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Home Explore Azure Branding

Azure Branding

Published by gsxraustralia, 2019-10-27 18:24:27

Description: azure_branding_sm


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AZURE Corporate Branding

Logo Multicolor

Logo 2 colours

Logo Black&white

Logo Logo misuse Incorrect use of the AZURE logo compromises its To ensure accurate, consistent reproduction of the integrity and effectiveness. AZURE logo, never alter, add to, or attempt to recreate it. The examples of logo misuse below are not Always use the approved digital artwork. comprehensive; they are only a small sample of possible misuses of the AZURE logo. Don`t typeset Don`t use a pattern Don`t combine the logo the wordmark within the logo with other text Don`t change the Don`t change the Don`t rearange colour of the logo proportions of the logo elements of the logo Don`t stretch the logo Don`t use the logo without disproportionately appropriate clear space

Color scheme RGB / Html CMYK Pantone PANTONE 426 C R51 G51 B51 C0 M0 Y0 K80 HTML #333333 R24 G64 B84 C92 M67 Y46 K36 PANTONE 3035 C HTML #184154 R0 G90 B127 C96 M62 Y31 K12 PANTONE 7701 C HTML #005A7F R2 G157 B193 C100 M0 Y8 K63 PANTONE 7703 C HTML #029DC1 R12 G178 B173 C76 M4 Y38 K0 PANTONE 326 C HTML #0CB2AD R90 G200 B200 C59 M0 Y26 K0 PANTONE 325 C HTML #5AC8C8

Typography Typeface Characters PUBLIO ABCČĆDĐEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSŠTUVWXYZŽab cčćdđefghijklmnopqrsštuvwxyzž Font type А Б В Г ҐД Ђ Е Ё Є ЖЗ Ѕ И І Ї Й Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ У Ў ФХЦЧЏШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгґдђеёєжзѕиіїйјклљ MONTSERRAT мнњопрстћуўфхцчџшщъыьэюя ĂÂÊÔƠƯăâêôơư 1234567890‘ ? ’ “!”(%)[#]{@}/&\\ <-+÷×=>®©$€£¥¢:;,.* Styles Thin Regular Bold Thin Italic Regular Italic Bold Italic Extra-Light MediumMedium Italic Extra-Bold Extra-Light Italic Semi-Bold Extra-Bold Italic Light Semi-Bold Italic Black Light Italic Black Italic CRIMSON PRO Characters ABCČĆDĐEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSŠTUVWXYZŽabcčćdđef- ghijklmnopqrsštu- vwxyzžĂÂÊÔƠƯăâêôơư1234567890‘?’“!”(%)[#]{@}/&\\ <-+÷×=>®©$€£¥¢:;,.*

Membership types Symbol Symbol & Wordmark Icon


Clear space

Stationery Christian Moore Business Card MANAGING DIRECTOR +61 425 271 167 [email protected] 345 ANN ST. BRISBANE QLD 4000 AZURE-VIP.COM

Stationery Letterhead Printing YOURHEADLINE A4 Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet 110gsm Matt finish Consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu semper turpis, non pulvinar mauris. Aenean et eros in justo pretium laoreet. Pellentesque pharetra purus dui, non vestibulum arcu dapibus at. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas convallis ante sapien. In lacinia volutpat commodo. Mauris congue arcu non dui pretium volutpat. Quisque augue urna, pretium sed metus eget, mollis consectetur nunc. Donec laoreet turpis nec mi ultrices, at vulputate felis vestibulum. Integer blandit ut eros quis dictum. Pellentesque vel enim commodo, accumsan purus id, scelerisque metus. Donec volutpat lacinia enim in aliquet. Fusce t sagittis ultrices. Pellentesque ac est ornare, lobortis erat aliquet, malesuada turpis. Praesent non massa nec purus posuere vehicula ac ac felis. Nunc eleifend euismod orci. Phasellus quis faucibus erat. Sincerely, Bradley Smith Company Director +61 7 3211 2444 [email protected] 345 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Stationery Presentation Folder Printing +61 7 3211 2444 [email protected] 210 x 297mm 400gsm artboard Matt finish 345 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Stationery Membership Card 1234 5678 9012 3456 TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY TO THE USE OF THIS CARD. SEE AZURE-VIP.COM/MEMBERCARD JOHN SMITH AUSTRALIA 1300 888 888 WORLDWIDE +61 7 3211 2444 01 / 23 AZURE-VIP.COM

Social media layouts Cover picture Cover picture Profile picture versions

Watermarking Whenever possible, the AZURE logo should Use clear space as defined previously. Be sure to maintain the same amount of appear in the lower right-hand corner, in full clear space from the top and left edges. color, on a white background. If the logo cannot be placed in the lower right corner, an acceptable alternate Consistent placement in this location on placement is the top left corner. communications materials helps build awareness of the AZURE brand.

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