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Home Explore Asthma treatment utilizing natural health products versus prescription medicine

Asthma treatment utilizing natural health products versus prescription medicine

Published by katie, 2015-01-01 09:18:55

Description: This article gives an overview on asthma, its various symptoms, treatment options and how to
treat it naturally.

Keywords: asthma, asthma treatment, asthma attack, asthma control, asthma fact


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Title:Asthma treatment utilizing natural health products versus prescription medicineWord Count:692Summary:This article gives an overview on asthma, its various symptoms, treatment options and how totreat it naturally.Keywords:asthma, asthma treatment, asthma attack, asthma control, asthma factArticle Body:Traditionally, Asthma is researched and known as a condition, which affects the respiratorytrack of the lungs. Asthma can be categorized into allergic and non-allergic or extrinsic,intrinsic and mixed asthma.An extrinsic Asthma (allergic) :It is normally attacked by allergic things such as dustparticles, fumes or smokes, animal dander, sugar, chemicals, drugs, environmental andindustrial pollutants, food additive and tobacco, etcAn intrinsic Asthma (Non-Allergic): Generally triggered by adrenal glands?disorder andemotional disorder such as stress, tension and anxiety.It is wholly depends on the stimuli that trigger or target in attacking a person.

Mixed AsthmaMixed asthma is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic asthma. Mixed asthma patients react tocertain allergies but also are triggered by other reasons and things.It is a two- steps problem.?When a person is affected by asthma, inflammation is felt in the air passages and it becomesred and swollen.?When the air passages get inflamed, the patient becomes extra-sensitive to different things,which may aggravate asthma.Symptoms:It is a respiratory disease caused from allergies; it can be identified or its presence can be felt bysymptoms like chest constriction, labored breathing and continuous coughing.Asthma is a chronic disease, which cannot be cured permanently but can be controlled. One cancontrol his asthma if it is early and properly diagnosed and then patient goes for early treatment.If treatment is not done earlier or a patient becomes careless about his health then there will befrequent and severe attack of asthma, which may lead to fatal consequences.Treatment:We know that asthma cannot be cured permanently but we can control it to great extend if weopt natural treatment and take some precautions. Heavy doses of medicines of differentchemical compositions may aggravate asthma instead of controlling it. So it is better to starttreatment using natural products.Natural treatment is safe and result oriented; it can control asthma to great extend without anyside effects. The health condition of the lungs, immune system, nervous system and adrenalsystem are the vital areas for the treatment of asthma through natural products.Asthma treatment using natural productNatural treatment starts by avoiding things, which trigger asthma such as aerosol, sugar, foodadditives, fats food, salt, fast food, junk food, ice cream and chemically preservative food.The patient must add more juicy fruits, green vegetables, fiber vegetables and raw nuts in hisdiet.Patent must avoid such conditions and situations, which cause emotional disturbances ornegative emotions such as depression, restlessness, anger, anxiety, destructiveness,self-condemnation and self -pity.In natural treatment of asthma diet, emotional and physical aspects to be taken care.Herbal products must be taken that help in removing excessive mucous and clear respiratorytrack.Herbal asthmatic formula contains 13 types of herbs, which reduces excessive mucus, chestconstriction; clear respiratory track and helps in comfortable breathing.

Herbs contain antitussive and antispasmodic qualities, which helps in toning lungs and helps inrelieving congestion.There are herbs included for the treatment of asthma that having demulcent and expectorantqualities to tone up bronchial tubes that help in expelling excessive mucus and phlegm.Some herbs have multi qualities, which act on the body suitably and positively to tone andshape up lungs, clear air passage, control and calm down coughing and control labor breathing.Herbs like elecampane, garlic, mustard, ginger, skullcap and valerian easily available naturallyand these herbs are highly recommended for the treatment of asthma.There are herbal chocolate and tea, which can be used for the treatment to control asthma. Thereare tonic, based on herbs to strengthen the immune system and respiratory system. Foodpowders are made of herbs and fruits to fight asthmatic attacks.There are ointments made by herbs to rub the chest during the breathing problems or chestconstriction.There are also ayurvedic and homeopathic treatment to control asthma, which is found to bevery effective and substantial.Asthma should be treated opting natural products and herbs because it is safety, cheaper andfree from any side effect. These applications will certainly control your asthma and same timeyou can enjoy life normally and naturally.Title:Healthy Lifestyle ChangesWord Count:416Summary:Online diet programs are the most convenient way to manage your new weight loss resolution.Online weight loss programs can be a tool in your arsenalto help you achieve the lifestyle changes required for a lean, fit, life. There is no doubt thatsupport and motivation are huge factors in successful weight loss. To realize long-term抰success with your weight loss efforts, you need to realize that dieting simply isn enough tokeep the weight off for the rest of your life.Keywords:healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle changes, how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the importanceof a healthy lifestyle, live a healthy lifestyleArticle Body:

