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Home Explore New Headway Pre-Intermediate Students' Book

New Headway Pre-Intermediate Students' Book

Published by yasminp, 2020-12-08 18:46:27

Description: New Headway Pre-Intermediate Students' Book


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multitude n r mAllltju:d1 UNIT 11 pronunciation If Ipra,n...nsi'cIIn! '10improvement If IIm'pru:ymantl nigbtmlft n r nanmc~ rV proof If Ipru:fI academy If I.)'k:ed;lmi! pro\\'e v Ipru :vl in touch 'l...tII op:ntors pi n f op;wclt;lzl increasi ng adj IIO 'kri:sIlY (J\\~\"dcd tUij 1,:.uY;I'UaIXhdl antiques pi n IlI!n'ti:ksl ransom \" I' nens;;Jm/ infinite adj I' m!IOall ownizcd adj f :.uv~ I zdf rtlease v In 'li :sI junk food If I'd3\"'Uk fu:dI own Y I:.un! aWiU\"ds pi\" !;I'w.):dzl remarry v l ,ri:'m!l!riI life expectancy \"I']tllf backache If I'bre kelkl rush v Ir...II password n f pa:SW3:d1 based in /be lst In! serious adj I' mriw Ik ,5pe k t a n sil pocUt.sizcd adj I' pokn salzd 1 blind adj Iblalnd! show lunts pI\" If:.u Iju:nzi prcdk1 \" Ipn'dllct/ boarding school If l' b;,:dlO sku:1I split up v Is pht ' ...pI Mars n Imo:zI printing ptU$ n r prlnt II) JXcsI bridesmaid \" ,'braldzmeld( bury y r beril stroke \" Istr:.ukl Mercury\" l'm3:kjaril ran adj Irc*V burer If I'bal~r)l Swedish adj I'swi:dlil metal If I' metll catch up \" Ikll!tI '...pI swmhcart \" rswi:lho:tl rrconkd message If /n' b:dld ca\\\"C If Ikelyl terribly adv \" Ierabli! microchips pi 11 I' ma ikraulI lpsl 'mesldy chance\" h Io:nsl the arts pi\" 10i: '0:1 51 choir If r kwal ~r )l tough adj II ...U MilkyWay \" !,m llki ' well rrignite \\' I,ri:ig 'nanl choirmaster If r kwalamo:st;l(r)l tragedy n I' trll!d3x1i1 miraculous adj Iml 'r!l!kjalasl rrpIaa: \" In ' plcisf classical adj r kl~lkll tragic adj I'lrred31k1 moons pi If Imu:nzl replicate Y r rephkeltl colleague\" I'koli:gI Tudor Ildj I'tju:d;\"!{r)/ observable adj Ilb'Z3:vabll routint- adj 1nt:'li:nI coma If I'kaumal upbringing If l'... pbrJlJllJ' oceans p/\" l'auInzl search mgines pi If 1'53:11 coping y I' k:.upIIY wealth n Iwelll( on purpose Ion 'p3:pas/ CO\\\"eml adj I' kAv;d/ What a shame! Iwol a 'le nni permanently adv l 'p3:man:;mtl il end3lnzl demand\" ldJ'mo:ndI widowed adj I' wldaudl pessimistic adj l ,pesl'm iSll ki ~e IIdj r S3:tIX!I! diamond If r dal;lm;/Jld! skinnybne If IsluDi 'lztell UNIT 12 picnic\" I'p lkm kl digging \" I'dlgll}l smartpbonc If r smo:tf:.un! drama \" r dro:mal a dick of the fingers la 'klik ;\"IV Oa pills pi\" Ipllzl 50CbJ nen.\"OIting If ISXJ.n elite IIdj II'li:11 'fllJga21 planet n I' pl!l!mtl engaged adj Im'geld3d! pr«ious adj I' prclasl 'nclW\"l:kll)I entenain v I,ent;\"l'teln! alien 11 I 'ellian! $lOR If I.):(r)l exact adj Itg'ue ktJ radiation\" I,TCldi'e lIn! S\\ooitcb off Y IswlI I 'DfJ expecting a baby hk'spck UI) ;) angle \" 1'!l!l)gL/ require v !n'kwal a(r)l throwa...'llY ,,~' .)we ll atmosphere If I'retmas fl a( r)/ rotate v Irau 'tellJ trillion r lnlj.)fl/ 'belbi! axis If I'Il:ks isi cxpd y hk'spell block v Iblokl rotation \" Irau' te lIn! USft·fricndJy adj IJu:z.) 'frcndl i! bodyparts pln I'bodipo:tsl row If lraul variety n Jy.) 'ral;)l i! fanlaStic MWS /f;en't~ uk nju:zI bum OUI \" 1b3:n 'autl collapse \" lka'l:epsl skyscrapers pi\" I'skalskre lplzl ...... food of rrrod avl cool \" lku:1I crossroads If r krosrm7J solar system 11 I's;)(Jla sistaml generosity\" l,dJeDa' rt'JS..t il decrease v Idl ' kri: s1 $Iarving adj Isto: ...IUI GItlI to bear fnxn you! Igrell ta suitable adj l'sju:tabLl di lemmas pi II Idl'lemazl h, ~rl from jut Earth ,,13:01 support v Isa'p;,: tl gTfilt-gnndson II Igrell eanhquake 11 1'3:9kwclkI threats pi If 19rel sl «onomies If I,ek;)'nom lksl Ignrns...nI el«tric shock If Ii,lekt nk 'loki timescale\" I'talmskel ll encourage v IIO' k...ndY guy coli Iga ll evaporate v h'vrepareltl universe\" I'ju :m Y3:s1 headquarters\" I,hed' kwl:tazl expand v hk 'spre nd! hit series If /tu t 'sl.)ri: zl express v hk'spresl Venus\" I'yi:nasl install v IIn'5t;,:1I extreme lldj h k'slri:m/ first team\" 1'f3:s t ti:rnI \\'Olcano 11 Ivol'kemaul ifs betn ages 1115 bin eld31z1 flash\" In!l!II kttp in touch v Iki:p m t ...tII fundamen tally lldv wage v Iweldy kidnap v I'kldn:epl warm v Iwa:mI l ,r ... nd a ' m e n t J l i / leading role \" l'ii:dllJ raull warning\" l'w;):\"'OI lifestyle \" I'lalfstalll galaxy \" I'grel;\"lksil wisdom \" I' wlzd;\"lm/ meanness\" r mi:nn3s1 gas ,, 1gresl wonders pi If I'w... ndazl millionaires pI\" I,mllja'neazl global IIdj I'glaubll modtl If I'modll good-looking adj I,god'lukll}l modesl adj I' mochstJ government n I'g,wanmantl nan If In;en! (l\"I\"erdose If l'auvad;JOs/ gravity\" I'gnevali! paralysed adj 1' ~r.JlalZdI harmful adj I' ho :mfll party-loving adj I' po:li 'Lo.vlol heahhcare \" r heI9kea( r)/ pu.sionate adj ! prianati htlium II I'hi:liam/ phocograph v N:.utagro:fJ hemisphere\" I' hemlsfla(r)/ plague v Iple IgI hold v /h:.uld! plant v Iplo:ntl popular adj I' popjal3(r)/ hydroge n \" I' ha ldrJd3Jn! postgraduate \" I,paust 'gnrd3uatl improbable adj li m'prob;)bll pregnant adj I' pregn;lntl presenter\" Ipn 'zenla(r)/ promises pI If I' promls izi

