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Health Science Flipbook

Published by Talia Arris, 2020-09-17 20:02:05

Description: Health Science Flipbook


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Health Science Flipbook Talia Arris 2B Pickett

Table of Contents: 1) Integumentary System 2) Musculoskeletal System 3) Nervous System 4) Special Senses 5) Cardiovascular System 6) Respiratory System 7) Digestive System 8) Urinary System 9) Reproductive System

Integumentary System: body system that acts as an external casing for the body, protecting the structures embedded within it Key Terms: Vocabulary: ● derm(a)(t)(o) : skin ● dermis : middle layer of skin; often called the dermal layer ● kerat(o) : horny tissue ● epidermis: outermost layer of skin that also contains nails & hair; often called the epidermal layer ● xer(o) : dry, dryness ● stratum basale: deepest epidermal layer, which contains melanocytes, immune cells, and touch receptors ● xanth(o) : yellow ● stratum corneum : layer of dead cells that forms the outermost layer of epidermis ● erythr(o) : red ● stratum granulosum : deep epidermal layer of skin that accumulates keratin ● pedicu(o) : fingernail, toenail ● stratum lucidum: clear layer of dead cells only found in the epidermis of the palms of the hands & feet ● onych(o) : pertaining to the nails ● stratum spinosum : deep epidermal layer of skin that produces keratin ● myc(o) : fungus ● sweat glands : structures in the skin that release sweat ● pil(o) : hair ● tissue : group of many cells performing the same function ● lip(o) : fatty, lipid ● blood cells : contribute to the formation of blood, including red and white blood cells ● rhytid(o) : wrinkle ● albin(o) : white, deficient pigmentation Diseases and Disorders: ● alopecia: hair loss Careers: ● folliculitis: an infection of hair follicles ● Dermatology ● dermatitis: a rash with inflammation ● Cosmetology ● first-degree burn: burn that occurs on the surface of the skin & causes redness, inflammation, pain, & sloughing

Musculoskeletal System: the body system that consists of all the components needed for movement, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, and articulations Key Terms: ● my(o) : muscle Vocabulary: ● myel(o) : bone marrow or spinal cord ● bone marrow: a soft, spongy tissue inside many bones that works like a factory for blood cells ● oste(o): bone ● cartilage: a tough, flexible tissue often found at the ends of bones ● cost(o): the ribs ● compact bone: bone tissue that forms the hard shell outside of a bone and consists of cells that are ● crani(o): cranium, to portion of skull organized in smooth columns that give the bones strength ● -pexy: the surgical fixation (fastening in a fixed position) ● joint: the place where two bones meet, allowing for movement in the body ● chondr(o): cartilage ● skull: the bone that makes up the top and back of the head and protects the brain ● arthr(o): joint ● spinal cord: the bundle of nerves that runs through the back and connects the brain to the rest of the ● -plegia: paralysis or a stroke body ● kinesi(o): movement ● spongy bone: bone tissue that forms the soft interior of a bone and consists of cells that are in a honeycomb pattern with spaces for bone marrow in between Careers: ● vertebrae: irregular bones that protect the spinal cord and form the spinal column ● Chiropractor ● ligaments: flexible, ropelike structures that keep joints stable during movement ● Massage therapist ● tendons: tissues that connect muscle to bone Diseases and Disorders: ● autoimmune disorder: a condition in which the body mistakenly attacks itself, which usually leads to inflammation, pain, and dysfunction ● muscular dystrophy: a congenital disorder involving widespread muscle weakness and degeneration ● osteoarthritis: the wearing down and dysfunction of joints ● polymyositis: acquired disorder causing widespread muscle inflammation, pain, and weakness

