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Home Explore Team Inspiro - Product Brochure

Team Inspiro - Product Brochure

Published by adbro designs, 2021-02-10 11:04:45

Description: Team Inspiro - Product Brochure


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It’s your future... be there, happy and healthy [email protected]

Customer Home Shopee Customer One among pioneers in India, Team Nexus is a unique Home Shopee Home Shopee Direct Sales Business Builder. Customer NEXUS STORE Team Nexus provides holistic training to equip learners with the right skills, techniques and values for raising next- Customer generation businesses using direct selling methods. In today's economy, Direct Selling is a viable alternative for Customer Home Shopee entrepreneurs and start-ups, particularly in the niche of Health and Wellness. Home Shopee Customer Customer Team Nexus will help you harness your talent, intuition and skills in order to fulfill your dreams and aspirations. We offer Sales Training programs, Workshops, Business Toolkits and Technology that will enable you to reach out to consumers effectively and consistently. We also offer a chance to be affiliated with our 'Mi Lifestyle Marketing Program', where you can join hands with Team Nexus to become distributors for exclusive products from Nexus. We look forward to empowering India through utilising individual potential in marketing and by generating employment opportunities for more people across the country.

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Body Butter Cream (100gm) Multi Action Fairness Cream (100gm) sImt¡m_«d k¼pãw, NÀ½¯nse Xz¡nsâ \\nÀÖeoIcWw XSªv t]mjI kv{Im¨v amÀ¡v Ipdbv¡phm\\pw hc­ NÀ½¯n\\pw §Ä \\ÂIn kz`mhnIX \\ne\\nÀ¯n kuµcyw AXyp¯aw NÀ½w arZpehpw an\\pkhpw hÀ²n¸n¡p¶p. XpSÀ¨bmb D]tbmK¯neqsS B¡namäp¶p. Ieman\\nsâ Afhp Ipd¨v Idp¯ ]mSpIÄ \\o¡w {][m\\ tNcphIÄ : sImt¡m _«À, jnbm_«À, sNbvXv NÀ½¯nsâ CemkvXnIX \\ne\\nÀ¯n apJm´n kvtäm_dn FIvkv{Smäv, il - e, vit - a, ¥nkdn³ hÀ²n¸n¡p¶p. D]tbmK{Iaw : IpfnIgnª tijhpw, cm{XnIfnepw D]tbmKn¡mhp¶XmWv . 3 In 1 Face Wash (60gm) IämÀhmgbn k¼pãamb t^kv hmjv BWv . Radiant Glow Face Wash (100gm) Idp¯ ]mSpIÄ \\o¡w sN¿p¶Xnt\\msSm¸w Xz¡n\\v lm\\nIcaÃm¯Xpw cmkhkvXp XpSÀ¨bmb D]tbmK¯neqsS NÀ½Im´nbpw IfnÃm¯Xpamb DXv]¶w apJNÀ½§fn Xnf¡hpw hÀ²n¸n¡m³ klmbn¡p¶p ASnªp IqSp¶ Agp¡pIÄ \\o¡w sNbvXv NÀ½s¯ Xnf¡apÅXpw an\\pkapÅXpam¡m³ klmbn¡p¶p.

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