Pairwork Student A Ask questions about Bill and Christina. Complete the chart. UNITl p16 PRACTICE Speaking - exchanging information ) Work with a partner. Answer questions about Ilona. Whue do Bill alld ChrlmM eoMe from ? Where/ from? Hungary Where/ from? Where/live? in aflat in Budapest Whe..r.e./.I.M..?..., ... • . r.m;~l yes - _ brothers and two listen ... a\"'6'''' ''' _ What/dol stud<nt - studying poIma What/do? What/U~.:_-·~iigi/i;:; . ~\"-\"II:' UUWI gomg to art ga1~'_i\"es. ._\" .... i• ••! IldYiog free time? lessons, playing poker What/doing now? having a meal in a rffiaurant with friends UNITS p41 PRACTICE When can we meet? 1 Work with a partner. Arrange to meet in the next week.. Look at your diary. What art you doing M on d ay m o rn i ng afternoon evening Tu e s d ay <tudy visit Untie Chris MUt (am irt tOM! 011 MolWy svsning? Wedn esd ay <tudy Thursday <tudy !lave piallO \"$${HI go to 1M c.iMMa with Juwry 1'111 MUtillS Katie ill tOWl!. Friday <tudy Are 'fOCI doing .,,'(thins on ~ NIl tor H.... w Dad <tody M<»Iday aftsmooll? ~ Sf ' sA a

