not more than a year in advance of the wedding date, unless special circumstances apply. Weddings scheduled on Saturday begin no later than 5:00pm and must be completed and cleaned up by 7:00pm. If it is the second Saturday of the month the wedding can begin no later than 3:00pm and cleaned up by 5:00pm. Ministers other than the pastor of the Way may perform weddings here, but must have prior approval. Please contact the church office for any further instructions. Blessings
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