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Home Explore 2018OCT_AniversarySale_Flipbook


Published by naturwoodadv, 2018-09-27 20:17:24

Description: 2018OCT_AniversarySale_Flipbook


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70thEverything is on sale* to say thank you for 70 years! Shearson Sectional $3449 reg$3849 159344

70th Everything Is On Sale!*Anniversary 879Quincy Sofa $ 699reg$979 Chair$ 244634 Zero Gravity Chair It was 70 years ago that 849$ reg$939 329733 Naturwood Home Furnishings opened for business. Still family Tompkins Power Reclining owned and operated, we have 1799Sofa $served many Sacramento families reg$1979 Power Gliding Recliner$1079 161385 with their home furnishings fromgeneration to generation, Furniture is the third largest investment a family makes; that is why it is important to purchase with a company that cares about their customers and stands behind the product they sell. Come visitNaturwood today and experience the difference. -Lisa Keyes, President 5pc Rhapsody Sectional $3599 Pueblo Entertainment Wall $2249 reg$3999 798469 reg$2499 370738

In Every Department!Plymouth Cocktail Table $339 reg$369 779Heritage Desk $ reg$869 284408855774419Carmel Table $ 89reg$459 Side Chair$ 810592 Abington Table $699 reg$799 Side Chair$149 Server$1229 839493839Tinley Park Table $ reg$949 Side Chair$149 Server$839 China Hutch$1299 471467

MattressMAKE SURE TO VISIT OUR SLEEP CENTEROak Park 799$ reg$899 Queen Bed King Bed $969 Nightstand $429 Chest $899 Dresser $1299 Mirror $179 706246 Plymouth 1499New Lou Queen Bed $ reg$1669 King Bed$1799 899$ reg$999 Queen Bed King Bed $999 Nightstand $399 Chest $879 759515 Abington1079$ reg$1199 Queen Bed King Bed $1339 Nightstand $399 Chest $1129 Dresser $979 Mirror $89 852116 Nightstand$749 Dresser$1629 Mirror$639 290741 12125 Folsom Blvd. Mon – Fri 10am – 8pm Sale applies to all indicated items except “Clearance”, “Special Buys” Rancho Cordova Sat 10am – 6pm and iComfort Mattresses. Sale price not available in conjunction with any 916 -351- 0227 Sun 11am – 6pm other offer or discount. Allow time for delivery on some items. Sizes and colors are approximate. Sale ends October 29th, 2018.

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