UNIT 10 pBS EVERYDAY ENGLISH Roleplay 7 Work in pairs. You are going to have three telephone conversations. PHONECAU 1 PHONECALL2 You can't meet on Tuesday- You are i receptionist at a Marketing company. ..... 1lu1doy-.d Adiont calls to speak to Duncan)ones ~_todo. ' -\"\"\"\"'\"'~ 1i to comect them. _ _111\"\" Make a sugesti<>Il UNlTn pBB SPEAKI NG Whtnwas SIIa was born CMMott, Church born? Tense review i\"IQG6. 7 Work with a partner. You have different information about Ch arlotte Church's life and career. Ask and answer questions to complete the text Charlotte Church's life and career Charlotte Church is an ordinary girt with an extraordinary singing voice. She was born in (Where?) in 1986. She's been singing in public since she was -,--_--, ftIow bng?), when she sang at a seaside holiday camp. She had to be dragged off stage. When she was 11 , she rang a TV talent show and sang _ __ ~ down the phone, She's been singing on TV shows ever since and has also given concerts at The London Palladium, and The Royal Albert Hall. She performed in front of the US president when she was just (How old .. . when?). She has sokt over 10 miUion albums worldwide and has earned _ _ _ (How much?), Charlotte is a classical singer, but she likes all kinds of music. She'd love to sing her favourite opera Madame Butterffy, but she has also been trying to become a pop singer. She has released pop albums (How many?) so far, Tissues and Issues in 2005 and Back to Scratch in 2010. Charlotte is not just a singer. She's recently been hosting her own TV chat show The Charlotte Church Show for which she won an award. Overall she's won eight awards for her singing and TV appearances. At 19 Charlotte began a relationship with the , Gavin Henson (\\Nho?). They had two children, Ruby in 2007 and Dexter in 2009, but split up in 2010.

Pairwork Student B UNITl p16 PRACTICE Answer q uestions about Bill and Christina. Speak ina:- txchansins information 3 Work with a partner. Ask questions about Ilona. Complete the chart. ~h& GOMes:: frOM ••• When!/ from' WIIeoo/fn>m! tho United s..... . .•When!/Ii<o! -,When!/ho! in • house on the bNch in LA big \",,\",,'. ····bic fmly? no -~ one cIiudm Wllat/do! What/likedoini/ What/1ike doin!I etIl - IT tomultam: free time? What{doin& now? free time? Christina - writes !mel gu;do5 What/doins \"\",,! UNITS p41 walking on the beach, going swi,.nfng. <bog yoga shof>I>K18 in . ~ PRACTICE When can we mut? 3 Work with a partner. Arrange to meet in the next week. Look at you r diary. Whotar. YOCl doiPl9 011 M o n d ay morning afterno on evening Tuesday play tUlPlIs: wftfI Ja. wat'\" fooft;l,R .It D\",,'s Jwxisa M0fIdIy aftmlOOPl? Wed nesday \" \"cIy Thursday ....cIy yjs:ft TOM ill h~pitll / Friday \"\"cIy ....cIy ,.'\" pllyiPl9 tall\";!: with Joe. \" \"cIy Ar. VOII doiPl91/lyftliPig on Tlles:day .ftmoo,,? ~ I

