Become a Nurse AssistantIf you enjoy helping other people, a career in themedical field might be for you. The field isalways in demand of qualified compassionateindividuals who are willing to put forth theirbest efforts to help others. A Nurse Assistant isan entry level position that will allow you theopportunity to help others and gain experience inthe medical field.Since Nurse Assistants are needed throughout theNation, you will be able to secure employmentopportunities most anywhere. Job security is veryhigh in most areas of the medical field. Thetraining programs to earn your certificate allvary depending on state regulations. However,
most can be completed in four to six weeks onaverage. The cost of such programs is very low.If you need assistance with the cost of the course,many programs offer scholarships or financial aid.In addition, many community agencies such asHuman Services will assist you with the cost ofcompleting such a training course. Some employersin the medical field will agree to either pay foryour Nurse Assistant training or reimburse youupon successful completion of the program.Most Nurse Assistant programs start every six toeight weeks. It will depend on the length of thecourse and the interest in your particular area.This is different than most certificate programswhere you have to wait until a full semester endsbefore you can enroll. Sometimes that can mean athree or four month waiting period.During your Nurse Assistant training, you willattend a classroom learning environment as well
as receive hands on training. The hands ontraining requires you to complete a certainnumber of hours, called clinicals, working at amedical facility with actual patients. All ofyour work will be overseen by trainedprofessionals who with assist you with the properprocedures and medical understanding.The combination of classroom learning andclinicals will result in you being well preparedto enter the job market as a Nursing Assistant.Often, the medical site that oversees theclinicals will offer employment to those studentswho are learning well, following procedures fortheir facility, and who have a positive attitude.Working as a Nurse Assistant can be very excitingand rewarding for the right person. The work ischallenging and you may find yourself overextended at times. Things in a medical settingwill change all the time, so the job definitelyisn 抰 predictable. There are so many variables
including the patients, then number of patients,other staff, and the medical needs of the patientsthat you work day with never be predictable.While being a Nurse Assistant is an entry levelposition, it is also a very important position.You will be responsible for many daily livingtasks for each patient. These tasks includebathing, grooming feeding, and checking theirvital signs. You will also be responsible forassisting with medical equipment and movingpatients as needed. The exact requirements of theposition will vary depending on the facility youwork for.Becoming a Nurse Assistant generally does nottake very long. You will continue to learn aboutyour role as a Nurse Assistant once you secureemployment. You will be exposed to medicalinformation and procedures by the rest of thestaff. This information will be very valuable.Many people choose to use the role of NursingAssistance as a foundation to continue their
education and become a Nurse or to explore othertypes of employment in the medical field.PPPPPWord Count 587
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