Online diet programs are the most convenient way to manage your new weight loss resolution.Online weight loss programs can be a tool in your arsenalto help you achieve the lifestyle changes required for a lean, fit, life. They can be the leastexpensive options and you can combine their plan withyour healthy grocery bargains. Online diet programs are one of the most advantageous ways tocontrol and set diet programs, as they are easy to access and do not take much time.There are many reasons why programs like Medifast, ediets or weight watchers can help aperson achieve a lifestyle change and so successfully.Even if only subscribing for a quarter, it is a great way to educate yourself on nutrition and aweight-maintaing lifestyle. Most importantly,help you get you out of the yo-yo dieting cycle by finding the weight loss plan that fits into yourlifestyle. This means that your lifestyle does抰not become one of denial, but of enjoyment. For those who don learn the right foods toconsume, they may find the weight coming off, but a healthylifestyle will still elude them. As in other diets, an active lifestyle is necessary, as well as anunderstanding of the proper balance betweencalorie intake and metabolism.抰If exercise won be taking as prominent a role any of the diets offered on the programs aregood choice. The benefits are: Personalized online meal plan Weekly shopping list Privateand convenient access to your plan 24-7 Professional nutrition advice customize fitnessprogram. The programs are more about what one can eat and not about what one cannot eat andmaking better choices from what one is already eating.If pounds lost is the motivation and you successfully reach your goal, you lose more than justthe weight -- you also lose your motivation.It is important to remember that successful weightloss should combine exercise with a diet plan, but fad and quick loss diets are not the answer. Aconsistent fitness, nutrition, and goal setting program was a key to my personal and professionalsuccess.There is no doubt that support and motivation are huge factors in successful weight loss. To抰realize long-term success with your weight loss efforts, you need to realize that dieting simplyisn enough to keep the weight off for the rest of your life. Learning the proper habits,which are essential for long-term success, takes a back seat to short-term weight loss goals.Title:Prevent Medical Errors: Control Your Own Health CareWord Count:396Summary:The good news: There's been an unprecedented focus on patient safety in the past five years.

Keywords:Prevent Medical Errors: Control Your Own Health CareArticle Body:The good news: There's been an unprecedented focus on patient safety in the past five years.The bad news: Medical errors are the eighth leading cause of death in the U.S., responsible foras many as 98,000 deaths each year.The better news: According to the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ),while many errors result from the complexity of health care systems, patients can protectthemselves by taking control of their health care.Medication, surgical and diagnostic errors are among the most prevalent and can largely beprevented through efforts from government agencies, purchasers of group health care,physicians and health care providers to make the system safer. While waiting for theselarge-scale, national changes, however, you can play an active role in protecting yourselfagainst medical errors by taking control of your own health care and getting involved withevery decision.\"Don't assume everyone knows everything they need to about your health care,\" says Dr. BoydLyles, director of HeartHealth and Wellness Center in Dallas. \"Research and practicalexperience show that patients who become more involved in their care get better resultsoverall.\"Here are some recommendations for getting involved with your own care to prevent errors:• Ask for information about your conditions and medicines in terms you can understand.Medical information is often difficult to decipher and interpret. Make sure your providerexplains your treatment plan in detail and do not leave until you understand everything youneed to know about your medicines-both when they are being prescribed and when you pickthem up from the pharmacy.• Keep your health care team informed. Make sure your doctors know about everythingyou take, from prescription medicines to dietary supplements and over-the-counter medications.Additionally, be sure your doctor knows of any allergies to prevent getting a medicine that canharm you. Personalized medical ID bracelets and necklaces, available in a variety offashionable styles, are essential to communicate this information. Rick Russell, founder ofAmerican Medical ID, says that in many emergencies, wearing a medical ID could make aworld of difference in the quality of care you receive. \"Having medical information front andcenter helps address many risks associated with treatment. Wearing a medical ID offers you andyour loved ones peace of mind.\"• Finally, exercise your right to question anyone involved with your care-fromphysicians to pharmacists to insurance companies.

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