UNITIO pBS EVERYDAY ENGLISH Roleplay 7 Work in pairs. You arc going to have three telephone conversations. PHONECAU 1 PHONE CALL 2 Afriend will call 'fOUl mobile. You are an important customer for a Marttetin& The 1ft • bid - ask 'fOUl friend to _ who! they said. 0JIr4linY. Call the 0JIr4linY .... ask to speak to ~who!todo. Dunan )ones. You need to speak to him as soon as posstie. _what to do. UNlTn p88 SPEAKING Whutwa$ SMWUbont in Cardiff, Walts. Tense review CMrlotts Churc\" bonIr 1 Work with a partner. You have different information about Charlotte Church's life and career. Ask and answer questions to complete the text. Charlotte Church's life and career Charkrtte ChlXCh is an ordinary girl with an extraordinary singing voice. She was born in Cardiff, waJes in ~?). She's been singing in public since she was ttvee years okt, when she sang at a (V\\Ihere?). She had to be dragged off stage. When she was 11 , she rang a TV talent show and sang 'Pie Jesu' down the phone. She's been singing on TV shows ever since and has also given concerts _ _ _ (tWle'e?). She performed in front of the US president when she was just 14. She has _ _ _ _ (How many?) albums workfwide and has earned over £11 minion. Charlotte is a classical singer, rut she likes all kinds of music. She'd love to sing her favourite opera (VVhat?) , but she has also been trying to beoome a pop singer. She has released two pop albums so far, TISSUes and Issues in 2005 and Back to Scratch in 2010. Chai10tte is not just a singer. She's recentty been hosting her own TV chat show The Charlotte Church Show for which she won an award. Overall she's won _ __ awa'ds (tIow many?) fof her singing and TV appearances. At 19 Charlotte began a nHationship with the Welsh rugby star, Gavin Henson. They had two children, Ruby in 2007 and Dexter in 2009, but split up in (When ?).

Extra materials UNIT3 p14 PRACTICE Talkin, about the news 7 Choose one of the stories and read it. Make sure you understand all the words. Work in small groups. TelJ your story to the others. DON'T read it! The other students can ask questions. Chinese vase sells for £53 million -G-r.a.n7ny1s_t_o-pcosIdr.b...b...b...e.-ry A woman who livtS in a suburb of y4E., ••~• .w.,•• ~. north- w61 london was clearing out the house:: of her brother who ~ntly p.-....... '. II , di~. She found a vast that 00 brother kept on a shelf in his dining room. Al9~ _ _ _ doiug\"\" She said that her brother was Vf!rv though,._~·- . . fond of the vase, although she didn't side. . . . \"\"\"\" lIa reallv like it herself. 1. i.n.I.'. . lheolher The app that saved an iPad Alocal antique shop thought it was . . . . . : - ..... \"10] croaed the street. I A thief who sto&e an !Pad led poioe SlJ\"'a91I to tjs worth about [8()(). So she askm an auction house to look at it, and tht'{ • ..... 10• • nhirwtobdp.' door, as the owner had an app caIed 'frod my_. diSCQVtred it was from the Qianlong ptriad. and dat~ it from tht mid n......._ ............. --., ~Bowe .5Q. frorno.- '. __ _ .... Ihor-..\".........\"Ihe_ow. hand-heId computet from a bag ... St Nicholas's •• - p . -..... 'That made ... Cathedral, New c8$1le, while its owner, )(in Shi, ..... aapy!\" .... /In<L was~. Mr Xin reported the theft to the poice, then realised 18th ttntury. She ........ Ihc men with her sbopp' he could use the app to find out where I'D Pad was. Ytsttrdav it sold for (53 million to a ..... aad ......, lOr bdp, The GPS app ~ the location of the ccmputa'\". \"'8 Police followed the app to Bowe's house, where ChintSt buvtr. Tht woman's son said PoIb.m.l_ aD Ib: JDaI wue arrested. they found a bag 0ClI'It.aDlg the Fad. a motlIe phone, a waDel, and a bank card. that his mothtr was at first surpriStd, &we was fCU'Id QIAty and wiI be sentenoad • a thtn amaztd, thtn totally brtathltsS. ....- - - - • _ \"late-tda-te. _ . . / _ _ _ _ _..J UNIT) p16 READING AND SPEAKING 20 October What do you think? STEVEN SLATER ADMITS GllLT The American flight attendant, who received world-wide attention in the summer and became a media and Internet sensation, appeared in court yesterday. He admitted that he lost his temper, put the lives of passengers in danger. and caused damage to the plane when he activated the emergency chute. Slater will have one year of counselling for anger management and treatment for alcohol abuse. Ifhe doesn't complete the treatment, he cowd go to prison for one to three years. He also has to pay a fine of $10,000 to JetBlue for damage to the plane. Slater is currently unemployed. - .

