Lean Manufacturing Six SigmaLean Manufacturing and Six SigmaBoth lean manufacturing and six sigma aremanagement philosophies or tools that help acompany eliminate wastefulness in manufacturingand other types of industry.Because the times are changing, processesadvancing and needs intensifying, more and morecompanies face challenges as regards theirefficiency and profitability. And both lean
manufacturing and six sigma introduce solutionsto these dilemmas, without putting much strain ona firm's energy and resources.Lean manufacturingLean manufacturing has been proven tosignificantly aid in the streamlining ofoperations and reduction of waste. It welcomesthe concept of continuously raising the valueadded to a certain business activity or method viathe reduction of the so-called seven wastes:namely, transportation, motion, overproduction,inventory, over processing, scrap and defects andwaiting time.What lean manufacturing does is provideimplementing firms with adequate tools to make itin the increasingly competitive global market,which is everyday faster turnaround times, higherquality and lower prices.
Here are some advantages of lean manufacturing:- lean manufacturing strengthens productionprocesses- lean manufacuring significantly lower the chainof wasteful activities and resources- lean manufacturing increases flexibility byimproving layouts- lean manufacturing reduces floor space needsand inventory dramatically, and- lean manufacturing introduces and implementsmore appropriate and up-to-date delivery systemsSix SigmaThe six sigma management philosophy, like leanmanufacturing, is also tailored to reduce waste,but it is more focused on eliminating waste linkedwith production method or equipment defects.The tools under six sigma are used by firms tofurther improve and develop a company's products
and systems, via the consolidation of engineering,business and statistical data. As with leanmanufacturing, six sigma can also be applied toany form of corporation or organization, whetherengaged in the services, marketing, design, salesor production industries.Some advantages delivered by the six sigmamanagement tool:- six sigma improves and boost a firm's systemsand products- six sigma reduces the chain of wastes- six sigma lessens costs by around 50% viaself-financed methods- six sigma easily adapts to changer customertastes- six sigma drives growth using the internalresources available to itWhat both philosophies do is help firmsdramatically increase their productivity by
around 75% to 125% because they ensure that notime, energy or resource is wasted in any of theprocessing levels. To put it in simple terms, bothlean manufacturing and six sigma are bent onnipping problems at the bud, or, even nippingproblems before they occur.A vigilant approach to business is what companiesneed nowadays to be able to cope with the fastchanging times. Sure, while some systems haveworked for us for decades now, it wouldn't hurtto try something that is relatively new and provento be so much better at delivering positiveresults.
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