Nervous System: responds to sensory information & coordinates body responses Key Terms: Diseases and Disorders: ● neur(o) : nervous system ● Alzheimer’s disease: disease of the brain characterized by progressive impairment of memory & other ● encephal(o): brain brain functions, such as orientation & judgment. ● myel(o): spinal cord or bone marrow ● Bell's palsy: a disease of unknown cause characterized by the rapid onset of facial paralysis, which is ● ambul(o): to walk usually temporary and limited on one side of the face ● -esthesia: feeling or sensation ● cerebrovascular accident: also known as a CVA or stroke, it is an acute loss of brain function due to ● mening(o): meninges interruption of blood flow to a portion of the brain ● psych(o): mind, mental ● meningitis: inflammation of the meninges, which are the protective tissues covering the brain and spinal ● concuss(o): shaken together, violently agitated cord, often caused by a viral or bacterial infection Vocabulary: Careers: ● brain: the control center of the nervous system; occupies the cranial cavity ● Neurosurgeon ● central nervous system (CNS): the portion of the nervous system that includes the brain and the spinal cord ● Neuroradiologist ● ganglia: clusters of neurons in the peripheral nervous system ● meninges: a tough, layered protective tissue that surrounds and protects the brain and the spinal cord ● primary motor cortex: region of the cerebrum that controls voluntary muscles on the opposite side of the body ● vertebrae: the bones that make up the vertebral column ● vertebral column: the flexible bony structure that houses the spinal cord and consists of a series of bones called vertebrae ● sensory nervous system: the portion of the peripheral nervous system that gathers sensory information from the body and sends it to the central nervous system ● skull: the bony covering that protects the brain ● spinal cord: nervous tissue that connects the brain to the peripheral nervous system

Special Senses: Processes sensory information such Careers: as taste and sound. ● Audiologist ● Otorhinolaryngologist Key Terms: Vocabulary: ● irid(o): the iris ● ossicles: three tiny connected bones in the middle ear that transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic ● -cusis: hearing membrane to the inner ear ● -opia: vision condition ● pinna: outer ear flap that forms the visible part of the ear; a.k.a the auricle (from the Latin word for ear, auricula) ● ot(o): ear ● pupil: the opening in the iris that lets light into the eye ● tympan(o): tympanic membrane, middle ear ● retina: the light-sensitive layer of cells that line the inner surface of the eye and transmit light signals to the brain ● opthalm(o): eye ● vestibular system: structures in the inner ear that form the sensory system responsible for detecting movement ● -metry: process of measuring and providing a sense of balance ● cornea: the transparent front-most part of the eye that helps the lens focus light on the retina ● cochlear implant: an electronic device that is surgically implanted into the cochlea, or hearing organ in the inner ear, for persons with severe hearing loss ● Eustachian tube: named after the 16th century anatomist Bartolomeo Eustachi; a small passageway that connects the middle ear to the throat, enabling the movement of air to equalize middle-ear & atmospheric pressure ● external auditory canal: the narrow passage that leads from the pinna to the tympanic membrane ● iris: the thin, colored, circular structure in the eye that controls the amount of light entering the eye by contracting & expanding Diseases and Disorders: ● conjunctivitis: also called pinkeye; an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the outermost layer of the eye, caused by infection or allergies ● deafness: the partial or complete loss of the ability to hear ● glaucoma: a group of diseases characterized by elevated pressure within the eye (intraocular pressure, or IOP), which can lead to damage of retinal structures with resulting blindness ● tinnitus: symptom characterized by hearing noise, such as ringing or buzzing, for which there is no external source