UNIT 7 p61 EVERYDAY ENGLISH 5 Sally We had a lovely holiday, Dave. Dave We did. It was very relaxing. Agree with me Sally And the weather was marvellous, Dave. Dave Yup. We were very lucky. 5 Choose two of the conversations and decide where Sally And we met some nice people, Dave. question tags can be added. Act them to the class. Dave We did. Charming people. I A It's horrible weather today. 6 A Kate Burton's a fabulous actor. B Awful! A The rain makes you miserable.- B Very good. 8 Yup! And wet! A And she's got such a good voice! A Never mind. We need the rain. B Yes, it's amazing! A She can hit the highest notes! S I suppose so. B Yeah, I don't know how she does it. 2 A It's so romantic here! 7 A We love each other very much. B Yes, it's beautiful! B We do. A And the sea looks so inviting! A And we want to get married one day. B I think I'll go for a swim before breakfast. B One day, yeah. I've got time. A And we'll have six children. A Of course you've got time! We're on holiday! B Er ... yeah. Six, that's right. 3 A You don't like Ann. 8 A That was a terrible match! B Awful! Waste of money! a Er ... she's all right. A Albertino played really badly! B He was rubbish! He didn't do a thing right all night. A But you didn't talk to her all night. A We deserved to lose! B I'm afraid so! I don't know why I support them! B WeU .. . she was talking to Jim. A She's very interesting, actually. B But she never listens! She just talks and talks and talks! 4 A Ia love to buy that car! B But we haven't got any money! A I thought we had lots. B But we spent it all on a new kitchen. A Dh, yes! So we did. Never mind. S We can save up. A Er ... OK. 156 &III T •• WI

UNITll p97 LISTENING AND SPEAKING Dilemma 5 You have neighbours who you really doo't get on with. They are on holiday when you sec tbal tbrir Discussion house is on fire. S Look at the situations. Talk together. What would you do? Dilemma 6 A well-known politician is telling the Dilemma 1 You've been offered a job on the other side press stories about his/her childhood. 10 fact, )\"OU \",-ent of the world. You would earn a lot of money, but youa have to leave all your family and friends. to school with this politician and rou know tha1 what he/she is saying is aU Lies. Dilemma 2 Your friend James is always in trouble. Dilemma 7 You are shopping in a supcnna.rkct. Wbm He says to you one day, 'If anyone asks you. teUthem you come out, you realise that you accidmtaJJ:y put I was with you last night. OK?' something in your bag and didn't pay for it. Dilemma 3 You go to a party where you meet someone and fall totally and hopelessly in love. At the end of the evening, helshe says to you, 'Let's get married tonight!' Dilemma 4 At work your boss gives you lots of praise and a pay rise for an idea you had. In fact it was a colleague's idea that you stole. UNIT 3 p107 WRITING - Building a story A fishy tale Ten days ago businessman, Andrew Cheatle, was walking on the beach near his home in Worthing, Sussex, when he lost his mobile phone. It fell into t he water and unfortunately a wave t ook it out to sea. One week later fi sherman, Glen Kerley, was on his boat catching fish to sell in the market. The same day, back on land, he was preparing the fish for sale when he noticed something metal inside a cod fish. It was a mobile phone. Glen couldn't believe it. The phone was smelly and dirty, but amazingly it still worked so Glen called some of the contact numbers. Soon he had a reply. Andrew was out shopping for a new mobile phone with his girlfriend, Rita Smith, when her phone rang. Incredibly she said 'It's for youl lt's a call from you r phone: Glen told Andrew the fishy tale of how he found the phone. They met the next day and he returned it to an amazed Andrew, who still uses it.

