DESIGNPORTFOLIOdesign by S A V A N N A H R O L A N D “Dont design for brands. Design for people interacঞng with brands”.
WELLCOME SAVANNAH ROLAND RESUME Mul -talented Communica ons professional and Graphic Designer, with a background in crea ng and measuring marke ng campaigns,Professional Skill strategizing and implemen ng projects, change management, and mul media communica ons. Adobe Packed Accustomed to performing in deadline-driven environments with an Web design emphasis on working within budget and design requirements. Quickly Photography adaptable to unforeseen projects and/or deadlines with a keen ability to Le ering mul task. Well-developed wri en and verbal communica on abili es. HTML/CSS Proficient in copywri ng and crea ng marke ng materials. Enjoy MS. Office working as a team member as well as independently.Education Phone : (786) 270-7036 Mail : hello@pinkmonocle.comUNIVERSITY OF Web : www.pinkmonocle.comMIAMI - CurrentBachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic and Work ExperientMul media DesignITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE KNOWLEDGE MANAGER2009 - 2012 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, 2015 - PRESENTAssociates in Computer Responsible for strategizing, implemen ng, and measuring variousNetwork Systems types of projects and ini a ves for UM’s Informa on Technology (UMIT) department; Assist and support website migra ons from ini al strategy phase to implementa on. Designing and implemen ng mely and relevant trainging documents to support a wide range of needs, including: enterprise-wide so ware changes, New Employee guides and senior level execu ve briefings; Crea ng effec ve guides, online, and print; Responsible for assis ng with and suppor ng the internal training component of UMIT’s strategic plan; Effec vely addressing issues, projects, and policies that affect role outs, and iden fying the most effec ve tools for communica ng this informa on, including but not limited to: the intranet, social media, video, and newsle ers to communicate with employees effec vely. Lead the research, design and implementa on of the Universi es new knowledge Center. Currently maintain the knowledge system to insure all documenta on is current, correct and relevant. DESKTOP TECHNICIAN UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, 2015 - PRESENT Applica ons adviser for Windows devices, IOS Devices and Android devices.Ability to work on various assignments simultaneously. Collects informa on about problems and leads user through diagnos c procedures to determine sources of error. Handles problem recogni on, research, isola on, resolu on and follow-up for rou ne user problems. Create, maintain and distribute training informa on to both front end users and back end support in the form of How To guides, FAQs, Tip Sheets, Quick reference cards and training videos. GRAPHIC DESIGNER PINK MONOCLE 2016 - CURRENT Designed services for clients, including but not limited to: websites, logos and marke ng materials. Coordinated events for clients. Organized and par cipated in event/promo on displays for clients; Contacted press and buyers to invite and confirm a endance to events. Portofolio Design 3
WEBdesign PINKMONOCLE.COM Porfolio Website As a graphic designer, we all know how different a design looks when seen on a computer screen versus on a real- life applica on. Plus, most importantly, clients truly enjoy visualizing their brands and websites in a realis c se ng. So, instead of spending me and money prin ng test-designs, there are digital mockups that create the same visual. 4 Portofolio Design
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TEMPLATESdesignKNOWLEDGE BASE TEMPLATEDescriptionThis is a sample document displaying the structure an stye ofar cles posted in the University of Miami’s Knowledge Basesystem. 6 Portofolio Design
UMIT TIP SHEETDescriptionThis template was created to stream line the process forusers submi ng ps and tricks to the UM KnowledgeBase.UMIT EMAIL GUIDELINESDescriptionThis sample shows how the templates are used tocreate documents. This documant was created toprovide guidlines for the 27 UMIT teams when usingemial and text to communicate.MEETING AGENDA TEMPLATEDescriptionThis template was create to uniform mee ng notes tomake it easy to look up mee ngs and details for pastevents. Portofolio Design 7
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DOCUMENTdesignSOCIAL MEDIA ADMIN GUIDELINESDescription This document was created to provide guidlines for the administrators of various UM social media outlets. Portofolio Design 9
VISUAL IDENTITY MANUAL Description This document contains the Visual Iden ty Guidelines for the UMIT brand. This document contains font styles and sizes, pantone color charts, punctua on rules and logos that must be used when crea ng University documents to maintain the UM brand.10 Portofolio Design
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LETTERINGdesign12 Portofolio Design
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ILLUSTRATIONproject14 Portofolio Design
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www.pinkmonocle.comCREATE THE THINGS YOU WISH EXistED
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