Cardiovascular System: pumps blood and transports it to the body cells, delivering nutrients and carrying away wastes Careers: ● Cardiologist Key Terms: Vocabulary: ● Cardio surgeon ● cardi(o): heart ● angi(o): blood vessel ● aorta: one of two arteries leading out of the heart, it receives freshly oxygenated blood from the left ventricle and ● hem(o), hemat(o): blood ● brady-: slow carries it away from the heart to the rest of the body ● tachy-: fast ● thromb(o): blood clot ● aortic valve: the heart valve that separates the left ventricle from the aorta ● -emia: blood condition ● leuk(o): white, white blood cells ● arteri: a root word that means artery; arteri(o) is the combining form--e.g., arteriogram is a recording of an artery ● erythr(o): red, red blood cell ● arteri(o): artery ● artery: a blood vessel (tubular structure) that carries blood away from the heart ● atrium: a type of chamber in the heart, of which there are two: the right atrium receives blood returning to the heart from the body, and the left atrium receives blood returning to the heart from the lungs ● blood: a liquid that carries red and white blood cells, nutrients, and waste products throughout the body ● blood clot: a collection of platelets and proteins that blocks the opening caused by a wound to a blood vessel ● blood pressure: the pressure of blood pushing on the walls of the blood vessels ● lymph vessel: vessel that returns lymph to the general circulation, filtering the fluid as it passes ● mitral valve: the heart valve that separates the left atrium from the left ventricle Diseases and Disorders: ● anemia: a condition in which there are not enough red blood cells ● angina pectoris: pain in the chest due to inadequate delivery of oxygen to the heart muscle ● coronary artery disease (CAD): atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries, which are the arteries that supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle ● leukemia: a general term that describes a variety of cancers in which there are too many white blood cells

Respiratory System: keeps blood supplied with fresh oxygen & removes carbon dioxide from the body Key Terms: Vocabulary: ● bronch(o): the air passages of the lungs ● alveoli : tiny air sacs with thin walls located at the end of bronchioles (branches of the bronchi, the air ● cyan(o): blue passageways of the lungs) ● laryng(o): larynx ● bronchi : respiratory organ that serves as the main passageways for air into the lungs ● -oxia: oxygen ● epiglottis : flap of tissue that prevents food from entering the trachea ● Oxy-: swift, sharp, acid ● glottis : two flaps of tissue that close together to prevent food from entering the conducting zone ● pleur(o): rib, side ● laryngopharynx : part of pharynx closest to the larynx ● pneum(o): breathing, lungs, pneumonia ● larynx : respiratory organ that allows air to travel from the pharynx to the trachea, and prevents food from ● pulmon(o): lungs entering the lower parts of the respiratory conducting zone; also known as the voice box ● thorac(o): chest ● lungs : primary organs of the respiratory system that work to allow blood cells to transfer oxygen into and out of ● trache(o): trachea the body system ● pharynx : respiratory organ that connects the nose and the larynx; also called the throat Careers: ● respiratory membrane : collective term for the walls of the capillaries and alveoli ● Otolaryngologist ● trachea : flexible tube connecting the larynx to the two main bronchi that filters, moistens, and warms air before ● Pulmonologist it enters the lungs Diseases and Disorders: ● apnea : a condition in which there is no spontaneous breathing for more than fifteen seconds ● hyperventilation : excessive, rapid, deep breathing that decreases blood carbon dioxide levels ● pneumonia : an infection of the lungs that causes the small bronchioles and alveoli to fill with fluid ● pulmonary fibrosis : scar tissue in the lungs that reduces their functioning

Digestive System: breaks down food into nutrition for body cells and eliminates leftover wastes Key Terms: Vocabulary: ● cholecyst(o): gallbladder ● alimentary canal: major human digestive tract that runs throughout the body. a.k.a the gastrointestinal tract ● enter(o): intestine ● anus: organ that controls human solid waste excretion ● col(o), colon(o): colon ● bile: yellowish-green alkaline solution that helps break down fat ● hepat(o): the liver ● bolus: compact, rounded mass of food particles ● gastr(o): stomach ● chemical digestion: breakdown of food particles into chemical building blocks by enzymes in the alimentary canal ● or(o): mouth ● chyme: consumed food churned and mixed into a creamy substance by the digestive system ● -pepsia: digestion ● esophagus: digestive organ that transports food to the stomach ● chol(o): bile ● gallbladder: digestive organ that stores bile for release into the small intestine ● proct(o): rectum ● pancreas: organ that secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine ● stomach: organ that begins the breakdown of human food after consumption by mixing it with digestive juices Diseases and Disorders: ● dyspepsia: pain or discomfort in digestion ● cholelithiasis: the condition in which gallstones are present in the gallbladder or bile duct ● jaundice: yellow discoloration of the skin caused by bile pigments in the blood ● pancreatitis: a rare disease causing the pancreas to become inflamed Careers: ● Gastroenterologist ● Proctologist