Irregular verbs Verb patterns -Base loon Past Simple Past participle Verb + -ing swimming cooking ... was/.....tre \"'\"become like h<am, love \"\"\"bring h<g\"\" enjoy h<g~ broken hate buiJd brought fin ish buy broke built s top brought bought = built been able Note bought caught We often use the verb go + -ing for sports and activities. at'\" oo\",d chosen [ go swimming every day. \"~\"'\"\" caught come I go shopping at the weekend. cost 'r\"u\"t \"'a\"n\"\"\" Verb + to + infinitive , \"t do \"ru'\"t done choose to go drink drunk decide to work dm. did drive n forget at d<aRk promise drov< eaten manage &U at< need fdl fallen help fod fdt felt hope 6gbt fottght fought try foun d wan t .....find f~d wou ld like fl~ flo~ would love By fo<got forgotlen Verb + -ing or to + infinitive gi>y got got gm ginon I raining/to rain \"\"go gonelb«:n ,_.Y.,n.t Verb + preposition + -ing .....grow gro ~ .\"b.o\".d\"' think of I going ..\".k...n'...\"o...w. had look forward to Up! h=d Jalt know hit Modal auriliary verbs Up! -10« .....Vl<am<d ,\"o'on ,~ go learntlleamed arrive mili Iefi could left must I\"Y loot had to lost shall put ~d, made should .-ead lri :dJ mot will rid< \"\",'\"\"d paid would pol run put read IrcdJ !<ad Ired! ridden ~Y rod, s'\"ai\"d = ~ =w id\" .\"\"\".'\".\"\".\".t \";d \" nt \"...\"o..'\"t\"..\".\"\"..\".. \"w \"'='\"gt \"ti\"l'i\" .\"d ,at t<fl \"\"t think \"'ol slept \"\"g spoken ---~ spent <at ,,000 wili stolen \"<pi wio . ~m .poi« taken 'P\"'t told .rood thought slok: understood woken ~ wom took won told thought written undentood woke wo~ woo wrot<

Phonetic symbols Consonants pen /pen! Vowels see lsi:! big fblgl h is /h lzl I Ipl as in 25 li:1 as in twenty /'twent il 2 fbi as in tea Iti:1 26 hi as in ten li en! 3 III as in 27 IV as in bag fbregl 4 Idl as in do Idu:1 28 lei as in father /'fo:oal 5 Ikl as in cat Ikretl 29 lrel as in bot !hot! 6 Igl as in go Ig~u/ 30 10:1 as in morning /'m:> :mol 7 IfI as in four Ib:! 31 101 as in foolball /'fulb, :V 8 Ivl as in very /' veri/ 32 1, :1 as in you Iju:! 9 151 as in son ISAn! 33 lui as in 10 IzJ as in zoo Izu:/ 34 lu:1 as in sun ISAoI II III as in live thv! 35 IAi as in 12 IrnI as in my /mall 36 13:1 as in learn Ib: nI 13 Inl as in now Inaul 37 1>1 as in letter r l el ~ 14 !hI as in happy I' hrepil 15 IfI as in red Ired! Diphthongs (two vowels together) 16 Ijl as in yes /jesl 17 Iwl as in want fwontl 38 lell as in name fnelIn! 18 191 as in thanks 19reuksl 39 laul as in no In;}Of 19 161 as in the 16,1 40 lail as in my /mall 20 If I as in 41 laul as in how /haul 21 131 as in she IIi:! 42 1:11/ as in boy /b:J11 22 Itfl as in 43 11;,)/ as in hear ih ' :N 23 Id31 as in television l'teh v I3n/ 44 leal as in where Iwe~1 24 l Ui as in child Itfalld! 45 lu, 1 as in tour Itu~1 German l'd33:manJ English l'IUghfl _ _ symbols 159

OXFORD by BerT)' GoRly JR.;oDd \\V\"llliam Robiruon JR. e 1956. Rcpro<lu<od Gt<lgr:opbi<~ 2.5 (wotIdJFry DHign lIdl. 2S Ip~ pl>owgraph.\", by pmnlnion nCE.\\{[ M\"\"ic PllbIishing(WP) WI. IDndon W8 ~. Christ\"pber Pillilz,ihporrage). 25 (ludersjAFP). 251 \"'pon01/ Gft;z.Cli:=da;J 5aftt. Oxford. OXl 60p. Sowrttr. p.11 ·BLind do ..• Source: Yellow Dog Productions). 2S (lUhion/AfI'). 25 (l~nnis/AfPI. t:i::%ed. ~ \" 17 ·Emo:l\"llency wt for n <,ht .,ur>d.ont \",1>0 1011 IUs cool· 27101\\ beachJNow York ~y News). ].4(Ha ru/Jup;t.rimag.... Source; Tht II'l'IIirIs Standord; 1'.41 ·1 ,till ( an·, l>rli~ l\"m • Od:rd L~ Prfou il; a depamnent of the \"..,........ p,. Source: Tht TImt:s: ppol6 . 11·SI~n S....., t1=1k$ Com.te<:k llmjll\" ). 34 (Lucy/Wm.,nd6I ). 35 (ltha.o. Un~ ~o(ODOrd.. h funbers the UM'l!rsity's publk· Souru; .........' Nichohon~ J51cutl<:ry/S...... W\"'b:....rjStod:byt<'~ ~daceIImce in research. scllolarship. 36(tn)Uoy furogroundfFu\"'). 38 (Abby/SbXkbyt.~ 38 (Kellyl .-::: e¢x:;toon by publishing wo rldwide. Oxford Addition<II~: 1'.63 Imerview with TlUy Parkins i. Mik~ Po_UJSton...~ 39jMartin/DrUlnPicturt\"Sjlli<e'). 4-0 (hto/ sa ~~ ~ mark orOxford UniversiTy fictitious and is ~ on fKtual information: Thpncripl 5. 12 Hill S'-, StudiooJll;mnik Naurian/Bknd\"). 4-O (Dobb~/ ~ m ~ tiX and in amain other counmes WIN-lnit::i:l1iv.). 41 (~2M ProductionsfPho'odisr~ 41 (El<aj ,><ritious in'.\"';\"\"'\" \"';th Palina Yan>ehlrin:o \"'produced by Hoia Image'). ~ I (D>.njDo>ugal Wa'''''/pholodiKI. 42 1lield cOdonl. Uni\\~rsi[)' Press 1011 ~rmi..i<)n: Thpe>cript 8.1 Fkt'tio\"\" in'~~ with Tilly ba<:l<.ground, We..mann). i 3 (clovo:tfBurnin). !be!IllCnl rightS ofthe author have been llS5ened Parkins i. ~ On fU\"tu;o.l ioftmnolion. 11Ipe>cript 8.6 45 (undecided woman/Hill CTttk Picturn,'lIpp\"rCu, lltUgft). 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