Urinary System: responsible for filtering blood and removing certain wastes from the body Key Terms: Vocabulary: ● -cele: hernia ● adrenal glands: glands located on the top of each kidney that produce several hormones, including ● -lysis: destruction or separation epinephrine & cortisol ● cyst(o): bladder, sac, or cyst ● amino acids: set of nitrogen-containing compounds that form the building blocks for the production of ● nephr(o): kidney, nephrons protein molecules ● ren(o): the kidney ● ammonium: a metabolic waste product that is converted into urea in the body ● -uria: urination, condition of urine ● bladder : a sac made of muscle that stores urine until the body is ready to dispose of it ● -pexy: the surgical fixation (fastening in a fixed position) ● homeostasis: steady state where everything in the body is working normally; the process of maintaining ● -ectasis: dilatation, or the stretching of a body structure this state ● pyel(o): pelvis ● kidneys : the two bean-shaped organs responsible for filtering blood to remove wastes ● nephron: basic structural & functional unit of the kidney; each kidney contains about 1 million nephrons, Careers: which together perform its filtration & other functions ● Urologist ● renal : term that describes anything related to the kidneys ● Urologic Oncologist ● renal arteries: 2 arteries that branch off the abdominal aorta & end at the kidneys, supplying them with blood to filter ● renal capsule : an outer covering of tough connective tissue and fat that gives kidneys their shape Diseases and Disorders: ● chronic renal failure : gradual failure of the kidneys over a period of time ● gout: a disease characterized by arthritis due to the buildup of uric acid, a metabolic waste product, in the joints; it can result from several factors, including underexcretion of uric acid by the kidneys ● kidney stones : small stones that form from waste in the kidneys and that become trapped in the urinary tract ● polyuria: excessive urination, typically 2.5 to 3 liters or more per 24 hour period; can be caused by a variety of conditions, including untreated diabetes

Reproductive System: creates the material necessary for human reproduction Key Terms: Vocabulary: ● cervic(o): cervix or neck ● cervix: donut-shaped lower portion of the uterus; connects the uterus to the vagina & provides an ● salping(o): fallopian tube or eustachian tube opening for childbirth and the passage of sperm and menstrual fluid ● ov(o): oocyte or egg ● fallopian tubes: the paired tubes that conduct ova from the ovaries to the uterus ● orchid(o): testicle ● gland: an organ that releases chemical substances, such as hormones, into the body ● men(o): menses, menstruation ● androgen: the male hormone that is responsible for the development of male characteristics ● mamm(o): breast ● diploid cell: cell that has 2 sets of chromosomes. In humans, one set of 23 chromosomes from each ● gynec(o): woman, female, female reproduction parent, or 46 total ● prostat(o): prostate gland ● germ cell: a diploid cell specialized to divide by meiosis to produce haploid sex cells ● gonad: an organ that produces haploid sex cells; a testicle or an ovary Careers: ● meiosis: a type of cell division unique to sex cells in which a diploid germ cell divides to create haploid sex ● Gynecology cells ● Urology ● puberty: the time of life when a child’s body matures and becomes capable of sexual reproduction ● estrogen: a female hormone that is responsible for the development of female physical characteristics and is important in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy Diseases and Disorders: ● cervicitis: inflammation of the cervix (often secondary to chlamydia) ● chlamydia: S.T.I caused by bacteria; treatable by antibiotics; can lead to infertility in females ● syphilis: disease caused by bacteria; fatal if left untreated ● human immunodeficiency virus (hiv): virus that leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS); transmitted through body fluids, including those exchanged during sexual intercourse

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